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Phys. Educ. 53 (2018) 055010 (11pp)

Simulating Fraunhofer
diffraction of waves using
microsoft excel spreadsheet
I Singh1 , K Khun Khun1 and B Kaur2
  PG Department of Physics, Khalsa College, Amritsar 143005, India
  School of Mathematics, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala 147004,

E-mail:, and

Excel spreadsheets are used as an excellent tool in physics laboratory
experiments related to wave optics. This paper presents a simple way to
simulate diffraction of waves through a slit using Excel spreadsheets without
any tedious programming. These simulations are used to visualize the effect
of variation of different parameters such as number of slits, wavelength of
incoming light, slit width and slit separation on Fraunhofer diffraction pattern.

1. Introduction its use in numerous applications in the field of

Today sophisticated technological innovations data analysis, education, research and business
have greatly enhanced the teaching and learning industry.
of science, but the use of simple and interactive There are number of reports found in the lit-
teaching methods is still considered more benefi- erature which are devoted to different applications
cial in concept development for subjects such as of Excel [1–11]. Field [1] has used a spreadsheet
physics. Such methods help to induce better learn- to discuss Fraunhofer diffraction patterns pro-
ing in students and present science subjects in a duced by a single slit and a Young’s double slits
more interesting and fascinating way. Presenting arrangement. He also included the practical data
a physical concept through simulations is one into the same spreadsheet. Zaheer [7] has used
such method which can be easily implemented for Excel spreadsheets to demonstrate the formation
analyzing university/school courses of physics. of Lissajous figures, damped harmonic oscilla-
There are numerous softwares which are tor and wind speed distribution. Chandra [4] has
available for effective teaching of these courses discussed the motion of a charged particle in a
but MS Office Excel is one of the most simple magnetic field using 3D pictures prepared with
and cost effective software that can be used to cre- VPython and Excel controlled by Visual Basic.
ate simulations for several science and engineer- Tambade [5] has also discussed the motion of a
ing concepts. It is an easily accessible tool with charged particle under the simultaneous influence
simple cell based structure that can be effectively of electric and magnetic fields, through Excel
used by beginners. The analysis and interpretation simulations. Other reports related to the teaching
of results through an Excel spreadsheet is much of physics through simulations by Excel spread-
simpler and less time consuming due to minimal sheets include concepts on oscillators [6], waves
programming requirements which contributes to in general and their superposition [7], interference

1361-6552/18/055010+11$33.00 1 © 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd

I Singh et al

Figure 1.  Screenshot of the Excel spreadsheet programmed for single slit diffraction.

Table 1.  The various columns of the spreadsheet, terms used in diffraction equation (1), their description and
corresponding Excel commands used to obtain the data are represented in.
Excel command/values assigned
Column/cell Term Description to diffraction parameters
A θ Angle in degree −J$4 to  +  K$4 increment in θ
with step of M$4
B θ Angle in radian RADIANS(A2)
C δ = (πa sin θ)/λ  Half of the phase difference (PI() * N$2 * SIN(B2))/M$2
between the first and last wave
from the two ends of a single slit
D  sin δ 2 Diffraction term IFERROR(((SIN(C2))/C2)^2,1)a
E ∆ = (πb sin θ)/λ   Half of the phase difference (PI() * O$2 * SIN(B2))/M$2
between resultant waves from
successive slits
F sin (N∆) Numerator of interference term SIN(L$2 * E2)
G N sin (∆) Denominator of interference L$2 * SIN(E2)
H sin(N∆) Interference term IFERROR((F2/G2)^2,1)a
sin ∆
I sin δ 2 sin(N∆) N slit diffraction pattern J$2 * D2 * H2 * (K$2^2)
I0 δ sin ∆

J2 I0 Intensity 10
J4 θi Starting angle Say (−90°)
K2 N Number of slits 1, 2, 3...100
K4 Θf Final angle Say (90°)
L2 λ Wavelength 5.00  ×  10−5 (cm)
L4 Number of step Steps between θi to θf 1000
M2 A Slit width 0.002 (cm)
M4 Step height Increment in θ at each step (K$4  −  J$4)/L$4
N2 b Inter slit spacing 0.008 (cm)
 sin δ 
IFERROR function returns a custom result when a formula for δ when δ  =  0 generates an error. In such case it returns
the value equal to 1 for the formula.

