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Preschool Credential Capstone

Guidance Policy and Philosophy

Vision Statement

My vision as a teacher is to support a child’s intellectual and social growth. Learning is a social process that is
based on anti-bias perspectives, trust, respect and encouragement. I am an observer, supporter, a guide that
brings wisdom and thoughtfulness to each child’s unique way of learning. As a teacher my role is to help each
child learn to self-regulate, have freedom to make choices, and to be curious. It’s also important for me to
provide a loving, nurturing, developmentally appropriate environment in which each child feels safe and loved.

Guidance Philosophy

I feel it is important to support a child’s development and provide positive guidance. As a teacher I want to set
them up for success. It’s important that my approach, attitude and skills are emotionally supportive to the
children and that I value them as individuals and support them. Modeling healthy emotional expression and
supporting them as they build social skills and solve problems with others gives them opportunities to build
positive relationships with each other. It’s very important to have developmentally appropriate expectations for
children’s behavior, this helps to reduce mistaken behavior. My goal is to teach diverse, democratic life skills
that are needed for them to be healthy and productive adults. I feel that teaching the children problem solving
techniques with visual reminders helps when guiding a child’s mistaken behavior and helps both parties arrive
to a peaceful settlement. I encourage the children to use their words instead of becoming physical and to express
themselves and their feelings to solve the problem. It’s important for me to make sure the children know our
daily schedule as this also helps to reduce the frequency of conflicts. I have developmentally appropriate
expectations for the children’s behaviors that I communicate with them throughout the day as well as visual
reminders of the expectations.

Guidance Policy

Having a developmentally appropriate environment and providing effective ways to guide children’s behaviors
as they build social skills and solve problems with others. Building trust right from the start and getting to know
each child individually and observing them in the environment to see where specific behaviors are happening.
Responding appropriately and effectively to mistaken behaviors and being patient are very important. Using
positive language that focuses on the specific behavior, modeling appropriate words and behaviors, using a
calm and gentle tone when speaking, treating children with respect, having clear classroom rules and visual
reminders for positive behavior, using strategies that are consistent with my philosophy, red and green choices
are posted as visual reminders of rules, schedule is posted for children to know about their daily schedule, role
play to teach children positive social interactions, being flexible and trying other strategies that may fit the
mistaken behavior better. Supporting each child and giving them the tools to be successful little people that feel
positive about themselves, are considerate of others, sensitive, show kindness to others, have self-confidence,
try new things, are courteous, have self-control, know how to resolve conflict peacefully and stands up for their
own rights is an important foundation that is needed to be healthy members in the classroom, at home and in the


While taking this Preschool Credential class it has given me ideas, strategies, and best practices for guiding
children’s behavior. I feel I had a good foundation to start with but while taking these classes it’s helped me to
understand the why behind what I’m doing. I hope to give the children in my care a sense of self-worth,
confidence in themselves, and a love of learning in a positive, loving and nurturing environment that promotes
positive behaviors and social interactions.

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