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C. H. Bailey
University of Minnesota

Doughs and pastes prepared from wheat grain used. The interest in such developments,
flour have peculiar properties which differ however, has extended to other countries, such
decidedly from those of doughs made from as Great Britain and the United States, where
olher cereals or any other materials. In fact, a wide variety of wheats are available but
it may be asserted that it is these physical where great variations in their milling charac-
properties, rather than distinctive biochemical teristics appear within a season and from year
or nutritive values, which have given wheat its to year. The common objective is to find effi-
relatively prominent place in the dietaries cient, economical ways of using the varied
of certain races of people. raw materials so that the
Practically from the incep- final products can be kept
tion of scientific research CONTENTS up to satisfactory stand-
on wheat flour, an effort PAGE ards. This has led to ex-
has been made to identify Flour Absorption. . . . . . . . .. 244 tensive scientific investiga-
the constituent or con- Physical Tests of Crude
Gluten ................. 256 tions and application of
stituents responsible for Physical Tests of Wizeal their results in milling lab-
these physical characteris- Flour Dough ..... . . . . . .. 263 oratories. The present tech-
tics, and to trace the occa- nical monograph presents
sion for and magnitUde of an analytical review of the
variations in their concentration and properties. scientific progress in this field.
Only recently has a concerted effort been The precise definition of the two principal
made to measure in a direct manner those terms, "physical" and "quality," is not always
physical properties that are of significance. entirely clear. Thus the term "physical" might
In this respect the technology of cereals has be used in such a broad sense as to include
lagged behind that of many other industrial many operations of the chemical laboratory.
materials such as metals, cement, and textiles. For the purposes of this discussion, the term
One of the reasons for this lag might be found has been applied as essentially synonymous
in the difficulty of definitely identifying those with "mechanical," at least in evolving the
fundamental physical properties which are of description of the instruments and testing de-
primary significance in the instance of flour vices to which attention is directed. Also it
doughs. Another reason has been the lack of has been confined to the application of such
convenient and readily standardized mechani- devices to measurements of "quality" as
cal instruments or testing devices which will herein defined.
measure those properties directly and quan- It is still more difficult to define the term
titatively. Actually, this ideal in instrument "quality" in this connection. Thus variations
construction has not yet been wholly achieved. in moisture content are actually reflected in
Reliable physical tests of flour quality have quality, if that term is used in an inclusive
come to be much more in demand of recent manner. If the determination of moisture
years, particularly in countries which have content were to be covered in this discussion,
adopted national policies of self-sufficiency in it would have to include description of the sev-
bread grains. Severe limitations on the impor- eral electrometric moisture-testing devices as
tation and use of high-quality foreign wheats well as other physical methods for measuring
for blending, and forcing millers and bakers moisture content. Actually the term quality
to use largely native wheat, have intensi.fied has not been interpreted to include moisture
the search for procedures that would yield content, and accordingly such instruments are
reasonably satisfactory baked products despite not discussed.
recognized deficiencies in the quality of the On the other hand, it was decided to include
WHEAT STUDIES of the Food Research Institute, Vol. XVI, No.6, March 1940 [ 243]

a discussion of "absorption," or the quantity is equivalent to less than two-thirds of the

of water required to produce a dough of weight of the flour. This, in turn, probably
proper consistency for bread baking. It might results in
be contended that this is not a criterion of (2) Coacervation of the hydrated flour pro-
flour quality any more than many character- teins, with the formation of a coherent and
istics that have been omitted. In defense of elastic gluten in the flour particles.
the policy that has been adopted, it should (3) Mechanical agitation or mixing, which
be emphasized that the property of dough accompanies the addition of water, and re-
viscosity or plasticity is so closely associated sults in the formation of a continuous gluten
with elasticity, ductility, extensibility, and matrix in the dough. A carefully adjusted
other physical properties as to make it essen- kneading process brings the hydrated gluten
tial to include viscosity in the discussion, and micelles into juxtaposition, so that they coa-
the proportion of water used in mixing a lesce to form a continuous reticulum if the
dough, or flour absorption, is intimately re- quantity of gluten is sufficient and lipids or
lated to dough viscosity. other materials do not interfere with the
Accordingly, for convenience, the discussion process.
has been divided into three major sections: (4) Aging of the dough as fermentation
(I) Absorption, and the measurement of progresses. The aging of the dough, in turn,
dough viscosity or plasticity; (II) Physical might be described as:
tests of crude gluten; (III) Physical tests of a) Further hydration of the flour colloids
wheat flour dough. In certain instances there with the lapse of time.
is an overlapping, particularly in the case of b) Reorganization of the gluten matrix
those devices which deal with dough viscosity, which spontaneously ensues when the me-
and with other dough properties. In such chanical mixing of the dough is stopped.
cases the devices are discussed under more c) Stretching of the dough in consequence
than one head. References to literature are of the expansion effected by the CO 2 of fer-
numbered consecutively throughout; footnote mentation. This effect is reduced by partial
citations are not repeated within any section. degassing or light kneading by the baker.
In the process of converting dry flour into d) Effect of the accumulating H-ions upon
yeast-leavened bread, a number of interrelated the flour proteins. pH of dough made from
physical, physico-chemical, and biochemical high quality ("patent") flour tends to de-
phenomena are involved. In chronological crease during fermentation.
sequence certain of these include: e) Partial proteolysis effected by the dough
(1) Hydration of flour colloids as water is enzymes including those contributed by the
added to the dry flour to form the dough. Time flour, yeast, and other dough ingredients and
becomes a factor in completing the hydration, as controlled or regulated by oxidizing re-
particularly when the quantity of water used agents and pH.

Initial adjustment of the proportion of ical properties is rather highly correlated
water used in preparing bread doughs is es- with the yield of bread per unit of flour. In
sential to the production of bread of good other words, the higher the absorption, the
quality. Too much water results in a sticky more pounds of bread of a given type per bar-
dough that does not move normally through rel or sack of flour. Accordingly, absorption
the machines, is liable to collapse or fall in becomes a factor of flour quality in its rela-
the final stages of fermentation or in the oven, tion to (a) dough properties and (b) bread
and commonly results in coarse-grained, un- yield.
attractive bread. Too little water is likewise
unfortunate, and leads to a heavy, poorly
leavened loaf. Moreover, the quantity of water Physical properties of dough have been va-
required to produce a dough of optimum phys- riously described under such terms as: (1)

viscosity (rJ, fluidity, plasticity, consistency, terms of their ratio to the viscosity of water at
mobility, stiffness), (2) elasticity (modulus the same temperature and under the same
of elasticity En], rigidity, resiliency), (3) ex- conditions of measurement, and recorded as
tensibility (ductility), (4) tensile strength specific viscosity. At 20° C. the rJ of water is
(shortness), (5) stickiness or adhesiveness, about 1 poise.
(6) "spring" or recovery after deformation, Fluidity (<p), or mobility is the reciprocal of
which may be associated with relaxation time viscosity or l/rJ and is expressed in rhes, so
(rJ/n ) . that 1 rhe = __1__
The synonyms or antonyms included in the 1 poise
parentheses may not fit perfectly in every Scott Blair, in his recent book, cited above,
case, but appear to be closely associated as states that the dimensions of viscosity are
they are employed in the literature. Certain derived as follows:
of these may be fundamental physical prop- s
erties, while others are composites. As a mat- rJ=---
ter of fact, it is difficult to separate certain
of them in a discussion of dough properties, where S has the dimensions of Mass X Length- 1
since they are modified conjointly as one X Time- 2 , v (velocity) has the dimensions of
applies various treatments to this complex Length X Time-I, r has the dimensions of
material. Length, and dv/dr has the dimensions of
Before attempting to describe the action of Time- 1 ; or rJ = Mass X Length- 1 X Time- 1
specific dough-testing devices, an attempt can which may be described as dynes per cm. per
well be made to define certain physical terms sec., which is the poise.
to be employed in this connection, and at the The volume (V) of a viscous fluid extruded
same time to introduce the mathematical for- per second from a tube of radius (R) and
mulas involved in their derivation.* length (L) under a pressure (P) recorded in
Viscosity (rJ) refers to the ratio of shearing dynes/cm. 2 (Le., pressure in centimeters of
stress to rate of shear in true fluids. There is mercury X density of mercury X 931) be-
no universally accepted definition of viscosity comes:
in systems other than true fluids. The conven- PnR 4
tional unit is the poise, or its fra.ction, the 8 LrJ
centipoise. If between two plates having a
Halton and Scott Blair (1) estimated the
shearing area of 1 cm.2, a film of the fluid to
viscosity of dough ('I'j) by subjecting a dough
be tested is placed, with a film thickness of
cylinder of length 11 to a shearing stress S
1 cm., and a force of 1 dyne is required to
(dynes/cm. 2 ) for t seconds so that it increased
maintain a velocity of 1 cm. per second, the
to length 12 • Then the stress was removed so
fluid is said to have a viscosity of 1 poise. Vis-
that the length decreased to 13 , the permanent,
cosities of liquids are sometimes expressed in
nonelastic change in length then being Is - 11
• For general discussions of physical properties of
materials, including dough, the reader is referred to
cm. per cm. and the rate of viscous flow
An Introduction to Industrial Rheology, by G. W. Scott The VISCOSIty
. . rJ
--1- • 0f t h e dough thus
Blair (P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Inc., Philadelphia, 1
1938); Elasticity, Plasticity, and Structure of Matter, by
R. Houwink (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
England, 1937); Les qualites plastiques des pdtes, by
H. Nuret and A. Ougrimoff (Imprimerie de Publica-
tions Periodiques, Paris, 1934); Modern Cereal Chem-
rJ =S X t I Is I~ 11 •
istry, by D. W. Kent-Jones (3d ed., Northern Publish- They point out that in practice the viscosity
ing Co., Liverpool, 1939); Mecllanisclle MetIlOden Zllr
Bestimmung der Backfiilligkeit von MeM, by Gerhard of dough never stays constant during an ex-
Mueller (Konrad Triltsch, Wiirzburg, Germany, 1937).
1. P. Halton and G. W. Scott Blair, "A Study of
Some Physical Properties of Flour Doughs in Relation
tension, so that Is "4 11 I t must be regarded

to Their Bread-Making Qualities," Cereal Cllemistry,

as a mean rate of flow, and rJ as a mean vis-
March 1937, XIV, 201-19. cosity.

Moreover, the viscosity of many materials, portional to the strain, as in Hooke's law, and
including dough, tends to fall with increasing
where I = the length, S = tension,
/I,.l =.3....,
stress, thus exhibiting "structural viscosity," IE
and rises with increasing strain, as in the E = the modulus of elasticity or Young's mod-
"work hardening" of metals. In measuring ulus.
dough viscosity it thus becomes necessary to mgl
Young's modulus E = --2-' where m =
record the exact conditions of stress and strain :n:r s
under which the measurement was made. mass of weight applied, I=length, g=gravita-
Reference is made in several parts of this tional constant (acceleration due to gravity),
monograph to special methods for measuring I' = radius, and s = elongation. It may be de-
viscosity (or plasticity) of dough, the signifi- scribed as the shearing force in dynes per cm. 2
cance of these observations in baking technol- divided by the stretch per unit length.
ogy, and the relationship of these constants to ' . I., -l~ h
< ashc recovery IS-"-I-cm. per cm., were
other dough properties. 8

Plasticity, or "mold-ability," represents the 12 is the length in centimeters to which the

capacity to withstand molding and retain piece is stretched before the stress is removed,
shape under the force of gravity. Its dimen- and 13 is the length in centimeters to which it
sions are analogous to those of viscosity, save contracts. The shear modulus (n), as the term
that, as emphasized by Bingham, it is assumed is used by Scott Blair el al., then becomes:
that a force (n known as the "yield value"
must be applied to a plastic material before n = -;---;-;-;;-
12 -/3/13
flow starts. This yield value is presumed to
be that portion of the shearing force which is or the ratio of the shearing stress (S) in
used up in overcoming the internal elastic dynes/cm. 2 to the elastic recovery, and is really
stresses. In a lyophilic system the derivation one-third of Young's modulus (Y). For con-
of plasticity or viscosity becomes diflicult or venience throughout the remainder of this
even indeterminate, and the values recorded monograph this constant will be referred to
are merely relative at best. This is the conse- as the modulus.
quence of the conjointly operating properties The mechanical device employed by Scott
of the lyophilic sol, of the dispersion medium, Blair et al. in measuring n will be described
and of changes occurring in the proportions in another section.
between the two which may be of an indefinite It is apparent that the time during which
value. This becomes even more significant in the stress is applied and the magnitude of the
such a mixture of lyophilic materials as flour stress are both significant in determining the
dough, where the dispersion medium or water amount of the elastic recovery of a body. This
may be undergoing an exchange or transfer is particularly true of materials like dough,
between the several lyophilic materials, as be- in which a high degree of plasticity is com-
tween gluten and starch. bined with varying and moderate elasticity.
Elasticity. An elastic deformation is one Maxwell's "time of relaxation" (tr or 'A) may
which disappears upon release of the stress be of value in this connection. It is the time
which causes it, stress being defined as the necessary for the tension to decrease by the
force producing or tending to produce defor- unit lie (e = energy unit) of its original ten-
mation in the body, and commonly measured sion (S). With doughs it is a function of
as the force applied per unit area. Elastic stress and of the degree of extension. Actually
deformation is studied in solid materials by
the stress-strain relations, when strain is de- 'Y] = nil', or tr =.2L and, in another section,
fined as the deformation resulting from a this ratio may be correlated with technological
stress measured by the ratio of the change to values of flour doughs.
the total value of the dimension in which the Shortness, or the tendency to tear easily, is
change occurred. In certain cases and with a function of tensile strength, and ductility.
moderate or small stresses, the stress is pro- Special methods for estimating this property,

and extensibility, will be discussed in the "viscometer" which included a small portable
third section of this paper. vacuum tank, a pump for reducing air pres-
Special expressions are introduced in the sure in the tank to the requisite level, and a
literature of this subject which do not permit glass tube of appropriate diameter graduated
of precise definition in physical constants, and for 150 mm. of its outer length. The open end
can be described only in terms of the devices of this graduated tube was applied to the
or machines employed in the specific determi- dough surface, and when the other end was
nation. attached to the air tank in which lhe pres-
sure had been reduced, atmospheric pressure
DOUGI-I VISCOMETEHS moved the dough into the tube. Its flow was
allowed to continue until the material ceased
One of the simplest and most direct meth- to rise, and the distance that it moved into the
ods for determining the relative viscosity of tube was taken to be an index of dough vis-
dough was decribed by Jago (2). His vis- cosity. No data relative to the relations be-
cometer consisted of a cylinder having a tween the values thus secured and the baking
weighted and graduated plunger and an aper- hehavior of dough have appeared in the litera-
ture in the bottom through which the dough ture.
was forced. He measured the time required Halton and Fisher (G) elaborated somewhat
to express a unit quantity of dough as indi- upon the Jago and Jago device for measuring
cated by the descent of the plunger through changes in dough properties as a function of
a unit distance. It was observed that such added water. As shown in Figure 1, they em-
viscometer tests not only show the quantity ployed a cylinder with a piston
or proportion of water required to prepare resting upon the dough, but
a dough of standard consistency, but also the avoided certain unknown losses
relative rate of change in viscosity efTected by of force through friction of the
increments of water. Flours were observed to piston stem against the sides of
vary decidedly in the latter respect. the top guide by allowing the rod
While Jago's (2) first book merely describes attached to the piston to pass
his viscometer, a later book by the same down through the lower aper-
author (3) contains a diagram (p. 506) illus- ture where it was surrounded by
trating the details of its construction. Two the dough. A suitable weight was
tests above and below the estimated optimum attached to the lower end of this
absorption are advised, with an estimate of rod to provide the necessary force.
the correct absorption by interpolation.
Kedzie's farinometer was described by FIG. 1.-Halton and Fisher
dough viscometer, re-drawn from
Wiley et al. (4) as patterned upon the plan of their British patent
Jago's viscometer, and was likewise employed
to determine the waleI' absorption of flour. By measuring the rate of extrusion of the
C. H. Briggs (5) pl'ovided a simple dough dough through the lower aperture (the exact
dimensions not being given in the patent speci-
2. William Jago, The Chemistry of Wheat, Flour, fications) under lhe force of the applied
and Bread and tIle Technology of Bread Making
(Brighton, England, 1886).
weight (also not revealed), the amount of
:I. Willium Jugo, The Science and Art of Bread water required by a flour to give a dough of
Making (London, 1895). required elasticity modllills may be deter-
4. H. W. Wiley et al., Foods and Food Adulterants, mined. Halton and Fisher (6) state that "the
Part Ninth: Cereals and Cereal Products (U.S. Dept.
Agr., Div. Chern., Bull. 1,3, Part IX, 1898), pp. 1269-71.
rate of extrusion is alfected by both the elas-
5. "Briggs' Perfekdo Viscometer," Northwestern Mil- ticity modllills and by the viscosity of the
ler, .Jan. 23, 1918, p. 275. dough, but the results of a prolonged series of
6. Philip Hulton and Ernest A. Fisher, "An Im- experiments indicate that the elasticity of the
proved Process for Determining the Baking Qualities of
Wheaten Flour Dough und Apparatus Therefor" (Brit-
dough is in fact the predominant factor; e.g.,
ish Patent 492,049, Sept. 1'4, 1938). it can be shown that doughs from different

types of flour having identical rates of ex- of the proportion of water in the dough.
trusion have different viscosities." Doughs were prepared from three flours of
As in other instances of this general type different protein content, and at several levels
of instrument, several determinations must be of water additions to the doughs, with the
made at different levels of added water, and results shown in Figure 3.
by interpolation it becomes possible to esti- From these graphs it would be possible to
mate the amount of water required to pro- interpolate to a standard or uniform level of
duce a dough of standard properties so far as dough viscosity and to estimate the water ab-
revealed by this instrument. sorption at this level. In this, as in other
Stamberg and Bailey (7) used an extrusion methods of measuring dough viscosity, the
type of plastometer, diagrammed in Figure 2, question arises: What constitutes optimum
viscosity? Probably this can be standardized
for the practices of individual shops, based
upon formula, fermentation time, mechanical
treatment, and type of bread desired, provid-
ing flour of uniform and unvarying properties
is used. When either the flour type or baking
practices are varied, it may prove' necessary
also to vary the level of dough viscosity,
particularly in the instance of freshly mixed
Van del' Lee (8) designed a dough viscome- .




FIG. 2.-Stamberg and Bailey dough viscometer
10 0.5

16 04
provided with a jacketed dough cylinder for
maintaining the dough at constant tempera- ~4 03

ture by circulating water from a thermostat '",12 02

through the jacket. Compressed air, con- ~IO 0.1

trolled to constant pressure as indicated by a :So

mercury manometer, effected the extrusion of ~6

the dough through an aperture 6 mm. in 4

diameter. It was observed that the logarithm 2

of the time in seconds required to extrude a ~ ~ ~ • A ~ U ~ ~ ~ ro n

unit quantity of dough was a linear function PERCENT ABSORPTION

7. Olof E. Stam:berg and C. H. Bailey, "Plasticity of FIG. 3.-Rate of flow of dough through the
Doughs," Cereal.Chemistry, January 1940, XVII, 37- Stamberg and Bailey viscometer; doughs made
44. from three flours containing (A) 8.3 per cent,
8. G. van der Lee, "New Laboratory Apparatus for (B) 11.6 per cent, and (C) 15.5 per cent crude
the Determination of the Dough Consistence and Bread protein. Rate of flow plotted as ordinates in
Volume," Proceedings of the 1st International Confer- grams per minute in lower graphs, and the log-
ence on Flour and Bread Manufacture in Prague, Sept. arithm of grams per minute in upper graphs,
22-25, 1927 (Prague, 1929), pp. 333-53. against the water used in percentage as abscissas.

ter based upon the principle of the pene- served that elevating the temperature of a
trometer. Provision was made for noting the dough reduced its viscosity, while the inclu-
time in seconds required for the round-headed sion of increments of salt up to 4 per cent of
cylindrical plunger to penetrate a unit dis- the flour increased dough viscosity progres-
tance into a mass of dough. Refinements of sively. In a series of observations involving
construction included provision for first four levels of water used in preparing dough
bringing the surface of the dough to the point from each of several flour samples, it was
of contact with the plunger, for the sudden noted that the penetration of the weighted
release of the latter at the time of starting the cylinder was approximately a linear function
stop watch, and for magnifying the measure- of the water used. Harrel suggested that the
ment of downward movement of the plunger tangent of the angle formed with the hori-
by means of a windlass provided with a dial zontal, on plotting penetration as ordinates
moving around the circular face of a gradu- and water used as abscissas, may be of sig-
ated scale. The agreement of replicated read- nificance, as a measure of capacity of the flour
ings is indicated by tests of an Australian flour to resist "slacking" when increments of water
from which three doughs were prepared, each are added.
with 53 per cent of water. These doughs were Halton (10) found that both viscosity (1])
allowed to stand 45 minutes, and the tests and the elastic modulus (n) of doughs (see
made by allowing the plunger to penetrate for Section III) were lowered by increasing the
240 seconds. The three readings, in terms of water content of doughs; also that both of
the arc through which the windlass shaft was these physical constants diminished with time
turned, were 153°, 152.5°, and 150° respec- as the doughs aged. A plot of the logarithm
tively. An American flour required 62 per cent of viscosity against the logarithm of the elas-
of water to convert it into a dough which gave tic modulus of a series of doughs made from
equivalent readings. With a series of four the same flour but with varying proportions
flours, three increments of water were added of water gave a straight line. In other words:
to each so that the least mobile gave a scale
reading approaching or passing through 150°.
log 1] = X log n + K 1•

When these readings were plotted against The value of the ratio 1]/n"', where x has a
the water added in percentage, the resulting value of from 1.8 to 2.0, was found to be a
curve is approximately a straight line with constant for any given flour and varied only
flours A, C, and D, and deviates slightly from with the quality of the flour. It was inde-
a straight line with flour B. pendent of dough age and water content, and
A penetrometer designed by Harrel (9) con- is the best relationship of 1] to n to use as a
sisted of a flat-ended brass cylinder 310.5 mm. measure of flour strength.
long by 21.14 mm. in diameter and adjusted Bohn and Bailey (11) applied their stress-
to weigh 1,070 g. It was suspended 2.8 meters meter, described in detail in Section III, to
from the surface of a quantity of dough, and the study of the effect of variations in the
was allowed to fall vertically under its own water content of doughs upon stress read-
momentum and to penetrate the dough. Its ings, in comparison with certain character-
penetration in centimeters was noted from istics of farinograms, with the results shown
graduations on the cylinder itself. Harrel ob- in Table 1 (p. 250). It is evident that the stress
readings are influenced substantially by the
proportion of water present, decreasing about
9. C. G. Harrel, "A Gravimetric Penetrometer for 1.2 g. per 1 per cent increase in the amount
Measuring Stiffness or Toughness of Doughs," Cereal
Chemistry, July 1927, IV, 283-90. of water in the instance of the strong flour
10. P. Halton, "Relation of Water Absorption to used in this test. Using a medium-strength
the Physical Properties and Baking Quality of Flour flour the same general relation maintained,
Doughs," ibid., May 1938, XV, 282-94.
although all the stress readings were lower
11. L. J. Bohn and C. H. Bailey, "Effect of Mixing
on the Physical Properties of Dough," ibid., Septem- and decreased at the rate of 0.7 g./per cent
ber 1936, XIII, 560-75. water.

