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Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union

“Red Alert: Exploring the Beliefs and Practices of the Indigenous

Of Sitio Malam-ek, Naguilian on Menstruation”
Ashley Abenoja1, Marinel Cabanting2, Decy Manzano3, Lovelle Quejado4
Corresponding Author:

Abstract: Menstruation is a natural physiological process that is still

shrouded by mystery and misconception in many countries. Although
improvements have been made to ensure the prevalence of proper
hygienic methods, it has been proven that rural areas and indigenous
people struggle in adapting this new information. In relation to this, the
researchers wanted to look into how the indigenous women get their
information regarding menstruation, the hygienic methods that they
employ, as well as explore their beliefs in doctors and traditional
methods. The researchers utilized a Descriptive- Ethnographic method
wherein semi-structured interviews were conducted. The main
participants of the study were the indigenous women aged 15-45 from
Sitio Malam-ek, Naguilian who mostly belonged to the Ibaloy tribe. The
researchers discovered that the indigenous women receive information
mainly from their mother. Menstruation was also easily talked about
between the women of the community albeit the fact that some received
the information they needed after going through menarche. The
researchers also found out that the younger women of the community
already used sanitary pads while the older women still preferred
pasadors.It was also revealed that the women were slowly adapting to
modern ways of dealing with menstruation because all of the women
believed in doctors and most of them did not follow traditional practices

Key Words: menstruation, women, hygiene, indigenous,

1. INTRODUCTION Menstruation is a natural
phenomenon that is exclusively
1.1 BACKGROUND OF felt by the female gender. It is a
THE STUDY time that signals a girl’s sexual
The 21st Century world has
maturity during puberty. During
actualized a myriad of
the menstrual period, a woman
advancements when it comes to
experiences blood loss from her
maintaining our health. Human
uterus via the vagina. Usually,
race has given importance on
the amount of bleeding varies
creating new medicine for
depending on the uterine
treating rare diseases.
contraction. Dealing with
Technologies aimed to improve
discomfort during this period
accuracies on patient diagnosis
can also prove to be
are also steadily on the rise.
challenging. A study conducted
Organ transplantations are
by Grandi (2012) concluded that
continuously being polished to
an alarming 84.1% of women
raise its quality and effectivity.
experience menstrual pain with
Moreover, scientists and
43.1% reporting that pain
researchers are also looking into
occurred during every period,
the progression of new
and 41% reporting that pain
information regarding the
occurred during some periods.
editing of our DNA. As a
This can lead to the hindrance of
community we are always
effectively completing everyday
looking toward the state of our
future in its pursuit on If the woman does not become
improvement, but sometimes pregnant during a given cycle,
we fail to address the issues then each period begins
that we are currently facing at approximately every 28 days. A
present. For example, despite deviation of two or three days
being a common and natural from the twenty eight day
physiological process, women rhythm is quite common. Each
are still struggling against a lack person has a varied menstrual
of attention as w, Naguilianell as rhythm as it is governed by the
misinformed preconception individual’s hypothalamus-
against menstruation all around pituitary-ovarian function.
the world (Powers 2018). When the menstrual period
starts, the continuous blood flow
will usually range from three to revealed that most girls in Metro
seven days (Park 2005). Manila and Masbate conveyed
their preference to using
The majority of the female commercial sanitary napkins as
population went through opposed to using pasadors or
menarche or the time during the folded cloth that has been
onset of menstruation at an inserted to the underwear to
average age of 10-16 years old catch menstrual blood. The use
(Prakash 1978). Numerous of tampons and menstrual cups
factors can affect the age of as a feminine hygiene product is
menarche including nutritional also steadily on the rise (Omar
standards, environmental 1998; Kaur 2018). Rural areas in
influences as well as indulgence Nigeria were also revealed to
in strenuous physical activities. employ the use of toilet rolls,
(Pandey 2014) Monthly “visits” cotton wools and shoulder pad
will then continue until the ripe foams (Ilo 2016). A significant
age of 45-55 years after which difference in their preferred
the woman will undergo hygienic product is observed
menopause. Females will between the two areas of
approximately have 500 periods civilization. Thus, the areas
in her lifetime with an estimated where the people are brought up
blood loss of about 50ml to make a difference toward their
200ml (Adhikari 2007). actions during menstruation.
Taking care of the body Admittedly, a culture of
during menstruation is an silence around the topic of
integral part of keeping oneself menstruation is common in
healthy. Menstrual hygiene many developing countries
covers the special health care hence a lack of information was
needs of women while a major problem that was faced
experiencing their monthly by women. Many researches
cycles. This includes bathing agreed that mothers were the
care for the vagina as well as primary source of information
the use of feminine hygiene regarding this matter (Savanthe
products (Abioye-Kuteyi 2000). et al 2015; Kamath et al2013;
The world has come a long way Dasgupta 2008; Ramachandra
when it comes to developing 2016). Other sources of
products and technologies that information listed were friends
aid women in dealing with and family as well as school and
menstruation. Ellis (2016) the mass media. In addition to
that, Savanthe (2015) added menstruation. It forces them to
that the mass media is not a uphold a custom of secrecy that
common source of information may end up harming their
in rural areas compared to health.
urbanized places. However,
despite being close to their Cultural beliefs also have a
sources of information, several large impact on menstrual
studies confirmed that many practices. Purnell (2005)
women are not aware of what describes culture as “the totality
menstruation is prior to of socially transmitted pattern of
experiencing menarch (Paria et thoughts, values, meanings, and
al 2014, Thakur et al 2014). beliefs.” Ford (2008) also
This proves that our sources of confirmed that it is something
information are not as that is always inscribed in our
informative as necessary. Their bodies and our minds.
roles of being our educators are Therefore, the relationship of
not fulfilled as they fail to health and culture heavily
deliver the knowledge that we impacts an individual’s
need. worldview and decision-making
process (Purnell 2002).
Society’s pre conceived
notions regarding menstruation In the Philippines, many
also pose as a challenge for activities are either restricted or
women. Western history has encouraged due to our culture.
highlighted that the menstrual When you get your
cycle is often linked with menstruation for the first time,
feelings of shame and many lolas encourage you to
degradation (Northrup 2009). jump three times so that your
Menstrual blood also began to period only lasts for three days.
signify contamination thus Eating jackfruit during a
requiring females to the careful menstrual cycle is also heavily
concealment of their practices frowned upon during
when managing hygienic rules. menstruation because it is
The monthly visits are also seen believed to cause
as a cause of weakness for dysmenorrhea. Lifting heavy
women, often relating its things are also prohibited as
appearance to erratic, emotional they are said to lower your
and unreliable behavior (Ussher uterus. These activities have no
2006). This makes it harder for scientific basis but it is a cultural
women to openly deal with their norm in the country and a lot of
women still follow these cultural beliefs. Individuality is
customs. tolerated when to or more
cultures exist together.
The urban and rural parts of However, rural areas typically
countries get to experience believe the same language,
similar yet different forms of beliefs and social customs thus
challenges. Due to their they are not tolerant of the
divergent environments, people who disregard the norms
Lederbogen (2011) found that (Brehm & Kassin 1996). The
people from both places handled limited social diversity in these
stress and problems in a areas put more pressure on its
different way. With the people to conform to the
Philippines being classified as a standard behavior
developing country, it still (Donnermeyer 1994). This
harbors a number of different causes them to be hesitant in
indigent areas and groups. The accepting new information as
United Nations Development well as technological advances.
Program (UNDP) recorded at
least 14-17 million Indigenous Malam-ek is a local sitio of
Peoples (IPs) belonging to about Naguilian, La Union. It is located
11 ethnic groups in the country 4.5 - 5 km from the center of
last 2013. These people live in Nagulian. It has a total
areas that have not been population of about 200 people
disturbed by colonialism which wherein some of them are part
are usually situated in rural and of indigenous groups called
far flung areas. (UNDP 2013) Bago, Ifugao, Ibaloy and
Kankanaey. It still lacks a proper
Accordingly, new and water supply hence toilets are
updated information have not commonly accessible in the
struggled to reach their areas area.
because of their distance to
civilization. Zamora (2015) Many researches have been
confirms that there is still a conducted to gather information
large educational gap between about menstruation and all of its
urban and rural areas in the aspects. Most of these are held
Philippines though it has at various places in Asia like
consistently become smaller in India where religion has a
size in the recent years. These stronger hold on their actions.
indigenous groups also have a Studies that have been held in
stronger connection to their the Philippines are sparse so the
Filipino people rarely encounter the Input-Process-Output model.
facts that link their culture and The input box signifies the data
menstruation. A lack of that the researchers will be
knowledge and understanding is collecting from their
still evident in our society. respondents. It will then
Hence, the researchers undergo a process called
conducted this research in an thematic analyzation. After
attempt to fill the gaps of data analyzing the data, the
for the public to have a better researchers will then formulate
understanding on the current enhancement programs that
practices of indigenous people would serve as the output of this
in the Philippines regarding research.
menstrual hygiene and how
their culture affects their actions
when it comes to menstruation.
This study aims to know and
explore the beliefs and
practices of indigenous women
on menstruation. Specifically, it
tries to answer the following
1. How do indigenous women get
their information in dealing with PTUAL FRAMEWORK
menstruation? An open and deeper
knowledge about the subject
2. What are the coping methods is essential to create
used by indigenous women in thorough understanding of
dealing with menstruation? this research. This theory
served as the researcher’s
3. Do they believe in doctors or
traditional methods more? What basis in the construction and
are the traditions that they design of this research.

