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Pear Tac | SHAKARA WAND as a0 EYES LIKE YOURS (Ojos Asi) Words by SHAKIRA and GLORIA M. ESTEFAN Music by SHAKIRA, JAVIER GARZA and PABLO FLORE cs BbS cs pbs CS isi cma Moderately, with a beat ee of ——— h—+—* Sat-# —ts ty | ty; ty = ty h- as 7 Zs we oe 2a oo = ro? ro? r? rrrfr af = = = a oo Se ee o—Ilbat as oe = tf ie: f = ete ee ee és + e~ ee Se - ~~ =e ¢ Original key: Gt major. This edition has been transposed down one half-step to be more playable. Copyright © 2001 Aniwi Music, LLC and F.1.P.P. International All Rights on behalf of Aniwi Music, LLC Administered by Sony/ATV Latin Music Publishing International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved NS you know I have seen you know I have seen wa a sky with-out — sun, a oman with no na - a wom-an of means___ in rags and beg - ging for pleas- cs DbS cs x x x3 a” fae” a Mtr saints — cap-tive in chains,__ a song with no name— crossed a riv-er of — salt just af-ter I rode__ Db5 C5 ir ae YY —— for lack of i - mag-i - na - —— a ship that’s sunk in the des - ya la he) And I have ert. dark - er____ than _ eb - o- ny... 75 = And now it seems cs DbS C5 BbS cs i 3fr i fe i afr i ie air —— out your eyes could nev - x de - sire, BbS cs fa i air in your eyes for-ev-er to live. Trav-eled all o - ver - en © - ceans; there is noth-ing that I would- n't give. Came from Bah- rain, got to Bei - rut look - ing for some-one com - par - ing to you. Tear - ing down win-dows and doors, and — — I could not find eyes like yours. Rab-bous - sa - mai___ fi - kar - ra - jaii,__ a-ral - ha-ya - ti. i-lai - ka min ha-za_1- ka-aou - ni. Ve Ar- jou - ka lab - bi lab - bi ni - dai. __ Came from Bah - rain, got to Bei - rut Dbs EbS Dbs te oft fy ate a look-ing for some-one com-par-ing to you. Tear - ing down win-dows and doors, and ae” i oe I could not find eyes like yours. Uh 78 DPS cs If fgg SS SS o—o—o_* 0» 6? 0 0 0 #0 {pe 22 2 2 2 2 ee ee ee SS =—S== > = | b vo vw rv he a o + + be FS CYG S “ww Rab - bous - sa- mai___ fi - kar - ra - jaii,_._ a bw ——— ———— 4 {Se r~wvwewaes lab - bi lab - Came from = Bab- raii to Bei- mu —————— = > — SSS SSS 41 = for some-one com - ———= find eyes 80 abs cs 33] & 3 in your eyes for - ev - er to live. Trav-eled all o - ver the sev - en o - BbS cs ig —— there is noth-ing that I would - n’t give. Came from — Bah- rain, Bei - rut Dbs EDS DbS ip te isi of i Ar e look - ing for some-one com- par - ing Tear - ing down__ win-dows and doors, and I could not find eyes_—s‘Wike = yours Ooh. 49 Words and Music by SHAKIRA and BRENDAN BUCKLEY Moderately 5 Abm fn ee Me im i i afr Tell me lies t slap me on the face._ Just_____ im - pro - vise; _— God re - signed_ from hear-ing my old sto - ry ev-'ry night._ Abm EI Fm Ab a f° ba —S that-"Il make_ me hates your__ name__ for ev - T'm— much_ more— sor - do some-thing real-ly clev - er I'm pay - ing hell for glo - ry._ I’m em-bar - assed, but — Copyright © 2001 Aniwi Music, LLC and Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. All Rights on behalf of Aniwi Music, LLC Administered by Sony/ATV Latin Music Publishing International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved 50 ED FS oF ED ie a fi fat Bf You might swear_ All this pain__ HFEF FIP you'd nev-er touch a la - dy. Well, let me say —_____ you’re not too far from may - be. be - gins to feel like pleas - ure. With my tears, —_ you’d makea sea a des - ert. TF TF fF Ab El i Me Bie > a a Ev -’ry day you find new ways. to —— Salt my wounds,_ and TH keep_ say. - ing, ee But I can’t help it if I’m— just a fool,___— al - ways hav - El b xa ~~ « & - # 8 pn 3 > = ies] a oo 2. neal a - ing my heart_ set on you. ———_ Till the time____ you start chang - ing the rules, — 3 I'll keep chas - ing the soles. of your shoes. Abme/Cb Eb 1 Se NS Fm Ab Gm Bb = = = B Guitar solo = a os But I can’t — help_ Solo ends Ab Eb Bb 2 & 8 Eb Bb # 8 Fae S = I'm__ just a fool,___ ing my heart_ set on you._— Eb Bb m a i ir ae ate a ; fa f= af Till the time_____ you start chang - ing the T'll keep chas - 7 Abm Bh a Abo Eb BI x a - ing the soles_ of your shoes. Abm/ch — Abm6/Cb Eb Bb Fm Ab Eb Bb x <— ~ — A x “ ma” oa “i el = “—" : —_ WN ————wV—V'_a"reeuéuO[d I can’t help it, _ ba . fool. I can’t help it, ba - fool. fool. I can’t help it, Abm Abm/Ch Abmo/cb = 4 E Bb oe % ae" - aS fool. I can’t help it, ba - by, __ba- by. fool, __ I'm molto rit. ‘ OBJECTION (Tango) Words and Music by SHAKIRA and LESTER A. MENDEZ Moderately fast Tango Bm A G Fe7 x mae | Oss ane Ce ee ee BayF# A G Sn eee Copyright © 2001 Aniwi Music, LLC, EMI Blackwood Music Inc. and Apollinaire Music All Rights on behalf of Aniwi Music, LLC Administered by Sony/ATV Latin Music Publishing All Rights on behalf of Apollinaire Music Controlled and Administered by EMI Blackwood Music Inc. International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved Fast Rock 1. It’s not her fault that she’s so ir - re - sist 2. Next to her cheap sil - i - con I look min - 1. Nun - ca pen - sé que do - lier-ael a - mor 2. Se queol-vi - dar - te no esas - un - to tia 7° eed ‘4 5 a> B | but all the dam - age she’s — That’s why in front of — your | cuan - do seen - tie - rraen el Ila. Te me cla - vas - teen el ———3—_ a 2 ta A BS A al Fe tal ———3— caused is - n't fix - a - eyes I’m in - vis - i - me - dio deun no yun cuer - po co- moun cu - chi - Ilo. 4 —3— oe a. Ev -’ry twen-ty sec - onds you re - peat But you got -ta know smallthings al Es un di-a oe - Way ot - ro di Pe-ro to-do lo que en-traha de wT —— when it comes _ to me, you don’t bet - ter puts: your feet on the tds de - jan - do sin cor : a - los quees = tén—_ ten — drdin— que par : — ef Fe i tir Bm re love you sa - bes ee care ground. zon cep - re- nun - A ee ey free and que es - toy Ob - jec-tion, | the — I'm a- live or dead.__ see what it’s a - bout. cer-o0 de ra - zon. em - pe-zan-do por mi. iii. i731 © I'm not your moth ti va- cu - na Bm Ee Tm Bm A co | So ob - jec-tion, 1 don’t wan - na \ \ Ay tea - vi- soy tea-nun- cio que - tion. I - clos. Ya OF A G ~ = ci tired_ ) an - gles { this tri- an - gle, Por ti me que - dé co Mo - na Lis - TF oF 1 Fey Bm A a a a. 2 - go. m fall - ing a - part in your - sa.Queel cie-loy tm ma - dre cui - ——3— —3—— Fa7 sin lan - toy = iz ei SS , danc - ing— tan - go. I'm _ fall - ing apart in your hands a - gain sin son - ri - sa. Queel ie - lay tu ma-dre cui - den de ti. -—3—7 — was a chance for — no e- ras e 7 ‘se you could - n’t_ find — place to be cé =~ mo se pue - Ess ya vi = vire Ao Fe a Pay BO way rien This is pa - Es - tan pa - (drums) thet - ic and sar - don - ic. It’s sa is psy - chot - ic. Tan-go is té - ti - co, neu - 16 - ti - co, t i si - C6 - ti - co. Th three, __ was nev - er meant to be. But you can ves el tan - g0, noes dea tres, —_ Ahi voy plane - re - hearse it, horse, but don’t you ca - par y s - vés, pe - ro voya on me, oh, don’t you count on me, boy. in’ - ten-tar - lo u-nay ot - ra vez, voy. a a a | rwewerwererr Ob - jec- tion, I don’t wan - na tea - vi-soy tea- nun - cio que == G FA7 B & be the ex - cep) - tion_________ to get a bit of your - tion. T hoy re- nun - — cio____ a ms ne - cios, Por i a a love you for free and I'm not your moth - but you don’t tome que-dé co - mo Mo -na Lis - sin lan - toy # PP Ea] ze ut SS” aes e - ven both - er Ob = jec-tion, I'm _ tired tri- an - gle, sin son - ri - sa Tea~-vi- so quees-toy de i cu-na - da, Fey Bm A i Bey & -——3— —3— - 7 - go. I'm fall - ing a - part in your meim - - da. Queel cie -loy tm ma - dre cui - ——~3— o3— ts Fe7 ba Fe7 & x J ° S i] Ee Bh Get a - way. Ya me voy, x i Get a - way, + get a - way. Ya me fui, es me - jor_— Ft Bm A i & =z huh, uh, huh, — huh, uh, huh, — Wry Fe Wry By G 1 py -—3—— cc 3— Tm fall - ing a - part in your Ay que el cie- loy tm ma- dre cui - 3 3 Ser a - gain. Get a - way. de ti. _—— Get a - way. Me voy ser - a me - jor a - si. : POEM TO A HORSE Music by SHAKIRA and LUIS F. OCHOA Bm D a & Bs Bm f i S Cy ey aS FH Bm D Bs Bm G rey Bm i i Ge ec a far to bring you close_ You're too my soup with a fork _ T'd_ rath - er eat s te a ~~’ your dai - ly__ is hard - er__ just hang - in’ on___ ‘cause to. talk__ to. = you__ be - low; in New York, and too high to see or drive a cab Copyright © 2001 Aniwi Music, LLC, F.LP.P. International and Sonido Azulado Al Rights on behalf of Aniwi Music, LLC Administered by Sony/ATV Latin Music Publishing All Rights on behalf of Sonido Azulado Administered by F.L..P. International International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved 61 Fe7 Bm iy Ee a ka baal — I know you nev - er need-ed an - y - one__— So what's the point of wast-ing all__ my words, — 4 =, ee SS —_—_—————— SS SS SSS SSF a a oe see a ag sie se ve a a _—_ but the roll - ing pa - pers for— your grass. How can you give what you don’t — if it’s just the same or e - ven worse than read - ing po - ems to. a oe = —— — —— —= 3 a a ad i ye ele ee oe ee . a You keep on aim - ing for__ the top__— You keep on aim - ing for__ the top a WS? and quit be - fore you sweat_ a drop. and quit be - fore you sweat_ a drop. Feed youremp - ty brain Feed youremp - ty brain___ with your with your You oe Nice to meet I wish you “cause I’ve get *cause there’s a you, luck, but I’ve hy - dro - pon - ic hy - dro- pon - ic with - in for ev more fun foot __ but I got-ta go oth - er things been wait - “CYT 6 — pot. pot. __ my to ry way. do. You start out Tl play - ing bet you'll “—” with_ your - self._ find_ some - one like you D rh Bm G i my heart oh o i i sounds