Swanson and Working (12) described a Working (14) modified the original pro-
procedure which they have used to estimate cedure, which involved soaking the flour in
flour absorption. A sllspension of 100 g. of water for 5 minutes, by extending the time to
nour in 600 cc. of water was passed through a 30 minutes, which minimizes, the errors due
Sharples super-centrifuge running at 15,000 to variation in the granulation of flour and
r.p.m., and an additional 400 cc. of water was to enzyme activity. When the revised method
used to wash all the flour into the centrifuge was checked against the results of baking
bowl. The weight of flour and water in the tests, about two-thirds of the absorption de-
bowl could then be used to determine the terminations made with the centrifuge agreed
quantity of water held by 100 g. of flour. They within 0.5 per cent of the quantity used by
found that this represented the quantity of the baker, and about three-fourths fell within
water required to give a dough of optimum 1 per cent. The larger errors were apt to ap-
consistency for baking. pear in testing new varieties not suited to
bread production, and in flours milled from
DOUGH MADE FROM STRONG FLOUR UPON STRESS wheats grown under abnormal conditions.
AND FAfIINOGRAPH READINGS, AS REPORTED BY Rejto's dough ductility machine, described
BOJ-IN AND BAILEY, 1936 by Kosutfmy (15), enabled him to measure
'l'lmc to Height to Stress rOl1fllngs (1IrrLms)
the relative force required to extend doughs
Water maximum maximum - - - - - - - - - - - - - containing varying proportions of water. In
point on point on
farlno- farlno-
I a typical series of doughs prepared from one
(Ji~e:r.8) (~~ir~ _~ scc~ __ ~~:_:__~In._:~ flour, but with varying proportions of water,
the "Zugkraft" was determined and recorded
112 13.5 5DO 25.1 18.3 15.1 11.9 as follows (Kosutany, p. 262) :
1,5 1!}.0 535 21.!J 16.4 13.1 10.0
68 19.0 485 18.2 11.2 11.3 8.9
Water Zugkraft Logarithms
71 23.0 445 14.6 11.7 !J.O 7.3 (per cent) (grams) of Zugkraft
45 937.75 2.97208
Fifield (13 ) found that the Swanson and 46 852.50 2.93069
Working centrifugal method for measuring 47 775.00 2.88930
48 676.73 2.83042
absorption invariably gave results substan- 49 596.75 2.77579
tially below the baker's absorption, and that 50 530.10 2.72436
this diITerence was increased when the flours
were soaked in the water suspension for 30 The plot of the logarithms of Zugkraft against
minutes instead of 5 minutes as first proposed. the water used approaches a straight line
Moreover, the diITerence between the centrifu- somewhat more exactly than the plot of the
gal and the baker's absorption tests was not Zugkraft, expressed linearly, against water
constant, even within the same class of wheat. used.
Chopin's (16) extensimeter provided means
12. C. O. Swanson and Earl B. Worldng, "Testing
the Quality of Flour by the Recording Dough Mixer,"
for observing the force required to extend a
Cereal Chemistru, January 1933, X, 1-29, esp. p. 21. sheet of dough incidental to measuring ex-
1(3. C. C. Fifield, "A Mechanical Method for the De- tensibility. Reference will be made in Section
termination of Adsorption in Bread Doughs," ibid., III to the latter property.
November 1933, X, 547-54.
14. Earl B. Working, "The Determination of the
Bailey and Le Vesconte (17) applied this
Watel' Ahsorhing Capacity of Flour hy Means of the instrument to the determination of the tenaci-
Super Centrifuge," ibid., Septemher 1934, XI, 567-68. ties of a series of doughs prepared from one
15. Thomas KosuUll1Y, Del' unaariscbe Weizen und hard wheat flour in which the water used was
das unyariscbe Mebl (Budapest, 1907), esp. p. 248.
varied from 59 cc. to 67 cc. per 100 g. of flour.
16. Marcel Chopin, "Relations entre les propriCtcs
mccaniques des pates de farine et la panification," Tenacity as thus measured represented the
Bulletin de la Societe d'encouragemeni pour l'industrie maximum pressure (P) on the air line used
nalionale, March 1921, CXXXIII, 261-7il. to inflate a thin (3 mm.) sheet of dough into
17. C. H. Bailey and Amy M. Le Vesconte, "Physical
Tests of Flour Quality with the Chopin Extensimetel'," a bubble, as registered in millimeters of in-
Cere'al ChemistI'll, .January 1924, I, 38-63. crease in the level of water in a simple
manometer:X' At 69 per cent water, the ma- made from a certain flour, and their extensi-
nometer reading reached 125 mm. and at 67 bility as measured with the alphitograph, with
per cent water, 92.3 mm. In the instance of the coefficient (C) as the variable. The sig-
this flour sample the maximum extensibility nificant constants are recorded in Table 2.
was reached when the tenacity was equivalent Ougrimoff (21) used the Chopin extensime-
to about 100 mm., but the studies were not ter in a study of the effect of varying the
sufficiently extended to establish the optimum water content of doughs upon those properties
viscosity as thus determined. disclosed by that instrument. The pressure
Scott Blair and Potel ( 18) accepted the (P) was an exponential function of the water
conclusion that the value P as measured with present in the dough when the latter was ex-
the Chopin extensimeter is primarily related pressed as the percentage of the dry matter.
to the water-absorbing capacity of the flour. The same was true of the relation between the
St. John and Bailey (19) varied the water total work done in inflating the dough bubble,
added in preparing several doughs from the and the percentage of water used in its prepa-
same Hour, and found the force required to ration. Extensibility or "gonflement" (G)
efTect extension of the dough with the Chopin passed through a maximum as the percentage
extensimeter was 135 mm. (of hydraulic of water was increased, the position of the
head) when the water used was 63 per cent maximum varying for different flours, and
of the Hour, and 40 mm. when it was 77 .1 per then decreased sharply on further additions
cent. While the observations are limited in of water.
number, they indicate a log/log relationship
between these two variables.
Naszalyi (20) presented in tabular form CIENT (C) AS THE VARIABLE, 1935
- -
the quantity of water to be added to each ---~------------ - _.- ---~ ~ ~

100 g. of flour with moisture content of the Results of the experiment

Quantity of water
latter as a variable along one axis, and ranging Coefflclen t per 200 g. Height 01 Length of I Surface of
(0) flour curve curve curve
from 10 to 17 per cent, and the coefficient (C) (cm.) (cm.) (crn.2)

. total water
as the other aXIS, when C = d t t ' He 0.765 100.3 17.5 72 6.3
. ry ma er 0.733 95.0 25 58 6.5
also indicated in graphs and a table, the effect 0.704 90.0 34 47 6.8
upon the force required to extend doughs
It seems probable that those devices which
• In a later model this was replaced hy a recording operate in a somewhat similar manner in test-
pressure gauge.
ing doughs, including the Buhler comparator
18. G. W. Scott Blair and Pierre Potel, "A Prelimi-
nary Study of the Physical Significance of Certain (see Kosmin, 22) and the Borasio and de Rege
P"opcrties Measured hy the Chopin Extensimeter for (23) pneumodynamometer, could be em-
Testing Flour Doughs," ibid., March 1937, XIV, 257-62.
ployed to indicate relative levels of dough vis-
19 ..J. L. St. .John and C. H. Bailey, "The Effect of
Dry Sldmmilk lIpon the Water Absorption of Doughs cosity. Reference will be made in the last
and the Plasticity of Flour Suspensions," ibid., March section of this monograph to other applica-
1929, VI, 140-50. tions of these instruments.
20. N. Naszalyi, "~tude sur les qualites plastiques Bailey (24) wired a laboratory watt-hour
des piltes," Bulletin des anciens cleves de l'ecole fran-
9fli se de meunerie, .January 1935, No. 35, pp. 4-9. meter into the circuit supplying electric cu\'-
211. A. Ougrimoff, "Influence de I'hydration de la rent to the motor driving a small dough-
pate SUI' les rcsultats extensimelriques," ibid., Novem- mixing machine. By noting the work-input
ber 19:37, No. 63, pp. 273-79.
for 100 revolutions of the empty machine, and
22. Natalie P. J{osmin, Das Problem der Backfiihig-
keit (Leipzig, 1936). 100 revolutions of the same machine filled
23. L. Borasio and F. de Rege, "Das Pneumodyna- with dough, it was possible to estimate the
ll1ometer, ein Apparat zur Qualitiitsbestimmung del' work done, as recorded in watt-hours, in
iIIehle," Dus Milhlenlaboratorium, June 1934, IV, 77-82.
moving the mixing blades through the dough
. 24. C. H. Bailey, "A Method for Measuring the Rela-
tIve Plasticity of Doughs and Pastes," Journal of Rhe- for a unit distance. vVhen the water added in
o[o(TY, 1930, I, 429-32. preparing the dough was the variable, a curvi-

linear relation was observed between the by Bailey (24), and by interpolation the ab-
water used and work-input, and attention was sorption was computed.
called to the fact that a plot of the logarithms Still later Hankoczy attached a simple ten-
of the readings in watt-hours against the per- sion dynamometer to the shaft which trans-
centage of water used tended to approach a mitted power from the motor to the dough
straight line. mixer. This, in fact, possessed the essential
This suggested that the absorption of flours mechanical features of the Hankoczy-Braben-
could be measured quantitatively through the del' farinograph, and the valorigraph now
use of this device. Accordingly, a series of manufactured in BUdapest, except that no
studies was instituted which disclosed that the recording device was provided.
optimal absorption for all flours was not at The latest stages in this sequence are repre-
the same level of plasticity thus measured. sented by the two devices just mentioned.
These results were not published, however, Brabender, in Duisburg, Germany, applied a
since the study was repeated later with the difTerent type of dynamometer which is a part
farinograph; and detailed reference will be of the synchronous motor that drives the
made in a later section to these observations. mixer. In its first form, appearing about a
Hankoczy, of the Royal Hungarian Cereal decade ago, the farinograph did not provide
and Flour Testing Station in Budapest, de- for the control of dough temperature, but the
veloped a succession of devices which could be later models included a water jacket for the
employed in the study of dough consistency dough mixer which results in an approach to
and l10ur absorption. These have been de- thermal control of the dough. This necessi-
scribed by Tibor (25) in the order of their tates including a more or less elaborate water
appearance. The first instrument possessed thermostat in the ensemble, with pumps for
features somewhat analogous to those of the circulating water at constant temperature
Chopin extensimeter. Thus it provided for through the jacket of the dough mixer. The
the application of air pressure to one face of instrument will be described in greater detail
a sheet of dough, which was stretched or ex- in Section III. The force applied in the initial
tended until it ruptured. The force required stages of mixing rises more or less rapidly to
to extend the dough, as registered in terms of a maximum, which is maintained for varying
air pressure, indicated whether or not its con- periods of time, and then gradually rec~des
sistency was in the optimum range. at varying ra.tes, depending upon certain
Hankoczy next employed a small dough- dough properties. It has been suggested that
mixing machine driven by an electric motor the level of "maximum consistency," or mini-
to which a wattmeter was attached. As in the mum mobility reached in the initial stages of
instance of Bailey's studies in America, the mixing, constituted an index of l10ur absorp-
wattage proved too variable from reading to tion.
reading to constitute a very satisfactory index. Near and Sullivan (26) found that the quan-
Accordingly, the instrument was further de- tity of water required to produce a dough
veloped to include a watt-hour meter. This registering 580 units on the farinograph con-
was more satisfactory than the attempt to read sistency scale agreed within about 0.5 per cent
fluctuating wattages, but it followed, perforce, with the absorption recommended by a skilled
that the reading must be taken over a time baker. Their comparisons included flours
interval or for a unit number of revolutions of ranging from 9.3 to 15.6 per cent crude
the dough mixer. A graph of work-input in protein, although only two flours containing
watt hours versus absorption had the same less than 10.5 per cent crude protein were
characteristics as the typical curve published included in the series. Merritt, in the author's
laboratory, computed the coefficient of corre-
25. Istvan Tibor, A Buza- es Lisztminose(Jvizs(Jrllaiok lation between the absorption as determined
(Budapest, 1933), esp. pp. 65-118.
by the farinograph and the bakers' absorption
26. Cleo Near and B. Sullivan, "The Use of the Far-
inograph as an Accurate Measure of Absorption," Ce- values reported by Near and Sullivan, and
real Chemistry, September 1935, XII, 527-31. found r = +0.987, which means that the rela-

tionship was very close. Moreover, the corre- it to a particular type, the behavior of which
lation between protein content and absorption is known.
as determined by the farinograph was also Markley and Bailey (28) found that the log-
high (r = 0.894) in this series. arithm of the point of minimum mobility
Merritt and Bailey (27) selected a series of (maximum consistency) of the farinogram
flours of widely varying baking strength and plotted against the logarithm of the ratio of
protein content and found that the optimum flour to water in a dough resulted in a straight
consistency in farinograph units was sub- line for any particular flour. The slope of the
stantially lower for the weak than for the curve was not the same with different flours,
strong flours. In making these comparisons however. While the data available are scarcely
five levels of water additions ranging through adequate for drawing general conclusions, it
5 per cent were made to each flour to insure was noted that with a weak, low-protein flour
that the optimum absorption was reached in (7.9 per cent crude protein), each increment
each instance, and this optimum was assigned of water effected a larger increase in mobility
upon the basis of loaf-quality scores. More- than with strong, high-protein flours. There
over, the author has observed a tendency to is some evidence that this accords with com-
produce doughs of higher mobility, i.e., lower mercial experience, and it merits further in-
consistency on the farinograph scale, in vestigation with more samples.
those countries which employ relatively low-
strength flours in bread production. In this DISCUSSION
study an average increase of 15 farinograph
units of consistency accompanied each 1 per The terms "absorption" and "water con-
cent change in water used in the range of tent," as applied to the proportion of water
optimum absorption. to flour in dough, have been used. as synonyms
Tibor (25) found that he could compute the by many technicians and bakers. As empha-
quantity of water required to adjust the plas- sized independently but concurrently by Hal-
ticity of dough to a definite farinograph value, ton (10) and by Markley and Bailey (28),
say 500 units, when the first farinograph test "absorption" should be defllled as the propor-
resulted in a value somewhat above or below tion of water to flour in dough which results
the desired mobility. He presented (p. 117) a in bread of optimum quality. While the Eng-
tabulation of the corrections required in such lish group tends to report absorption in terms
instances for the flours usual to his country, of gallons per sack-a very awkward practice
but suggested that the correction might not indeed, since neither the gallon nor the sack
apply exactly in all cases, for example, with is a uniform constant outside of a small terri-
Canadian flours. It accordingly appears that tory-the tendency in America and many
the alteration of mobility by a unit increment other countries is to report it in "per cent,"
of water is not uniform for all flours. Conse- i.e., parts of water by weight per 100 parts of
quently any computation of increase (or de- flour. This might be further refined by stating
crease) in the proportion of water required to it as the ratio of dry matter in the flour to the
change the mobility of a dough through the total water in the dough, including the water
desired range (in farinograph or other units) contributed by the flour; or its equivalent,
must be based either upon one or more trials the water added per 100 grams of flour at a
with the flour in question, or upon some constant level of moisture content, after first
knowledge of its properties that would assign providing the quantity of water necessary to
adjust the flour to the standard moisture level.
27. P. P. Merritt and C. H. Bailey, "Absorption-
A considerable variety of methods have
Mobility Relationships in Wheat-Flour Doughs," ibid., been employed in the effort to measure and
May 1939, XVI, 377-83. standardize dough consistency in so far as it
28. Max C. Markley and C. H. Bailey, "The Colloidal is determined by the proportion of water used.
Behavior of Flour Doughs. II. A Study of the Effects
of Varying the Flour-Water Ratio," ibid., May 1938, By all odds, the most common procedure in
XV, 317-26. commercial practice is to use the sense of

touch in the trained human hand. Actually foregoing comments. Most bakeries use flours
the trained hand is no more sensitive than faIling within a relatively narrow range of
that of an unskilled person, as shown by Scott variability, since the mills from which they
Blair (29). Its advantage lies solely in the purchase flour arrange to supply fairly uni-
fact that it recognizes whether or not con- form products. Accordingly such adjustments
sistency falls within the range regarded as of absorption as must be made from time to
optimum for the baking practice in vogue. time are applied to flours which will yield
Incidentally, Scott Blair also observed that the doughs of reasonably constant plasticity at
threshold for psychological detection of the optimum absorption. At the beginning of new
compression modulus is only about one-third crop seasons, or when the bakery changes its
of that for viscosity of dough, and the latter flour - purchasing program or the types of
is approximately 30 per cent of the actual vis- bread produced, it may be necessary to alter
cosily involved. the dough plasticity to secure the desired re-
Of the mechanical methods applied to sults. Also, readjustments of plasticity may
dough, the extrusion methods of measuring be required when new types of machinery are
"consistency" are simplest and require the added to the mechanical equipment of the
least expensive special equipment. In these, bakery. Generally speaking, these are not com-
as in other procedures, the difficulty of inter- mon or frequent occurrences in the normal op-
preting the findings lies in the lack of a defi- eration of a bakery, however, and if the shop
nite optimum value which applies to all flours is provided with anyone of several types of
alike. Regardless of how the measurement is plasticity-measuring devices, it can make a
made, it musl be recognized that flours of scientific approach to the measurement of ab-
varying composition, and consequently of sorption of different lots of flour, once the
varying physical properties, must be adjusted baker has determined what level of plasticity
to levels of consistency suited to their indi- is optimum for the baking process which he
vidual characteristics. In fact, as pointed out employs.
by Working (14), the optimum absorption In addition to the relation of the propor-
for a single flour may be a function of the tion of water in dough to its plasticity and
mixing treatment, the fermentation schedule, shear modulus, absorption is of practical in-
and the type of bread that is desired. Accord- terest to the baker in consequence of its rela-
ingly, cognizance must be taken of these vari- tion to the yield of bread. It might be antici-
aLions in bake-shop programs. He emphasizes pated that, other things being equal, the more
that the consistency at the time of molding water used in mixing a bread dough, the larger
the loaf is more important than that of the the weight of bread baked from a unit weight
freshly mixed dough, although the tendency of flour. Mangels (30) computed the coeffi-
in technological practice is to endeavor to es- cient of correlation between absorption and
timate absorption at the time the dough is first the weight of loaves baked from a unit of
mixed. The result is that many baking test flour, over a period of four crop seasons, and
reports carry entries reading "dough slack- found this correlation to he significant and
ened off," or similar notations, implying that fairly high. His data are tabulated below
the plastic and related properties at the time
of molding the dough were not optimum for Number of CoelIlclent of
the preparations in question. Crop season samples correlation (r)

Actually, the situation in practice is not as 1923 ........ 217 0.593 ± 0.029
difficult to meet as may be suggested by the 1924 ........ 297 o.652 ± 0.022
1925 ...... " 262 0.795 ± 0.015
1926 ...... " 273 0.863 ± 0.010
29. G. W. Scott Blair, "Psychorheology in the Bread-
Making Industry," Cereal Chemistry, November 1939,
XVI, 701-11.
It seems probable that the relation in com-
30. C. E. Mangels, "Helation of Water Absorbing
Capacity of Flour to Protein Content, Baking Quality, mercial baking would be even higher than was
and Loaf Weight," ibid., .January 1928, V, 75-77. observed in Mangels' laboratory studies. In

laboratory baking the measurement of yield of many other complex gels, a flour dough
of bread is complicated and interfered with by includes several hydrophyllic suhstances.
the variations in loaf volume, and by difli- Prominent among these are the flour proteins
culties in uniformly baking the various-sized and starch, although the actual behavior of
loaves involved. tbese may be influenced if not largely con-
Since the gluten of flour evidently requires trolled by the amount and kind of various
more water than does starch to yield a mixture ions, the level of pH, the lipids, and the de-
of unit plasticity, it has been assumed that gree of degradation effected by proteases and
absorption might be positively correlated with amylases during mixing and fermentation. It
gluten or protein content of flour. The data of seems probable that at least a portion of the
Near and Sullivan (26), as computed by Mer- water used in preparing the dough becomes
ritt, supported such an assumption. Man- "bound" by these hydrophyllic substances,
gels' values for the coefficient of correlation and hence is not free to function as a solvent
with absorption and protein content as the for the various water-soluble solutes, such as
variables were not high, in the instance of the salts and sugars, in the dough. Consequently
samples involved in the 1923-26 crop seasons the concentration of these solubles in the
to which reference has been made. Thus r "dough-solution" is higher than would be es-
ranged from 0.095 ± 0.040 (1926) to 0.275 ± timated from the total water known to be
0.038 (1925) in these four seasons. It is pos- present in the system, since only a portion of
sible, however, that all of Mangels' doughs the latter is "free" to serve as a solvent.
were not adjusted to the same actual viscosity, Certain of the investigations of water-bind-
since if his experience with the doughs was ing capacity of the flour colloids that were
similar to that of Merritt and Bailey (27) it made with highly diluted or mobile flour sus-
may be that the low-protein flours were con- pensions are scarcely valid as quantitative in-
verted into more mobile doughs. In that event, dices of the water bound in an ordinary dough.
the effect would have been to reduce the cor- Measurements in the latter medium are not
relation between protein content and absorp- easy to make. Skovholt and Bailey (32) ap-
tion as measured by the baker's experience plied the conventional cryoscopic method to
rather than by a constant TJ. bread doughs, and estimated that 42-45 units
Singh and Bailey (31) observed a higher of water were bound by each 100 units of dry
correlation between water absorption and matter in flour. Consequently all water pres-
protein content of flour, viz., r = +0.67 ± ent in excess of that ratio was assumed to
0.066, in the instance of a series of Punjab function as solvent for the water - soluble
wheats recently studied. Such differences in dough solutes.
findings are not altogether surprising, how- More recently Vail and Bailey (33) applied
ever, since much depends upon the range of a comparatively new technique to the meas-
flour types represented in the series involved urement of the freezing-point depression in
in individual studies. doughs containing varying proportions of
The discussion of absorption would not he added sucrose (sugar). The doughs were
complete without including reference to a frozen, and then the temperature was noted
hypothesis which endeavors to account for the at which their dielectric properties changed
fute of the added water. As in the instance substantially when the ice in the dough
melted. It seems probable that the data thus
secured are freer from errors than those based
31. Rattan Singh and C. H. Bailey, "A Biochemical
and Technological Study of Punjab Wheat Varieties," upon the older freezing-point determination.
ibid., 1940. On the basis of such data it was estimated that
32. Oscar SkovhoIt and C. H. Bailey, "Free and about 29 per cent of bound water was held by
Bound Water in Bread Doughs," ibid., July 1935, XII, the dry matter of dough. This would imply
that more free water functioned as solvent in
33. Gladys E. Vail and C. H. Bailey, "The State of
Water in Colloidal Gels. Free and Bound Water in the dough solution than was originally as-
Bread Doughs," ibid., 1940. sumed.


EXPANSION BY HEAT as his own which led to rather unfavorable
Boland (34, 35) appears to have designed impressions of the ale urometer.
the first device for quantitatively estimating Kunis's "Aleurometer" or "Klebermesser,"
the expansion of moist crude gluten when as described by Nobbe-Tharand (37) appar-
heated, which device he termed the "aleu- ently followed the design of the Boland instru-
rometer." Provision was made for a metal ment and was applied in a similar manner.
cylinder which could be lowered into a heated Liebermann's (38) device was described
oil bath maintained at 150 C, Gluten was
0 briefly by Neumann (39). Apparently the
washed from 30 g. of flour in the usual man- moist gluten was immersed in oil, in a cham-
ner, and lowered into the closed lower end of ber provided with a graduated neck so de-
this cylinder. A metallic piston pro~ided with signed that when the oil bath was heated to

a graduated stem was placed upon the wet 170 C. the ascent of the oil in the neck could
gluten. The latter was allowed to expand un- be measured and recorded as the displacement
der the influence of the heat of the bath for of the expanded gluten. Neumann commented
10 minutes, the position of the graduated cyl- that the method is so full of errors as to make
inder noted, and the gluten removed from the the resulting measurements of doubtful value.
device. The relative expansion of a series of Foster's (40) gluten tester or aleurometer
glutens so tested was reported by Boland to described by Wiley et ai. (41) also was essen-
range from 29 to 50 "degrees" on his empirical tially similar to Boland's aleurometer, except
scale. that it made provision for testing two samples
Many years later, Maurizio (36) reviewed at the same time, and the cylinders were de-
the experiences of Kreusler, Maercker and Be- signed to be heated in an air oven instead of
seier, Thomas, Thubert, and Boutroux, as well an oil bath. Glutens washed from 50 g. of flour
were placed in the bottoms of each of the
34. Boland, "Mcmoire sur les moyens de recon- greased cylinders (Fig. 4), the piston lowered
naitre et d'appl'ccier les proprictcs panifiables de la
farine de froment it l'aide de l'aleurometre, instru-
over the gluten, and a weight (apparently of
ment inventc par M. Boland, ancien boulanger it Paris," about 100 g.) placed on top of the piston rod.
Bulletin cle la Societe d'encouragement pour l'industrie The entire device was then transferred to a
nationale, 1848, XLVII, 704-09.
heated oven at a temperature of 450 F. 0

35. Boland, "Vcrfahren die relative Tauglichkeit des 0

Weizenmehls zum Brodbacken mittelst des Aleurom- (232 C.) and baked for 20± minutes. The
eters zu hestimmen, cines von dem Backermeister crisp, baked glutens were then removed, and
Boland in Paris erfundenen Instruments," Dinglers their length measured as an index of relative
polytechnisches .!ournal, 1849, CXI, 117-23.
36. A. Maurizio, "Die Backfahigkeit des Weizens
quality. They could also be weighed, or fur-
und ihre Bestimmung," Landwirischaftliche .!ahr- ther dried to constant weight and weighed,
bucher, 1902, XXXI, 179-234. and the quantity of crude gluten be thus de-
37. Nohbe-Tharand, "tl'ber Mehl-prufungen," Land- termined.
wirtschaft1ichen Versuches-Stationen, 1885, XXXI
184-85. '
38. L. Liebermann, "Apparat und Verfahren zur RECOVEHY FHOM COMPHESSION
Bestimmung del' Qualitat des Weizenklebers," Zeit- Matejovsky (42) designed an apparatus for
,~chrift fur Unlersuchung del' Nahrrungs- und Genuss-
mittel sowie del' Gebrauchsgegenstiinde, November determining the relative elasticity of moist
1901, IV, 1009-16. crude gluten. A quantity of the crude gluten
39. M. P. Neumann, Brotgetreide und Brot (3d cd., ranging in weight between 2.5 and 3.5 g. (the
Berlin, 1929), p. 470.
exact quantity not being important) was
40. Eimcr and Amend, "Foster's Gluten Tester or
Aleurorneter," Bulletin No. 250, New York. placed upon the lower of two disks. The upper
41. H. W. Wiley et al., Foods and Food Adulterants disk was then lowered by an appropriate mech-
Part Ninth: Cereals and Cereal Products (U.S. Dept: anism until it made contact with the rounded
Agr., Div. Chern., Bull. 13, Part IX, 1898), pp. 1272-73. mass of wet gluten. The position of an indicat-
42. K. Matejovsky, "Genaue Bestirnrnung del' Elas-
tizitiit des KIebel's. Ein neuer Apparat und seine An-
ing needle on the face of the graduated dial was
wendung," Das Miihlenlaboratorium, 1937, VII, 163-67. then read (A). The weight of the disk and its

supports, amounting to 7 g., was then placed Matejovsky's instrument for measuring elas-
upon the gluten for a unit time, which served ticity of gluten. A sample of the wet crude
to compress the gluten and stretch it laterally. gluten was placed on the center of a round
The weight was then removed, and the final metallic table. By means of a knurled knob
position of the scale was read (B). The gluten the table was raised until the gluten just
eould be rounded up and the test repeated. touched a round disk situated above it, and its
Matejovsky recommended triplicated meas- thickness or height registered on a scale (lz).
urements. The final calculation, based upon By pressing a handle, constant pressure was
applied upon the upper disk and the gluten
squeezed to a certain size, lz2' Pressure was
maintained for 10 seconds, and then released,
and the gluten allowed to relax. The height of
the gluten was then noted (lla). The regain in
height, i.e., the final height (11a) minus the
height when compressed (1z2)' was recorded,
and this value divided by the original height
(hi) was computed as the measure of elas-
ticity lzg - l~i X 100 . The magnitude of this
elasticity index was found to range from 0 to
65 per cent.
Krtinsky (44, 45) described his elastoscope
for mechanically measuring the elasticity of
gluten. The latter was placed on a platform,
and a certain force applied to its surface by
means of a disk attached to the outer end of
a weighted lever. Then the weight was re-
moved, and the elastic recovery of the gluten
was registered on a scale. A second instru-
ment called the fortiscope was also described.
It provided means for inflating a bubble of
gluten, measuring the force required to effect
its extension (Festigkeit) and the magnitude
of extension at the time of rupturing (Dehn-
barkeit). Each of these three characteristics
was rated on a scale of 5. When combined
FIG. 4.-Foster gluten tester
into a single numerical expression, the latter
was found to be correlated with baking quality,
the average of the several sets of readings, and with water absorption. From Krtinsky's
takes the form of dividing the first or original diagrams one would conclude that gluten
reading into the last or final reading thus: Festigkeit was more prominent in determining
baking quality than the other characteristics
Elasticity = final scale reading (A) X 100. that were measured.
original scale reading (B)
Values ranging from 39 to 67 per cent were 43. L. Ia. Auerman, "The Definition of Gluten Qual-
ity by Natural Methods," Bread Baking IndustrlJ
reported upon a series of 13 flour samples, and (U.S.S.R.), [translated titles], April 1939, I, 13-15.
it appeared that the values thus secured were 44. I{arel Krtinsky, "Stanoveri vlastnosti lepku
in fair agreement with the results of baking pristroji," Chemicl,e ListlJ pro vlldu a prumlJsl, 1932,
tests of the same samples. XXVI, 611-14.
Auerman (43) described an elastometer 45. Karel Krtinsky, "Die Priifung del' Eigenschaften
des KIebel'S," Das Miil1lenlaboratorium, June 1933, III,
which appears to be essentially similar to 97-104.