1.3 RESEARCH 1.4.1 Simavi’s Theory of

The researchers utilized the This theory proposes
figure of a fallopian tube as our the joint effort of the
research paradigm. It employs community, the government

and its people to actualize a women’s sexual and
sustainable improvement on reproductive health.
menstrual hygiene
1.4.2 Conceptual
management. It relies upon
three integrated pillars. The
first pillar is creating
awareness on sexuality,
reproductive cycle and
menstrual hygiene among
the community to empower
women in taking care of
themselves during
menstruation. Girls often
have an inadequate
Perception and beliefs
understanding of
about menstruation
menstruation that prevents
Factors that are
them from feeling confident
considered under this
during their monthly “visits”.
variable comprise the culture
The second pillar involves the
and traditions maintained by
creation of a supportive
the community surrounding
environment in which
the girls; the girl’s basis of
menstruation is socially
menstrual information; and
accepted and women will not
the girl’s reaction to their
face discrimination. In many
first and subsequent
countries menstruation is not
menstrual experiences. Ten
seen as a sign of
(2007) emphasized the
reproductive health and
impact of cultural beliefs
womanhood rather, bodily
regarding menstruation and
excretions are regarded as
menstrual hygiene on the
pollutants. The third and last
communities’ lack of access
pillar is improving access to
to quality education. On
tools and services such as
some countries, it also
sanitary pads and sanitation
becomes a cultural basis on
facilities. Vital services for
the time when a girl is ready
managing menstrual
for potential marriage.
bleeding are often poor or
Misconceptions prejudice,
nonexistent in African and
and traditions during
Asian countries. Deficient
menstruation are rampantly
hygiene management can
practiced through Asia and
cause infection and endanger
Africa. This can suppress the This pertains to the
ability to uphold their health effective management of
practices efficiently. menstrual bleeding. Factors
under this variable included
Knowledge of the
vocalization, awareness and
menstrual process
access to the right
This variable involves
information, adequacy of
the girl’s knowledge on
available services and
puberty and menstruation.
facilities, disposal with
Despite the continued
dignity, socio economic
dissemination of information
factors and access to health
on public domain in the last
years, menstruation is still
clouded by taboos and socio 2. METHODOLOGY
cultural restrictions. These
cause the ignorance of
adolescent girls on the A Qualitative-
scientific facts and health Phenomenological research design
practices surrounding is utilized in this study which aims
menstruation which can to explore human experiences and
result to adverse health describe events and occurrences
conditions. regarding a certain phenomenon as
well as give relevant interpretation
Menstrual Hygiene
from the data that was gathered. It
is effective in bringing forth the
Menstrual hygiene
experiences and perceptions of
practices are a variable that
people from their claim viewpoints,
includes factors like
and in this manner at challenging
menstrual products used,
structural or normative
frequency of product disposal
assumptions. This research design
as well as personal hygiene.
is appropriate to our study since it
The lack of necessary
deals with the experiences of the
sanitized facilities all around
women as well as their opinions on
the world for girls to attend
this topic. Through this procedure,
to their hygienic needs can
the researcher may develop all the
lead to the hindrance of their
inclusive significance of the event,
access to proper health
circumstance or experience and
practices and pose as a
achieve a more wholesome
health risk to many.
understanding of the phenomenon.
Menstrual Hygiene

Women who live in rural The researchers made use of

areas were the main participants of these procedures in gathering data.
this study. The criteria used to First, the participants were formally
select the participants are as asked by the researchers for their
follows: 16-45 years of age and voluntary participation. After
bona fide resident of Sitio Malam- having gathered the request,
ek. They were the most suitable interviews were done wherein the
respondents for this study because researchers asked questions with
they were able to effectively regards to answering problems that
answer the questions that needed were stated in the study. The
for this study. researchers noted important
information and recordings during
the interviews. The data gathered
In this study, semi-structured were then analyzed and
interviews were utilized by the interpreted. Thematic analysis
researchers. It enables the was also used in the interpretation
researchers conduct a fairly open of the data. This emphasized
structure that allowed focused, pinpointing, examining and
conversational, two-way recording patterns within the data.
communication between the It is a flexible data analysis plan
interviewee and interviewer. By that the researchers used to
using this type of data collection, generate themes from interview
the interviewer has worked out a data.
set of questions beforehand, but
intends the interview to be
conversational. Therefore, the Before elucidating the themes
interviewer can change the order of and showing supporting
the questions or the way they are information, it is vital to clarify that
worded. Semi-structured interview these classifications are not
were frequently preceded by intended to categorize the women
observation, casual and themselves but instead the
unstructured interviewing in order thoughts they communicated. A
for the researchers to create a large number of the participants
sharp understanding of the topic of communicated various answers
intrigued vital for creating relevant that fell on different themes which
and significant semi-structured can't conveniently be distributed to
questions. one classification. However, the
researchers did their best to narrow asked the old women and they said
the answers down to three major that I should not be scared
themes. because I had my first
menstruation, and by that I
practice or follow their advices to
3.1 Mother’s Role prevent further pain or damage )

