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Compiled by
Pandit Sri Rama Ramanuja Achari


The Nārāyaṇa bali rite is performed in all cases of abnormal death which is defined as
follows; death by fasting, by animals, by strangulation, by arson, by a curse, by
cholera or any acute or chronic disease, suicide, fall from a mountain, tree or any
height, drowning, death by muggers or robbers, by snake bite, struck by lightning,
murder and persons who are great sinners. For all these people there is no rite of
cremation, no tarpaṇa, no śrāddha and no aśaucam. [G.P 40; 4-12]
For a brāhmin Nārāyaṇa Bali should be performed within six months; for a Kṣatriya
within three months; for a Vaiśya within a month and a half and for a śūdra
immediately (or it can be done immediately for everyone). [G.P. 40;13]
The Nārāyaṇa Bali should be performed through the agency brāhmins in the Ganga,
Yāmuna, Naimiśa and Puśkara, beside a tank of water, in an river or creek of pure
water, in a cow shed, in a house or in a temple in front of Kṛṣṇa’s image. [G.P. 40;14-
Five Brāhmins should be invited and arghya given to them. They should be learned,
of good conduct, most excellent in their family, free from physical decrepitude and
noble. Never should they be of the contemptible type. [G.P.40;31]
The sacrificial site is prepared as per pūrva prayoga with the yajamāna facing east.


In this book I have given 4 different versions from various texts. They differ in
length and complexity so one may choose a version that is suitable to time, place and

1. Garuḍa Purāṇa 3
2. Śaunaka & Yama 25
3. Āpastamba 31
4. Dharma-sindhu 34
GAA ## 11..
(According to Garuḍa Purāṇa)

1. yajña ārambha
śuklāmbaradharam viṣṇuṃ śaśi varṇaṃ caturbhujaṃ |
prasanna vadanaṃ dhyāyet sarva vighnopaśāntaye ||

2. Vighneśvara pūjā
Saṅkalpaḥ — hariḥ oṃ tat sat | śri govinda govinda govinda, bhagavad ājñayā
bhagavat kaiṅkarya rupeṇa, asmin nārāyana bali karmani nirvighnena pari-samāpti-
arthaṃ ādau vighneśvara pūjanam kariṣye.
Hari   Om,   tat   sat.   Govinda   x   3   with   the   permission   of   the   Supreme   Godhead,   as   service   to   Him   alone,   in  
order   that   this   requiem   rite   of   Narayana   Bali   may   be   completed   without   interuption,   I   now   offer   worship  
to  Vighnesha.  
3. Prāyaścitta saṅkalpaḥ
oṃ adya _______ gotrasya _______ pretasya akṛta snāna maraṇa, aśauca maraṇa,
hari nāma ucchāra varjita maraṇa, pañca gavya rahita, vikalpa hṛdaya, adharma
dharma cintana, abhāvabhāva, kriya karma rahita, śṛṅgi doṣa parihāra artham, mahā
pātaka tat samāna varjitānām, laghu pāpānāṃ āsura avasthāyām, kriya lopa utpanna
paradeśa para gṛhe maraṇa / dakṣina ayane / pañcake / yāmala yoge/ rātrau / kṛṣṇa
pakṣe / guru hīna, tulasi, tila, sarśapa, gopicandana, gaṅgodaka, snāna rahita, para
agni dāhe, mukhe ājya huti rahita, kīṭa pataṅga pakṣi citā madhye jvalita ādi doṣa
parihāra arthaṃ, kugati nivāraṇa artham, uttama loka avāhya artham, nārāyaṇa bali
adhikāra siddhi artham, kṛcchra pratinidhi yathā śaktyā _______ nāma devatāya
/mandirāya/ samsthāya idaṃ hiraṇyaṃ aham sampradade ||
Om  today  I  perform    atonement  for  the  deceased  .......................  who  has  died  without  the  ritual  bath,  in  an  
impure   manner,   without   recitation   of   the   name   of   Hari,   without   having   taken   pancha-­‐gavya,   as   an  
agnostic,   confused   about   dharma,   thinking   the   unreal   to   be   real,   who   lived   devoid   of   ritual,   in   order   to  
remove  evil  influences,    for  the  remission  of  major  sins  as  well  as  minor  sins  committed  in  a  state  of  self-­‐
absorption;   having   died   without   the   final   rites,   in   a   strange   place,   or   during   the   Southern   solstice,   or  
during   the   five   inauspicious   days,   or   during   the   conjunction   of   yamala,   or   during   the   night,   during   the  
dark  fortnight,  without  a  spiritual  preceptor,  without    tulasi  leaves,  sesame  seeds,  mustard  seeds,  sandal  
paste,  Ganges  water,  without  sanctifying  bath,  cremated  in  unconsecrated  fire,  devoid  of  the  oblations  of  
ghee  in  the  mouth,  for  the  atonement  of  all  faults  like  inadvertant  burning  of  creatures  in    funeral  pyre,  in  
order   to   prevent   the   deceased   taking   a   infernal   birth,   in   order   to   aid   the   deceased   to   attain   a   supernal  
realm,    in  order  to  obtain  the  right  to  perform  this  Narayana  Bali  rite,  according  to  my  ability  I  give  this  
donation  to  the  deity  /temple  or    institute  of  ........................  in  lieu  of  the  krcchra  penance.  

4. Nārāyaṇa Bali Saṅkalpaḥ

hariḥ om tat sat, govinda govinda govinda adya _______ gotrasya _______ pretasya-
1. śṛṅgi 2. daṃṣṭre nakhi 3. śastra ghāta 4. sarpa dasta 5. gaja danta hatta 6. jala
magna 7. kaṇṭa-gṛhaṇa 8. viṣa-bhakṣana 9. agni-dagdha 10. ātma ghāta 11. caṇḍāla
hasta maraṇa 12. caura mārita 13. śatru mārita 14. mlecchādi mārita 15. aṣṭa-śalya
maraṇa 16. bandi-gṛhe pāśa-maraṇa 17. vṛkṣārohaṇa 18. pārvata ārohaṇa 19.
śakaṭādi-hatta 20. kuṣṭa vyādhi maraṇa 21. mahāroga prapīḍita 22. kṣaya vyādhi
maraṇa 23. māṃsārbuda vyādhi maraṇa 24. apasmāra rogādi maraṇa 25. aneka
duṣṭa maraṇa -

hari   om   tat   sat,   govinda   govinda   govinda,   today   I   perform   the   Narayana   Bali     requiem   rite   in   order   to  
invoke  the  Grace  of  God  for  the  upliftment,  atonement  and  redemption  of      ................................    belonging  to    
the   clan   of   ....................   who   died   by   [was   killed   by   ]     1.   horned   animals,   2.   clawed   animals,   3.   by   weapons,   4.  
snake   bite,   5.   by   an   elephant,   6.   drowning,     7.   choking,   8.   from   poison,   9.   from   burns,   10.   from   suicide,     11.  
murdered  by  wicked  person,  12.  murdered  by  robbers,  13.  killed  by  his  enemies,    14.  killed  by  barbarians  
(non-­‐aryans),  15.  died  from  surgery,    16.  from  being  hanged  in  gaol,    17.  a  fall  from  a  tree,    18.  fall  from  a  
mountain,   19.   killed   in   a   road   accident,     20.   died   from   leprosy,   21.   from   a   great   disease,   22.   from  
consumption  (AIDS),  23.  from  cancer,  24.  from  epilepsy,  25.  from  many  unfortunate  causes,  
  —  may  he/she  obtain  a  better  rebirth  [or  birth  in  the  realm  of  Vishnu].    
durmaraṇa janita doṣa nivṛtti arthaṃ, bhagavad kṛpā kaṭākṣa siddhyartham, asya
preta pretatva vimokṣanārtham, punar sujanma prāpti arthaṃ [viṣṇu loka prāpti
arthaṃ] nārāyaṇa bali karma kariṣye ||

tadaṅgatvena sthala, jala, yāgopakaraṇa śuddhyerthaṃ śarīra śuddhyerthaṃ ātmā

śuddhyerthaṃ puṇyāha vācana karma kariṣye ||
As   a   preliminary     to   this   rite   I   now   perform   the   ritual   of     sanctification   of   the   site,   the   water,   the  
appurtenances  of  the  ritual,  the  physical  body  and  the  mind.  

5. Punyāha vācanam
! Upon a pile of rice in front place a kumbha filled with wate add a coin, akṣata,
parimaladravyaṃ a betel leaf and nut, place 5 mango or banyan leaves in the kumbha and
a kurca of 7 blades of darbha grass- place a coconut on the top.
! Invoke varuna offer puja and then recite the pavamani suktam
oṃ karmanaḥ puṇyāhaṃ bhavanto bruvantu |
oṃ karmane svasti bhavanto bruvantu |
oṃ karmane ṛddhim bhavanto bruvantu |
puṇyāhaṃ karmanostu svasti karmanostu karma ṛddhyetām ||

! Take the arghya pātra and with a kurca drip water from the kumbha into it while saying the
oṃ śāntir astu | oṃ puṣṭir astu | oṃ tuṣṭir astu | oṃ avighnaṃ astu | oṃ āyuṣyam
astu | oṃ ārogyam astu | oṃ aiśvaryam astu | oṃ śivaṃ karmāstu |
! Take the darbhas from the hands of the sādhakas place them on top of the kumbha and
return the water from the arghya pātra to the kumbha with the following ;
oṃ śata-dhāraṃ oṃ sahasradhāraṃ, aparimitadhāram acchidram anantam aparimita
ariṣṭam acyutam akṣayan paramaṃ pavitraṃ bhagavān vāsudevaḥ punātu.
! sprinkle everything with the following mantra;
sthānāni desāni sahasra-bāho vareṇya nāmā virajāṃsi nāmā |
tebhyo namaste madhusūdhanāya tatrābhimānaṃ saha rakṣa santu oṃ ||

6. Invocation of satyeṣa (Nārāyaṇa).

! Spread a white cloth to the east of the altar, draw a lotus with 8 petals. Establish a kalaśa in
the center and invoke the eight śaktis in areca nuts in a clockwise manner starting in the east.
oṃ rukmiṇī ihāgaccha ihātiṣha | rukmiṇīṃ sthāpayāmi
oṃ satyabhāme ihāgaccha ihātiṣha | satyabhāmāṃ 0 ||
oṃ jāmbavatī ihāgaccha ihātiṣha | jāmbavatīṃ 0 ||
oṃ nāgnajitī ihāgaccha ihātiṣha | nāgnajitīṃ 0 ||
oṃ kālindī ihāgaccha ihātiṣha | kālindīṃ 0 ||
oṃ mitravinde ihāgaccha ihātiṣha | mitravindāṃ 0 ||
oṃ lakṣmaṇe ihāgaccha ihātiṣha | lakṣmaṇāṃ 0 ||
oṃ kaikeyī ihāgaccha ihātiṣha | kaikeyīṃ 0 ||

— adya ________ gotrasya ________ pretasya ________ durmaraṇa nimitta
nārāyaṇa bali karmāṅga bhūtam satyeśa pūjanaṃ kariṣye ||

Today  as  an  adjunct  to  the  rite  of  Narayana  Bali  being  performed  for  ......................  of  the  clan  of  .......................  
who  died  by  ........................  I  am  now  performing  the  worship  of  the  Lord  of  Truth  -­‐  Narayana.  

! Face the east and invoke śriman nārāyaṇa.

