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The First Derivative Test ~ Increasing and Decreasing Functions Derivatives can be used to classify relative extrema as either relative minima or relative maxima. As we begin to focus on analyzing functions, we can determine some predictable and specific behaviors for functions in our calculus journey through “the mathematics of change. Use the graph of the function f to answer the questions below. of y= St) | | I d e lA Sa | a b 41, Using a RED colored pencil, circle all the points corresponding to the local maxima of f. (Do not include endpoints.) a. State the x-values where the local maxima of f occur. X=@._ x =A b, Ateach ‘maximum value| f changes from _WWCVEG. 350 to KO ry ©. Ateach maximum value] f”ghanges from posi ve to_néaplice 2. Using a BLUE colored pencil, circle all the points corresponding to the local minima of f. (Do not include endpoints.) a, State the x-values where the local minima of f occur, _X=C. ie b. Ateach minimum value, {changes from deniensi ‘s to_WCwosing _ © Ateach minimum value, f" changes from Nicest re to_ Positive 3. At each relative (local) extreme value, f"(x), the derivative of f , is either__ or ndeGined (does not exter’ 4. Using a GREEN colored pencil, sketch a tangent line, if possible, at the following points and determine their sign. cameo ity) (© 2012-2016 Flamingo Math ™ (eon Ado) EX #1: For each functio bow (determine the intervals) where the graph is increasing dec find any rel: ~axt +1 Bf) = GF 96) +2 (v4) F(x) = Bee Ilox $(e)20 a) Lot Sie )e Let £'(x)- 0 ele © - A e-lex 74x (7-4) 0 =4X)(x+ (xD XFO or XFQorxQ oa, - ttt $(-D = thugs > Sea” 09 -ahip > = <0 Fu 2. 8 ingrenses on (-2,,0) U (2,99) ecanst F(A £ decreases on ve DUA) ine (-2,0) v 2,*) becwse F(x) ) FQ) J Se re) positive {Con code up Inareas\ 0% negative Concar€ doun eorcasiy 7 Se Ee (© 2012-2016 Flaingo Math" Leon Adams TE %=0 1500 extremum a £ Ahem Ole) =O oe Fle) sundafipew 4 J a, At point b, f"(b) is Weng Wwe —. Describe the change in the behavior of the graph Of at this value. down +o con b. At point d, f"(d) is Uncle neck . Describe the change in the behavior of the graph of f at this value, Coan. > carey * \novedsina tole 4h di a ©. Atpointe, f'(e) is_Zero . Describe the change in the behavior ofthe graph of f at this value. de concasse ~ d, Of these three points which two are points of inflection?__X=b ovncl y= & 5. Ifa function f has a relative extremum at a point, then the derivative at the point is either zero or undefined. Is the converse of the statement also true? No rel. What point(s) justifies your answer?_x=@ , £(x)-0 but ure ishok loan prenirain ret \ ant : 4 f 4 Converse IF £'(C)=0 or is Ndefinacl Han xc islowahion qrextverum This exploration leads to the conditions and outcomes | of the first derivative test. POO Ma MEE E VE TEST: Let bea critical number of a function f that is continuous on an open interval. Iff is differentiable on the interval, except possibly at c, then f(c) can be classified as follows: 1. IF") changes from negative to positive at c, then f(c) is a relative minimum of f, 2. IF f'(@) changes from positive to negative at c, then f(c) is a relative maximum of f. 3. IEF’) does not change sign at c, then f(c) is neither a relative minimum nor a relative maximum of f ‘We will explore how to find points of inflection and intervals where a function is concave up or concave down in the next