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2013-2019 Iloilo City

Comprehensive Development
Plan (CDP)

I am Iloilo, proud to be Ilonggo.

under the leadership of

City Mayor Jed Patrick E. Mabilog

December 2013
City Planning and Development Office
2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS


Urbanization Challenges in Iloilo City 2

Need for Harmonized and CCCA/DRR-Resilient Development 2

Plans and Programs and Work Partnerships

The 2013-2019 CDP as basis for Annual Development Plans 3

and Investment Programs

The 2013-2019 CDP as basis for the 2013-2016 Executive 3

Legislative Agenda


Analysis of Urban Issues and Problems 5

Multi-Stakeholder Assessment through the City Departments and 5

the Iloilo City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council

Sectoral Assessment through the Local Government Performance 6

Monitoring System

Climate Change Vulnerability Adaptation Assessment and 6

Mainstreaming of the DRR and CCA into the CDP

Urban Issues and Problems 7

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) 8

SWOT Matrix 8

Strategies 10


2013-2019 Development Framework 13

Regional Planning through the Metro Iloilo-Guimaras Economic 14

Development Council

Urban Development through the City Development Strategy 15

(CDS) Framework

Iloilo City Planning and Development Office, December 2013

2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS


Urbanization Challenges in Iloilo City 17

City Vision 17
Vision and Charter Statement 17

Goals, Objectives, Targets and Work Strategies 17

Goals, Objectives and Targets 18
Work Strategies 19

Harmonized Programs, Projects and Activities 20

Harmonized Sectoral Programs, Projects and Activities 21

Chapter 5: ANNEXES 31

Annex A: Executive Order No. 56 series of 2013 32

Annex B: Work Schedule 33

Iloilo City Planning and Development Office, December 2013

2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION

Urbanization Challenges in Iloilo City

Need for Harmonized and CCCA/DRR-Resilient Development Plans and Programs and
Work Partnerships

The 2013-2019 CDP as basis for Annual Development Plans and Investment Programs

The 2013-2019 CDP as basis for the 2013-2016 Executive Legislative Agenda

Iloilo City Planning and Development Office, December 2013 1

2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION

Urbanization Challenges in Iloilo City

From Premier City to Queen City of the Philippines

As the realization of the vision to make Iloilo City a Premier City by 2015 draws near, current
efforts by both the city government and its empowered citizenry are now directed towards
making the city the country’s Queen City that carries at the minimum, the basic attributes of a
Premier City (with the 14 parameters) and the added environmental stability and urban
conveniences of climate change and disaster risk adaptability and resilience, sustainability,
livability, and vibrance of an urban metropolis. The City Government of Iloilo under the
leadership of Mayor Jed Patrick E. Mabilog will continue to play important roles in meeting the
city population’s basic needs as it continues to work towards making Iloilo City become more
than just a premier city by 2015 but be a Queen City that will be known also for its beauty,
caring and nurturing qualities. Foundation for such a work direction was started for the past
three (3) years through the 2011-2013 Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) and will
continue through the six-year 2013-2019 Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP).

In partnership with the private, civic, academic, professional and business sectors, Iloilo City is
now intensifying programs, projects and activities that address urbanization and the problems
associated with it. It is responding to the problems on in-migration, blight, sprawl, environmental
stress, low economic productivity, slum area expansion, unemployment, underemployment,
inadequate basic services and vulnerabilities to climate change impacts and disaster risks.

Need for Harmonized and Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction-Resilient
Development Plans and Programs and Work Partnerships

In order to address such development challenges and targets, Iloilo City drew up bold
development plans and programs and work partnerships for harmonized investments in
economic development, social development, environmental management and good
governance. In an urban setting where much of government’s basic services are not only
inadequate but also vulnerable to climate change hazards and disaster risks, it is important for
such plans, programs and partnerships to focus not only on efficient and well-programmed local
economic development, poverty reduction, and good urban governance but more importantly
also climate change and disaster risk adaptation and resilience.

The city administration recognizes the importance of coordination and harmonization of work
plans, programs and structures. It charts its medium term development with careful regard to
avoiding overlapping work strategies and wasteful investment duplications. The 2013-2019 CDP
is designed with a clear view of the city’s existing and on-going development plans, programs
and partnerships and will work by anchoring and harmonizing with the following:

Development Plans and Programs

1. United Nations Medium Development Goals (UN MDG)

2. PNoy’s social Contract with the Filipino People
3. 2011-2016 Philippine Development Plan
4. 2011-2016 Western Visayas Medium-Term Development Plan
5. 2011-2020 Iloilo City Comprehensive Land Use Plan

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2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION

6. 2013-2023 Iloilo-Batiano River Development Master Plan

7. MIGEDC Roadmap 2015

Work Partnerships

2. Cities Alliance
3. City Development Initiatives for Asia (CDIA)
4. City Development Strategies (CDS)
5. Metro Iloilo-Guimaras Economic Development Council (MIGEDC)

The 2013-2019 CDP as basis for Development Plans and Investment Programs

As the city’s guide in comprehensive urban development for the next six years, the 2013-2019
CDP is the basis for the city’s Annual Development Plan (ADP), Local Development Investment
Program (LDIP) and Annual Investment Program (AIP). As provided in the DILG-DOF/BLG-
DBM-NEDA Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1 s-2007, LGUs’ Comprehensive Development
Plans (CDP) shall be made the anchor of such annual component plans as the city’s Annual
Development Plan and Annual Investment Program. More importantly also it shall contain the
2013-2016 Local Development Investment Program which defines a three-year investment
program that shall finance the implementation of the 2013-2019 CDP.

The 2013-2019 CDP as basis for the 2013-2016 Executive-Legislative Agenda

In consonance with the DILG Manual on the preparation of Executive Legislative Agenda (ELA),
the 2013-2019 CDP is a key ingredient in the preparation of the ELA. With its identified
development issues, analyses of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, objectives,
strategies and programs, projects and activities, the 2013-2019 CDP sets the tone for the
Sangguniang Panlungsod to identify legislative measures that shall help actualize planned
strategies, programs, projects and activities.

As basis for the 2013-2016 ELA, the CDP shall mainly provide for the following:

1. unified vision, mission, goals and objectives towards Premier cityhood by 2015 and beyond
as Queen City
2. enabling the City Mayor and the SP to identify and prioritize urban issues and problems
3. ensuring the resilience and adaptability of the city to climate change and disaster risks
4. helping the city government of Iloilo explore innovative doable solutions
5. improved implementation of priority programs by the executive department and more
responsive legislations by the Sangguniang Panlungsod
6. speeding up the implementation of priority programs, projects and activities

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2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 2 ANALYSIS OF SITUATION


Analysis of Urban Issues and Problems

Multi-Stakeholder Assessment through the City Departments and the Iloilo City Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Council

Sectoral Assessment through the Local Government Performance Monitoring System

Climate Change Vulnerability Adaptation Assessment and Mainstreaming of the DRR

and CCA into the CDP
Urban Issues and Problems

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT)

SWOT Matrix


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2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 2 ANALYSIS OF SITUATION

Analysis of Urban Issues and Problems

Multi-Stakeholder Assessment through the City Departments and the City Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Council

Current urban issues and problems were initially generated by the City Planning and
Development Office from the multi-sectoral consultations made by Mayor Jed Mabilog with
barangay leaders, city officials and city residents. From his weekly Executive Meetings,
barangay pulong-pulongs, meetings with District Association of Barangay Captains and other
multi-stakeholder focus group discussions with the business, academic, youth, church, urban
poor and other marginalized groups, Mayor Jed Mabilog was able to identify initial priority
development problems and solutions at both the city and barangay levels.

During the initial preparations for the revision of the 1998-2010 Iloilo City comprehensive Land
Use Plan under the last term of then City Mayor Jerry P. Treñas, there was a multi-stakeholder
planning workshop that was conducted to identify issues relevant to each of the development
sectors. The identified issues were then subjected to a second round of assessment, review
and validation during the public hearing conducted on July 5, 2011 during the first term of Mayor
Jed Mabilog. The public hearing further updated the list of urban issues as well as the city’s
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

In April 26, 2013, the 2011-2020 Iloilo City Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning
Ordinance was finally approved by the HLURB through Board Resolution No. 898, S-2013
dated April 26, 2013. This came after the Regional Land Use Committee (RLUC) VI passed
Resolution No. 2012-398, series of 2012 which approved and recommended the eventual
HLURB approval of the city’s CLUP. This three-year CDP culled its list of urban issues and
problems from the ten-year CLUP.

The identification of Issues and problems as well as the identified strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats (SWOT) were also solicited from the various city departments and
offices during the Executive Meeting held last September 11, 2013. With the help of the Atty.
Ferdinand Panes, DILG City Director, the gathering of these data was explained as a very
important baseline information in drawing up work strategies for the city’s 2013-2016
Comprehensive Development Plan.

In September 12, 2013, Mayor Mabilog issued a memorandum to all department heads and
chiefs of offices and directed them to submit their respective inputs on urban issues and
problems and SWOT for the 2013-2016 CDP. Relative to this, Mayor Mabilog issued Executive
Order No. 56, Series of 2013 In September 17, 2013, which reconstituted the planning team and
sectoral committees for the preparation of the 2013-2016 Comprehensive Development Plan.
The planning team is made up largely of city government department heads working on the
city’s various development sectors.

