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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Nueva Ecija
Dona Juan Chioco national High School
Lupao, Nueva Ecija

Survey of Common Problems Encountered by the STEM 12 Students of Dona Juana Chioco
National High School towards Enhancement of the Guidance Program

Rovin Steve P. Bajet

September 2019
Survey of Common Problems Encountered by STEM 12 Dona Juana Chioco National School

Students towards Enhancement of the Guidance Program

Many adults look back on high school as the best time of their life. However, when you’re

in the middle of it, you often don’t realize how good you have it. Today’s high school face a lot of

problems that other generations haven’t had deal with.

The most important thing in student’s life is the learning process. Gradual learning

important for every student, be it any field. For a high school student, life is loaded with studies.

It is not possible for each one of them to cope up with their studies. They often get nervous,

frustrated and end up mugging their lessons which is very harmful. Aside from these problems

that they encounter inside the classroom, may high school student experience problems that

affect their studies and vision in life. As the future of the nation, it is imperative that today’s

youth hurdle the problems that impede their progress in advising holistically to live up to such

lofty expectation of carrying the banner of the next generation. One of these obstacles of the

students is the problems that they are encountering at home and in the school.

The aim of this study is to look for these problems that encountered by the STEM 12 of

Dona Juana Chioco National High School students and help them deal with these problems and

make sure that they are staying on track with their academic work by attending their needs and

develop a guidance program that will help them to cope up with problem and sustain a well and

organize cognitive and psychological development.

Statement of the problem

This study tried to find out the problems encountered by the STEM 12 Dona Juana Chioco

National High School Students toward enhancement of the Guidance Program. The common

question asked were: what are the socio-demographic characteristics of the Dona Juan Chioco

National High School STEM 12 students, what are the common problems of the Dona Juana

Chioco National High School STEM 12 students, what are the needs of the high school students

that could enable them to cope easily with these problems?

Objective of the Study

The general objective of the study is to determine the problems encountered by the

Dona Juana Chioco National High School STEM 12 students. The results will be used to identify

concerns and problems which can be used in developing an appropriate career guidance program

in the school.

Specifically, the study aims to:

1. Describe the socio-demographic characteristics of Dona Juana Chioco National High

School STEM 12 students;

2. Determine the common problems encountered by the Dona Juana Chioco National High

School STEM 12 students

3. Help the Dona Juana Chioco National High School students in the problems they


1. Develop guidance program fit the need of Dona Juana Chioco National High School STEM

12 students.

Hypothesis of the study

1. Most of the Dona Juana Chioco National High School STEM 12 students have problems in

with regard to relationship/intimacy/sexuality/study/school and personal.

2. Activities that promote self-development and emotional support from parents and

administration of the school especially from the guidance office are some of the needs of


Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies greatly on the participant themselves because

the result would provide information that will help the student’s academic and non-

academic needs. The study’s goal is not only to gain information and knowledge about

the common problems encountered by the Dona Juana Chioco National High School STEM

students; it also aims to draw ways that will help the students to cope with these
problems. The researcher aims to attend to the “unheard voices” of these students when

it comes to their feelings and emotions which are mostly neglected by the administration.

This researcher will fill the gap between the students and guidance office; the study will

help to promote the different guidance services by means of attending the student’s


Moreover, Guidance Counsellors may also benefit with this study; the result

would provide information or reference that may use in attending needs of the students.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will sought the Common Problems encountered by the Dona Juana

Chioco National High School STEM 12 students. Moreover, it will also tackle the needs of

these students in order to scope easily with the problems that they encounter. The result

of this would help the researcher to enhance the existing guidance program that will help

the students in their academic and non-academic life.

The study will also present the socio-demographic characteristics of the

respondents and its relationship with the common problems they encountered.

Furthermore, the study will be conducted at Dona Juana Chioco National High

School, Lupao, Nueva Ecija. The participants are STEM 12 Senior High School Students at

the said school.

Conceptual Framework

This present the study will look to the common problems encountered by the STEM

12 students Dona Juana Chioco National High School, Lupao, Nueva Ecija. This study will

also determine the needs of students in order to help them in coping with these problems.

Moreover, the socio-demographic characteristics will also identify, and it assumed to

have an influence in the problems encountered by high school students.

Socio- Common
demographic Problems Needs of STEM
characteristics of encountered of students
STEM students STEM students

Figure 1. The conceptual paradigm shows the relationship of socio-demographic

characteristics to the common problems encountered by Dona Juana Chioco National High School

STEM Students. It also shows the needs of students in which is related to the common problems

they encountered.

Research Design

The study entitled “Survey of common problems in Dona Juana Chioco National High

School STEM 12students toward enhancement of guidance program” will use descriptive method


Research Participants

The participants of the study are the HUMSS 12-1 students of Dona Juana Chioco National

High School. The sample will be selected using probability sampling specifically cluster sampling

wherein there will be a (4) groups (grade 7, grade8, grade 9, grade 10 high school students) and

will apply the sample random sampling in each group.