EXTENSION OF CRUDE GLUTEN barkeit") of a series of glutens from different

Hankoczy's gluten tester was described by wheat types through a range of from 5 to
Kosutany (46) and later by Hankoczy (47). 80 cm. B, and the force required to extend them
It provided means for pressing the moist crude ranged from 0 to 29 mm. (mercury head).
gluten into a thin sheet between two plates, Kress (48) described a simple device de-
each having a round opening 2 cm. in diameter signed by James for testing glutens. The
in the middle. These plates were then mounted washed crude gluten was pressed into a disk
in a device which joined the lower plate with 1/8 inch thick, and this was clamped between
a vessel into which air could be compressed, two horizontal plates having 3/4-inch holes
while the upper plate became part of another through their center. Against the upper sur-
vessel from which air would be displaced, as face of the exposed sheet of gluten was placed
shown in Figure 5. Compression of air in the a round-faced plunger 1/2 inch in diameter,
and this was forced downward against the
tension of a coiled spring by means of an arm
attached to it, at a constant speed of 10 cm.
per minute. The force applied in grams, and
the distance that the plunger traveled in
stretching the gluten sheet to the point where
it ruptured, were recorded on a ruled chart by
means of an inked stylus. Kress stated that
the differences between glutens from various
flours were very striking.
James and Huber (49) reported the results
of tests made with this device. Gluten washed
from Montana dark northern spring-wheat
FIG. 5.-Hankoczy gluten tester
flour required 170 g. to extend it, while gluten
lower vessel was effected by introducing mer- from Washington club wheat flour required
cury from a bulb at the necessary elevation to only 125 g. The distance that the gluten was
start the stretching of the gluten. This pressure extended did not vary greatly, however, being
was noted and recorded. Air displaced from 2.5 and 2.2 cm. respectively. Clear grade
the upper cylinder, in consequence of the ex- flour gluten required substantially less force
pansion of the gluten bubble into it, was meas- to extend it than was required for gluten
ured by means of the simple gasometer shown washed from the patent flour produced at the
in the illustration. The maximum volume at- same grinding. Normal treatments with NCl a
tained by this gluten bubble before it burst and C1 2 , as in flour bleaching and chemical
could be thus measured. The last model of the maturing, tended to increase the force re-
Hankoczy gluten tester also provided means quired to stretch the gluten.
for automatically recording, on a chart, the Barbade's (50) "Aleurographe" is a rather
pressure and the extension of the gluten. complicated machine for automatically meas-
Hankoczy reported the ductility ("Dehn- uring and recording the force required to ex-
46. Thomas Kosutany, Der ungarische Weizen und
tend a film or sheet of wet crude gluten and
das ungarische Mehl (Budapest, 1907). the volume attained by the extended bubble.
47. E. V. Hankoczy, "Apparat fUr Kleberbewertung," A piston actuated by a motor, moving slowly
Zeitschrift filr das gesamte Getreidewesen, 1920, XII, through a cylinder, provides the steady flow
of air into the chamber under the sheet of
48. C. B. Kress, "Gluten Quality," Cereal Chemistry,
September 1924, I, 247- 50. gluten which is forced up into another cylin-
49. T. R. James and 1. X. Huber, "A Study of the der. Both the pressure and the relative volume
Physical Properties of Washed Gluten," ibid., Novem- of the gluten bubble are recorded on a chart.
ber 1927, IV, 449-60.
Crude glutens for such tests are washed auto-
50. Pierre Barbade, "Necessite de 'mesurer' les qunl-
iles du gluten," Atli del 1° Congresso Internazionale matically from suitable doughs by means of a
di Panificazione, Rome, 1932, pp. 362-77. "Glutex" which is part of the equipment.

Barbade presented a series of gluten-test volves a decreasing rate of extension of the

curves in comparison with curves resulting gluten strand. Portion B is plotted while the
from testing doughs by means of the Chopin extension proceeds at a uniform rate. In por-
extensimeter (see Section III). In the instance tion C the extension rate is accelerating and
of four flours milled from widely diverse types at point D the strand has severed. It is as-
of wheat, there appears to be a general corre- sumed by Munz that elastic properties of the
lation between the two sets of data. gluten strand are manifest during the early
Munz (51) communicated privately the de- period of extension (A), while subsequently
scription of a gluten-testing device as yet un- plastic flow is involved through portion B of
published. Emphasis is laid upon the necessity the curve. When portion C is entered, gluten
of preparing uniform pieces of gluten for the fibrils may have begun to rupture, which ulti-
determinations of stress-strain relationships. mately results in a complete severance of the
A gluten-washing machine was used to sepa- strand at D.
rate crude gluten from a simple flour or wheat-
meal dough. The latter was used when tests
were applied directly to wheat. The dough is
prepared with a 2 per cent NaCI solution, and
is allowed to stand for 30 minutes after mix-
ing, before the gluten washing is begun. The
washed gluten has the excess water removed
by pressing ten times between dried glass R
plates, and two portions weighing 1.6 g. each
are rolled into cylinders and placed in a lac-
quered brass pan (at 0 in Fig. 6). The pans
are slightly oiled in advance to prevent stick-
ing. The pans containing the gluten are cov-
ered, and immersed in water for one hour at
29° C. During this time the gluten assumes
the shape of the vessel, and also relaxes from
the tension to which it had been subjected in
forming it into cylindrical shape.
At the end of the hour of rest, Munz re-
moves the gluten to the clamp (N in Fig. 6)
made of hardwood, to which the gluten ad-
heres better than to metal. The clamp is then
placed upon the top of the water-filled thermo-
stat (I{), which is so arranged that the gluten
strand is completely immersed. The hook at
the top of the weight (I) is slipped over the
gluten strand, and the latter is thereby ex- FIG. 6.-Diagram of Munz gluten tester
tended downward through the water in the
bath under the equivalent of a weight of 20 g. Extensibility is expressed as the vertical
Its rate and extent of progress is recorded by distance from the beginning of the curve to
the stylus (E) upon the chart (A), which is the intercept of tangent t with time D plus
rotated by a kymograph clock (D). half the distance from the latter point to
A typical diagram resulting from a gluten point D where the gluten strand broke. It was
test by the Munz procedure is shown in Fig- observed by Munz that practically all of his
ure 7. The portion of the curve marked A in- gluten preparations could be stretched to 12
cm., or 8 times their original length. Accord-
51. Emil Munz, "Determination of Gluten Quality"
(1939). Privately communicated from his laboratory ingly it appeared desirable to begin the classi-
at Bottighofen, Thurgau, Switzerland. fication of extensibility at this point. Very

extensible glutens could be extended to 25 where a = 15 mm. resistance on the graph

times their original length. On allowing for paper or 30 seconds and b = 8 mm. resistance
the experimental error of such measurements, on the graph paper.
it appeared feasible to divide this interval A consolidation of data thus computed, with
(from 8x to 25x) into ten classes when dupli- resistance and extensibility expressed in
cate tests are made. classes (R = resistance to extension), for a
number of flour types is recorded in Figure 8.
Kosmin (52), in her studies of the relation

'" of various flour characteristics to the proper-
~ A ties of gluten, indicated graphically the sub-
\ stantial differences in ductility of her gluten
preparations. These gluten tests involved
forming a rounded ball of the wet crude glu-
ten, attaching a 2 g. weight by a wire hook to
I .!; the under side, supporting the upper side by
I :a a similar hook attached to a fixed or rigid
'iii support, and then noting the relative elonga-
!: ~
tion of the gluten with the lapse of time
through, say, 11;2 and 3 hours.
Kranz (53) elaborated upon this idea, and
suggested supplementary equipment and op-
erating details, providing a fairly simple pro-
cedure so that the Kosmin-Kranz method has
had considerable application in portions of Eu-
rope. Kranz emphasized the necessity for a
standardized gluten-washing practice, includ-
i~g composition of the wash water, tempera-
ture, and mechanical treatment. The latter
has been facilitated recently by providing a
FIG. 7.-Schematic diagram of the result of a gluten-washing machine. He recommended
test of gluten made with the Munz device dia- washing out the nongluten material from a
grammed in Figure 6 dough with 2 per cent NaCI solution at 18° C.
for ten minutes.
Resistance to extension is expressed by the
The last portions of the starch were re-
slope of the tangent (t). On the chart this is
moved by hand manipulation until the wash
indicated graphically by the time from the
water was clear. Excess water was then re-
beginning of the test to the estimated time rep-
moved by pressing between glass plates. Then
resented by the intercept of the tangent (t)
a 2 g. portion of the gluten was weighed ofT
with a horizontal line representing a gluten
and rounded into a ball. This was suspended
extension of 10 cm. (see Fig. 7). Again, as in
upon a small hook attached to a fixed support,
the instance of extensibility, it is convenient
and a similar hook attached to a 4 g. weight
to divide glutens into ten classes on the basis
was inserted through the lower portion of the
of resistance which, however, was not uni-
gluten ball. Each hook was inserted about
formly spread as were the extensibility classes.
one-third of the distance across the diameter
This was necessitated by the fact that when
of the gluten ball. A glass tube of suitable
flours were blended, the resulting resistance
length (35 cm.) was then brought up around
was not the arithmetic mean of their individ-
ual resistance values. Accordingly the classes 52. Natalie P. Kosmin, "Reifung der Weizenmehle
und ihre biochemischen Grundlagen," Das Miil1len-
were enlarged progressively using the formula laboratorium, February-March 1934, IV, 17-32.
53. W. Kranz, "KIeberdehnbarkeit, Messmethode
a+ (a+b) + (a+2b) + (a+3b) + und VerhaIten bei del' Weizenkonditionerung," ibid.,
.... (a + [n - 1Jb) November 1935, V, 161-66.
the gluten ball. This tube was filled with 2 per GaIter (54) proposed certain improvements
cent NaCI solution at 25 C., and the arrange-
in the Kosmin-Kranz technique, particularly
ment was then such that the gluten mass in the matter of forming the original gluten
could elongate under the force of the attached mass. GaIter objected to the hand manipUla-
4 g. weight and thus be stretched downward tion involved in shaping the gluten ball, and
through the saline solution. Graduations suggested forming a gluten strand extruded
alongside of the tube made it possible to meas- through a 3 mm. aperture in a syringe. This

-r (,

t 7
"";" 9

'0 t\ . o

FIG. S.-Consolidation of gluten extensibility and resistance data as determined with the Munz gluten
tester, and expressed in classes for a number of flour types
ure the elongation of the gluten with time. An was suspended in a suitable glass tube, with
assembly of several such tubes in a thermostat a 1 g. weight attached securely to the lower
at 25 C. made it possible to conduct several
end. The rate of elongation of the gluten is
comparative tests at the same time. then determined. Gaiter contends that the
Kranz divided glutens into five groups based Kosmin-Kranz method is not exactly a meas-
upon their behavior when thus tested. These ure of ductility, but rather is an index of sta-
ranged from (I) glutens which retained their bility. as the latter term implies a resistance
original form for 2 hours, to (V) glutens to change in form under force.
which elongated rapidly and promptly tore GaIter (54. 55) described an elaboration
apart. It was observed that superior, strong upon some of the earlier methods for measur-
hard spring wheats yielded glutens of type I, ing gluten ductility and related properties. He
superior domestic (German) wheats were of stressed the difficulties attendant upon form-
type II, while winter wheats of the 1934-35 ing or shaping the gluten mass to which the
crop belonged in types III to V. tests had been hitherto applied, and the con-
Kranz also demonstrated with graphs the sequent variability in replicated tests. His
effect of properly controlled heat conditioning "Gluta-plast-process" involved placing the
of wheat upon the ductility ("Dehnbarkeit") washed moist crude gluten in a glass-lined
of gluten. Thus the winter wheat included in syringe having a 20 mm. barrel. This is pro-
his studies disclosed a progressively reduced vided with a metal tip such that a continuous
gluten ductility (presumably an improve- strand of gluten 40 mm. long and 4 mm. thick
ment) of substantial magnitude by heat-con- can be extruded. Apparently this may be in-
ditioning treatments at 45 _55 C. Summer
0 0
54. Eberhard GaIter, "Neue Priifmoglichl,eiten fiir
(spring) wheat, on the other hand, was af- Kleber," Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte Getreidewesen,
November 1938, XXV, 217-22.
fected only slightly, and no more at the higher
56. Eberhard GaIter, "Die W'iener Kieberreissprobe,"
temperatures than at 40· C. Das Miihlenlaboratorium, December 1938, VIII, 177-86.

cubated for 20 minutes at 40° C., in a special In the case of neither instrument, however,
thermostat designed for the purpose, particu- are the recorded data adequate to a satisfac-
larly when proteolytic action is to be meas- tory estimate of these correlations.
ured. A gluten-testing machine having some
To such gluten strands the "gluten exten- points of similarity to the Galler and the Munz
sion test" (Kleber-Extenso-Probe) can be machines has recently been announced in the
applied by a small testing machine, which has advertising of Brabender O.H. of Duisburg,
many general points of mechanical similarity, Germany, under the name of the "Glutograph."
except in size, to the Brabender extensograph It has also been discussed by Mohs, Schmidt,
described in detail· in Section III. Particular and Frank (57). Whereas the Gaiter and the
emphasis appears to be placed by Gaiter upon Munz testers used rod-shaped pieces of gluten,
the force in grams required to effect extension the glutograph is designed to test the ductility
of the crude gluten strand. In one series ex- and certain other properties of a ring-shaped
amined the range for different wheat types was piece of wet crude gluten. The wet gluten is
as follows (54, p. 220) : recovered from a wheat meal or a flour-water
Domestic (German) wheat. ......... 20 - 190 g. paste by a mechanical gluten-washing ma-
Hungarian (German Theiss) wheat.. 40 - 195 g. chine. It is then subjected to a definite pres-
Bahia (Argentine) wheat. .......... 120 - 180 g. sure at a constant temperature in a special
Manitoba (Canada) wheat. ......... 160 - 200 g. press designed for the purpose. A ring of glu-
A "force-number" was applied to the results ten weighing about 2 g. is then stamped out.
of these tests, with a scale range in which The pre-treatment of the gluten, or "homogeni-
unity was the equivalent of 20 g. With one zaJion" as it is termed by Mohs et aI., is quite
series of eight samples a high correlation was definite and detailed. The ring is pressed out
observed between the values thus determined under 25 kg. pressure, held at 40° C. in the
and the results of farinograph tests (see Sec- press for 30 minutes, then discharged and
tion III) applied to dough prepared from the cooled at 18° C. for 20 minutes. Data indicat-
same flours. ing the en'ect of variations in this pre-treat-
The SchoppeI' machine, apparently designed ment are recorded by Mohs et al.
for testing thread or yarn, was adapted by The ring of gluten is then suspended by a
Mohs and Schmidt (56) to the measurement hook which, in turn, is attached to a balance
of the force required to extend, and the exten- or weighing system provided with a recording
sibility of, strands of wet crude gluten. From mechanism. Another hook curved downward
their data one would deduce that there was a engages the lower inner rim of the ring. This
fair correlation between the means of groups is caused to move steadily downward by a
of Hours of the stretching force as thus deter- motor-driven worm gear, and a curve is drawn
mined, the rate of extension of gluten strands by the stylus as shown in Figure 9. It will be
as measured by the Kosmin-Kranz technique noted that the "strong" gluten numbered 1 re-
(which see), and the Berliner swelling num- quires a greater force to extend it, as indicated
ber. More individual data, rather than means by the vertical height of the graph. As it is
of groups, are needed for the appraisal of such extended, this force rapidly diminishes. Evi-
methods. Moreover, a later paper by Mohs, dently the strong gluten cannot be stretched
Schmidt, and Frank (57) suggests that the to the degree that is possible with a weak glu-
SchoppeI' device gave less satisfactory meas- len, as suggested by the difference in the hori-
urements than the glutograph when the force zontal length of curves 1 and 3 in this figure.
of extension is compared with baking results. While very limited data respecting the sig-
nificance of such tests have appeared in the
56. K. Mohs and E. A. Schmidt, "Eine Methode zur
Bestimmung del' Dehnharkcit und Festiglwit des KIe- literature, Mohs et al. indicate a fair agree-
bel's," Zeitschrifl fiir das gesamle Getreidewesen, July ment between the glutograms thus obtained
1938, XXV, 125-30. and the swelling number of gluten determined
57. K. Mohs, E. A. Schmidt, and H. V. Frank, "Die
Bestimmung del' l{leherdehnharkeit mittels des Glu-
by Berliner's method, and with the baking
tographen," ibid., January 1939, XXVI, 23-30. number which involves the size or volume and

texture of test loaves. One discerns a com- conventional washing processes, mechanical
mendable conservatism in the claims of its or manual, actually retains the characteristics
manufacturer for the glutograph, who states that it possessed while in, and hence imparted
that it does not measure baking value, but to, the dough.
The argument that it is often desirable to
know what characteristics are possessed by a
prominent component of a complex mixture,
separate and apart from the other constitu-
ents, is a valid one. However much this is to
be desired, the fact remains that it is difficult
of attainment with existing facilities for ef-
fecting the separation of unaltered gluten from
The argument may also be advanced that it
is the dough with which we are actually
concerned in bread making, rather than any
FIG. 9.- Typical glutograms as traced by Bra-
bender glutograph for (1) strong, short gluten, single dough constituent or group of them. Ac-
(2) medium gluten, and (3) weak, ductile gluten cordingly our attention may profitably be di-
rected to the properties of the dough itself, so
may be of service to plant breeders and others long as we can proceed to analyze our find-
who are forced to test small samples of wheat ings intelligently. There may be occasions
(lO± grams), and in investigations where it when we will do well to attempt to examine
is desirable to separate the gluten and deter- the constituents separately in an effort to
mine its properties apart from the other mate- learn ~ore concerning the sequence of actual
rials comprising flour or dough. events in some manipulation. But it will prob-
ably become necessary to return to the dough
DISCUSSION itself before the true significance of such ma-
It is not surprising that efforts have been nipulation will be disclosed in the form in
made to measure quantitatively the physical which it registers in the bread.
properties of gluten. Not only are the prop- American cereal technologists, with a few
erties of gluten unique among the plant pro- exceptions, have in recent years turned away
teins, but there is evidence that many of the from the study of crude gluten, its quantity,
significant properties of dough are the conse- and properties. Most of the contemporary
quence of the presence of gluten. studies are going forward in European labora-
One vexing problem always presents itself tories, where crude gluten still attracts much
to those conversant with protein problems, attention. If an effort is to be made to ap-
viz., the difficulties involved in removing glu- prai e the properties of crude gluten as
ten from a flour dough without altering its washed from dough, the efforts to devise test-
properties. Moreover, it has become increas- ing machines may be fully justified. Then it
ingly apparent with the growth of our knowl- should follow that a truly objective approach
edge that certain observed characteristics of may be made to the analysis of the findings
wet crude gluten are reflections of its environ- of such tests, but as yet adequate data have
ment. Accordingly, one is none too certain not been presented in the literature to permit
that crude gluten removed from dough by the of such an analy is.