For a period of three weeks the City Planning and Development Office were able to gather key
outputs from the target sources which were based on planning workshops undertaken with their
respective stakeholders which included community residents, barangay officials, barangay work
volunteers, office field coordinators, city officials, civil society volunteers, NGOs and
representatives of national line agencies.

Sometime in September 2013 a three-day workshop was conducted by the Office of Civil
Defense with the Iloilo City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (ICDRRMC) with

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local stakeholders to further identify issues and SWOT attributes of the city through the lens of
climate change and disaster risks. This workshop mirrored the same issues and problems as
well as the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats identified previously by the CLUP
revision and the City Mayor’s multi-stakeholder planning workshops. It only improved with the
added inputs on the climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction management.

Sectoral Assessment through the Local Government Performance Monitoring System

The analysis of the city’s situation was also based on the city’s 2012 State of Local Governance
Report (SLGR) which is the latest recorded self-assessment of the city’s performance in terms
of its development on the five (5) performance areas, namely: Administrative Governance,
Social Governance, Economic Governance, Environmental Governance, and Valuing
Fundamentals of Governance. The assessment was undertaken through the Local Government
Performance Monitoring System (LGPMS) which is being supervised by the DILG VI. The
system also rates the city’s governance and service delivery performance according to the
areas of Input (Performance), Output (Productivity) and Outcome (State of Development).

Iloilo City used the LGPMS as an assessment tool which facilitated the evaluation of its overall
performance in 2012 and continues to use it in determining excellent performance areas and
improving badly performed areas. These so-called critical areas are found in the State of Local
Governance Performance (Input/Output) and in the State of Local Development (Output).

Data entry in the Local Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS) refers to the
data gathered from the different departments/offices and being transferred into the on-line Data
Capture Form web based system. The accomplished LGPMS DCF results are sent back to the
different city departments and offices for individual validation, comments and recommendations
before a technical conference is called for collective validation and refinements last March 2013
for the final results of the 2012 Iloilo City State of Local Governance Report to be submitted to
the Department of Interior Local government (DILG) for compliance.

The DCF of 2012 LGPMS results show two (2) majors areas of concern, namely: the State of
Local Governance Performance (SLGP) and the State of local Development (SLD). There are
20 indicators for the State of Local Governance Performance and nine (9) indicators for the
State of Local Development. Two (2) indicators of the respective areas are not
applicable/available to the LGU of Iloilo City being a highly urbanized city which is Forest
Ecosystem and Freshwater Ecosystem Management.

The 2012 Iloilo City State of Local Governance Performance (SLGP) is the underlying capacity
of Iloilo City in terms of structure, policies, guidelines, administrative system, managerial
competencies, tools, facilities, equipment, financial resources and the availability and quality of
basic services delivered by the city in 2012. The City’s overall State of Local Governance
Performance (SLGP) averaging rating is 4 which is high. A general excellent rating of 5 in Social
Governance and Economic Governance, 4 in Administrative Governance Environmental
Governance and Valuing Fundamentals of Governance. A perfect scale of 5 denotes excellent
performance while a performance scales of 3 and 4 ratings are relatively high and there are
areas which can still be improved.

The State of Local Development (SLD) refers to the Socio-Economic and Environmental
conditions in a locality. The State of Local Development manifests the result of action in actions
of government and stakeholders sector and individual. The overall rating is fair (3.87) which
needs improvement in three (3) areas such as Environmental Development which is high at a

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rating of 4.22 while the Social Development which is fair at a rate of only 3.91 and Economic
Development which is also fair at a rate of only 3.5 and there are still areas which also need to
be improved.

Climate Change Vulnerability Adaptation Assessment and Mainstreaming of the DRR and
CCA into the CDP

Sectoral issues and concerns were also drawn up from two UNHabitat-assisted workshops that
were recently conducted with the city’s stakeholders. The City-Wide Consultation on the City’s
Climate Change Vulnerability Adaptation Assessment undertaken last November 11-12, 2013
and the CCA-DRR Mainstreaming in the CDP Workshop in November 20-22, 2013 resulted in a
list of climate change-related concerns and recommendations that stakeholders contributed for
the main purpose of improving the city’s resilience and adaptability to climate change and

The workshop on CCA and DRR mainstreaming was very useful in redesigning the draft CDP
into a more useful plan document that now has a climate change lens in all the issues, vision,
objectives, and PPAs presented in the various development sectors.

Urban Issues and Problems

As a result of the various consultations and planning workshops made, the following issues and
problems in accordance with their development sectors and the LGPMS parameters were
identified and now forms part of the 2013-2016 Comprehensive Development Plan of Iloilo City:

Economic Development


1. limited financial resources of the city government

2. low productivity, rising unemployment and underemployment
3. poor access by out-of-school-youth, women, differently-abled, senior citizens, urban poor
and other marginalized sectors to livelihood and income opportunities
4. inadequacy of infrastructure in the city


1. moderate dependency on the 20% IRA share

2. high cost and inadequate supply of power and water
3. high cost of urban land and rentable commercial spaces

Social Development


1. inadequacy of health service facilities, personnel, funding, supplies and equipment

2. persistence of Dengue and other diseases and illnesses
3. inadequacy of classrooms and other related facilities for public elementary and high schools
4. low completion and graduation rates especially among public high school students at
56.78% and 82.52% respectively

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5. growing criminality among out of school youths, street and urban working children and
mendicancy among atis and badjaos
6. huge number of informal settlements under slum and unsanitary conditions
7. deterioration of heritage structures and mass disregard for cultural preservation

Environmental Management


1. high coliform level in the coastal waters of Molo-Arevalo foreshores

2. poor water quality of estuarine, rivers, creeks and underground aquifers and streams
3. perennial flooding, inundation and stagnant water condition
4. air pollution from motor vehicle
5. inadequacy of potable water supply

Governance and Administration

1. persistence of some overlapping and redundant barangay projects
2. poor quality and quantity of basic services due to limited logistics and resources
3. poor organizational work structures for work targets and deadlines
4. poor coordination in the construction of city and barangay projects
5. laxity in the implementation of plans and enforcement of policies, ordinances and issuances
6. lack of plans/programs for sidewalk vendors and other similar special groups
7. low revenue from investments on relocation sites
8. poor drainage system and other urban renewal initiatives
9. inadequacy of in-house facilities and equipment for protective and emergency response

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT)

Based on the 2011-2020 Iloilo City Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the various multi-
stakeholder meetings of the mayor, the summarized listings drawn from the city’s departments
and offices per Memorandum Order No. 139, series 2013 and the Iloilo City DRRM Planning
workshop conducted by the Iloilo City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, the
following SWOTs were identified:

Table 1. SWOT Matrix

1. presence of strong 1. inadequate number of 1. existence of supportive 1. existence of some poor
political will by Mayor permanent city private sector and civil and deteriorating
Jed Patrick Mabilog and personnel society (NGOs, POs, infrastructure and urban
the SP (focusing on 2. practice of detailing church, academe, amenities
bureaucratic reforms for personnel to other urban poor, business, 2. climate change,
improved service offices professional and civic geologic hazards and
delivery and good urban 3. inadequacy of vehicles groups, etc.) other risks (i.e.
governance for key field works (e.g. 2. existence of a drought, flooding,
2. existence of dynamic city pound van, zoning functional Regional storm surges, sea level
and supportive inspection, etc.) Development Council rise, tsunami,
executive assistants 4. poor conditions at and supportive NGAs earthquake, soil
and city department some work facilities 3. availability of UN and erosion/subsidence,

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heads (e.g. city pound, etc.) other ODA technical groundwater

3. strong vertical and 5. existence of assistance windows for contamination,
horizontal linkages and bureaucratic red tape urban development 3. man-made hazards like
networks with the and scattered city 4. presence of many insurgency, terrorism,
Office of the President, offices that delay taxable business, real fire, epidemic, etc.
Office of the transactions and work estate and other 4. occasional
Congressman, national 6. continued dependency business and entertain- brownouts/blackouts
government offices, on the limited share in ment establishments 5. high cost of water and
civil society the 20% IRA 5. existence of basic city power
organizations 7. limited technical facilities and amenities 6. prevalence of negative
(business, academe, competence and (internet access, attitudes at some
private, NGO, PO, capacities for some tourism communities towards
religious, etc.), ODAs, urban development establishments, participation in city
MIGEDC and other work such as flood health/wellness development (bahala
work partners control and drainage centers, inter-modal na, fence sitting,
4. existence of well- planning, transport transport, hospital and walang pakialam, etc.)
trained city government planning, wastewater medical care, etc.) 7. increasing urban
personnel (e.g. CTO, treatment, etc. 6. low crime rates issues on traffic
DRRM, environment, 8. poor work systems at 7. high business and congestion, garbage,
etc.) certain city investment sector poverty, pollution,
5. improved income and departments (e.g. confidence on the city flooding, illegal settling,
revenues from local referral system at leadership etc.
taxes and certain other health centers, 8. barangay adherence to 8. confusion among
services (e.g. health, tracing accounting city government residents on the
garbage, documents from policies (e.g. timely services of LMRHC
slaughterhouse, within the division submission of monthly and Lapaz District
markets, cemetery, and the past year’s reports, etc.) Health Center
etc.) transactions, etc.) 9. availability of software 9. delay on the part of the
6. existence of improved 9. overlapping of programs that can barangay officials to
service infrastructure services at the Lapaz improve work comply with reports,
and facilities (e.g. District Health Center efficiencies and submit documents and
health centers, and the LMRHC effectiveness (e.g. dog remit withholding taxes
BEMoNC, etc.) 10. inadequacy of some vaccination/ to BIR
7. presence of improved equipment and tools registration, etc.) 10. ending of ODA and
work systems and (e.g. ambulance, 10. availability of NGA-assisted work
processes (monthly laboratory trainings/seminars for programs (e.g. BMG-
monitoring of barangay equipment, etc.) city hall employees WHO “Rabies-free
book-keepers, COA 11. change of city and offered by NGAs and Visayas Islands”)
Auditors Advice, barangay leadership other work partners
“complete reports only”, (after elections)
anti-rabies IEC and affecting plan
vaccination, etc.) implementation,
8. availability of program program direction,
software for improved project priorities, etc.
work efficiency 12. poor work
9. existence of ordinances performance by
and other legislations some permanent
supportive of the city’s staff and job-hires at
developmental some city offices