Research Instrumentation

The study will be composed of two parts: quantitative and qualitative part. The quantitative

part explores the socio-demographic characteristics and the common problems encountered by

the STEM 12 students while the qualitative part will be described by the needs of students in

coping up with their problems.

Data Gathering Procedure

On the quantitative part of the study, the Problem Checklist will be distributed to the high

school STEM 12 students as one of the activities of guidance office. The researcher will guide the

participants in answering the checklist.

On the qualitative part of the study, the preliminary procedure will be done by building

rapport among participants. It will be followed by individual semi-structure interview to

determine their needs. The conversation will be recorded with the permission of the participants.

Only the students will be selected thru cluster/sample random sampling will get the chance to

be part of the qualitative part.

The data obtained from the interview and survey questionnaire will be collected and


Data Analysis

Descriptive statistics specifically, ranking and percentile will be used to analyse the socio-

demographic characteristics and the common problems encountered by the STEM 12 students

of Dons Juana Chioco National High School, the measures for central tendency(mean) will also

be employed for a greater analysis of the result.

To analyses the data obtained from the interview (the needs of the students), the

researcher will use thematic analysis.

I. Personal
# of # of actual
respondents respondents score percentage
I am easily hurt. 39 37 12 32.43
39 37
I can’t understand myself 13 35.13
39 37
I feel unloved and neglected 19 51.35
39 37 51.35
I feel I'm not good in anything. 19
39 37 51.35
I can’t express myself well. 19
I do not know how to break certain 39 37
habits I have. 16 43.24
I feel guilty about something I have 39 37
or have not done. 21 56.77
39 37
I am afraid of making mistakes. 23 62.16
I cannot forget some mistakes that 39 37
have made. 30 81.1
Sometimes, I am not as honest as I 39 37
should be. 26 70.27

In this table it stated that most of the STEM 12 students on Dona Juana Chioco National High

School that they cannot forget some mistakes that they have made with the percentage of 81.1%

followed by sometimes they are not as honest as they are with the percentage of 70.27%

followed by they afraid of making mistakes and they cannot forget some mistakes that have made

with the percentage of 62.16% followed by they felt guilty about something they have or have

not done with the percentage of 56.77% followed by they feel unloved and neglected, they feel

they are not good in anything, and they can’t express their selves very well with the percentage

of 51.35% followed by they do not know how to break certain habits they have with the

percentage of 43.24% followed by they can’t understand their selves with the percentage of

35.13% and lastly they are not easily be hurt with the percentage of 32.43%.
I am easily hurt.
I. Personal percentage
I cant understand myself

I feel unloved and neglected 32.43

I feel I'm not good in anything. 35.13

I cant express myself well. 81.1 51.35

I do not know how to break certain habits I have.
I feel guilty anout something I have or have not 62.16
done. 51.35
I am afriad of making mistakes.
56.77 43.24
I cannot forget some mistakes that have made.

II. Home/Family
# of # of actual
respondents respondents score percentage
I am troubled by my parent's
separation. 39 37 8 21.62
There are many arguments in my 39 37
family. 12 32.43
I am unable to get along with my 39 37
brothers and sisters. 7 18.91
39 37
My parents dislike my friends. 1 02.70
I have not obtained parental approval 39 37
of my wants. 7 18.91
My parents cannot support my studies 39 37
financially. 4 10.81

In this table it stated that most of the STEM 12 students on Dona Juana Chioco National High

School are having many arguments in their Family with the percentage of 32.43% followed by

they are troubled with their parents’ separation with the percentage of 21.62% followed by they

unable to get along with their brothers and sisters and they have not obtained parental approval

of their wants with the percentage of 18.91% followed by their parents cannot support their

studies financially with the percentage of 10.81% followed by the their parents dislikes their

friends with the percentage of 02.70%

II. Home/Family

I am troubled by my parent's seperation.

10.81% 21.62%
there are many arguments in my family.

I am unable to get along with my brothers

18.91% 32.43%
and sisters.
My parents dislike my friends.

I have not obtained parental approval of 02.70% 18.91%

my wants.

III. Life Goals/career

# of # of actual
respondents respondents Score percentage

I am not sure what I really want to do in life. 39 37 17 45.95

39 37
I sometimes wonder about my future 34 91.89
39 37
I have no future plans yet. 6 16.21
39 37
My parents have different goal for me. 8 21.62
I wonder what kind of family I shall have for 39 37
my own in the future. 13 35.13

In this table it stated that 91.89% of the STEM Students do not have future plans yet, while

45.95% of them wonders about their own future and 21.62% of them wonder what kind of family

they shall have for their own in the future.