The mechanical testing methods applied di- have been most prominent among them. These
rectly to wheat flour dough have been many are: (1) the recording dough mixers such as
and diverse, and have been described under the Hogarth mixer with recording dynamom-
several names. Two general types of methods eter, the Hankoczy-Brabender farinograph and

valorigraph, the Swanson-Working recording the Hogarth patent turned up. Yet in a series
dough mixers in the original large size and the of twelve plates and the attached specifica-
more recent "micro" sizes, and the Malloch tions, Hogarth indicates provision for a small
machine, also designed for small samples; and dough mixer provided with a dynamometer
(2) those which are concerned with an elIort attached to the drive, and a stylus recording
to measure extensibility and resistance to ex- on a chart the force applied at all times
tension, such as the Rejto "Zerreiszmaschine," throughout an extended mixing process.
the Chopin "extensimeter," the Naszalyi "al- In the specifications of his patent Hogarth
phitograph," the Buhler "comparator," the mentions that provision has been made for
Borasio and de Rege "pneumodynamometer," measuring "the power of flour to absorb water
the Schofield and Scott Blair "extensimeter," to yield a dough of a given consistency," and
the Geoffroy "dilatometre," the Issoglio "ister- also "the quality of the gluten entering into
ometer," the Brabender "extensograph," and the composition of any given sample of flour."
the Halton and Fisher apparatus for measur- Evidently the action of Hogarth's dough
ing viscosity and tearing properties of dough. mixer must have been very light, presumably
Various other mechanical testing systems in consequence of a low rate of rotation of
not directly included among the two foregoing the mixer arms, since he notes the "loss of
types have been applied to dough. These in- tenacity during a long test, say six to twenty-
clude the scheme used by Schofield and Scott four hours" (p. 3, lines 102-03), and meas-
Blair for measuring rigidity modulus or elas- ured the quality of gluten in terms of the loss
ticity, the pachimeter for a somewhat related in tenacity per hour. In present-day types of
application, Kosutany's "Belastungsprobe" or recording dough mixers the action is so vigor-
load test, Engledow's "distensometer," and ous that the change in consistency per minute,
others. rather than per hour is observed, and the
These devices will be described and, in sev- whole operation i~ usually concluded in less
eral instances, illustrated in this section, and than a half hour.
certain general conclusions respecting physi- Hankoczy's succession of machines for de-
cal tests of dough will be included in the dis- termining water absorption, as described by
cussion at the end. Tibor (59), included devices which may have
been used to observe progressive changes in
dough consistency, although the evidence in
James Hogarth (58) of Kirkcaldy, Scotland, the literature on this point is not entirely
was granted a United States patent for a clear. Presumably the attention of Hankoczy
mechanism for testing and recording the and his colleagues was not strongly attracted
properties of flour which appears to have to this possibility until the torsion dyna-
anticipated certain fundamental characteris- mometer was attached to the dough mixer.
tics of several of the devices which made This was early provided with a recording de-
an appearance considerably later. Strangely vice, from which the curves began to appear
enough Hogarth's invention attracted no in- that were later referred to as farinograms.
terest at the time. So far as the author can Brabender, who operated a technical and sci-
learn, no reference was made to it in the liter- entific instrument factory in Duisburg, Ger-
ature between 1892 and 1930, nor were any many, then began to elaborate upon the earlier
results published based upon its application Hankoczy machine, and, in addition to certain
to flour testing. It was not until new models refinements of construction, provided it with
of recording dough mixers began to make a unique type of dynamometer, l!ased upon
their appearance during the past decade that the force applied through a constant-speed
synchronous motor. This was first offered
58. James Hogarth, "Mechanism for Testing and under the name of the Hankoczy-Brabender
Recording the Properties of Flour" (U. S. Patent "farinograph," as manufactured in Germany.
474,636, May 10, 1892).
59. Istvan Tibor, A Bllza- es Lisztminose(Jvizs(Jul-
It also was developed in somewhat different
atolc (Budapest, 1933). form by Erdely and Szabo of Budapest and

called the "valorigraph," and the author un- one set of mixing blades to the other set. This
derstands that a similar instrument was man- results in an irregular curve when the force
ufactured and sold by a Belgian firm. At the exerted by the power supply is plotted graph-
moment no results of tests conducted exclu- ically. (2) A dynamometer which is part of
sively with the last two instruments are avail- a synchronous constant-speed 3-phase A.C.
able to the author. motor. (3) High-grade bearings. (4) A lever
The first farinographs offered for sale did system for amplifying the movement of the
not provide means for removing the heat of registering dynamometer and transferring
friction and of hydration from the dough this to the indicating and recording systems.
during the mixing operation. In a study con- (5) A damper to reduce the vibrations of this
ducted by Skovholt and Bailey (60) a pro-
gressive decrease in "consistency" (better
described as an increase in mobility) with ris-
0 0
ing temperature between 21 C. and 32 C.
was graphically demonstrated. In general a
"slack" dough (340 ± farinograph units)
would increase in mobility by 12 ± units when
the temperature was elevated through 1 C.,
while "stiff" doughs (670 ± units) increased
about 40 ± units on a like increase in tem-
In consequence of the prominence of tem-
perature as a variable in such measurements, FIG. 10.-Schematic diagram of the Brabender
the later models of the farinograph provide a farinograph
water jacket for the dough mixer, so arranged
that water at constant temperature can be registering member. (6) A registering instru-
circulated through it. While this does not ment which indicates the relative force ap-
maintain an absolutely uniform temperature plied by the driving mechanism at any instant
in the dough during the mixing operation, it of time. The force is expressed as grams at
is a decided improvement in design. 20 cm. radius. (7) A recording system com-
Since this principle of dough testing is to prising a kymograph and inked stylus for
be discussed in some detail, a list of the essen- drawing the farinogram. (8) A water thermo-
tial parts of the farinograph in its present stat which contains water at a constant tem-
form, as illustrated in Figure 10, is necessary. perature that is circulated through the jacket
It includes: (1) A water - jacketed dough of the dough mixer and is provided with:
mixer. This may be had in two sizes, for (a) (9) electrical heating elements, controlled by
300 g. flour and (b) 50 g. flour. In fact, one (10) a thermoregulator. ( 11) A special bu-
model is so designed that either size of mixer rette of large capacity, for measuring the
may be used by making certain other adjust- quantity of water used in preparing the
ments in the recording mechanism. The dough.
blades of the mixing machine are mounted In using the farinograph it is best to have
on two shafts which rotate toward each other both flour and water at about the temperature
with a diITerential of 3 to 2. Accordingly the desired in the dough itself, i.e., at the setting
power required to move these mixing arms of the water thermostat. As was indicated in
changes through a cycle of several phases, Section I, one of the principal applications of
which depends upon the changing relation of the recording dough mixer is to measure the
relative plasticity or mobility of the dough,
60. Oscar SkovhoIt and C. H. Bailey, "The Effect of and, to be at all precise, this must be done at
Temperature and of the Inclusion of Dry Skimmilk a constant temperature.
upon the Properties of Doughs as Measured with the
Farinograph," Cereal Chemistry, September 1932, IX,
Since the first commercial exploitation of
523-30. this device about ten years ago, it has natu-

rally followed that widely varying views have stability in mixing, or mixing tolerance. These
been expressed concerning its usefulness in are separate characteristics.
testing flour and doughs. In the early 1930's, a) The first is indicated on the farinogram
the significance of farinograms was some- (see specimen curve in Fig. 11) by the slope
times overstated. With the lapse of time, and
the experience that has been gained, increas-
/ / 1111111// / / / / / / II /LL/ 1/ / /117/
ingly conservative and more acceptable in-
terpretations of the farinograms have made
III/III/jill ////////////111/
their appearance in the literature.
To begin with, it seems obvious that the i ·h c
farinograph does not actually measure those
dough properties which are of primary signifi- t k::Iii'I""" l1lil1li E'

cance in baking. Thus, at one time it was pro- \ ~ 'l'"

posed that the width of the farinograph curve, '. X~ \ \ \ \ \ ~\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\

as drawn by a properly calibrated farino-
\\ \\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .\ \

'0,', \ \ \ \ \ \ ,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
graph, indicated the actual elasticity of the .... ·- ..... • ...... -_ .... --- ......... 00 ....................

dough; but that interpretation has been FIG. 11.-Schematic farinogram

largely laid aside.
As Markley and Bailey (61) showed, the of the first or ascending portion of the curve:
width of the line is a function of mobility of i.e., by the time required to reach the peak or
the dough, the relation being slightly curvi- maximum consistency. Incidentally, it was
linear when extended through a large mobility the experience of Stamberg and Bailey (63)
range. Also Markley's (62) wheat starch- and others, who have given careful attention
water pastes gave wide farinogram lines, yet to this technical detail, that doughs are really
such pastes possessed little tensile or shear- overmixed when the farinogram curve has
ing elasticity. At no time has it been suggested reached its peak, and that better bread will
that the farinogram actually disclosed certain result if the mixing is arrested somewhat
other physical properties which probably de- short of that stage. There may be a sufficiently
termine the behaviors of dough in actual bak- constant ratio between the time required to
ing, such as modulus of elasticity, ductility, reach the peak of the farinogram and the true
and tensile strength. The characteristics of optimum mixing time, so that the former
the farinogram may be correlated with cer- may be used as a basis for the reasonable
tain of these properties, although, as will be approximation of the latter. Care must be
indicated later, there are specific instances taken in interpreting the farinograms in this
when such correlations are not apparent. connection, however, since not all of them
Aside from indicating that complex prop- are as simple and easy to read as the type
erty commonly termed "consistency," the curve presented here. Thus if a dough be-
farinogram has been employed by technicians comes "sticky" or adhesive in the mixing
as an index of two dough characteristics operation, it may register a false maximum
which are of concern to the baker, viz., (a) consistency. Fortunately this condition of the
the relative time required for dough forma- dough can be discerned by the skilled techni-
tion, or optimum mixing time, and (b) dough cian, who can thus avoid an improper use of
the curve.
61. Max C. Markley and C. H. Bailey, "The Colloidal Using a Hobart dough mixer, Starn berg and
Behavior of Flour Doughs. II. A Study of the Effects Bailey (63) found that when the speed of the
of Varying the Flour-Water Ratio," Cereal Chemistry,
May 1938, XV, 317-26. mixing arm progressively increased, the time
62. Max C. Markley, "The Colloidal Behavior of required for optimum mixing treatment was
Flour Doughs. I. The Thixotropic Nature of Starch- shortened. Moreover, the total work-input,
Water Systems," ibid., May 1937, XIV, 434-36. measured in watt-hours, was nearly the same
63. Olof E. Stamberg and C. H. Bailey, "Relation-
ship of Mixing Speed to Dough Development," ibid., for optimum mixing, regardless of mixer
November 1,938, XV, 739-48. speed, when the latter was varied as much as
400 per cent. The work-input varied sub- There has been extended discussion in the
stantially for different flours, however, being literature, as well as elsewhere, of the signifi-
greater for strong than for weaker flours. cance of other features of the farinograph.
While the mixer used in these studies was Thus in the later portions of the curve, drawn
quite different in construction from the Bra- after it passes through the maximum in term s
bender farinograph mixer, it is probable that of consistency, wide variations in its charac-
the same general principle applies in dough teristics are di sclosed (see specimen farino-
mixing regardless of the type of mixer. grams in Fig. 12) . One extreme condition is
b) Dough stabili ty or mixing tolerance is represented by the "strong" curve at the right,
generally interpreted as that interval in sus- which maintains a constant consistency for
tained dough mixing (measured either in an extended mixing treatment. The other
time, or in number of revolutions of the extreme is the "weak" curve at the left, which
mixing blades) through which there is little approaches a maximum consistency rapidly,


Konstruktion des Brdbender
DUIS6UQ6 RHEN Welt-\v'eizenstdnddrdisierungssytems
A mit B If)

r:::= r;,
MI5chungen von Welzen VQrschleder>en prozentudlen I/erhal n ssen

.~ Ce
y--- ~

60"'.\40% S } X3 40"'.
~ If\ MnIt .... _

'"t 1
XI 1

R CI M"cl.... """.v.f1l\ dar"

n . :J "f'. :.. ru t1 t. tl'"WJen w:h ""'N~ ZWl\l(.t)en A\.I'd B wn y ~ /. ZQf\
",.rt.-an 0 ~ ~4rk. M" "'hkt1vrq \t"Ol mlt.Jvm pro.r.-~Uc)'-n Zv~z 'von tJ.. .. /i'ft\ ~fl,.n B.lurtl
~......tchtn W~zeo A
, sdl'" W-Zen
,, Dr Aut
:.• ,
cW 5tr~
'l~ Xa
von XI t.X4 bfIf~ ~ !Jt .. n... f&i,.1.iinng • ~ .. t:i "". zB

" , 12: Zw ,a,..-. ... Si41o-".

«Mm .'~.lWf'I ..... ec:ka yen Al'vS. 'l'\lWWl I'V'I die \\..nn ~ ~..gen.
,, W. O. Unen ""l.~
pirl)O;lttrl.n __
( ~ f'\h ~t\Z. S.,.I...-n wrd ,.-It ~~ IV 100 T.'/~ .Ju~\ \I0I"l drtm .. t- .. :tt len\ A '-.turn
(lin" ""-ten B 0., "-.n die ~ l.nII'\ 'N'Ik:tw 'ICI" den ~he 'et" lIno'!1\ ~""t.1
x. worden ..nd _
ll'I .\edef" bel~. \Netzen d.... 1st In .......
Syslom zv (Men
swn.. durd'\ ...... b.stlmmt. 'N.rl4:ahI 8 1m

FIG. 12.-Types of farinograms

change in consistency. To the baker, this and then recedes equally rapidly as mIxmg
property of dough is important, since it indi- continues. Many stages intermediate between
cates the degree of precision which he must these extremes could be depicted. The issue
employ in conducting the mixing operation. then arises, how to describe these curves and
Thus with a dough possessed of low mixing to evaluate them numerically in interpreting
tolerance, there is the hazard of overmixing, them as a criterion of flour quality.
which for obvious reasons imposes greater Early in the use of the farinograph in the
difficulties in practical baking operations. author's laboratory at the Minnesota Agricul-

tural Experiment Station, a simple mathe- mixing stability as defined above. Evidently
matical treatment of the farinograms was Hankoczy, Kopetz, and Biechy applied essen-
evolved. Beginning at the point of maximum tially similar measures, differing in each in-
consistency (or minimum mobility), the de- stance in certain details as shown by Bra-
parture of the curve from the maximum was bender (64).
measured at intervals of one minute for 12 Brabender elaborated upon this idea in his
minutes, and these values were summated. valorimeter to include a consideration of the
This is essentially equivalent to measuring the characteristics of that part of the farinogram
area of the surface bounded below by the which represents the time required to reach
center of the curve, above by a horizontal line and maintain the maximum consistency. This
projected from the position of maximum con- is referred to as the J(onstanz in Minuten in
sistency, and extending laterally through the Figure 13. Twelve minutes later the negative

Welt -Weizenstdnddrdisierungssystem 67

II \

i· \ I

FIG. 13.-Brabender "valorigrapb" for determining single figure values from farinograms

distance on the chart representing 12 min- departure of the farinogram from this maxi-
utes of mixing. The smaller this value, the mum, or the Erweichung (softening), is
"stronger" the dough, as indicated by its measured. One then enters the graphic
measuring chart along the upper horizontal
64. C. W. Brabender, "Beitrag zur Weizenstandard- axis with the first or J(onstanz value and
isierung. Ein Vorscblag ffir den W'eltweizen-Stand- moves down to the intercept with the Er-
ard," Foredrag og forhandlinger ved Nordisk Cereal-
weichung value. Here one picks up the third
kjemilcerforening og Nordisk Cerealistforbund Kon-
gress i Oslo (Oslo, 1937), pp. 152-63. dimension of the figure represented by the

exponential curves drawn across the face of patent flours. The computed coefficients of
the chart, and follows down to the Wert- correlation of certain of these data are re-
zahlen recorded at the bottom of the figure. corded in Table 3.
Thus, for example, if the [{onstanz in Minuten
is 5 minutes, and the Erweichung is 100 fa- ING, FARINOGRAPH, AND ANALYTICAL SCORES, AS
rinograph units, the Wertzahl, or arbitrary REPORTED BY MARKLEY AND BAILEY, 1939*
numerical expression of strength, is 55. Ob-
viously, as the [{onstanz increases or the Er-
weichung decreases, the Wertzahl increases,
__ t_I~~~ _I_I_A___

0 ....... +.49 -.60 +.35 +.12 -.27 +.62 -.24 +.82 +.01
although not in simple arithmetical ratio, as K....... +.29 +.08 -.09 -.02 +.09 -.08 +.33 -.19
E....... -.26 +.10 +.11 -.53 +.22 -.49 -.19
is evident from the exponential registration of M....... +.13 -.02 +.45 -.13 +.49 +.48
the curves projected through the third dimen- I..... ... +.62 -.20 -.08 +.01 +.26
A....... -.33 +.73 -.25 +.38
sion of the figure. B....... -.OS +.49 +.62
By means of this somewhat elaborate meas- L....... -.33 +.25
uring standard Brabender proposed a numeri- J ....... "'1 -.07

cal evaluation of world wheats based upon n= 23 5% pOint = .41

farinograms. So far as the author is aware,
no adequate statistical study of the values • Reference 65, p. 267.
t C = loaf volume, 2 minutes mixing; K = loaf volume,
thus secured, and the results of comparative 5 minutes mixing; E = mixing stability score, a ratio be-
baking tests, has appeared in the literature. tween C and [{ together with a score for grain and texture;
M = absorption in percentage of doughs mixed to a consist-
In this, as in many other appraisals of physi- =
ency of 550 farinograph units; 1 gain in mobility or de-
cal dough tests, broad generalities rather than crease in consistency in farinograph units after 40 min-
utes mixing; A = total gain in mobility in farinograph after
comprehensive and detailed studies have been 4 hours fermentation of a yeast leavened dough; B = the re-
employed in attempting to ascertain their covery in moblIlty at 4 hours in farinograph units; L =the
gain in moblIity due to fermentation only or A-I; J =pro-
validity as a measure of baking qualities. tein content (N X 5.7) of flour in percentage; and G =
Further reference to this matter will be made maltose number or diastatic activity by the Blish and Sand-
stedt method.
in the discussion at the conclusion of this
section, where an effort will be made to out- It is evident that the gain in mobility-or
line a reasonably objective approach to the softening action after 40 minutes mixing in
consideration of certain types of physical the farinograph, i.e., the decrease in farino-
dough tests. graph units from the maximum (the latter
In general, the proportion of water to flour was commonly 550 ± units)-or I was not
used in preparing the dough is a linear func- highly correlated with the baking results C, [{,
tion of the logarithm of time required to reach or E. It was significantly correlated with the
the point of maximum consistency or mini- increase in mobility or softening of the dough
mum mobility in mixing dough in the farino- during fermentation, r AI = +0.62. Actually
graph, as shown by the detailed studies of the protein content was more highly corre-
Markley and Bailey (61). The same investi- lated with the loaf volume after 2 minutes or
gators (65) also made a statistical analysis of 5 minutes mixing treatment, and with the
the data taken from farinograms, analyses, mixing stability score, than was the farino-
and baking tests of a series of spring-wheat graph test as here applied. It was also
significantly although not highly correlated
65. Max C. Markley and C. H. Bailey, "The Colloidal with "absorption" at 550 farinograph units,
Behavior of Flour Doughs. V. Comparison of the In-
crease in Mobility of Doughs upon Either Prolonged rJM = +0.49.
Mixing or Fermentation with the Effects of Varied Geddes, Aitken, and Fisher (66) recently
Mixing Times upon Dough Characteristics," Cereal presented the results of an extended study of
Chemistry, March 1939, XVI, 265-71.
66. W. F. Geddes, T. R. Aitken, and M. H. Fisher, the farinograph in testing western Canadian
"The Value of the Normal Farinogram for Predicting wheats. The following farinogram charac-
the BaIting Strength of Western Canadian Wheat." teristics were taken from each curve:
Paper read at the convention of the American Associa-
tion of Cereal Chemists, Kansas City, Mo., 1939, to be 1. Dough development angle. The angle be-
presented for publication in Cereal Chemistry. tween the line drawn from the midpoint of

the band at maximum dough development to series of tests. Moreover, the inclusion of the
where the curve meets the 400 consistency dough development angle, or the weakening
unit line and this .line. (In certain instances, area with the protein content, in a multiple
although not invariably, this might constitute correlation with loaf volume did not improve
a mathematical expression of Brabender's on the simple correlation of protein content
/(onstanz in Minuten.) with loaf volume. Using partial correlation
2. Weakening area. The area in square techniques, with the protein content held
centimeters, as measured by a planimeter constant the correlation of L with A, L with
bounded by a line drawn from the midpoint B, and L with W became insignificant and
of the band at maximum dough development apparently tended to approach zero.
to the end of the curve parallel to the 600-unit Mean band width was not sufficiently
line, and from this point down to the mid- highly correlated with the loaf volume, or
point of the end of the curve and returning to with the protein content, to justify attempting
the dough development point. to use it in such studies. A small negative cor-
3. Mean band width. The total area of the relation was observed with the weakening
band from the point of maximum dough de- area, rlJW = -0.549, the usefulness of which
velopment to the end of the curve after 15 is not clearly apparent.
minutes total mixing, divided by the length Within the farinograms there were some
of the median line of this portion of the curve. significant interrelationships; for example,
The correlations of three farinogram con- between dough development angle (A), and
stants were determined individually with the weakening area (W), where rAw=+O.830.
protein content of the flour and the loaf vol- This is interesting in view of Brabender's use
ume as observed in baking tests. The result- of these two, or related constants Konstanz in
ing coeflicients of correlation are recorded Minuten and Erweichung (after 12 minutes),
in Table 4. From these data it appears that in his valorimeter. If these two constants are
so closely related, it might be possible to dis-
TABLE 4.-COEFFICIENTS OF CORRELATION (r) OF pense with the one that is the least accurately
DATA RESULTING FROM TESTS OF FLOURS MILLED measurable and thus simplify the valorimeter;
FROM 215 WESTERN CANADIAN WHEATS, AS RE- or another third constant might be introduced
-_. -.-- into the latter, which would increase its sig-
Dough Weak- Mean nificance.
Protein devel- enlng band
content opment area width. In an extension of this study involving three
of flour angle, In In
(N x 5_7),% In cm. 2 em_ extensive series, Geddes et al. in a private
(P) degrees (W) (B)
(A) communication, to be included in his publi-
------ --- -- -- - cation later, indicated that protein content
Loaf volume, cc_ (L) __ .... _.. +0.903. -0.6119 -0.619 -0.167
Mean band width, em. (B) ... +0.222 -0.354 -0.549 ..... continued to be highly correlated with loaf
Weakening area, em." (W) .•. -0.652 +0.830 ..... ..... volume. One exception was a collection of 48
Dough development angle,
degrees (A) ................ -0.735 ..... ..... ..... plant breeders' samples divided into three
groups. It was notable in these instances that
rat 5% point <0.195 the variability in protein content among the
members of each group was small; accord-
• Reference 66. ingly, they may not constitute adequate popu-
lations for the measurement of the predictive
the weakening area (W) was significantly significance of this variable. Moreover, in
negatively correlated with the loaf volume, such genetic material the protein character-
r LW = -0.619, although less highly so than istics may not have been fixed, as in estab-
the dough development angle, rL..1 = -0.699, lished varieties. In this series there was no
or the protein content (positive r), rLP = significant correlation of the constants from
+0.903. In fact, protein content appeared to the farinograms and loaf volume.
be a better basis for prediction of baking re- As in the first study, the relationship be-
sults than the farinograms in this extensive tween the dough development angle (A) and
the weakening area (W) continued to be baker. This is also suggested by the com-
fairly high, rAW being +0.822, +0.826, and ments on the farinograms in Figure 14. As
+0.664 respectively. indicated already in the Markley and Bailey
In addition to lests applied to rather simple (65) study recorded in Table 3, the softening
flour-water doughs, the farinograph has been action in fermentation or gain in mobility
used in testing the progressive changes in the (A) was fairly highly correlated with the
properties of actively fermenting doughs with softening action on prolonged mIXIng in the
the lapse of time. Doughs are prepared ac- farinograph r A.I = +0.62, but not with the
cording to some standard formula, including results of baking tests.
yeast, and are tested briefly at periodic inter- De Wever (67) proposed measuring flour
vals of, say, one hour, over a normal fermenta- quality V from farinograms by the application
tion period or even longer. Generally the of the formula:
doughs tend to "soften" or become more mo- V = (a + c + e - d)q
bile with the lapse of time during fermenta-
tion, as shown by Figure 14. A curve which where
a = percentage water absorption - 50
c = time stability
e = elasticity in millimeters, apparently
based upon the width of the farino-
d = time of dough formation
q = coefficient of weakening (an arbitrary
value assigned to the departure of
consistency from the maximum in a
unit treatment. Thus for 0 depar-
ture, q = 1.00; for 20, q = .90; for
40, q = .80; .... for 200, q = 0.00).

