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LESSON PLAN LESSON: What do you want to try

Teacher: Maryam Subject: English

Grade:7/5 Unit: Date: November 3rd 2019



Students will be able to:

 To tell and speak about outdoor activities.

 To identify the types of activities, whether a land / sea / air activity.
 To utilize the rule of using “would like”
Link to prior learning: Students will need to be familiar with the following
 Some outdoor activities like fishing.
 Air / land / sea activities.

21st Century Skills: Students will be able to enhance the following skills : (1) Critical thinking and problem
solving: think of appropriate and correct answers, predict the activity they have and to classify the correct
pictures with definition., (2) Communication and collaboration: work in groups to do the classifying activity
and to speak about the activities they would like to try. (3) Initiative and self-direction: students will be more
independent while describing the activity to their fried as well as getting the correct answer by the other
student. (4) productivity and accountability: students will be able to produce sentences and examples using
the rule “would try” depend of themselves to accomplish the activities on time.
Key vocabulary: skateboarding, hiking, sailing, sky diving, falconry, land, air, outdoors, wind

Common misconceptions for learners: Ways of identifying and addressing these misconceptions:

 Students might get confused

with some outdoor activities.  Give them pictures before introducing the lesson and the
classifying activity will help then differentiate the
outdoor activities which will include definition and
pictures as well.

Resources/equipment needed:

Students book/ envelopes/ outdoor activities pictures/ definitions/ classifying activity/ audio track/
UNIT: 4 LESSON: What do you want to try TASKS/ACTIVITIES

Resources & Time Starter (10 minutes)

Teacher Will: Students Will:

Outdoor activities  Greet the students.  Greet the teacher.

pictures  Ask questions to identify  Answer the questions.
students understanding of the  Work in groups to identify the
topic in general. “Do you outdoor activity they have then
like being outside?” and write any description sentences.
“What activities can you do
 Give each group a picture of
an outdoor activity after
explaining the instructions.
Ask them to think of its
name and write any
description sentences as
much as they can.
Resources & Time Main activities (30 minutes)

Teacher Will: Students Will:

Classifying activity.  Give the instructions for the  In groups, classify the requirements
classifying activity. They will be under the land/sea/air schedule.
provided with vocabulary words,  Learn the new vocabulary, compare,
Power point definition, related pictures and a and correct their mistakes in the first
schedule with “land, sea, and air” activity if they had.
to classify each activity with its  Learn the use of would like then give
relation. examples.
 Explain the new vocabulary on the  In groups, students will ask others
board and ask students to check about the activities they would like to
and correct their answers so they try by answering according to
identify their answers and teacher’s explanation.
mistakes.  Listen to the audio for the listening
 Give examples “orally” about part and match each name with their
using “would try” in sentence. favorite outdoor activity.
Example: I would try sky-diving
because I like adventure and try
dangerous activities, what about
 Write on the board the question:
“What an outdoor
activity/adventure would you try?”
- Ask students to speak in groups
and talk about which activities
they would like to try. Provide the
groups with different pictures and
an instructional card with brief
description about the use of
“would try”.
 Give each student a worksheet
related to the audio and play it
once. (Individual task).
Differentiation activities (Support): Get help from high-achiever students to
classify each word under its picture, definition, and sort. With the group, they
will have the chance to predict the activity that their partner is describing and
share simple activities.

Differentiation activities (Stretch): They will divide the work by roles to

finish on time and check the correct answers for the classifying activity.
Describe some outdoor activities to their friends using the given instruction in
the card “would try”.

Resources Plenary (5 minutes)

Teacher Will: Students Will:

 Ask students to work with a  With a partner, a student will
partner, choose an activity and choose any outdoor activity
describe it. As they will ask they want and describe it to
their partner to guess the their partner which she will
activity. Ask some students to predict it then return the roles.
perform. Perform and present.
Homework -
Learning styles catered for (✓):

Visual Auditory Read/Write Kinesthetic

Assessment for learning opportunities (✓):

Observation Student self-assessment Oral questioning Peer assessment

Quiz Student presentation Written work and Verbal feedback


Land Sea Air

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