Generally, this theme refers However, the researchers

to the main sources of information were met with mixed answers
that the indigenous women get when they asked if the women
their knowledge from with regards received the information that they
to their menstruation. need before experiencing
Most of the women confirmed
that their mothers were the ones Christine: Adda met ammo kon
who taught them the information ah, gamin insuro da metlang
that they first received. kinyak idi haan ak pay agregregla.
(I had a background knowledge
Mary Jane: Ni nanang ko kada because they taught me even
lola, dagijay babbaket ti pamilya when I still have no experience on
ket ado ti maibaga da kanyam menstruation)
aggapo iti panag-regla(My mother,
granmdpthers, and even the senior Marlyn: Idi haanak pay
citizens because they had a lot of nagregregla ket awan pulos
advices) ammok, haan met imbaga ni
nanang ko nu anya adiay ngem.
Aida: Ay syempre di damo ah ket Ngem di nagregla akon ket insure
kasla ka agbutbuteng ta apay nga dak metten. (When I still have no
kasjay adda dara, syempre ngem experience in menstruation, I was
idi kwan ket nagdamag nak ti innocent because my mother never
babbaket diay balay ket kuna da told me what to do, but when I had
met nga haan ka agbutbuteng ta my menstruation they taught me
nadanunam panagregla mon the right things to do and also the
kunada, syempre agbuteng nak prohibited things that should not
met ta apay adda dara na, ket follow)
sinurot ko met dagijay inbagbaga
da tapno haan nga makwa The early experiences that
makbasbasol wenno maparigatan the women had with menstruation
ta awan met mayawan kanyam. agreed with the experiences that
(Of course at first I got scared were stated in Savanthe’s study in
because of the blood but then I 2015. Both sets of participants
received most of their knowledge agilapag ti supot jay batog ubet ko
from their mothers. Further data tapno haan nga masarutan jay
collected from the participants pagiddaan, ket nu rumwar ah ket
disagreed with the study conducted agnapkin tapno haan nga narugit
by Ussher wherein they ken haan makita (When I am just
experienced no difficulty talking inside the house I use cloth and
about menstruation they said that the blood will
excrete more when you use
3.1.2 Mixed Methods
nothing, they let me wear black
This category reveals the shorts before and put plastic bag in
preferred hygienic method of the my back to avoid stain coming
indigenous women as well as their from my menstrual blood into the
coping mechanisms when it comes sheets, but if I go out, of course I
to menstruation. use napkin)

The younger women of the The participants also said

tribe were already using sanitary that even though water was a
napkins, many older women still problem in their village, they would
use “pasadors” as their preferred still wash themselves a minimum of
hygienic tools. twice a day.
Joan: Saan nga pasador ti
Christine: Duwa nga beses maysa
ususarek tattan. Napkin ti kayat ko
aldaw ak nga agbuggo, malpas ko
ta nalinlinis.( No, I don’t use
agdigos ken nu maturog akon iti
pasador. I use napkin because it’s
rabii. ( Two times a day, after
taking a bath and sleeping at
Marivic: Iti gamgamitek tatta ket night)
pasador ta nu napkin ket kalla
ngay matiped jay dara. (I use Emarlyn: Basta agkawkaw ka latta
pasador today because whenever I ti danom ah duwwa a beses maysa
use napkin it feels like the aldaw, nu rumwar ka pay kasjay.
menstrual blood cannot come out) (Just take a bath and use water to
clean your menstrual blood two
Anna: Nu attoy nak lang balay ah times a day, and even when you go
ket lupot kasjay, ken adda idi outside)
inabaga da nga nabulbulos ti regla
nu haan ka agusar t anyaman, Moreover, the researchers
pagsapinen dak ti nangisit tapno also found out that few of the
haan met malasin unay ah ta ti women did not experience
rabii ket kasjay ti usar ko sanak menstrual cramps.
none of them takes medicine to
Marivic: Haan met kitdi, haan relieve the pain. Instead, most of
ngay nga nagsakit, haan nga kalla them still use the traditional ways
daduma nga nasakit puson da. of their community.
Kanyak ket kwa met, haan met
kitdi normal met. Haaan met kitdi This supports our conceptual
pulos.” (I have not felt any pain, it framework wherein the knowledge
is normal, not like the other girls that that women get about
who experience menstrual menstruation will work hand in
cramps.” hand with their beliefs and
practices which will then affect
On the other hand, the their hygiene. It also agrees with a
women who suffer from cramps study conducted by Omar in 1998
had employed many ways of which states that the number of
coping. women who used sanitary pads
was growing with each passing
Emarlyn :wen ah basta il-ilot mo generation.
lang ti lana (Of course just
massage it with oil) 3.1.3 Tradition Meets Change

This theme observes the

Aida: adda met ta adda dagijay
combined beliefs of the women in
advice ti babbaket idi nga rurruot
doctors as well as their traditions.
ngay nga ajay matiped ti regla,
adda ngay jay ruot nga may anger All of the women interviewed
inomen tapos agbulos to met ti expressed that they have trust in
reglan kasjay, idi nakainom nak idi doctors and their prescribed
ti kasjayen agbulos met regla kon, hygienic practices.
kasla mayatten ti riknak, awan
sakit ti ulokon, naawan sakit ti pus- Aida: Wen ah, mamati ak met
ong kon kasjay (There are advises dagiti doctor ta inadal da garod
coming from the old women or data. Ammo da met ti araramiden
ancestors where in roots, a certain dan. (Yes, I believe on doctors
root can help you to excrete more because they study those and they
menstrual blood from coming out know what they are doing)
to prevent cramps and when I tried
Anna: Ket doctor da met surutek
it, it works, I do not feel any pains
isuda ah ta paypayso met ti
kunkuna da (They are doctors and I
follow them because they are true
Although, some of the
to their words and advices)
women experiences dysmenorrhea,
Some expressed that they still at night but I still take a bath
perform the practices that their because it irritate me and I do not
community believes in. believe to those beliefs.)

