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7 Chapter-5 TIME & TENSES PRESENT TENSE 1, PRESENT INDEFINITE / SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE. RULE: () ip [Subject + is/are Tam + complement. Uses : (A) sar fet eet end fire; 6) He works inthis office. (i) Hive in India (i The earth is round (8) sia ee ere; BB (i) He gets up before sunrise. (© ar Ph eae Bran Pees (i) She goes to Mumbai next month (D) 3e feet aS aeaPH wr fee TT when, if, unless, until, as soon as, as long as, in ease, before, ater UF Same Clause; $8 ) You will ot succeed unless you work hard. [FP unless you will work hard] NOTE : GH Fray We amerita Problems Aer qe 7H (i As soon as T will / reach Patna, I will / send you the w ® books / you have asked for. /No Error, oO o ®) [S. B. 1. (Kashmir Valley) P.O. Exam. 1992] eee Pan (A) will! a way aT ar, ‘ai Conditional Clause ¥ Future Indefinite Tense wir #8 War € fee Present Indefinite Tense #1 wa Ghat : ber € nie Tense = aT 2. PRESENT IMPERFECT / CONTINUOUS TENSE RUL Uses (A) Fee 88 eed & fee Spe am et BH i) They are watehing television (ii Ste is cooking. (BS we & fre St ates Bond ter ae scares 38 € fe ye ou sh od (i) He is writing a book. (0) frve afer % RTT Programme Ferg; BA () Tam going o Delhi tonight Ieajotsbyawame Vvamgenn | ‘Subject + is/are am+ V"(V+ing)+ ] i) We are seeing the C. M, tomorrows, (D) aia & faeh ore ad fare; 3a hematis these days. () She is teaching m 3, PRESENT PERFECT TENSE RULI Us [Subject + have/has + V+ (a) RB ret Bere St one-one a: SB (@ He has finished the work {i You have just come. p(B) BE at H fee T Past Ee Peg ada eT Rt aa (oThave seen the Taj Mahal (i Thave visited Kashmir (COR avd & fey Pas HTS ay, fg ae ot it * hhave lived here for a month, 4, PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Subject + have / has + been + V"(V + ing) + (for /since + Time) RULI Uses: (A) 8 ret Bree ot Past YE ee oe one oe eaa— (@) Thave been living here for a month { Thave lived here for a month} (23 Feat & foe ge are ow we we Bathe oot seoney § fog sre ort ah ot ts a (i) They have been working in the fild all day PAST TENSE 1. PAST INDEFINITE / SIMP RULE :| () Subject + V" +. (cio Subject + was /were + complement. Uses: (a) BB ret Be ere SH Past BE: FA (i) He came yestenay. Gi) Be left for London last night NOTE : Yesterday, lastnight / week / month / year other day, the other morning anf % aa str Indefinite Tense 6 rr tar (B) Past oer an? & Ferg, $3 (i) He always came to see me (i) Meena never made a mistake. PAST. TENSE a 34 NOTE ; Past & ter eater aret Fs ware always, daily, every day, every mont, every year, once a week / month / year oa sede fava ae fle, Past # area aa? % fore ‘used to’ a oft aby Bret ero (i) Gandhifi used to walkin the morning. (©) sé & unfulfilled wish, condition, desire # OFT wat % fT wish, if as if, as though, it is time, itis igh time orf % wre A Past Indefinite Tense Fe Fear Tet ao . (i) Tish T were the PM. of India, (iy Tes time (that) you went tothe station (D) fe Direct Narration % Reporting Verb Past Tense # ‘3 aar Reported Speech Present Indefinite Tense % @ Indirect Narration # Reported Speech # Past Indefinite % #zet fear ‘art &) [N.B. STF Universal Truth 3 Vieb a et Axe STaT ty d— Direct: He said, “Twrite a letter. Indirect : He said that ho wrote a letter. 