CV Zahrotun Nisa

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2015 - 2019 Brawijaya University - Malang

Bachelor Degree of Psychology

GPA 3.53 out of 4.00
2012 - 2015 SMA Negeri 1 Solo – Central Java
8.63 out of 10.0
 1 winner at Jumbara PMI, core team of PMR SMA Negeri 1 as
secretary, Economic OSN team, editor at school magazine.
 +62 896 8860 6500 (WA)
 Non Formal 2016 - Training for trainer class
 Semenromo street, No 03, RT 003, 2016 - Sign language class
RW 021, Waringinrejo, Cemani,
Grogol, Sukoharjo, Central Java,
Indonesia, zip code 57552

2019 & Psychology Laboratory – Brawijaya University

2018 Took role as Psychodiagnostic and Qualitative Research
Methods practicum assistant. Assisting lecturer in
Date of Birth November 1st 1996 delivering material, assisting students to collect data
Gender Female through in-depth interviews and observation of
Marital Status Single prisoners in Prison class 1 Malang, solving student
Nationality Indonesian learning problems with different characters.
Language Bahasa, English 2019 Puspendik (Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan) - Jakarta
Took role as author of aptitude tests for junior high
school students about reading comprehension, word
classification, science, and social, able to analyze the
 Psychological Test needs in accordance with the competence of junior high
 BEI Interview school level.
 Psychoeducation 2019 & PKPT (Pusat Kajian Psikologi Terapan) - Brawijaya
 Microsoft Office 2017 Took role as assistant, handling psychological testing
 Recruitment process, scoring the assessment results, able to do some
 SPSS psychological tests (IST, Kraeplin, EPPS, DISC, APM, CFIT,
 Training Wartegg, MBTI, etc), handling several client needs (PNS,
KPU, BUNA Brawijaya) in terms of recruitment.
2019 Lecturer Assistant – Pulang Pisau, Central Kalimantan
Responsible for assisting lecturer, writing and designing
 People Skill presentation material at a seminar from the prosecutor's
 Public Speaking office about the role of women in the millennial era,
 Organizing then socialization about parenting and juvenile
 Team Work delinquency through local radio broadcasts.
 Problem Solving 2019 & Researcher Assistant – Malang
 Leadership 2017 Took role as an assistant on the Role of Life Satisfaction,
 Multitasking Psychological Distress and Gratitude to Forgiveness,
socio-cultural ethics in Indonesia, and Big Data :
Tracking Conflict Patterns in Indonesia (1998-2014),
assisting researcher to make project summary, able to do
Psychological Issues research from beginning to end, think analytically and
Social Project solve problems during research.
Entrepreneurship __________________________________
2017 Trainer – Malang 2017 Moderator – Malang
As trainer at gathering of psychology Moderate from beginning to end at Ngopi Senja,
students, in outbound settings, instructing a psychological discussion event and Cakrawala,
the game that has the essence of leadership. the event to elect a chairperson of Himapsi.
2017 Speaker – Malang 2016 Social Psychology Teaching Assistant – Malang
Giving psycho-education regarding the Giving tutorials, tasks, and practical instruments
importance of mental health for the elderly in classes; constructing an innovative and
and about casual sex for teenagers. favorable learning methods and experimental.

ORGANIZATION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

UKM Mahasiswa Wirausaha (2018) Forda (Forum Daerah) Imaska (2016)

Took role as General Manager, responsible for assisting Took role as Staff of Social Project Division,
the president director in managing the organization. responsible for designing projects and social events.
UKM Mahasiswa Wirausaha (2017) Himpunan Mahasiswa Psikologi / Himapsi (2016)
Head of community relation, Leading members, Took role as Staff of Public Relations Department, As
manage good relations with alumni and external. the frontline of organization to convey information.
UKM Mahasiswa Wirausaha (2016) Earth Hour Global (2015)
Took role as Staff of Networking Department, Building Creative Campaign Division, designing programs in
relationships with entrepreneurs and institutions. order to campaign about Saving Energy.
________________________ ____________ _______________


2019 – Karir Inspirasi about Managemen Trainee.

2017 – Mentoring program about industrial business development.


2018 - PMW (Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha) from Dikti funding recipients, as team leader.
2016 - Best Staff of public relations department at Psychology Student Association of Brawijaya.
2016 - The Most active staff at Psychology Student Association of Brawijaya.
2015 - Super Smart scholarship recipient from BEM FISIP, Brawijaya University.


2018 – Pulih Foundation, Jakarta. Took role as administer at the clinic, responsible for completing a
conselvation schedule, assisting need assessments for clients, giving psychoeducation for caregiver about
needs of care at home for children with positive HIV/AIDS in Lentera Anak Pelangi, Atma Jaya Jakarta and
designing online psychoeducation about dating violence and sexual violence.


2015 – 2019 Handling ± 99 project events and volunteering at staff level until steering committee position,
handled the recruitment of UKM MW, with more than 600 applicants for two periods, handled the recruitment
of psychology students internship staff, and selected committee admissions in several events.

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Ika Herani, S.Psi, M.Si, Psikolog - Lecturer at Psychology UB // Tel +62852 3400 1784
Agustina Santi, S.Psi., Psikolog – Laboran // Tel +62852 3428 2828

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