Christine: Dagijay ibagbaga ah Mary Jane: Haan hahahaha

kadagiti baket idin ah nga nu makakkakaanen ka garud ti ice
agregla haan mo kano nga idigos a cream edi kwa hahaha ngem adda
dagus ta mapasabatan ta agsakit latta ajay kasjay ngay nu kwa madi
kano iti puson ken haan ka nga latta kanyada ti nalamiis kasjay,
kumaan iti naalsem. Surutek met maikontra kasjay, ngem adda met
amin ah ta maymayat kano. idi kanyak ngay nga kwa nu
( According to the old women agmens nak awan ti kayat ko nga
before, you should not take a bath kanen nga uray manga ken
right away if it is your first day of nalamiis ta agsakit garud pus-ong
monthly period because you might ko. Depende met gamin ata ti tao,
experience menstrual cramps, and adda dagijay makan nga haan
do not eat a lot of sour foods. I maikontra kanyada , adda met
follow everything since they said it dagijay madi kanyada, sunga
will be better.) sursuruten da dagijay pammati,
adda latta kanyam ata nu kasatno
However, most of the respondents
agkwa ta bagim. (No, you are
said that they did not follow the
craving for ice cream so why not
beliefs of their community.
eat ice cream, but there are some
Marivic: “Haan ko nga sinurot ida who are really forbidden to eat cold
ta,nawelwel ak met idi ta nu foods or beverages , but I also
aramidek ket kasla met nga experience to lose appetite even
nakarkaro ak nga rumawet ti with mangoes and ice creams
naalsem ngay.” ( I was naughty so I because of dysmenorrhea, It really
did not follow them because I feel depends on how the body of other
so hungry ,I tend to eat a lot of women reacts to those foods or
sour foods) practices because we are different
from each other on how to handle
Elsa: “Adda iti pammati?iti kwa menstruation)
ninuno? Ajay kwa haan kano nga
agdigos iti rabii kunada dagijay This proves that the indigenous
babbaket, ngem nu siyak agdigos women have adapted a semi-
ak ah ta mairita ak met ken haan modern way of life wherein they
ak met mamati.” (Belief from our are able to accept new information.
ancestors? According to the old This makes Brehm and Kassim’s
women we should not take a bath study inapplicable in their
community because they were
readily accepting the new  The researchers will also be
information and the changes that it working together with the
is accompanied by. It also supports speaker to write an organized
the Simavi’s theory of change script.
because it shows the joint effort of  After that, they will be
the community to accept the searching for a local brand
changes freely where they will be buying the
needed hygienic materials
3.2 Action Plan like reusable sanitary pads.
3.2.1 General Objectives  They will also collaborate
with the different health
The main objective of this action institutes in the locality to
plan is to offer the necessary provide additional hygiene
information that the women need kits.
regarding menstruation as well as  A small program will be held
provide the necessary hygienic at their sitio for the speaker
tools to efficiently deal with their to deliver his speech as well
menstruation. as conduct the dissemination
of the hygienic kits.
3.2.2 Specific Objectives
3.2.4 Implementation
 To deliver reliable information
regarding the factors The project will have an estimated
affecting menstruation. cost of about Php 2000 pesos. This
 To provide proper hygienic would include the materials that we
tools to the women living in would be using as well as the fee
rural areas. hat the speaker would be receiving.
 To raise awareness on the It is a direct intervention with te
importance of maintaining community so that they will be
women’s hygiene. given the resources that they need.
The estimated date of the program
3.2.3 Procedures
has been set on the 23rd of May
 The researchers will compile 2019.
all the new and updated
information regarding
menstruation. The confirmations drawn from
 They will be searching for a the formidable body of participants
speaker that would share indicated that the indigenous
additional knowledge in women receive information mainly
dealing with menstruation. from their mothers which is similar
to the results of other studies.
However, the study revealed that other indigenous areas in the
menstruation was easily talked Philippines to confirm the areas
about between the women of the where the researchers
experienced inconsistency with
community albeit the fact that
the answers.
some received the information they
needed after going through 6. APPENDICES
1. Emarlyn Baldo 43
Furthermore, the researchers
found out that the younger women Q: Anya tribo yo auntie? (What is
of the community already used your tribe auntie?)
sanitary pads while the older R: Ibaloy ah. (Ibaloy)
women still preferred pasadors.
Q: Nagan yo auntie? (What is your
Lastly, the study also implied name?)
that the women were slowly
R: Emarlyn Baldo 43
adapting to modern ways of
dealing with menstruation because Q: Kaano idi nangrugi kay nagregla
all of the women believed in auntie? (When was the first time
doctors and most of them did not you experienced menstruation?)
follow traditional practices R: Ay dayta ti haan ko masigurado
anymore. ta haan matandaanen, ngem mga
14 kasjay (That is the thing I am
Although this research was not sure, but around 14)
conducted as a small scale
descriptive-phenomenological Q: Kaninom naamwan dagijay
research, confidence in the dapat ken haan dapat nga ubraen
generalizability of the founded nu agregla ken anya dagijay? (To
themes is enhanced by the high whom did you know the doe’s and
level of consistency in most of the don’ts when having menstruation
answers of the participants. This and what are those?)
is important because it could serve
as a basis for the improvement of R: Ajay nanang ko, ajay haan ka
feminine hygiene throughout the mangmangan ti naalsem kasjay
Philippines. (My mother, for you not to eat sour
5. RECOMMENDATION Q: Ububraem met lang dagijay
auntie? ( Do you follow them?)
This research only focused on
the women of Sitio Malam-ek R: Haan ah hahaha ta talaga nga
thus we can only attest for the langgong ngarud ti tao idi ah, nu
views of a small part of the ibaga da haan ko nga masurot met,
population however, further uray ubbing atta. ( No, hahaha
research can be conducted to because I am naughty before,
when they tell me, I do not follow, Q: Ajay ibelbelleng yo met lang
even kids nowadays) auntie? (Do you throw or dispose
those clothes?)
Q: Anya pay inbagbaga da
madmadi? (What else they say that R: Wen ah, labaan santo ibelleng
is not good to do during ( Of course, we need to wash it first
menstruation?) before throwing it away)

R: Haan ka nga agdigos dagos Q: Nagsaksakit pus-ong yon

kunada met ngem agdigos nak auntie? ( Do you experienced
latta ah (They said that do not take menstrual cramps?)
a bath immediately, but I still do
so) R:wen ah basta il-ilot mo lang ti
lana (Of course just massage it
Q:Idi auntie nagunget da idi haan with oil)
mo sinurot? ( Before, did they scold
you for not following?) Q: Anya reaksyon yo idi umununa
nga nagregla kayo? (What is your
R: Haan ah ta haan ko met reaction when you had your first
inbagbaga ( No because I never menstruation?)
told them)
R:Awan, ammok met ta dara sunga
Q: Anya dagijay ububraem nu ammok nga agdadamo nak
agregla kayo? (What practices do (Nothing, I know it is a blood that is
you do when having why I know it is my first
menstruation?) menstruation)

R: Awan ah basta ajay nu naglaba Q: Mamin an okay agkawkaw

ka lattan ah ket ikwam lattan uray auntie? (How many times do you
nu ibaga da nga haan ka agdigos wash your genital part?)
dagos ta madi kuna da. (Nothing,
when you wash your clothes you R: Basta agkawkaw ka latta ti
need to take a bath even if they danom ah, nu rumwar ka kasjay.
told you not to do so) (Just wash with water, when you go
outside like that)
Q: Anya gamgamitem auntie?
(What do you prefer to use?) Q: Maliban dagijay pammati yo,
mamati kay ba dagiti doctor?
R: Lupot lang ah ta awan met (Except on your beliefs, do you
napkin idi (cloth only because follow the perceptions or advices of
there is no napkins before) the doctors?)

Q: Mano auntie? (How many?) R: Wen (Yes)

