TRIPTICO Distrito de Mala

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Customs and

Mala Holidays traditions

A cockfight is a fight that takes place between two balls
The district of Mala is one of the sixteen His feast is celebrated on St. Peter's Day, of the same genus or breed of birds called "fine combat
on June 29. birds", propitiated by humans for their enjoyment and
that make up the province of Cañete, bets.
located in the department of Lima (Peru).
It limits by the north with the districts of
San Antonio and
Santa Cruz de Flores; by the south with the
District of Asia in the hills Campana and The procession of the Lord of Miracles, purple holiday
Cenizo; by the east with the District of in October. The procession of the Lord of Miracles or
Calango, in the place called Tutumito; by Christ of Pachacamilla, celebrated in October in the
city of Mala, is one of the most tremendous and colorful
the south-east with the District of Coayllo; demonstrations of faith in the world.
Among the traditional dishes of this
and, to the west with the Pacific Ocean.
district, it is worth mentioning the maize
Considered the ideal place for the country “tamal”, the pork rind, the “sopa bruta”,
house, because you can enjoy nature and the “carapulcra”, the spicy maleño, the
the beach in one place. “Cebiche of chanque”, the cast bean and
the “chapana” (which is a cassava candy).

San Pedro de Mala Anniversary

Many people accompany the procession of St. Peter's
towards the totoritas beach so that it spills its blessing,
generosity and that the sea continues being generous
with all the families of the Maleño town.
Tourism How to get?
Mala is an area very visited by vacationers and their
chicharrones and tamales are very recognized. In
addition its beaches like Bujama and Totoritas have a
spectacular combination. The archaeological zone of
El Salitre has an excellent view of this beach and -
despite being a practically abandoned monument - it
is still an impressive visit

The mouth of the river is a favored spot for bird

watching both by the lagoon that forms the river at
the mouth and by the totorales and gramadales that
Names : Naomi Daphne
surround it.
Surnames : Torres Dominguez
Curso : Ciencia y Tecnología
Grade : 1° Secundaria
Section : “B”
Teacher : Veronica Luna Avila
In the Salitre there is a hill that is between the mouth
of the river and Totoritas in which the Incas could Year :
spot the attack of the enemies, since it comes from
the pre-Inca era there is also a cave that over the
years has gone erasing and covering with the dust
caused by high winds, but even with some difficulty
you can climb to that hill but that if very carefully.

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