like a cheap_ = met - a -_— phor,___ Qa well Eo oa '] ! OH HT Wt ‘cause I've been wait - ing in vain. LY P 7 D a a & & NS my _ heart is sore,___ sounds like a cheap met - a - phor._ “cause I've been wait - — ing i i But you’re— “LST D Feyct Fey Bm G = & & ci with your - self. D A Bm G D Fe7/Ce F257 & a & # & & 7 —— sounds like a cheap_ met-a - phor,— so1___ won’t_ re --_—sépeat. o> $+__$_ molto rit. a ao QUE ME QUEDES TU Words by SHAKIRA Music by SHAKIRA and LUIS F. OCHOA Moderately Gm =e ae Copyright © 2001 Aniwi Music, LLC, F.1.P.P. International and Sonido Azulado All Rights on behalf of Aniwi Music, LLC Administered by Sony/ATV Latin Music Publishing All Rights on behalf of Sonido Azulado Administered by F.1.P.P. International International Copyright Secured Alll Rights Reserved ee la te - le- vi- sién._ bras de mii-no-cen- cia. at a de no- ti - cias, los ve - ci - nos, ca - na - les to - dos Que sea-rrui-nen los Que de - sa- pa-rez - can =I 3 to-das las pues-tas de y seex-tin - gan pe- da-zo de con - ya-cri - bi-Ilen mi 3 Que se vuel-van an - Que se va-yan u - noa SH sol, cien - cia. — x c~3— con lo mu-cho que o-dio y se co-man las so - 3 Cm * i a ti - cua - das las son-ri - sas, u - no los a- mi- gos, = oT ee Me Que se su -pri- Que se con-su - —— man las__— doc - tri nas y de - be pa - la bras en__ los la man las __ ar aie aoe i) o a Que se ter - mi i cu - las deac - cién. Que con - ta - mi gua del pla - ne - ta F Cm Gm ea ba” . Que se des - tru O que re - nun Be a+ ps a i ” = — y que sees - cri-ba hoy u-na ul - y que se mue-ra_ hoy _has-tael ul - - do los pla - ce - res, - tro- pos___-y___ sa - bios, = oso ti - ma can - cin. } ti- mo po-e - ta j g zm ——— me que-de tua-bra - 20, yel be - so quein-ven - a =z = - ay que me que - dea - qui des-pués del o - ca - . Pa - ra siem-pre oo. a Gm7 Eb(add9) = = = ) Le . FT - i Por - que yo, que-das_ ti, __ =" = # Ste i fe } He Pe - ro__ que me que - des ee me que-de tua- bra y.el be - so que in-ven - Eb(add9) Bb A a m - ay que me qui__ des-pués del 0 - ca - so. Pa - ra siem-pre tu__ SI = Gm7 Eb(add9) im? , a fe Fe i a me-lan - c . Por - que yo, yo, a sf, _—__ que de - pen - do de tf. Si me Proto rit, e dim. 4 READY FOR THE GOOD TIMES Words by SHAKIRA Music by SHAKIRA and LESTER A. MENDEZ Moderate Dance tempo Ab Gm Bb Ab Gm #2 2&8 = = — a Cm Gm ie Me at” —_ — don’t wan - clear___ the cob - webs from my head; __ don’t wan - look at fash - ion mag -a - zines__ Copyright © 2001 Aniwi Music, LLC, EMI Blackwood Music Inc, and Apollinaire Music Al Rights on behalf of Aniwi Music, LLC Administered by Sony/ATV Latin Music Publishing All Rights on behalf of Apollinaire Music Controlled and Administered by EMI Blackwood Music Inc. International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved Bb AD Cm = a ie time will bring em back, I bet. —_ So if you hear_ me say _ that while. some-one does my nails, __ Sit-ting here____ watch - ing ee I be - lieve in love, oth - er peo-ple __ live, Ab En? SS” 1 used to sing the sad-dest songs,__ and in the "Cause ev - ‘ry day there’s a war to fight, and if I Gm Ab an x YS a Le mean - time roach-es used to climb my door= fall - ing back__ down___ win or lose, ______ nev - er mind,_ as long as you're my shel - ter r ; Seer Ae 7 Eb/Bb Bh Bn? Ea i fe SS used to read sur - viv - al guides _ when my used to cry a - gainst a wall,__._ but now I’ve Gm Ab ie om YS world was full of sev-en-leg-ged cats, _—but_—_—ihere got a shoul- der that [I can lean on._ Swear e eight more _ lives. won't be gone. Im read-y for the good_times, I’m read-y for the good_ times, r F Gm AD Cn =” ee ig read-y for the good_ times, F Bb Gm Ab ae mm” =” ~ oF . read-y for the good_ times, now_ that I’m not a power = you know it. Cm Gm A Bb ae” ‘ Ee ey “ bet - ter not__ ig - nore it, ah, ah, ah. ah, ah, ah. Cn Gm @ Sie ate Guitar Solo Em? Gm fe =, — =e ev -’ry day there’s a war to fight, and if I win or lose, —snev-er |) Solo ends mind,___as_ long as Ab ED/Bb Bb Em7 me" Fig“ Es Fe — <. a you’re my shel - ter ev -'ry night T__ used to cry a-gainst a wall,_ but now I’ve_ Gm AD Bbsus Bb =” a” mR = J 7 7 — got a shoul-der that I can lean on. _ Swear to me_________ you won’t : ee a ce ee” read-y for the good_times, I’m tead-y for the good _ times, read - y to get it we OP F AD Cm Bb ae is" = 1s _ SS I'm read-y for the good_ times, I'm read-y for the good_ times, know it. ooh, ooh. —_ 26 RULES Words by SHAKIRA Music by SHAKIRA and LESTER A. MENDEZ Bb E Moderately fast Rock ee St (Drums) ———— = > op ae SES oo 2s ee You have to swear___ you’ve got love to love me, __ = I should see a doc - — tor,— Copyright © 2001 Aniwi Music, LLC, EMI Blackwood Music Inc. and Apollinaire Music All Rights on behalf of Aniwi Music, LLC Administered by Sony/ATV Latin Music Publishing Al Rights on behalf of Apollinaire Music Controlled and Administered by EMI Blackwood Music Inc. International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved a that will — last we must have — who would keep ‘cause a jeal - AD EI Bb en ie = a Aah, so don’t ev -er go a - way, and you know I'll do for us the things I’m gon - but it = may take £o on - ly to SS look _ “cause branch be You fore I these are es__ can @ rules change - for us. } the rules. J Use your eyes [> on-ly to kiss__ my lips. of the same old ___ tree. = laugh on-ly if you laugh_ with me. on-ly if you cry— SS that _ you're con - . Oh, can’t you see __ you'll al - ways be? £ Be 2 fe EEE 49 = a = ne ee SS SS ol aS foe —_—_—, 4 —| = SS ee DS. al Coda SS You used to say _— you al So ‘ee use your eyes on-ly to look. at me. on-ly to kiss__ my lips. "Por — on-ly if you laugh_ with me. on-ly if you cry__ for me. i _ —_ —— that__ you’re con - demned . Oh, can’t you see__ -$—____t f Gm Eb a x ee eg eee eee ef you'll al - ways be, aah. 54 TE DEJO MADRID Words by SHAKIRA Music by SHAKIRA, TIM MITCHELL and GEORGE NOREIGA Moderate Rock NC. a Fees es ee CFF ees Freee ees f ay = = yaes ho- ra dees-con - del mun - do el do- yaes ho-ra de lim - las man - chas_ de Original key: P. major. This edition has been transposed up one half-step to be more playable. Copyright © 2001 Aniwi Music, LLC, F.1.P.P. International and Estefan Music Publishing Inc. All Rights on behalf of Aniwi Music, LLC Administered by Sony/ATV Latin Music Publishing International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved