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24166 B. Tech, Sth Semester (F) Scheme (CSE) Examination, December-2018 MULTIMEDIATECUNOLOGIES PaperIT-204-F Time allowed : 3 hours} [Maximum marks : 100 Note: Attempt five questions selecting ome question from each section and question no. 1 is compulsory. 1. Writea short note on the following (a) Computer Color Models 5 (©) DVI Technology 5 (©) Animation Technologies 5 (@)_ Desktop Virtual Reality. Section-A, 2 (@)_ What is multimedia system ? Doseribe the framework for multimedia system in detail with diagram, Is (b) What ype of role presentation devices plays in ‘multimedia system? Explain, 5 3. (@)_ Discuss the different types of multimedia servers, indeal 10 (b)_ Briefly explain ADSL 0 24166-P-3-0-9 (18) PTO. ay 24166 Section-B (a) Explain the architecture of PEG in detail. 10 (b) What are still images ? Describe various ways of aking til images, 10 Write a short note on following (@) Vectordrawing (©) 3D drawing and rendering (©) Color palettes @ une 20 Seetion-C (@) Explain MPEG motion video compression standard technique in deal 12 (b) Explain musical instrument detail 8 (2) Explainthe method ofencoding the analog signals. 8 (b) Describe stereophonie and quadraphonic signal processing. 2 oO 24166 (@) Describe intelligent VR software systems and desktop virtual eli 0 (©) Explain she Viral operating sytem bie: ite short note on (@) Desktop viral rai (b)- Virtual environment

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