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The origin of Thoughts

Sumit Kumar

October 17, 2019


1 Thought: What is it? 5

2 The crux of thinking 7

Chapter 1

Thought: What is it?

What is thought and how it is generated will bring a lot of clarity in our minds.
Let us first understand the the process of thinking first. The process is as follows:

• The information is received by our senses.

• The information reaches our brains.
• The information is then compared with stored memory, to relate it to past
• The information is related and now is processed as per our belief system.
• A response is generated by our belief system.
• An emotional response is given by our brain.
• And chemical or neurotransmitters are released in our body.
• Body takes an action as found appropriate.

You can enlarge this list by adding few intermediate steps and it will bring
more and more clarity. Now, imagine that the belief system is based on uni-
versal truth and sufficient memory is stored in the brain on any aspect, will
the brain make right and most rational decision? Yes, it should and it will.
However, if a belief system is wrong, memory is incomplete and inaccurate or
is inadequate, will the brain make a right decision? No, it’s highly unlikely.

So when we believe that what it is isn’t what we want, we try to be some-

one else. So we use our memory and imagination to be that something. The
dilemma is that we can never be someone else; and, still we try our best to be
someone else. It is simply because we consider that being someone else will get
us what they have. But this is far from truth. Everybody achieved something
by becoming what you really are from within. This will also show what you can


do in life best. Conclusively, by being something else, we can’t be anything at

all. We can create anxiety and depression to ourselves and in worst cases most
difficult problems such as PTSD, bipolar and even schizophrenia.

So, why do we become others? The price we pay is high. He lose touch from
what we are. It can only bring unhappiness and failure. But still, we would
want to be something else every moment. We would want to be somewhere else.
And, we want to have something else. Why do we constantly do it to ourselves
when the price we pay for doing so is high. The answer is one word - instant
satisfaction to ego. It can be further analyzed in many steps layer by layer going
down as:

• The ego doesn’t like to accept ourselves. It will dissolve if we consistently

live in present moment.
• The mind has a software which is installed through experiential learning
from environment. So many of people around us are sad, unsatisfied, and
have self-depreciating thoughts. And, we learned everything from them
since the childhood when the conscious mind started developing. Their
being sad and hopeless will definitely be learned by our subconscious mind.
Their wrong programming will definitely be induced in your mind. There
is no possibility that it won’t.
• The mind would never like to dissolve; that is what the ego is - coalition
of ideas and beliefs from environment.
• Mind is installed that way that by being something else, you can have
Chapter 2

The crux of thinking

Any form of mental illness is caused by persistent thoughts about a certain as-
pect, person or thing. The very foundation of any psychological irregularities
is the way information is processed and the details available to memory in that
regard. Due to the inability to handle certain pieces of information and lack of
broad understanding, a persistent resistance develops which leads to an emo-
tional build-up and constant influx of thoughts. This persistence of thoughts
that are far from reality leads to psychological disturbance or illness if not di-
agnosed early.

If the very basic foundation of why and how the thoughts are generated,
the root of the problem can be treated through counseling or psychoanalysis.
Here, we have squeezed down the very root of every thought into two major
components: acceptance of oneself completely and acceptance of the rest of the
existence as it is. Thoughts originate when we want to be something we are
not. It creates conflict as the very core of the subconscious mind doesn’t accept
it. Then, there is constant intent to be something else that creates more and
more conflict within and therefore leads to high traffic of thoughts. The intent
of being something else, if persistent and strong enough, will lead to schizophre-
nia. Even if the intent is persistent and not very intense, it leads to anxiety and
depression. If we want to become something in the future and reject what we
are in the present, we will experience constant anxiety. If we want to become
something of the past, or we try to change the past to be what we want to
become, it will lead to depression, if persistent.

It should be noted that if we want to become something else constantly, we

will not be able to remain in the present moment; and, our thinking will fluctu-
ate between past and present. That is the reason that someone who experiences
a chronic traumatic or fearful incident will have both anxiety and depression;
this is which might become the incubator of bipolar disorder.

In this article, the tool is discussed which can uproot the very origin of


thoughts. The reason for the constant influx of thoughts is resistance to what
is. This resistance originates from conditioning or belief that what if is a better
situation and can bring in desired results. A belief is developed in our minds
that someone else is more attractive; that something else will bring in the de-
sired results; and, that some other event would have or can change the result,
circumstances, and situations. This leads to the development of resistance with
who we are, what we are right now and what our overall existence is. This
persistent resistance leads to a constant flow of thoughts, which leads to illness.

This situation arises because our thinking becomes very constricted when
our beliefs are broken. Our beliefs are protected by the subconscious mind and
we feel threatened. This is because the subconscious mind operates our lives
from cellular to body and social level. A broken belief is taken as a threat at
the subconscious level, and we want to instate that belief. This conflict creates
a constant flow of thoughts, which is the root cause of psychological illnesses.

The most suitable solution for the problem is acceptance of ourselves and
the acceptance of others. We don’t accept ourselves and others because our
thinking is very local or personal. A wider, global and universal mindset will
resolve the conflict once and for all, and that too logically.

