BA5014 Entrepreneurship Development

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Anna University MBA Important Questions for Semester Examination
Unit I
1. Discuss the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur.
2. a) ‟Entrepreneurship as a Career‟- comment this statement b) Highlight the Qualities of

3. Discuss the knowledge & skills of Entrepreneur with neat sketch
4. Elaborate the Concept of Entrepreneurial Personality with examples.
Unit II
1. What is the Role of Government in Supporting Entrepreneurship? – Explain.
2. Describe the importance of entrepreneurship development training.

3. i) What are the roles played by family for entrepreneur development? ii) What are the
Loans available for starting Industrial venture in India?
4. Discuss and evaluate the factors affecting entrepreneurship.

5. List out phases of EDPs.
Unit III
1. Explain the sources of product for business and criteria for selection of product.
2. Explain the Classification of Ownership Structure.
3. Discuss about the feasibility report preparation and evaluation criteria for business plan.
4. Discuss various factors that affect entrepreneurial growth.
Unit IV
1. What are the Marketing Strategies involved in Entrepreneurship?

2. What are the factors influencing channel selection?

3. Write a detail notes on Distribution methods. What criteria to be used to select channel
of distribution?
4. What are the important steps to be followed to start business? Write its merits and

Unit V
1. What are the guidelines given by RBI related to Entrepreneurship?
2. What are the Governmental measures to combat industrial sickness?

3. What are the signals and causes in industrial sickness?

4. Explain Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal and External Evaluations.
5. Explain the role of Central Government & State Government in promoting

Entrepreneurship in India

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