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| |For PNCOs CScrO-PNP Checkit Fam 1 Roveedsuy 2088 ATTESTATION PROCESS CHECKLIST For Uniformed Personnel (Original Appointment/Regular Promotion) eee First Name Midate Nome Surname | Promotional Rank i SG | Date oF Birth Annual Compensation ee Agency | PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Sector Area Criteria Yes No Remarks | Eduction: Bachelor's Degree | ___with Master's Degree vacation fineta Era ae (2. Time-in-Grade (Experience) (3. Training 4 iii | |S. _KSS Form Big 33 in triplicate (ren 2017, | [6 Employment status | —— common |. Signature of Appointing Authority Requirements 9. _ Date of Signing | Certification of Publication | | | Certification by PSB Chairman | Fee Personal ata Sheet CS Form 212 1 | E (Revised 2017) - | Erasures or alterations on the | Appointment 7 14. With pending criminal ase | | Additional | Reguirementsin 15, With decided administrative ease | Specific Cases | 16, Diserepancyin name/place oFbirth/date | | ofbirth | : | 17. COMELEC Ban L PNP IS A CSC-REGULATED AGENCY CSCFO-PNP ACTION: | [approven (| Novation DISAPPROVED (| Ground: | ———_— —————_—_—____+ PB vsusciey. bate | COMMISSION Final Action by: Date CS Form No. 32 Revised 2018 Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 7 Camp Sergio Osmefia, Cebu City OATH OF OFFICE I of having been appointed to the position of, hereby solemnly swear, that | will faithfully discharge to the best of my ability, the duties of my present position and of all others that | may hereafter hold under the Republic of the Philippines; that | will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that | will obey the laws, legal orders, and decrees promulgated by the duly constituted authorities of the Republic of the Philippines; and that | impose this obligation upon myself voluntarily, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion. SO HELP ME GOD. (Signature over Printed Name ofthe Appointee) Government ID: ID Number, Date Issued: Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 20___ in Camp Sergio Osmefia Sr., Cebu City, Philippines. (Gigratire over Prirted Name ofthe ‘Aopainting Cicer! Authorty Head of Otic) CS Form No. 4 Series of 2018 Republic ofthe Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 7 Camp Sergio Osmefia Sr., Cebu City CERTIFICATION OF ASSUMPTION TO DUTY This is to certify that Ms/Mr. has. assumed the duties and responsibilities as of effective This certification is issued in connection with the issuance of the appointment of Ms/Mr as Done this _ day of in Head of Office/Department/Unit Date: Attested by: Highest Ranking HRMO 201 fle ‘Admin CoA esc For submission to CSCFO within 30 days from the date of assumption of the appointee CHECKLIST OF COMMON REQUIREMENTS _HRMO CSC FO ‘Instructions; Put a check if the requirements are compete, use tho space provided to incicate the name of appointee and: the tacking requirements APPOINTMENT FORMS (CS Form No. 3-A, Revised 2016) opie of appairement frm (employee copy, CSC Copy an PLANTILLA OF CASUAL APPOINTMENT (CSC Form No, 34. C, (2) otginal copies of appointment form employee copy, CSC Copy ar PERSONAL DATA SHEET (CS Form No, 212, Revised 2017) ‘ORIGINAL COPY OF AUTHENTICATED CERTIFICATE OF ELIGIBILITY RATING LICENSE - Except ifthe elintlty has been previously autherticates in 200¢ or ‘onward and recorded by the C&C POSITION DESCRIPTION FORM (DBM-CSC Ferm No.1, Revised 2018) ‘OATH OF OFFICE (CS Form No. 32, Revised 2018) ‘CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMPTION TO DUTY (CS Form No. 4) “Thies to catiy tat ave checked The veracity, autnentlty and completeness ofall the equremerts in support the appotniment ‘tached hecen, Highest Ranking HRMO (CSC FO Receiving Officer

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