śāntākāraṃ bhujagaśayanaṃ padmanābhaṃ sureśaṃ |
viśvā-dhāraṃ gagana sadṛśaṃ megha-varṇaṃ śubhāṅgam ||
lakṣmī-kāntaṃ kamala-nayanaṃ yogi-hṛd-dhyāna gamyam |
vande viṣṇuṃ bhava-bhaya-haraṃ sarva lokaika nātham ||
I  pay  my  obeisance  unto  the  Consort  of  Lakshmi;  who  is  realized  by  yogis  in  deep  meditation;  who  is  the  
giver  of  peace,  reclining  upon  the  serpent  of  time,  the  lotus-­‐navelled  Lord  of  Hosts,  the  Supporter  of  the  
Universe,  like  a  cloud  in  colour  extending  over  the  whole  world,  with  an  auspicious  form.    I  salute  the  One  
Lord  of  the  universe  who  removes  the  fear  of  death  and  rebirth.    
oṃ bhūḥ puruṣaṃ āvāhayāmi |
oṃ bhuvaḥ puruṣaṃ āvāhayāmi |
oṃ suvaḥ puruṣaṃ āvāhayāmi |
oṃ bhūrbhuvaḥ suvaḥ puruṣaṃ āvāhayāmi |
I  invoke  the  Supreme  Person  who  resides  in  the  physical  realm.  
I  invoke  the  Supreme  Person  who  resides  in  the    Astral  realm.  
I  invoke  the  Supreme  Person  who  resides  in  the  transcendental  realm.  
I  invoke  the  Supreme  Person  who  resides  in  the  all  the  three  realms  of  experience.  
urvyā kṣīra samudre'smin vyomna satye ca saṃsthitā |
atratvaṃ satyayā sārddhaṃ satyeśa bhava sannidhau ||
oṃ aṣṭau-śakti sahitāya satyeśāya namaḥ āvāhayāmi ||
I   pay   my   obeisance   to   the   Lord   of   Truth   along   with   His   eight   rays   of   energy.     I   invoke   Him   from   the  
transcendental  realm  to  be  present  here  along  with  His  other  half.  
soma sūryāgni saṃkāśaṃ padma muṣṭha dalānvitam |
āsanaṃ gṛhāṇa satyeśa trailokya sthiti-kāraṇam ||
oṃ aṣṭau-śakti sahitāya satyeśāya āsanaṃ samarpayāmi
I   offer   this   seat   to   the   Supreme   Lord   the   Preserver   of   the   Universe;   who     carries   the   Lotus   of   Purity   in   His  
hand,  who  is  as  refulgent  as  the  Moon,  Sun  and  Fire.  
ratnābharaṇa sarvāṅgaṃ sarva deva namaskṛtaṃ |
pādyaṃ gṛhāṇa deveśa gandha puṣpākṣitair-yutam ||
pādayo pādyaṃ samarpayāmi ||
I   offer   this   water   mixed   with   flowers   and   scents,   for   washing   the   feet   of   the   Supreme   Lord,   who   is  
bedecked  with  jewels  and  ornaments,  and  adored  by  all  the  devas.  
satyeśa sukha bhūmiṣṭha satyeśa sukhadāyaka |
satyeśa satyayā yuktaṃ gṛhāṇārghyaṃ namo’stute ||
hastayor arghyaṃ samarpayāmi ||
I  offer  this  libation  for  the  Hands  of  the  Supreme  Lord  united  with  Truth,  who  is  established  in  the  ground  
of  happiness,  who  is  the  Giver  of  the  Supreme  Bliss.  
oṃ gangājala samānītaṃ suvarṇa kalaśe sthitam |
gṛhāṇācamanaṃ deva trailokyasyā pipāvanam ||
ācamanaṃ samarpayāmi ||
I   offer   this   water   to   the   Supreme   Lord     for   rinsing   the   mouth,   it   is   equal   to   the   water   of   the   Ganges  
brought  in  golden  pitchers,  O  Lord  please  quench  the  spiritual  thirst  of  the  entire  Universe.  
oṃ kṣīra sāgara kallolaiḥ snāhi pāpa-niṣūdana |
pāhi mā bhūta bhavyeśa śītena jala vindunā ||
snānārthaṃ jalaṃ samarpayāmi ||
I   offer   this   bath   to   the   Supreme   Lord,     who   bathes   Himself   in   the   Causual   Waters   of   Time,   who   is   the  
Redeemer  of  sins,    O  Lord  of  Existence,  save  me  from  drowning  in  this  ocean  of  materialism.  
oṃ harasva sarva duritaṃ yenāhaṃ veṣṭitohare |
vastreṇānena śūtreṇa satyeśa kuru vāñcitam ||
vastraṃ samarpayāmi ||
I  offer  this  radiant  garment  to  garb  Thee  O  Lord,  O  Saviour,    please  accept  it  and  remove  all  the  negativity  
which  surrounds  me.  
oṃ yajñeyoge tathā sāṅkhye pavitras tvaṃ sadocyase |
yajñopavīta dānena kuru māṃ sarva pāvanam ||
yajñopavītaṃ samarpayāmi ||
The   Pure   Spiritual   knowledge   taught   by   Thee   consists   of     Sacrifice,   Communion,   and   Discernment,   by   this  
offering  of  a  sacred  thread  please  grant  me  spiritual  purity.  
oṃ sugandhaṃ candanaṃ divyaṃ keśarāguru saṃyutam
vilepanaṃ suraśreṣṭha sarva pāpa haro bhava ||
candanam samarpayāmi ||
I  offer  to  Thee,  this  divine  scented  sandal  paste    for  annointing,  O  Lord,  who  art  the  Supreme  Godhead,    
Please  have  mercy  and  forgive    all  my  sins  
satyanāmaṃ namastubhyaṃ mūrtāmūrta svarūpiṇe |
vāsudeva nṛsiṃhākhyaṃ kapilāditya bhūdharaḥ ||
saṅkarṣaṇa mahāvīra pradyumnāmita vikrama |
aniruddheśa govinda śārṅgaścakti namostute ||
varāha yuta yajñeśa lakṣmī kāntamṛteśvara |
putra pautra pradastvaṃ ca pāpa śatro nirañjana ||
puṣpa mālikāṃ samarpayāmi ||
Salutations   to   Thee,   O   Supreme   Truth,   being   with   and   without   form.   Thou   art   known   as     Vasudeva,  
Narasimha,   Kapila,   the   Divine   Sun   and   Supporter   of   the   world.   Thou   art   the   One   who   withdraws   the  
Universe,  the  Omnipotent  One,  Pradyumna,    who  can  never  be  vanquished.    Thou  art  Aniruddha  the  Lord  
of   the   Universe   who   wields   the   bow   saranga,   salutations   to   Thee   O   Govinda!     Thou   art   the   Lord   of  
Sacrifice,  the  very  Form  of  Sacrifice,  the  Lover  of  Lakshmi  and  the  Supreme  Lord  of  Immortality,  Thou  art  
the   giver   of   all   material   joys   as   well   as   the   Destroyer   of   our   internal   enemies   in   the   form   of   inclination   to  
sin.  O  Lord  I  offer  Thee    this  garland.  
oṃ śakti vṛnda yuto deva pūjā dhūpaṃ sureśvara |
gṛhāṇartva tu satyeśa satyayāsaha rakṣa mām ||
dhūpaṃ samarpayāmi ||
I   Offer   this   incense   to   Thee   O   Lord   of   Truth,   Thou   art   the   Omnipotent   Divine   Godhead,   the   Supreme   Lord,  
please  accept  it  and  protect  me  with  the  Supreme  Truth.  
oṃ jyotīrūpam arūpaṃ tvāṃ vadanti muni puṅgavāḥ |
jyotir madhye sthito deva dīpaṃ gṛhāṇa namo’stute ||
dīpaṃ darśayāmi ||
O  Lord,  Thy  form  is  that    of  the  Supreme  Light,  while  yet  transcending  all  forms,  thus  the  sages  the  best  of  
men  have  taught,  Thou  dwellest  in  the  midst  of  Light  please  accept  this  offering  of  light.  
oṃ trātā tvam eva satyeśa satyatā saha cinayase |
gṛhāṇa deva deveśa mama naivedyam uttamam ||
naivedyaṃ nivedayāmi ||
O   Lord   of   Truth!     Thou   art   our   Saviour   and   Redeemer   in   truth,   please   accept   this   offering   of   food   O  
Supreme  Lord,    God  of  gods.  
oṃ nārāyaṇa namaste' stu vāsudeva namo namaḥ |
trailokya jagadādhāra trāhi māṃ madhusūdana ||
namaskāraṃ samarpayāmi ||
O   Narayana!     salutations   to   Thee,   O   Krishna!   salutations   again   and   again.   Thou   art   the   Support   of   the  
entire  Universe,  protect  me!  O  Destroyer  of  Evil!  I  offer  Thee  my  obeisance.  
oṃ nārāyaṇa surādhīśa purāṇa puruṣottama |
pāpopaśamanārthāya prītyarthaṃ pratigṛhyatām ||
pradakṣiṇāṃ samarpayāmi ||
O  Narayana,  The  Ancient  One,  the  Lord  of  all  divine  potencies,  the  Supreme  Person,  I  beseech  Thee  for  the  
remission  of  all  sins.  Please  accept  my  worship  and  prayers.  
aneka janma saṃbhūtaṃ pāpaṃ caiva sureśvara |
mayā dattārghya dānena bhukti mukti prado bhava ||
arghyaṃ samarpayāmi ||
I  have  taken  countless  births  and  sinned    so  many  times  O  Supreme  Lord,  please  accept  this  libation  and  
grant  me  happiness  in  this  world  and  Final  Liberation.  
oṃ candrādityau ca dharaṇī vidyud agnī sāthaiva ca |
tvameva sarva jyotīṣi nirājanaṃ pratigṛhyatām ||
karpūra hārati samarpayāmi ||
Thou   art   the   Supreme   Light   of   Lights,   Thou   art   the   light   of   the   Sun   and   the   Moon,   of   lightening   in   the   sky  
and  fire  upon  earth,  please  accept  this  offering  of  light.  

oṃ agni rudreśa govinda viṣṇo cakrin namo'stute |
pūjāṃ gṛhāṇa deveśa prīyatāṃ garuḍa-dhvaja ||
Thou   art   the   Divine   Light,   the   Withdrawer   of   Creation,   the   Preserver   who   turns   the   Wheel   of   Time,  
salutations   to   Thee.   Please   accept   my   simple   worship   and   be   gracious,   O   Lord   of   hosts,   Bearer   of   the  
Garuda  Pennant.  
aparādha sahasrāṇi lakṣa koṭi yutani ca |
naśyanti tat kṣaṇāt pāpaṃ satyeśasya ca pūjanāt ||
The   innumerable   sins   committed   in   a   myriad   of   births,   along   with   all     their   reactions,   can   be   destroyed   in  
one  second    by  the  Grace  obtained  from  the  worship  of  the  Supreme  Lord  of  Truth.  
oṃ satyeśa saṃsthitaṃ rājan pūjāṃ kāle sadaiva hi |
kṣīrodapāthe candrastha padma kārṇika saṃsthitam |
padma kaumodakī śaṅkha cakrāṇyastrāṇi dhāriṇam ||
prārthanā pūrvaka namaskāraṃ samarpayāmi ||
O  Lord  of  Truth,  I  invoke  Thee  as  a  monarch  and  I  offer  Thee  this  worship,  Thou  art  Transcendant  and  
dwellest  upon  the  Lotus  of  Purity,  in  Moon  of  the  mind,    upon  the    Ocean  of  Time.    Thou  holdest  in  Thy  
hands   the   Lotus   of   spiritual   unfoldment,   the   mace   of   Righteousness   &   Justice,   the   Conch   of     proclaimation  
and  the  Wheel  of  Time  &  Transmigration.  I  offer  Thee  my  prayers  and  obeisance.  

7. Tarpanam - Libations.
! The water for tarpanam consists of sesame, barley, milk, tulasi, and sarva oshadhayah and
is offered with a conch shell.

saṅkalpaḥ — ḥariḥ oṃ tat sat | govinda govinda govinda | adya _______ gotrasya
_______ pretasya durmaraṇa nimittaka nārāyaṇa bali pūrvāṅga bhūtaṃ, para loke
mahā tṛṣā nivāraṇa artham vaiṣṇavī sūktaiḥ viṣṇo tarpaṇam aham kariṣye ||
Now,  as  an  ancilliary  proceedure  to  the  Narayana  Bali  rite,  in  order  to  quench  the  (spiritual)  thirst  of  the  
deceased   named   ......................   of   the   clan   of   .......................   I   now   offer   libations   with   the   various   vaishnava  
(vaidika)  hymns.  

! Perform tarpana with the vaishnava suktas followed by the 12 names according to time and
place. After each verse repeat the following while pouring the libation;

“oṃ namo nārāyaṇāya mokṣārthe nārāyaṇaṃ tarpayāmi!”

Puruṣa Sūkta
sa̱ha̍sra śīrṣā̱ puru̍ṣaḥ | sa̱hasrā̱kṣaḥ sa̱hasra̍ pāt |
sa bhūmi̍ṁ vi̱śvato̍ vṛ̱tvā | atya̍tiṣṭhad daśāṅgu̱lam || 1 ||
puru̍ṣa e̱vedaguṁ sarvaṁ̎ | yad bhū̱taṁ yac ca bhavyam̎ |
u̱tāmṛ̍ta̱tva syeśā̍naḥ | ya̱d anne̍nā ti̱roha̍ti || 2 ||
etāvā̍n asya mahimā | ato jyāyāgu̍ś ca pūru̍ṣaḥ |
pādo̎’sya viśvā̍ bhū̱tāni̍ | tri̱pād a̍syā̱m ṛta̍m di̱vi || 3 ||
tri̱pād ū̱rdhva udai̱t puru̍ṣaḥ | pādo̎’sye̱hā’’bha̍vā̱t puna̍ḥ |
tato̱ viśva̱ṅ vya̍krāmat | sā̱śa̱nā̱na̱śa̱ne a̱bhi || 4 ||
tasmā̎d vi̱rāḍ a̍jāyata | vi̱rājo̱ adhi̱ pūru̍ṣaḥ |
sa jā̱to atya̍ricyata | pa̱ścād bhūmi̱m atho̍ pu̱raḥ || 5 ||
yat puru̍ṣeṇa ha̱viṣā̎ | de̱vā ya̱jñam ata̍nvata |
va̱sa̱nto a̍syāsī̱d ājyam̎ | grī̱ṣma i̱dhmaś śa̱rad-ha̱viḥ || 6 ||
sa̱ptāsyā̍san pari̱dhāya̍ḥ | triḥ sa̱pta sa̱midha̍ḥ kṛ̱tāḥ |
de̱vā yad ya̱jñam ta̍nvā̱nāḥ | aba̍dhna̱n puru̍ṣam pa̱śum || 7 ||
tam ya̱jñam ba̱rhiṣi̱ praukṣa̍n | puru̍ṣam jā̱tam a̍gra̱taḥ |
tena̍ de̱vā aya̍janta | sā̱dhyā ṛṣa̍yaś ca̱ ye || 8 ||
tasmā̎d ya̱jñāt sa̍rva̱ huta̍ḥ | sambhṛ̍taṁ pṛṣad ā̱jyam |
pa̱ṣūguṁs tāggaś ca̍kre vāya̱vyān̍ | ā̱ra̱ṇyān grā̱myāśca̱ ye || 9 ||
tasmā̎d ya̱jñāt sa̍rva̱ hu̱taḥ | ṛca̱ḥ sāmā̍ni jajñire |
chandāgu̍ṁsi jajñire̱ tasmā̎t | yaju̱s tasmā̍d ajāyata || 10 ||
tasmā̱d aśva̍ ayājanta | ye ke co̍bha̱yāda̍taḥ |
gavo̍ ha jajñire̱ tasmā̎t | tasmā̎j jā̱tā a̍jā̱ vaya̍ḥ || 11 ||
yat puru̍ṣaṁ vya̍dadhuḥ | ka̱ti̱dhā vya̍kalpayan |
mukha̱ṁ kim a̍sya kau bā̱hū | kā vū̱rū pādā̍ vucyete || 12 ||
brā̱hma̱ṇo̎’sya̱ mukha̍m āsīt | bā̱hū rā̍ja̱nya̍ḥ kṛ̱taḥ |
ū̱rū tad a̍sya yad vaiśya̍ḥ | pa̱dbhyāguṁ śū̱dro a̍jāyata || 13 ||
ca̱ndramā̱ mana̍so jā̱taḥ | cakṣo̱s-sūryo ajāyata |
mukhā̱d indra̍ś cā̱gniś ca̍ | prā̱ṇād vā̱yur a̍jāyata || 14 ||
nābhyā̍ āsīd a̱ntari̍kṣam | śī̱rṣṇo dyauḥ sama̍vartata |
pa̱dbhyāṃ bhūmi̱r diśa̱ś śrotrā̎t | tathā̍ lo̱kāguṁ a̍kalpayan || 15 ||
vedā̱ham e̱taṁ puru̍ṣaṁ ma̱hāntam̎ | ā̱di̱tya va̍rṇa̱ṁ tama̍sa̱s tu pā̱re |
sarvā̍ṇi rū̱pāṇi̍ vi̱citya̱ dhīra̍ḥ | nāmā̍ni kṛ̱tvā’bhi̱vada̱n yadāste̎ || 16 ||
dhā̱tā pu̱rastā̱d yam u̍dāja̱hāra̍ | śa̱kraḥ pravi̱dvān pra̱diśa̱ś-cata̍sraḥ |
tame̱vā vi̱dvān a̱mṛta̍ iha̱ bhavati | nānyaḥ panthā̱ aya̍nāya vidyate || 17
ya̱jñena ya̱jñam a̍yajanta de̱vāḥ | tāni̱ dharmā̍ṇi pratha̱mā-nyā̍san |
te ha̱ nāka̍ṁ mahi̱māna̍s sacante | yatra pūrve̍ sā̱dhyās santi̍ de̱vāḥ || 18
a̱dbhyas saṁbhū̍taḥ pṛthi̱vyai rasā̎cca | vi̱śva̍karmaṇa̱s sama̍varta̱tādhi̍ |
tasya̱ tvaṣṭā̍ vi̱dadha̍d rū̱pam-e̍ti | tat puru̍ṣasya̱ viśva̱m ājā̍na̱m agre̎ ||
vedā̱ham e̱taṁ puru̍ṣaṁ ma̱hāntam̎ | ā̱di̱tya va̍rṇa̱ṁ tama̍sa̱ḥ para̍stāt |
tam e̱vaṁ vi̱dvān a̱mṛta̍ i̱ha bha̍vati | nānyaḥ panthā̍ vidya̱te’ya̍nāya ||    
 pra̱jāpa̍tiś carati̱ garbhe̍ a̱ntaḥ | a̱jāya̍māno bahu̱dhā vijā̍yate |
tasya̱ dhīrā̱ḥ pari̍jānanti̱ yonim̎ | marī̍cīnāṃ pa̱dam i̍cchanti ve̱dhasaḥ ||
yo de̱vebhya̱ ātapa̍ti | yo̍ de̱vānā̎ṃ puro̱hi̍taḥ |
purvo̱ yo devebhyo̍ jā̱taḥ | namo̍ ru̱cāya̱ brāhma̍ye || 22 ||
ruca̍ṁ brā̱hmaṁ ja̱naya̍ntaḥ | de̱vā agre̱ tad a̍bruvan |
yas tvai̱vaṁ brā̎hma̱ṇo vi̱dyāt | tasya̍ de̱vā asa̱n vaśe̎ || 23 ||
hrīś ca̍ te la̱kṣmīś ca̱ patnyau̎ | a̱ho̱ rā̱tre pā̱rśve | nakṣa̍trāṇi rū̱pam |
a̱śvinau̱ vyāttam̎ | i̱ṣṭaṁ ma̍niṣāṇa | a̱muṁ ma̍niṣāṇa | sarva̍ṁ maniṣāṇaḥ ||

