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Metronidazole Cefuroxime

Classification: Antibiotic, Antibacterial, Antiprotizoal Classification: Cephalosporin, Anti-infective

Indication: Acute infection with susceptible anaerobic bacteria Indication: Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis, Infections of the urinary & lower respiratory tracts, skin
Contraindication: Active organic disease of CNS, Drug Allergy, Blood Dyscracia Structure infections caused by streptococcus pneumoniae and pyogenes,
MOA: Disturbs DNA Synthesis resulting in loss of structure, strand breakage, Contraindication: Hypersensitivity to drug, use cautiously with hypersensitive pts to
inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis and cell death Penicillin, BF women w/ history of renal sufficiency
Side effects: Headache, Nausea, Dry mouth, Vomiting, Diarrhea MOA: Interferes with bacterial cell wall synthesis and division by binding to cell wall,
Nsg Responsibilities: causing cell to die.
 Instruct pt to take with food/milk to decrease GI reaction Side Effects: Thrombophlebitis, pain, N/V, seizures, hematuria, renal dysfunction
 Inform pt that drug may turn urine into brown Nsg Responsibilities:
 Instruct pt to take drug with food every 12 hrs as prescribed
 Determine history of hypersensitivity rx to cephalosporins, penicillins and
Carboprost allergies particularly to drugs before therapy is initiated
 Advise pt to immediately report rash/bleeding tendency
Classification: Abortifacient, Prostaglandins  Report episodes of loose stools
Indication: Termination of pregnancy 13-20 weeks from LMP,
Evacuation of uterus in instance of missed abortion or
intrauterine fetal death in 2nd trimester Amoxicillin
Post-partum hemorrhage due to uterine atony
Contraindication: Hypersensitivity, Acute PID, Active cardiac, Classification: Anti infective
pulmonary & renal disease. Indication: Treatment of infection of respi tract, skin and skin structures, urinary tract,otitis
MOA: Stimulates the myometrium of the pregnant uterus to contract, media, meningitis, sinusitis
similar to labor contractions, eliminating the contents of the uterus Contraindication: Hypersensitivity to penicillin, cephalosporins or imipenen. Not used to
Side Effects: Headache, Weakness, Hypotension, Chest pain, Nausea & Vomiting treat severe pneumonia, bacteremia, pericarditis, meningitis and septic
Nsg Responsibilities: arthritis during acute stage
 Assess allergy to drug MOA: Prevents bacterial cell wall synthesis during replication
 Monitor uterine tone and vaginal discharge during procedure and after Side Effects: N/V, Abdominal pain, diarrhea, rash
 Ensure adequate hydration Nsg Responsibilities:
 Advise pt to take medication with meals for better absorption
 Instruct pt to take medication as prescribed even after feeling better
Keterolac  Instruct pt to report any s/e that may occur

Classification: Non-steroidal anti inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) , Non opioid analgesics

Indication: Short term management of pain Tramadol hydrochloride
Contraindication: Hypersensitivity, cross sensitivity with other NSAIDs may exist
pre or perioperative use. Classification: Analgesics
MOA: Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis, producing peripherally mediated analgesia Indication: Moderate to severe pain in pts who require around the clock treatment of pain
Also has an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory property Contraindication: Hypersensitivity to drug, Acute intoxication with alcohol, sedative
Side Effects: Drowsiness, Headache, Fatigue hypnotics, Significant respiratory depression, acute asthma
Nsg Responsibilities: MOA: Inhibits reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine in CNS
 Monitor BP upon admin, lower than 90/80: never administer. Side Effects: Headache, Vertigo, Dizziness, N/V, Diarrhea, Bronchospasm
 Assess pain prior and 1-2 hrs following Nsg Responsibilities:
 Caution patient to avoid concurrent use of alcohol, aspirin and NSAIDs  Assess pt’s response to drugs 30 mins after administration
 Monitor respiratory status
 Instruct pt to report any allergic reaction
Tranexamic Acid

Classification: Anti-hemophilic agent Bisacodyl

Indication: Anti hemorrhagic and antifibrinolytic for effective homeostasis in
various surgical cases Classification: Laxative
Contraindication: Patients predisposed to thrombosis, prophylaxis before Indication: Constipation, bowel cleansing for childbirth, surgery and endoscopic exam
and during delivery Contraindication: Hypersensitivity to drug, intestinal obstruction, gastroenteritis &
MOA: Forms a reversible comlex that displaces plasminogen from fribrin resulting Appendicitis
In inhibition of fibrinolysis, also inhibits the proteolytic activity of plasmin MOA: Thought to stimulate colonic mucosa, producing parasympathetic reflexes that
Side Effects: enhance peristalsis and increase water and electrolyte secretions
Nsg Responsibilities: Side Effects: N/V, Diarrhea, Abdominal pain, burning sensation in rectum
 Dosage modification required Nsg Responsibilities:
 Watch out for any signs of bleeding  Assess stools for frequency and consistency
 Monitor pt for electrolyte imbalances & dehydration

Mefenamic Acid
Classification: NSAIDs, Analgesic, Anti pyretic
Indication: Short term relief of mild to moderate pain Classification: NSAIDs, Non-opioid analgesic, anti pyretic, anti inflammatory
Contraindication: Hypersensitivity to drug, GI Inflammation, Use cautiously in Indication: Pain, Dysmenorrhea
Children, pregnant & lactating women Contraindication: Hypersensitivity to NSAIDs, Asthma
MOA: Binds the prostaglandin synthetase receptors, inhibiting the action of MOA: Thought to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis
Prostaglandin synthetase making the symptoms of pain temporarily reduced Side Effects: Drowsiness, Headache, Palpitations, N/V, Diarrhea, GI Bleeding
Side Effects: Headache, dizziness, N/V, Diarrhea, Bleeding, GI pain Nsg Responsibilities:
Nsg Responsibilities:  Tell pt to take medication with food and stay upright for 30 minutes
 Assess pain prior to and 1-2 hrs following
 Assess history of allergies to NSAIDs
 Give drug with food, milk or antacids

Metoclopramide (reclomide)

Classification: Dopaminergic Blocker, Anti emetic, GI Stimulant

Indication: Relief of symptoms of acute and recurrent diabetic gastroparesis,
Short term therapy for adults with symptomatic GERD who fail to
Respond to continuous therapy
Prophylaxis of post-op N/V when nasogastric suction is undesirable
Stimulation of gastric emptying and intestinal transit of barium when
delayed emptying interferes with radiologic exam of the stomach/SI
Contraindication: Allergy, GI hemorrhage, Mechanical obstruction/perforation, Epilepsy
MOA: Blocks dopamine receptors by disrupting CNS chemoreceptor trigger zone, increasing
Peristalsis and promoting gastric emptying
Side Effects: Drowsiness, N/V, Diarrhea, Dry mouth,
Nsg Responsibilities:
 Inform pt to take medication 30 minutes before meals
 Instruct pt to report any involuntary movement of face, eyes or limbs

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