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Based on the SWOT Matrix above, the following are the city government’s strategies in
implementing the 2013-2016 Comprehensive Development Plan:

Strength-Opportunities Combination

1. joint undertaking between and among the Mayor, SP, EAs and department heads for
improved development planning, services delivery, tax collection and revenue generation
and city administration

2. harmonization of city plans and RDC programs for sustainable urban development and

3. improvement of the city’s service delivery systems through capacity building initiatives by
NGAs, ODAs and NGOs and other private-public partnership networks

4. increasing city incomes and revenues through sustained good business climate and
investment sector confidence on city leadership

5. maintenance of strong political will over projects and programs funded locally

6. maintain peace and order through strong vertical and horizontal networks with national,
regional and barangay governments and through private partnerships

7. harness the existing improved service facilities and software programs for further improved
delivery of services

Weaknesses-Opportunities Combination

1. reduction or eradication of bureaucratic red tape at city hall through computerization and
internet-based transactions

2. improved fiscal management of city income and expenditures through capacity building
measures with partner agencies and institutions

3. improved technical capacities in urban and regional planning and growth management
through UN and ODA-assisted technical assistance programs

4. reduction of dependency on the 20% IRA share by more improved tax collection and
innovative revenue generation measures

5. improvement of inter-department work coordination through internet-based work processes

and organizational development trainings by partner agencies and institutions

Strengths-Threats Combination

1. improvement of urban infrastructure and amenities through a stricter and sustained

implementation of plans and investment programs

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2. maintenance of the coordinated efforts of city departments in adopting climate change and
disaster risk reduction measures

3. institutionalization of disaster management through organizational structures, plans and

policies prioritized by the Mayor and the SP

4. improvement of power and water costs through concerted planning efforts by the national
government, RDC, city government and private sector-civil society stakeholders

5. elimination of peoples’ negative attitudes towards participatory community development

through IEC programs with development partners

6. optimization of the city Mayor’s political will on the speedy resolution of urban issues

Weaknesses-Threats Combination

1. improvement of work systems and coordination among departments, task forces and other
work committees for service delivery improvement and solution of current urban issues and

2. improvement of local incomes and revenues by encouraging people to pay taxes and other
payment obligations promptly and accurately

3. improvement of the quality and quantity of city planning and growth management initiatives
that are set up for the resolution of urban issues

4. prioritization of IEC and advocacies on multi-stakeholder planning and implementation of

urban development plans and programs (including values reorientation among

5. reduction of city dependence on its 20% IRA share for development projects through more
innovative income generation and improved tax collection measures

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2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 3 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK


2013-2019 Development Framework

Regional Planning through the Metro Iloilo-Guimaras Economic Development Council

Urban Development through the City Development Strategy (CDS) Framework

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2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 3 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK

2013-2019 Development Framework

The 2013-2019 CDP embarks on a sustainable urban development framework that has four
components: the urban economy, society, environment and governance/administration. This is
illustrated in the following framework that shows the four components’ integration and
harmonization with the Iloilo City’s international, national and local commitments and strategies
which include the UN MDGs, Pres. Benigno Aquino III’s Social Contract with the Filipino People,
Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016, Western Visayas Regional Development Plan 2011-
2016, MIGEDC Roadmap 2015, 2011-2020 Iloilo City Comprehensive Land Use Plan, 2013-
2023 Iloilo-Batiano River Development Master Plan, 2012 State of Local Governance Report,
City Development Strategy (CDS) Plan and the City Climate Change Action Plan:

Philippine Development Plan

2011-2016, PNoy’s Social United Nation’s MDG
Contract with the Filipino People

2011-2020 Iloilo City CLUP,
2013-2023 Iloilo-Batiano
Western Visayas Medium River Development Master
Term Development Plan SOCIETY Plan, 2012 LGPMS/SLGR,
2011-2016 and the MIGEDC CDS Plan, City Climate
ROADMAP 2015 Change Action Plan


Figure 1: the 2013-2019 City Development Framework (and its integration and harmonization with
the UN MDGs, PNoy’s Social Contract with the Filipino People, Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016,
Western Visayas Medium Term Development Plan 2011-2016, MIGEDC Roadmap 2015, 2011-2020 Iloilo
City Comprehensive Land Use Plan, 2012 State of Local Governance Report, 2013-2023 Iloilo-Batiano River
Development Master Plan, CDS Plan and the Iloilo City Climate Change Action Plan)

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2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 3 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK

Iloilo City’s economy exists entirely within the context of its society because it is driven by the
exchange of goods and services among the urban population. The Ilonggo society is much
larger than the economy and includes family, barangay, city, communities of people and

Both the city’s economy and society exist entirely within the city’s urban environment. People
rely on environmental goods and services to drive the economy while society’s basic
requirements - the air that people breathe, the food that people eat, the water that people drink,
the health – come from the environment.

Iloilo City’s sustainability will ultimately come about as a result of good urban governance and
administration so that the Iloilo City government under the leadership of Mayor Jed Patrick
Mabilog and its citizens can work together to bring about a prosperous and sustainable Premier
City by 2015. It is the interplay of these four components and its harmonized focus on the
various development anchors such as the MDGs, PNoy’s Social Contract with the Filipino
People, Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016, Western Visyas Medium Term Development
Plan 2011-2016, MIGEDC Roadmap 2015, 2011-2020 Iloilo City Comprehensive Land Use
Plan, 2013-2023 Iloilo-Batinao River Development Master Plan, ISA-PGS Scorecards, 2012
State of Local Governance Reports, CDS Plan and the City Climate Change Action Plan. The
integration and harmonized interplay will ultimately help define Iloilo City’s realization of
sustainable urban development and achievement of its vision of becoming a premier city by
2015 and further gaining the stature Queen City of the Philippines.

Regional Planning through the Metro Iloilo-Guimaras Economic Development

Council (MIGEDC)

With its adopted approaches on inclusive and participatory bio-regional planning, investments
and strategies would not be carried out by the Iloilo City government alone, but in collaboration
with the Metro Iloilo-Guimaras Economic Development Council (MIGEDC) composed of the
Province of Guimaras, the City of Iloilo and the Municipalities of Pavia, Oton, Leganes, San
Miguel and Sta. Barbara. The Municipality of Cabatuan was added to the membership recently
as urbanization trends now direct towards the International Airport which is located in the
Municipality of Cabatuan. The unique voluntary metro-structure was created by President Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo in August 28, 2006 through an Executive Order 559. Iloilo City’s
development efforts are now undertaken in coordination with the following MIGEDC’s nine (9)
areas of collaboration:

1. tourism development
2. environmental management
3. infrastructure development
4. public safety and security
5. basic services delivery
6. land use planning and management
7. trade and investment promotions
8. special projects
9. transportation planning and traffic management

Following the ISA-PGS scorecard approach to development planning the MIGEDC Roadmap
2015 was formulated in 2006 though a series of consultative multi-stakeholder workshop
sponsored by the Canadian Urban Institute, a NGO partner that has helped establish the
MIGEDC in the late 1990s. The roadmap helped the MIGEDC in identifying capacity gaps that

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2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 3 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK

helped pave the way in accessing ODA and foreign technical assistance for some of its more
immediate regional development planning and growth management concerns.

Urban Development through the City Development Strategy (CDS) Framework

In Iloilo City, the City Development Strategy (CDS) concept pioneered by the Cities Alliance
provides an innovative and operational framework for mapping out investments for the city’s
growth and development efforts. The 2013-2019 CDP adopts the CDS plan by identifying
programs, projects and activities that help realize the CDS project priorities listed below.