Swanson and Working (68) adapted the

dough mixer originally applied by them (69)
to the mechanical modification of dough, to a
mechanical system which registered and re-
corded the force applied at all times during
the operation of mixing and overmixing a
dough. The resulting record, as drawn on a
chart, resembled somewhat the farinogram
to which extended reference has been made.
Fro. 14.-Farinograph tests made periodically
Thus there was a gradual increase in the force
during fermentation of doughs applied as the dough was formed, passing
through a maximum and then receding at a
records the maximum consistency in farino- rate which depended upon the properties of
graph units during each mixing test, plotted the flour and other constituents of the dough.
against time of fermentation, slopes down- The dough mixer employed differs substan-
ward at an angle which, as has been proposed,
may be regarded as an expression of stabil- 67. J. de Wever, "Peut-on formuler des donnees du
ity. Through extended familiarity with such Farinographe?" Bulletin de l'ecole ofJicielle de la
111 euncrie Belge, 1939, VI, 2-3.
curves it might be possible also to estimate 68. C. O. Swanson and Earl B. Working, "Testing
the optimum fermentation time for a particu- the Quality of Flour by the Recording Dough Mixer,"
lar dough, as deduced from the time required Cereal Chemistry, January 1933, X, 1-29.
to effect the desired degree of "softening" or 69. C. O. Swanson and Earl B. 'Vorking, "Mechani-
cal Modification of Dough . , , ,," ibid" March 1926,
"mellOwing" as it is known to the skilled III, 65-83.

tially from the farinograph mixer, however. the records of doughs which deviate appre-
It consists of a vertical cylinder (see Fig. 15), ciably from the standard temperature.
open at the top, and provided with four verti- The mixing-force curves recorded in Swan-
son and Working's paper (68) disclosed the
effect of varying the ratio of waler to flour,
and the tempera lure of the doughs. Also dif-
ferences in flour-mill streams, in commercial
flours, and in flours milled from different
wheat varieties were disclosed. No detailed
proposals were included in this paper for an
analysis of the curves to extract a single-
figure score. Supplementary discussions of
such tests appeared later, notably in two
papers by Swanson (70, 71). In the latter, an
analysis of even curve characteristics is pre-
sented, based upon Figure 16. This chart,
and the discussion based upon the seven char-
acteristics, appear in Swanson's recent book
A represents dough development time,
which may vary considerably from flour to
flour. In other discussions of this property,

FIG. 15.-Swanson-WorkinS· recording

dough mixer

cal stationary pins secured in the closed bot-

tom. A rotating mixing head is provided
which can be lowered into the bowl in such
manner that the four pins attached to the
head can be caused to move among the lower
fixed pins with a planetary motion. The force
required thus to circulate these moving pins FIG. lB.-Schematic diagram of curve traced by
exerts a pressure against the fixed pins, and Swanson-Working dough mixer
hence against the base of the mixing bowl, so
that the latter tends to rotate if free to do so. as well as in the experience of the author's
This rotation was impeded, either by a stand- laboratory with recording dough mixers, the
ardized spring or by a weighted lever, in such interval to the maximum point of the curve
a manner that the torque of the base could be is not in fact the optimum mixing treatment.
measured and recorded. Actually the dough is already overmixed for
In the models which the author has seen,
there is no provision for the control of the 70. C. O. Swanson, "Physical Tests Lo DeLermine
Quality in Wheat Varieties," Cereal Chemistry, March
temperature of the dough during the mixing 1936, XIII, 179-20l.
operation. Since dough plasticity has been re- 71. C. O. Swanson and Rowland J. Clark, "Testing
peatedly shown to have a substantial thermal Flours by the Recording Dough Mix er," Northwestern
coefficient, it is essential either that the dough Miller, Nov. 18, 1936, pp. 458-64.
be prepared and mixed at uniform tempera- 72. C. O. Swanson, Wheat and Flour QualitTJ (Bur-
gess Publishing Co., Minneapolis, Minn., 1938), esp.
tures, or that some correction be applied to pp. 207-09.

practical baking purposes, but the interval easily discerned, in the author's opinion.
to the maximum may constitute an index of Moreover, the value as measured is large
the mixing treatment that should be accorded where the weakening is really small, which
a bread dough. creates an anomalous application of the term
B, or the height of the curve, constitutes an "weakening." Incidentally, it should be em-
index to the proportion of water required to phasized that Swanson's measure of weaken-
produce a dough of standard consistency. ing is thus based upon the width of the curve,
That the latter should be constant for all whereas in Brabender's analysis of farino-
flours is unlikely, however, as was indicated grams (discussed elsewhere in this section)
in the section on absorption (Section I). the measure of weakening involves the de-
C, and D, the relative width of the curves at parture of the central part of the curve from
the peak, and at the conclusion of a standard the maximum consistency, measured after a
mixing treatment, are here regarded as in- time-unit interval.
dices of the peak and final elasticity. Whether In his latest discussion of these curves,
these values actually afford a true measure of Swanson (73) mentions the same general
dough elasticity is now regarded by the au- features and calls attention, by means of vari-
thor as problematical, the basis for this view ous specimen curves, to the variability en-
being indicated elsewhere in this section. countered in these several particulars. No
E represents the rate of dough weakening. single figure score is evolved from the several
When the slope is reasonably uniform it can characteristics, however. In fact, in his con-
be measured in terms of the angle formed cluding paragraph of this paper Swanson
with the tangent drawn at the top of the states that "the most serious aspect is that we
curve, and the general slope of the curve be- have thus far no adequate method of evaluat-
yond the peak. The greater this angle, the ing these physical tests." He then emphasizes
more rapid the breakdown, and vice versa. certain inadequacies in current baking-test
F is defined by Swanson as the "range of procedures which might be correlated with
adaptability," and has been referred to else- such physical tests, and that the baking proce-
where as mixing tolerance. It is the interval dures often do not impose tests sufficiently
in time of mixing, or in number of revolutions severe to disclose all the elements of weakness
of the mixing arms or rods, through which the in flour.
consistency varies only slightly from the max- Recently the Swanson-Working recording
imum. It requires some further definition in dough mixer has been built down to a so-
terms of the range of consistency permitted called "micro" size, which has many mechani-
within this zone. cal features in common with the larger ma-
G, "the area of dough weakening," is not chine but will handle 35 g. or less of flour.
shown graphically in the figure, but is de- In addition, it is enclosed in a cabinet which
fined as C + D/2 (H), or the sum of the "peak permits of air-conditioning the environment
elasticity" and the "final elasticity" divided by of the device. Apparently the tests are com-
2 (in other words, the average of these two pleted in a shorter period of time than with
values), multiplied by H, or the horizontal the larger unit. Curves drawn by means of
distance, namely the time or extent of mixing, this micro-recorder are similar, in general, to
through which the observation is made. As- those previously published from the larger
suming a fairly constant rate of decrease in machine, and presumably permit of like in-
the width of the curve, the value G as thus terpretation. A series of such curves cover-
calculated constitutes an approximate meas- ing six typical hard winter-wheat varieties
ure of the area of the curve through the inter- grown in the southern Great Plains area is
val H. The issue then arises, how long H shown in Figure 17. These curves are espe-
should be. Swanson proposed that it should cially significant, since flours at several levels
extend from the peak of the curve to the point
where the amplitude disappears or the curve 73. C. O. Swanson, "Variations in Dough-Develop-
ment Curves," Cereal Chemistry. September 1939, XVI.
becomes almost straight, a point not always 625-43.

of protein content were used in the instance the curves from the S-W recording micro-
of each variety. They accordingly demon- mixer which involves the use of a celluloid
strate the effect of increments of protein upon scale to be fitted over the curve, and by m eans
the curve characteristics when the genetic of which certain numbers can be taken oIr.

{UR:EY +-1 -f±J-~t:t
I 7"7

---, I -1---1 .... -.J.. , "- . - . f· III..J

-~ Ir .... - 6'"
.- ....... II! ~~ ~~ ,.,...
~~\~_~ ~\_\~; ~\-\-~O\ \;,~ t~\\~,r\-\- \f~ _r\~_ __\-\.\-
- ..... 1 , \ I

·1; t

.. -
/ / I
r I

-- _1
..... J"ooooI
,......... ~,...".

I#f' _ -t ~ . Ii ~

~I~\-t\'\ , .~

\, \
\ 17.7 \

\ -\ \ .nn\ \ _ ~:s.-;2-\--\--\---\:--\--+- -\---\--\----l~\ -\---+--\-~.----\---+- t--'<~--'t-

, Fl.oUR\ PRO EiN PER'tEN!\ -"..... \ '\ \.

.- l j o / ' /. -I -~ ~-I=, E
/ / -f-H f- C H\~FKAN T ~ f= t T /

1--4 - -\ h--F-t-~
~=\ \ \~ ~\ V\~\-\ \I~LOOR AA~t-~t~~,
a 1---;- -

. -4
1aJ. \I

~ ....

\ \.,; \ l \

- ...... .
.I I k . L F f.
TEr M ~ RO /
~ _f-,
r \J
IIIWI... ~

. ~ ~

r-I ;

\ l~
~.s.: _. ~ \-
---\ \ i --\-\-\
1 1 . II
,",,' \ '
\ 1••.7 ' \ \ ... "\ \. \ \

FIG. 17.- Curves drawn by Swanson-Working micro-mixer for six hard winter-wheat varieties at
different levels of protein content

constitution of the wheat is constant. They One characteristic thus recorded is the dis-
al so permit of comparisons between varieties tance along the horizontal axis to the "peak"
at the same level of protein content, and thus
strikin~ differences are di sclosed.
74. W. C. Ferri s, "Curve Analys is Outlining the
'Ferri s Reading' System" (National Manufa cturing
Ferris (74) proposed amethod of analyzi):lg Co., Lincoln, Neb., Sheet No. 89, September 1939).

or maximum consistency. This is equivalent the paper cited, as may be seen by contrasting
to A in Figure 16. A second characteristic to Figure 19 with the illustration in that paper
be measured is the angle with the horizontal (75, p. 424). Essentially the same mechanical
of the slope of the curve after it passes the principles have been preserved, however,
peak and to a point equivalent to 7 minutes of namely, the measurement and recording of
total mixing treatment. Also the fall of the the torque exerted in the plane of the centers
curve, or softening, in units equivalent to E of the curved spindle pins when these are
in Figure 16 is measured by the scale. Finally, rotated at a definite speed. This torque, esti-
the general width of the curve is recorded by mated to range between 1225 g. and 7500 g.,
reference to a series of type curves designated is recorded by a stylus on a chart attached to
as A, B, C, etc., with plus or minus signs at- the kymograph drum shown at the front right-
tached to indicate intermediate types. No hand corner of the instrument as illustrated
suggestion is made for combining these four in Figure 19.
constants into a single figure score.
Malloch's (75) small recording mixer, at
first glance, seems to have some features in
common with the Swanson-Working micro-
mixer. As may be seen from the sketches of
the spindle and cup assembly in Figure 18,
there are stationary pins attached to the base
of the mixing bowl, and rotating pins pro-
pelled by the head. These pins are spiraled,
however, and in addition there is a fairly mas-
sive central pin which tends to keep the dough
out in the space through which the rotating
pins travel.

FIG. 19.-Malloch recording dough mixer,

1939 model

The charge of flour is smaller than with the

other recording dough mixers, being equiva-
lent to only 7 g. of dry matter. Also, the time
required to complete a test is short, since
Malloch states that one man with a single
machine can complete eight tests an hour,
except for the measurements of the curves.
Malloch's curves possess one very distinc-
tive characteristic not observed in tests made
by the other recording dough mixers. After
the curves pass through the peak indicating
minimum mobility, and start downward, they
FIG, l8.-Diagram of the arrangement of the pins presently undergo a sharp inflection indicat-
in the bowl of the Malloch recording dough mixer ing a sudden increase in mobility. The amount
of treatment required to reach this stage is
The general design of Malloch's assembly
variable with different flours, as will be ob-
has been elaborated since the publication of
served by comparing the curves in Figure 20.
In conducting his tests Malloch placed flour
76. J. G. Malloch, "Some Results with a New Re-
cording Mixer for Use with Small Samples" Cereal equivalent to 7 g. dry matter and at 30· C. in
Chemistry, July 1938, XV, 423-38. ' the mixer cup. The latter is provided with a

water jacket for temperature control. Water dried, and mixed with starch in the propor-
at the same temperature is added from a bu- tions of 20, 15, and 10 per cent, there was little
rette. The kymograph is rotated a short dis- effect on this breaking time as a function of
tance to establish the base line, and the motor gluten content; but the several glutens from
driving the mixer is then started. Time in various sources differed widely, as evidenced
seconds is registered on the horizontal axis by the relative brealdng-time values which
of the chart, and torque along the vertical ranged from 17 to 56 units of time in this
axis. series of seven preparations. This suggests
that the time of inflection 01' break in the
curve is determined by the properties of the
gluten, rather than its concentration; accord-
ingly, such measurements may afford a useful
index of gluten characteristics, either native
to it or induced by other dough constituents
or manipulation in fermentation.
Malloch also explored the possibilities of
applying this test to wheat meal and found
the simple correlation of the breaking point of
wheat meal doughs, and flour doughs from
the same wheat, to be r = 0.88 (1% point =
0.45). While the relation was not close
enough to permit certain prediction, it was
useful in making rough classifications of
wheat samples.
FIG. 20.-Typical curves traced by the Malloch DUCTILITY MEASUHEMENTS
recording dough mixer
Rejto's dough-testing machine was one of
The curve can be described by the height the first mechanical devices appearing in Eu-
and time (a) of the maximum, the height and rope. It was described by his colleague in
time (b) of the inflection or break to which Hungary, Dr. Thomas KosuUmy (76), but
reference has been made, the angle of the outside of the latter's book there has been
curve with the horizo.Q.tal between time inter- little reference to it in the literature. It is the
vals a and b, and by equations for portions of author's understanding, based upon conver-
the curve before and after the break. Height sations with other Hungarian workers, that
of the curve at the maximum was observed the original "Zerreiszmaschine" (breaking-
to be a function of the water added and the strength machine) of Rejto was elaborated
gl uten content, but the time (b) to the break- upon subsequent to the published descrip-
ing point was not a function of the water tions, but the data resulting from the work
content of the dough within the range studied. done with the later models have not been
Also it (b) was not affected by some dilution made available.
of the flour with starch (25 per cent), nor by In a letter from Dr. Wm. Misangyi, who was
weight of flour used between 7 g. and 9 g.; a student of Rejto's, it is indicated that Rejto
but it was increased by the inclusion of NaCI, had used the Hartig-Reusch machine in test-
and decreased by the inclusion of lactic acid ing the tensile strength of thread. He then
and alcohol in the dough. endeavored to transfer the same general prin-
In Malloch's paper (75), which was actually ciples to dough testing, with the results shown
read in May 1937, he indicated that up to that in Kosutfmy's book. It was so designed that a
time a detailed study had been made of only "dumbbell" shaped piece of dough, 7 cm. be-
one feature of the curve, namely, the break. tween the bulbs at the end, was grasped
It is very significant that when crude gluten
76. Thomas Kosutany, Der ungarisc1le Weizen und
was separated from seven flour samples, das ungarische Mehl (Budapest, 1907), pp. 249-83.

firmly by these bulbs and extended under eter as described by Chopin (77), whose paper
known force. The device provided means for was translated by Bailey and Le Vesconte
registering the force applied and the degree (78), provided means for forming a thin
of extension effected before the dough strand film of dough 3 mm. thick and 58 mm. in di-
was ruptured. From these data it was possible ameter, which was secured around its rim by
to compute the work done in' thus extending clamping it firmly between two metal plates.
the dough. Air was then introduced from below through
In Section I reference has been made to a small opening, and the dough surface ex-
Rejto's records of "Zugkraft" as related to tended by inflation upward through a larger
water used in preparing the dough. He also opening in the upper plate 58 mm. in diam-
reported the ductility and work done in ex- eter. The entire device, including the dough
tending doughs prepared from various Hun- sheet, was held at 25° C. by means of electrical
garian flours as a function of the lapse of heaters. A small mechanical dough mixer was
time after mixing. The data available are in provided for mixing the doughs to be tested.
themselves scarcely sufficient to afford a basis As the dough bubble formed and was
for laying down any general principles of the stretched by the air pressure, the actual pres-
relationships between these observed physical sure (P) exerted was noted upon a simple
properties and baJ.i".ing qualities. He did indi- water manometer. Later a recording pressure
cate that doughs prepared from flours with an gauge was substituted for the manometer.
average protein content of 13.1 per cent could This value P is referred to by Chopin as a
be extended an average of 33.9 mm., while quantitative expression of "tenacity." At the
another series averaging 15.4 per cent protein time of rupture of the dough, the surface area
content was extended an average of 38. 1 mm. in cm. 2 (E) was read on a gauge which meas-
Attention was also called to the eITect of add- ured the volume of air introduced. This gauge
ing a strong flour to a weak flour. was calibrated directly in terms of surface
Misangyi's letter also states that Rejto later area of the bubble; thus the increase in this
applied other physical tests to dough, includ- surface accomplished under the conditions of
ing shearing tests and perforation tests; and the test could be determined; hence the term
when Brinell's tests became known they also "extensimeter" as applied to the device.
were applied in Rejto's laboratory. Chopin (77) compared the values thus se-
While these devices as used by Rejto did cured with the loaf volume of test loaves
not find general application in flour tech- baked from a series of 31 flour samples. He
nology, there seems little doubt but that this then subtracted the initial volume in cm. 3 of
work gave impetus to the studies of physical unfermented dough prepared with 100 g. flour
dough testing in the institutions of Budapest (V o ) from the volume in cm. 3 of the baked
that extended through the intervening years bread from the same dough (V). The differ-
ana are still in progress there. ence was found to be a linear function of a
constant multiplied by the square root of E in
EXTENSIMETERS all cases except two in this series. In other
Chopin's extensimeter and the associated words V - Vo = [{ vE. The average error in
equipment, like several other dough-testing thus computing [{ was 6.24 per cent. For the
devices, passed through a process of evolution baking method used, the foregoing equa,tion
during a period of approximately two decades. could be expressed as V - Vo = [{EO.4.
In fact, it apparently inspired much thought In this series of tests, the uniform ratio of
and activity on the part of other individuals water to flour used in preparing the doughs
and groups, as will be suggested by the gen-
77. Marcel Chopin, "Relations entre les proprietes
eral similarity of other dough-te'sting ma- mccaniques des pates de farine et la panification,"
chines. In the aggregate, these have had a Bulletin de la Societe d'encouragement pour ['indus/rie
very extensive application, particularly in Eu- nationale, March 1921, CXXXIII, 261-73.
rope. 78. C. H. Bailey and Amy M. Le Vesconte, "Physical
Tests of Flour Quality with the Chopin Extensimeter,"
The first commercial model of the extensim- Cereal Chemistry, January 1924, I, 38-63.

for testing in the extensimeter, namely 333 g. there was a fairly constant ratio hetween the
flour (at 15 per cent moisture content) and extensibility of dough and the results of
163 g. water, was little less than 50 per cent. simple dough-expansion tests when fermented
It accordingly followed that the value for P, by yeast in the expansimeter. The ratio be-
or maximum pressure applied in expanding tween extensibility and the results of actual
the dough bubhle, was quite variable among baking tests, however, was less constant with
Chopin's 31 flours, since, as indicated in the this series of flours. In fact, the author sus-
discussion in Section I, the force required to pects that the extensimeter has been engi-
thus extend the dough is a function of its rel- neered to deal with flours distinctly on the
ative viscosity or plasticity. The laUer would weak side as judged by American bakers'
not be expected to remain constant in a series standards. Data are not fully adequate to
of flours of varying composition when mixed support this assumption, it must be conceded,
with a uniform proportion of water. Chopin but general observations point to such a con-
did not find any relationship between the clusion. Moreover, it would be surprising if
tenacity value P and baking quality as dis- this were not true, in view of the situations in
closed by loaf volume. which the instrument has been developed and
Only a few of the numerous applications of chiefly applied.
the Chopin device, either in its earlier or more The Vilmorin family of French wheat
recent forms, can be presented here. Bailey breeders have apparently found the extensim-
and Le Vesconte (78) found the coefficient of eter to be of substantial practical service in
variability in a series of replicated tests to be guiding their work in breeding for quality in
fairly high, which is not surprising in view wheat, as indicated in the paper by J. and R.
of the mechanical difficulties involved in pre- Vilmorin and M. Chopin (80). The author has
paring thin dough sheets or membranes of also observed it in service in a like connection
uniform thickness and free from irregularities in the Centre Agronomique at Versailles,
over their surface. It seems probable that this France, where Potel (81) reported upon certain
variability may have been reduced in those of his observations. Kent-Jones also has made
later practices that will be described presently. use of it in his laboratory at Dover, and has
Prolonged mixing of dough was observed to described the several Chopin instruments in
alter its extensibility when measured shortly his book (82). He records in chapter ii, Fig-
after mixing. As flour was diluted progres- ure VI, what appear to be the results of exten-
sively with starch, so as to reduce the gluten simeter or related measurements of Canadian,
content of the mixture, the extensibility di- Australian, Argentine, Russian, English, and
minished proportionately. Extensibility ap- other wheats. His stability and general
peared to pass through a maximum at strength figures recorded in the same chapter
pH = 6.1, when the pH was varied progres- are (note statement on p. 374 of his book)
sively by the addition of lactic acid or of so- "reduced and corrected 'P' and 'W' figures of
dium hydroxide solutions, respectively. This Chopin obtained under the special conditions
dough was slightly more alkaline than the un- of the test in the author's laboratory." He also
treated dough (pH = 5.8). Dough tended to emphasizes the necessity of meticulous aUen-
lose its extensibility with the lapse of time in
fermentation; the freshly mixed dough had a 79. Arnold H. Johnson and C. H. Bailey, "A Physico-
chemical Study of Cracker Dough Fermentation,"
value of E = 17.38, and after four hours this Cereal Chemi8try, December 1924, I, 327-410.
had decreased to E= 10.62. In fact, Johnson 80. Jacques and Roger Vilmorin and Marcel Chopin,
and Bailey (79) used the extensimeter to ad- "Les selections des bles au point de vue de la valeur
houlangere," Journal d'Agriculture Pratique, June 15
vantage in following the changes in properties and 22, 1929.
of cracker "sponges" and doughs during the 81. Pierre Potel, "Recherches recentes sur la qual-
progress of the long fermentation of such ma- ite des bles et des farines," Bulletin des anciens illi!/Jes
terials involved in commercial cracker baking. de l'ecole frant;aise de meunerie, March 1937, No. 57,
pp. 79-81.
In ten out of twelve cases, in a series of
82. D. W. Kent-.Jones, Modern Cereal Chemistry
comparisons made by Bailey and Le Vesconte, (3d ed., Liverpool, 1939), esp. pp. 369-79.
lion to the physical details of preparing dough sion of area in cm. 2 to units of work is ef-
for the test. fected by multiplying area by a constant which
Merriam published a translation of a paper involves the relation between the number of
by Chopin (83) in which the interpretation of cm.a represented by each unit of length of the
the extensimeter curves was further discussed. diagram, as well as the calibration of the pres-
Referring to the specimen curve in Figure 21, sure gauge.
PO represents the maximum pressure applied The resulting quantity is the number of ergs
in extending the dough or inflating the bubble, expended in extending the dough sheet, the
dimensions of which are arbitrarily chosen.
It then becomes desirable to reduce this value
in ergs to either a unit volume or a unit
weight. Accordingly, at the completion of the
test, the collapsed bubble is cut away from
the dough clamped under the plates, and
weighed. The total value for W may then be
divided by the weight in grams of this dough
sample, which gives a corrected value of W
Q per gram.
Other details for the convenient measure-
FIG. 21.-Schematic diagram of the curves traced
by the Chopin extensimeter ment and interpretation of these constants
taken from the curves are supplied by the
and is commonly recorded as P. This is al- manufacturer of the instrument.
ways registered early in the process. Length Scott Blair and Potel (84) pointed out that
of the diagram, ON, from the first application the viscosity of flour dough falls with rising
of pressure to the point where the bubble sur- stress (structural viscosity) but rises with
face ruptures and discharges air, affords a increasing deformation (work-hardening).
measure of coefficient of extension which is the Pressure applied through the process of ex-
square root of the volume of air entering the panding the dough bubble with the extensim-
bubble at constant rate. This value can be con- eter obviously is not constant, and the varia-
firmed by directly measuring this volume on tion in viscosity will thus be complex. Since
the gasometer provided with the instrument the rate at which air is supplied to the bubble
(illustrated in Fig. 22), and is recorded as G is predetermined, it seems probable that the
(for "gonflemen t") . magnitude of P will be correlated primarily
Area under the curve OPMN is then meas- with the viscosity of the dough.
ured by means of a planimeter and recorded In analyzing the significance of the value G
in cm. 2 Since the vertical scale in millimeters (or square root of the volume of the bubble at
of water can be converted into dynes per cm.2, the time it bursts), attention is called by Scott
and the horizontal scale ON can be converted Blair and Potel to the fact that after the bubble
from cm. of length to the equivalent of in- bursts, the walls recover to about half their
crease in volume in cm. s , the area of the dia- fully distended area. The total deformation
gram represents the work (W) done on the is thus divisible into two parts: (a) recover-
able deformation (0'.), and (b) nonrecoverable
dough sample; or dynes X cm. B = dynes X
cm. 2 deformation (0'1/)' 1] being the symbol for vis-
em. == ergs. In the computation, the conver- cosity. The first, or 0'., will be defined by the
ratio of shearing stress (S) to the shear modu-
83. Marcel Chopin (translated by C. F. Merriam), lus (n) (for definitions see Section 1). Accord-
"Determination of Baking Value of Wheat by Meas-
llre of Specific Energy of Deformation of Dough," ingly 0'. for a given stress will increase with
Cereal Chemistry, January 1927, IV, 1-13. decreases in the modulus, n. Also, the higher
84. G. W. Scott Blair and Pierre Potel, "A Prelimi- the viscosity (defined as S/rate of change of
nul'Y Study of the Physical Significance of Certain
Properties Measured by the Chopin Extensimeter for 0'1/)' the greater the stress under the arbitrarily
Testing Flour Doughs," ibid., March 1937, XIV, 267-62. fixed rate of application of deformation, which,