2, PAST IMPERFECT / CONTINUOUS TENSE, RULE: Subject + was / were + V*(V + ing) + Uses : (A) BG awa B fore SH Past F we B; SB (i) He was writing letter yesterday evening (B) ae Past &t were UH AT ore Bt; Fa While she was dancing, he was singing. (Ca Past # feat stor ar settee fara ar gre eer a (@ He was becoming more and more ambitious (D) Pratt safes PAST #8 BH ore St gat Fy fore Greet, Fretreres onfe sr err aa a; $3— (She was always writing ro leters to me. 3, PAST PERFECT TENSE RULE :|Subject + had + V*. Uses : (Aya Past Swed wa a dt St we wee wa aT “sah fore Past Perfect TH St Seat are Fat B sew feTE ast Indefinite 6 rat Pra arar 8; a — (j) The patient had died before the doctor came, (ii) He reached the station after the train had started. NOTE ; SPT: Past 8 we Heat H fre Past Perfect ‘ar wilt 3 Past Indefinite «wart Fear aot &; kB (i) He had come yesterday % 4&@% He came yesterday eu wm [A Mirror of Common Error (B) I wish, if, as if, as though ® Te sft Past Perfect swirr fier star fe Past 9 unfulfilled wish, condition, desire BY OTR BT B; FB (@ I wish I had passed in the First Division, (iy If he had come on time, he would have caught the train. (© A Direct Narration # Reporting Verb Past Tense # ‘ aa Reported Speech Present Perfect % Past Indofinite # B a Indirect Narration % Reported Speech # Past Perfect “Tense #1 sar Farm Tat &; 33— Direct: (i) Deeps said, “I have done it.” (Gi) Deepa said, “I id it” Incirect : (i) Deeps said that she had done it 4, PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE RULE : [SUBJECT + had + been + V4 (V + ing)... (for/| since + Time.) Uses : (A) 3 ara AE fore Pas AR Be BO Pe TF sat ta, (i) Meena had been lying there for an hour. FUTURE TENSE, 1, FUTURE INDEFINITE / SIMPLEL FUTURE TENSE RULE : [Subject + shall/ will Vi+ Uses : (Aye weal 3 fare a fe BA, (i) He will dit tomorrow. (i) Dinesh will build a house NOTE : a za fe Fuure & wr a wat & fare Present Indefinite Tense = Present Imperfect Tense 1 oxi Barf, Fee Programme fieeT Bi ore constructions Prt sTerT 3 Future eet SI Aa ST AT te (@)[Subject + is/are/am-+to+V" 38—()) He is to start some business, (b)[Subject+ is/are /am + about +to+ V" $3 —()) Mohan is about to leave the hoste. (c) [Subject + has / have + to + V'][a72T=t (Compulsion) wart % Fare) $8—{i) She has to leave the school. 2. FUTURE IMPERFECT / CONTINUOUS TENSE | RULE : [Subject + shall / will+ be + V"(V +ing) + Use: (aya wrat & fq Her F ae BA, B— (i) He will be writing some letters tomorrow morning, A Mirror of Common Errors 35 3. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE RULE :|Subject + shall/will + have + Vx a) ae & fae Tate a we ge ae 2) They will have arrived here by this time tomorrow, Sagar & fore Ps wg safer feet iw aR =: 32 You will have heard the name of Gandhi NOTE : Future Perfect Continuous 1 ¥8tT 7 % Wat i aie: eat wal wef ae ats Et BL PROBLEMS BASED ON TIME & TENSES Directions : Find out the error in each of the following sentences, fany. If there is no error. your answer is ‘E’. 1.When xs will find out / any solution to this problem / (A) ®) you will become able / 1 finalise the project. No Exror © © ® 2. Whenever / you ate coming here, / you bring a lot of / a ® oO sweets for me, /No Error oO) © Js appearing to me / that you are plotting / against your / a ®) oO fiends and their parents. No Erzor ©) ®) 4.The old man who is. siting in that room / lived here for “ ®) more than / a month but he has never crested / any © problem, / No Error © « 8.A mysogynist iss person / who is hating woman / but a ey @ philogynistis a person / who loves woman. / No Error © @) &) 6. Tho seeret of his good / health