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LESSON PLAN 10 LESSON: What do engineers do?

Teacher: Duaa Abdelrahman Ali Subject: English

Grade: 9 Unit: 3 Date: 3/11/2019

advanced 1


Students will be able to:

 Recognize the new vocabulary.

 Listen and identify the main points in simple text.
 Create sentences using the new vocabulary.
Link to prior learning: Students will need to be familiar with the following:

 Know some vocabulary (build, design, program, and computer).

 Describe pictures using past and present simple.
21st Century Skills: Students will be able to enhance the following skills :

 Critical thinking and problem solving when they will answer the oral questions.
 Communication and collaboration, when they work in groups, discuss and share their ideas.

Key vocabulary: Estimate, Whole Number, Rounding

Engineer, machine, engines, railways and bridges.

Common misconceptions for learners: Ways of identifying and addressing these

 Students might have some difficulties
to understand and pronounce the new  Use repetition
vocabulary correctly.  Provide definition and examples.

Resources/equipment needed:

Smart board, PowerPoint, pictures, learner book page (48) and workbook page (42).

Resources & Time Starter (10 minutes)

Teacher Will: Students Will:

 Greeting the students.  Greeting the teacher
5 Minutes  Present a picture of an  Describe what the picture and
engineer. guess the topic of the lesson.
 Ask student to describe the
picture and guess the topic of
the lesson.

Resources & Time Main activities (30 minutes)

Teacher Will: Students Will:

 Explain the new vocabulary  Listen to the teacher explanation.
30 Minutes by providing pictures,  Do activity one individually.
definitions and examples.  Do activity 3 in groups.
 Ask students to do activity  Finish on time.
one in the learner book
individually in which
students listen to an
interview with an engineer
who talks about what the
engineer do.
 Ask students to identify one
thing in each question that
the engineer does not talk
 Divide the students into 5
 Ask students to work as
groups to do activity 3 in the
learner book in which they
discuss the answers of some
questions (for example, is
engineering important?
Why? In which area do
engineers work?).
 Give them 3 minutes to
Differentiation activities (Support): Learners answer the easy questions
(questions that requires short answers). Provide an assistance from higher-
level students and the teacher.

Differentiation activities (Stretch): Ask these learners some challenging

questions that require critical thinking. Divide them into all groups to support
the lower-level students

Differentiation activities (Support): Use pictures and examples to explain

the new vocabulary.

Resources Plenary (5 minutes)

Teacher Will: Students Will:

10 Minutes  Ask the students to open their  Open their workbooks.

workbook on page (42) and  Work individually.
write at least to sentences in  Share their sentences.
each question individually (the  Listen to the teacher feedback.
same questions of activity 3).
 Allow the students to share
their answers with the teacher.
 Give them feedback.
Homework -

Learning styles catered for (✓):

Visual Auditory Read/Write Kinesthetic

Assessment for learning opportunities (✓):

Observation Student self- Oral questioning Peer assessment


Quiz Student presentation Written work and Verbal feedback

The topic of the lesson was "What do engineers do". I taught grade nine advanced section one
students and the lesson was in the classroom. The objectives were, to recognize the new
vocabulary, to listen, identify the main points in simple text and to create sentences using the new
vocabulary. At the beginning, I presented a picture to introduce the topic of the lesson. Then, I
began explaining the new vocabulary with providing some examples and pictures. After that, I
implemented some activities to check students understanding in each stage of the lesson. I believe
that I achieved my lesson objectives because at the end of the lesson, students were able to create
sentences using the new vocabulary that they have learned.

My strengths were first; I differentiated some activities like the oral questions according to
students' abilities in which all levels of students meet their needs. I asked the lower-level students
some closed questions unlike the higher-level students who were being asked some challenging
questions. Challenging cognitive questions boost students to analyze information using their prior
knowledge. (Simmonds, M. 2017). Additionally, they provide a valuable opportunity for them to
develop critical thinking skills (Simmonds, M. 2017). Second, I applied several questioning
strategies such as asking some "W" questions, closed and open questions. In addition, I used the
strategy of "No Calling Out", which provided for all students the opportunity to think and answer.
The idea of this strategy is giving the students a time after asking them the questions to think for
some time before responding. Questioning is enormously powerful tool that can be used in the
classroom to assess students' prior knowledge and check their understanding (Moss, P. 2019).

Unfortunately, I did not use students' names, I forgot to ask them to write their names and put
them on the tables so I can use them. Moreover, I did not use the repetition strategy because some
students had difficulties to pronounce the new vocabulary correctly. Hence, in my future lesson,
I will make sure to use students' names during the lessons. Furthermore, I will implement the
repetition strategy to help students memorizing the pronunciation of the new vocabulary.

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