in turn, will make for a greater extension of by the dough in its passage between the mix-
the dough. And the higher the viscosity, the ing arm and the side of the mixer is registered
greater the proportion of elastic to total de- by a recording stylus on a chart. This force
formation. Thus the combination of high 1'\ is a function of the relative plasticity of the
and a low modulus n makes for a large elastic dough, and changes progressively during a
recovery, and is also the predominant factor sustained mixing operation. The result, when
which produces a high value of G, assuming recorded upon a chart, is not unlike the rec-
that the dough is reasonably extensible. Scott ords of other recording dough mixers. This
Blair and Potel present a generalized equa- facilitates the control and measurement of
tion for G, dough plasticity at the time of mixing, also
G= (n
1'\/a _ 1'\10° the stage in the "mixing development" at
which the dough is withdrawn for other phys-
no 1'\/d
ical tests.
where 1'\1 is the viscosity at low or normal
On the other side of the mixing bowl, Cho-
stress, 1'\" is the viscosity at high stress, n is the
pin has provided a valve or gate which can be
shear modulus, and a, b, c, and d are exponents
opened to create a horizontal slot 6 mm. wide.
of unknown value.
When the dough is ready to be removed from
The ratio of viscosity at low stress to vis-
the machine, the motor is reversed, the gate
cosity at high stress or 1'\i1'\" was noted in a
opened, and a band or flat tape of dough is
series of 34 doughs examined by Scott Blair
forcibly extruded under a roller onto a flat
and Potel and found to range from 9 in a very
platform provided for the purpose. Portions
extensible dough to 28 in a very short dough.
are cut off, and flattened further with a metal
In attempting to refine the equation for G,
roller between guides which determine their
it was first assumed that a 9 and c 1. The = thickness; these are then available for tests
equation then becomes G = (n ~~ . Various with the extensimeter, or its later successor,
values for b were then tried in filling the equa- the aleurograph. Chopin, in the privately
tion, and it was found that when b = 2.0, there printed bulletin, presents a series of graphs
which demonstrate the substantial reduction
was a linear relation of 1'\~ and G in all in- in the variability of a series of replicated tests
stances except with unusually "dry" (I.e., made upon doughs prepared as just described,
stiff) and "wet" (presumably "slack") doughs. when compared with the tests made by the
Chopin (85, 86, 87) described a unique older methods.
dough-mixing machine for use in his en- Chopin (88) also described in some detail
semble, which is provided with a hinged side the redesigned extensimeter, called the alveo-
so arranged that the force exerted against it graphe (illustrated in Fig. 22), and indicated
the derivation of the constants P, G, and W
85. Marcel Chopin, "Petrin enregisteur et extracteur from the data recorded in the progress of
de piltes," La meunerie fram;aise, December 1935, LI,
276-80. dough tests made with it. Since it is so similar
86. Marcel Chopin, "Nouveaux appareils pour la in principle to the older extensimeter, it is not
preparation et l'essai d'extension des pates de farines," surprising that Chopin obtained very similar
Bulletin des anciens eTeves de l'ecole frant,;aise de meu- results with the two instruments. Accordingly
nerie, June 1937, No. 60, pp. 172-79.
87. Marcel Chopin, Petrin Enregistreur et Extrac-
the comments made respecting the extensim-
teur de Ptltes (privately printed by Appareils de Lab- eter may be assumed to apply in the instance
oratoires Instruments de Controle Industriel, Paris). of the more refined instrument. With it, as
88. Marcel Chopin, Alveographe (privately printed with the extensimeter, it appears that the
by Appareils de Laboratoires Instruments de Controle
Industriel) . value of G is much more variable than the
89. H. Nuret, ".i\ propos de l'extensimetre Chopin," value of P.
Bulletin des anciens eieves de l'ecole frant,;aise de meu- For more detailed discussion of the applica-
nerie, January 1937, No. 55, pp. 2-6. tions of this method of dough testing, refer-
90. Marcel Chopin, ".i\ propos d'un article de M.
Nuret relatif a l'extensimetre," ibid., March 1937, No.
ence may be made to the polemic of Nuret
57, pp. 81-83. (89), and Chopin's (90) rejoinder; Ougrim-

off's (91) study of the effect of temperature extensively in Europe in recent years in de-
and dough hydration upon extensibility, the tecting and determining the extent of damage
characteristics of flours milled from different to wheat effected by insects belonging to cer-
wheats as discussed by the same author (92), tain species of the genera Aelia and Eurygas-
ter, and possibly others, which puncture im-
mature wheat kernels in the head before
harvest in the manner described by Nuret (95)
and others. The result is "bies punaises" in the
French vernacular, "Wanzenweizen" in the
German. Ougrimoff (96) summarized his
studies with the extensimeter, and presented a
graph showing that the value for W fell off
sharply as the percentage of "{arine punaisee"
or flour from "buggy" wheat was increased.
This was particularly true after the dough had
been allowed to stand for several hours. Since
there have been seasons when such buggy
wheat was much in evidence in the crop from
certain sections of Europe and northern Africa,
the cereal technologists of western European
mills have been much concerned with the task
of sorting out the wheat thus damaged, and
have used the extensimeter largely to this end.
Naszalyi (97) described a dough-testing de-
vice called the "alphitograph," which appears
to have many features in common with the
extensimeter and the alveographe. His process
is less highly automatic than Chopin's, and
FIG. 22.- Chopin alveographe
certain points of difference should be men-
and the effect of milling (93); the comparison tioned. Evidently the dough from the mixer
of the results obtained by the extensimeter is flattened into a thin sheet which is then
and the alveographe reported by Alexinsky rolled into cylindrical form, and sections are
(94); and many other published papers in cut off the end of this roll for testing. After
which the results of such studies are recorded. 20 minutes' rest these are pressed thin, and
Undoubtedly the extensimeter has been used then inflated by air pressure provided by a
simple pump, the piston of which is moved
91. A. Ougrimoff, "Contribution it l'etude des pro- forward by means of a hand crank. This
prieles plastiques des pil.les I, II," ibid., September-
October 1937, No. 62, pp. 222- 32; November 1937, mechanism is geared to the drum on which
No. 63, pp. 273-79. the recording chart is fastened. Accordingly,
92. Ibid., March 1938, No. 67, pp. 67- 78. the rate of flow of air is fixed in relation to
93. Ibid., May 1938, No. 69, pp. 136-41. the horizontal movement of the stylus on the
94. V. Alexinsky, "1!:tude comparative des r esullals graduated chart, and does not have to be in-
obtenus a l'exlensim elre et a l'alveographe," ibid.,
April 1939, No. 78, pp . 109- 16; May ] 939, No. 79, dependently calibrated as in the Chopin ex-
Pp. 144-47. tensimeter.
95. H. Nuret, "Bles punaises," ibid., July-August In his series of six papers cited above,
1936, No. 51, pp. 177- 78, 208-17.
Naszalyi (97) details the results of an exten-
96. A. Ougrimoff, "Essais sur bles punaises," ibid.,
December 1936, No. 54. sive study of this system of dough testing.
97. N. Naszalyi, "1!:tude sur les qualites pIa liques Among the variables studied are ratio of flour
des pAtes," ibid., January 1935, No. 35, pp. 4-12; Feb- to water, mechanical mixing treatment, time
rtlary 1935, No. 36, pp. 40- 44; March 1935, No. 37,
pp. 72-76; April 1935, No. 38, pp. 99-101; May 1935,
of rest allowed the dough between mixing and
No. 39, pp. 122-23; Novemb ~r 1935, No. 43, pp. 221-22. testing, mechanical formation of the dough

after rmxmg, influence of salt in the dough its surface. Also, an appreciable pressure was
solution, comparisons of flours milled experi- exerted against this cone. This pressure was
mentally and industrially, the hehavior of measured by a halance system and recorded
flour and wheat mixtures, and a discussion of by an inked stylus on a chart. This chart also
the permeahility of inHated doughs to gases. moved laterally in synchrony with the down-
From certain portions of these studies one ward movement of the dough sheet over the
would conclude that small variations in the cone. Consequently the horizontal length of
preparation and treatment of doughs before a curve drawn to the point where the film of
testing may register suhstantially in the re- dough ruptured, and the pressure began sud-
sults of such physical tests, in addition to the denly to approach zero, was an approximate
contribution made by the flour itself. measure of extensibility. Curves thus drawn
The Buhler comparator, invented by Mr. were not exactly like the extensimeter records,
Bouvier of Buhler Brothers, Uzwil, Switzer- in that the pressure continued to rise in the
land, and patented in England in 1924 by L. former to the instant of rupture of the dough
Baumann (British Patent 232,585) has not been film, instead of early passing through a maxi-
widely discussed in the literature, although mum and then receding as in extensimeter
the author has been informed that several curves.
hundred instruments were distributed. Wolf The ensemble lacked certain refinements in
(98) published an illustration, as did the man- its original design, especially temperature and
ufacturers, Buhler Brothers (99). The en- possibly humidity control. Before these were
semble included three machines or instru- supplied it was apparently decided to with-
ments: (1) a hand-operated double-blade draw the instrument in favor of other devices
mechanical dough mixer, (2) a hand-operated which supplied these controls.
screw press for forming the thin sheet of Borasio and de Rege (100, 101) described
dough, and (3) the comparator itself. The their pneumodynamometer, which functions
latter provided a platform on which the thin much like the extensimeter except that, in-
sheet of dough formed by the press was se- stead of hI owing a dough bubble outward
curely mounted. This platform could be from the chamber by applying air pressure
caused to move steadily downward, by means from within, the bubble was drawn downward
of a motor-propelled worm gear, until the into a chamber under atmospheric pressure
sheet of dough came into contact with a by reducing the pressure within the chamber.
rounded wooden cone with its apex directed For convenience in operation, a fairly large
vertically upward. As the sheet of dough con- air tank was provided in which the pressure
tinued its movement downward, it began to could be reduced to the desired level of a par-
form around the cone which thus extended tial vacuum by means of a simple pump.
As with the extensimeter, provision was
98. Wolf (Dippoldiswalde), "Del' Mehlprufapparat made for recording the force applied in ex-
Komparator," Die Miihle, Jan. 2, 1930, pp. 1-4. tending the dough from the inception of the
99. Buhler Brothers, "Flour Tester 'Comparator,'
Buhler's Patent" (pamphlet, undated). process to the point of rupture of the inverted
100. L. Borasio and F. de Rege, "A pneumodyna- bubble. The relative extension of surface of
mometer for the determination of flour and gluten the latter was also indicated. Apparently the
quality" [translated title], Giornale di risicoltura, 1932,
XXII, 197-211. (Abstract in Das Miihlenlaboratorium,
same general mathematical analyses of the
.January 1933, III, 29; original not seen.) curves were made by Borasio and de Rege, as
101. L. BOl'asio and F. de Rege, "Das Pneumodyna- were previously described in the instance of
m.ometer, ein Apparat zur Qualitatsbestimmung del' the Chopin extensimeter curves.
Mehle," Das Mii11lenlaboratorium, .June 1934, IV, 77-82.
102. F. de Rege, "Studio sulla natura colloid ale e
De Rege (102) later presented a discussion
methodo di determinazion del coefficente di viscosita of the mathematical treatment of the pneumo-
plastica del glutine a mezzo dei dati extensimetl'ici," dynamometer data and their relation to vis-
Giornale di risicoUura, May and .June 1939, XVII.
cosity and other fundamental physical prop-
103. R. Geoffroy, "Exam en de quelques farines avec
Ie DilatomHre," Bulletin des anciens eleves de l'ecole
erties of dough.
frant;aise de meunerie, January 1939, No. 75, pp. 3-4. Geoffroy (103) substantially amplified the

exlensimeter techniques in one detail by ar- soglio compared these with the gluten content
ranging to employ heated air at a temperature of a series of 6 flour types ranging downward
of 180 C. to inHate the bubble of expanding
from 4214 to less than 29 per cent wet gluten.
dough produced in the device which he called With decreasing gluten content, resistance or
the "dilatomHre." In consequence the doughs tenacity decreased progressively from 99 to 36,
were baked at the end of the process, and their "elasticity" from 33.9 to 21.7, and "work"
height and diameter constitute convenient in- from 442 to 96.
dices of their volume. In most instances these Engledow's (105) system of dough testing
two measures were closely related. involved the use of simple equipment that
Geoffroy suggests that the physical condi- could be found or constructed in practically
tions imposed in this system of testing more any chemical laboratory. Disks of dough
closely resemble those involved in bread bak- made from 62 g. of standard flour, and a like
ing than has hitherto been the case, when quantity of the flour under observation, re-
doughs were tested at 200 to 25 C. In a series
spectively, were each placed over the end of a
of 20 flours milled from American, French, glass tube 0.8 inch in diameter. These two
and Russian wheats of widely varying gluten glass tubes were mounted in a heavy wooden
content, there does not appear to be a sub- board so that their upper ends, on which the
stantial correlation between Geoffroy's "dila- dough rested, were flush with the upper sur-
tometre" values and those obtained by normal face of the board. The doughs were held
application of the extensimeter. From his data firmly in position by means of another board
one cannot judge which type of measurement resting on them, and weighted with a 100 g.
is in best agreement with actual baking be- balance weight. The lower ends of the glass
havior of these flours. It does appear, from tubes were connected by pressure tubing to a
scanning the data, that the dilatometer values large bottle in which the gas pressure could
are less highly correlated with the dry gluten be reduced by a suitable vacuum or suction
content of the flours than is true of the ex- pump. With the doughs in place, suction was
tensimeter measurements. applied, each dough drawn down into its re-
Issoglio's (104) ergometer provided a simple spective tube, and an observation made as to
means for extending a sheet of dough clamped which dough bubble burst first.
between two plates. The lower plate had an In these simple tests it was possible to de-
aperture through which air under pressure termine only from replicated tests which of
was forced, and the sheet of dough was the two doughs represented the weaker flour.
stretched upward through a 6 cm. opening in In certain types of plant-breeding studies, and
the upper plate. Three characteristics-( 1) particularly in the early stages when the
resistance to extension, (2) "elasticity,"* and quantity of wheat available is still very small,
(3) work expended-were recorded, and Is- such comparisons might be useful in indicat-
ing trends in the matter of flour strength.
• Here "elasticity" is enclosed in quotation marks
because it is probably not identical with modulus of The Engledow "distensometer" was em-
elasticity as that expl'ession is employed later else- ployed by Frankel and Donald (l06) in the
where in this monograph. New Zealand Wheat Research Institute in
104. Giovanni Issoglio, "L'ergometro delle farine del classifying wheat varieties into five classes on
ccrcali," A tti del /0 Congresso lnternazionale di Pani-
/icazione, Rome, 1932, pp. 308-11.
the basis of such tests.
105. F. L. Engledow, "An Aid in the Determination Kosutany's "Belastungsprobe" or load test
of Flour Strength," Cereal Chemistry, January 1928, V, is briefly described by Neumann (107). A
sphere of known weight, presumably of metal,
106. O. H. Frankel and H. P. Donald, "Some Critical
Observations on Quality Testing in Wheat Breeding,"
was allowed to produce a depression in the
Proceedings of the World's Grain Exhibition and Con- dough, and the extent of this depression was
ference, Regina, Canada (2 voIs., Ottawa, 1933), II, measured. A "Strudelteigprobe," also origi-
nated by Kosutany is described in the same
107. Thomas KosutllllY, "Belastungsprobe," "Stru-
deiteigprobe," cited by M. P. Neumann, Broigetreide section of Neumann's book, and supplemented
lind Brot (3d ed., Berlin, 1,929), pp. 281-82. by notes communicated by Dr. Karacsonyi. A

well-mixed dough comprising 70 g. flour, 5 g. 110, 111, 112). Extensive use was made, in
of lard, and 40 cc. of water at 36° C. was Section I of this monograph, of their emphasis
molded into a ball and allowed to rest for 30 upon the application of appropriate physical
minutes. It was then placed upon a linen cloth terms and formulas to such discussions. In
drawn over a round table 50 cm. in diameter. the early stages of their studies they applied
The cloth and dough were lightly dusted with the "pachimeter," as previously designed by
flour and the dough rolled until it was uni- them for measuring plastic strength under
formly 1 (or 2) cm. thick. The stretching was rolling in terms of the stress (W) required
then continued by hand, starting at the middle just to start plastic flow in a deformable ma-
and working radially. The operation was con- terial. In their early paper (113) they report
tinued over the edge of the table until the thin the "pachimetry" of twelve flour samples
central sheet began to tear because of its thin- ranging from W = 22.5 g. with Manitoba, to
ness. All the dough then over the edge of the W = 11. 6 g. for English-grown Yeoman. With
table was cut off, and the 50 cm. disk was one exception, the W values appear to be in
gathered up and weighed. The lower the order of baking strength, although the basis
weight, the higher the quality possessed by upon which strength was appraised is not dis-
.the dough for producing "Strudelteig" or Hun- closed. In another paper (109) they mention
garian "Retes." one deficiency in applying such pachimeter
Lucente (108) described a dough-testing ap- tests to doughs, namely, that the stress is then
paratus consisting of a special burette in the applied for only a fraction of a second, whereas
upper part of which an exact quantity of in actual baking the stresses set up by gases
dough was placed. The burette was then filled generated in a leavened dough operate over
with water, and the upper end was closed. several hours.
Water was then allowed to run out at the bot- A second testing machine, called a "rack,"
tom, and the volume was assumed to be an was accordingly designed by Schofield and
index of the expansion of the dough, which, Scott Blair (109) which permitted applying
in turn, depended upon the elasticity of the the stress over extended periods of time. Early
dough. in such stUdies it was found that elastic re-
A major contribution to sound and construc- covery (see Section I for definition of terms)
tive thinking in the field of dough physics has increased with the percentage of extension of
been made by Schofield and Scott Blair (109, a long cylindrical piece of dough, up to 100
per cent; but no further increase was regis-
108. Giacomo Lucente, "Determination of the Plas- tered up to 200 per cent. Elastic recovery was
tic Properties of Flours by Use of a Simplified Ap-
paratus," Annali di chimica applicata, 1935, XXV, also an inverse exponential function of the
677-79. (Abstract in Chemical Abstracts, XXX, 6461; time under stress in seconds. Relaxation time
original not seen.)
109. R. K. Schofield and G. W. Scott Blair, "The Re- -dt h t ' t' d' I t'
lationship between Viscosity, Elasticity and Plastic ( d (loge x) , were IS Ime, an x IS e as IC
Strength of Soft Materials as Illustrated by Some Me- recovery) decreased as an exponential func-
chanical Properties of Flour Doughs" (1), Proceedings tion of stress, although it later developed that
of the Royal Society, Series A, 1932, CXXXVIII, 707-19.
110. Ibid. (II), 1933, CXXXIX, 557-66. the actual magnitude of these ratios was de-
111. Ibid. (III), 1933, CXLI, 72-85. termined also by the percentage of extension
112. Ibid. (IV), 1937, CLX, 87-94. effected by the applied stress; the greater the
113. G. W. Scott Blair and R. K. Schofield, "The percentage of extension, the higher the stress
Pachimeter as an Instrument for Testing Materials,
with Special Reference to Clays, Soils, and Flours," equivalent to a unit of relaxation time.
Journal of Rheology, July 1932, III, 318-25. At this stage of their researches Schofield
114. R. K. Schofield and G. W. Scott Blair, "Appara- and Scott Blair devised the scheme of floating
tur zur Bestimmung der mechanischen Eigenschaften
von Mehlteigen in absoluten Einheiten," Das Miihlen- the strand of dough under observation in a
laboratorium, April 1934, IV, 41-46. bath of mercury, elsewhere (114) illustrated
115. P. Halton and G. W. Scott Blair, "A Study of in more detail. A convenient schematic dia-
Some Physical Properties of Flour Doughs in Relation
to Their Bread-making Qualities," Cereal Chemistry,
gram was presented by Halton and Scott Blair
March 1937, XIV, 201-19. (115) and is here presented as Figure 23.
Evidently extensive use was made of this de- g xk
vice by Scott Blair and associates. It is essen-
- - dynes, where r
= radius of the dough
tially a research instrument, however, and has strand and g = acceleration of gravity = 981
not been produced commercially for industrial c.g.s. units. Therefore shearing stress
or technological applications.
5 = 981 xk
3::rcr 2
On progressively increasing the tensile
stress, a point was ultimately reached at
which the plastic strength was exceeded, and
nonrecoverable or plastic extension occurred.
FIG. 23.-Diagram of the extensimeter em- In a certain case the plastic limit was about
ployed by Schofield and Scott Blair, and by Hal- 5,000 dynes per cm. 2 Below that point an ex-
ton and Scott Blair tension due to a small increase in stress ap-
peared to be wholly recoverable on restoring
In these studies it also became apparent that the stress to its former value, provided suffi-
dough viscosity, as measured in terms of rate cient time was allowed. This was demon-
of flow of a strand of dough, was dependent strated by a direct experiment. If the applied
not only upon the shearing stress but also the stress exceeded the plastic strength, plastic
amount of shear that had taken place. There flow resulted, but here the elastic aftereffect
is some parallelism here with the "work- was superimposed, and accordingly was added
hardening" of metals. Accordingly there can as a negative contribution to the Maxwellian
he agreement in the replicated determinations equation for expressing the rate of fraction-
of 'Y] only when the dough treatments are uni-
form, and any value of 'Y] recorded must be
al elongation de/dt. Then /).e = _1_
/).5 - /).0.,

determined in the light of the history of the where e = elongation, n = modulus, 5 = stress,
dough specimen. and a = elastic after-effect. As a steady condi-
Elastic after-effect in doughs was also dem- tion is approached where the system is left
onstrated by use of the instrument illustrated undisturbed, it may be assumed that a ap-
in Figure 23, using a solid cylinder or strand proaches zero.
of dough 0.7 cm. in diameter and about 10 cm. Viscosity ('Y]) can be determined by the de-
long, prepared by forcing properly aged doughs vice illustrated in Figure 23, as in the follow-
through the aperture of a dough gun not un- ing typical case (Schofield and Scott Blair,
like an extrusion plastometer. Two small 111). A dough strand was extended at a steady
graduated scales designated as B, and to which rate of 0.0154 cm. per second until its length
we will refer as Br and BI (Le., right and left was 25.3 cm. At that point
scales respectively), were attached at the ends
de 0.0154
of the dough, and situated under the micro- -= = 6.1 X 10- 4 sec.-1
scopes (C). At the right of scale Br was a dt 25.3
resilient member (marked D), originally a During this elongation the cross section of the
rubber strand and later a small coiled spring, dough strand was decreasing. 5, the shearing
anchored at the extreme right. At the left is stress, which is 113 tensile stress per unit area
a winch on which the cord attached to the of cross section, was determined from the scale
dough and scale BI could be wound. Then the readings and the dimensions of the dough
position of the scale at the right, Bn could be strand, and found to be 2.7 X 10 3 dynes per
used as a direct indication of the stress, since cm. 2 While the value for the modulus, n, was
the resilient member, D, had already been cali- not known exactly, it was low and probably
brated by hanging weights on it. Thus if it not more than 1 X 10 4 • The elastic part of the
took k grams to stretch it one scale unit, and
it was then stretched :r scale units, the tensile elongation ~ ~~ then equaled 1.6 X 1 O-~ X 10- 4
stress on the dough per unit cross section was sec.- 1 Since the stress was applied steadily

and slowly the elastic after-effect was negligible resting have been reached in other types of
and could be disregarded. The rate of plas- testing procedures.
tic flow then becomes Halton and Scott Blair expanded this phase
(6.1 - 1.6) X 10- 4 = 4.5 X 10- 4 sec.- 1 of the study to include fermented doughs held
for 7 hours, and using flours of graduated
Dividing into S, strength. Certain of the data indicating the
trends are included in Table 5. It is evident
'Y] = 2 . 7 X 10 = 0 .6 X 107 d ynes cm. -2 secs. that the weak Australian flour dough changed
4.5 X 10- 4 more in these physical properties than did the
That some attention to temperature control is strong No. 1 Manitoba. Also there was a
essential in such measurements is indicated by greater relative change in viscosity than in
Halton and Scott Blair's (115) observation modulus, which altered the ratio of these two
that the viscosity of dough falls by about 10 properties with the lapse of time.
per cent per 1 C. rise in temperature, while
Although bakers have reported a "toughen-
the modulus falls about 5 per cent. ing" of strong flour doughs during fermenta-
A relaxation time of tr = 100 seconds was tion, no flours thus classified have failed to
computed for the experiment. register an actual decrease in viscosity and
Elastic hysteresis in doughs caused the modulus during fermentation when tested by
modulus, n, to decrease steadily whenever Halton and Scott Blair.
dS/dt preserved the same sign for an appre-
ciable time, and increased abruptly when the TABLE 5.-EFFECT OF FERMENTATION ON VISCOSITY
(1']), MODULUS (n), AND THE 1']/n RATIO, AS RE-
sign of dS/dt was changed.
Before the fourth paper (112) in the Scho-
field and Scott Blair series appeared, Halton Flour Time in Viscosity Modulus 71/n
hours 71 X 10· n X 10'\ ratio
and Scott Blair (116) published the results of -----~~----- --
studies conducted by them with the mercury 3.97 3.16 126
No.1 Manitoba ...... p.2
bath extensimeter (illustrated here in Fig. 23). 6.9 3.25 3.09 105
Extending the time of mixing from 3 minutes No.3 Manitoba ...... fLl
to 12 effected a reduction in 'Y] from Barusso Plate
6.38 X 10 6 to 2.92 X 10 6 • While the dough (Argentina) ....... fLl
mixed 3 minutes decreased in 'Y] on standing, Australian .......... f1.1 2.52 3.21 78
reaching 4.92 X 10 6 in 30 minutes, the dough 7.0 0.76 1.58 48
mixed 12 minutes increased somewhat on
standing 30 minutes, reaching 'Y] 3.55 X 106 • = While Halton and Scott Blair do not find in
Modulus (n) was 4.29 X 10 4 in the dough these studies a basis for quantitatively ex-
mixed 3 minutes and decreased somewhat on pressing the approach of optimum fermen-
standing, reaching 3. 94 X 104, and 3. 73 X 10 4 tation in terms of 'Y] or fI, they do observe that
in 30 and 60 minutes respectively. The modu- these constants are of major importance. Vis-
lus of the dough mixed 12 minutes was cosity must be high enough to prevent un-
3.02 X 10 4 and increased to 3.50 X 10 4 on desirable flowing-out of the dough; on the
standing 60 minutes. It is evident, therefore, other hand, modulus must be low, to permit
that the history of the physical treatment of a substantial elastic expansion under the
accorded a dough, as well as time intervals in- relatively low gas pressure within the vesicles
volved in the several rest periods, are reflected of an expanding leavened dough. Since both
in these, as well as other physical properties. 'Y] and n are influenced by the water content
Much the same general conclusions respecting of dough, considerations involving these vari-
a partial recovery of overmixed doughs upon ables must take cognizance of the role of the
water present. They also recognize that ten-
116. P. Halton and G. W. Scott Blair, "A Study of sile strength of dough determines its extensi-
Some Physical Properties of Flour Doughs in Relation
to Their Bread-Making Qualities," Journal of Physical
bility and gas-holding properties, and accord-
Chemistry, May 1936, XL, 561-80. ingly is a factor of major importance.