R: Bassit, wen ah basta nu kwa 2. Mary Jane Oyelas, 43

tallo lang sukatan mi met lang
kasjay (Just a few, we use 3 and Q: Agdamag kami man gapo ti
change it after) panagregla yo auntie (May we ask
about your menstruation auntie?)
R: Regular met hahahaha (Regular R: Idi ngay ket kwa adda ibaga da,
hahaha) adda ajay advice nga agikabil ka
jay bottle ngay t napudot ah
Q: Kaano idi nangrugi kayo danom tapos iroll mo, ajay round
nagregla auntie? (When was the ah ta iroll mo, idi intry ko nga
first time you had your agpayso ah ket kasla ngay upupen
menstruation?) na met jay sakit jay pus-ong
(Before, they advised you to put a
R: Mga 13 (13)
hot water on a bottle then roll it on
Q: Kaninom naamwan dagijay the affected area, when I tried it, it
dapat kn haan nga dapat ubraen works it felt like its absorbing the
nu agregla ken anya dagijay? (To pain on your lower abdomen)
whom did you know the doe’s and
Q: Anya inubram idi nangrugi ka
don’ts when having menstruation
and what are those?) nagregla? ( What did you do when
you had your first menstruation?)
R: Idi kwan ah ket basta ibaga da
R: Nakigtot ah hahaha syempre
idi nga haan ka uminom ti nalamiis
anya ngay hahaha syempre nag
dagijay parents ken ajay suka kano
nagkaslangay nagkwa ka ta ajay
ta nakwa kano jay dara, jay
ket haan mo ekspektaren nga
agdigos ken ajay haan tay kano
agregla ka (Of course I am shocked
agdigos ngem uhm apay koma ti
because you do not expected to
kasta na, edi nadugdugyot jay
have your menarche or first
itsuraen hahaha (They say before
that we should not eat or drink cold
foods and beverages and even Q: Anya ngay inubram auntie, add
sour foods because it stops the aba nangbaga kanyam dagijay
blood from coming out and also on ubraem? (What did you practice?)
not taking a bath, but then why it
should be like that, it makes you R: Ay syempre adda nangnangngeg
look dirtier hahaha) kon ah ket ammomon metten ah,
aglinis ka ti bagi mon ah agusar
Q: Naranasam ban nagsakit ti ulo o dagijay napkin (Of course I heard a
puson nan? (Have you experience lot of things about menstruation
headache and dysmenorrhea?) and by that you will know how to
clean yourself and use sanitary
R: Idi ngay ket haan ngay agsakit ti
puson ko ngem ngay adda ajay
time ngay agsakit ti dysmenorrhea Q: Anya usar mo auntie? Mano?
nga kuna da (Before, I do not feel (What did you use? How many?)
those but there are times I have
dysmenorrhea) R: Lupot ah idi, jak ammo ah nu
mano ta ilabak met kasjay tas
Q: Anya ba aramiden yu dijay? ibelleng (I used clothes before, I do
(What do you do?) not count how many pasadors I
have because I wash it first before I
throw it)
Q: Mamin ano kayo nga agsukat kanyada, sunga sursuruten da
auntie? ( How many times do you dagijay pammati, adda latta
change?) kanyam ata nu kasatno agkwa ta
bagim. (No, you are craving for ice
R: Depende met ah ta nu kwa ket cream so why not eat ice cream,
nu nabulos syempre kailangan mo but there are some who are really
sukat nga sukat, nu adda met jay forbidden to eat cold foods or
bassit ti rumwar ( It depends, when beverages , but I also experience
it flows a lot of course you need to to lose appetite even with
change, but there are times where mangoes and ice creams because
theres only a few menstrual blood of dysmenorrhea, It really depends
coming out) on how the body of other women
reacts to those foods or practices
Q: Mamin ano kayo agsukat ti
because we are different from each
maysa nga aldaw? (How many
times do you change in one day?) other on how to handle
R: Mamin duwa nu ado, nu adaddo
Q: Maliban dagijay pammati yo,
ah ket mga tallo o lima kasjay,
mamati kay ba dagiti doctor?
napkin gamit ko attan eh (Two
(Except on your beliefs, do you
times if theres a lot of blood, but if
follow the perceptions or advices of
it flows more maybe three to five, I
the doctors?)
used napkins nowadays)
R: Wen (Yes)
Q: Anya pammati yo auntie ti
panagregla? (What are your beliefs 3. Aida Segundo, 45
about menstruation?)
Q: Kaano kay nangrugi agregla
R: Ajay ngay kunada nga haan auntie? (When did you experience
mangan ti suka ken nalamiis (Not your first menstruation?)
to eat sour and cold foods)
R: uh kwa 14 (14)
Q: Sursuroten yo met lang auntie?
(Do you follow them?) Q: Kaninom naamwan dagijay
dapat ken haan nga ubraen nu
R: Haan hahaha makakkakaanen ka agregla, anay dagijay? (To whom
garud ti ice cream edi kwa hahaha did you know the do’s and don’ts
ngem adda latta ajay kasjay ngay when having menstruation and
nu kwa madi latta kanyada ti what are those?)
nalamiis kasjay, maikontra kasjay,
ngem adda met idi kanyak ngay R: Jay nanang, iso met lang jay
nga kwa nu agmens nak awan ti advice da ngay nga madi aginom ti
kayat ko nga kanen nga uray nalamiis kasjay nu kwa, nu
manga ken nalamiis ta agsakit agregregla ka jay kwa jay mangan
garud pus-ong ko. Depende met ti suka, uminom ti suka ket ibawal
gamin ata ti tao, adda dagijay damet basta jay naalsem, adda
makan nga haan maikontra met gamin ajay nu uminom ka suka
kanyada , adda met dagijay madi ket sumardeng, agsakit pus-ong
kasjay, ken haan ngay agwar ti Q: Mamin ano kayo agsukat ti
regla (From my mother, it is their maysa aldaw auntie? ( How many
advice not to drink cold beverages, times do you change in one day?)
not to eat sour foods or even
vinegar because there are times R: Mamitlo, labaan mi met lang
where when you drink vinegar, the santo ibelleng, ajay maminduwa
blood flow will stop and you will pay nga usaren santo ibelleng
experience dysmenorrhea and the (Three times, we wash it first
menstrual blood will not flow and before throwing or disposing it, but
come out ) we use it two times before
completely disposing it)
Q: Anya araramiden yo nu agsakit
ti pus-ong ken ulo yo, wenno anya Q: Adda ba epekto agijay nga
man maramramdaman yo? (What pammati kanyayo? ( Do those
do you do if you have headache or beliefs had an effect on you?)
any pains in menstruation?) R: Ah awan met epekto na ajay ta
R: adda met ta adda dagijay advice mayat met ti advice da ta awan
ti babbaket idi nga rurruot ngay met nangyari nga madi ken herbal
nga ajay matiped ti regla, adda met suda idi (None, because their
ngay jay ruot nga may anger advices were great and they use
inomen tapos agbulos to met ti herbal before)
reglan kasjay, idi nakainom nak idi Q: Ano pa pong naalala niyo nung
ti kasjayen agbulos met regla kon, nagmens kayo? ( What can you
kasla mayatten ti riknak, awan recall when you had your
sakit ti ulokon, naawan sakit ti pus- menstruation?)
ong kon kasjay (There are advises
coming from the old women or R: Ay syempre di damo ah ket kasla
ancestors where in roots, a certain ka agbutbuteng ta apay nga kasjay
root can help you to excrete more adda dara, syempre ngem idi kwan
menstrual blood from coming out ket nagdamag nak ti babbaket ket
to prevent cramps and when I tried kuna da met nga haan ka
it, it works, I do not feel any pains agbutbuteng ta nadanunam
anymore) panagregla mon kunada, syempre
agbuteng nak met ta apay adda
Q: Anya nga ruot ajay auntie? dara na, ket sinurot ko met dagijay
(What is do you call that root?) inbagbaga da tapno haan nga
R: Jak ammon, ubbog gamin ayan makwa makbasbasol wenno
na agijay ( I do not know but you maparigatan ta awan met
can find it on spring of water) mayawan kanyam. (Of course at
first I got scared because of the
Q: Anya usar yo ngay auntie? blood but then I asked the old
(What do you use?) women and they said that I should
not be scared because I had my
R: Awan met napkin idi sunga lupot first menstruation, and by that I
lattan (There is no napkins before
so I used clothes)
practice or follow their advices to kasjay nga nasaniit talaga ti sakit
prevent further pain or damage ) nan ket mapan agi anger ni nanang
ko t ruot o bulong nga aerbaca nga
Q: Maliban dagijay pammati yo, kunada sana ipainom kanyak, nu
mamati kay ba dagiti doctor? kasjayn ket agbulos to ti daran sa
(Except on your beliefs, do you bassibssit nga maawan sakit ti pus-
follow the perceptions or advices of ong kon, ajay palang met ti ubrak (I
the doctors?) had a sensitive way of
menstruation that is why I need to
R: Wen ah, mamati ak met dagiti
be more careful to avoid pain,
doctor ta inadal da garod data.
when the pain is too much and
Ammo da met ti araramiden dan.
cannot bear anymore, my mother
(Of course I believe on doctors
will boil a root or leaves of aerbaca
because they study those, they
for me to drink that can help to
know what they are doing)
excrete more menstrual blood for
4. Anna 34 the cramps and pains to be cured)

