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Identify the trend and communicate with this employee.

take the
employee aside and talk about it.Ask her/him if you can help with anything or
if there is a reason for the repetitive tardiness. Let the individual know that
she/he affecting the overall company productivity and that their team needs
Review the organizations current tardy policy and if there is not a current
policy in place, work with the HR team or the manager to develop a fair policy.
Keep in mind that whatever the decision is, it must be consistent across the
entire organization. Stick to the organizations policy on arriving late to work
and hold employees accountable.
But for stealing steal office equipments,I’d say firstly remind everyone via
documentation that resources are company property and people who take
them for personal use will have consequences.And then remind this person of
the policy and issue a warning that the next time will be fired. If this guy would
do it next time, then sit this guy down and explain what I perceive and give
her/him a chance to explain. Remind her/him of the policy and consequences.

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