Feasibility Study BECED

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Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (BECED)

The BECED is a four years program. Specifically, the program provides students with fundamental
undertstanding and application of the principles of early childhood care and education, as well as experience in
the application of these principles.

Program Goals

This program aims to educate individuals to the competent early childhood practitioners working with
children from 0-8 years old in various early childhood settings (home, community, school and workplace). It is
aligned with the National Early Learning Framework (NELF), the National Competency Based Teacher
Standards (NCBTS 2017) and the first key stage which is the K to 3.


1. Foster Socializing Skills – early childhod education aims to develop friendships among children belonging to
the same group. It provide the kids with an environment that encourages interaction with other kids, build strong
friendships, and also helps them come out of their comfort zones. As a result a child can overcome his/her
shyness and mingle with other thers thus promoting social development.
2. Develops an Enthusiasm for Learning – As kids their initial lessons theough different play and structured
activities, it lays the foundation for learning and also develop their imagination power. The thirst to acquire
knowledge and not rest until the satisfactory answer have been obtained is built at this very age. The basics of
reading and writing are covered and also help a child realize the importance of education in life.
3. Promotes Holistic Development – the environment in such schools lays the foundation for a kid's physical,
social, emotional and mental development which are crucial factors for later stages in life. As a kid gets an
environment where he/she can freely express ideas and feelings, it helps to identify the weak areas of the child
and also determine what steps must be taken or wjat support should be given to overcome those weaknesses.
4. Teaches the Kids to Respect – when they observe positive and respectful relationship bewteen there parents
or different teachers and caretakers at school, they will simply try to follow the same. Infant education instills in
the kids the necessity of respecting the feelings of other todlers, their surroundings as well as listening to
instruction from the teacher. It also teaches them to handle their belongings properly and not damage them.
5. Develop Sharing and Team Work Attitude – Early education ensures that the child learns to co-operate and
share his/her belogings with others.

Program Outcomes
1. Demonstrate high level content and pedagogical knowledge.

2. Demonstrate appreciation to diversity.

3. Manifest collaborative skills

4. Demonstrate innovative thinking.

5. Possess critical and problem solving skills.

6. Advocate for children's tights, equity, community, nationalism, and democratic ideas.
7. Pursue Life long learning.

1. Pre-School Teacher

2. Director Childcare Center

3. Home based Srvice Provider

4. Family Support Specialist

5. Consultant

6. Reseacher

7. Sales Representative

8. Elementary School Teacher

Based on a survey conducted by this institution, we were able to identify 600 students who are interested
to take the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education course among the 10,000 respondents who are due to
graduate on April 2019. Thus, yielding 6% of the total surveyed population.


The following institutions situated within the city of San Pablo are currently offering the same course:

1. Dela Salle University

2. Philippine Christian University
3. La Consolacion College
5. Philippine College of Health Sciences
6. St. Paul Manila
7. Centro Escolar University
8. St. Scholastica College
9. Arellano University
10. University of Sto. Tomas
12. Philippine Women's University
14. University of the East
The following companies and offices are proof of the viability of providing employment to possible
graduates under this course within the immediate vicinity of Manila the Private and Government Offices a now
mentioning the numerous establishments in nearby Metro Manila area.

1. Today for Tomorrow Learners Pre-School and Tutorial Center

2. Little Children's School

3. St. La Salle Preschool

4. Cambridge Child Development Center Binondo

5. St. Vincent Learning Center

6. San Antonio De Manila Preschool

Prepared by:

Chat S. Gaza

Noted by:



First Year – First Semester

Course Title: The Cild and Adolescent Learner and Learning Principles
Course Code: PROFED1
No. of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

The course focuses on child and adolescent development with emphasis on current research and theory
on biological, linguistic, cognitive, social and emotional dimensions of development. Further, this includes
factors that affect the progress of development of the learners and shall include appropriate pedagogical
principles applicable for each developmental level.

Course Title: Teaching Profession

Course Code: PROFED2
No. of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

This course deals with the teacher as a person and as a professional within the context of national and
global teachers' standards and educational philosophies. It will include professional ethics, core values,
awareness of professional rights, privileges and responsibilities as well as the teachers' roles in the society as a
transformative agent of change.