Nārāyaṇa Sūktam
sa̱ha̱sra̱-śīrṣa̍ṃ de̱va̱ṃ vi̱śvākṣa̍ṃ vi̱śva-śa̍ṃbhuvam |
viśva̍ṃ nā̱rāya̍ṇaṃ de̱va̱m-akṣa̍raṃ para̱maṃ pa̱dam || 1 ||

vi̱śvata̱ḥ para̍mān-ni̱tya̱ṃ vi̱śvaṃ nā̍rāya̱ṇaguṁ ha̍rim |

viśva̍m e̱vedaṁ puru̍ṣa̱stad viśva̱m upa̍jīvati || 2 ||

pati̱ṃ viśva̍syā̱tmeśva̍ra̱guṁ śāśva̍taguṁ śi̱vam a̍cyutam |

nā̱rāya̱ṇaṃ ma̍hā-jñe̱ya̱ṃ vi̱śvātmā̍naṃ pa̱rāya̍ṇam || 3 ||

nā̱rāya̱ṇa pa̍ro jyo̱tir-ātmā nā̍rāya̱ṇaḥ pa̍raḥ |

nā̱rāya̱ṇa pa̍raṃ-bra̱hma̱ ta̱ttvaṃ nā̍rāya̱ṇaḥ pa̍raḥ || 4 ||

nā̱rāya̱ṇa pa̍ro dhyā̱tā̱ dhyā̱naṃ nā̍rāya̱ṇaḥ pa̍raḥ || 5 ||

yacca̍ ki̱ñcit ja̍gat sa̱rva̱ṃ dṛ̱śyate̎ śrūya̱te'pi̍ vā |
anta̍rba̱hiśca̍ tat sa̱rva̱ṃ vyāpya nā̍rāya̱ṇaḥ sthi̍taḥ || 6 ||
ana̍nta̱m avya̍yaṃ ka̱viguṁ sa̍mu̱drenta̍ṃ vi̱śva śa̍ṃbhuvam |
pa̱dma̱ ko̱śa pra̍tīkā̱śa̱guṁ hṛ̱daya̍ṃ cāpya̱dhomu̍kham || 7 ||
adho̍ ni̱ṣṭyā vi̍tastyā̱nte̱ nā̱bhyām u̍pari̱ tiṣṭha̍ti |
jvā̱la̱-mā̱lā-ku̍laṃ bhā̱tī̱ vi̱śvasyā̍yata̱naṃ ma̍hat || 8 ||
santa̍taguṁ śi̱lābhi̍stu̱ lamba̍tyā kośa̱ sanni̍bham |
tasyānte̍ suṣi̱raguṁ sūkṣmaṃ tasmin̎ sarva̍ṃ prati̍ṣṭhitam || 9 ||
tasya̱ madhye̍ ma̱han-a̍gnir vi̱śvārci̍r vi̱śvato̍-mukhaḥ |
so'gra̍bhu̱g vibha̍jan ti̱ṣṭha̱n nāhā̍ram aja̱raḥ ka̱viḥ || 10 ||
tī̱rya̱g ū̱rdhvaṃ a̍dhaśśā̱yī̱ ra̱śmaya̍s tasya̱ santa̍tā |
sa̱ntā̱paya̍ti svaṃ de̱ham āpā̍da tala̱-mastakaḥ ||
tasya̱ madhye̱ vahni̍ śikhā a̱ṇīyo̎rdhvā vya̱vasthi̍taḥ || 11 ||
nī̱la-to̍ya̱da̍ madhya̱sthā̱d vi̱dyulle̍kheva̱ bhāsva̍rā |
nī̱vāra̱ śūka̍vat ta̱nvī̱ pī̱tā bhā̎svatya̱ṇūpa̍mā || 12 ||
tasyā̎ śikhāya̱ ma̍dhye pa̱ramā̎tmā vya̱vasthi̍taḥ |
sa brahma̱ sa śiva̱s sa hari̱s sendra̱ so'kṣa̍raḥ pa̱ramas sva̱rāṭ || 13 ||
ṛ̱taguṁ sa̱tyaṃ pa̍raṃ bra̱hma̱ pu̱ruṣa̍ṁ kṛṣṇa̱ piṅga̍lam |
ū̱rdhvare̍taṃ vi̍rūpā̱kṣa̱ṃ vi̱śvarū̍pāya̱ vai namo̱ nama̍ḥ || 14 ||
oṃ nā̱rā̱ya̱ṇāya̍ vi̱dmahe̍ vāsude̱vāya̍ dhīmahi |
tanno̍ viṣṇuḥ praco̱dayā̎t || 15 ||

Viṣṇu Sūktam
viṣṇo̱r nuka̍ṁ vī̱ryā̍ṇi pravo̍ca̱ṁ yaḥ pārthi̍vāni vima̱me rajā̍gm̐ si yo
aska̍bhāya̱d utta̍ragm̐ sa̱dhastha̍ṁ vicakramā̱ṇas tre̱dho ru̍gā̱yo viṣṇo̍
ra̱rāṭa̍masi̱ viṣṇo̎ḥ pṛṣṭhama̍si̱ viṣṇo̱ḥ śñaptre̎stho̱ viṣṇo̱ syūra̍si viṣṇo̎
dhru̱vam a̍si vaiṣṇa̱vam a̍si̱ viṣṇa̍ve tvā || 1 ||
tad a̍sya pri̱yam a̱bhipātho̍ aśyām | naro̱ yatra̍ deva̱yavo̱ mada̍nti |
u̱ru̱kra̱m asya̱ sa hi bandhu̍r i̱tthā | viṣṇō̎ḥ pa̱de pa̍ra̱me madhva̱ uthsa̍ḥ || 2 ||
prastad viṣṇu̍s tavate vī̱ryā̍ya | mṟgo na bhī̱maḥ ku̍ca̱ro gi̍ri̱ṣṭhāḥ |
yosyo̱ruṣu̍ tri̱ṣu vi̱krama̍ṇeṣu | adhi̍kṣi̱yanti̱ bhuva̍nāni̱ viśvā̎ || 3 ||
pa̱ro mātra̍yā ta̱nuvā̍ vṛdhāna | na te̍ mahi̱tvam anva̍śnuvanti |
u̱bhe te̍ vidma̱ raja̍si pṛthi̱vyā | viṣṇo̍ deva̱tvam pa̱ra̱masya̍ vithse || 4 ||
vica̍krame pṛthi̱vīm e̱ṣa e̱tām | kṣetrā̍ya̱ viṣṇu̱r manu̍ṣe daśa̱syan |
dhru̱vāso̍ asya kī̱rayo̱ janā̍saḥ | u̱ru̱-kṣi̱tagm̐ su̱jani̍m ācakāra || 5 ||
trir de̱vaḥ pṟthi̱vīm e̱ṣa e̱tām | vica̍krame śa̱rta̍casaṁ mahi̱tvā |
pra-viṣṇu̍r astu ta̱va sa̱stavī̍yān | tve̱ṣagm̐ hya̍sya̱ sthavi̍rasya̱ nāma̍ || 6 ||
ato̍ de̱vā a̍vantu no̱ yato̱ viṣṇu̍r vicakra̱me | pṟthi̱vyās sa̱pta dhāma̍bhiḥ || 7 ||
i̱daṁ viṣṇu̱r vica̍krame tre̱dha nida̍dhe pa̱dam |
samū̍ḍham asya pāgm̐ su̱re || 8 ||
trīṇi̍ pa̱dā vica̍krame̱ viṣṇu̍r go̱pā adā̎bhyaḥ | ato̱ dharmā̍ṇi dhā̱rayan̍ ||
viṣṇo̱ḥ karmā̍ṇi paśyata̱ yato̍ vra̱tāni̍ paspa̱śe | indra̍sya̱ yujya̱sya sakhā̎ḥ || 10
tad viṣṇo̎ḥ para̱maṁ pa̱dagm̐ sadā paśyanti sū̱raya̍ḥ | di̱vī̍va̱ cakṣu̱rāta̍tam ||
tad viprā̍so vipa̱nyavo̍ jāgṟvāgm̐ saḥ sami̍ndhate | viṣṇo̱r yat pa̍ra̱maṁ
pa̱dam || 12 ||

oṃ anādi nidhano devaḥ śaṅkha cakra gadā dharaḥ |
avyayaḥ puṇḍarīkākṣaḥ preta mokṣa prado bhava ||
O   Imperishable   Lotus-­‐eyed   Lord,     wielding   the   conch,   discus   and   mace,   may   it   please   Thee   to   grant  
liberation  to  the  departed  one.    
atasi puṣpa saṃkāśaṃ pīta-vāsa samacyutaṃ |
ye namasyanti govindaṃ na teṣāṃ vidyate bhayam ||
Those  who  worship  the  Lord    Govinda  of  dark  hue;  garbed  in  yellow  silk,  for  them  there  is  no  fear  of  death.  

kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa kṛpālo tvaṃ agatīnāṃ gatir bhava |

saṃsāra ārṇava magnānāṃ prasīda puruṣottama ||
O  Most  merciful  Lord  Krsna  who  art  the  saviour  of  the  helpless,  have  mercy  upon  those  who  are  drowning  
in  this  ocean  of  birth  &  death.  

nārāyaṇa sura śreṣṭha lakṣmi kānta janārdhana |

anena tarpanena nātha preta mokṣa prado bhava ||
O   Lord   narayana   foremost   of   divinities,   Consort   of   Lakshmi,   Lord   of   men!   Please   grant   release   to   the  
departed      through  this  rite  of  tarpana.  

etad kṛtaṃ yad viṣṇo tarpaṇaṃ tena śrī mahā viṣṇuḥ prīto 'stu.
May  the  Supreme    Godhead  be  pleased  with  this  rite  of  tarpana  which  we  have  performed.  

saṅkalpaḥ — oṃ adya _______ gotasya _______ pretasya paraloke mahā tṛṣā nivṛtti
artham idam udakaṃ upatiṣṭhatu ||

Om,  I  now  offer  this  libation  for  the  sake  of    the  deceased  ....................    of  the  clan  of  .....................  in  order  to  
slake  his/her  Spiritual  Thirst.  

! Offer three streams of water for the deceased.

! Savyam & ācamanam.
Brahmana bhojana saṃkalpaḥ
oṃ adya _______ gotrasya _______ pretasya paraloke mahā kṣudhā nivāraṇa arthaṃ
viṣṇu tarpaṇa karmanaḥ sāṅgatā siddhyarthaṃ śrī mahā viṣṇu prītyarthaṃ yathā
sampanne yathā saṅkhyān brāhmaṇān (eka brāhmanam) bhojayiṣye | tena śrī mahā-
viṣnuḥ prīyatām śrī mahā-viṣṇu tarpaṇa karmaṇi nyūna atiriktaṃ sarvaṃ pari-pūrṇam
astu ||
Om  today  in  order  to  assuage  the  great  hunger  for  sense  gratification  that  the  deceased  .........................  of  
the  ....................  clan  may  be  experiencing  in  an  earth-­‐bound  state,  and  in  order  to  complete  this  Tarpana  
rite   which   is   intended   to   slake   the   spiritual   thirst,   and   in   order   to   invoke   the   grace   of   the   Supreme   Lord,   I  
undertake  to  feed  .................  brahmins.  By  this  act  of  charity  may  the  Supreme  Lord  be  pleased  and  rectify  
all  the  faults  and  shortcomings  of  these  rites.  

8. Gāyatri japa — veda parāyaṇa vidhiḥ

! The rakshoghna mantras are now chanted. If this is not possible the gayatri mantra
should be recited, or a vina and flute recital should be done with the chanting of the
purusha sukta, tri naciketa, tri madhu, trisuparna, pavamani.