lies in the fact that /he is @ @ e sunrise / and has a two mile walk every @ getting up © coming. No Error ® 7.Now-a-days he teaches physics / becuase the teacher of a) @) physics / has been absenting himself / for 2 month. / © © No Error ® Je seems to be happy / because his parents / hed come “ @) from London / to live with him. /No Error o ©) ®) GW is high me you we saning 7 is work"? may a“ ®) © fiend said to me. / No Error o © 10.1 have come / to know that your / father has died /Tast “ ® oO ‘week. /No Error © © @ Many of my friends / wished to come here / today but / “ ®) © ‘none of them arrived yet. No Error © ® 12, She says / that she will take / her umbgella in case it will a ®) © oO rain, No Error ® 13.1 will et you know / a soon as I wil get / any information / @ ®) © about your promotion. / No Error © ® 14, When 1 will be thirty / most of my friends / will be above “a B) © thiny / five, be sure. (No Ervor oO ©® 15, This is , indeed, / the fist time in my life that /T hear / = a) @) © such an interesting story. / No Error © ©) 16. Before the alarm / had stopped ringing / Veors bad pulled @ ® © up/the shade, /No Error oO © [SS.C. CLERK GRADE EXAM,, 1992] GAiihave been knowing / him for ten years/ but I don’t know A @) © wvhere he Hives. No Error © @) 18, He uses to study / atleast til ten o'clock / at night ead * iC (B) © then Fhe goes tobe. No Eor ve ” ©) bee, @yr ne ad a few hours to spare he would spend! te (A B) oO in a public library. /No Eror ©) ® 20. All the flowers /in his garden will surely dic / before 5 @) C rains wil fal, No Error o &) 36 A Mirror of Common Earors 21. IFT would have done this, /T would have done wrong / and “ B) would base Suapoimed/many of ny ends. No Emer oO (Dy ©) gg PBF at at eat ard neve te / win ¥Y “4 (B) SP” his means T would not /have let him the money © . Oo Notist © 28.1 wish he saw you when you were ving in England {Ay B) © (D) No Bor & {A.The judge tad no give / ny dion / ua be ad “a 8) © Sula he ee. No Exo @) & 25.1 ued tere sine 1980 / hereto {know eve tng (A) @) © bows cig. No Er @) «© 26.1 bave been working fer his organisation fre ast (A) B) © () | cengran./ None &) {S.B.L. (Kashmir Valley} P.O. EXAM., 1992] AF we ad Mohan Fn our ea, we / would hase won the 32, We got / everything ready for all / of them long / before (A) (B) © thy arved. No Brot @) « 22, She was with me up now, so dont rebuke Ber er A) 8) © etn te, No ee @) © have Ben ang Phe fo he vice wih wich she “A @) oO is ited No Ener ©) ® P26. Had come / even moment ett, /he woul hve / “& @) © found me there. / No Error @ ® 26. Many obervaions nical thatthe mober of ted / A ® attire / day by ay. No Emer “ © © ®) Wor. Newspapers wid /us about the event / at kappen al A B® © verte world. No Eno © &) 38. "Hee i coming / my fried, sid Manj when se oe (A) B) © ssatansious/No Bor oQ () (a) @) (© 9 GBplle advised me / 10 do as he did / but did not pay amy match / against your eam. / No Error ) ® © Oo «) attention / to his advice. / No Error 28. Radha came / to the meeting / much later / than T @) © “ ® © 440, By this time next year he / has had / settled himself / in expect. / No Error Aw B® © ® London, No Error {B.S.R.B. (Patna), 1991] ©) ®) 29.1f Twas you / I would have told/ the Chairman to keep / 41. Itis about time / you have taken f you children / to sheoo “ ®) © @ ®) Qo his mouth shut. No Ervor Io Estor (©) ®) ®) [BSRB. Banglore) P.O. Exam,,3990] (42)! had hoped / that I would see / you the ober day, but / “A (B) © you to/ pick up the box of eggs gently and ¥ep'——yyfrrunately fll, /No Error ay @) D €) it in the corner careful 43,'The thief was caught / after he has disposed of / the stolon a a @ © [B.S.R.B (Baroda) P.O. Exam. 1991] goods. /No Eror ° 231. Te victim tried to tell us / what has happened / but his @) ) @) (©) 44. Sushma arrived here, / did all the preparations / and then words / were not audible. / No Esror oN ‘) © ®) has called / on one of her intimate friends. / No Esror [B.S.R.B. (Baroda) P.O. EXAM. 1991] © @) e) * A Mimror of Common Errors 7 © wath Moti, No Error ©) ®) wo and ‘wo / always made / four cannot J be a ®) oO oubted. / No Error ©) ©) . 47 Nobody knows / when death / will knock at / his door. tA) (B) © @) No Error ® & dipw hopes wo become fan oie afer / he will omplete! A B oO his higher education. No Etzor o) ® 49, Meenu slong with her parents / is going to Mumbai a) By tonight because her eldest brother Fis il there. (No Error © © & 450, My frend / aid to me, / “When have / you come here?" a @ © ©) No Error ®) 1, He would not have / done allthis / if he had not been / “« B) C) stigated by his wife. ‘No Error © © 52, The teacher said /o us that we / should stay at home / A) (@B) © @) strains. / No Ertor ® ) La 28) 5.) 1 6Q 7a ao 9B) 10.) Lo BO Be BA BO 1615) A) BLA) 9.) 2D) mia) 2) BB) AA) 8A) 6G) FMA) BD) (A) 30.0) BL) 320A) SRA) RCA) 3S) 360) BTA) 8A) BE) 40.08) @ 26 88) 4O 46) 46.8) 47.) BO) 9) SHO) EXPLANATIONS 1. A) “you will find” 4 ‘you find” 1 sae Be as Se Punure A 2 ETAT wT AT Clause (St when, if, before, after, until sf T= 2B) 314) 4. (B) Se Tense Tat want ttt) BI] OF Present Indefinite Principal clause % Future Tenso ae () Until he comes, 1 will wait fr him, Present Future Tense Indefinite “you are coming’ % 7H ‘you come’ HFT den whe THe a STN (Present hobit) FT S fara Present Indefinite Tense 5a erat ae (i) Whenever she weops, nobody asks her the reason Y Y Prevent Indefinite ii) Asong as God is with you, ¥ Present Indefinite Present Indefinite Present Indefinite -tt is appearing’ 3 Gt “It appears! er sort Ge pis appear 7% 374 5 seem Cote aa) H at gppear THT Indefinite Tense ¥ Sor #7 FH Imperfect Tense; 42— @)—Ttappears that he will fail in this plan. Y Present Indefinite (Gi) She appears tobe dull. t Present Indefinite NOTE : Appear # ar aif # Get wir za (appear 31 and ser erfers Wet” (tobe published) at eae AT perfect Tense H ot arf; Se— (i) My next book is appearing this month (b) appear #1 Fart FH ‘come before the public’ > Sed HA Ewer WH Imperfect Tense ot BE aa () Now an eminent unite is appearing on the Slived" % FEA ‘has lived’ 7 has been living a ‘gro is Part (A) ® THT is siting” ar Part (OS ‘eget ‘has never created’ au aan t = Present Tense 7 tl “who is hating’ 3 72 ‘who hates’ 71 -qatfis universal truth % fer Present Indefis car wer tats BB (i) A vegetarian i a person who never eats Gi) Atheist is a person who betieves in God 38 Mirror of Common Exrors NOTE : 3 4 hate, adore, admite, depend, hope, believe, out, want, wish, car, desire, understand, cost, dare, nced, contain, consist, comprise fare a 51 Continuous Tense 2 7 Gar ft 6. (C) “he is geting up' WEB “he gets up" wT aT So watts Gurr at anes (present habit) FHT H fee Present Indefinite Tense #1 Nar dat 8; 3— (@ — Herewms before sunset. + Present Indefinite (Gi) They often come to see me. 7.