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CID – M&E Form 11B

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Pagadian City

Assessment Evaluation Checklist

, 2018
Name of Teacher:_____________________________________________________________
District: _____________________ School: __________________________ Date: ________

Using the Checklists

To use one of the Assessment Evaluation Checklists, an evaluator considers the individual
element in light of the evidence related to that element, then indicates whether the element was
observed (O), not observed (N), or not applicable (NA) by putting a check mark on the space

O = Observed
N = Not Observed
NA = Not Applicable

Assessment Evaluation Checklist

O N NA Evaluation Elements
   The directions of the test is clearly stated.
   The appropriate population of intended examinees is specified

   Content standards have been developed and are documented 

   A detailed domain definition is provided and the specific
objectives, content standards, and performance levels that are
to be measured are documented.
 
   The type of assessment (e.g., standards-referenced, norm-
referenced, augmented), test content, length, time allotments,
item/task formats, and any section arrangements are described

   A rigorous item/task review process is followed and


   Assessments are designed to yield scores that reflect the full
range of student achievement

   Examinees are provided with test administration regulations and

   Reasonable test preparation materials are available to examinees
free of charge.

   Examinees are monitored during the testing process.

   The testing environment is comfortable and has minimal

   The content domain covered by a test is clearly defined, and an
explicit rationale is provided for the content covered by the test.
An appropriate procedure is documented to demonstrate that the
test content is aligned to the content standards on which the test
is based
   Policies and procedures for score release are documented
   Policies and procedures regarding test rescoring are
   Score reports are provided promptly to examinees and other
appropriate audiences.
   Score reports provide test results in a clear format with
essential information that is easily understood by the
intended audience
   Examinees are informed regarding to whom scores will be
released and how long scores will be kept on file.

Monitoring Official


Cizek, G. J., Schmid, L. A., & Germuth, A. A. (2013). A checklist for evaluating K-12 Assessment
Program. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, EvalWorks, LLC.

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