kṛ̱ṇu̱ṣvapājaḥ prasi̍ti̱ṃ na pṛ̱thvīṃ yā̱ hi rāje̱vāma̍vā̱guṁ ibhe̍na |

tṛ̱ṣvīmanu̱ prasi̍tiṃ drūṇā̱nostā̍si̱ vidhya̍ ra̱kṣasa̱s-tapi̍ṣṭhaiḥ || 1 ||
1.  Extend  your  prowess  like  a  wide  spreading  net;  go  like  a  mighty  king  with  his  attendants.  Follow  your  
swift  net,  shooting  arrows,  transfix  the  forces  of  chaos  with  your  darts  that  burn  so  fiercely.  
tava̍ bhra̱māsa̍ āśu̱yā pa̍ta̱ṅtyanu̍-spṛśa dhṛṣa̱tā śośu̍cānaḥ |
tapūg̍gaṣyagne ju̱hvā̍ pata̱ṅgāna saṅdito̱ visṛja̱ viśva̍ gu̱lkāḥ || 2 ||
2.  Forth  go  in  rapid  flight  your  whirling  weapons;  follow  them  closely  glowing  in  your  fury.  Spread  your  
tongue-­‐like  winged  flames,  O  Agni    cast  your  firebrands  without  encumbrance  all  around  you.  
prati̱ spaśo̱ visṛ̍ja̱ tūrṇi̍tamo̱ bhavā̍ pā̱yurvi̱śo a̱syā ada̍bdhaḥ |
yono̍ dū̱re a̱ghaśagu̍ṁ so̱ yo aṅtyagne̱ māki̍ṣṭe̱ vyathi̱rād-a̍dharṣīt || 3 ||
3.  Send  your  spies  forward,    fleetest  in  their  motion;  do  not  mislead;  the  guardian  of  this  people.  
Punish  the  one  who  near  or  far  is  bent  on  hurt,  and  let  no  trouble  sent  from  you  affect  us.  
ud-a̍gne tiṣṭha̱ pratyā̍tanuṣva̱ nya̍mitrāgu̍ṁ oṣatāt-tigmahete |
yono̱ āra̍tiguṁ samidhāna ca̱kre nī̱catāṃ dha̍kṣyata̱saṃ na śuṣkam̎ || 4 ||
4.   Rise   up   O   Agni,   spread   out   before   us,   burn   down   our   [mental]   foes,   you   who   has   sharpened   arrows.  
Blazing  Agni!  Consume  completely    like  dried  up  stubble  the  one  who  seeks  our  detriment.  
ū̱rdhvo bha̍va̱ prati̍ vi̱dhyādhya̱smad-viṣkṛ̍ṇuṣva̱ daivā̎nyagne |
ava̍ sthi̱rā ta̍nuhi̱ yā tu̱jūnā̎ṃ jā̱mim ajā̍mi̱ṃ pramṛ̍ṇī hi̱ śatrūn̍ || 5 ||
5.  Rise  Agni,  drive  off  those    [mental]  forces  that  obstruct  us;    manifest  your  own  divine  [wisdom]  force.  
Slacken   the   strong   bows   of   the     malicious   enemies   [thoughts]   whether   kin   [subjective]   or   stranger  
sa te̍ jānāti suma̱tiṃ ya̍viṣṭha̱ ya īva̍te̱ brahma̍ṇe gā̱tum-aira̍t |
viśvā̎n-yasmai su̱dinā̍ni rā̱yo dyu̱mnānya̱ryo viduro̍ a̱bhi-dyau̎t || 6 ||
6.  Most  youthful  God,  he  knows  well  your  favour  who  gave  an  impulse  to  this  high  devotion.  All  good  days  
and  magnificence  of  riches  have  you  beamed  forth  upon  the  gates  of  the  spiritual  aspirant.  
seda̍gne astu su̱bhaga̍s su̱dānu̱r-yas-tvā̱ nitye̍na ha̱viṣā̱ ya u̱ktaiḥ |
piprī̍ṣati̱ sva āyu̍ṣi duro̱ṇe viśved-a̍smai su̱dinā̱ sāsa̍di̱ṣṭhiḥ || 7 ||
7.   Blessed     O   Agni,   be   the   one,   the   generous   giver,   who   with   praises   and   regular   oblations,   tries   to  
propitiate  you  for  long  life  and  security.  May  all  his  days  be  bright;  be  this  his  longing.  
arcā̍mi te suma̱tiṃ ghoṣya̱rvāk saṅte̍ vā̱vātā̍ jaratām i̱yaṃ gīḥ |
svaśvā̎s- tvā su̱rathā̍m arjayemā̱sme kṣa̱trāṇi̍ dhāraye̱r-anu̱ dyūn || 8 ||
8.  I  praise  your  gracious  favour;  sing  back  in  answer!  May  this  my  song,  be  like  your  beloved.  Lord  of  good  
horses  and  vehicles  may  we  glorify    you,  and  day  by  day  increase  our  [spiritual]  dominion  
i̱ha tvā̱ bhūryācare̱ dupā̱tman doṣā̍vastar dīdī̱vāguṁ sa̱ manu̱ dyūn |
krīḍa̍ṅtas-tvā su̱mana̍saḥ sapemā̱bhi dyu̱mnā ta̍sthi̱vāguṁ so̱ janā̍nām || 9 ||
9.  Here  of  free  choice,  let  each  one  serve  you  opulently,  resplendent  day  by  day  at  sunrise  and  sunset.  So  
may  we  honour  you,  content  and  joyous,  ever  expanding  in  glorious  achievement.  
yas-tvā̱ svaśva̍ḥ suhira̱ṇyo a̍gna upa̱yāti̱ vasu̍matā̱ rathe̍na |
tasya̍ trā̱tā bha̍vasi̱ tasya̱ sakhā̱ yasta̍ āti̱thya mā̍nu̱ṣag-jujo̍ṣata || 10 ||
10.  Whoever  with  good  horses  and  fine  gold,  O  Agni  approaches  you,  on  a  cart  laden  with  treasure,    You  
are  his  protector,  you  are  the  friend  of  the  one  who  delights  to  entertain  you.  
ma̱ho ru̍jāmi ba̱ndhutā̱ vaco̍bhi̱s-tan-mā̍ pi̱tur-gota̍m-ā̱dinvi̍yāya |
tvaṅno̍ a̱sya vaca̍saś-cikiddhi̱ hota̍r-yaviṣṭha sukrato̱ damū̍nāḥ || 11 ||
11.   Through   word   and   kinship   [with   you]   I   destroy   the   mighty   forces   of   chaos;   this   power   I   have   received  
from   Gotama   my   father.   Take   note   of   this   our   declaration,   O   Most   Youthful,   Friend   of   the   House,  
Exceeding  Wise,  Invoker.  You  are  the  friend  and  the  protector  of  the  one  who  delights  in  entertaining  you.    
asvapna̍-jas-taraṇa̍yaḥ su̱śevā̱ ata̍ndrāso'vṛ̱kā aśra̍miṣṭhāḥ |
te pā̱yava̍ḥ sa̱dhriya̍ṃ yo ni̱ṣad-yāgne̱ tava̍ naḥ pāṅtvamūra || 12 ||
12.  Knowing  no  slumber,  speedy  and  propitious,  alert  and  ever  friendly,  most  Unwearied  One.    
May  your    protective  powers  combining,  unerring  Agni,  be  present  here  to    preserve  us.  
ye pā̱yavo̍ māmate̱yaṃ te̍ agne̱ paśya̍nto a̱ndhaṃ du̍ri̱tād ara̍kṣan |
ra̱rakṣa̱ tānt-su̱kṛto̍ vi̱śvave̍dā̱ dipsa̍ṅta̱ idri̱pavo̱ nāha̍ debhuḥ || 13 ||
13.   Your   protective   rays,   O   Agni,     preserved   ignorant   Mamateya   from   transgression.   Lord   of   all   riches,  
they    preserved  the  righteous;  the  forces  of  chaos  who  tried  to  harm  them  had  no  effect.  
tvayā̍ va̱yaguṁ sa̍dha̱nyas-tvotā̱ stava̱-praṇī̎tyaśyāma̱ vājā̍n |
u̱bhāśaguṁ sā̍ sūdaya satyatāte nuṣṭhu̱yā kṛ̍ṇuhyā hṛyāṇa || 14 ||
14.  Aided  by  you  may  we  become  prosperous,  may  we  become  strong,  with  you  to  guide  us  onwards.    O  
Ever  Truthful  One,  grant  us  this  world  and  the  next,  do  this,    O  God  whom  power  emboldens.      
a̱yāte̍ agne sa̱midhā vidhema̱ prati̱ stomagu̍ṁ śa̱syamā̍naṃ gṛbhāya |
dahā̱śaso̍ ra̱kṣasa̍ḥ pā̱hya̍smān dru̱ho ni̱do mi̍tra-maho ava̱dyāt || 15 ||
15.     O   Agni   with   this   fuel   will   we   serve   you;   accept   with   favour   the   praise   we   sing   to   you.   Destroy   the  
forces  of  chaos  and  preserve  us,  O  Friend,  from  deceit,  scorn  and  slander.    (RV.4.4.1-­‐15)  
ra̱kṣo̱haṇa̍ṃ vā̱jina̱m āji̍gharmi mi̱traṃ prati̍ṣṭha̱m upa̍yāmi̱ śarma̍ |
śiśā̍no a̱gniḥ kratu̍bhi̱s sami̍ddha̱s sano̱ divā̱ sari̱ṣaḥ pā̍tu naktam̎ || 16 ||
16.  I  offer  ghee  to  the  Mighty  Slayerof  the  forces  of  Chaos;  to  the  most  Famous  Friend  I  come  for  refuge.    
Enkindled,  impassioned  by  our  rites,  may  Agni  protect  us  from  all  negativity  during  the  day  and  the  night.  
vi jyoti̍ṣā bṛha̱tā bhā̎tya̱gnir-ā̱vir-viśvā̍ni kṛṇute mahi̱tvā |
prāde̍vir-mā̱yās sa̍ha te du̱revā̱ś śiśī̍te̱ śṛṅge̱ rakṣa̍se vinikṣe̎ |
u̱ta svā̱nāso̍ di̱vi ṣa̍ntva̱gnes ti̱gmā̍yudhā̱ rakṣa̍se̱ haṅta̱vā u̍ || 17 ||
17.  Blessed  O  Agni  be  the  one,  the  liberal  giver  of  charity,  who  with  praises  and  regular  oblations,    tries  to  
propitiate  you  for  longevity  and  security,  may  all  his  days  be  bright;  may  this  blessing  be  his.    
Trisuparṇa Mantrāṇi
brahma̍m etu̱ mām | madhu̍m etu̱ mām | brahmam e̱va madhumetu̱ mām |
yāste̍ soma pra̱jā va̱thso'bhi̱ so a̱ham | duṣva̍pna̱han du̱̍ruṣṣaha |
yāste̍ soma prā̱ṇāgass stāñju̍homi | trisu̍parṇa̱m ayā̍citaṃ brāhma̱ṇāya̍
dadyāt | bra̱hma̱ha̱tyāṃ vā e̱te ghna̍nti | ye brā̎hm̱aṇās trisu̍parṇa̱ṃ
paṭha̍nti | te soma̱ṃ prāpnu̍vanti | ā̱sa̱ha̱srāt pa̱ṅkti puna̍nti | oṃ ||
brahma̍ me̱dhayā̎ | madhu̍ me̱dhayā̎ | brahma̍m e̱va ma̍dhu me̱dhayā̎ |
a̱dyā no̍ deva savitaḥ pra̱jāva̍tsāvī̱ḥ saubha̍gam | parā̍ du̱ḥṣvapniyagu̍ṁ
suva || viśvā̍ni deva savitar duri̱tāni̱ parā̍ suva | yad bha̱draṃ tanna̱ ā
su̍va || (R.V. 5:82:4-5)
madhu̱vātā̍ ṛtāya̱te madhu̍ kṣaranti̱ sindha̍vaḥ | mādhvīrnas-sa̱ntvoṣa̍dhīḥ ||
madhu̱ nakta̍ṃ u̱toṣasi̱ madhu̍ma̱t pārthi̍va̱guṃ raja̍ḥ | madhu̱ dyaur a̍stu
nah pi̱tā || madhu̍ mānno̱ vana̱spati̱r madhu̍māguṃ astu̱ sūrya̍ḥ |
mādhvī̱r gāvo̍ bhavantu || RV.1.90.6 TS.
ya i̱maṃ trisu̍parṇa̱m ayā̍citaṃ brāhma̱ṇāya̍ dadyāt | bhru̱ṇa̱ha̱tyāṃ vā e̱te
ghna̍nti | ye brā̎hma̱ṇās trisu̍parṇa̱ṃ paṭha̍nti | te soma̱ṃ prāpnu̍vanti |
ā̱sa̱ha̱srāt pa̱ṅkti puna̍nti | oṃ ||
brahma me̱dhavā̎ | madhu me̱dhavā̎ | brahma̍m e̱va madhu̍ me̱dhavā̎ |
bra̱hmā de̱vānā̎ṁ pada̱vīḥ ka̍vī̱nām ṛṣi̱r viprā̍ṇāṁ mahi̱ṣo mṛ̱gāṇā̎m |
śye̱no gṛdhrā̍ṇā̱gm̐ svadhi̍ti̱r vanā̍nā̱gm̱̐ soma̍ḥ pa̱vitra̱m atye̍ti̱ rebhan̍ |
ha̱guṁśaś śu̍ciṣad vasu̍r antari̱kṣasad hotā̍ vedi̱ṣad ati̍thir duroṇa̱sat | nṛ̱ṣad
va̍ra̱sad ṛ̍ta̱sad vyo̍ma̱sad a̱bjā go̱jā ṛ̍ta̱jā a̍dri̱jā ṛ̱taṃ bṛ̱hat ||
ṛ̱ce tvā̍ ru̱ce tvā̱ samit sra̍vanti sa̱rito̱ na dhenā̎ḥ | a̱ntar hṛ̱dā mana̍sā
pū̱yamā̍nāḥ | gẖṛtasya̱ dhārā̍ a̱bhicā̍kaśīmi | hi̱ra̱ṇyayo̍ veta̱so madhya̍
āsām | tasmin̎th supa̱rṇo ma̍dhu̱kṛt ku̍lā̱yī bhaja̍nnāste̱ madhu̍ de̱vatā̎bhyaḥ
| tasyā̍sate̱ hara̍yas sa̱pta tīre̎ sva̱dhām duhā̍nā a̱mṛta̍sya̱ dhārā̎m | ya i̱daṃ
trisu̍parṇa̱m ayā̍citaṃ brāhma̱ṇāya̍ dadyāt |
vī̱ra̱ha̱tyāṃ vā e̱te ghna̍nti | ye brā̎hma̱ṇās trisu̍parṇa̱ṃ paṭha̍nti | te soma̱ṃ
prāpnu̍vanti | ā̱sa̱ha̱srāt pa̱ṅkti puna̍nti | oṃ ||

9. Agnimukham
! Establish the sacred fire and perform all the preliminary rites up to ājya bhāga.

10 Prādhāna Homa — Principle Oblations

Saṅkalpaḥ — adyeha _______ gotrasya _______ preta pretatva vimokṣanārtham
akṣaya phala svarga prāptaye nārāyaṇa balau homa karmaṇā [ācārya dvāreṇa]
yakṣye ||
Now  I    intend  to  perform  the  fire  sacrifice  [through  the  medium  of  my  appointed  priest]  as  an  adjunct  to  
the  requiem    rite  of  Narayana  Bali,  which  is  being  done  in  order  to  invoke  the  Grace  of  God  to  help  the  
deceased  ..........................  of  the  .........................  clan  to  obtain  release  from  the  earth-­‐bound  state  and  to  attain  
a  good  rebirth.    

1. puruṣa sūktam, 2. nārāyaṇa sūktam, 3. viṣṇu sūktam, (page 9)

4. dvadaśa nāmāni 5. sviṣṭakṛte & prāyaścitta homa, 6. pitṛ homa [optional], 7.
vyāhṛti homa.

11. Bali pradhānam

! Offer neivedyam to the Lord with the Viṣṇu gāyatri.
! Offer tāmbūlaṃ and then offer the balis to the South of the fire on northward pointing
darbha grass;

1. oṃ nārāyaṇāya namaḥ |
2. oṃ sahasra-śīrṣāya namaḥ |
3. oṃ sahasra-akṣāya namaḥ |
4. oṃ sahasra-pādāya namaḥ |
5. oṃ parama-puruṣāya namaḥ |
6.oṃ paramātmane namaḥ |
7. oṃ parama-jyotiṣe namaḥ |
8. oṃ para-brahmaṇe namaḥ |
9. oṃ adṛśyāya namaḥ |
10. oṃ sarva-kāraṇa-kāraṇāya namaḥ |
11. oṃ yajña-puruṣāya namaḥ |
12. oṃ yajñine namaḥ |
13. oṃ viśvedevebhyo namaḥ |
14. oṃ sarvebhyo devebhyo namaḥ |
15. oṃ sādhyebhyo namaḥ |

12. Antiṃ homaḥ - Final Oblations

! Offer oblations of ghee
1. oṃ nārāyaṇāya svāhā ||
2. oṃ sahasra-śīrṣāya svāhā ||
3. oṃ sahasra-akṣāya svāhā ||
4. oṃ sahasra-pādāya svāhā ||
5. oṃ parama-puruṣāya svāhā ||
6. oṃ paramātmane svāhā ||
7. oṃ parama-jyotiṣe svāhā ||
8. oṃ para-brahmaṇe svāhā ||
9. oṃ adṛśyāya svāhā ||
10. oṃ sarva-kāraṇa-kāraṇāya svāhā ||
11. oṃ yajña-puruṣāya svāhā ||
12. oṃ yajñine svāhā ||
13. oṃ viśvedevebhyo svāhā ||
14. oṃ sarvebhyo devebhyo svāhā ||
15. oṃ sādhyebhyo svāhā ||

13. Pūrṇahutiḥ - Concluding Offering.

mū̱rdhāna̍ṃ di̱vo a̍ra̱tiṃ pṛ̍thi̱vyā vai̍śvāna̱ramṛ̱ta ā jā̱tam a̱gnim |
ka̱viguṁ sa̱mrāja̱m ati̍thi̱ṃ janā̍nām ā̱sannā pātra̍m janayanta de̱vāḥ ||
Him,  messenger  of    Earth  and  head  of  Heaven,  Agni  Vaishvanara  born  of  Holy  Order,  The  Sage,  the  King,  
the  Guest  of  men,  a  vessel  fit  for  their  mouths  have  the  gods  generated.      VS.7.24.  

! pariseñcanam
! Then while standing offer the following oblations;

1. pṛthivyai svāhā || pṛthivyai idaṃ na mama ||

2. agnaye svāhā || vaiśvānarāya agnaye idam ||
3. antarikṣāya svāhā || antarikṣāya idaṁ na mama ||
4. vāyave svāhā || vāyave idaṁ na mama ||
5. dive svāhā || dive idaṁ na mama ||
6. sūryāya svāhā || sūryāya idaṁ na mama ||
7. digbhya svāhā || digbhya idaṁ na mama ||
8. candrāya svāhā || candrāya idaṁ na mama ||
9. nakṣatrebhyaḥ svāhā || nakṣatrebhyaḥ idam ||
10. adbhyaḥ svāhā || adbhyaḥ idaṁ na mama ||
11. varuṇāya svāhā || varuṇāya idaṁ na mama ||
12. nābhyai svāhā || nābhyai idaṁ na mama ||
13. pūtāya svāhā || pūtāya idaṁ na mama ||
14. vāce svāhā || vāce idaṁ na mama ||
15. prāṇāya svāhā || prāṇāya idaṁ na mama ||
16. śrotrāya svāhā || śrotrāya idaṁ na mama ||

! Wash the hands and feet and recite apavitraḥ.