I sometimes wonder about my future III. Life Goals/career percentage

I have no future plans yet. 45.95


My parents have different goal for me.

I wonder what kind of family I shall have 91.89

for my own in the future.

My parents have different goal for me.

IV. Study
# of # of actual
respondents respondents score Percentage
I do not know if an education is
worthwhile. 39 37 3 8.10
39 37
I dislike my school. 2 5.40
39 37
I am failing my grades. 10 27.02
39 37
I am not good at certain subjects. 22 59.45
I have been unable to determine how 39 37
much time I should study. 17 45.94
39 37
I dislike some of my teachers. 9 24.32
39 37
I am not interested in my subjects. 4 10.81
39 37
My classmates do not like me. 8 21.62
I am unable to do my work well because of 39 37
too many social activities 12 32.43
I am unable to focus in my studies because 39 37
of computer addictions. 14 37.84

In this table it stated that most of the STEM 12 students are not good at certain subjects with

the percentage of 59.45% followed by they have been unable to determine how much time

they should study with a percentage of 45.94% followed by they are unable to focus on their

studies because of computer addictions with the percentage of 37.84%.

I do not know if an education is IV. Study Percentage 5.40

worthwhile. 8.10
I dislike my school. 27.02
I am failing my grades.

I am not good at certain subjects.

I have been unable to determine how 59.45
much time I should study.
I dislike some of m teachers.

I am not interested in my subjects. 21.62

my classmates do not like me.

I am unable to do my work well because ot

too may social activities 24.32 45.94
I am unable to focus in my studies
beacause of computer addictions.
V. Relationships/Intimacy/Sexuality
# of
respondent # of actual percentag
s respondents score e
I wonder if I could be a responsible
partner. 39 37 12 32.44
39 37
I become easily embarrassed. 13 35.14
39 37
I usually feel inferior to my associates. 5 13.51
I have difficulty in making and keeping 39 37
my friends. 12 32.43
I like persons of my own sex more than 39 37
those of the opposite sex. 5 13.51
I find it hard to deal with people I do not 39 37
like. 19 51.35
39 37
I am suspicious of people 14 37.84
39 37
I lack self-confidence. 21 56.76
I feel people are taking advantage of 39 37
me. 18 48.65

In this table it stated that most of the STEM 12 students that they lacks confidence with a

percentage of 56.76% followed by 51.35% that they find it hard to deal with the people they do

not like followed by they feel people are taking advantage of them with a percentage of 48.65%.

V. Relationships/Intimacy/Sexuality

I wonder if I could be a responsible

48.65 32.44
I become easily embarrased.
56.76 35.14
I usually feel inferior to my associates.

I have difficulty in making and keeping my

friends. 37.84 13.51
I like persons of my own sex more than
those of the opposite sex.
I find it hard to deal with people I do not
51.35 32.43
I am suspicious of people 13.51
VI. Morality

# of # of actual
respondents respondents score Percentage

I have unusual religious beliefs. 40 36 19 51.35

Sometimes, I doubt if God really exist. 40 36 8 21.62

I usually feel guilty about the things I do. 40 36 22 59.45

I can’t find meaning in life. 40 36 8 21.62

I have been unable to make a satisfactory

religious adjustment. 40 36 6 16.21

I lack fellowship with God. 40 36 12 32.43

In this table it stated that most of the STEM 12 students that they feel guilty about the things

they do with a percentage of 59.45% followed by 51.35% that they have unusual religious beliefs

followed by them lack fellowship with God with a percentage of 32.43%.

I have unsual religious beliefs.

VI. Morality Percentage

sometimes, I doubt if Godreally exist.
I usally feel guilty anout the things I do.

I cant find meaning in life.

I have been unable to make a satisfactory

religious adjustment.

I lack fellowhip with God.


The researcher concluded that the STEM 12 Students of Dona Juana Chioco

National High School are having difficulties that they are facing during their high school

days. The researcher also conclude that the teenager stage is the one of the difficult stage

of a person wherein teenagers mostly have problems in different aspects of life.

According to the data gathered, the researcher concludes that almost of the respondents

had a different problem when it come into their personal life, Home/Family, Life

Goals/Study/School, Relationships/Sexuality/, and Morality/Religion/spirituality.


Based on present study some recommendations for future researcher in the schools are drawn

as follows. The researchers also recommend that this research will serve as a guide to the future

researchers that will be taking this title research or study. To the parents, the researchers

recommend that this research study will serve up for them to be a guide for their children so that

the parents of the children will have a knowledge on guiding their children on a better way of

facing their problems. For the student, the researchers also recommend that to understand the

true meaning of problem. Instead of giving up, they should be a strong-hearted and have a tough

mind to face their future problems. For the teachers, the researchers also recommend that to

teach their young student the true meaning of a problem and how to face it with a strong mind


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