Mas se quees-ta - ré Yo nun-ca_ su- peac- Em Bm Am 2 ; B iz los ga - tos co - mo yo mis la - bios se ven, 0 GB Cc Dsus(add2) G/B Cc i ce a i suer - te__ por ti. No pue - do, ju - gar mi to - do al a - zar. En-tien - do — No quie - ro, de - jar lo Dsus(add2) D G/B Cc im & is —, con V_ pe - que - fia__ i - Pron - to es - ta que he co- men - za-doaes - - Pron - to es - ta i G F6/9 is @l mu y, mu -y le - jos. | - tra vez a-hf te de - jo Ma - drid. mu- y, mu-y — le- jos.) Fmaj7 Cc G oT Bs g a Tus mu - ti-nas de pi - el de huir. Yo c G Fmaj7 Hi A ~ — bar-des que me ha-gan su - frir. Me-jor le di-goa-di - 6 a tu bo - ca__dea - nis.__ C/G Eiko BG FE G F6/9 g& Cc x So = r 7 ae g as vez a-hf te de - jo Ma-drid. Tus rm -ti-nas de pi - el 1 7 G Fe/9 c G Emaj7 B cr B z huir. Yo no quie - ro__ bar-des que meha-gan su - frir. Fmaj7 7 Cc Eg a ~ a — a tu bo- ca__ de... Me-jor le di- goa- dids 2G ge G F6/9 Fay c G Fmaj7 Ei z te de - jo Ma- drid, Cc G Fo/ ‘9 Cc ba Fmaj7 c G + 7 a THE ONE Words by SHAKIRA Music by SHAKIRA and GLEN BALLARD Slow Ballad Fm E+ Fm/E> Dmzb5 ODI 7 oo a a Cc rs Fm E+ Pip Dmqbs Dbmaj7 = a —_ - son to shave my legs__ each sin - gle morn ~- ing. lb Fm cy/G Fm/Ab Dm7b5s Dbmaj7 s a fed B e Fal = —s —— ae | eve vee eee ee ees eee w Ves —_er So I count on some-one Fri-day nights to take me danc-ing and then ________ to church on Sun - days.__ | ioe SS = =e e eee ee eee eS st F Fee Se b o + 2. < =— 7 we E v we = | 6 Copyright © 2001 Aniwi Music, LLC, Universal - MCA Music Publishing, A Division of Universal Studios, Inc. and Aerostation Corporation All Rights on behalf of Aniwi Music, LLC Administered by Sony/ATV Latin Music Publishing All Rights on behalf of Aerostation Corporation Controlled and Administered by Universal - MCA Music Publishing, A Division of Universal Studios, Inc. International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved 35 Bm El Bbm7 Eb i ie a ime” — a plant_____ more dreams_ and some - day think of kids, "Pie Bbm7 El AD Eb/G Em7 Ey im” = ie 7 + is — " . may~-be just_ to save a_ lit-tle mon-ey. —_ You're the t— Db Dbm7 2 = way back home is al - ways long,— but if you're close to me I’m hold - tr fr BOF r Ab Eb/G Em7 D wn —_— You’re the one I need, _—_______ My real life has just be- gun _—’cause there’s like your — smile__ Dbmaj7 a Csus — et x lo Ee In a world full of — strang - Ds 2 9 z 3 ———___— you’re the one I know. f FnyjC lo Fnyeb i Dmqb5 a7 A cook — Dbmaj7 Csus Wf, Fm Bt Fmyeb =z « @ & & &f my kitch-en pho - bia. and fi - SS nal-ly lose_ that brings in-som - nia. ———___ buy more thongs— T Eb Bbm Eb Ea ae" write_ more hap - py songs.— It al- ways takes_ a lit-tle help from some - one. — You're the one The way back home is al - ways long,— but P if you're close to me I’m hold - ing on. You're the one I need. __ . — — —— 6 = Js — + oa a o a = oe — 7 4 EE o of De = 7a -- + | i Cra 5 My real__ life has just be- gun___— cause there’s noth-ing like your smile made_ of e § “a | I Em7 Db You're the one The way back home is al - ways long, but ——f Ab(add2) Eb/G Fm7 i fae” im z — o roa = ao be Ss - ing on.