lesson. The following chart will be helpful in summarizing and using correct vocabulary when justifying conditions: 2 | tx AV i, Positive —- Increasing —~ Concave up ro] cu Function Negative Decreasing ‘Concave down i) eo * Ine 7X ears ¢ ro K ven & + [re | Ext IF PR) Vs deorosing thon '(x) Is Negarie IF C'Ge) is positive Akan $x) is incoreasing amd 6d) 1s (© 2012-2016 Flamingo Math (leon Adorns} eoncawe Ue fest EX #2: Use the secofid derivative test to find the relat G'Cn) = £-cos-n) +3 11 2O (oy - £- cose) > GU) 2 Coon) 341 Sbeeamne £"2) Chomgea Sige} Grom positiee Aoneagtire oF x= % -69 Local minimum @ ¥* 3 ort because 9") dnomges S- Sor negate de positive: at ve SS anh xo st B. g(x) = x4 8x9 —5 “a= WF 24 x? = 4y2(x-G) bebg(<)-0 0-47 O-6) ¥O01K=G Le, © 4.2. +e > 2 -a(ey-5 2-437 a rota * X=O isneitur Kmoximvm nor gt) i fed] Minin beeause 9) aoe) does not cramge, Staesad BO) Tal} k=O ~ =(4)C3) <0 3) (We) = Taog)Oe-e], = WON) 20 local minimum Where X= becaune 76 bo orivcak number ound © (0) Chamaes eign Som nage-tive to Posie Where X=G Sle)(6)- (eS -5 (© 2012-2016 Flamingo Math (Jean Atoms) ‘The First Derivative Test Homework Increasing & Decreasing Functions Name Identify the open intervals on which the function is increasing or decreasing. GO) 8-37 1. f@) =8r-23 Lar 2&)-0 F(x) ALC rea ON 00,8) 0 (W,~) 2 g(x) = xVI=xF << Doman “34 Crdicat numnioes: 2) Deereasiny: (-3, WW) V (We, Increasing: (3% , J) 3. AG@)=x42sinx — [0,27] coh nomoers x= or x= & Inoreasins: (0, *F) U (¥, an) Decreonrry, (4,3) af) =e ter Crit cal numbers: ~ oind Oe se Ina >=: 3 Increasing! G °2) -m3 TECAOLWY § (- 0, >) Find the critical numbers of f(if any). Find the increasing or decreasing and locate all relativ utility. open intervals on which the function is e extrema. Check your results with a graphing 5. f(@@) =x? +8r+10 Criicok numiber x= 4 \nereosi, (-4) 20/) Decreasiny (-07 ~M) “6 @ xt-4 6 f@) =x — 6x? +15 Critical numeess xO, x=4 Increasing, an (22,0) v (4,2) Becrtasiry, on (0,4) relative minimum el —17 @ art Yelatye moamum 9 SC x70 © 2016 FlamingoMath™ Jean Adams a Crm cod number x={ Inoreasing, on (,%) Decveoaing, ” (01°) reloHve minimum g se ahead numpers =O Indreaairs, on oe, No Ectrema f@)= Ve-1 ) 2 ©) % f@=H & x7 AMosyretee Crcok num ers x= 2,7 Chest algo Where er Inereasingen Cm, -2) 0 (22) Decreasing ov (-2, NV Che) Local mox @-4 hore x~ —2 Loced min @ © whore xO 10. f(x) = (x-2)e* Criticalnumbeer x= | Inereasiny (1,20) VDeereosirs, (- 40, | relaktee min q-e @ x=| Use the graph off‘ to identify the interval(s) on which f i the value(s) of x at which f has a relative maximum or minimum. increasing or decreasing, and estimate 11. 12, r mo xX Ft 2 Cre) Min@ ll, x= 8 sein Increo.Aing Ney fro ef t max@ min® Xe © 2016FamingoMath™ py, “eon Adams nereaairg ("5 , 4.8) 5) Us 6,0) Deenesa! REST Use the Secofid Derivative Test to find the local extrema for the given function. Show the analysis that leads to your conclusion, 13. f(x) = =x + 6x +4 vicalas + Lecalmox@ & (fz Local mn@ FCIR) 14, g!(x) = xVF—X dx Oriicaknumens Sketch the graph of a continuous function f that satisfies all of the stated conditions. 15. f(0) = 1; f(@2) = 3:/'(0) = f'(2) = 0: F1@) <0 0n (=00,0) U (2,09) © ee FE)> 0 GD Since 16. f(1) = f(S) = 0; f(3) does not exist FR) <0 ifx <3; f'@) > Oifx > 3 F(X) is concave down ifx # 3 Dea on x< Cine on ur © 2016 FlamingoMath™ Jeon Adams

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