As defined by the city’s baseline profile or Urban Karte, such investments are to be built on the
following desired attributes:

1. Livability
2. Governance and Management
3. Competitiveness
4. Bankability

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City Vision
Vision and Charter Statement

Goals, Objectives, Targets and Work Strategies

Goals, Objectives and Targets
Work Strategies

Harmonized Programs, Projects and Activities

Harmonized Sectoral Programs, Projects and Activities

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City Vision

Vision and Charter Statement

During the public hearing for the adoption of the 2011-2020 Iloilo City Comprehensive Land Use
Plan and Zoning Ordinance in April 2012, the city’s vision was revisited and analyzed for its
relevance in the face of more contemporary issues and challenges. After validating its continued
relevance and importance and after agreeing on the plan’s detailed recommendations the
Sangguniang Panlungsod passed an ordinance in September 2012 adopting the 2011-2020
CLUP and Zoning Ordinance and retaining the city vision, which is programmed to be realized
in 2015.

The city’s vision is:

Iloilo City: a Premier City by 2015

The charter statement is:

Iloilo City is a leader in the practice of participatory governance that will speed up and sustain
growth and development, in order to open up more and better opportunities for all; constantly
upgrading standards of education, ethics and transparency in government; significantly
expanding and improving infrastructure, thereby securing a dynamic, safe, peaceful and healthy
environment conducive to learning, sports and eco-cultural tourism; and moving forward while
being fully dedicated to the preservation and further enrichment of the city’s cultural heritage.

Goals, Objectives, Targets and Work Strategies

The 2013-2019 CDP Planning Team that was created through Executive Order No. 56 series of
2013 identified goals, objectives and work strategies based on the urban issues and problems
generated from the Mayor’s varied consultations and meetings with stakeholders. The goals,
objectives and strategies were partly based on the city‘s self-assessment of its local governance
performance as generated from the State of Local Governance Report for 2012 (as part of the
DILG-LGPMS) and from earlier multi-sectoral analysis on the city’s strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats.

Also used as reference by the 2013-2019 CDP Planning Team were the city’s other existing
plans and programs such as the 2011-2020 CLUP, Iloilo River Development Master Plan,
Calajunan Landfill Development Plan, Ecological Solid Waste Management Plan, Downtown
CBD Heritage Conservation Program and other sectoral and physical plans including those
prepared together with the Metro Iloilo-Guimaras Economic Development Council.

The more recent outputs from the UNHabitat-assisted City-Wide Consultation on Climate
Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in November 11-12, 2013 and the CCA and DRR
Mainstreaming into the CDP in November 21-23 further gave a more updated list of objectives
and strategies.

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Goals, Objectives and Targets

The goals of the 2013-2019 CDP are classified according to the sectors on Economic
Development, Social Development, Environmental Management and Governance and
Administration. These sectoral goals are designed to be realized through sectoral objectives
and targets which include the twelve (12) PGS objectives and the United Nations Millennium
Development Goals respectively. Through the UNHabitat-assisted Workshop on Mainstreaming
CCA and DRR in the CDP held last November 2-22, 2013, these objectives express the city’s
deliberate focus on reducing vulnerability and building resilience. They are defined and
categorized as follows:

1. Economic Development

a. Increase investment opportunities on commerce, trade and industry and tourism

development by establishing the city as a world class convention and tourism center and
a hub for a sustainable service-based industry resilient to climate change impacts

b. maintain/retain areas for agri-fishery and introduce adaptive measures against climate
change for sustainability and food security

c. improve mobility of goods, services, workers and tourists through the establishment of
an integrated transport system and a progressive mass communications industry
resilient to climate change

d. establish the city as a major financial center that is resilient to climate change

2. Social Development

a. ensure adaptive, safe, risk-resilient and decent human settlement equipped with water
recycling facilities and renewable sources of energy

b. institutionalize uninterrupted access to protective services, social services, health

services, sports and recreation

c. sustain a healthy and productive community

d. promote access to quality education for all

3. Environmental Management

a. ensure a healthy and productive environment that is resilient to climate hazards and
natural disasters

b. conserve floodplains

c. build green infrastructure facilities that promote environmental sustainability

4. Governance and Administration

a. develop a global partnership to enhance sustainable development and climate change

adaptation strategies

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b. sustain climate change-adaptive and disaster risk-reducing public governance system

c. maintain a progressive revenue collection program

Work Strategies

Using the Table 1: SWOT Matrix in Chapter 2, the 2013-2019 CDP Planning Team and the
CPDO Core Team initially laid down strategies which combined the elements of strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The LDC then validated and further defined the 2013-
2019 CDP work strategies for the realization of city’s vision, goals and objectives. A more
detailed listing of programs, projects, and activities shall be based on these strategies.

Strengths-Opportunities Strategy

1. joint undertaking between and among the Mayor, SP, EAs and department heads at
improved tax collection and revenue generation
2. harmonization of city plans and RDC programs for climate change and disaster risk resilient
urban development and growth
3. improvement of the city’s service delivery systems through capacity building initiatives by
ODAs and other private-public partnership networks
4. sustenance of city incomes and revenues by sustaining high business and investment
sector confidence on city leadership
5. maintenance of strong political will over projects and programs funded locally by local taxes
and revenues
6. maintain peace and order through strong vertical and horizontal networks with national,
regional and barangay governments and through partnerships with the private sector

Weaknesses-Opportunities Strategy

1. reduction or eradication of bureaucratic red tape at city hall through computerization and
internet-based transactions
2. improved fiscal management of city income and expenditures through capacity building
measures with partner agencies and institutions
3. improved technical capacities in climate change-ready urban and regional planning and
growth management through UN and ODA-assisted technical assistance programs
4. reduction of dependency on the 20% IRA share by more improved tax collection and
innovative revenue generation measures
5. improvement of inter-department work coordination through internet-based work processes
and organizational development trainings by partner agencies and institutions

Strengths-Threats Strategy

1. improvement of urban infrastructure and amenities through a stricter and sustained

implementation of plans and investment programs
2. maintenance of the coordinated efforts of city departments in adopting climate change and
disaster risk reduction measures
3. institutionalization of disaster management through organizational structures, plans and
policies prioritized by the Mayor and the SP
4. improvement of power and water costs through concerted planning efforts by the national
government, RDC, city government and private sector-civil society stakeholders

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5. elimination of peoples’ negative attitudes towards participatory community development

through IEC programs with development partners
6. optimization of the city Mayor’s political will on the speedy resolution of urban issues

Weaknesses-Threats Strategy

1. improvement of work systems and coordination among departments, task forces and other
work committees for service delivery improvement and solution of current urban issues and
2. improvement of local incomes and revenues by encouraging people to pay taxes and other
payment obligations promptly and accurately
3. improvement of the quality and quantity of city planning and growth management initiatives
that are set up for the resolution of urban issues
4. prioritization of IEC and advocacies on multi-stakeholder planning and implementation of
urban development plans and programs (including values reorientation among communities)
5. reduction of city dependence on its 20% IRA share for development projects through more
innovative income generation and improved tax collection measures

Harmonized Programs, Projects and Activities

Programs, Projects and Activities (PPA)

For the next six (6) years, the city government of Iloilo shall implement programs, projects and
activities for the realization of the city’s goals and objectives on economic development, social
development, environmental management and governance and administration. With additional
components that respond to Iloilo City’s unique and more complex needs, these activities adapt
to the following categorization of work performance areas prescribed by the Local Governance
Performance Monitoring System (LGPMS) and with which the Sangguniang Panlungsod shall
base its proposed legislative measures for the Executive-Legislative Agenda:

1. Economic Development

a. Agro-Fisheries Development
b. Entrepreneurship, Business and Industry Promotion
c. Support Infrastructure

1. Social Development

a. Health and Nutrition

b. Education
c. Housing and Basic Utilities
d. Peace, Security and Disaster Risk Management
e. Sports and Recreation
f. Arts, Culture and Heritage
g. Other Social Services

2. Environmental Management

a. Natural Resources Management

b. Waste Management and Pollution Control

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3. Governance and Administration

d. Local Legislation
e. Transparency
f. Participation
g. Development Planning
h. Revenue Generation
i. Resource Allocation and Utilization
j. Financial Accountability
k. Customer Service
l. Human Resource Development

Harmonized Sectoral Programs, Projects and Activities

Shown below is the table on the programs, projects and activities to be implemented in the next
three years. The table’s column at the extreme right shows the harmonization of the projects
and activities with the Millennium Development Goals, CDS listing and PGS objectives. The
table also shows the concerned implementers, funding sources and schedule of the projects
and activities.