__ You're the one I need. My I = = — wa s — Lr r o 2 = ae eo £ ma = Ce esa Db »bm x x i ws has just be - gun_— ‘cause there’s noth-ing like your smile made_ of sun. __ (You're the one the you my real___ life__ has just __ Noth - ing eo molto rit. Cy EF Eb/G oe aS like your noth - ing love, —_ Noth-ing like _ noth - ing like your Lit a, like Ab your smile love. __ made_ Eb/G m oe ae fi —— = - = —- e = o — —— — —— (You’re the one need, You're the one I need.)__ Co — a =— io ——— —— —s 7 Zz o: = — — b —— eo So 4o oo oe eee 3 - voor = of SS sun. — 15 UNDERNEATH YOUR CLOTHES Words and Music by SHAKIRA and LESTER A. MENDEZ Moderately slow Ab Db AD me ca nf ow Ebsus E Ey te Sie —_ You're a song writ-ten by the hands of God. *Cause of you, _— I for - got the smartways to lie.__ f Fm Cm D Ebsus — C7/E Fm Cm/Eb = & & &e & & er 7 —_ —— Don’t get me wrong________ ‘cause this might sound to you a bit odd.___ But you own the place_ Be-cause of you_________ _I’m_run-ning out of rea-sons to cry. When the friends are gone, _ # "le Db Eb C/E Fm m/E> Bbm ie OE Se x se — where all my thoughts go hid - Right un - der your clothes__ when the par-ty’s o we will still be - long___ f Copyright © 2001 Aniwi Music, LLC, EMI Blackwood Music Inc. and Apollinaire Music Al Rights on behalf of Aniwi Music, LLC Administered by Sony/ATV Latin Music Publishing Al Rights on behalf of Apollinaire Music Controlled and Administered by EMI Blackwood Music Inc. International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved > & > = a 9 F Ebsus Eb Ebsus Eb ee where I'll find them. Un - der-neath your clothes__— there’sanend - less sto- ry. to each — oth- er. > a Ebsus Eb There’s the man et There’s my ter = - Ao Fi Sb b. b m Bom Ebsus Eb To Coda -- a ee” S cm = = - —_ all the things I de - serve____ for be - ing such a good_ girl, hon- ey. 5 Db ADS Ab/C ie Sir > — Un - der - neath your clothes __ Db Ebsus Eb Abs Ab/C Db Ebsus Eb id fa te ie air fk ie te ar Ey eB ote te bt SS = ——— ; 2 zt — oe 2° TS OP? zz we z o — oe eso aww eg — there’s an end - less sto - ry. There's the man 1 chose.__ There’s my ter - ri-to - ry and be == —= =. = 4 == = + a2 9 @ Z 7 £ 7 s 0 o-0 @ =F f TF IF Foy “= eee > —= —— = —= : SSeS SSS S—== ee v Sos Fee ee #3 777 + v a —_ all the things I de - serve_____ for be - ing such a good girl, B Feat x x ; fe be - ing such a-a-a-a-a I love you more than all_— that’s on the plan- et Gm Fe E if = ns mov-in’, walk-in’, talk - in’ breath - in’. You know it’s true, oh babe,_ it’s so fun-ny you 18 Fésus Fe B Feyad EE 7 sir CF i Gas. al - most don’t be - lieve it. ev - ‘ry voice is hang - in’ from the si - lence, ___ Fe E ste = ae —" ~ lights are hang-in’ from the ceil - ing. —_____ Like a la - dy tied_ to her man-ners, I'm tied up to this feel : ing, PF Cm Db Ebsus EI i x ey EPS Ae ee a ie air > Ebsus a Gd af 4 Un - der-neath E a > Ebsus . i CODA tr 4 fet > Un-der-neath your clothes, __ Cn — ie Ebsus ‘me afr eS There’s my ter - - ry and all the things_ I de - serve rT abe me be - ing such a good_ girl, for be - ing such a good_ _ girl. There’s the man Ab/C Bie DS. al Coda your clothes_ Ab/C inal « I chose. > EF 20 WHENEVER, WHEREVER (Suerte) SUERTE WHENEVER, WHEREVER Words by SHAKIRA Words by SHAKIRA and GLORIA M. ESTEFAN Music