Course Title: Foundation of Early Childhood Education

Course Code: ECE2
No. of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

This course us an introduction to the field of early childhood education; its fundamental concepts,
historical, philosophical, theoretical roots and legal framework with focus on contemporary early childhood
education program in the Philippines. It highlights the importance of early childhood education and the role of
early childhood professionals.

Course Title: Mathematics in Modern World

Course Code: GE131
No. of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

This course deals with the nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical, intellectual, and
aesthetic, dimensions, and application of mathematical tools in daily life.

The course begins with an introduction to the nature of mathematics as an exploration of patterns (in
nature and the environment) and as an application of inductive and deductive reasoning. By exploring these
topics, students are encouraged to go beyond the typical understanding of mathematics as merely a set of
formulas but as a source of aesthetics in patterns of nature, for example, and a rich language in itself (and of
science) governed by logic and reasoning.

The course then proceeds to survey ways in which mathematics provides a tool for understanding and
dealing with various aspects of present-day living, such as managing personal finances, making social choices,
appreciating geometric designs, understanding codes used in data transmission and security, and dividing limited
resources fairly. These aspects will provide opportunities for actually doing mathematics in a broad range of
exercises that bring out the various dimensions of mathematics as a way of knowing, and test the students’
understanding and capacity.
Course Title: Purposive Communication
Course Code: GE132
No. of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

Purposive Communication is a three-unit course that develops students’ communicative competence and
enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them opportunities for
communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or global context. It equips
students with tools for critical evaluation of a variety of texts and focuses on the power of language and the
impact of images to emphasize the importance of conveying messages responsibly. The knowledge, skills, and
insights that students gain from this course may be used in their other academic endeavors, their chosen
disciplines, and their future careers as they compose and produce relevant oral, written, audio-visual and/or web-
based output for various purposes.

Course Title: Physical Education 1

Course Code: PE112
No. of Units: 2
Pre-Requisite: None

This subject enables the student in acquiring knowledge on how to become physically fit and to maintain
their fitness. This subject also provides ways and means in promoting good health. Towards the course, physical
fitness tests are administered to the students that includes activities which aims to ascertain personal status of the
students, measure certain aspects on physical conditions, and to measure the extent of instruction along with the
acquisition of skills in physical fitness and for character building. The activities include acquisition of skills of
different sports.

Course Title: Literacy Training Services

Course Code: NSTP1
No. of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

The Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) is
designed to encourage the improvement of the general welfare and the betterment of life of community members
or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health education, safety, livelihood,
environment, entrepreneurship, recreation, moral, patriotism, and nationalism of the citizenry, and other social
welfare services.

The CWTS Curricular Program consists of lecture and participatory discussion, team-building and
bonding activities that are designed to highlight values and skills formation, especially that of teamwork,
leadership, communication, and risk-taking in the context of Community Organization and Development,
Management, Empowerment, and Social Mobilization.

This Course aims to develop the awareness of the students on their general welfare contribution in the
community vis-a-vis to its civic needs.
First Year – Second Semester
Course Title: Foundation of Special and Inclusive Educational
No, of Units: PROFED3
No of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

This course shall deal with pholosophies, theoriesand legal bases of special needs and inclusive
education, typical and atypical development of children, learning characteristics of students with special
educational needs (gifted and talented, learners with difficultyseeing, learners with difficulty hearing, learners
with difficulty communicating, learners with difficulty walking/moving, learners with difficulty remembering
and focusing, learners with difficulty with self-care) and strategies in teaching and manging these learners in the
regular class.

Course Title: Assessment in Learning 1

No, of Units: PCK1
No of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

This course that focuses on the principles, development and utilization or conventional assessment tools
to improve the teaching learning process. It emphasize on the use of assessment of, as, and for, in measuring
knowledge, comprehension and other thinking skill in the cognitive, psychomotor or effective domains. It allow
the students to go through the standard steps in test construction and development and the application in grading

Course Title: Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching

No, of Units: PCK2
No of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

This course explore the fundamental principles, processes and practices anchored on learner-
centeredness and otherr educational psychologies as these apply to facilitate various teaching-learning delivery
modes to enhance learning.