Table 2: Harmonized Programs, Projects and Activities by Implementor, Fund Source and
TORS SUPPORT 2013- 2017-
2016 2019
Agro-Fisheries Development
*Technical Assistance Program DA, BFAR, 20% IRA, X X
a. skills training on new technologies and systems on. sustainable urban DENR, OCA, General
agriculture and fisheries CVO Fund (GF)
b. orientation on small-scale fisheries act, other related policies and
Plant Nursery and Seedling Bank OCA 20% IRA, X X
Agri-Fishery-Based Livelihood Assistance Program DA, OCA, CVO 20% IRA, X X
Bantay Dagat Program (with livelihood/revenue generation component) DA, OCA, PNP, 20% IRA, X X
*Compliance Monitoring for the Iloilo Fisheries Ordinance OCA, CFARMC, 20% IRA, X X
Iloilo River Fishpen (Punot) Relocation Project OCA, CFARMC, 20% IRA, X
Entrepreneurship, Business & Industry Promotion
Investment Promotion Program DTI, ILED, ICVB, 20% IRA, X X
a. In-bound/Out-bound Missions IBC, CEDO GF, ICVB,
b. Production and Distribution of Investment Promotion flyers, posters, DTI, ILED,
billboards, etc. IBC
Local Economic Development Summits and Conferences (including CIDA- DTI, ILED, IBC CIDA-CUI, X

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One Stop Shop (business permit streamlining) Program CTO, CMO, DTI, 20% IRA, X X
Strengthening/Expansion of SMEs and Livelihood Projects DTI, SMED OP, 20% X X
a. CDIA-GIFTS commercial stalls project with climate change adaptive Council, OCA, IRA,
design/structure CPDO, EDO, General
b. Isang Milyong Piso, Isang Proyekto Project CSWDO Fund,
c. CSWDO projects CSWDO
d. Iloilo City Cooperative Project
e. SMED Projects
f. CDIA Downtown CBD hawkers project with climate change adaptive
*Job Placement and Employment Generation (including computerization of PESO, CSWDO, 20% IRA, X X
the PESO for pooling of qualified and competent workforce) IBC, Urban Poor GF, IBC,
Construction/improvement of Community Talipapas/Livelihood Productivity CEO 20% IRA, X X
Center GF
In-bound/Out-bound Mission Tourism Promotion Project CTDO 20% IRA, X X
Tourism Website Project (may also be a link from existing website of Iloilo CTDO, MIS 20% IRA, X X
City) GF
Implementation of cultural/historical, tourism festival promotion and other CTDO 20% IRA, X X
related activities for the Dinagyang and Paraw Regatta Festivals GF, private
*Festival Management Program (Dinagyang, Paraw Regatta, Chinese New CTDO GF, private X X
Year and other festivals and tourism events) sector
Frontline Service Training Programs HRMO, DOT, 20% IRA, X X
*Tour Package Development DOT, CTDO, GF, private X X
Tour Operators sector
Tourism Demonstration Projects DOT, CTO, 20% IRA, X
a. Pretty Plaza Project MIGEDC, TOA GF,
b. Semana Santa Project MIGEDC,
c. Santa Cruzan
Urban Coop Project CMO, Iloilo Coop 20% IRA, X X
a. Iloilo Cooperative Project GF
Support Infrastructure
DPWH Road/Bridge Network Improvement Project DPWH, CEO OP, DPWH, X
a. Metro Iloilo Road/Bridge Network Project (R-3, B-2, C-1 and bridges) JICA
b. Esplanade (Phase II)
c. Arroyo-Lapuz Bridge
Construction of a Farm-to-Market or Access Road leading towards CEO 20% IRA X
Relocation Sites
Construction/Widening/Concreting/ Asphalt Overlay of Roads CEO 20% IRA X
Improvement/Rehabilitation of Barangay Roads CEO 20% IRA X X
Construction/elevation/Rehabilitation of Concrete Public Alley/Footwalks/ CEO 20% IRA X X
Sidewalk (with consideration for the differently-abled)
Acquisition of lots for road right of way CEO 20% IRA X X
Construction/Rehab of an elevated sidewalk CEO 20% IRA X X
Construction/Rehab of breakwaters (including the Ortiz Wharf, Hinactacan CEO 20% IRA, X
shoreline, etc)
Construction/Repair/ Demolition/ Rehabilitation/Completion of CEO 20% IRA X X
Repair of Hanging/Wooden Bridge CEO 20% IRA X
Construction of a bridge to cross the Iloilo River from Zamora St. to Lapuz, CEO GF, DPWH, X
Lapaz ODA

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JICA Iloilo Flood Control Project JICA, DPWH, CTI JICA, X

Eng., CEO, DPWH,
ICUPAO General
Urban Comprehensive Drainage Improvement Project (city-wide CEO, barangays 20% IRA, X
construction of new and repair, rehabilitation and extension of existing GF,barangay
drainage system) funds
City-Wide Flood Control and Drainage Maintenance Project (including CEO, barangays GF, barangay X X
desilting and declogging of canals, creeks, rivers and waterways funds
Repair/Rehabilitation and Improvement of the City Public Economic CTO, PEO 20% IRA, GF X X
Enterprise Facilities
a. Public markets
b. Slaughterhouse
c. Sanitary Landfill
d. Public Cemeteries, crematorium and columbarium (including purchase
of lots, private sector partnership arrangements, etc.)
Health and Nutrition
Maternal and Reproductive Health Care and Services Program (to include CHO, DOH, City 20% IRA, X X
comprehensive population and development campaigns) Population Office General
Child Health Care Program CHO, Lapaz 20% IRA, X X
Maternity Clinic General
Other Continuing Health Programs CHO, DOH, 20% IRA, X X
a. Anti-TB Program CCAT, City General
b. HIV/AIDS and STD Prevention Veterinarian Fund, CCAT
c. Dengue control and prevention
d. Expanded Program on Immunization
e. Breastfeeding advocacies
f. Rabies Control Program
Implementation of the projects of the Iloilo STD/HIV/AIDS Council CHO,ISAC 20% IRA, X X
Nutrition Program CHO, DOH, 20% IRA, X X
*Sanitation Services Program CHO 20% IRA, X X
a. Food handlers training program General
b. Food establishment monitoring program Fund
Phil Health Program Phil Health, General X X
Laboratory and Medicine Assistance Program CMO, CSWDO General X X
Repair/Rehabilitation/Expansion/Maintenance of Health Service Facilities CHO, CEO 20% IRA, X X
a. District Health Centers/ Barangay Health Stations GF
b. District Lying-in Clinics and Health Service Facilities (to include design
policies on use of materials with CC adaptive capacity)
Construction of District Lying-in Clinics and Health Service Facilities and CHO, CEO 20% IRA, X X
Amenities GF
Purchase of ambulance for each district and other medical equipment (to CHO, CEO 20% IRA, X X
include life-saving equipment and trainings for service providers)) GF
School Facilities Improvement Program (to include construction, repair and Dep Ed, CEO SEF, private X X
rehabilitation of classrooms and other school facilities, careful beneficiary sector
selection and design policies on use of materials with CC adaptive capacity)

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Iloilo City Public Community College Expansion Project, (to include careful CHED, TESDA, 20% IRA, GF, X X
beneficiary selection and design policies on use of materials with CC public or private academe
adaptive capacity) schools
Non-formal and Vocational Education Project Dep Ed, TESDA, 20% IRA, X X
Implementation of Productivity Manpower Development Projects of the CMO, ICON/NGO 20% IRA, X X
Construction of Day Care Center CSWDO, CEO 20% IRA, X X
Repair/Rehabilitation/Expansion of Day Care Center (to include careful CSWDO, CEO 20% IRA, X X
beneficiary selection and design policies on use of materials with CC GF
adaptive capacity)
Purchase/Improvement of Tools/ Equipment and facilities for the Day Care CSWDO, CEO 20% IRA, X X
Centers GF
Training Program for Teachers in Iloilo City (to include modules on CCA DepEd, School GF, School X X
and DRRM) Board Board
*Implementation/Enforcement of Free Public Elementary and High School DepEd SEF, GF X X
Education and College Education Scholarship
Housing and Basic Utilities X X
Community-Led Infra Facilities Fund (CLIFF) Housing Projects (through the ICUPAO, CPDO, Homeless X X
support of the ICUPN, PACSII, ODAs, etc.) using alternative housing Housing Board International,
materials and design with adaptive capacity 20% IRA, GF
City-wide On-site Development and Slum Upgrading Program (through the ICUPAO, CPDO, 20% IRA, X X
support of the ICTWG, ICUPN, PACSII, GK, CREBA, NHA, HLURB, Housing Board GF, PACSII,
HUDCC, PCUP, TSPs, etc.) other NGOs
Gawad Kalinga Community Development Project (through financial support GK Found, Inc., 20% IRA, GF, X X
from the Office of the Congressman, private donors) using alternative Housing Board,
housing materials and design with adaptive capacity ICUPAO, CPDO

*Technical Assistance for Presidential Proclamation Housing Projects LIAC, Housing OP, NHA X X
(through the support of the Office of the Congressman Board, Office of
the President
Lot Acquisition for Socialized Housing and Relocation Sites (to consider ICUPAO, CPDO, 20% IRA, GF, X X
access to basic services, careful regard for qualified baneficiaries and
hazard free sites)
Tenement Housing Project (to consider medium-rise housing) using ICUPAO, CPDO, 20% IRA, GF, X X
alternative housing materials and design with adaptive capacity PPP
*City-Initiated Relocation Project ICUPAO, CPDO, 20% IRA, GF, X X
a. Sites and Services Planning Housing Board, PCUP
b. Beneficiary Selection Land Evaluation
c. Community Organizing/Social Preparation Committee
d. Resettlement Policy
e. Wide information dissemination at brgy level
Renewable Energy Project Study DOE, RDC, GF, DOE, X X
private sector private
Construction/Repair/Rehabilitation of Deep Well/Shallow Well Projects at CEO, CPDO 20% IRA, X X
Barangays and Relocation Sites (including purchase of Jetmatic pumps) GF
Construction/Rehabilitation of Water Supply and Sanitation System CEO, CPDO 20% IRA, X X
a. City government-owned supply system GF
b. Installation of Pipe/ fire hydrant/dry stand pipe
Construction and Maintenance/Repair/ Rehabilitation of Communal/ Public CEO, CPDO 20% IRA, X X
Toilets GF
*Maasin Watershed Treeplanting Project (for water supply improvement) CityENRO, 20% IRA, GF, X X
DENR, TAWMB barangay

