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Guidance Philosophy By Lois Walters

When asked what my philosophy is on raising children, my first thought is: Let them be kids! Let them
play, let them explore, let them learn, let them create, let them love, let them grow, let them make
mistakes, let them learn from those mistakes and let them experience life in a way only a child can
experience life. Childhood is about learning new things, figuring things out, finding new ways. It’s about
everything from the magic of new adventures to figuring out how to handle what life throws at you.
Everything a child needs to learn can be learned through play. In fact, that is the best way for them to
learn. As Mr. Rogers once said: “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But
for children, play IS serious learning.” A child needs to experience things over and over again; and that
includes mistaken behaviors. Sometimes they may need to repeat the behavior multiple times in order
to learn a better way of handling it.

As a teacher, it is my job to guide them and teach them a better and more appropriate way to handle
each situation as it comes up. When you choose to use guidance instead of punishment for mistaken
behaviors, the mistaken behaviors become fewer and further between. Instead of punishing them for
the behavior, teach them how to change the behavior. Work together with the families and other
teachers to get to the bottom of the behavior and to build a support system to ensure that each child
receives the maximum benefit; and can move on in life with a good foundation to grow on. Guidance is
not only about teaching children how to appropriately handle specific behaviors; but it also includes
setting up the environment in a way that encourages growth and development, challenges the children
and therefor lowers the amount of mistaken behaviors that occur in the classroom. It is my
responsibility to love and encourage and lead by example. A child isn’t out to be “bad.” They are just
learning and figuring out life.

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