(A) ‘he teaches’ % Wee ‘he is teaching’ FT Sor wits aioe & fe ore Gemporary) 4 3 fara Present Imperfect Tense 1 arn er ts sae (i) These days Mohan i iving in Delhi L Present Imperfect 8. (©) ‘had’ 3S “have! a wa Sor wy eH ‘Ta PRESENT # &: 38 — (i) He seems to be happy becuase his father has sent him a suit i) You are happy because you have got a job 9. (B) ‘you are starting’ % FEE ‘you started’ wt wah ar writes sar unfulfilled wish, condition, desire anf & area wei % f8T Itis time, It is high time, Twish, If, As if anf& & rer Past Indefinite Tense = switr dart; $3 @) Ttis time you reached the station L Past Indefinite Gi) Lwish [were the President of India. 4 Past Indefinite 10. (C) ‘has died’ 3 wea PEE died’ er wir dow ihe Part (D) ¥ ‘last week’ Far & fees war sear 8 fis ‘Sud Rear we eT BT Past Ea) NOTE : wz wa fe feat rer % Past BP we ‘=Iet Time Expression Gt Yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month, last year fey a way ea aT ara a Past Indefinite # ver arent; Fa (He came here last month. ( f% has come) i They went there the day before yesterday. 11, (D) ‘arrived’ 3 azz has arrived @M ‘have attived’ = wits Gor wie ‘yer IMT IT up to now GT 12. (D) “it will rain’ AB ew ae) ant B a a xaw TIE Present Perfect Tense vr ate Fat TAT @; (i) Have the children gone to school yet ? (Gi) Has Thom let yet? A. 8. Hornby : GUIDE TO PATTERNS AND USAGE IN ENGLISH (p. 91) fez, GP “None of se Verbs Singular™T Plural 1 gat &, sa: None of them has arrived a None of them have arrived & wei ti 2— Afier none of the verb may be singular or plural None of my friends was were there —A.S. Hornby : GUIDE TO PATTERNS AND USAGE IN ENGLISH (p. 138) wa Fuure St & seit om fr et a ‘Conditional Clause (it in case, ff, when, before, after, as long as sife @ ge at HF Present Indefinite Tense = wate dar &; $3 — ® What will you do im ease you fail ? Present Indefinite 13. (B) ‘will get ae ‘ger ae eM NOTE : feeqe saren & fora Set He 12 a ore aati 14, (A) ‘L will be thirty" C8 “Lam thiety’ = var ST wae when Gra) 2 ye SMe Clause ¥ Present Indefinite Tense 37 arr Gat & ser Fer Clasue ® Future Indefinite #1; 3— @ When Fam wwenty, When Fam swenty. Present Indefinite you will be twenty fi Future Indefinite 15. (C) ‘Thear’ % WER ‘Thave heard’ a war ahr ais this ie the frst ime, iis the second time safe == HIHMEUT: Present Perfect Tense 1 aM Sar Bs a (i ets the second time that you have come bere. ae tidy F PrsfeRas cer at Ba — 2 the following 1 We use a present perfect tense a expressions, ‘This/thavit isthe first/second/third/fourthvetc. ‘Thisithat/ itis the only ......++ ‘This / that / it is the best / worst / finest / most interesting ete. Examples ‘This is the first time that I’ve heard her sing. —Michael Swan : BASIC ENGLISH USAGE (p. 191) 16. 1. 18. w. 20. * ~ (BR) ay “would have done’ % TER “had done” ‘A Mirror of Common Errors (B) ‘had stopped’ ‘aaa fink ‘stopped’ FT ar OT gate oe Past Mt St westet few Bat STAT Fe Clause % Past Pevfest Tense = eT Set Behe before, when safe we Clause Past Indefinite #1; 38— (i) Before the doctor eames Past Indefinite the patient had died. Past Perfect ‘The heasmaster had come ‘The headmaster had come a) ast Perfect before the bell rang, L Past Indefinite Ca) “have been knowing’ # 5 ‘have know! ar vo Fae Know, mean, suppose, understand Slee Verbs a Warr Weert Indefinite Perfect Tense ® G) Tisave known you for years {i) Thave not understood this man since Tmet hi (A) ‘He uses to study’ ‘% aa® ‘He studies’ irr eer gape wart a ATT (present habit) A ¥ FTE Present Indefinite Tense 3 5 Ser wu

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