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Manuel B. Dy identifies common themes which can be drawn from the great Asian spiritual
and intellectual traditions.

Firstly, one can immediately notice that religious thought is intertwined with philosohical and
ethical thinking.

Second theme, " Love and Compassion "

- it binds the intellectual traditions
-are paths to tranquility, peace and being whole.

Third theme, " Connectiveness of personal cultivation and social responsibility "
- realizing one's goodness is sometimes tied to fulfilling one's duty to one's family, one's clan and
one's government.

Fourth Theme, " Enlightenment "

-awareness of the true order of all things.

Final, great teachings offer paths of harmony with oneself, with others, with nature, with a


- Some of the oldest philosophical writings in the world.
- Handboook of prescribed rituals
- Series of Hymns
- Poetic articulation of the structure and meaning of the universe.

- Most basic insight of these writings.
- right order of the universe.

- Classical Indian Philosophical treaties.

- " Reincarnation "
- first idea in Upanishads

Law of Karma
- Most important doctrine in Hinduism
- actions and their consequences
- Duty that one has based on one's station or station in life.

- State wherein one can escape the karmic cycle.

- True knowdledge of self

- Soul or Spirit


· Buddhism was born from the enlightenment of Sidharta Gautama Buddha who lived between
the 6th and 4th BCE.

· Chatvari-arya-satyani - four truths

Four Noble truths

1. life is suffering or dukkha
· dukkha - "incapable of satisfying",
- "dissatisfaction"

2. suffering is caused by attachment to desires

· karma - "action, work"

3. suffering can be eliminated

· Nirvana - is the dissolution of suffering which is the fruit of the surrender of the ego.

4.elimination of suffering is through the practice of the eightfold path

Eightfold Path or Astangika-marga

1. Correct view
2. Correct intention
3. Correct speech
4. Correct action
5. Correct livelihood
6. Correct effort
7. Correct mindfulness
8. Correct concentration

Confucianism is a system of thought attributed to the teacher Kongqui known in the west
as Confucius. He was an aspiring civil servant who lived his life as a teacher of governance, ethics
and ritual and was able to gather a following around him

His followers compiled a book of conversations known in the West as: The Analects

There are three other books that stand as a source for this:

•The Book of Mencius- is a collection of anecdotes and conversations of the confucian thinker
and philosopher Mencius in moral and political philosophy

•Doctrine of the Mean or Zhongyong- is both a Doctrine of Confucianism and also the title of
one of the Four books of Confucian Philosophy

•The Great Learning or Daxue- was one of the "Four Books" in Confucianism. The Great
Learning had come from a chapter in the Classic of Rites which formed one of the Five Classics.

-Is to be person who has internalized the way of heaven
-Manuel B. Dy explains that "Ren is made up of two characters ren meaning human being and erh
meaning two, indicating thus that ren is the virtue that governs interpersonal relationships”
-In order to realize the Ethical Nobility or Humal Exemplarity which makes one a person who
bears the of Ren.

Ethical Nobility
- the quality of being noble in character, mind, birth, or rank.

- originally meant “A Religious Sacrifice” but has come to mean ceremony, ritual, decorum, rules
of propriety and has even been equated with Natural Law

Filial piety is a virtue of respect for one's parents, elders, and ancestors.

Much store is placed by the Confucians on filial piety this means being able to support one’s
parents and take care of them, keep close to them and support them.

To cultivate a greater realization of Ren, a state needs good education and moral leader ship
Moral leadership in a society is particularly important.

- is a religious or philosophical tradition of chinese origin which emphasizes living in Harmony
-It is a mystical philosophy that is too deep and profound to explain in this short space.
Wu wei
- is to act without effort


This section only sees to give the student a sense of what the main trends of Asian ethical
thought are. Buddhism and Confucianism are only two of the major traditions from this continent
and its long history of philosophizing. These two are the most relevant to the student given their
influence among the Filipino people.


Jasvir R. Singh
R-given John Cuevo
Rafael Andre Ilagan

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