September 2018 2 Phys. Educ. 53 (2018) 055010

Simulating Fraunhofer diffraction of waves using microsoft excel spreadsheet
and diffraction [8], relative kinematics [9] and
Fourier analysis [10, 11] etc. I0 N λ (cm) a (cm) b (cm)
This paper presents a systematic way to teach 10 1 5.00 × 10–5 0.002 0.008
details of Fraunhofer diffraction by program- 8
ming an Excel spreadsheet. The visualization
of concepts of diffraction through an Excel pro-

gram goes a long way in removing the traditional
teaching and learning difficulties. The paper com-
prises a summary of the theory of diffraction and
the details of Excel commands used to simulate
phenom­enon of diffraction. The discussion there- 0
after includes the explanation of diffraction based
–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6
on the graphical results.
θ (degree)

2.  Theory of diffraction Figure 2.  Single slit diffraction pattern.

The phenomenon of diffraction is clear evidence
of the wave nature of light. It occurs when waves difference between the resultant waves from suc-
pass through an aperture with a width comparable cessive slits.
to that of the wavelength of light. The theory of The first term in square brackets is referred to
diffraction with reference to near field and far as the ‘diffraction term’ which gives the intensity
field irradiance of the aperture i.e. Fresnel and distribution produced by a single slit, and the sec-
Fraunhofer diffraction, respectively, has already ond term in square brackets is referred to as the
been developed and worked upon well [12]. The ‘interference term’ which represents the interfer-
studies have shown that prominent visual effects ence produced by N point sources. However, the
of diffraction in the form of Fraunhofer patterns diffraction modulates the interference effects due
are obtained only in case of far field irradiance of to which the maxima and minimas of the interfer-
the aperture with light in comparison to the near ence pattern will be contained within the diffrac-
field where the irradiance pattern is simple and tion envelop. This occurs because the diffraction
does not reveal much. So, in order to provide bet- fringes have greater spread than the interference
ter insight into the phenomenon and reinforce the fringes [12].
physical concept behind the theory of Fraunhofer Analysis of equation  (1) shows that as θ
diffraction we have exploited Microsoft Excel changes, δ, Δ and I also changes. Thus, the inten-
spreadsheets for better learning outcomes for sity varies as the diffraction angle ‘θ’ changes.
students. The principal characteristics of the resultant pat-
tern are given as follows.
According to equation  (1) the intensity
2.1.  Fraunhofer diffraction at N slits in the resultant diffraction pattern will be
The general equation for intensity distribution in maximum at points where sin (N∆)/sin ∆
case of Fraunhofer diffraction at N parallel slits is maximum. This condition is satis-
each of width a and slit separation b, for incident fied when sin ∆ approaches zero. Hence
wavelength λ, is given by [13] ∆ = mπ where m  =  0, ±1, ±2,… As
 ∆ = [π(a + b) sin θ]/λ  , the condition of
 2   2 
sin δ sin (N∆) maximum intensity becomes
I(θ) = I0
(1) ,
δ sin ∆
(a + b) sin θ = mλ.
where θ is the diffraction angle, I0 is the inten-
sity in the θ = 0◦ direction, δ = (πa sin θ)/λ This equation  gives the various directions
is half of the phase difference between the first corresponding to m  =  0, ±1, ±2,… in
and last wave from the two ends of a single slit. which the resultant intensity is maximum
∆ = [π(a + b) sin θ]/λ is the half of the phase i.e. I = I0 N 2. As the value of N is very large

September 2018 3 Phys. Educ. 53 (2018) 055010

I Singh et al

Figure 3.  Screenshot of Excel spreadsheet programmed for double slit diffraction.