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Public Safety, Security and Disaster Risk Management

Coal-fired Power Plant Multi-Partite Monitoring (with emphasis on ECC DNER-EMB, GF, private X X
compliance monitoring) CityENRO sector
Police and Firefighters’ Facilities/ Equipment Improvement Program CMO, SP, PNP, 20% IRA, OP, X X
(including firearms, patrol cars, radios, etc.) BF GF, private
Barangay Tanod Strengthening Program ABC, DILG, PNP 20% IRA, X X
a. trainings/seminars (to include CCA and DRRM modules, uniforms, Barangay
tools and equipment for SAR operations) IRA
b. complete uniforms and equipment
*Police Force Multipliers through the Auxiliary Police ABC, DILG, PNP 20% IRA, X X
Establishment of the Women’s Penology Center BJMP BJMP, private X
Disaster Risk /Crisis Management Program CDCC, PNP, Calamity X X
a. Emergency response team strengthening CMO DSWD, Fund, 20%
b. Disaster preparedness activities CSWDO IRA, GF
c. Calamity assistance project
d. Capacity enhancement for the City DRRM Council
e. Logistics improvements and technical trainings for the CDDRMO
f. Construction of 3-storey Command Center
Installation or Repair/Rehabilitation of Street Lights and Lighting at Plazas, CEO, Barangays 20% IRA, X X
markets and other city-owned properties, facilities and amenities GF, EPIRA
Retrofitting of Streetlights using LED lights CEO X
Payment of Electric Bills/Maintenance of Streetlights and Lighting of Plazas, CEO, Barangays 20% IRA, X X
Markets, and other city-owned properties, facilities and amenities GF, EPIRA
Establishment of Overhead WaterTanks for Public Buildings (for rainwater CEO, Liga ng 20% IRA, GF X X
harvesting and other water storage purposes for firefighting and public mga Barangays
*Traffic Management and Policy Enforcement TRMO, SP GF X X
Transport Planning (to cover MIGEDC area) CPDO, TMTRO, ODA X
Implementation of the MIGEDC-JICA Traffic Management Action Agenda TRMO 20% IRA, GF X
a. Delineation of on-street pay parking
b. Establishment of loading/unloading bay
c. Road markings and signages
Establishment/Rehabilitation of Traffic Lights (as part of traffic CEO, TRMO 20% IRA, X
management program) GF
Pedestrian Safety and Protection Project along Calle Real CPDO, CEO, 20% IRA, X
a. Arcaded walks improvement TRMO, TF Calle GF, private
b. Sidewalk resurfacing and elevation improvement (with ramps for PWDs) Real sector
c. permanent protective steel railings
d. Markings and signages improvement
Manufacture of movable steel railings CEO, TRMO 20% IRA, GF, X
private sector
Construction of covered walks and waiting sheds CEO GF, private X X
Construction of additional hazard-safe evacuation centers per district (with X
emergency power and water supply, systematic management of relief
operations, psycho-social interventions, sanitation facilities, etc.)
Sports and Recreation X X
City Wide Sports Program (including private sector-initiated sports events) SK, City Sports 20% IRA, X X
Commission SK, GF
Rehabilitation of Playgrounds at Plazas (with assistance by UAP and CPDO, City 20% IRA, X X

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architecture schools) ENRO, ICCHCC GF

Financial Assistance for the Palarong Pambansa City Sports 20% IRA, X X
Commission GF
Iloilo City Sports and Convention Center City Sports GF, PPP X
*Maintenance of District Plazas for Leisure and Recreation CPDO, City 20% IRA, X X
Arts, Culture and Heritage X X
Annual Heritage Month Celebration ICCHCC, 20% IRA, X X
*Continuing Regulation of repair/construction heritage buildings in the ICCHCC, CEO, 20% IRA, X X
Heritage Zone (to include design policies on use of materials with CC Zoning Admin GF
adaptive capacity) Office
Cultural and Historical Artifact Preservation Project through the Museo Iloilo ICCHCC, CMO 20% IRA X X
City-wide implementation of Demonstration Heritage Conservation Projects ICCHCC, 20% IRA, X X
and Advocacies NCCA, GF
Rehabilitation/Renovation/Improvement of Stage for Community- Based CEO 20% IRA, X X
Socio-Cultural GF
Presentations (to include design policies on use of materials with CC
adaptive capacity)
Construction/expansion of multi-purpose stage (to include use of CEO 20% IRA, X X
construction material with CC adaptive capacity, CR, bathroom, dressing GF
Maintenance and Construction of Multi-Purpose Community Reading and CSWDO, ABC, 20% IRA, X X
Recreation Center CEO GF
Rehabilitation of playgrounds at district plazas CEO, CityENRO, 20% IRA, X X
UAP GF, private
Other Social Services X X
Improvement of facilities, equipment technologies and management systems CSWDO, CWC, 20% IRA, X X
for the city’s Street Children Program as part of the Iloilo City Plan of Action CCPC, TF Street GF, CWC,
for Children and projects of the TF Street Children children, NGOs
Strengthening of program under CIU and Dalayunan Home for the Boys (to X
include DRR management for center houseparents and during conduct of
Institutionalization of the Early Child Care and Development Program CSWDO, CHO, 20% IRA, X
(values integration and awareness on CC and DRR management and CWC GF
retrofitting day care centers for good ventilation and CC adaptive)
Parenting Seminars CSWDO, CPO 20% IRA, X X
a. Parenting Seminars by the CSWDO GF
b. Responsible Parenthood Classes by the CPO (natural family planning
*Gender and Development Advocacy Program DSWD, CSWDO, 20% IRA, X X
GAD Team Gender and Development Program CPO, GAD Team 20% IRA, X X
a. Bantay Abuso Project GF
b. Pre-wedding counseling with treeplanting at eco-park)
a. Laboratory and medical assistance
Establishment of separate holding areas for children in conflict with the law CSWDO, CEO, 20% IRA, X
Special projects for the senior citizens, differently-abled, women’s groups, DSWD, CSWDO, 20% IRA, X X
urban poor, youth, streetchildren, etc. CWC, ADP, SK, GF
Strengthening of the City Council for the Protection of Children (passage of X X
resolutions/ ordinances addressing CCA/DRR management priorities and
DRR Management Training for BCPCs))

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Construction/Repair/Rehabilitation of Productivity Enhancement Centers DSWD, CSWDO, 20% IRA, X X

(for Out-of-School-Youths, SUWC, women, people with disabilities, etc.) ADP, SK, BCPC GF
Construction of a multi-storey Iloilo City Social Hall DepEd, CEO 20% IRA, X
Funeral Assistance Project DSWD, CSWDO. 20% IRA, X X
a. Burial assistance project CityENRO, CMO GK
b. Coffin assistance project
New Public Cemetery Project CMO 20% IRA, X
Public Columbarium and Crematorium Project CMO 20% IRA, X
Natural Resources Management X X
*Airshed Management Project (with private sector partnership) DENR-EMB, 20% IRA, X X
*Climate Change Program, Clean Development Mechanism and other DENR-EMB, 20% IRA, X X
Carbon Crediting Initiatives (with the private sector) LTO, City ENRO GF, LTO,
*Iloilo-Batiano River Dev’t. Plan Implementation IRDC, OCA, 20% IRA, X X
a. building construction and zoning regulation CityENRO, IBC, GF, private
b. FLA issuance coordination with DENR CPDO sector
c. Regular Clean-up
Iloilo-Batiano River Rehabilitation and Related Program IRDC, CityENRO 20% IRA, X X
a. Regular river clean-up GF
b. Bantay Suba Project
c. removal of fishpens and other illegal structures
d. joint Geodetic survey of Iloilo-Batiano River
Geodetic Survey of the Iloilo and Batiano Rivers (for the establishment of City ENRO, 20% IRA X X
its actual existing alignment) IRDC, DENR-
* Commercial Groundwater Extraction City ENRO, 20% IRA, X
Regulation and Monitoring Project (through NWRB Deputization of Zoning, CLO, GF

*Regular Water Quality Monitoring of Waterbodies EMB, BFAR, City DA-BFAR, X X

City Government Facilities Retrofitting Project for Rainwater Harvesting and City ENRO, 20% IRA, GF, X
Energy Saving CPDO, CEO,
*Urban Reforestation Project City ENRO, OPS, private X X
a. Wedding couples’ Treeplanting Project City Population sector
b. City Hall Employees’ Treeplanting Project Office
c. Mangrove reforestation project
Coastal Resource Management (to include rainwater harvesting project for X
six coastal barangays)
Waste Management and Pollution Control X X
City-wide Garbage Collection by private contractor ICSWMB, OPS, 20% IRA, X X
Establishment of Public Market-based MRF’s (piloting of waste reduction at ICSWMB, OPS 20% IRA, X X
source through proper segregation and recycling) GF
Calajunan Sanitary Landfill Project (through a loan with DBP) ICSWMB, 20% IRA, X X
Calajunan Dumpsite Soil Cover OPS, ICSWMB 20% IRA, X X
Debt Servicing for Sanitary Landfill CTO, OPS GF X X
City Counterpart for Calajunan Landfill Project ICSWMB, OPS 20% IRA, X X