! Honour the brahmins with food and charity.
! Perform Ekadaśaha śrāddha


! The yajamāna performs ācamanam takes seat, makes 11 piṇḍas, lights lamp and recites
apavitro'va - sprinkles all the accoutrements and participants.

devakīnandanaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ śaṅkha cakra gadā-dharah |

ārambhe 'pi gayā śrāddhe puṇḍarīkākṣo'vatu ||
At  the  commencement  of  this  rite  I    contemplate  upon  Krsna  the  joy  of  Devaki  who  wields  the  conch,  
discus  and  mace.  May  the  Lotus-­‐eyed  Lord  protect  us.  

Saṅkalpam - hariḥ oṃ tat sat _______ adya _______ gotrasya _______ pretasya
pretatva vimuktyarthaṃ _______ dūrmaraṇa nimittaka nārāyaṇa balau vinita
viṣṇavādi viṣṇu paryantānāṃ ekādaśa śrāddhāni piṇḍa dāna vidhinā karma kariṣye ||

Hari   om,   tatsat,   today   in   order   to   release   .............................   of   the   clan   of   .................   from   an   earth   bound   state,  
possibly  caused  by  death  due  to  ...........................  and  as  an  ancilliary  rite  to  the  Narayana  Bali,  I  shall  now  
perform  the  obsequial  offering  of  the  11  rice  balls.  

! recite gāyatrī 3 x
devatābhyaḥ pitṛubhyaśca mahā yogibhya eva ca |
namaḥ svāhāyai svadhāyai nityaṃ eva namo namaḥ ||
Salutations  to  the  devas,  to  the  manes  and  to  all    the  great  yogis,  salutations  to  the  obsequial  chants,  I  pay  
my  obeisance  again  and  again.  

! Prepare the piṇḍa-sthāna - vedi - lay down two kuśa blades pointing to the south and place
11 leaves or ḍonas on them starting in the south
1. Lord Viṣṇu;- oṃ adya _______ gotrasya _______ pretasya nārāyaṇa bali
nimittaka pretatva vimukti hetave idaṃ āsanaṃ viṣṇave namaḥ ||
om   Today   during   this     Requiem   which   is   being   done   in   order   to   liberate   _______ of   the   clan   of  
_______ from  an  earth-­‐bound  state;  I  offer  this  seat  to  Lord  Vishnu,  obeisance  to  Him.  

! Offer water barley til etc on the first leaf in the south.
2. Lord śiva; - adya _______ gotrasya _______ pretasya nārāyaṇa bali nimittaka
pretatva vimukti hetave idaṃ āsanaṃ śivāya namaḥ ||
I  offer  this  seat  to  Lord  Siva,    obeisance  to  Him.  

3. Yamānucarāḥ; - adya _______ gotrasya _______ pretasya nārāyaṇa bali

nimittaka pretatva vimukti hetave idaṃ āsanaṃ yamānucarāya namaḥ ||
I  offer  this  seat  to  the  attendants  of  Lord  Yama,  obeisance  to    them.  

4. Somarāja;- adya _______ gotrasya _______ pretasya nārāyaṇa bali nimittaka

pretatva vimukti hetave idaṃ āsanaṃ somarājāya namaḥ ||
I  offer  this  seat  to  Lord  Soma,  obeisance  to  Him.  

5. Havya-vāhana; -adya _______ gotrasya _______ pretasya nārāyaṇa bali

nimittaka pretatva vimukti hetave idaṃ āsanaṃ havya-vāhanāya namaḥ ||
I  offer  this  seat  to  the  Mystic  Fire  which  conveys  the  oblations  to  the  devas,  obeisance  to  Him.  

6. Kavya-vāhana: -adya _______ gotrasya _______ pretasya nārāyaṇa bali

nimittaka pretatva vimukti hetave idaṃ āsanaṃ kavya-vāhanāya namaḥ ||
I  offer  this  seat  to  the  Mystic  Fire  which  conveys  the  oblations  to  the  Manes,  obeisance  to  Him.  

7. Kālā; - adya _______ gotrasya _______ pretasya nārāyaṇa bali nimittaka

pretatva vimukti hetave idaṃ āsanaṃ kālāya namaḥ ||
I  offer  this  seat  to  the  Lord  of  Time,  obeisance  to  Him.  

8. Rudra; - adya _______ gotrasya _______ pretasya nārāyaṇa bali nimittaka

pretatva vimukti hetave idaṃ āsanaṃ rudrāya namaḥ ||
I  offer  this  seat  to  the  Destoyer  of  the  Universe,  obeisance  to  Him.  

9. Preta; (apasavya - silently recall to mind the deceased)

idaṃ āsanaṃ te mayā dīyate tava upatiṣṭatām |
I  offer  this  seat  to  you;  please  accept  it.  

10. Citragupta; - adya _______ gotrasya _______ pretasya nārāyaṇa bali nimittaka
pretatva vimukti hetave idaṃ āsanaṃ citraguptāya namaḥ ||
I  offer  this  seat  to  Lord  Chitragupta  the  Recorder  of  the  deeds  of  mankind,  obeisance  to  Him.  

11. Viṣvarūpa; - adya _______ gotrasya _______ pretasya nārāyaṇa bali nimittaka
pretatva vimukti hetave idaṃ āsanaṃ viśvarūpāya namaḥ ||
I  offer  this  seat  to  Universal  form  of  the  Supreme  Lord  Vishnu,  obeisance  to  Him.  

Kuśa — Place a blade of kuśa on each of the āsanas
oṃ pa̱vitre̍ stho vaiṣṇa̱vyau̱ savi̱tur va̍ḥ prasa̱va utpu̍nā̱my-acchi̍dreṇa
pa̱vitre̍ṇa̱ sūrya̍sya ra̱śmibhiḥ ||
Ye  two  are  the  purifiers  that  belong  to  Vishnu.  By  the  impulse  of  Savitar,  with  this  flawless  purifier  I  
purify  you,  with  the  rays  of  Surya.  V.S.  1;12  

Water; — Sprinkle water on each āsana

oṁ śanno̍ de̱vīr a̱bhiṣṭa̍ya̱ āpo̍ bhavantu pī̱taye̎ |
śaṁyor a̱bhisra̍vantu naḥ |
May  the  seven  cosmic  Principles  be  propitious  for  us;  divine  forces  for  our  aid  &  bliss.  Let  them  flow  for  us,  
for  health  and  strength.    
Sesame; — Scatter some grains of sesame
oṁ tilosi soma daivatyo gosavo deva nirmitaḥ |
prayatnam adbhiḥ saṃpṛktaḥ svadhayā pitṛn lokān pranohinaḥ |
Sesame  art  thou,  Soma  is  thy  deity,  at  the  gosava  sacrifice,  thou  wast  created  by  the  gods,.  By  the  ancients  
hast  thou  been  offered.  Through  the  funeral  oblation  make  the  pitris  and  those  realms  propitious  to  us.  
AG.  4;7;11  

Sandal Paste; — Apply sandal paste

oṁ ga̱ndha̱-dvā̱rāṃ du̍rādha̱rṣā̱ṃ ni̱tya pu̍ṣṭāṃ karī̱ṣiṇī̎m |
ī̱śvarīgu̍ṁ sarva̍ bhūtā̱nā̱ṃ tām i̱hopa̍hvaye̱ śriyam ||
I   invoke   here   in   this   world   the   Goddess   of   prosperity,   the   Mother   Earth,   who   is   inviolable.   She   is   of  
exhaustable  nourishment,  representing  wealth  of  cattle.  She  is  the  mistress  of  all  creatures.  

Flowers; — Offer flowers

oṁ hrīś ca̍ te la̱kṣmīś ca̱ patnyau̎ | a̱ho̱ rā̱tre pā̱rśve |
nakṣa̍trāṇi rū̱pam | a̱śvinau̱ vyāttam̎ |
i̱ṣṭaṁ ma̍niṣāṇa | a̱muṁ ma̍niṣāṇa | sarva̍ṁ maniṣāṇaḥ ||
Beauty  and  Fortune    are  your  two  consorts,  each  side  of  you  are  day  and  night.  
The  constellations    are  your  form,  the  Ashvins  your  mouth.  
Being  such  grant  me  whatever  I  desire;    yonder  world  and  all  other  happiness.  

1. oṃ adya ________ gotrasya ________ pretasya durmaraṇa nimittaka nārāyaṇa
bali vihita ekādaśa śrāddhe pretatva vimuktaye abhiṣṭalokā vāptaye viṣṇave eṣo'rgho
vo namaḥ .
om  Today  during  this    Requiem  which  is  being  done  in  order  to  liberate  ......................  of  the  clan  of  ...................    
from   an   earth-­‐bound   state     resulting   from   death   due   to   .........................   and   to   invoke   the   grace   of   God   so  
that  he/she  may  obtain  a  better  rebirth;  I  offer  this  libation  to  Vishnu,  obeisance  to  Him.  

2. śivāya eṣo'rgho vo namaḥ

3. yamānucarāya eṣo'rgho vo namaḥ
4. somarājāya eṣo'rgho vo namaḥ
5. havya-vāhanāya eṣo'rgho vo namaḥ
6. kavya-vāhanāya eṣo'rgho vo namaḥ
7. kālāya eṣo'rgho vo namaḥ
8. rudrāya eṣo'rgho vo namaḥ
9. (apasavya) pretāya eṣo hastārgho'ste mayā dīyate tava upatiṣṭetām |
10. citraguptāya eṣo'rgho vo namaḥ
11. viśvarūpāya eṣo'rgho vo namaḥ

PPiiṇṇḍḍaa PPrraaddhhāānnaa
1. adya ________ gotrasya ________ preta pretasya nārāyaṇa bali karma vihita
ekādaśa śrāddhe, prathama viṣṇave eṣo anna piṇḍaḥ saṃpadyatām ||
Today   during   this     Requiem   which   is   being   done   in   order   to   liberate   ......................   of   the   clan   of   ...................    
from  an  earth-­‐bound  state;    I  offer  this  first  pinda  to  Vishnu.  

2. adya ________ gotrasya _______ preta pretasya nārāyaṇa bali karma vihita
ekādaśa śrāddhe, dvitīya śivāya eṣo anna piṇḍaḥ saṃpadyatām ||

3. adya _______ gotrasya _____ preta pretasya nārāyaṇa bali karma vihita ekādaśa
śrāddhe, tritiya yamānucarāya eṣo anna piṇḍaḥ saṃpadyatām ||

4. adya ______ gotrasya _____ preta pretasya nārāyaṇa bali karma vihita ekādaśa
śrāddhe, caturtha somarājāya eṣo anna piṇḍaḥ saṃpadyatām ||

5. adya ______ gotrasya ______ preta pretasya nārāyaṇa bali karma vihita ekādaśa
śrāddhe, pañcamaḥ havya-vāhanāya eṣo anna piṇḍaḥ saṃpayatām ||

6. adya ______ gotrasya ______ preta pretasya nārāyaṇa bali karma vihita ekādaśa
śrāddhe, śaṣṭhaḥ kavya-vāhanāya eṣo anna piṇḍaḥ saṃpayatām ||

7. adya ______ gotrasya ______ preta pretasya nārāyaṇa bali karma vihita ekādaśa
śrāddhe, saptamaḥ kālāya eṣo anna piṇḍaḥ saṃpayatām ||

8. adya ______ gotrasya ______ preta pretasya nārāyaṇa bali karma vihita ekādaśa
śrāddhe, aṣṭamo rudrāya eṣo anna piṇḍaḥ saṃpayatām ||

! Face south apasavya with right knee bent

9. adya ______ gotrasya ______ preta pretasya nārāyaṇa bali karma vihita ekādaśa
śrāddhe, navamaḥ pretasya eṣo anna piṇḍaḥ saṃpayatām ||

10 adya ______ gotrasya ______ preta pretasya nārāyaṇa bali karma vihita ekādaśa
śrāddhe, daśama citraguptāya eṣo anna piṇḍaḥ saṃpayatām ||

11. adya ______ gotrasya ______ preta pretasya nārāyaṇa bali karma vihita ekādaśa
śrāddhe, ekādaśa viśvarūpiṇe eṣo anna piṇḍaḥ saṃpayatām ||

adyehetyādi ______ gotrasya ______ pretasya pretatva vimuktaye bhagavad kṛpayā

abhiṣṭalokāvāptaye nārāyaṇa bali nimittaka viṣṇave etāni gandhādīni svāhā
saṃpadyatām ||
Today   during   this     Requiem   which   is   being   done   in   order   to   liberate   ......................   of   the   clan   of   ...................    
from   an   earth-­‐bound   state;   to   invoke   the   Grace   of   the   Lord   so   that   he/she   may   attain   a   suitable     realm   of  
rebirth,  I  make  all  these  offerings  to  the  Supreme  Godhead  Lord  Vishnu.  

! Offer gandha, akṣata, puṣpa, sūtra, dhūpa, dīpa, jalam on each of the piṇḍas.

oṃ anādi nidhano devaḥ śaṅkha cakra gadā dharaḥ |
avyayaḥ puṇḍarīkākṣaḥ preta mokṣa prado bhava ||
O   Imperishable   Lotus-­‐eyed   Lord,     wielding   the   conch,     discus   and   mace,       may   you     please           grant  
Liberation  to  the  deceased.  

atasi puṣpa saṃkāśaṃ pīta-vāsa samacyutaṃ |

ye namasyanti govindaṃ na teṣāṃ vidyate bhayam ||
Those   who   worship   the   Lord     Govinda   of   dark   hue;     garbed   in   yellow   silk;   for   them   there   is   no   fear   of  
! Sprinkle barley on all the piṇḍas.

bha̱draṃ karṇe̍bhiḥ śṛṇu̱yāma̍ devā bha̱draṃ pa̍śyemā̱kṣibhi̱r-yaja̍trāḥ |

sthi̱rair-aṅga̎is-tuṣṭu̱vāguṁ sa̍sta̱nūbhiḥ vyaśe̍ma de̱vahi̍ta̱ṁ yadāyu̍ḥ ||
O   gods   may   we   with   our   ears   listen   to   what   is   good,   and   with   our   eyes   see   what   is   good,   ye   Holy   Ones.  
With  limbs  and  bodies  firm  may  we  extolling  you  attain  to  the  full  term  of  life  appointed  by  the  Supreme  
Lord.  VS.  25;21  

PPiiṇṇḍḍaa vviissaarrjjaannaa
! Raise each piṇḍa in turn - smell - place in vessel - recite mantra and consign to water.

oṃ paretana pitaraḥ somyāso gaṃbhirebhiḥ pathibhiḥ | datvāya

asmabhyaṃ dravineha bhadraṃ rayiñca naḥ sarva vīraṃ niyacchata ||
Depart   hence   O   Pitris,   Soma   loving,   with   your   majestic   ancient   paths,   having   vouchsafed   to   us   wealth,  
prosperity  and  auspiciousness  and  heroes.  

! Dispose of the rest of the items - wash hands and feet - ācamanam;
oṃ pramādāt kurvitam karma pracyavetādhvareṣu yat |
smaraṇād eva tad viṣṇoḥ saṃpūrṇa syāt iti śrutiḥ ||
If   inadvertently   a   slip   occurs   while   one   is   performing   a   sacrifice,   mere   remembrance   of   Vishnu   rectifies  
the  fault.  This  is  what  is  laid  down  by  the  Vedas.  