by SHAKIRA and TIM MITCHELL Music by SHAKIRA and TIM MITCHELL Moderately fast FAm7 F#m6 Fm a rit i NC. Fem B c#m & ie Luck - y you were born that far a - way, so Luck - y_ that my lips not on - ly mum -_ ble,__ Suer - te queen el Sur ha - yas na - ci - do Suer - te quees te - ner la - bios sin - ce - ros_— a” z te # we could both make fun of dis - tance. Luck-y that I love a for- eign land for. they spill kiss - es like a foun - tain. Luck -y that my breasts are small and hum - ble, Y que bur-le- mos las dis - tan - cias Suer- te quees ha- ber - te co-no- ci - do —— Pa-ras be-sar-te con mds ga - nas Suer-te que mis pe - chos sean pe - que - fios i . Copyright © 2001 Aniwi Music, LLC and F.L.P. International All Rights on behalf of Aniwi Music, LLC Administered by SONY/ATV Latin Music Publishing International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved af a — the luck-y fact of your ex - ist-ence. Ba-by, 1 wouldclimb the An - des, sole - ly _— so you don’t con- fuse them with moun-tains. Luck - y I have stronglegs like my moth - er, _— — Y por tia-mar ti -er-ras ex - tra- fas Yo pue-do es - ca~- lar An-des So - lo, Y no los con-fun- das con mon - ta - fas Suer-te quehe-re - dé las pier-nas fir - mes— to count the freck - les on your bod - y. Nev - er could i- mag ~- ine there were on - ly —— to mn for cov - er when TI need it, and these_ two eyes that, for no oth - er, —— por ir a con - tar tus lu - na - res Con-ti-go ce-le-broy su - fro to - das —— Pa-ra cor-rer siun meha-ce fal - ta yes ~- tos___ dos o - jos que me di - cen F B Fm cl ; a ten mil-lion ways to love some - bod - y. | Le doh lo le lo le that when you leave will cry _ like riv - ers.$ 7 Mis a - le - gri - as y mis ma - les 5 L St Quehan de Ilo - rar cuan - do te va - ves | eee ee cts chm When - ev Con - ti E bay ae i we're = meant_ to be to - geth - er. Vill be there. and you'll be _ near, Quie - ro___ vi - vir la vi - daY lo que me. que - da de vi - da Fem B ctm A and that’s. the deal, my dear. There- 0 - here- un Quie - ro_— vi - vir con - ti - go Con - ti - go mi vi you'll nev - er have to won - der. Quie - ro__ vi - vir la vi - daY Fem B Caim ctm but that’s. the deal, my dear. Quie- ro vi - ‘vir con - ti - ; Fem NC. NC. i Le doh lo le lo le__ — Fa o ae am os ~ 7 SI _ le doh lo le lo le, _—_______ Think out loud, — say it__sa_-- ‘gain. _ sa - bes que toy a tus pies_— Fem ctm = = = eS doh lo le lo le__ lo le, me— one ___ more time ro lo le lo le__ lo le__ fe - i - ci - dad. A B Cdim FR m ia RF SS yow ll live ___ my eyes.— nes tu tu piel __ E tae” iz = When-ev = er, } wher-ev = er we're meant. to be to - geth - er. feel. When-ev - er, J Con- ti - 80} mi vi - da Quie- ro svi - vir la vi - da¥ mi Con- ti - — go, a x a a = & 3 I'll be there. and you'll be near and that’s_ the deal, my dear. lo que me que - da de vi - da Quie - ro__ vi - var con- fi - go chm ge ate —— There’s — si cn cém me noth - ing sien - tes A oo oe left al - goa - to act here-un mi vi fear si, tae - der, — you’ve - daes - toy got__ has Fem if you real-ly feel quie - ro que te que - des jun - NC. me tael head cuel a the way —

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