Q: Kaano idi nangrugi ka nagmens Q: Anya usar yo auntie nu agregla

auntie? (When did you have your kayo? (What do you use?)
first menstruation?)
R: Nu attoy nak lang balay ah ket
R: 13 kasjay (13 like that) lupot kasjay, ken adda idi inabaga
da nga nabulbulos ti regla nu haan
Q: Kaninom naamwan dagijay ka agusar t anyaman, pagsapinen
dapat ken haan dapat nga ubraen dak ti nangisit tapno haan met
nu agmens ka? (To whom did you malasin unay ah ta ti rabii ket
know the do’s and don’ts when kasjay ti usar ko sanak agilapag ti
having menstruation and what are supot jay batog ubet ko tapno haan
those?) nga masarutan jay pagiddaan, ket
nu rumwar ah ket agnapkin tapno
R: Ni nanang ko kada lola, dagijay haan nga narugit ken haan makita
babbaket ta ado ti maibaga da (When I am just inside the house I
kanyam nu kasjay (My mother, use cloth and they said that the
granmopthers, and even the senior blood will excrete more when you
citizens because they had a lot of use nothing, they let me wear
advices) black shorts before and put plastic
Q: Anya ubraen yo nu agsakit man bag in my back to avoid stain
ti pus-ong wenno ulo yo? (What do coming from my menstrual blood
you usually do when you have your into the sheets, but if I go out, of
menstrual pain or cramps and course I use napkin)
headache?) Q: Mamin an okay met agsukat nu
R: Nasensitibo gamin ti kasjay auntie? (How many times do
panagreglak sunga dapat iwasan you change?)
dagijay madi talaga ta nu haan ket R: Ay ket nu ammok nga napunnon
palalo sakit na pus-ong ko, nu nu adon kasjay ket apan nak met
agbuggon ah (If I know that it is full R: Wen ah ta awan met maawan
of course I will go and wash) kanyam nu surotem, adda latta
kanyam nu mamati ka o haan,
Q: Adda ba pammati gapo ti regla? adda gamin naistorya jay nanang
Anya dagijay auntie? (Do you have ko gapo ti tudo ket nabagtit jay
beliefs when it comes to maysa nga babai (Of course,
menstruation? What are those?) nothing will disappear when you
follow them, it is up to you if you
R:Ado ah ta ni nanang ko ket ado
want because my mother told me
patpatyen da nga naala da dagijay
that a woman got crazy because of
ngay kwa ninuno kasjay. Ti kuna da
the rain)
madi ka mangan ti suka, madi
nalamiis, madi ka agbagkat Q: Kasatno ajay auntie? Mabalin ba
nadagsen, anya paya aya, uhm iistorya yo auntie? (Can you tell us
madi ka agkalintudwan ken madim the story?)
nga basaen ti buok mo nu damo
hanggang maikadduwa kasjay, R: Mabalin met ah. Ajay kano
madi ka nga agmula ta matay kano gamin kwa asawa ajay nga babai
ta mulam, madi dagijay naalsem ket agininom ti arak ket agtudtudo
lalo ti pinya tas jay langka ti idi ajay tas dagijay wayway da nga
kadaksan nga makan nu agregla, baka kada kalding adyay taltalon
tas jay madi ka agdigos baybay, ket awan met mangilinong ah ta
dagita lang met ti ammok nga madi nabartek jay asawanan sunga
ta baka maikontra nakarkaro pay inkapilitan nga ajay babai ti napan
(There are a lot of beliefs sunga nadigos suna ti tudo, ket iso
pertaining to menstruation met gapwanannan nga agsakit ti
because my mother used to ulo nan ket ti kasta nabagtit met
believe a lot due to our ancestors. sunan gapwanan ajay nga
They said that you should not drink pasamaken kt ti naamak pay ket
vinegar or not to eat sour foods, natay metten sunga nagbuteng nu
cold foods and beverages are also kasjay sunga kwa uray kasta ket
not allowed, do not carry heavy mamati nak latta
things, what else, uhm you are not
allowed to get soaked from the (Of course. The husband of the
rain, do not wash your hair on the woman gets drunk and that day it
first and second day, you are was raining and their cow and
forbidden to plant because it will goats are on the farm and needed
actually die, sour foods are also not to be place on their shelter and
allowed specially pineapple and there is no choice but for the
the most forbidden fruit is the woman to do the job, because of
“langka” and swimming in the that the woman got soaked from
beach is also not allowed.) the rain and starting from there
she experienced headaches until
Q: Sunsundwem met lang dagitoy she got crazy and up until she died
nga pammati auntie? (Do you just because of that, that is why I
follow those beliefs?) believe on those cultural or
traditional practices or beliefs)
Q: Maliban dagijay pammati yo, mangan ti naalsem ken haan nga
mamati kay ba dagiti doctor? agsuksuka ah” ( Maybe they
(Except on your beliefs, do you thought that I was shocked, that is
follow the perceptions or advices of why they told me it is normal, I
the doctors?) should not take a cold bath, it
should be a warm bath to flow
R: Ket doctor da met surutek isuda freely , do not eat sour foods and
ah ta paypayso met ti kunkuna da vinegar.)
(They are doctors so I will follow
them because they are right) Q:“Apay ngay kano nga haan nga
mabalin aramiden dagita auntie”
5.Marivic Baldo (29) (Why are those prohibited?)
Q: Kaano idi nangrugi kay nag regla R:“mandyak ammo payen ta di da
auntie? (When was your first met ibaga basta ibaga da lattan
experience with menstruation?) nga haan nga araramiden.” ( I do
not know they just told me not to
R: Idi kwa,mano iti tawen ko
do such things)
kasjay?. Mano tawen ko idi?
Agpalpas ak sa iti grade 6 idi,mano Q: Nagsakit metlang puson yo
tawen kon? twelve ba? wen auntie? Sakit ti ulo ngay? (Do you
twelve. (I experience my first experience menstrual cramps or
menstruation when I was in grade PMS (Pre-menstrual Syndrome)?
6, I was twelve years old before) How do you cope up with them? )
Q: Kaninom naamwan dagijay R: “Haan met kitdi,haan ngay nga
dapat ken haan dapat nga ubraen nagsakit, haan nga kalla daduma
auntie? (To whom did you know nga nasakit puson da. Kanyak ket
about the do’s and don’ts when kwa met,haan met kitdi normal
having menstruation?) met. Haaan met kitdi pulos.” ( I
have not felt any pain, it is
R:“ Ammom ah ta adda met iti
normal,not like the other girls who
manmanang ko idi ket siyak ti
experience medtrual cramps.”)
inuudi,insure dak metlang.” ( I
have older sisters who have taught Q: Anya dagijay experiences yo’
me, I am the youngest of the ngay auntie idi immuna kay
family”) nagregla? Sinurot yo metlang ba
dagijay imbaga da? (How do you
Q: Anya ngay ti imbaga da kenka
manage your first menstrual
auntie? (What did they tell you?)
experience? Do you follow their
R: “ Ti ammo da siguro nakigtot ak, advices?)
ket kunada haan ta talaga nga
R: “ Haan ko nga sinurot ida
normal datan., agdigos ka lang ti
ta,nawelwel ak met idi ta nu
kwa iti haan nga nalamiis nga
aramidek ket kasla met nga
kunada, masapol nga ajay
nakarkaro ak nga rumawet ti
maligamgam a danom tapno haan
naalsem ngay.” ( I was naughty so I
ngay nga matipid, haan kano
did not follow them because I feel
so hungry ,I tend to eat a lot of R: “ duwa beses maysa aldaw ak
sour foods) nga aghugas” (I wash 2 times a
Q: Anya ti kinnan yo ngay auntie?
Langka ngay? (What did you eat? Q: Adda dagiti pammati yo nu
Do you eat Jackfruit?) agregla kayo auntie? Apan yo
metlang sursuruten? (Do you have
R: “mangmangan ak met latta ah ti specific beliefs pertaining to
manga,langka? Haan met langka menstruation? Do you follow
dagijay naalsem ken nabibitsen them?)
laeng ah.” ( I still eat mango,
Jackfruit? I do not eat Jackfruit I eat R: “Adda iti pammati?iti kwa
sour and salty foods) ninuno? Ajay kwa haan kano nga
agdigos iti rabii kunada dagijay
Q. Anya ububraen yon gay nu babbaket, ngem nu siyak agdigos
agregla kayo auntie? Anya ak ah ta mairita ak met ken haan
gamgamiten yo ngayen ak met mamati.” (Beliefs from your
tatta,pasador wenno napkin? ancestors? According to the old
(What do you do when you have women we should not take a bath
period?What are the hygienic at night but I still take a bath
methods that you practice during because it irritate me and I do not
menstruation?) believe to those beliefs.)
R: “Iti gamgamitek tatta ket Q: Adda ba sursuruten yo nga
pasador ta nu napkin ket kalla ngay pammati gapo iti panagregla itoy
matiped jay dara” (I use pasador community yo? (Do you follow
because when I use napkin, it feels specific beliefs about menstruation
like the blood will not flow freely) in your community?)
Q: Mano nga beses yon ngay R: “Haan. Dagitoy ibagbagan ah ti
labaan iti pasador yo auntie? (How kwa tatta doktor ta sabali jay
many times do you wash your pammati daa iti ken tatta nga adda
pasador?) doktor” ( No, I follow doctors
nowadays because the belief
R: “Diyay pasador apan konto lang
before was different from doctors)
ibelengen ah throw away ajayen
ngem nu rumwar ak ton ah ken Q:Simmayaat metlang iti
napkin iti usarekon” ( I will just panagdakkel yo auntie haan ba
throw away the pasador but when I nakaapekto dagitoy pammati yo ti
have to go to somewhere I use bagbagi yo? (Are those beliefs
napkin.) affect you as you grow?)
Q. Mano nga beses kayo ngay nga R: “Ewan ah ta nasulpeng ak met
aghugas iti private part yo auntie? idi” ( I don’t know,because I am
(How many times do you wash naughty I don’t obey them)
your private part?)
Q: Maliban dagijay pammati yo,
mamati kay ba dagiti doctor?
(Except on your beliefs, do you idigdigos kasjay. (Yes, nothing I just
follow the perceptions or advices of sit there until it was gone, I should
the doctors?) not also take a bath)