Godāna Saṅkalpaḥ
oṃ adya ______ gotrasya ______ pretasya pretatva vimuktaye bhagavad
kṛpayā abhiṣṭa loka avāptaye nārāyaṇa bali karma saṃhitā siddhi artham godāna
janya phala prāptaye go saṃbhandhīnīṃ dakṣiṇāṃ ______ gotrāya ______ śarma
brāhmaṇāya dātum aham utsṛjet ||
Today   as   an   auxilliary   rite   to   the   Requiem   which   is   being   peformed   for   the   liberation     of   ..................................    
of  the  clan  of  ........................  from  an  earth-­‐bound  state  and  to  invoke  the  Grace  of  God  for  the  obtaining  of  a  
good   rebirth,   and   to   obtain   merit   from   the   gift   of   a   cow,   I   now     intend   to   donate   the   price   of   a   cow   to   the  
Revered  priest    .......................  Sharma  of  the  clan  of  .............................,  may  it  be  accepted.  

gotran no vardhatāṃ dātāro no abhivardhatāṃ |
vedāḥ santatir eva ca śrāddhā ca no mā vyagamad |
bahu deyaṃ ca no astu annaṃ ca no bahu bhavet |
atithiṃ ca labhemahi yācitāraśca naḥ santu |
mā ca yāciśma kañcana etāḥ satya āśiṣaḥ santu ||
May  our  clan  expand  may  our  wellwishers  increase.  
May  our  learning  expand  and  our  faith    not  be      diminished.  
May  we  have  many  objects  fit  to  be  given,  and  much  foodstuffs.  
May  we  receive  many  guests  and  may  we  have  many  petitioners.  
May  we  never  need  to  petition  any  one,  may  this  blessing  be  ours.  

N Ā R Ā Y A N A B A LI PR A Y O G A # 2.
(According to Śaunaka and Yama)

! Invite 13 brāhmins or Vaiṣṇavas for dinner. If they are unavailable then make 13 kurcha-
! Dipam prajvālya
bho dīpa brahma rūpas tvaṁ karma-sākṣī hyavighna-kṛta |
yāvat karma samāptiḥ syāt tāvat tvam susthiro bhava ||
O  light  you  are  the  form  of  Brahma,  the  witness  to  my  actions  and  the  remover  of  obstacles.  As  long  as  
the  ritual  lasts  please  remain  steady.  

Nārāyaṇa Bali Saṅkalpaḥ — hariḥ om tat sat, govinda govinda govinda adya
_______ gotrasya _______ pretasya—
1. śṛṅgi 2. daṃṣṭre nakhi 3. śastra ghāta 4. sarpa dasta 5. gaja danta hatta 6. jala
magna 7. kaṇṭa-gṛhaṇa 8. viṣa-bhakṣana 9. agni-dagdha 10. ātma ghāta 11. caṇḍāla
hasta maraṇa 12. caura mārita 13. śatru mārita 14. mlecchādi mārita 15. aṣṭa-śalya
maraṇa 16. bandi-gṛhe pāśa-maraṇa 17. vṛkṣārohaṇa 18. pārvata ārohaṇa 19.
śakaṭādi-hatta 20. kuṣṭa vyādhi maraṇa 21. mahāroga prapīḍita 22. kṣaya vyādhi
maraṇa 23. māṃsārbuda vyādhi maraṇa 24. apasmāra rogādi maraṇa 25. aneka
duṣṭa maraṇa -

______ gotrasya ______ pretasya durmaraṇa janita doṣa śāntyartham, bhagavad

mahā viṣṇu prīti dvārā puṇya loka prāpti arthaṃ [viṣṇu loka prāpti arthaṃ]
nārāyaṇa bali karma kariṣye ||
Hari  om  tat  sat,  govinda  govinda  govinda,  today  I  perform  the  Narayana  Bali    requiem  rite  in  order  to  
invoke   the   Grace   of   God   for   the   upliftment,   atonement   and   redemption   of   ......................     belonging   to     the  
clan  of    ...............  who  died  by  [was  killed  by  ]    
1.   horned   animals,   2.   clawed   animals,   3.   by   weapons,   4.   snake   bite,   5.   by   an   elephant,   6.   drowning,     7.  
choking,  8.  from  poison,  9.  from  burns,  10.  from  suicide,    11.  murdered  by  wicked  person,  12.  murdered  by  
robbers,   13.   killed   by   his   enemies,     14.   killed   by   barbarians   (non-­‐aryans),   15.   died   from   surgery,     16.   from  
being  hanged  in  gaol,    17.  a  fall  from  a  tree,    18.  fall  from  a  mountain,  19.  killed  in  a  road  accident,    20.  
died   from   leprosy,   21.   from   a   great   disease,   22.   from   consumption   (AIDS),   23.   from   cancer,   24.   from  
epilepsy,  25.  from  many  unfortunate  causes,  
  —  may  he/she  obtain  a  better  rebirth  [or  birth  in  the  realm  of  Vishnu].    
As   a   preliminary     to   this   rite   I   now   perform   the   ritual   of     sanctification   of   the   site,   the   water,   the  
appurtenances  of  the  ritual,  the  physical  body  and  the  mind.  

For Yatis
hariḥ oṃ tat sat śubhe śobhana mūhurte ……… siddhim gatasya ______ nāma
bhikṣoḥ sambhāvita sarva pāpa kṣaya pūrvakam viṣṇu loka āvāpti dvārā śrīman
nārāyaṇa prītyartham nārāyaṇa balim kariṣye ||
Viipprraa āāvvāāhhaannaam
! If the death occurred in Sukla paksha – invoke kesava et al.
! If in Krishna paksa then invoke saṅkarsana et al.

Sukla paksha Krishna paksha

1. keśava saṅkarṣaṇa rūpa gurvarthe bhavān mayā nimantritaḥ |
2. nārāyaṇa vāsudeva rūpa gurvarthe bhavān mayā nimantritaḥ |
3. mādhava pradyumna rūpa gurvarthe bhavān mayā nimantritaḥ |
4. govinda aniruddha rūpa gurvarthe bhavān mayā nimantritaḥ |
5. viṣṇu puruṣottama rūpa gurvarthe bhavān mayā nimantritaḥ |
6. madhusūdana adhokṣaja rūpa gurvarthe bhavān mayā nimantritaḥ |
7. trivikrama nārasiṃha rūpa gurvarthe bhavān mayā nimantritaḥ |
8. vāmana acyuta rūpa gurvarthe bhavān mayā nimantritaḥ |
9. śrīdhara janārdana rūpa gurvarthe bhavān mayā nimantritaḥ |
10. hṛṣikeśa upendra rūpa gurvarthe bhavān mayā nimantritaḥ |
11. padmanābha hari rūpa gurvarthe bhavān mayā nimantritaḥ |
12. dāmodara kṛṣṇa rūpa gurvarthe bhavān mayā nimantritaḥ |

maa aarrccaannaam
! Worship Saligrama or invoke Vishnu in a kumbha
! Offer all upacaras up to dipa then offer tarpanam

Sukla paksha Krishna paksha

1. keśavam saṅkarṣaṇam tarpayāmi |
2. nārāyaṇam vāsudevam tarpayāmi |
3. mādhavam pradyumnam tarpayāmi |
4. govindam aniruddham tarpayāmi |
5. viṣṇum puruṣottamam tarpayāmi |
6. madhusūdanam adhokṣajam tarpayāmi |
7. trivikramam nārasiṃham tarpayāmi |
8. vāmanam acyutam tarpayāmi |
9. śrīdharam janārdanam tarpayāmi |
10. hṛṣikeśam upendram tarpayāmi |
11. padmanābham harim tarpayāmi |
12. dāmodaram kṛṣṇam tarpayāmi |
oṃ anādi nidhano devaḥ śaṅkha cakra gadā dharaḥ |
avyayaḥ puṇḍarīkākṣaḥ preta mokṣa prado bhava ||
O   Imperishable   Lotus-­‐eyed   Lord,     wielding   the   conch,   discus   and   mace,   may   it   please   Thee   to   grant  
liberation  to  this  departed  one.    

atasi puṣpa saṃkāśaṃ pīta-vāsa samacyutaṃ |

ye namasyanti govindaṃ na teṣāṃ vidyate bhayam ||
Those  who  worship  the  Lord    Govinda  of  dark  hue;  garbed  in  yellow  silk,  for  them  there  is  no  fear  of  death.  

kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa kṛpālo tvaṃ agatīnāṃ gatir bhava |

saṃsāra ārṇava magnānāṃ prasīda puruṣottama ||
O  Most  merciful  Lord  Krsna  who  art  the  saviour  of  the  helpless,  have  mercy  upon  those  who  are  drowning  
in  this  ocean  of  birth  &  death.  
nārāyaṇa sura śreṣṭha lakṣmi kānta janārdhana |
anena tarpanena nātha preta mokṣa prado bhava ||
O   Lord   narayana   foremost   of   divinities,   Consort   of   Lakshmi,   Lord   of   men!   Please   grant   release   to   the  
departed      through  this  rite  of  tarpana.  

etad kṛtaṃ yad viṣṇo tarpaṇaṃ tena śrī mahā viṣṇuḥ prīto 'stu.
May  the  Supreme    Godhead  be  pleased  with  this  rite  of  tarpana  which  we  have  performed.  

uttaranga puja

! Prepare sthandila and perform agni-mukham as usual.
Sankalpaḥ — oṃ tat-sat adyeha ________ gotra ________ preta durmaraṇa doṣa
śāntyartham, bhagavad mahā viṣṇu prīti dvārā puṇya loka prāpti arthaṃ [viṣṇu loka
prāpti arthaṃ] nārāyaṇa bali karmaṇā aham yakṣye ||

! Offer caru with the three suktas:

sa̱ha̍sra śīrṣā̱ puru̍ṣaḥ | sa̱hasrā̱kṣaḥ sa̱hasra̍ pāt |

sa bhūmi̍ṁ vi̱śvato̍ vṛ̱tvā | atya̍tiṣṭhad daśāṅgu̱lam || 1 ||
puru̍ṣa e̱vedaguṁ sarvaṁ̎ | yad bhū̱taṁ yac ca bhavyam̎ |
u̱tāmṛ̍ta̱tva syeśā̍naḥ | ya̱d anne̍nā ti̱roha̍ti || 2 ||
etāvā̍n asya mahimā | ato jyāyāgu̍ś ca pūru̍ṣaḥ |
pādo̎’sya viśvā̍ bhū̱tāni̍ | tri̱pād a̍syā̱m ṛta̍m di̱vi || 3 ||
tri̱pād ū̱rdhva udai̱t puru̍ṣaḥ | pādo̎’sye̱hā’’bha̍vā̱t puna̍ḥ |
tato̱ viśva̱ṅ vya̍krāmat | sā̱śa̱nā̱na̱śa̱ne a̱bhi || 4 ||
tasmā̎d vi̱rāḍ a̍jāyata | vi̱rājo̱ adhi̱ pūru̍ṣaḥ |
sa jā̱to atya̍ricyata | pa̱ścād bhūmi̱m atho̍ pu̱raḥ || 5 ||
yat puru̍ṣeṇa ha̱viṣā̎ | de̱vā ya̱jñam ata̍nvata |
va̱sa̱nto a̍syāsī̱d ājyam̎ | grī̱ṣma i̱dhmaś śa̱rad-ha̱viḥ || 6 ||
sa̱ptāsyā̍san pari̱dhāya̍ḥ | triḥ sa̱pta sa̱midha̍ḥ kṛ̱tāḥ |
de̱vā yad ya̱jñam ta̍nvā̱nāḥ | aba̍dhna̱n puru̍ṣam pa̱śum || 7 ||
tam ya̱jñam ba̱rhiṣi̱ praukṣa̍n | puru̍ṣam jā̱tam a̍gra̱taḥ |
tena̍ de̱vā aya̍janta | sā̱dhyā ṛṣa̍yaś ca̱ ye || 8 ||
tasmā̎d ya̱jñāt sa̍rva̱ huta̍ḥ | sambhṛ̍taṁ pṛṣad ā̱jyam |
pa̱ṣūguṁs tāggaś ca̍kre vāya̱vyān̍ | ā̱ra̱ṇyān grā̱myāśca̱ ye || 9 ||
tasmā̎d ya̱jñāt sa̍rva̱ hu̱taḥ | ṛca̱ḥ sāmā̍ni jajñire |
chandāgu̍ṁsi jajñire̱ tasmā̎t | yaju̱s tasmā̍d ajāyata || 10 ||
tasmā̱d aśva̍ ayājanta | ye ke co̍bha̱yāda̍taḥ |
gavo̍ ha jajñire̱ tasmā̎t | tasmā̎j jā̱tā a̍jā̱ vaya̍ḥ || 11 ||
yat puru̍ṣaṁ vya̍dadhuḥ | ka̱ti̱dhā vya̍kalpayan |
mukha̱ṁ kim a̍sya kau bā̱hū | kā vū̱rū pādā̍ vucyete || 12 ||
brā̱hma̱ṇo̎’sya̱ mukha̍m āsīt | bā̱hū rā̍ja̱nya̍ḥ kṛ̱taḥ |
ū̱rū tad a̍sya yad vaiśya̍ḥ | pa̱dbhyāguṁ śū̱dro a̍jāyata || 13 ||
ca̱ndramā̱ mana̍so jā̱taḥ | cakṣo̱s-sūryo ajāyata |
mukhā̱d indra̍ś cā̱gniś ca̍ | prā̱ṇād vā̱yur a̍jāyata || 14 ||
nābhyā̍ āsīd a̱ntari̍kṣam | śī̱rṣṇo dyauḥ sama̍vartata |
pa̱dbhyāṃ bhūmi̱r diśa̱ś śrotrā̎t | tathā̍ lo̱kāguṁ a̍kalpayan || 15 ||
vedā̱ham e̱taṁ puru̍ṣaṁ ma̱hāntam̎ | ā̱di̱tya va̍rṇa̱ṁ tama̍sa̱s tu pā̱re |
sarvā̍ṇi rū̱pāṇi̍ vi̱citya̱ dhīra̍ḥ | nāmā̍ni kṛ̱tvā’bhi̱vada̱n yadāste̎ || 16 ||
dhā̱tā pu̱rastā̱d yam u̍dāja̱hāra̍ | śa̱kraḥ pravi̱dvān pra̱diśa̱ś-cata̍sraḥ |
tame̱vā vi̱dvān a̱mṛta̍ iha̱ bhavati | nānyaḥ panthā̱ aya̍nāya vidyate || 17
ya̱jñena ya̱jñam a̍yajanta de̱vāḥ | tāni̱ dharmā̍ṇi pratha̱mā-nyā̍san |
te ha̱ nāka̍ṁ mahi̱māna̍s sacante | yatra pūrve̍ sā̱dhyās santi̍ de̱vāḥ || 18
a̱dbhyas saṁbhū̍taḥ pṛthi̱vyai rasā̎cca | vi̱śva̍karmaṇa̱s sama̍varta̱tādhi̍ |
tasya̱ tvaṣṭā̍ vi̱dadha̍d rū̱pam-e̍ti | tat puru̍ṣasya̱ viśva̱m ājā̍na̱m agre̎ ||
vedā̱ham e̱taṁ puru̍ṣaṁ ma̱hāntam̎ | ā̱di̱tya va̍rṇa̱ṁ tama̍sa̱ḥ para̍stāt |
tam e̱vaṁ vi̱dvān a̱mṛta̍ i̱ha bha̍vati | nānyaḥ panthā̍ vidya̱te’ya̍nāya ||    
 pra̱jāpa̍tiś carati̱ garbhe̍ a̱ntaḥ | a̱jāya̍māno bahu̱dhā vijā̍yate |
tasya̱ dhīrā̱ḥ pari̍jānanti̱ yonim̎ | marī̍cīnāṃ pa̱dam i̍cchanti ve̱dhasaḥ ||
yo de̱vebhya̱ ātapa̍ti | yo̍ de̱vānā̎ṃ puro̱hi̍taḥ |
purvo̱ yo devebhyo̍ jā̱taḥ | namo̍ ru̱cāya̱ brāhma̍ye || 22 ||
ruca̍ṁ brā̱hmaṁ ja̱naya̍ntaḥ | de̱vā agre̱ tad a̍bruvan |
yas tvai̱vaṁ brā̎hma̱ṇo vi̱dyāt | tasya̍ de̱vā asa̱n vaśe̎ || 23 ||
hrīś ca̍ te la̱kṣmīś ca̱ patnyau̎ | a̱ho̱ rā̱tre pā̱rśve | nakṣa̍trāṇi rū̱pam |
a̱śvinau̱ vyāttam̎ | i̱ṣṭaṁ ma̍niṣāṇa | a̱muṁ ma̍niṣāṇa | sarva̍ṁ maniṣāṇaḥ ||

