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Clarkston Community Schools ‘Student Focused Observation Tool TeathersName: Amanda Lowe Observer’sName: Brian Adams Date: 11-18-19 ‘Confrence Date: 11-1619 School: Clarkson Elementary DOMAIN 2: Chssroom Environment DOMAINS: Tastrusion a, Creating a Climate of Respect and Rapport {reser ction wise levine ithe pec {Sc sine plsey nage ares aes) Notes: Ms, Lowe demonstrated that she knew all the students well. She called all the students by name. ‘The students demonstrated engagement by actively listening to Ms. Lowe. ‘Cesta npc amon ein ese ‘ape pa center) [Notes: Ms, Lowe was following the reading workshop ‘euriculum. She picked mentor text that helped to support the lesson at hand. Prior to sending the kids off to independent reading. She described what the kids were supposed to do. | would recommend asking the kids to repeat it back, so she can check for understanding, 2, Evabling a Culture fer Tearsing (Magen cube a no Ne in Notes: The students were required to go beyond just practicing reading. Ms, Lowe asked them to connect {othe mini-lesson by looking for labels in the books in their book bins “Th. Using Questioning and Diswsson Tecalgues {Chet rene prt a =a ‘Notes: While conferencing with students, I heard Ms. Lowe asking the kids questions about their books. She was allowing them to demonstrate their understanding by asking ‘them to tll what they know. Te, Managing Chssroom Procedure (Geet cdedtes natn wes nok Ameen on) ‘Notes: When it was time forth kids to go off 0 read, ‘Ms, Lowe helped to make sure thatthe students were picking good leaming areas. ‘Tho students demonstrated an understanding of where their materials were located, They were able to quickly get their reading bins and start their indopendent reading, Ms. Lowe used a timer/bel to highlight when it was time for a mid-lesson teaching point. “es Bngasing Stents in Ce ang ‘Garett omen en ing and eh ‘rr eu msc es ie H Notes: This was evident atthe end of the lesson, Ms. Lowe: had the students share out what they leamed during their partner reading time ‘Notas: Ms, Lowe had 3 other adults in the room to help work with individual students. When the other students stared getting off task, she provided quick and gentle reminders. Recommendation: When Kaden was over atthe back table, Twould not call him over, Just allow him to otay inthis area and follow up with him once everyone heads off to read, 7. Assessing Student earalng vali ti hy hint i eee eee eae ‘ton tba). Notes: Ms. Lowe was using informal questions to check. for understanding during the mini-lesson. Once the kids ‘Went off to read, Ms, Lowe went around to conference with individual students to assess their understanding. 3 Organlalag the Fhyseal Space (Guarentee ai, ‘own tchson etry) ‘Notes: The room was setup to maximize the meeting area for a mini-lesson. Ms. Lowe had an easel with chart paper. She also used the whiteboard and a chart totalk to the kids Sontag Notes: When Ms. Lowe was trying to get Kaden to pick a book to talk about, he really wanted to talk about a different ‘book. She allowed lim to Took forthe other book. Subject Observed: Reading Workshop Observation Sta Tne: 9:00 Obecrntion End Tine: 940 _Adunisrator has reviewed the lesson plan and stat cucu standards being used inthe leon forthe date beng observed: X Wondevings!Comments “Teacher's signature: Administrator's imate: EE aa PP tes 7 = Date

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