R: Wen (Yes) Q:Indigos yo auntie? (Did you took

a bath?)
6.Christine Puroc (40)
R:Ket syempre ah indigos ko ah ta
Q: Anya nagan yo auntie ken mano makapa irita met. (Yes of course,
tawen yon? ( What is your name because it irritates me)
auntie and how old are you?)
Q: Adda metlang impainom da
R: Chritine Puroc, 40 akon auntie? (Did they gave you
( Christine Puroc I am at my 40) something to drink?)
Q: Mano tawen yo idi nag regla R: Awan met inted da ta kasla
kayo auntie? (How old are you intugaw ko lattan ah ta ag kalma tu
when you experience your first lattan ( They do not gave me
menstruation?) something to drink, I just sitted
there until it calms)
Q:Anya dagiti experiences yo ngay
Q: Katno yo naamwan dagijay
auntie idi nagregla kayon? (How
dapat ken haan dapat nga ubraen
do you manage your first
nu agregla ngay auntie? ( When
menstrual experience?)
did you know the dos and donts
while having your menstruation?) R: Awan met ta kwa nawelwel. Ta
madi kunada ta adu met kano iti
R: Idi metlang kwa, insuro da
natayen a babbai nu kasjay kunada
metlang idi haan ak pay
idi sinurot ko lattan ah. ( I did not
agregregla. ( When I still not
do anthing because I am naughty
having my menstruation until I
but I still followed their advices.
experience it)
They told us that lot of girls died
Q: Sino nangisuro kinyayo auntie? ( because of not following)
Who taught you auntie?)
Q:Anya ti inaramid yo idi ngay idi
R: Magulang, ni mamak idi ah immuna kayo nga nag regla auntie
( Parents my mother) anya ti inubram? ( What did you do
when you first experience
Q:Naranasam ba iti nagsakit menstruation?)
puson?(Anya ngay iti inaramid yo
auntie? (Have you experienced R:Awan met basta nagsakit met ti
menstrual cramps? What did you bagbagik idi, awan iti kinkinwak
do?) basta napan ak lang naginanan ah
agmalem. ( I had a body ache but I
R:Wen kasta metlang, awan did not do anything I just let my
intugtugaw ko lattan ah inggana body rest all day.)
maawan, haan mo met kano
Q: Anya gamgamiten yo ngayen nu Q:Adda dagiti pammati yo nu
agregla auntie? Pasador wenno agregla kayo auntie?( Do you have
napkin lattan? ( Do you prefer specific beliefs pertaining to
pasador or napkin while having menstruation?)
your monthly period?)
R:Dagijay ibagbaga ah kadagiti
R: Pasador metlang idi , mamin baket idin ah nga nu agregla haan
tallo ak nga agsukat. ( I used mo kano nga idigos a dagus ta
pasador three times a day) mapasabatan ta agsakit kano iti
puson ken haan ka nga kumaan iti
Q: Mano nga pasador iti apan yo naalsem. ( According to the old
gamgamiten auntie? Apan yo women before, you should not
metlang lablabaan? (How many take a bath right away if it is your
pasador do you have? Do you wash first day of monthly period
the pasador or just throw it away?) because you might experience
menstrual cramps, and do not eat
R: Haan ko ammo nu mano ajayen
a lot of sour foods.)
idi ta haan met nga kwa idi basta
naduma duma met lattan ah para Q:Adda metlang iti apan yo
iti binulan nga panag reglak. Apan sursuruten ah pammati tatta ditoy
ko labaan ah dagijay ginamit ko iti ayan yo auntie? ( Do you follow
bigat, aldaw ken rabii ta mapuno specific beliefs about menstruation
met ta isunto gamitek iti sumaruno in your community?)
nga aldaw sakton tu ibellengen nu
maminduwak nga nagamiten. ( I R: Adda ta agsakit ti ulok nu
can not remember how many agbilad ak isu apan ak ah lattan
pasadors I have, I think I had aglinong ken nu mangan ak iti
enough pasadors for my monthly naalsem agsakit metten puson ko
menstruation. After using it in the dadduma, ajay metlang isu nga nu
morning I had to wash it so I can maiparit ket haan mo lattan ah nga
use it again the next day as well as aramidenen ( Yes, because when I
the pasadors that I will be using in stay too long under the sun I
the afternoon and in the evening, experience headache and
after 2 days of wahing and using it whenever I ate sour foods I had to
I had to throw it away.) experience menstrual cramps, that
is why we have to remember that if
Q:Mano nga beses kayo ngay nga it is forbidden we should obey
aghugas iti private part yo auntie them.)
nu agregla kayo? (How many times
do you wash your genital area Q:Adda metlang epekto na dagitoy
when having menstruation?) nga pammati ken aramid habang
dumakdakkel kayo auntie? (Are
R:Duwa nga beses maysa aldaw, there instances where following
malpas ko agdigos ken nu maturog these beliefs affected you while
akon iti rabii. ( Two times a day, growing up? Specify.)
after taking a bath and sleeping at
R:Tatta nga bumakbaket akon ket Q: Aniya nagan yu auntie? ( What
sa lang nga nagbulos ken maulaw is your name Auntie?)
ak metten maabot ak iti 13 days
isu nga itugtugaw ko ta haan ko R: Elsa Chinen
kayat ngay iti agkuti-kuti. ( Today Q: Manu taw-en yun auntie? (How
that I am getting older I experience old are you Auntie?)
a fast blood flow and I felt dizzy
that lasts 13 days that is why I sit I R: 43 years old
do not like to move much.)
Q: Katno di nangrugi kayo nagregla
Q:Inturog yo metlang auntie? (Did auntie? (When was the first time
you sleep) you experienced menstruation?)
R: Wen ta makturog ak metten,ken R: Fourteen (14) years old
kwa basta nu agidda wunno
makaturog ak ket nu tumakder Q: Kaninom naamwan dagijay
akon agbulos . (Yes, I did not notice dapat ken haan dapat nga ubraen
that I just fell asleep but when I lay nu agregla ken anya dagijay? (To
in bed or just woke up and stand whom did you know the doe’s and
the blood flow out fast) don’ts when having menstruation
and what are those?)
Q:Adda metlang iti pinagsayaatan
na iti panagdakkel yo auntie? ( Did R: Idi nagregla akon kasjay ammok
it makes your life okey while metten jay dapat ken saan nga
growing up?) aramiden (When I started having
my menstruation I learned what
R:Wen,simmayaat met nu ajay lang are the do’s and don’ts while
nu manangan ka na alsem matiped having menstruation)
ken nu uminom ka iti nalamiis nga
danum, basta surutem latta iddan Q: Ububraem met lang dagijay
ah ta isu met pagsayaatam. ( Yes, auntie? ( Do you follow them?)
These made my life good while
R: Haan (No)
growing up. We just have to
remember that when we eat Q: Anya dagijay ububraem nu
something sour and drink cold agregla kayo? ( What practices do
water it will not normally flow, we you do when having
just have to follow them for our menstruation?)
own good.)
R: Awan met ti naramdaman…
Q: Maliban dagijay pammati yo, kasla met awan sakit nga
mamati kay ba dagiti doctor? naramdamak idi ( I feel nothing… I
(Except on your beliefs, do you haven’t experience pain before)
follow the perceptions or advices of
the doctors?) Q: Anya gamgamitem auntie?
( What do you prefer to use?)
R: Wen (Yes)
R: Ammok met agusar napkin.
7. Elsa Chinen Ngem kaykayat ko ti pasador ta isu
insuro ni mother ko ( I know how to Q: Aniya nagan yu Auntie ken
use napkin. But my mother prefer tawwen? ( What is your name and
me to use pasador) age Auntie?)