I0 N λ (cm) a (cm) b (cm)

10 2 5.00 × 10–5 0.002 0.008
0.8 0.8 I0 N λ (cm) a (cm) b (cm)

10 2 5.00 × 10–5 0.002 0.008


0.4 0.4

–10 –5 0 5 10
–15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15

Figure 5.  Plot of interference term of equation (1) for
N  =  2.
Figure 4.  Plot of diffraction term of equation (1) for
N  =  2.

thus we get very intense maxima’s called I0 N λ (cm) a (cm) b (cm)

10 2 5.00 × 10–5 0.002 0.008
principal maxima [12–14].
The intensity minima’s in the N slit diffrac-
tion pattern according to equation  (1) are
located at points where sin(N∆) = 0. This

condition is satisfied for

N∆ = nπ 0

where ‘n’ is any integer excluding 0, N, –4 0 4

2N,.... θ (degree)
Hence the condition for secondary minima
becomes Figure 6.  Double slit diffraction pattern.

September 2018 4 Phys. Educ. 53 (2018) 055010

Simulating Fraunhofer diffraction of waves using microsoft excel spreadsheet

Figure 7.  Screenshot of the Excel spreadsheet programmed for N  =  3 slits diffraction.

λ 2λ (N − 1)λ
(a + b) sin θ = ± , ± , ... ± . I0 N λ (cm) a (cm) b (cm)
80 10 3 5.00 × 10–5 0.002 0.008
(ii) The condition for first secondary minimum
after the pth principal maxima is [12]

(a + b) sin(θp + dθ) = pλ + λ/N,

where p  =  0, ±1, ±2, ±3 and these minima

occurs on both sides of the principal maxima. 0
There will be N  −  1 secondary minima
between two successive maxima [12]. –4 –2 0 2 4
Between adjacent principal maxima, there θ (degree)
occurs N  −  2 weak secondary maxima.
Figure 8.  Triple slit diffraction pattern.

3.  Results and discussion 2  

sin δ
Fraunhofer diffraction can be studied by program- I(θ) = I0
(6) .
ming an Excel spreadsheet. The screenshot of the
spreadsheet used to run the program for N  =  1 is The corresponding data of θ (column A) versus I
shown in figure 1. The organization of the spread- (column I) obtained in the spreadsheet is plotted in
sheet to simulate diffraction equation (1) is struc- figure 2. The plot shows the variation in intensity as
tured in table 1. a function of diffraction angle θ in case of single slit.
For N  =  2, equation (1) reduces to the dou-
3.1.  Effect of N (number of slits) ble-slit pattern
For N  =  1, equation (1) reduces to single slit dif- sin δ 
(7) I(θ) = I0 (2 cos ∆) .
fraction pattern δ

September 2018 5 Phys. Educ. 53 (2018) 055010

I Singh et al

Figure 9.  Screenshot of the Excel spreadsheet programmed for N  =  100 slits diffraction.

The screenshot of the Excel spreadsheet for the diffraction envelope while the number of visible
N  =  2 is shown in figure 3. The individual effect maxima and minima remains the same.
of δ and Δ on I(θ) is shown in figures  4 and 5,
respectively. The complete diffraction pattern can
be obtained by combining the results of diffrac- 3.3.  Effect of slit width
tion factor and the interference factor. The curve Figure 12 shows the effect of variation in slit
obtained represents the diffraction pattern of the width on the diffraction pattern obtained for
double slit is shown in figure 6. N  =  5. It is observed that a decrease in slit width
Figure 7 shows the simulated data in the broadens the diffraction envelope.
spreadsheet for N  =  3. The corresponding dif-
fraction pattern for the same is shown in fig-
ure  8. The pattern shows the presence of N  −  1 3.4.  Effect of variation in diffraction angle
secondary minima and N  −  2 secondary maxima
between two adjacent principle maxima. Figure 13 shows the effect of variation in dif-
Figure 9 shows the screenshot of the Excel fraction angle on diffraction pattern obtained for
spreadsheet for N  =  100. The variation in diffrac- N  =  10. The figure shows the diffraction pattern
tion pattern with the increase in number of slits for slit width (0.000 002 cm) and slit spacing
is shown in figure 10. The pattern reveals that the (0.000008 cm). It is observed that a decrease in
principal maxima becomes sharper and narrower slit width broadens the diffraction envelope com-
with a change in number of slits from 5 to 100. pared to one obtained in figure 10 for broader slit
It is worth noting that the secondary maxima are width/spacing. So, in order to view the complete
no longer visible due to the significant reduction fringe pattern we have to increase the range of
in intensity. diffraction angle. Figure 13(a) shows the typical
diffraction pattern for N  =  10 in diffraction angle
range  −5°–5°. With further increase in diffraction
3.2.  Effect of wavelength angle range to  −50°–50° and  −90°–90°, one can
Figure 11 shows the effect of the decrease of locate maximum number of fringes as observed
wavelength on the double slit diffraction pattern. in figures  13(b) and (c), respectively. Keeping
The decrease in wavelength narrows down the all the other parameters fixed if we increase only