sa̱ha̱sra̱-śīrṣa̍ṃ de̱va̱ṃ vi̱śvākṣa̍ṃ vi̱śva-śa̍ṃbhuvam |

viśva̍ṃ nā̱rāya̍ṇaṃ de̱va̱m-akṣa̍raṃ para̱maṃ pa̱dam || 1 ||

vi̱śvata̱ḥ para̍mān-ni̱tya̱ṃ vi̱śvaṃ nā̍rāya̱ṇaguṁ ha̍rim |

viśva̍m e̱vedaṁ puru̍ṣa̱stad viśva̱m upa̍jīvati || 2 ||

pati̱ṃ viśva̍syā̱tmeśva̍ra̱guṁ śāśva̍taguṁ śi̱vam a̍cyutam |

nā̱rāya̱ṇaṃ ma̍hā-jñe̱ya̱ṃ vi̱śvātmā̍naṃ pa̱rāya̍ṇam || 3 ||

nā̱rāya̱ṇa pa̍ro jyo̱tir-ātmā nā̍rāya̱ṇaḥ pa̍raḥ |

nā̱rāya̱ṇa pa̍raṃ-bra̱hma̱ ta̱ttvaṃ nā̍rāya̱ṇaḥ pa̍raḥ || 4 ||

nā̱rāya̱ṇa pa̍ro dhyā̱tā̱ dhyā̱naṃ nā̍rāya̱ṇaḥ pa̍raḥ || 5 ||

yacca̍ ki̱ñcit ja̍gat sa̱rva̱ṃ dṛ̱śyate̎ śrūya̱te'pi̍ vā |
anta̍rba̱hiśca̍ tat sa̱rva̱ṃ vyāpya nā̍rāya̱ṇaḥ sthi̍taḥ || 6 ||
ana̍nta̱m avya̍yaṃ ka̱viguṁ sa̍mu̱drenta̍ṃ vi̱śva śa̍ṃbhuvam |
pa̱dma̱ ko̱śa pra̍tīkā̱śa̱guṁ hṛ̱daya̍ṃ cāpya̱dhomu̍kham || 7 ||
adho̍ ni̱ṣṭyā vi̍tastyā̱nte̱ nā̱bhyām u̍pari̱ tiṣṭha̍ti |
jvā̱la̱-mā̱lā-ku̍laṃ bhā̱tī̱ vi̱śvasyā̍yata̱naṃ ma̍hat || 8 ||
santa̍taguṁ śi̱lābhi̍stu̱ lamba̍tyā kośa̱ sanni̍bham |
tasyānte̍ suṣi̱raguṁ sūkṣmaṃ tasmin̎ sarva̍ṃ prati̍ṣṭhitam || 9 ||
tasya̱ madhye̍ ma̱han-a̍gnir vi̱śvārci̍r vi̱śvato̍-mukhaḥ |
so'gra̍bhu̱g vibha̍jan ti̱ṣṭha̱n nāhā̍ram aja̱raḥ ka̱viḥ || 10 ||
tī̱rya̱g ū̱rdhvaṃ a̍dhaśśā̱yī̱ ra̱śmaya̍s tasya̱ santa̍tā |
sa̱ntā̱paya̍ti svaṃ de̱ham āpā̍da tala̱-mastakaḥ ||
tasya̱ madhye̱ vahni̍ śikhā a̱ṇīyo̎rdhvā vya̱vasthi̍taḥ || 11 ||
nī̱la-to̍ya̱da̍ madhya̱sthā̱d vi̱dyulle̍kheva̱ bhāsva̍rā |
nī̱vāra̱ śūka̍vat ta̱nvī̱ pī̱tā bhā̎svatya̱ṇūpa̍mā || 12 ||
tasyā̎ śikhāya̱ ma̍dhye pa̱ramā̎tmā vya̱vasthi̍taḥ |
sa brahma̱ sa śiva̱s sa hari̱s sendra̱ so'kṣa̍raḥ pa̱ramas sva̱rāṭ || 13 ||
ṛ̱taguṁ sa̱tyaṃ pa̍raṃ bra̱hma̱ pu̱ruṣa̍ṁ kṛṣṇa̱ piṅga̍lam |
ū̱rdhvare̍taṃ vi̍rūpā̱kṣa̱ṃ vi̱śvarū̍pāya̱ vai namo̱ nama̍ḥ || 14 ||
oṃ nā̱rā̱ya̱ṇāya̍ vi̱dmahe̍ vāsude̱vāya̍ dhīmahi |
tanno̍ viṣṇuḥ praco̱dayā̎t || 15 ||

viṣṇo̱r nuka̍ṁ vī̱ryā̍ṇi pravo̍ca̱ṁ yaḥ pārthi̍vāni vima̱me rajā̍gm̐ si yo

aska̍bhāya̱d utta̍ragm̐ sa̱dhastha̍ṁ vicakramā̱ṇas tre̱dho ru̍gā̱yo viṣṇo̍
ra̱rāṭa̍masi̱ viṣṇo̎ḥ pṛṣṭhama̍si̱ viṣṇo̱ḥ śñaptre̎stho̱ viṣṇo̱ syūra̍si viṣṇo̎
dhru̱vam a̍si vaiṣṇa̱vam a̍si̱ viṣṇa̍ve tvā || 1 ||
tad a̍sya pri̱yam a̱bhipātho̍ aśyām | naro̱ yatra̍ deva̱yavo̱ mada̍nti |
u̱ru̱kra̱m asya̱ sa hi bandhu̍r i̱tthā | viṣṇō̎ḥ pa̱de pa̍ra̱me madhva̱ uthsa̍ḥ || 2 ||
prastad viṣṇu̍s tavate vī̱ryā̍ya | mṟgo na bhī̱maḥ ku̍ca̱ro gi̍ri̱ṣṭhāḥ |
yosyo̱ruṣu̍ tri̱ṣu vi̱krama̍ṇeṣu | adhi̍kṣi̱yanti̱ bhuva̍nāni̱ viśvā̎ || 3 ||
pa̱ro mātra̍yā ta̱nuvā̍ vṛdhāna | na te̍ mahi̱tvam anva̍śnuvanti |
u̱bhe te̍ vidma̱ raja̍si pṛthi̱vyā | viṣṇo̍ deva̱tvam pa̱ra̱masya̍ vithse || 4 ||
vica̍krame pṛthi̱vīm e̱ṣa e̱tām | kṣetrā̍ya̱ viṣṇu̱r manu̍ṣe daśa̱syan |
dhru̱vāso̍ asya kī̱rayo̱ janā̍saḥ | u̱ru̱-kṣi̱tagm̐ su̱jani̍m ācakāra || 5 ||
trir de̱vaḥ pṟthi̱vīm e̱ṣa e̱tām | vica̍krame śa̱rta̍casaṁ mahi̱tvā |
pra-viṣṇu̍r astu ta̱va sa̱stavī̍yān | tve̱ṣagm̐ hya̍sya̱ sthavi̍rasya̱ nāma̍ || 6 ||
ato̍ de̱vā a̍vantu no̱ yato̱ viṣṇu̍r vicakra̱me | pṟthi̱vyās sa̱pta dhāma̍bhiḥ || 7 ||
i̱daṁ viṣṇu̱r vica̍krame tre̱dha nida̍dhe pa̱dam |
samū̍ḍham asya pāgm̐ su̱re || 8 ||
trīṇi̍ pa̱dā vica̍krame̱ viṣṇu̍r go̱pā adā̎bhyaḥ | ato̱ dharmā̍ṇi dhā̱rayan̍ ||
viṣṇo̱ḥ karmā̍ṇi paśyata̱ yato̍ vra̱tāni̍ paspa̱śe | indra̍sya̱ yujya̱sya sakhā̎ḥ || 10
tad viṣṇo̎ḥ para̱maṁ pa̱dagm̐ sadā paśyanti sū̱raya̍ḥ | di̱vī̍va̱ cakṣu̱rāta̍tam ||
tad viprā̍so vipa̱nyavo̍ jāgṟvāgm̐ saḥ sami̍ndhate | viṣṇo̱r yat pa̍ra̱maṁ
pa̱dam || 12 ||

(sukla paksha) oṃ keśavāya svāhā | nārāyaṇāya svāhā | mādhavāya svāhā |

govindāya svāhā | viṣṇave svāhā | madhusūdanāya svāhā | trivikramāya svāhā |
vāmanāya svāhā | śrīdharāya svāhā | hṛṣikeśāya svāhā | padmanābhāya svāhā |
dāmodarāya svāhā | mahāviṣṇave svāhā ||

(Krishna paksha) saṅkarṣaṇāya svāhā | vāsudevāya svāhā | pradyumnāya svāhā |

aniruddhāya svāhā | puruṣottamāya svāhā | adhokṣajāya svāhā | nārasiṃhāya svāhā |
acyutāya svāhā | janārdanāya svāhā | upendrāya svāhā | haraye svāhā | kṛṣṇāya svāhā |
mahāviṣṇave svāhā ||

! Offer purnahuti
Viiśśeeṣṣaa A
! Prepare viśeṣa arghya
oṃ nārāyaṇāya vidmahe, vāsudevāya dhīmahi, tanno viṣṇu pracodayāt ||
oṃ śrī-viṣṇave namaḥ idam arghyam samarpayāmi || x 3

Baallii D
! Offer bali with the huta shesha
oṃ nārāyaṇāya vidmahe, vāsudevāya dhīmahi, tanno viṣṇu pracodayāt ||
idam balim samarpayāmi ||

maannaa B
Saṅkalpaḥ: oṃ adya ______ gotrasya ________ pretasya paraloke mahā kṣudhā
nivāraṇa arthaṃ śrī mahā viṣṇu prītyarthaṃ yathā sampanne yathā saṅkhyān
brāhmaṇān (trayodaśa brāhmanam /kūrcānām) bhojayiṣye | tena śrī mahā-viṣnuḥ
prīyatām ||

keśava rūpa guro idam āsanam etc.

! Offer puja to the 13 kurchas
! Place a leaf of food in front of each Brahman/kurca
! Touch the leaf with the right hand and repeat.
oṁ keśav-arūpa guro idam annam sopaskaram yat pariviṣṭham parivekṣyamāṇam
tṛpti kṣamam amṛta rūpaṃ te svāhā ||

! Pour water on the ground

i̱daṁ viṣṇu̱r vica̍krame tre̱dha nida̍dhe pa̱dam |

samū̍ḍham asya pāgm̐ su̱re ||
oṃ tad eva agniḥ | oṃ tad ādityaḥ | oṃ tad vāyuḥ | oṃ tad u candramāḥ | oṃ tad eva
śukram | oṃ tad brahma | oṃ tā āpaḥ | oṃ sa prajāpatiḥ ||

brahmārpaṇaṁ brahma-havir brahm-āgnau brahmaṇā hutam |

brahmaiva tena gantavyaṁ brahma karma samādhinā ||

! Pour water down

! Āposhanam
oṃ amṛtopastaraṇam asi svāhā |
! Pour water and akshata down while reciting—

om namo nārāyaṇāya
! Feed the vaishnavas.

PPiiṇṇḍḍaa D
Saṅkalpam — hariḥ oṃ tat sat .................. adya _______ gotrasya _______ pretasya
pretatva vimuktyarthaṃ _______ dūrmaraṇa nimittaka nārāyaṇa balau vihita
keśavādi viṣṇu rūpānām piṇḍa dāna vidhinā karma kariṣye ||
Hari om, tatsat, today in order to release ............................. of the clan of ................. from an earth bound
state, possibly caused by death due to ........................... and as an ancilliary rite to the Narayana Bali, I shall
now perform the obsequial offering of the 12 rice balls.

Sukla paksha Krishna paksha

1. keśava saṅkarṣaṇa rūpa guro eṣa te piṇḍaḥ svāhā na mama ||
2. nārāyaṇa vāsudeva rūpa guro eṣa te piṇḍaḥ svāhā na mama ||
3. mādhava pradyumna rūpa guro eṣa te piṇḍaḥ svāhā na mama ||
4. govinda aniruddha rūpa guro eṣa te piṇḍaḥ svāhā na mama ||
5. viṣṇu puruṣottama rūpa guro eṣa te piṇḍaḥ svāhā na mama ||
6. madhusūdana adhokṣaja rūpa guro eṣa te piṇḍaḥ svāhā na mama ||
7. trivikrama nārasiṃha rūpa guro eṣa te piṇḍaḥ svāhā na mama ||
8. vāmana acyuta rūpa guro eṣa te piṇḍaḥ svāhā na mama ||
9. śrīdhara janārdana rūpa guro eṣa te piṇḍaḥ svāhā na mama ||
10. hṛṣikeśa upendra rūpa guro eṣa te piṇḍaḥ svāhā na mama ||
11. padmanābha hari rūpa guro eṣa te piṇḍaḥ svāhā na mama ||
12. dāmodara kṛṣṇa rūpa guro eṣa te piṇḍaḥ svāhā na mama ||

! Pour water and akshata on each pinda while reciting — om namo nārāyaṇāya
! Offer candan, flowers, incense, lamp, betel etc.

arca̍̍ta̱ prārca̍ta̱ priya̍m-edhaso̱ arca̍ta |

arca̍ntu putra̱kā u̱ta pura̱ṁ na dhṛ̱ṣṇava̍rcata ||
idaṃ vo 'rcanaṃ
Gandham amī vaḥ sakuṃkuma karpūra aguru caṃpaka padmaka miśra
gandhāḥ ||
Puṣpāni imāni puṣpāni śrī tulasī dalāni ca ||
Dhūpam ghrāṇa tṛpti arthaṃ ayaṃ vo dhūpaḥ ||
Dīpam avalokana arthaṃ ayaṃ vo dīpaḥ ||
Vastram ācchādana arthaṃ idaṃ vastram [yajñopavītam darbhān vā]
Akṣata śeṣa upacāra artham ime akṣatāḥ

! Purusha sukta parayana (page 9)

Pinda visarjanam
ya̱jñena ya̱jñam a̍yajanta de̱vāḥ | tāni̱ dharmā̍ṇi pratha̱mā-nyā̍san |
te ha̱ nāka̍ṁ mahi̱māna̍s sacante | yatra pūrve̍ sā̱dhyās santi̍ de̱vāḥ ||

yat puru̍ṣeṇa ha̱viṣā̎ | de̱vā ya̱jñam ata̍nvata |
va̱sa̱nto a̍syāsī̱d ājyam̎ | grī̱ṣma i̱dhmaś śa̱rad-ha̱viḥ ||

sa̱ptāsyā̍san pari̱dhāya̍ḥ | triḥ sa̱pta sa̱midha̍ḥ kṛ̱tāḥ |
de̱vā yad ya̱jñam ta̍nvā̱nāḥ | aba̍dhna̱n puru̍ṣam pa̱śum ||

Viṣṇu rūpa guro eṣa puṣpāñjalis-te namaḥ ||

oṃ anādi nidhano devaḥ śaṅkha cakra gadā dharaḥ |
avyayaḥ puṇḍarīkākṣaḥ preta mokṣa prado bhava ||
O   Imperishable   Lotus-­‐eyed   Lord,     wielding   the   conch,   discus   and   mace,   may   it   please   Thee   to   grant  
liberation  to  the  departed  one.    
atasi puṣpa saṃkāśaṃ pīta-vāsa samacyutaṃ |
ye namasyanti govindaṃ na teṣāṃ vidyate bhayam ||
Those  who  worship  the  Lord    Govinda  of  dark  hue;  garbed  in  yellow  silk,  for  them  there  is  no  fear  of  death.  
kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa kṛpālo tvaṃ agatīnāṃ gatir bhava |
saṃsāra ārṇava magnānāṃ prasīda puruṣottama ||
O  Most  merciful  Lord  Krsna  who  art  the  saviour  of  the  helpless,  have  mercy  upon  those  who  are  drowning  
in  this  ocean  of  birth  &  death.  

mayā yaḥ kṛto nārāyaṇa baliḥ tan madhye nyūnātirikto yo vidhiḥ sa nārāyaṇa
prasādāt brāhmaṇa vacanāca paripūrṇam astu ||

! Kāyena vācā
! Yasya smrtya ca nāmokta

N Ā R Ā Y A N A B A LI PR A Y O G A # 3.
(According to the rite of Āpastamba)

! On K.P. 12 with Sravana or Rohini on a river bank or temple ground. Invite 12 or 6


Saṅkalpaḥ — hariḥ oṃ tat sat | śri govinda govinda govinda, bhagavad ājñayā
bhagavat kaiṅkarya rupeṇa,
_______ gotrasya ______ pretasya mama pituḥ/mātuḥ durmṛti doṣā-śāntyarthaṃ
mahā viṣṇu prīti-dvārā puṇya-loka prāptyarthaṃ nārayaṇa-balim kariṣye ||

! Honour the Brahmins with chandan daksina etc.

