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Oakland Hall Energy

Reduction Plan
By Group 4: David Strom, Denny Peatt,
Julian Chiveral, Nathan Raver, and
Ryan Mahoney
Introduction to Oakland Hall

❖ Built in 2011
❖ Footprint: 25,937 sq ft
❖ Energy Use Intensity: 59 kBtu/sq ft
❖ Total Energy Use: 1,548 MBtu

Total Energy Usage

Average: 1548 MBtu / month 3

CO2e Emissions

Average 211800 lbs / month 4

Electricity Consumption

Average 233 MWh / month 5

Steam Consumption

Average 462500 lbs / month 6

Natural Gas Consumption

Average 191.44 MBtu / month 7

Water Consumption

Average 653700 gal / month 8

Energy Reduction Plan

- Current energy usage: 1,548 MBtu / month

- Goal is to reduce total energy requirement by 30%
- Must convert 464 MBtu / month to renewable sources

Energy Reduction Ideas

Rooftop Solar

Smart Lighting System

- Occupancy sensors in rooms

Geothermal Heat Pump

Energy Reduction Justifications: Solar

● Rooftop area: 25,937 sq ft

● Usable space (30%): 7,781 sq ft
● 20 sq.ft. panel: 389 solar panels
○ Generates 250W per panel
● Total generation: 97 kW = 242 MBTU/month
● This accounts for 16% of current energy usage

Energy Reduction Justifications: Lighting
● About 20% of the total electricity usage is due to lighting:

Approximately 47 MWh/month

● Occupancy sensing equipment in each bedroom and

bathroom can save up to 10% of the current electric
usage: 5 MWh/month

2% savings of the current electric usage

Energy Reduction Justifications: Geothermal
● Capacity of installation: 100 kW
● Provides 253.9 MBtu / month
● Accounts for about 16.4% of the current average energy

Summary of Energy Sources

● Solar: 242 MBtu / month

● Lighting: 17.1 MBtu / month
● Geothermal: 253.9 MBtu / month
● Total: 512.9 MBtu / month
● 512.9 MBtu / month savings is a 33.1% energy savings

Summary of Costs

● Solar: $2990 / kW = $290,030

● Lighting: (480 rooms) * ($90 / sensor) = $43,200
● Geothermal: ($2,500 / kW) * (100 kW) = $250,000
● Total capital cost: $583,230

Life-cycle Analysis

● Solar = Worth it
○ Capital cost: $290,030
○ Monthly savings: ($68.9/MWh) * (71 MWh/month)
= $4,892 per month
○ Pays for itself in 5 years

Life-cycle Analysis

● Lighting = Maybe worth it

○ Capital cost: $43,200
○ Monthly savings: ($68.9/MWh) * (5 MWh/month)
= $345 per month
○ Pays for itself 10 years after they are installed

Life-cycle Analysis

● Geothermal = Worth it
○ Capital cost: $62.5 million
○ Monthly savings: ($68.9/MWh) * (18,600 MWh/month)
= $1.28 million per month
○ Pays for itself in just over 4 years

● https://terpfootprints.umd.edu/building/419/about?view=about
● https://www.solar.com/learn/how-much-energy-does-a-solar-panel-produce/
● https://www.solarpowerrocks.com/solar-basics/how-much-electricity-does-a-solar-panel-produce/
● http://wastereductionpartners.org/component/phocadownload/category/18-utility-saving-fact-sheets?download=11:occupancy
● http://css.umich.edu/factsheets/geothermal-energy-factsheet
● https://www.amazon.com/Leviton-OSC10-M0W-Ceiling-Occupancy-Sensor/dp/B001U3Z4AW/ref=asc_df_B001U3Z4AW/?tag
● https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2018/05/15/nuscales-small-modular-nuclear-reactor-passes-biggest-hurdle-yet/#43

Oakland Hall Energy
Reduction Plan

● Rooftop area: 25,937 sq ft
● Usable space: (0.30) * (25,937) = 7,781 sq ft
● (7,781) / (20) = 389 solar panels
● Under standard operating conditions, a solar panel generates 250W
● Total generation: (389) * (250) = 97 kW * 3,412 BTU/h / kW = 331 kBTU/h *
730 h/month = 242 MBTU/month
● 242 MBTU / 1548 MBTU = 16%

● 1 kWh = 3,412 MBtu
● (100 kW) * (3,412 Btu) * (31 days) * (24 hrs) = 253.9 MBtu / month
● 253.9 MBtu / 1,548 MBtu = 16.4% of overall energy usage


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