In a continuation of these studies Halton if each insecure link at R, S, and T will stand
and Scott Blair (117) extended their discus- the same maximum strain, the link between
sion of "shortness," or the tendency to tear, in the short springs at S will break before those
bread doughs. The baker's concept of bread- at Rand T.
dough shortness appears to be a complex one
which depends both on ductility and tensile
strength. The relationship between the rate
at which 'YJ falls with increasing stress (struc-
tural viscosity) and the brittleness of mate-
rials may constitute a measurement of short-
ness. If dough were a true highly viscous
fluid, it could be extended until the test piece
was a fine thread before rupturing; if it were
a solid, it would scarcely deform at all up to ~ d
a limiting stress (tensile strength), and at this S :"
stress it would fracture squarely. This sug-
gests that the more nearly a dough approaches FIG. 24.-Model of a system of springs designed
the characteristics of a true fluid, the less by Schofield and Scott Blair to illustrate certain
dough properties.
"short" it is likely to be.
A relatively short dough that had been ex-
The application of a small horizontal stress
tended until it broke evidenced a mechanical
will produce the situation indicated at b with
anisotropy-" that simulated a "fibrous" struc-
all the links holding, and, on releasi;g the
ture. Rupture occurred as a result of tearing
strain, it will return to the original condition
apart of the fibers. In the process of deform-
represented at a. A strain sufficient to break
ing or extending the dough, there was a tend-
the link at S, as indicated at c, will result in
ency toward the production of coarse fibers,
failure of the system to recover its unstrained
which produced a heterogeneity of structure.
length (as at a) when the stress is released; it
This, in turn, resulted in a progressive slip-
can return only to the condition shown at d.
ping of fibers as the stress increased, which
The system has then undergone a permanent
evidenced itself in high structural viscosity.
elongation, and has "flowed."
When the juncture between two fibers slipped
To be sure, a dough is not as simple as this,
and broke, a rent was formed, and the subse-
but comprises many such systems. Not all of
quent contraction of the fibers made the rent
these behave exactly the same when subjected
to a stress. Moreover, as the progressive
Schofield and Scott Blair (112) developed
breaking of these links or junctions proceeds
this general concept further by means of a
under stress, the greater must be the next
mechanical model to demonstrate work-hard-
increment of stress to effect the breaking of
ening in dough. This model consisted of the
more junctions. Schofield and Scott Blair
system of six springs shown in Figure 24.
believe that the gluten contributed by wheat
Three of these springs are securely linked at
flour to a bread dough is actually responsible
P, the other three at Q, while they are inse-
for these properties, since in these particulars
cUI'ely linked in pairs at R, S, and T. Also
washed crude gluten preparations behaved
the two springs linked at S are represented as
about the same as dough. Accordingly, they
only half the length of the other four. Now,
assumed that the gluten in dough forms an
• A. specialized term presumably implying that a
elastic network which dominates the me-
rnaterl~l exhibits different mechanical properties when chanical behavior.
tested In dill'erent directions. Additional emphasis upon the "spring" of
.117. P. Halton and G. W. Scott Blair, "The Relation- dough was laid by Halton and Scott Blair
~lllp between Conditions Governing Rupture and Flow
In Flour Doughs," Journal of Physical Chemistry
(115), as that term was used by them to de-
.June 1936, XL, 811-19. ' scribe the recovery of dough after deform a-

tion.* They considered this characteristic of were all badly frosted. The flours were alI poor in
dough to be associated with relaxation time, the bakehouse, the doughs being gummy and
or the ratio 'Yj/n. Attention was also called to short. With none of these flours did the structural
viscosity figure agree with the excessive shortness.
the fact that by adjustment of water content
it was possible to make doughs from each of TAllLE n.-HELATION BETWEEN VISCOSITY 'l'J AND
three flours of widely different baking quality MODULUS n FOll A SmilES OF FI"OURS OF VARYING
which had either the same modulus (n) or BAKING QUALITIES, AS HEPOIlTED llY HALTON AND
the same viscosity ('Yj), but by no such adjust- Sr,OT'l' BLAIIl, 1937*

ment could the 'Yj/n ratio be made the same

for the three flours without making very wide Relaxa· tural
Laboratory Flour tion viscosity
difIerences in viscosity itself. When 'Yj was ad- number type time, (short·
spring ness)
justed to the same value, the strong Manitoba l1/n 11 1000 )
( 11 2000
wheat flour dough had the lowest, and the ----
weak Australian wheat Hour dough the high- 1'3424 ...... Imported Canadian ... 102 1.3
est modulus; conversely, when they were NC946 .... No.1 Manitoba ....... 85 1.3
brought to the same n, the Manitoba dough NClOll ... No.1 Manitoba ....... 84 1.3
NC958 .... No.2 Manitoba ....... 91 1.4
had the highest and the Australian dough the NCI013 ... No.2 Manitoba ....... 89 1.2
lowest 'Yj. This indicates the significance of NCl005 ... No.3 Manitoba ....... 58 1.3
the 'Yj/n ratio or relaxation time, which they NClOIO ... No.4 Manitoba ....... 52 1.2
regard as of fundamental importance in de- NC995 .... South Australian ..... 55 1.5
termining the baking quality of flour. For NC997 .... South Australian ..... 50 1.9
NC998 .... Western Australian ... 50 1.9
convenience they uniformly determined the NCl012 ... South Australian ..... 38 1.6
relaxation time at constant values of n, namely
W152/8 ... English ............... 79 1.4
1 X 10' c.g.s. units, presumably by adjustment W151/7 ... English ............... 56 1.6
of the water content of the dough. W167j8 ... English ............... 28 2.0
In standardizing certain of their testing
* Heference 115, p. 216.
techniques with the "extensimeter" dia-
grammed in Figure 23, they found that
Of the four Australian flours No. 997 and No. 998
stresses of 1,000 and 2,000 dynes/cm. 2 applied were both very short while the other two were
for one minute were the most satisfactory. only slightly short and yielded much better bread.
The ratio between these two values of 'Yj for a The three English samples were interesting
series of flours, recorded in Table 6 as "struc- in that they were special experimental wheats.
W152/8 was an extraordinarily good sample and
tural viscosity" (shortness), appears to in- quite unlike ordinary English. Its high spring fig.
crease generally with decreasing flour strength. ure and low shortness figure are quite in keeping
When the modulus was measured, the dough with its quality. W151j7 was quite good for alI-
was allowed a relaxation period of three min- English wheat flour and showed only slight short-
utes, by which time the elastic after-effect ap- ness. W167/8, however, was a typical poor Eng-
lish sample and was very short.
peared to be completed.
Under the testing conditions here described Their data, in the light of these general
the data recorded in Table 6 were reported by comments on baking qualities of the samples
Halton and Scott Blair. While no bakers' involved, indicated to them the close connec-
marks are recorded for these flours, certain tion between baking quality and the two phys-
comments were made as follows: ical properties of relaxation time and struc-
tural viscosity.
The two No.1 Manitoba flours were unsatisfac-
tory samples, and in the bakehouse were very Issoglio (118) employed an "isterometer"
slightly inferior to the samples of No.2 Manitoba.
The No.3 Manitoba was also a poor sample of its * American bakers often use the term "spring" in
an entirely different sense, to refer to the increase in
type and its much lower spring figure of 58 com- volume of dough during the first few minutes of oven
pared with about 90 for the No. 2 Manitoba baking.
samples is in keeping with its much poorer qual- 118. Giovanni Issoglio, "La mineralizzazione delle
ity in the bakehouse. The No.4 Manitoba was one acque e gli imJlosti da pane," Annali della r. accademia
of a batch of Nos. 4, 5, and 6 Manitobas which d'auricoltura di Torino, 1937, LXXX, 35-49.

having some characteristics in common with analogous to those detailed by Scott Blair and
the "extensimeter" used by Scott Blair el al. associates, and recorded elsewhere in this
As shown in Figure 25 it included a glass tube monograph. In general, the mechanics of his
4 cm. in diameter containing a mercury trough system are not as complete and convenient as
on which the test piece of dough was floated. the stressmeter of Bohn and Bailey (119), or
Humid air at 20° C. was passed through the the Schofield and Scott Blair (14) extensim-
tube. The test piece of dough was prepared eter shown above in Figure 23.
by mixing 75 g. of flour with an average of Issoglio then applied these several physical
32 g. of water, and allowing it to rest for 20 methods to a study of the effect of the con-
stituents of natural waters, and of added min-
erals including sea salt, upon dough proper-
ties. Two flours were employed, one of low
strength, the other of medium strength. Com-
mon salt (NaCO appeared to affect dough
properties favorably with both flours, increas-
ing the elasticity, plasticity, and consistency,
and favoring dough expansion in baking.
Calcium ions in the dough solution beneficially
modified dough properties if not used in ex-
cess, the optimum being equivalent to 0.15 g.
FIG. 25.-IssogIio's isterometer Ca++ per liter. The effect of the latter was
essentially independent of the negative ion, at
minutes at 20° C. A special die was employed least in so far as sulfate, chloride, phosphate,
in cutting out a piece of dough 10 cm. long and bicarbonate ions are concerned. Magne-
and 1 cm. in section, with enlarged ends 2.4 sium ions did not have a like beneficial effect.
cm. long and 1.5 cm. in diameter. These Wolarowitsch and Samarina (120) find that
bulbous ends were grasped by jaws, one of Schofield and Scott Blair's 009-111) 'I'] values
which was secured by a cord to the hook at for dough are too high, and call attention to
the left end of the tube as shown in Figure 25, the inapplicability of Newton's viscosity equa-
while the other was attached to a cord which
passed over the pulley at the right, and ter-
tion ; = 'I'] ~~ to colloidal solutions and dis-
minated with a small bucket. Shot could be perse systems, the 'I'] of which is not stable
poured through the funnel into this bucket, or steady. Bingham had previously inserted
thus applying to the test piece an increased the yield value -It in the equation thus:
force or stress, or what Issoglio terms "the F dv
force of traction." - - -It = '1']-. Wolarowitsch and Tolstoi in
S dr
By means of the ergometer described else- an earlier paper 020, p. 165) had described
where by Issoglio (104) he measured the plas- a coaxial cylinder plastometer by means of
ticity, consistency, elasticity, and work done which they confirmed Bingham's theory
in extending dough; with his sclerometer he represented conveniently by the equation
measured the "hardness"; and with this "is-
lerometer" he measured the percentage elon- ~~ = <p Cr - -It) in which ~~ is the velocity gra-
gation with relation to time, and the reduction dient, <p the fluidity (mobility), L the shearing
in diameter or percentage constriction be-
tween the initial section and the section near
the point of breakage where compactness is 119. L. J. Bohn and C. H. Bailey, "Elasticity of
Wheat Flour Dough," Cereal Chemistry, July 1936,
at a minimum. From the several data he then XIII, 389-409.
computed the modulus of elasticity and the 120. M. P. Wolarowitsch and K. I. Samarina, "Ober
mechanical viscosity of the flour dough. While Viskositiit und Plastizitiit disperser Systeme. II. Un-
tersuchungen del' plastischen Eigenschaften des Mehl-
he does not indicate the mathematics of his teigs nach del' Methode cines rotierenden Zylinders,"
calculations, one would assume that they are Kolloid-Zeitschrift, 1935, LXX, 280-85.

F other end was attached to the stress balance

stress (or S where F = tangential force and
at the left. The latter registered the stress on
S = shearing surface), and it the yield value the test piece, measured directly in grams.
or force required to institute flow. The stress balance scale was calibrated by
W olarowitsch and Samarina applied this passing the cord over the pulley shown near
method to the study of doughs. The device the center of the ensemble, attaching metric
itself comprised an inner stationary cylinder, weight, and marking the readings on the scale.
and an outer cylinder to which force could be It will be noted that it was provided with three
applied. The yield value it could be deter- counterweights which permitted of a wide
mined from the force (weight) applied in just range of adjustment, particularly in the early
instituting motion in the outer cylinder. stages of the experiments.
Means was provided for measuring the ve-
locity of the inner cylinder when the force ~
th_mmh ____1.h_-l!
__ []V'
____ h _______

applied (P) exceeded the force equivalent to

it (Po)' DOUGH GUN

Wolarowitsch and Samarina noted that

when the weight, P, was large there was a
linear relation between it and the velocity of
rotation (Q) of the inner cylinder, but when
.:r-~fnl~ \Iii! ( ,

the weight, P, was reduced considerably the STRESS BALANCE DOUGH STRETCHING APPARATUS

curve assumed a logarithmic form. FIG. 26.-Bohn and Bailey's stressmeter

In their studies of dough, 100 g. of abso- assembly
lutely dry flour was mixed with varying
amounts of water ranging from 90 to 150 g. It As in all such studies of dough, it early
required one hour for the preparation to reach became apparent that great care must be taken
a stable state where constant values resulted. to accord uniform treatment to the dough in
Thereafter all the preparations were mixed preparing the test pieces. A standard pro-
in a mortar for 30 minutes and then rotated cedure commonly followed involved mixing
in the apparatus for 10 minutes, when con- the dough in a mechanical kneading machine
stant rotation values were reached. to a consistency equivalent to 540 farinograph
A correlation was observed between the ca- units with a 2 per cent Nael solution, remov-
pacity of flour to bind water, as determined ing it immediately from the mixer bowl, roIl-
by Dumansky's refractometric method, and ing out a cylinder just small enough to enter
the plasticity constant of the flour when con- the large end of the dough gun, allowing it to
verted into dough. stand 7 minutes in the gun, extruding the test
In an effort to simplify the rather intricate piece through the 5 mm. aperture and trans-
"extensimeter" described and used by Scott ferring it to the mercury trough, clamping
Blair and associates (Fig. 23), Bohn and the supports to the two ends about 16 to 20
Bailey (119) designed an apparatus for meas- mm. apart, and then proceeding to apply the
uring stress-strain relations in flour dough tests. These manipulations required about 10
which is illustrated in Figure 26. The strand minutes. Other tests were also made involving
of dough to be tested was extruded through total elapsed times of 15 and 20 minutes.
the circular 5 mm. orifice of the dough "gun." Since a dough in the process of fermenta-
After a suitable rest period, this was floated tion extends to about five times its original
on the mercury in the trough at the lower size, it was arbitrarily decided to extend these
right. This bath could be placed in a thermo- dough strands to five times their original
stat for temperature control, and the humidity length. Thus if the latter was 18.5 mm., it
under the cover was maintained at a high was extended at a steady rate to 92.5 mm. by
level by moistened blotting paper. One end of means of the windlass, and held there for ex-
the test piece was attached to a cord which actly 10 seconds; 5 seconds later the first
passed over the windlass at the right. The reading was recorded, or 15 seconds after ap-

plying the stress; and again after a total of 30, meter readings were somewhat more highly
60, and 120 seconds, and otherwise as neces- correlated with the baking tests than was the
sary to the tests in progress. Duplicated tests crude protein content.
agreed fairly well, 18 per cent of the tests These studies were extended by Bohn and
having a mean difference of 1.0 g. or less with Bailey (121) to include other variables. When
an average of 17.6 g. All tests were made time of mixing in the farinograph mixer of
at 26° C. either strong (D) or medium-strength flour
The recorded readings in grams were re- (E) was the variable, the 15-second stress-
duced to the equivalent of g./cm. 2 and assume meter readings decreased substantially during
a constant area of cross section of the test the progress of mixing. Thus the reading for
pieces. This is an arbitrary assumption prob- the strong flour dough (E) was 16.4 g. after
ably not in accordance with the facts, since 3 minutes, 10.7 g. after 15 minutes, and 3.2 g.
the stronger, more elastic doughs tend to con- after 30 minutes mixing. With the medium-
tract lengthwise and stretch in cross section, strength flour (E) the equivalent readings
on being extruded from the dough gun, more were 13.5,7.7, and 3.9 g. respectively. Ef-
than do the weak flour doughs. It is a con- fects of overmixing in terms of diminished
venient assumption, however, and may be stressmeter readings were evident from simi-
quite justified in view of other empiricisms lar studies with the Swanson-Hobart dough
of the test, especially since it tends to set the mixer.
strong and weak flour doughs even farther The thermal coefficient of these stressmeter
apart than would be the case if corrections readings was large, varying from 1.3 g./cm. 2
were applied for the exact diameters. More- to 2.0 g./cm. 2 per degree C. as the temperature
over, the diameter of the test piece changes was decreased progressively from 35 ° C. to
upon extension to a degree not known in these 20° C. Effect of water used in the dough upon
studies. stressmeter readings has been discussed in
Three flours of varying baking strength, and Section I.
containing (A) 13.2, (B) 11.8, and (C) 8.1 Bohn and Bailey (122) traced the effect of
per cent of crude protein respectively were fermentation, and of salt, fats or shortening,
used in Bohn and Bailey's studies. The stress- dry milk solids, papain, malt extract, and
meter readings were highest with the strong malted wheat flour upon these stressmeter
flour at all times after the stress was applied; readings, but these details of baking tech-
thus, 15 seconds after applying the stress, the nology are somewhat beyond the scope of this
values were (A) 25.3, (B) 20.0, and (C) monograph and will not be discussed here.
12.4 g. respectively. Dying out of the stress- One general suggestion may well be made,
meter readings could be expressed graphically however, namely, that the appropriate degree
as a straight line when the logarithm of the of "softening" or "mellowing" in fermenting
reading was plotted against the logarithm of bread doughs merits more study than has
time. Moreover, the slope of this line was been accorded it. The author suspects that the
about the same with all three flours. right combination of physical properties and
Confining comparisons to the 15 - second gassing rate* results in optimum bread qual-
stressmeter readings, a high correlation with ity, and that this combination may ultimately
the baking-quality score of loaves baked from be identified and maintained, not alone
leavened doughs mixed for 5 minutes (a
* Gassing rate defines the rate of production of
rather heavy mixing treatment for the ma- gaseous CO. in dough as a consequence of alcoholic
chine that was employed) was computed in a fermentation and involves an adequate concentration
of fermentable sugars.
series of 36 comparisons made with hard
121. L. J. Bohn and C. H. Bailey, "Effect of Mixing
Wheat flours, l' = +0.90. The correlation was on the Physical Properties of Dough," Cereal Chem-
significant, but lower, between the same istry, September 1936, XIII, 560-75.
stressmeter readings and the baking-quality 122. L. J. Bohn and C. H. Bailey, "Effect of Fermen-
score when doughs were mixed only 3 min- tation, Certain Dough Iugredients, and Proteases upou
the Physical Properties of Flour Doughs," ibid., May
utes, viz., r = +0.54. In general, the stress- 1937, XIV, 335-48.

through the selection of suitable flours and previously described by Kuhlmann (125) and
other dough ingredients, but also in terms of others has been found to be more adequate.
the progressive change in physical properties A schematic diagram of the extensograph is
which occurs in baking. Too much attention shown in Figure 27. The solid cylinder of
has been given to the properties of freshly
mixed dough, and not enough to the properties
of the same material after it has fermented
for a time.
Neumann and Mohs (123) devised a ma-
chine for measuring the stretching abilities or
ductility of dough. A 200 g. portion of dough
was fitted and locked into two clamps sup-
ported on a track in such a manner that they
could be moved horizontally away from each
other. By means of cords, these clamps were
steadily drawn apart and the strand of dough
thus elongated until it ruptured. The distance
through which it had been extended was then
read on a graduated scale. These investigators
noted that the extensibility thus measured
tended to increase through the first hour after
mixing, and in certain instances for even a
longer time. Using the mean values recorded FIG. 27.-Schematic diagram of the Brabender
at half-hour intervals over 3 hours, the meas- extensograph
urements ranged from 7.9 to 36.2 cm. When
yeast was included in the dough, the values dough to be tested is shown at 1, supported
were reduced in all cases. While this crude by an arm, 2. The dough is held by clips, the
machine possessed certain features found in farther one being shown at 3, while the one
several of the new and more refined instru- at the near end of the dough cylinder has been
ments, it apparently was not extensively ap- removed to expose the dough. A motor at 4
plied, either in the laboratory where it origi- drives the arm at 5 which engages and ex-
nated or elsewhere. tends the dough. In later models this has been
changed to provide an arm which moves verti-
cally, instead of rotating in a circular manner
Munz and Brabender (124) call attention to as illustrated here. As the dough is extended
certain inadequacies in farinograph tests of by motion of this arm, force is exerted which
doughs, particularly in the instance of doughs works against the counterweight at the left
at rest, and in studying the efrect of oxidizing and registers through the lever system, 6 and
agents upon dough extensibility. For the 7, to the stylus running on the face of the
latter purposes the Brabender extensograph chart at 8. The greater the force, F, the farther
down the chart does the stylus move. The
123. M. P. Neumann and K. Mohs, "Studien libel' horizontal motion of this chart is synchro-
den Brotteig; Zahigkeitsmessungen," Zeitschrift fiir
das gesamte Getreidewesen, 1912, IV, 247-49. nized with the motion of the motor, 4, and
124. Emil Munz and C. W. Brabender, "Prediction accordingly registers the distance that the
of Baking Value from Measurements of Plasticity and arm, 5, moves in extending the dough.
Extensibility of Dough. 1. Influence of Mixing and While either leavened or unleavened dough
Molding Treatments upon Physical Dough Properties
of Typical American Wheat Varieties," Cereal Chem- can be tested with the extenso graph, the for-
istry, January 1940, XVII, 78-100. mer appears to introduce a higher variability
125. W. Kuhlmann, "Del' Extensogl'aph, ein neues into the procedure and may well be avoided
Hilfsmittel del' Mehlphysik zur El'mittlpng del' glin-
stigsten Chemikaliendosierung," Die Miillle, Sept. 18,
unless the effect of fermentation is involved.
1936, p. 1213. Preparation of the doughs by the farinograph

has been proposed, to facilitate control of con- wheat flour dough behaved quite differently,
sistency and degree of mixing (or overmix- the FIE ratios being not materially difTerent
ing). In the extensograph ensemble is in- after a 4-hour rest period following mixing.
cluded not only the actual device as dia- On extended overmixing, doughs tended to
grammed in Figure 27, but also (1) a "round- lose extensibility (E), and increased in re-
ing up" machine for preliminary forming of sistance to extension (F), but their relative
the round dough masses; (2) a dough-mold- alteration appeared to be correlated with the
ing machine for mechanically preparing the relative "developing time" (Brabender's Kon-
solid cylinders; (3) a thermostat in which the stanz in Minuten discussed under the farino-
doughs are incubated during rest periods and graph) as recorded with the farinograph.
prior to testing. This feature insures con- Flours were quite variable in their deportment
stant temperature of the test pieces. when doughs made from them were over-
The result of such a dough test is recorded mixed, and then allowed to rest before testing
in the type of chart shown in Figure 28. From them. In general those flours which were most
sensitive to overmixing, in terms of their test
properties immediately after mixing, also ex-
hibited the greatest tendency to recover the
properties of a normally mixed dough when
permitted to rest for a time. Munz and Bra-

