Reflection Sgde4013

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Reflection SGDE4013: Assessment in Learning.

1. How did I incorporate the concepts that I have learned so far in the SGDE 4013: Assessment
in learning class, in the Assignment? Which specific topic? What is/are the evidence/examples
(pictures/diagrams/newspaper clip/print screens)?
Throughout my study session on this subject, what I generally understood was how we as teachers
formulate and analyze the questions. It is important to measure the students' level of understanding
of the topic taught by the teacher.
During the class, Dr. Liyana gave a more in-depth description of this class. One of the topics that
caught my attention was the topic relationship between reliability and validity in assessment.

2. How often did I need to revisit lecture notes, textbook, other course materials for the SGDE
4013: Assessment in Learning, when doing the Assignment? Which materials that I referred
to frequently (provide at least a print-screen shot of the materials)? Are the materials readily
accessible? Are the materials that I needed to work on are sufficiently covered by the
instructor in the course?
When I studied the subject, any notes and reading material provided via email helped me a lot in
understanding the subject better. Further reading material in the form of a slide show and Case
Study, helped me to understand a lot more about what was discussed in class.
In addition, each reading is very easy to access. As well as reading materials provided very dense
with information that is useful to me.
3. How well did I and my team communicate overall?
When doing the assigned tasks, each member of my team communicates very well. Every
suggestion and problem that occurs during a given assignment is discussed. The discussion
also takes place in a very harmonious setting, where each member of the group gives their
own views and opinions when completing the assigned task. Discussion sessions are also
always online and face-to-face. In fact, every member of the group always responds very
positively during the discussion.
4. What could I do differently from a personal standpoint the next time I work with the
same group or a different one?
What I did was always ask questions during group discussions. Especially when writing a
report. I am very fortunate that every single question I ask receives a very good response from
the rest of the group. In fact, they also guided me in writing this report. In addition, I also keep
up to date with the latest assignments I make to other team members. I wish I could stay in the
same group in the future.
5. What did I learn were my greatest strengths? My biggest areas for improvement?
Provide at least one work example/evidence.
The strength I learned while doing assignments was patience. While doing this task, I am not
good at using SPSS, this is because I am used to using excel. This has taken me some time to
get rid of the data that is in sync with the work being done. Even so, other members of my team
are always helping me in this assignment. They always gave me great guidance. In fact, my
friends and I have also made a lot of references on Youtube, on how to get rid of data from
SPSS. The assistance of Dr. Liyana also helped us a lot during this assignment.

6. What’s the one thing about myself above all others I would like to work to improve?
I want to make improvements in my time management and writing. I find myself having trouble
managing time. This made me feel a little rush while completing this assignment. In addition,
I often make misspellings. However, I feel fortunate that, as a member of my team, I am
constantly reminded to do the assigned tasks and constantly review the report writing
assignments I have been given. In the event of any error, corrective action will be taken

My group member:
Ika, Najiha, Dayah and me

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