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Sage Robbins 

What are the biological needs of adolescent's 


Our first project this year in biology class was our infographic project. 
This project needed to relate to adolescents in any way. We portrayed our 
project to our society by making refined infographics on the website vengage 
I personally feel this project was important because we as kids are currently 
adolescents. So after this project I learned a lot more about what I need to do 
to be a healthy adolescent. We needed to research the brain during the 
beginning of the project and one of our first assignments was an infographic. 
This infographic had to correlate to the brain and was mostly just a learning 
experiment. Then we started to brainstorm ideas for our final infographic and 
it just needed to relate to adolescents in any way. I then began researching 
depression in adolescents and realized that it would be a very interesting and 
great topic. This project was also very important to me because it taught me 
how to make a great infographic that is engaging and interesting towards 

I experienced a ton of challenges during this project. One of the huge 

ones was having to make my first infographic three times because it wasn't 
good enough. This all happened on the last day when we were making them 
and I was so stressed that my final. The outcome wasn't the best that it could 
have been. I didn't just have to change my information I also had to change 
my templates and visual aspects of the infographic. In the end, after 
changing my infographic I don't know if it was for the best but I did 
experience refinement.  

My greatest success during this project was probably when I finished 

my final infographic because I was really proud and felt good about my work. 
This for me was a great moment because it was my first refined infographic 
that I liked. Although I did. need to refine my work a ton all of the hard effort 
paid off and now I have a great infographic for the exhibition. In the end, I 
learned how to make a visual and smart infographic that can educate 

I would start out by getting solid information that I could count on and 
having a welly refined topic that I felt comfortable about doing. Then I would 
pick a template that would visually represent my topic in the best possible 
way. Then I would put my information on my infographic in a very concise 
and unique way. I would also pick better pictures that are more interesting 
and engaging.  

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