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Digital Citizenship

What does it mean to be a digital citizen?

What is cyberbullying?

How can we communicate with people online in a safe way?

Ms. Marcinek’s 2nd Grade

ISTE Standard

● K-2.NC.1 Use technology to work cooperatively and

collaboratively with peers, teachers, and others.
Learning Goals

Students will be able to…

- Recognize what actions would be considered cyberbullying

- Explain how to deal with a cyberbully
- Acknowledge how to communicate with people online in a
safe and smart way
Let’s Begin With a Warmup! What is a Bully?

Talk to your teammates at your table and describe what

qualities you think makes someone a bully. When you are done
discussing with your group, have one person go up to the board
and write one quality.
What makes someone a bully?

So… now that we have all talked about some qualities of a bully,
you should have written down…

● A person that makes fun/ says mean things to people

● Someone that physically hurts people
● Someone that threatens people
● They repeatedly do this.

We all know a bully isn’t a nice person. Now talk to your group
about how a bully makes someone feel.
How does a bully make us feel?

You guys should have discussed that bullying makes people


● Sad
● Angry
● Upset
● Scared
● Alone
Wait a second.. Can someone be a bully
The answer is yes! When someone is a bully online they are
called a CYBERBULLY.

A definition of a cyberbully is - the use of electronic

communication to bully a person
How can we identify a Cyberbully?

Cyberbullies do things such as…

● Send mean emails

● Make fun of a people by posting an embarrassing picture
● Type bad messages to people on games, such as Club
Let’s watch a video about what could be
considered Cyberbullying.
After watching the video… What did Nermal
do wrong?
A. He didn’t ask Otto for permission to post a picture of him.
B. He didn’t delete mean comments that people posted.
C. He posted an embarrassing picture of someone.
D. All of the above

Talk in your groups and decide what the right answer is.
Quiz Answer!!!

The correct answer was D. All of the Above.

Why?... Even though Nermal was Otto’s friend, he still posted

an embarrassing picture of him WITHOUT his permission.
When people made mean comments on the picture, Nermal
didn’t defend him or delete them.
How do we stop Cyberbullying?

Important Steps!

1. Always tell an adult

2. Stop using the game or cite that you are getting
cyberbullied on
3. Don’t use the cite until an adult says it is okay
4. If you are friends with the person who hurt your feelings,
tell them their comments or actions made you upset.
Let’s Try it Out!

On the next three slides, you will be given different scenarios

dealing with cyberbullying. It is your job to tell the characters
what to do and decide whether or not it was truly
cyberbullying. After reading, discuss with your groups what
you think the correct answer is.
Scenario #1: Sarah

Sarah just got her first email on She has been having
fun using it to communicate with her friends. However,
someone with the username has been
emailing her everyday threatening to harm her.

Is this cyberbullying? If so, what should Sarah do?

● You guys should have said yes this is cyberbullying.

● Sarah should immediately tell her parents and block that
address from her email account.
Scenario #2: Tony

Tony just got the Facebook app for the first time. He doesn’t
really know too well how to use it. His friend Marcus becomes
upset with him after Tony hasn’t added Marcus back as a friend
on Facebook yet. However, since Tony was new to the app, he
had no idea how to add a friend.

Is this Cyberbullying? If so what should be done?

● You guys should have said this is not cyberbullying.

● Tony did not do anything wrong. However, he should
explain to Marcus that he was unsure how to add friends
back so that Marcus knows Tony didn’t ignore him.
Scenario #3: Hailey

Hailey looked through her phone and found an embarrassing

picture of a girl named Katie. Hailey posts it on Instagram and
people begin to comment mean things about Katie. Katie is
very hurt that Hailey posted the picture and laughed along with
everyone else.

Is this cyberbullying? If so, what should Katie do?

● You guys should have said this is cyberbullying.

● Katie should tell her parents about the picture. She should
also tell Hailey how the picture made her feel and ask her to
delete it immediately.
Let’s Play a Game!

Now that we can properly identify what to do in a situation

dealing with cyberbullying, let’s play a Kahoot! to test your
knowledge on the subject!
So how do we communicate with people
online in a safe and smart way?
Let’s brainstorm! Talk to your group and think about ways to
properly communicate with friends, teachers, parents, etc

Once your group has come to a conclusion, have one person

come up to the board and write down your best idea!

Think about why this is important.

Communicating online in a safe and smart
Some ideas we should have written down on the board

● Never giving a stranger your personal information,

including address, number, last name, school
● Only communicating with people you trust online
● Always keep password to yourself
● Make a username that does not have your full name in it
● Be respectful to others
Quiz time!!! Which answer is NOT a safe way
to communicate online?
A. Making a username with only my first name and a few
numbers/ symbols.
B. Telling someone I just met online that I live in Crown Point,
C. Emailing my grandma my Christmas list.
D. Refuse to give someone my password when they ask.
Quiz Answer!!!

The correct answer is B…

No matter what this person you just met online tells you, it is
NEVER a good idea to tell them the city you live in. This is
personal information and you shouldn’t give it out to strangers.
Time to wrap it up!

● Cyberbullying is when someone uses electronic

communication to bully a person.
● If you are being cyberbullied, you should tell a trusted adult
to handle the situation
● Always be cautious when communicating with people
online and only talk in safe and smart ways.
Works cited
Works Cited Part 2

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