The existence of an individual can not be inconsistent with the existence of

the entire cosmos. The very scientific root of this theory is the isolated cosmos.
That means, inside the cosmos everything is related and nothing works against
the other. Everything exists in harmony and as per the law of nature. It means
that everything and everyone grows as per the scientific rules and regulations
of the entire cosmos. And, their actions are controlled by the cosmos; a cosmos
for which both of us are equally important. And, it constantly works to make
your existence better.

Your existence is part of overall existence can’t be argued against logically if

you are considered a physical system and are considered as an integral part of
the cosmos. The physics of cosmology justifies this claim. What you were today
is a grown form of what you were yesterday; and, you will be grown tomorrow
from today for the better. The precise conclusion of this argument is that no-
body can treat others beyond their experience in this universal existence and
development so far. Therefore, others’ behavior is the result of their experiential
development to date and this is not particularly and only towards you. A simi-
lar argument goes to your development to date and your behavior with others.
If two people switch their background, environment and teachings/education,
their behaviors towards any situation will switch too. This thought should cre-
ate the acceptability of others and oneself.

Another flaw in thinking is that events that occur with us are very personal
to us, and have an impact on only ourselves and our lives. One can’t argue
against the fact that one is a part of this vast cosmos. Therefore, in any sci-

entific argument, the isolation of any event no matter how tiny or big can be
argued. From the quantum level to the cosmic level, every event is connected.
So whatever event takes place in one’s life has an impact on everything; even
at those whom we hold responsible. And, the universe stands with each of its
components, be it you, me or them, and regardless of what. This thought can
inculcate an acceptance for each event, whether they are happy or sad.

The primary reason why one wants to be someone else and one’s life some-
thing else is because a belief is developed that by being those who were successful
in acquiring certain things, one will acquire them too. One can’t acquire any-
thing by being something else; everybody has acquired something by being what
they truly are. By being something else, or by changing any situation, circum-
stances; one can never acquire what one desires. One can acquire anything by
being what one truly is deep within, as is proved by understanding the psychol-
ogy of those who achieved name, fame and wealth successfully.

Succinctly, acceptance of oneself and others comes from correct information.

Lack of adequate and correct information builds a false belief. These false be-
liefs create a hindrance for us in being authentic. This is the sole reason for
the development of anxiety and depression, and also for other illnesses such as
schizophrenia, PTSD and bipolar disorder. The persistence of false thoughts for
long enough times creates belief, and a belief changes the neural structure and
overall structure of the brain. Therefore, the treatment through counseling or
medication will need time and is generally inefficient also. Because counseling
procedures can’t create a strong positive emotion against false belief.

What one wants oneself to be and what oneself wants others to be is the
right point for approach in diagnosis through counseling, which should then be
resurrected through suggestive logic and questioning for most effective results.
Since, majority of illness arises because the patients resist the real existence
of oneself/others and events, and constantly try to change them within; the
above-mentioned tools will help to resurrect the universal identity and will help
set-up these two belief systems in people suffering from emotional disturbances
and illnesses. They are the crux of all emotional problems and therefore, can
help diagnose an emotional problem at an early age and also a deep developed
problem. As the children develop the subconscious mind first, they should get
a reflection from their parents of being one’s true self, which is there and then,
and is here and now. Then, when the child will be grown-up, he/she will resist
trying to be something else and is likely to control the outside world a lot lesser.

The tools and techniques

Acceptance is the cure for emotional disturbances and psychological illness.
But, how do we create the acceptance is the problem most psychologists and
mental health experts are puzzled with. Creating constant brainstorming in

patients, and using suggestive tools of global/universal identity and inclusion

as described previously, any sort of mental illness can be cured. The intensity
of feelings while helping oneself contradict one’s false belief system and the
duration of development of that belief will primarily determine the duration in
which illness can be cured. Helping a patient believe that everything in the
cosmos works for him/her, and everything and everyone is how they must be
as per universal law, including those he/she feels hurt by, we can resurrect the
right subconscious program into their mind. And building a mindset that we
can acquire what we desire only by being what the unique is at this moment,
and not at all by being someone else, we can significantly reduce the causes of
anxiety, depression, PTSD, bipolar and even schizophrenia. It will also bring
long-lasting happiness in one’s life which will also be permanent.

The juice of the chapter

A child is born with genetic and evolutionary memory in the subconscious mind
which helps him survive and grow till the age of 5-7 years. Then, he/she starts
building a conscious mind. The right information at that time about one’s
assumed identity and the utmost importance of one’s acceptance of unique self
required in pursuing goals in life can significantly improve the mental health of
children, grown-up and old people in long run. Right now, there is an epidemic
of mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety disorders. If the acceptance
of everything as they are is inculcated in children and youth, the epidemic of
mental illness can be obviated successfully. And the acceptance will come with
a provision of right and complete information about each belief system one
holds. Inculcation of psychoanalytic abilities at the individual level will help all
societies and the entire world in being healthy and cheerful.

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