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Business Analytics

Cluster Analysis

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Euclidean Distance

dist((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) = (x1 − x2)² + (y1 − y2)²

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K-Means clustering – How it works

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Fix how many clusters – E.g. 2, assign centroids.
Measure distance to create clusters

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Average of the group as new centroid

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Reassign the data points into clusters

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Keep repeating the process till the
centroids don’t change anymore.

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Check if data can be clustered..!

Hopkins Test

If p value is less than 0.5 (remember it’s not 0.05) then

it means the data can be clustered.

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How many clusters?

To identify the optimal number of clusters we may use

different methods like “silhouette”, “scree plot” etc.

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Goodness of Fit of the clusters

Within cluster sum of squares by cluster : Closer to 1

better the clusters. It ranges from 0 to 1

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Internal Validation

1. Connectivity - what extent items are placed in the same cluster as their nearest
neighbors in the data space. It has a value between 0 and infinity and should
be minimized.

2. Average Silhouette width - It lies between -1 (poorly clustered observations) to

1 (well clustered observations). It should be maximized.

3. Dunn index - It is the ratio between the smallest distance between observations
not in the same cluster to the largest intra-cluster distance. It has a value
between 0 and infinity and should be maximized.

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Stability Validation

1. The average proportion of non-overlap (APN)

2. The average distance (AD)

3. The average distance between means (ADM)

4. The figure of merit (FOM)

All values should be minimized

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External Validation

1. Corrected Rand Index provides a measure for assessing the similarity

between two partitions, adjusted for chance. Its range is -1 (no
agreement) to 1 (perfect agreement). It should be maximized.

2. Variation of Information (VI) is a measure of the distance between two

clustering (partitions of elements). It is closely related to mutual
information. It should be minimized.

This validation can only be used when there is pre-defined clusters

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