Clockwork Kingdom Ruleset

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OBJECTIVE To have obtained the most VP at the end of the game (9 rounds) (p.

PREPARATION (pp.2-3) Each player:
- Takes a Player Mat
- Takes 17 workers and 11 military tokens of their chosen colour
- Place 5 Automatons in their Worker Pool. The rest are placed off to the side.
(!)First player chosen at random; then, in clockwise order, place a military token on top of the statue above
the spaces in 8. King’s Park. ! This is the turn order for setup and first round ONLY.
BOARD SET-UP 1. Remove the 4 Warehouse Schematics from its deck, and place them in a stack next to 5 shuffled
Schematics face up above the top of the board. Each player may only take one Warehouse during the
2.Shuffle the Production Facility deck and place a 12-card stack face down in 7.Factory. Then flip the first
card face up.
3.Shuffle the Ruins Card deck and place the stack face down in 4.Ruins.
2 Player Game: Remove 3+ and 4+ cards from the Schematic Deck and cover up with a colour not in
play the 2 Random Spaces in the market, the last 2 spaces in the Workshop, University and the 3 space
in King’s park, the 5 spaces in The Temple of Vapori and The Sea of Verne. Covered spots won’t be used.

3 Player Game: Remove 4+ cards from the Schematic Desk. Cover up the 2 random spaces in the
market, the 2 end spaces in Kings Park, all 5 spaces in the Temple of Vapori and the last space of each
remaining Battlefield. Covered spots won’t be used.

PLACES 1. Market: Buy resources.

Two types of places: If Alchemist, even if there is no spot available, you can always take a random position.
a) Those who are ordered 1-5 (follow that order 2. Alchemy Lab: You fight against other players to get an alchemist’s stone.
player-wise) If Alchemist, and you win the challenge, you may get two.
b) Those who have no limit of characters and thus 3. Workshop: Choose one of these two actions:
the player that has more points in that area wins a) Take a Schematics.
the control over the resource. b) Build a Schematic you already had in your yard.
NB: Every turn has a placement phase and a If Professor, you may perform both in your turn.
resolution phase. Place your workers in whichever If Artificier, you may pay one less resource of your choice to build your schematic.
order you want, but solve the areas in numerical If not all cards have been taken, then discard them and add new ones.
order. 4. Ruins: Fight against other players to get the top card. Max. 4 ruins cards in hand.
5. Battle for the Kingdom (a,b,c,d): Place your workers in the spots and place a military token besides
them. This will be resolved after turns 3, 6 and 9.
6. University: Place in numerical order and after resolving the turn, you get the profession of your
If Professor, you can choose whichever spot regardless of the order.
7. Factory: The player who has the majority, gets the card on top.
8. King’s Park: This spot is for deciding the order of the next turn. If any of you didn’t place a worker
here, then a random resource is added to the spot, apart from the already existing bonus.
1. Get 5 Automatons at the beginning of each turn. Obtain temporary
workers. Obtain any resources that apply.
2. Place your workers wherever you want (following numerical order if
3. Solving each place 1-8 EXCEPT 5 (these will be resolved in turns 3, 6
and 9)
4. End of the turn. Discard your temporary workers.
*In the first turn, the order of players is chosen at random.

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