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Marco Stevens Cota


Dear Director of Human Resources/Hiring Manager,

Hello, my name is Marco Stevens Cota and I am currently a 4th semester nursing student
at the University of Arizona soon to be graduated in December 2019. The position I am applying
for at your facility is a registered nurse position in the emergency department. The emergency
department is a unit I believe I can fully thrive in as a registered nurse. I believe my ability to
critically think in dire situations all while keeping a level head makes me a top candidate for this
position. Other qualifications that I can offer include excellent communication skills, my
patient-nurse communication skills, and my knowledge of nursing practice and the skills I have
acquired in my studies/clinical experience. I learned about this position while reviewing the
hospitals website and determined that this position would be a great fit for me.

If hired I believe I will be a very important asset to your team. One reason I believe this is
do to my passions regarding helping those in critical/emergent situations. My ability to critically
think and analyze a situation and determine the best method of action before making any
decisions is another reason I believe I am an excellent fit for this position.

More qualifications that I entail are in regards to me being bilingual and my ability to
write, read, and speak in both English and Spanish. With this skill I can help many patients who
have trouble communicating their health concerns with providers and ensure their most optimal

Once more I want to ensure you that if hired, I will be a very valuable asset to your team because
of my ability to problem solve in stressful situations, my compassion for the work, and my
ability to work well with others. I would also like to thank you for your time and consideration
and if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at the number and email
listed below.

Marco Stevens Cota

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