Iloilo City Planning and Development Office, December 2013 27

2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 4 THE SIX-YEAR SECTORAL DEVELOPMENT AGENDA

*Implementation of Solid Waste Management Program (initiatives should ICSWMB, City 20% IRA, GF, X X
be in accordance with design standards for development in high risk areas) ENRO, OPS, Barangay
PIO, barangays, IRAs
Clean and Green City Program TF Clean and 20% IRA, X X
Green, DILG, GF, private
NEDA, DENR sector
Anti-Smoke Belching Program (ASBU) for adoption CityENRO, LTO GF, LTO X X
Multi-Partite ECC Compliance Monitoring of the Coal-Fired Power Plant City ENRO, GF X X
(with emphasis on ECC compliance monitoring) monitoring team
Information, Education, Communications and Advocacies for CityENRO, IRDC, 20% IRA, X X
Environmental Quality Protection and Management ICSWMB GF, LTO,
Sewerage and Septage / Sludge Management Projects (initiatives should CEO, City ENRO, 20% IRA, X
be in accordance with design standards for development in high risk areas) EMB GF, IWB
Wastewater Treatment Projects for Public Markets CEO, City ENRO 20% IRA, X X
Implementation of Clean Air Plan CityENRO X X
*Anti-Littering campaign drive CityENRO X X
Local Legislation X X
*Formulation of legislative measures for the ELA SP, ELA Team 20% IRA, X
*Close coordination with the SP for New Legislative Measures ad other CMO, SP Office General X X
policy decisions of the Vice-Mayor Fund
Transparency X X
*Weekly Press Conferences with the City Hall Press Corps CMO, City Hall 20% IRA, X X
Press Corps, PIO GF
Production and Distribution of Newsletters CMO, City Hall 20% IRA, X X
Press Corps, PIO GF
*Weekly Executive Meeting with Department Heads and other key city CMO General X X
officials Fund
MIS/GIS Program MIS Office 20% IRA, X
Participation X X
*Private Sector Participation in Work Structures (task forces, councils, CMO, CPDO 20% IRA, X X
boards, etc.) GF
*Boys and Girls Week Project Rotary Cub Rotary Club X X
*Participation in Multi-sector Development Planning and Mgt Meetings and CMO, CPDO, 20% IRA, X X
Conferences other city dep’ts. GF
Sponsorship/Conduct of Multi-sector Summits, Conferences, Meetings CMO, other city 20% IRA, X X
departments GF
Development Planning X X
Multi-stakeholder Planning and Consultation by the LDC and its Executive CPDO, LDC, 20% IRA X X
Committee LDC ExeCom
Improvement of the CPDO Multi-purpose Planning and Productivity CPDO, LDC 20% IRA X
Enhancement Center (to include room renovation, acquisition of audio-visual ExeCom
equipment and furniture)
Implementation of the 2011-2020 CLUP and Zoning Ordinance CPDO, HLURB, 20% IRA, X X
Counterpart Bio-Regional Planning for Area Productivity Human Resource CPDO, CMO, 20% IRA X X
Dev’t. within the Metro Iloilo Guimaras Economic Development Council (in MIGEDC, CUI
partnership with ODA agencies)

Iloilo City Planning and Development Office, December 2013 28

2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 4 THE SIX-YEAR SECTORAL DEVELOPMENT AGENDA

Comprehensive Urban Drainage Plan Preparation (using data-based, risk- CPDO, CEO, 20% IRA, X
based and multi-sectoral approach) PICE GF
Shelter Plan Preparation (in partnership with NHA, HUDCC, UN Habitat, ICUPAO, CPDO, 20% IRA, GF, X
NGOs, POs, ODAs, etc. using data-based, risk-based and multi-sectoral Housing Board ODA
approach with livelihood component and enhanced mobility for the
Iloilo-Batiano River Development Master Plan Revision (to include existing City ENRO, 20% IRA, X
biodiversity assessment monitoring, natural resource accounting of CPDO, OCA GF
encroachment of pollution loads, illegal fish pens, etc. by Iloilo-Batiano
River Development Council)
Urban Integrated Infrastructure Plan Preparation (using data-based, risk- DPWH, DOTC, 20% IRA, X
based and multi-sectoral approach with environmental and economic LTO, CPDO, GF, DOTC,
considerations) CEO
Tourism Masterplan (using data-based, risk-based and multi-sectoral APPI, DOT, 20% IRA, X
approach with environmental and economic considerations) CTO, CPDO, GF
Urban Transport Masterplan Preparation (to include a study for a mass CPDO,TRMO, DOTC, 20% X
transport system and using data-based, risk-based and multi-sectoral CEO IRA, GF
approach with environmental and economic considerations)

Eco-Park Development Plan (using data-based, risk-based and multi- CPDO, City 20% IRA, X
sectoral approach with environmental and economic considerations) ENRO, UAP GF, private
a. Esplanade II sector
b. Nabitasan Park
c. Lapuz Linear Park
d. Parola Eco-Park
e. Luna Linear Park and Tourism Center
Heritage Conservation Planning Project (with support from UAP, NCCA, ICCHCC, CPDO, 20% IRA, X X
NHI, academe) using data-based, risk-based and multi-sectoral approach CityENRO NCCA, GF,
with environmental and economic considerations
City Extension Project Planning with UNHABITAT’s ASUD Program (Jaro CPDO, ICUPAO UNHABITAT X
New Town Development)
Revenue Generation X X
Computerized Tax Assessment, Collection, and Revenue Generation City Treasurer’s 20% IRA X X
Program (including LOGOFIND, RPTA, LAMP, etc.) Office, CAO
Logistical Support to NGAS, EProcurement, and other computerized CMO, all city 20% IRA, X X
revenue generation systems modernization Program departments GF, NGA
concerned funds
*Improved Revenue/Income Generation System at the City Economic GSO, City 20% IRA, X X
Enterprises Office Treasurer’s GF
Office, CEEO
Establishment of BPO centers at the Iloilo Central Market as a component CTO, CPDO, ADB-PPP X
of the CDIA Downtown CBD Revitalization Project CMO
Hawkers Project at Calle Real and Aldeguer Streets as a component of the CTO, CPDO, ADB-PPP X
CDIA Downtown CBD Revitalization Project CMO
Resource Allocation and Utilization X X
* Enforcement of the JMC No. 1 on Harmonized Planning, Budgeting DILG, DBM, 20% IRA, X X
*Enforcement of JMC No. 1 series of 2005 on 20% IRA Utilization DILG, DBM, 20% IRA, X X
*Close Monitoring of Barangay Development Projects CPDO, CEO 20% IRA, X X
*Review of Barangay Dev’t Plan and Budget CPDO, CBO 20% IRA, GF X X
Financial Accountability X X
*Preparation and Production of Annual Plan and Report documents (ADP, CPDO, LDC, 20% IRA, X X
AIP, SEP, Annual Accomplishment Report, etc.) LFC, CBO GF

Iloilo City Planning and Development Office, December 2013 29

2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 4 THE SIX-YEAR SECTORAL DEVELOPMENT AGENDA

Customer Service X X
Trainings for Service Delivery Improvement CMO, CSC 20% IRA, X X
*Anti-Graft and Red Tape Eradication Program CMO, CSC 20% IRA, X X
Construction/Repair/Rehabilitation/Extension and Maintenance of Barangay GSO, OPS, City 20% IRA X X
Hall/ Multi-Purpose Hall/Covered Gyms, Public Buildings Structures (to ENRO, CEO
include rainwater harvesting faciliies)
Construction/Repair/Maintenance/Extension of City Government Facilities, GSO, OPS, City 20% IRA X X
Amenities, etc. ENRO, CEO
Business Permit Streamlining Project (computerized business CMO, DTI, ILED, USAID X
permitting/licensing) IBC, GTZ
*Enforcement of Investment Incentives Ordinance CPDO, ICIIB GF X X
*Enforcement of the Anti-Littering, Jaywalking, Illegal Structures Ordinance TF ASIS GF X X
Human Resource Management and Development X X
Training/Seminars for Professionalization of Career Government Officials CSC, HRMO GF, CSC, X X
Best City Hall Employee Project CSC, HRMO GF, CSC, X X
Post Graduate Scholarship Program for City Government Employees and CMO GF X X
Officials (with Ateneo de Manila School of Management and UPVisayas,
WVSU and incorporating change of mindset to create positive behavioral
change relative to risk management) to include doctorate and masteral
degrees in public management and dip. On urban and regional planning
Short-term Technical Courses Project (for city officials and employees) CMO, HRMO, 20% IRA, X X
incorporating change of mindset to create positive behavioral change DILG GF, ODA
relative to risk management
Study Visits and Best Practice Learning Exchange (with support by CUI, CMO, HRMO 20% IRA, X X
CityNET, Cityies Alliance, CDIA, LCP, WB and other NGAs, NGOs, ODAs) GF,
* “non-projects” or services