Q: Mano auntie pasador yu? (How R: Joan Quisana, 33

many Pasador do you have?)
Q: Kaano idi nangrugi kayo
R: Adda met ten nga pasador ko nagregla auntie? (When was the
gamin umabot ti inem nga aldaw ti first time you had your
pinagreglak ( I have ten pasador menstruation?)
because my menstruation will last
up to 6 days) R: Mga 12 years old ak idi ( When I
am in 12 years old)
Q: Nagsaksakit pus-ong yon
auntie? ( Do you experienced Q: Kaninom naamwan dagijay
menstrual cramps?) dapat ken haan nga dapat ubraen
nu agregla ken anya dagijay? (To
R:Awan han met agsaksakit (No, i whom did you know the do’s and
don’t feel any pain) don’ts when having menstruation)

Q: Mamin an okay agkawkaw R: Awan met. Ammok metten jay

auntie? (How many times do you saan ken haan dapat aramiden.
wash your genital part?) Kasla jay haanak mangmangan ti
naalsem ( No, I just learned by my
R: Kada malem isu iti pinagsukat ko own. For example by not eating
iti pasador. Syempre agkawkaw ak sweet food)
metten ijay. (Every afternoon that
is the time to change my pasador. Q: Naranasam ban nagsakit ti ulo o
Of course I also wash my private puson nan? (Have you experience
part) headache and dysmenorrhea?)

Q: Aginana ba tatta sursureten yu R: Wen (Yes)

jay pammati? (Until now do you
follow your beliefs?) Q: Anya inubram idi nangrugi ka
nagregla? ( What did you do when
R: Wen ( Yes) you had your first menstruation?)

Q: Maliban dagijay pammati yo, R: Awan met. Inbaga da jay saan

mamati kay ba dagiti doctor? ken mayat nga kainen during
(Except on your beliefs, do you agregregla ( Nothing, they just tell
follow the perceptions or advices of me what to eat and not to eat
the doctors?) while having menstruation)

R: Wen (Yes) Q: Anya usar mo auntie Pasador?

(What did you use, pasador? )
8. Joan Quisana, 33
R: Haan nga pasador. Napkin ti
ususarek ( No, I don’t use pasador.
I use napkin)
Q: Anya pammati yo auntie ti Q: Adda ba pamahiin nga
panagregla? (What are your beliefs sursurotem nu agmens ka? ( Do
about menstruation?) you follow or have beliefs
pertaining to menstruation?)
R:Awan met ( Nothing)
R: Awan met (None)
Q: Sursuroten yo met lang auntie?
(Do you follow them?) Q: Anya dagijay usar mo nu agregla
ka? ( What do you use during
R: Wen surauretek met jay menstruation?)
pammatik ( Yes, I follow my beliefs)
R: Napkin
Q: Add aba ininumen yu or
ikabkbail yu nu agsasakit ti puson Q: Haan kay met lang maibusan ti
yu? (Do you take medicine or other napkin? ( Are there times you don't
ointment when you are having have any napkins or stocks?)
dysmenorrhea ?)
R: Haan ta adda stock met dita
R: Tatta, awan met ininumek. ( As (None, because I have stocks)
of now I don’t take medicine)
Q: Ket ajay times nga awan
Q: Maliban dagijay pammati yo, talagan, anya usar yo? (If there are
mamati kay ba dagiti doctor? times that no one left, what did
(Except on your beliefs, do you you use?)
follow the perceptions or advices of
the doctors?) R: Pasador

R: Wen (Yes) Q: Anya ubraen yo jay pasador nu

nalpasan yon? ( What do you do
9. with the pasador after?)

Q: Anya name yo ate and age? R: Ibelleng kon ah ( I will dispose it)
( What is your name and age?)
Q: Haan kay ba mammamati
R: Marlyn Bahatan, 16 talaga? Kasla koma jay madi
mangan langka kasjay? ( Don't you
Q: Kaano idi nangrugi kayo really have any beliefs in
agmens? ( When was your first menstruation? Just like eating
menstruation?) langka is prohibited?)
R:12 R: Haan (None)
Q: Kaninom naamwan dagijay Q: Maliban dagijay pammati yo,
dapat ken haan nga dapat ubraen mamati kay ba dagiti doctor?
nu agregla? ( To whom did you (Except on your beliefs, do you
know the do's and don'ts when follow the perceptions or advices of
having menstruation?) the doctors?)
R: Ni mamang ko ( To my mother) R: Wen (Yes)
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