September 2018 6 Phys. Educ. 53 (2018) 055010

Simulating Fraunhofer diffraction of waves using microsoft excel spreadsheet

–4 –2 0 2 4

243 N=5
I0 λ (cm) a (cm) b (cm)
10 5.00 × 10–5 0.002 0.008


990 N = 10


Ι (intensity)

24 300 N = 50

16 200


99 000 N = 100

66 000

33 000

–4 –2 0 2 4
θ (degree)

Figure 10.  Effect of number of slits (N) slits on the diffraction pattern.

September 2018 7 Phys. Educ. 53 (2018) 055010

I Singh et al

40 I0 N a (cm) b (cm)
10 2 0.002 0.008

20 λ = 8 × 10–5 cm

40 λ = 4 × 10–5 cm


40 λ = 2 × 10–5 cm


–4 –2 0 2 4
θ (degree)

Figure 11.  Effect of the wavelength on the double slit diffraction pattern.

September 2018 8 Phys. Educ. 53 (2018) 055010

Simulating Fraunhofer diffraction of waves using microsoft excel spreadsheet

–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6

243 a = 0.002 cm I0 N λ (cm) b (cm)

10 5 5.00 × 10–5 0.008


a = 0.0008 cm


Ι (intensity)

243 a = 0.0005 cm



243 a = 0.0002 cm



–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6
θ (degree)

Figure 12.  Effect of slit width on N  =  5 slit diffraction pattern.

September 2018 9 Phys. Educ. 53 (2018) 055010

I Singh et al

–120 –80 –40 0 40 80 120


660 I0 N λ (cm) a (cm) b (cm)

10 10 5.00 × 10–5 2 × 10–5 8 × 10–5
330 θi θf No. of steps Step height
–5 5 1000 0.01

990 (b)

660 θi θf N
–50 50 10
Ι (intensity)

θi θf N
330 –90 90 10

9.90 × 106

6.60 × 106
θi θf N

3.30 × 106 –90 90 1000


–120 –80 –40 0 40 80 120

θ (degree)

Figure 13.  Effect of diffraction angle on the fringe pattern.

the number of slits N  =  1000 we get very sharp programming language. The analysis made in this
fringes in the field of view. This all suggests that study helps analyze the effects of various param­
for very small slit width/spacing we have a large eters such as number of slits, slit width, wavelength
angle diffraction pattern. and diffraction angle on the diffraction pattern.

4. Conclusions
The authors would like to acknowledge the assis-
Learning diffraction of waves using MS Office tance of Principal Khalsa College Amritsar, India
Excel spreadsheets is one of most effective ways for their encouragement and continuous support.
to analyze the concept of diffraction. The N slit
diffraction can be easily simulated and presented
in the Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet can be ORCID iDs
programmed without knowledge of any particular I Singh

September 2018 10 Phys. Educ. 53 (2018) 055010

Simulating Fraunhofer diffraction of waves using microsoft excel spreadsheet
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Accepted for publication 19 June 2018 Physics (Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House) p 193
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