! Invoke Viṣṇu in a kumbha
śāntākāraṃ bhujagaśayanaṃ padmanābhaṃ sureśaṃ |
viśvā-dhāraṃ gagana sadṛśaṃ megha-varṇaṃ śubhāṅgam ||
lakṣmī-kāntaṃ kamala-nayanaṃ yogi-hṛd-dhyāna gamyam |
vande viṣṇuṃ bhava-bhaya-haraṃ sarva lokaika nātham ||
I  pay  my  obeisance  unto  the  Consort  of  Lakshmi;  who  is  realized  by  yogis  in  deep  meditation;  who  is  the  
giver  of  peace,  reclining  upon  the  serpent  of  time,  the  lotus-­‐navelled  Lord  of  Hosts,  the  Supporter  of  the  
Universe,  like  a  cloud  in  colour  extending  over  the  whole  world,  with  an  auspicious  form.    I  salute  the  One  
Lord  of  the  universe  who  removes  the  fear  of  death  and  rebirth.    

oṃ bhūḥ puruṣaṃ āvāhayāmi |

oṃ bhuvaḥ puruṣaṃ āvāhayāmi |
oṃ suvaḥ puruṣaṃ āvāhayāmi |
oṃ bhūrbhuvaḥ suvaḥ puruṣaṃ āvāhayāmi |

oṃ mahāviṣṇave namaḥ āsanam | pādyaṃ ityādi — dīpāntam |

oṃ keśavam tarpayāmi | nārāyaṇam tarpayāmi | mādhavam tarpayāmi | govindam
tarpayāmi | viṣṇum tarpayāmi | madhusūdanam tarpayāmi | trivikramam tarpayāmi
| vāmanam tarpayāmi | śrīdharam tarpayāmi | hṛṣikeśam tarpayāmi | padmanābham
tarpayāmi | dāmodaram tarpayāmi | mahāviṣṇum tarpayāmi ||

phalam naivedayāmi | tāmbūlam | nirājanam |

Pradhāna Homa
! Perform Agni-mukham
! Offer caru with
viṣṇo̱r nuka̍ṁ vī̱ryā̍ṇi pravo̍ca̱ṁ yaḥ pārthi̍vāni vima̱me rajā̍gm̐ si yo
aska̍bhāya̱d utta̍ragm̐ sa̱dhastha̍ṁ vicakramā̱ṇas tre̱dho ru̍gā̱yo viṣṇo̍
ra̱rāṭa̍masi̱ viṣṇo̎ḥ pṛṣṭhama̍si̱ viṣṇo̱ḥ śñaptre̎stho̱ viṣṇo̱ syūra̍si viṣṇo̎
dhru̱vam a̍si vaiṣṇa̱vam a̍si̱ viṣṇa̍ve tvā || 1 ||
tad a̍sya pri̱yam a̱bhipātho̍ aśyām | naro̱ yatra̍ deva̱yavo̱ mada̍nti |
u̱ru̱kra̱m asya̱ sa hi bandhu̍r i̱tthā | viṣṇō̎ḥ pa̱de pa̍ra̱me madhva̱ uthsa̍ḥ || 2 ||
prastad viṣṇu̍s tavate vī̱ryā̍ya | mṟgo na bhī̱maḥ ku̍ca̱ro gi̍ri̱ṣṭhāḥ |
yosyo̱ruṣu̍ tri̱ṣu vi̱krama̍ṇeṣu | adhi̍kṣi̱yanti̱ bhuva̍nāni̱ viśvā̎ || 3 ||
pa̱ro mātra̍yā ta̱nuvā̍ vṛdhāna | na te̍ mahi̱tvam anva̍śnuvanti |
u̱bhe te̍ vidma̱ raja̍si pṛthi̱vyā | viṣṇo̍ deva̱tvam pa̱ra̱masya̍ vithse || 4 ||
vica̍krame pṛthi̱vīm e̱ṣa e̱tām | kṣetrā̍ya̱ viṣṇu̱r manu̍ṣe daśa̱syan |
dhru̱vāso̍ asya kī̱rayo̱ janā̍saḥ | u̱ru̱-kṣi̱tagm̐ su̱jani̍m ācakāra || 5 ||
trir de̱vaḥ pṟthi̱vīm e̱ṣa e̱tām | vica̍krame śa̱rta̍casaṁ mahi̱tvā |
pra-viṣṇu̍r astu ta̱va sa̱stavī̍yān | tve̱ṣagm̐ hya̍sya̱ sthavi̍rasya̱ nāma̍ || 6 ||
ato̍ de̱vā a̍vantu no̱ yato̱ viṣṇu̍r vicakra̱me | pṟthi̱vyās sa̱pta dhāma̍bhiḥ || 7 ||
i̱daṁ viṣṇu̱r vica̍krame tre̱dha nida̍dhe pa̱dam |
samū̍ḍham asya pāgm̐ su̱re || 8 ||
trīṇi̍ pa̱dā vica̍krame̱ viṣṇu̍r go̱pā adā̎bhyaḥ | ato̱ dharmā̍ṇi dhā̱rayan̍ ||
viṣṇo̱ḥ karmā̍ṇi paśyata̱ yato̍ vra̱tāni̍ paspa̱śe | indra̍sya̱ yujya̱sya sakhā̎ḥ || 10
tad viṣṇo̎ḥ para̱maṁ pa̱dagm̐ sadā paśyanti sū̱raya̍ḥ | di̱vī̍va̱ cakṣu̱rāta̍tam ||
tad viprā̍so vipa̱nyavo̍ jāgṟvāgm̐ saḥ sami̍ndhate | viṣṇo̱r yat pa̍ra̱maṁ
pa̱dam || 12 ||
• Offer sviṣṭakṛta then place the paridhis.
12 ājyāhuti
oṃ keśavāya svāhā | nārāyaṇāya | mādhavāya | govindāya | viṣṇave |
madhusūdanāya | trivikramāya | vāmanāya | śrīdharāya | hṛṣikeśāya |
padmanābhāya | dāmodarāya | mahāviṣṇave ||

! Offer gūḍa-payasanna

oṁ de̱vasya̍ tva savi̱tuḥ pra̍sa̱ve̍'śvino̍r bā̱hubhyā̎ṃ pū̱ṣṇo hastā̎bhyāṁ

pratigṛhnāmi || oṁ śrī viṣṇave mahā-puruṣāya havir-nivedayāmi ||
Saptavyāhṛti homa.
oṁ bhūs- svāhā | oṁ bhuvas- svāhā | oṁ suvas- svāhā | oṁ mahas- svāhā | oṁ janas-
svāhā | oṁ tapas- svāhā | oṁ satyaṁ svāhā | oṁ bhūrbhuvas-suvas-svāhā ||
! Invite each of the 6 brāhmins

oṁ bhūḥ puruṣaṃ āvāhayāmi |

oṁ bhuvaḥ puruṣaṃ āvāhayāmi |
oṁ suvaḥ puruṣaṃ āvāhayāmi |
oṁ bhūrbhuvaḥ suvaḥ puruṣaṃ āvāhayāmi |
oṁ mahāviṣṇor idam āsanam |
! Wash their feet and offer all upacāras then give them as much dakṣiṇa as possible

asya pretasya anena nārāyaṇa-bali karmaṇā durmaraṇa-doṣa śānti dvārā yathokta

saṃskārādikam kartum yogyata siddhim anugrhāṇa ||
! Receive blessings then valedict the Brahmins.

oṁ bhūḥ puruṣaṃ udvāsayāmi |

oṁ bhuvaḥ puruṣaṃ udvāsayāmi |
oṁ suvaḥ puruṣaṃ udvāsayāmi |
oṁ bhūrbhuvaḥ suvaḥ puruṣaṃ udvāsayāmi |
sarvān pitṛn adhigacchet brahmaloke mahīyata ||
! Valedict Viṣṇu from the Kumbha.
! Dakṣiṇa

! āśirvādam


(According to Dharma-sindhu)

! Done on Sukla 5, 11, or Srāvana nakṣatra.

saṅkalpaḥ — adīya kulābhivṛddhi pratibandhaka __________ pretasya pretatva

nivṛtyartham nārāyaṇa-bali kariṣye |

! Establish 2 kumbhas – one for Vishnu and one for Yama.

Visualisation and Invocation of Viṣṇu

śāntākāraṃ bhujagaśayanaṃ padmanābhaṃ sureśaṃ |
viśvā-dhāraṃ gagana sadṛśaṃ megha-varṇaṃ śubhāṅgam ||
lakṣmī-kāntaṃ kamala-nayanaṃ yogi-hṛd-dhyāna gamyam |
vande viṣṇuṃ bhava-bhaya-haraṃ sarva lokaika nātham ||
I  pay  my  obeisance  unto  the  Consort  of  Lakshmi;  who  is  realized  by  yogis  in  deep  meditation;  who  is  the  
giver  of  peace,  reclining  upon  the  serpent  of  time,  the  lotus-­‐navelled  Lord  of  Hosts,  the  Supporter  of  the  
Universe,  like  a  cloud  in  colour  extending  over  the  whole  world,  with  an  auspicious  form.    I  salute  the  One  
Lord  of  the  universe  who  removes  the  fear  of  death  and  rebirth.    
! Invoke and offer 16 upacāras

oṃ keśavāya namaḥ | nārāyaṇāya | mādhavāya | govindāya | viṣṇave |

madhusūdanāya | trivikramāya | vāmanāya | śrīdharāya | hṛṣikeśāya |
padmanābhāya | dāmodarāya | saṅkarṣaṇāya | vāsudevāya | pradyumnāya |
aniruddhāya | puruṣottamāya | adhokṣajāya | nārasiṃhāya | acyutāya | janārdanāya |
upendrāya | haraye | kṛṣṇāya ||
oṃ nārāyaṇāya vidmahe | vāsudevāya dhīmahi | tanno viṣṇu pracodayāt ||
Visualisation and Invocation of Yama
oṃ yama samyani nātha śyāmalāya namaḥ priyaḥ |
daṇḍa-bhṛn mahīṣāruḍho dakṣiṇasya diśi sthitaḥ ||
yamāya dharmarājāya, mṛtyave cāntakāya ca |
auḍumbarāya dadhnāya nīlāya parameṣṭhine |
vṛkodarāya citrāya citraguptāya vai namo namaḥ ||
namo dharmāya mahate namaḥ pāpāntakāya ca |
jñāna vijñāna rūpāya dharma-mūrtaye namaḥ ||

! Invoke and offer 16 upacāras

oṃ yamāya namaḥ | dharmarājāya | mṛtyave | antakāya | vaivasvatāya | kālāya |
sarva-bhūta-kṣayāya | audumbarāya | dadhnyāya | nīlāya | parameṣṭine | vṛkodarāya |
citrāya | citra-guptāya ||

om tat puruṣāya vidmahe | dharma-rājāya dhīmahi | tanno yama pracodayāt ||

! To the east of the kumbhas draw a line and place a kusha with the point to the south.

śundhatāṃ viṣṇu rūpī pretaḥ

! Make 10 pindas with rice, ghee, honey, and til.

! Recite the following mantra while facing the south with the right knee bent.

oṁ __________ gotra __________ preta viṣṇu daivata ayaṃ te piṇḍaḥ |

4 Offer candan, flowers, incense, lamp, betel etc.

arca̍̍ta̱ prārca̍ta̱ priya̍m-edhaso̱ arca̍ta |

arca̍ntu putra̱kā u̱ta pura̱ṁ na dhṛ̱ṣṇava̍rcata ||
idaṃ vo 'rcanaṃ
Gandham amī vaḥ sakuṃkuma karpūra aguru caṃpaka padmaka miśra
gandhāḥ ||
Puṣpāni imāni puṣpāni śrī tulasī dalāni ca ||
Dhūpam ghrāṇa tṛpti arthaṃ ayaṃ vo dhūpaḥ ||
Dīpam avalokana arthaṃ ayaṃ vo dīpaḥ ||
Vastram ācchādana arthaṃ idaṃ vastram [yajñopavītam darbhān vā]
Akṣata śeṣa upacāra artham ime akṣatāḥ

! Take water and tulsi, til and water and offer tarpaṇa three times.

______ nāmāya pretāya ______ gotrāya viṣṇu-rūpiṇe ayam tilañjaliḥ ||

oṃ anādi nidhano devaḥ śaṅkha cakra gadā dharaḥ |
avyayaḥ puṇḍarīkākṣaḥ preta mokṣa prado bhava ||
O   Imperishable   Lotus-­‐eyed   Lord,     wielding   the   conch,   discus   and   mace,   may   it   please   Thee   to   grant  
liberation  to  this  departed  one.    

atasi puṣpa saṃkāśaṃ pīta-vāsa samacyutaṃ |

ye namasyanti govindaṃ na teṣāṃ vidyate bhayam ||
Those  who  worship  the  Lord    Govinda  of  dark  hue;  garbed  in  yellow  silk,  for  them  there  is  no  fear  of  death.  

kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa kṛpālo tvaṃ agatīnāṃ gatir bhava |

saṃsāra ārṇava magnānāṃ prasīda puruṣottama ||
O  Most  merciful  Lord  Krsna  who  art  the  saviour  of  the  helpless,  have  mercy  upon  those  who  are  drowning  
in  this  ocean  of  birth  &  death.  
nārāyaṇa sura śreṣṭha lakṣmi kānta janārdhana |
anena tarpanena nātha preta mokṣa prado bhava ||
O   Lord   narayana   foremost   of   divinities,   Consort   of   Lakshmi,   Lord   of   men!   Please   grant   release   to   the  
departed      through  this  rite  of  tarpana.  

etad kṛtaṃ yad viṣṇo tarpaṇaṃ tena śrī mahā viṣṇuḥ prīto 'stu.
May  the  Supreme    Godhead  be  pleased  with  this  rite  of  tarpana  which  we  have  performed.  

! Feed as many Brahmins as possible.

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