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The Faroese Alphabet:

Aa [ɛa] — a, also ‘fyrra a’ [fɪɹ:a ɛa].

Áá [ɔa] — á.
Bb [beɛ] — be.
Dd [deɛ] — de.
Ðð [ɛd̥:] — edd.
Ee [eɛ] — e.
Ff [ɛf:] — eff.
Gg [ɡeɛ] — ge.
Hh [hɔa] — há.
Ii [i] — i, also ‘fyrra i’ [fɪɹ:a i].
Íí [ʊi] — í, also ‘fyrra í’ [fɪɹ:a ʊi].
Jj [jɔd̥:] — jodd.
Kk [khɔa] — ká.
Ll [ɛlˠ:] — ell.
Mm [ɛm:] — emm.
Nn [ɛn:] — enn.
Oo [oɔ] — o.
Óó [ɔu] — ó.
Pp [pheɛ] — pe.
Rr [ɛɹ:] — err.
Ss [ɛs:] — ess.
Tt [theɛ] — te.
Uu [u] — u.
Úú [ʉu] — ú.
Vv [veɛ] — ve.
Yy [saɪ̯d̥na i] — seinna i.
Ýý [saɪ̯d̥na ʊi] — seinna í.
Ææ [saɪ̯d̥na ɛa] — seinna a.
Øø [øœ] — ø.
EIei [ai] — ei.
EYey [ɛi] — ey.
OYoy [ɔi] — oy.

Note: the letter r in Faroese is realized as an alveolar approximant. Its corresponding IPA symbol
[ɹ] is often also used to represent a postalveolar approximant, as in the American English
realization of the same letter. These are however, two different sounds, and Faroese uses the
alveolar approximant realization.

Faroese Vowels & Diphthongs:

A - [ɛa] when long, or [a] when short.

Á - [ɔa] when long, or [ɔ] when short.

E - [eɛ] when long, or [ɛ] when short.

I - [i] when long, or [ɪ] when short.

Í - [ʊi] when long, or [ʊɪ̯] when short.

O - [oɔ] when long, or [ɔ] when short.

Ó - [ɔu] when long, or [œ] when short.

U - [u] when long, or [ʊ] when short.

Ú - [ʉu] when long, or [ʏ] when short.

Y - [i] when long, or [ɪ] when short.

Ý - [ʊi] when long, or [ʊɪ̯] when short.

Æ - [ɛa] when long, or [a] when short.

Ø - [øœ] when long, or [œ] when short.

Ei - [ai] when long, or [aɪ̯] when short.

Ey - [ɛi] when long, or [ɛ] when short.

Oy - [ɔi] when long, or [ɔɪ̯] when short.

Note: the breve underneath ɪ̯ denotes an extra short duration.

Personal Pronouns:
● Eg [eɛ] - I
● Tú [tʉu] - You
● Hann [han] - He
Hon [hoɔn] - She
Tað [tɛa] - It
● Vit [vit] - We
● Tit [thit] - You (pl.)
● Teir [thaiɹ] - They (m.)
Tær [thɛaɹ] - They (f.)
Tey [thɛi] - They (n.)

At vera [ɛat ve:əɹa] (to be)


● Eg eri [eɛɹɪ] - I am
● Tú ert [ɛʂʈ] - You are
● Hann er [eɛɹ] - He is
Hon er [eɛɹ] - She is
Tað er [eɛɹ] - It is
● Vit eru [eɛɹʊ] - We are
● Tit eru [eɛɹʊ] - You (pl.) are
● Teir eru [eɛɹʊ] - They (m.) are
Tær eru [eɛɹʊ] - They (f.) are
Tey eru [eɛɹʊ] - They (n.) are


● Eg var [vɛaɹ] - I was

● Tú vart [vaʂʈ] - You were
● Hann var [vɛaɹ] - He was
Hon var [vɛaɹ] - She was
Tað var [vɛaɹ] - It was
● Vit vóru [vɔuɹʊ] - We were
● Tit vóru [vɔuɹʊ] - You (pl.) were
● Teir vóru [vɔuɹʊ] - They (m.) were
Tær vóru [vɔuɹʊ] - They (f.) were
Tey vóru [vɔuɹʊ] - They (n.) were

Cardinal Numbers:

1 - Eitt [aɪ̯ht:]
2 - Tvey [tvɛi]
3 - Trý [tɹʊi]
4 - Fýra [fʊiɹa]
5 - Fimm [fɪm]
6 - Seks [sɛks]
7 - Sjey [ʃɛi]
8 - Átta [ɔht:a]
9 - Nýggju [nʊd͡ʒ:ʏ]
10 - Týggju [thʊd͡ʒ:ʏ]

Sample Phrases:

A boy eats an apple.

Ein drongur etur eitt súrepli.

The boy eats the apple.

Drongurin etur súreplið.

I like to go for a walk.

Mær dámar at ganga túr.

You are from the Faroe Islands.

Tú ert úr Føroyum.

You are Faroese.

Tú ert Føroyingur.

I speak English fluently.

Eg tosi flótandi enskt.

Hi. How are you?

Hey. Hvussu gongur?

I study Linguistics at University.

Eg lesi málfrøði á fróðskaparsetrinum (Faroese).
Eg lesi lingvistik á universitetinum (Dano-Faroese).

He lives with his boyfriend/girlfriend.

Hann býr saman við sjeikinum/damuni.

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