,E )
1 )
bender point out that there may be some in-
adequacies in the use of the slope of the farino-
gram as a measure of mixing tolerance, being
FIG. 28.-Type extensogram acceptable only when dealing with the weaker
flours of generally similar character.
such a graphic record Munz and Brabender Munz and Brabender (126) emphasized
take the following constants: that while the farinograph does not ade-
quately register the effect of oxidizing agents,
F = the force applied to extend the dough at such as potassium bromate, upon the proper-
constant speed of extension. ties of flour doughs, properly conducted tests
E = extensibility, measured on the horizon- with the extensograph are very useful and sig-
tal axis. nificant. Certain properties of untreated flour
El = extension to optimum point of resist- doughs can be used in predicting their re-
ance to extension. sponse to oxidizing agents, and the "oxy-
A = area under the extensogram. number" can be estimated from the formula
Early in their studies Munz and Brabender Area .
found that dough properties disclosed by this FIE X 10' A low value approachmg zero and
system of testing changed steadily with time, ranging up to 20 indicates a strongly negative
and as a function of mixing treatment, fer- reaction to bromate, i.e., an impairment of
mentation, dough ingredients, and other vari- baking qualities when bromate is included in
ables. The ratio of FIE was not uncommonly such a dough; 20-30 implies moderately nega-
profoundly altered by these variables, and tive behavior, 30-40 is generally neutral, 40-
accordingly this ratio constituted a convenient 50 moderately positive, and over 50 very posi-
analysis of curve characteristics. The area tive. The values are not absolute criteria,
under the curve was also changed, though however, since the position of the "neutral"
usually to a smaller degree, since F commonly or nonreactive value is contingent in part
increased while E was decreasing. upon bakeshop practices where the dough is
Dough made from strong American spring- being converted into bread. The effect of bro-
wheat flour and molded 4 hours after mixing mate in controlling or restraining the action
exhibited less decrease in the FIE ratio on
126. Emil Munz and C. W. Brabender, 1939. (Un-
subsequent standing than did doughs molded published manuscript, which will probably appear
immediately after mixing. A weak European during 1940 in Cereal Chemistry.)

of proteolytic enzymes of the papain type in ured are concerned, but differing substantially
dough, and of protease activators such as cys- in its purely mechanical features, is described
teine, was demonstrated from the extenso- in the British patenl issued to Halton and
grams. Thermal or heat conditioning of soft Fisher (127). Viscosity and tearing properties
European wheals could be standardized con- of dough are measured and recorded by im-
veniently in terms of extensograph tests. paling a ball of dough (generally following
Area under the extensograms appeared to appropriate fermentation) upon two separate
furnish a basis for prediction of bread-baking horizontal arms. The upper arm is attached
qualities of wheat flour doughs. Values in to a weighted lever which functions as a bal-
excess of 1,200 (arbitrary units as measured ance in measuring the force applied in extend-
in terms of 0.1 cm. 2 under the conditions of ing the dough. The lower arm is attached to
the experiments) indicated large loaves rep- a worm gear in such wise that as the worm is
resenting "strong" flours, and areas below 400 rotated the arm steadily moves downward,
very small loaves, with gradations between and extends the dough impaled on it.
these extremes. When the test is started, these two arms or
An artificial manipUlation of the gluten pins are in juxtaposition. A motor is then
content of dough, as effected by addition of set into motion which moves the lower arm
crude gluten or by dilution with starch, also downward. The same gear which moves it
resulted in altering the Area under the ex- also rotates a cylindrical drum on which a
tensogram. The role of gluten was further paper chart is mounted. As in the extenso-
emphasized by experiences with natural flours graph just described, a stylus records verti-
having a varying gluten content. Assuming cally the force applied throughout the test
flours to have been accorded a proper condi- until the dough strand fractUres and the force
tioning, or treatment with oxidizing agents, returns to zero. Also the extension is indi-
the tentative relations between Area and glu- cated along the horizontal axis.
ten content are: Area = 600± for 8 per cent Concerning the data resulting from such
crude protein in the flour; Area = 1500± for tests, no extended reference has yet been made
16 per cent crude protein, with equivalent in the literature. The author has seen the
areas at intermediate levels of protein content. device in action in the laboratories where it
Munz and Brabender also suggest that the was designed, and representatives of certain
adaptability of soft wheat flours to special British milling firms have expressed satis-
baking purposes, such as making soft cakes, faction with it, based upon their experience
cookies, pastry, and crackers, can be deter- or observations.
mined from attributes of the extensograms.
The following ranges in Area are proposed:
The formation of a normal bread dough is
Area under a gradual rather than an instantaneous process
Type of baked product extcnsograms
Angel food and layer cake ...... 300-450 in which time, mechanical treatment, and
Cookies and pastry ............. 350-500 dough ingredients are most prominent in
Cracker sponges .............. 600-700 determining its properties at the instant of
Cracker dough ................ 500-600 measurement. Such dough possesses several
physical properties that are of significance, in-
Moreover, in bread-baking practices, cer- cluding viscosity or plasticity, elasticity, duc-
tain details of formula and shop program can til ityOI' extensibility, tensile strength (particu-
be brought under more definite control, in the larly significant when extended under stress),
judgment of these investigators, by analysis stickiness or adhesiveness, and possibly
of the extenso grams resulting from appro- others, or unique combinations in complex
priate variation in dough treatments.
A device having some characteristics in 127. Philip Halton and Ernest A. Fisher, "An Im-
common with the extensograph, at least in so proved Process for Determining the Baking Qualities
of Wheaten Flour Dough and Apparatus Therefor"
far as the dough characteristics to be meas- (British Patent 492,049, Sept. 14, 1938).

properties. It has not proved to be simple or bring dough to the optimum state in mixing is
easy to devise testing machines that would relatively constant when speed of mixing is the
measure these properties singly. Moreover, variable. Optimum mixing time is somewhat
it is not yet clearly evident how each of these short of the time required for doughs to reach
properties should be weighted in introducing maximum consistency or minimum mobility.
them into an equation for the prediction of Sensitivity to overmixing, as evidenced by a
baking quality. Schofield and Scott Blair high rate of decrease in consistency after the
proposed the relaxation time (tr), or ratio of maximum is reached, appears to be a function
viscosity (1]) to the rigidity modulus (n), as a of several variables, including mechanical deg-
compound factor which they found to be re- radation of the gluten structure, proteolytic
lated to baking behavior of dough. This equa- action, action of a-amylase, and presence of
tion is probably not complete, however, and protease accelerants such as cysteine or
they refer to the probable significance of work- glutathione-which may be contributed by
hardening and tensile strength. wheat-germ tissue and by dough ingredients
Of the types of mechanical devices which other than flour such as milk solids, salt, and
have had the largest application in dough test- other materials. Oxidizing agents commonly
ing, two have been outstanding: (1) the re- used as dough improvers, such as bromates,
cording dough mixer, and (2) some sort of do not evidence their effect as emphatically
extensimeter. Several commercial instruments when tests are made by recording dough mix-
have been offered for both purposes. ers as when dough extensibility is determined.
The recording dough mixer has been pro- Using the dough-development time, or time
posed particularly for (a) affording a measure in minutes for the dough to register maximum
of relative viscosity or mobility ("consist- consistency in a recording dough mixer, it was
ency") of dough as a function of the propor- observed by Markley (128) that at least 7 per
tion of water used, (b) tracing the relative cent of gluten must be present to insure a con-
rate of dough formation, and (c) indicating tinuous gluten matrix. Above 8 per cent of
dough-mixing stability in terms of the rate of gluten the dough properties are related to the
softening or increase in mobility with ex- properties of the gluten, while below 7 per
tended mixing. It has been proposed that cent the dough properties are determined
when a is standardized at a constant value, largely by the starch component. Stamberg
band c singly or combined afford an index of (129) computed that the film of protein at
flour strength. With natural or untreated this 7 per cent gluten level would be 3700 A
flours, there may be a correlation between a thick* in an anhydrous state; but of course it
and b on the one hand, and baking strength is thicker, and to an unknown degree, in the
of flour, although the measurements in ques- wetted or hydrated state. Also it was calcu-
tion do not directly reveal those physical lated that each milIigram of gluten, when
properties which are really responsible for most highly attenuated, would cover 20.9 cm. 2
the satisfactory behavior of dough in baking. of starch granule surface in the dough.
Data have been presented from time to When an overmixed dough is removed from
time which appear to justify certain general the mixer and allowed to stand for a time, it
observations relative to the interpretation of tends somewhat to regain the properties of a
recording dough-mixing data. Dough has an normally mixed dough. Evidently some re-
appreciable temperature coefficient in terms of arrangement of the disturbed structure formed
mobility or consistency, and accordingly such
measurements should be made at constant
temperature. "Strong" flours generally re-
• A or Angstrom unit = 0.1 millimicron (mil) or
1 X 10-7 mm.
quire a more extended mixing than weak 128. Max C. Markley, "The Colloidal Behavior of
flours. Optimum mixing time is an exponen- Flour Doughs. III. Studies upon the Properties of
tial function of mixing speed, I.e., the rate of Flour-Starch-Water Systems," Cereal Chemistry. July
1938, XV, 438-44.
rotation (within reasonable limits) of the
129. Olof E. Stamberg, "Starch as a Factor in Dough
arms of a dough mixer. The work input to Formation," ibid., November 1939, XVI, 769-80.

by the gluten micelles occurs with the lapse of In a normal bread dough it appears that a
time. sustained stress may result in a permanent
Extensimeters can be devised which will af- disarrangement of the gluten micelles, to the
ford measures of (1) dough viscosity or plas- extent that they are drawn out of their origi-
ticity, (2) elasticity or rigidity modulus, and nal "brush heap" pa,ttern into a more orderly
(3) extensibility. Chopin computes and re- pattern with the micelles more nearly parallel
cords the first in terms of pressure (P) re- along their longest axis. In the latter sLate
quired to inflate a thin dough bubble, the third their polar groups become more definitely in-
in terms of increased surface area (G), and volved in attaching micelle to micelle, with a
also attaches significance to the total work resulting loss in elasticity. This pattern is not
( W) done in inflating the bubble to the point normal, however, and if the stress is promptly
of bursting. The same general principles of removed the dough tends to regain its normal
analysis of inflated dough bubble tests were pa,ttern. Time is a factor, however, and if the
accepted by Borasio and de Rege. stress continues for an extended period, work-
Records of dough tests made with Braben- hardening results, and the dough loses its
der's extensograph, where a strand of dough "spring" or resiliency. Accordingly, in a sci-
is extended as a U by applying force at the entifically conducted bakeshop program, the
lower center until it ruptures, are analyzed optimum quality of bread should be the con-
in terms of (1) force applied as an index of sequence of (1) selection of Hour of adequate
resistance to extension (F), (2) extensibility strength, (2) dough-mixing treatment ad-
(linear) to the point of rupture (E), and the justed to the flour and to the fermentation
relative area (A) under a curve or extenso- treatment to follow, (3) a fermentation prac-
gram expressing F vertically and E horizon- tice adjusted to ta,ke the fullest possible ad-
tally. The ratio of F to E becomes quite sig- vantage of the progressive changes in dough
nificant in characterizing a flour or a dough. properties as a function of time and biochemi-
Thus with certain types of flours it may often cal reactions, to include (4) an adequate rate
be appreciably increased by appropriate ther- of CO 2 gas production so as to complete the
mal treatments or heat conditioning, or by desired inflation of the dough mass before the
addition of certain oxidizing agents such as latter loses the necessary tensile strength, ex-
bromates. tensibility, and elasticity. Time is a very im-
A simple mathematical treatment of the ex- portant factor.
tensogram was proposed by Munz and Bra- Substantial progress has been made within
bender for predicting response to oxidizing the past decade in studying dough properties,
reagents such as bromates, viz., "oxynum- and in designing instruments and machines
Area for measuring them. Certain of the latter have
ber" = FIE X 10 . Values below 30-40 gener- been overrated by their inventors, and fre-
erally implied a negative or unfavorable re- quently because they provided means for only
sponse to such reagents, and values above that a,n indirect approach to, or did not include
level were encountered in flours responding means for observing all of, the significant
positively. dough properties. Gradually these inadequa-
Area (A) under the extensogram was ob- cies are becoming recognized, and proper al-
served by Munz and Brabender to afford a lowance made for them. It would be almost
basis for prediction of baking quality. They a miracle if, in these early stages of working
also observed that A tended to increase regu- our way through this complex problem, we
larly with increasing gluten content under should be provided at once with an instrument
conditions where gluten properties did not which not only measured but integrated all
become predominant factors. They also de- these variables, and introduced them into a
cided that extensograms might prove more completed numerical score with the variables
useful in adjusting bakeshop practices to vary- weighted just as they are in the baker's ap-
ing flour qualities or dough formulas than praisal of dough quality.
through the use of a recording dough mixer. Moreover, it seems highly unlikely that such
a testing mechanism should be expected to in- of time, and in the face of the ensuing bio-
dicate an optimum program for the bakeshop chemical events. Thus we may gradually
on the basis of a single test. Rather must we evolve a sound approach to the study of
expect, for some time to come, that several doughs, devoid of the conjecture and inade-
tests must be applied, notably through the quately supported claims that have created
progress of a fermentation period, to deter- some confusion well confounded in recent
mine how a dough is responding with the lapse years.

This study was kindly prepared at the request of the Food Research In-
stitute. The author is professor of agricultural biochemistry in the Uni-
versity of Minnesota and was editor-in-chief of Cereal Chemistry 1924-30.

Absorption, flour, 244- BRINELL,277 Extensibility, 244, 245, GEOFFROY, R., 264, 2B2
66, 267, 264, 269, 271, Buhler Brothers, 251, 264, 247, 250, 251, 25B-63, "Glu ta-plast-process,"
273 2B2 27B, 2Bl, 2B2, 2B3, 292, 261-62
Adhesiveness, 246, 266 295, 296 Gluten, 255, 2B7, 294, 296;
AITKEN, T. R., 269, 270 Cake flours, 294 Extensimeters, 250, 251, in the baking process,
Aleurographe, 26B Centrifugal method, 260 252, 259, 264, 277-92, 244; classes, 260, 261;
Aleurometer, 266 CHOPIN, MARCEL, 250-62, 296 physical tests of crude,
ALEXINSKY, V., 281 259, 264, 277-BO, 296 Extensogram, 293-94, 296 244, 256-63, 264; prop-
Alphitograph, 261, 264, CLARK, R. J., 272 Extensograph, 262, 264, erties, 263, 296; strong
2Bl Comparator, 251, 264, 282 292-94, 296 and weak, 262, 263;
Alveographe, 2BO-Bl Compression, 264, 256-69 Extrusion methods, 247- washing, 256, 258, 259,
AMEND, 266 Consistency, 245, 260, 252, 4B, 254, 2B5, 290-91 260, 263
Amylases, 266, 296 253, 254, 264-67, 269, Gluten extension test, 262
Angstrom unit, 296 271, 273, 275, 289, 291, Farinograms, 249, 264, "GIutex," 258
Anisotropy, 2B7 295 265-69, 293 Glutograms, 262
AUERMAN, L. I., 267 Correlations, 252-53, 254, Farinograph, 250, 252-53, Glutograph, 262-63
255, 257, 259, 262, 266, 262, 263, 264-6B, 271, "Gonflement," 251, 279
BAILEY, C. H., 243, 24B, 269, 270, 271, 276, 290 291, 292, 293
249, 251-52, 263, 256, Cracker baking, 278, 294 Farinometer, 247 HALTON, PHILIP, 245, 247,
265, 266, 269, 277, 27B, Cryoscopic method, 255 Fermentation, 244, 248, 249, 253, 264, 2B4-85,
289, 290-91 254, 255, 269, 271, 276, 286, 2B7, 294
Bakeshop practice, 24B, Definitions, 243-47, 291, 27B, 286, 291-93, 294, HANKOCZY, E. V., 252, 25B,
254, 267 296 296-97 263, 264, 26B
Baking number, 262 Deformation, 246, 279-BO, FERRIS, W. C., 274 Hardness, 289
Baking process, phe- 287 "Festigkeit," 257 HARREL, C. G., 249
nomena involved in. "Dehnbarkeit," 257, 258, FIFIELD, C. C., 250 Hartig-Reusch machine,
244 261 FISHER, E. A., 247, 264, 294 276
Baking strength, 253 Diastatic activity, 269 FISHER. M. H., 269, 270 Heat, dough expansion
Baking technology, 246, Dilatometre, 264, 2B3 Flour: bleaching, 25B; by, 256, 296
248, 264 Distensometer, 264, 2B3 chemical maturing, 258; Heat conditioning of
Baking tests, 257, 262- DONALD, H. P., 2B3 granulation, 250; qual- wheat, 261
63, 269, 271, 273, 27B, Dough, wheat flour: aging ity, 249; scientific re- HOBART, 266, 291
291 of, 244, 249; constitu- search on, 243; strength, HOGARTH, JAMES, 263-64
Baking value, 263, 270 ents, 243, 263; freezing, 249, 253; types, 24B, Homogenization, 262
BARBADE, PIERRE, 26B-69 256; pH of, 244, 27B; 255, 260-61, 267, 272; Hooke's law, 246
BAUMANN, L., 282 physical tests of, 263- see also Absorption; HOUWINK, R., 245
"Belastungsprobe," 264, 97; properties of, 243- Gassing rate; Protein HUBER, L. X., 258
283 45, 277, 294-95 content
BERLINER, 262 Dough development angle, Flours: clear, 258; high-
Insect damage to wheat,
BESELER. 256 269-71 protein, 253; low-pro-
BIECHY, 26B Ductility, 244, 245, 246- tein, 253; miIled from
BINGHAM, 246, 289 47, 250, 257, 25B, 260, wheats grown under
2B3, 288-89
"Bles punaises," 2Bl 261, 266, 276-77, 2B7, abnormal conditions,
Isterometer, 264, 2BB-B9
BLISH, 269 292 250; patent, 25B, 269;
BOI-lN, L. J., 249, 289, Dynamometer, 252, 263, properties, 254; spring-
290-91 264, 265 wheat, 25B; strong, 249, JAGO, WILLIAM, 247
BOLAND, 256 250, 253, 277; of vary- JAMES, T. R., 258
BORASIO, L., 261, 264, 282, EIMER. 256 ing composition, 254, JOHNSON, A. H., 27B
296 Elastic deformation and 25B; of varying strength,
"Bound" water, 265 recovery, 246, 284 253, 267; weak, 252, KARACSONYI, 283
BOUTROUX, 256 Elasticity, 244, 246, 246, 253, 277; see also KEDzm, 247
BOUVIER, 282 247, 256-57, 264, 266, Wheats KENT-JONES, D. W., 245,
BIIABENDER, C. W., 252, 271, 2B3, 289, 296; see Fluidity, see Mobility 278
262, 263, 26B, 269, 270, also Modulus "Force number," 262 "Kleber-Extenso-Probe,"
273, 292, 293, 296 Elastometer, 267 "Force of traction," 2B9 262
Brabender O.H., 262, Elastoscope, 257 Formulas, 245-46, 257, "KIebermesser," 256
264 ENGLEDOW, F. L., 264, 2B3 260, 271, 279-80, 2B4, "Konstanz in Minuten,"
Bread: loaf volume, 254, Enzyme activity, 244, 250, 285-B6, 289-90, 293, 296 26B-69, 270, 293
262-63, 269, 270, 27B, 294 Fortiscope, 257 KOPETZ, 268
294; texture, 263; ERDELY, 264 FRANK, H. V., 262 KOSMIN, NATALIE P., 251,
types, 24B, 264; yield, Ergometer, 283, 2B9' FRANKEL, O. H., 2B3 260
244,246, 264-56, 262 "Erweichung," 26B-69; Kosmin-Kranz technique,
Breeding, wheat, 263, 27B, see also Softening GALTER, EBERHARD, 261-62 260-62
283 Expansimeter, 27B Gassing rate, 291 KOSUTANY, THOMAS, 250,
BRIGGs, C. H., 247 Expansion, 256 GEDDES, W. F., 269, 270 258, 264, 276, 283
[ 299 ]

KRANZ, W., 260-61 NEWTON,289 Self-sufficiency policies, Viscometers, dough, 247-

KRESS, C. B., 258 NOBBFr-THARAND, 256 and their bearing on 53
KREUSI,ER, 256 NURET, H., 245, 280, 281 technological research, Viscosity, 244-55, 278,
KR'I'INSKY, KAREL, 257 243 279-80, 285-86, 287,
KUHLMANN, W., 292 OUGRIMOFF, A., 245, 251, SHARPLES, 250 294-95, 296; optimum,
KUNIS, 256 281 Shear, 246, 254, 279-80, 248-49, 251; structural,
Kymograph, 265, 275, 276 285, 289-90 287, 288
Pachimeter, 264, 284 Shortness, 245, 246, 287,
LEE, G. VAN DER. 248 Pastes, Wheat flour, 243, 288 "Wanzenweizen," 281
LE VESCONTE, AMY M., 250, 266 SINGH, RATTAN, 255 Weakening, 271, 272, 273;
277 Patents: British, 247, 282, SKOVHOLT, OSCAR, 255, 265 area, 270-71
LIEBERMANN, L., 256 294; United States, 264 Slacking, 249, 254, 265, "Wertzahl," 268
Load test, see "Belas- Penetrometer, 249 28(} WEVER, J. DE, 271
tungsprobe" Plasticity, 244, 245, 246, Softening, 268-69, 271, Wheat meal, 276
Loaf volume, see Bread 254, 265, 272, 278, 280, 275, 291 Wheats: American, 249,
LUCENTE, GIACOMO, 284 284, 285-86, 289, 290, "Spring" (of dough), 245, 258, 283; Argentine, 262,
296 287-88, 296 278, 286; Australiari,
MAERCKER. 256 Plastometer, 248, 285, 289 Stability, 261, 266-68, 271, 249, 286, 288; breeders'
MALLOCH, J. G., 264, 275- Pneumodynamometer, 278 samples of, 270; Canu-
76 251, 264, 282 STAMBERG, O. E., 248, 266, dian, 253, 262, 269-70,
Maltose number, 269 POTEI., PIERRE, 251, 278, 295 278, 284, 286, 288;
MANGELS, C. E., 254-55 279 Starch, 246, 255, 260, 276, classification, 283; di-
MARKLEY, M. C., 253, 266, Proteases, 255, 294, 295 278, 294, 295 verse types of, 259, 261 ;
269, 295 Protein content, 248, 253, Stickiness, 245, 266 English, 278, 284, 288;
MATEJOVSKY, K., 256-57 255, 269, 27(}, 274, 277, Stiffness, 245, 265, 280 French, 281, 283; Ger-
MAURIZIO, A., 256 284 Stress, 246 man, 261, 262; grown
MAXWELL, 246 Proteolysis, 244, 262, 294, Stress readings, 249-50 under abnormal condi-
Mellowing, 271, 291 295 Stress-strain relation- tions, 250; hard spring,
MERRIAM, C. F., 279 ships, 259 258, 260; hard winter,
MERRITT, P. P., 252-53 Rack,284 Stressmeter, 249, 289, 273; Hungarian, 262,
Metals, 243, 246, 285 Recovery, see Compres- 290-91 277; Punjab, 255; Rus-
Micro-mixer, 273-75 sion; Elastic deforma- "Strudeiteigprobe," 283, sian, 278, 283; types of,
MISANGYI, WM., 276, 277 tion and recovery 284 259; variations in mill-
Mixing time, 266-67, 272- REGE, F. DE, 251, 264, 282, Sugar, 255 ing characteristics of,
73, 286,296 296 SULLIVAN, B., 252 243, 25(}; varieties of,
Mixing tolerance, 266-67, nEJTO, 250, 264, 276, 277 SWANSON, C. 0., 250, 264, unsuited for bread pro-
273,293 Relaxation time, 245, 246, 271, 272, 273, 2!H duction, 250; Washing-
Mobility, 245, 252, 253, 284, 286, 287, 295 "Swelling number," 262 ton club, 258; winter,
265, 269, 271, 275, 289, Resiliency, 245, 287-88, SZABO, 264 261, 273
295 296 WILEY, H. W., 247, 256
Modulus, elasticity, 245, Resistance (to extension), Technology, reasons for ·WOLAROWITSCH, M. P.,
246, 247, 249, 264, 266, 260--61, 283, 296 lag in cereal, 243 289-90
285-86, 287, 289, 296; "Retes," 284 Tenacity, 250-51, 264, 277 WOLF (DIPPOLDISiWALDE),
see also Compression; Rigidity, 245, 264, 293, Tensile strength, 245, 246, 282
Rigidity; Shear 296 266, 276, 286, 287, 296 Work-hardening, 246, 279,
MOHS, K., 262, 292 Thermoregulator, 265 285,287
Moisture content of flour, ST. JOHN, J. L., 251 THOMAS, 256 WORKING, E. B., 250, 254,
243, 253 SAMARINA, K. I., 289-9(} THUBERT, 256 264, 271
"Mold-ability," 246 SANDSTEDT, 269 TIBOR, ISTVAN, 252, 264
MUELLER, GERHARD, 245 SCHMIDT, E. A., 262 Tolerance, see Mixing tol-
MUNZ, EMIL, 259, 262, 292, SCHOFIELD, R. K., 264, 284- erance Yield, see Bread
293,296 85,289 "Yield value," 246
Schopper machine, 262 VAIL, GLADYS E., 255 Young's modulus, 246
NASZALYI, N., 251" 264,. Sclerometer, 289 Valorigraph, 264, 265, 268
281 SCOTT BLAIR, G. W., 245, Valorimeter, 270 "Zerreiszmaschine," 264,
NEAR, CLEO, 252 246, 251, 254, 264, 279, VILMORIN, JACQUES, 278 276
NEUMANN, M. P., 256, 292 284-85, 286, 287, 289 VILMORIN, ROGER, 278 "Zugkraft," 250, 277

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