Iloilo City Planning and Development Office, December 2013 30

2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 5 ANNEXES

Chapter 5ANNEXES
Annex A - Executive Order No. 56, series-2013: Reconstituting the
Planning Team and Sectoral Committees for the Preparation of the 2013-
2016 Comprehensive Development Plan

Annex B – CDP Preparation Schedule

Iloilo City Planning and Development Office, December 2013 31

2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 5 ANNEXES

Annex A

Republic of the Philippines

7th Floor, Iloilo City Hall, Plaza Libertad, Iloilo City 5000, Philippines Tel. (033)337-3573 / 337-0085 Fax (033)335-0689


Series of 2013


WHEREAS, Section 106 of the Local Government Code of 1991 mandates each LGU to prepare a three-
year comprehensive multi-sectoral development plan to be initiated by the Local Development Council and approved
by the Sangguniang Panlungsod;

WHEREAS, pursuant thereto the DILG has developed the Guide to Comprehensive Development Plan
(CDP) for LGUs and called for its utilization through DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2008-156;

WHEREAS, Chapter I of the Guide prescribed structural mechanisms and procedures

with which the preparation of the CDP can be pursued through multi-sectoral representations;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JED PATRICK E. MABILOG, by virtue of the powers

vested in me by law as Mayor of Iloilo City, do hereby declare that:

Section 1. Name and Membership. Per Item 1.1 of Chapter I of DILG Memorandum
Circular No. 2008-156 series of 2008, the CDP Planning Team and CDP Sectoral Committees,
are hereby created and composed of the following:

1. Mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog - Chairman

2. Vice-Mayor Jose Espinosa III - Vice-Chairman

Social Development Sector:

3. Hon. Liezel Joy Z. Salazar - SP Committee on Women, and Family Relations

4. Hon. Lyndon V. Acap - SP Committee on Health, Livelihood
5. Hon. Joshua Alim - SP Committee on Urban Poor
6. Hon. Lady Julie Grace Baronda - SP Committee on Social Services
7. Brgy. Capt. Pascual Espinosa IV - ABC Molo District

Iloilo City Planning and Development Office, December 2013 32

2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 5 ANNEXES

8. P/Sr. Supt. Ruperto T. Floro Jr. - PNP Iloilo City Director’s Office
9. Dr. Nelly H. Valerio - City School Superintendent
10. Alfredo Villanueva - City Social Welfare and Development Office
11. Dr. Urminico Baronda Jr. - City Health Office
12. Mary Ann Ramos - City Population and Development Office
13. Wilfredo Jurilla - ICUPAO
14. Sonia Cadornigara - Homeless International
15. Dir. Minda Brigoli - DSWD 6
16. Engr. Isagani Jalbuena - NHA 6

Economic Development Sector:

17. Hon. Jose Efrain G. Treñas III - SP Committee on Cooperatives, Agriculture and
Natural Resources
18. Hon. Rodel F. Agado - SP Committee on Markets and Slaughterhouse
19. Hon. Eduardo L. Peñaredondo - SP Committee on Appropriations
20. Hon. Nielex C. Tupas - SP Committee on Tourism, Trade, Commerce
21. Brgy. Capt. Alain Rey Depatillo - ABC City Proper District
22. Brgy. Capt. Ricardo Diño Sr. - ABC Lapuz District
23. Benito Jimena - City Tourism Development Office
24. Geraldine Hautea - Office of the City Agriculturist
25. Katherine Tingson - City Treasurer’s Office
26. Dr. Tomas Forteza - Office of the City Veterinarian
27. Ninda Atinado - City Budget Office
28. Michelle Lopez - City Accounting Office
29. Ma. Leah Lara - Iloilo Business Club
30. Dir. Ro-an Bacal - NEDA 6
31. Dir. Helen G. Catalvas - DOT 6

Physical/Land Use Development Sector:

32. Hon. Edward Yee - SP Committee on Land Use and Zoniny

33. Brgy. Captain Celia Baylen - ABC Arevalo District
34. Jose Roni Peñalosa - City Planning and Development Office
35. Engr. Roberto Divinagracia - Office of the Building Official, CEO
36. Engr. Nelson E. Parreño - City Assessor’s Office
37. Engr. Jose Tengco - Traffic Regulation and Management Office
38. Arch. Manuel Tingzon Jr. - Private Sector - Design and Construction
39. Mario Nillos - PPDO, Iloilo Province
40. Hirminio Maravilla - CREBA
41. Dir. Pilar Jamandre - HLURB 6
42. Dir. Eva Maria P. Marfil - HUDCC 6

Environmental Management Sector:

43. Hon. R. Leone N. Gerochi - SP Committee on Environmental Protection

44. Brgy. Capt. Rudiver Jungco Jr. - ABC Lapaz District
45. Brgy. Capt. Sergio Causing - ABC Mandurriao District

Iloilo City Planning and Development Office, December 2013 33

2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 5 ANNEXES

46. Joren Sartorio - General Services Office

47. Engr. Noel Hechanova - City ENRO
48. Engr. Raul Gallo - Office of Public Services
49. Evelyn Belleza - UP Visayas
50. Bernabe Garnace - DENR-CENRO
51. Atty. Jonathan P. Bulos - DENR-EMB 6

Institutional Development Sector:

52. Hon. Jason Gonzales - SP Committee on Good Government

53. Brgy. Capt. Jerel Aguilles - ABC Jaro District
54. Col Norlito Bautista - City Administrator’s Office
55. Atty. Danilo Dinopol - City Legal Office
56. Leo Elevencione - HRMO
57. Juncae Manikan - Office of Civil Registry
58. Atty. Ferdinand Panes - DILG CLGOO
59. Dr. Lucio T. Encio - PICPA
60. Dir. Evelyn Trompeta - DILG 6
61. Dr. Teodoro C. Robles - CPU

Section 2. Functions and Responsibilities. The Planning Team shall perform the
functions and responsibilities defined and/or enumerated in Chapter 1 of DILG Memorandum
Circular No. 2008-156 series of 2008, to wit:

1. Prepare a Work Plan and Budget for the CDP preparation;

2. Gather and review available and relevant plans and other secondary data sources;
3. Plan, coordinate and facilitate the conduct of various multi-stakeholder
consultation/validation workshops;
4. Assist the City Mayor and the LDC in drafting, packaging and finalizing the CDP to
include the 3-Year LDIP and the ELA;
5. Prepare presentation materials for various audiences of the CDP;
6. Assist the City Mayor in his presentation of the Plan to various stakeholders;
7. Assist in organizing other planning sub-committees that may be required to carry out
other planning activities;
8. Perform such other functions as may be required by the City Mayor towards the
completion, adoption, popularizing, implementing and monitoring the CDP;
9. Identify and coordinate work efforts with other concerned national government
agencies, non-governmental organizations, POs, civil society, business sector and
other stakeholders.

Section 3. Meetings and Workshops. The Planning Team shall meet as often as
necessary at such day and time as it may fix for consultations, focus group discussions or

Section 4. Secretariat. The City Planning and Development Office shall act as the
Secretariat of the Planning Team and shall create a core team for the CDP preparation.

Iloilo City Planning and Development Office, December 2013 34

2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan Chapter 5 ANNEXES

Section 5. Effectivity. This Executive Order shall take effect this 17th day of September,
2013 in the City of Iloilo, Philippines.

(Original Signed)
City Mayor


(Original Signed)
Administrative Officer IV

Iloilo City Planning and Development Office, December 2013 35

2013-2019 Iloilo City Comprehensive Development PlanChapter 5 ANNEXES

Annex B

Preparation of the Iloilo City Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP)

November – December 2013


W1 W2 W3 W4 W1
A. Mobilization
1. review of CDP Manual, related issuances CPDO
2. organizing the planning team, TWG, CPDO CPDO, CMO
Core Team and sectoral committees
3. requisition for logistics, equipment, supplies CPDO
4. issuance of EOs, distribution of invitation for CPDO, CMO
initial organizational meeting
5. conduct of orientations for planning team, DILG-CLGOO,
sectoral committees, TWG and CPDO core CPDO
team, sectoral committees, LDC Execom
B. Preparation of Inputs for Plan Preparation
1. review of 2011-2020 CLUP, CDP 2011-2013, Planning Team,
ELA 2011-2013 CPDO Core Team
2. acquisition of sectoral data and information Planning Team,
CPDO Core Team
C. Plan Preparation(by planning team and LDC
1. conduct of Workshop 1: Validation of Vision Sectoral Com,
(SWOT analyses) DILG, CPDO
2. conduct of Workshop 2: Sectoral Analysis and Sectoral Com,
Setting Sectoral Goals, Objectives and Targets DILG, CPDO
( to include LGPMS as reference)
3. conduct of Workshop 3: Prioritization of Sectoral Com,
Projects, Programs and Activities (to include DILG, CPDO
policies and regulatory measures)
4. conduct of Workshop 4: LDIP Preparation
5. encoding and editing of plan document
D. Plan Approval by LDC
1. Documentation and Indorsement of plan
2. Plan Approval by the LDC

Iloilo City Planning and Development Office, December 2013 33

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