Course Title: Child Development

No, of Units: ECE1
No of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: PROFED1

This course focuses on an in-depth and critical study of the development of children ages 0-8 in the
different domains and the multiple interacting influences. The implication of child development principles to
teaching and learning are emphasized. Opportunities for observing and interacting with children in their home
and school environment are.
Course Title: Play and Developmentally Appropriate Parctices in Early Childhood Education
No, of Units: ECE2
No of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

The course focuses on the importance of play and other developmentally appropriate practices and
methods that will address the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive needs of the young learners. Provide a
nurturing and stimulating environment. An application of the knowledge of theories will be demonstrate through
designing appropriate play-based learning activities.

Course Title: Rhytmic Activities

Course Code: PE122
No. of Units: 2
Pre-Requisite: PE121

This course deals with the movement as foundation of sports, dance, and reacreational activities. It
focuses on foreign and Philippin foldance and social dances.

Course Title: National Service Training Program 2

Course Code: NSTP2
No. of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: NSTP1

This course designed to immense students that will arm them with capacity to contribute in the liftmen
of the general welfare and the quality of life of the community and enhancement of its facilities especially those
that are devoted to improving the health, environment, entrepreneurship, safety and morale of the citizen.

Second Year – First Semester

Course Title: Health and Nutrition Safety
Course Code: ECE4
No. of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

This course is designed to provide overview of the health, safety and national needs of the children ages
o to 8 years. Content covers: relevant policies and regulations, basic concepts, principles and practices of child
health, food and nutrition, and child safety including ECCD in emergencies and child protection. Desining
learning environment and opportunities that are respnsive for the health, safety and nutritinal needs of children
from birth rough grade three wukk be explored. Emphasis will be given on the importance of partnering with
health professionals, families and communities to help young children establish healthy lifestyles and achieve
their learning potential.

Course Title: Inclusive Education in Early Childhood Setting

Course Code: ECE4
No. of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: PROFED3

Understanding of typtical development of young children and addressing special needs in early
childhood settings.
Course Title: Content Pedagogy in the Mother Tongue-Based Multiligual Education
Course Code: ECE5
No. of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

Comprehensive understanding of elements of mother togue, appreciation of local literature, and

utilization of developmentally appropriate language teaching strategies for the mother tongue.

Course Title: Assessment Learning 2

Course Code: PCK2
No. of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

This is a course that focuses on the principles, development and utilization of alternative forms of
assessment in measuring authentic learning. It emphasizes on how to assess process-and product-oriented
learning outcomes as well as effective learning. Students will experience how to develop rubrics and other
assessment tools for performanced-based and product-base assessment.

Course Title: Creative Arts, Music, and Movement in Early Childhood Education
Course Code: ECE6
No. of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

The course focuses on the content and strategies, methods and processes for teaching art, music, rhymic
acivities and movement for K to Grade 3 learners, based on different theoretical framework and current

Course Title: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

Course Code: PCK3
No. of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

This is an introductory course that explores basic knowledge, skills and values in the use of technology
for teaching and learning. It includes ICT policies and safety issues, media and technology in various content
areas, learning theories and principles in the use and design of learning lessons, teaching learning experiences
and assessment rtask that utilize appropriate traditional and innovative technologies with social, ethical and legal
responsibility in the use of technology tools and resources.

Course Title: Reading in Philippine History

Course Code: GE134
No. of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

The course analyzes Philippine history from multiple perspectives through the lens of selected primary
sources coming from various disciplines and of different genres. Students are given opportunities to analyse the
author’s background and main arguments, compare different points of view, identify biases and examine the
evidences presented in the document. The discussions will tackle traditional topics in history and other
interdisciplinary themes that will deepen and broaden their understanding of Philippine political, economic,
cultural, social, scientific and religious history. Priority is given to primary materials that could help students
develop their analytical and communication skills. The end goal is to develop the historical and critical
consciousness of the students so that they will become versatile, articulate, broad-minded, morally upright and
responsible citizens.
Course Title: Physical Education (Individual Sports)
Course Code: GE136
No of Units: PE212
Pre-Requisites: None

This course deals with the movement as foundation of sports, dance, and recreational activities. It
focuses on gymnastics, Cardiovascular exercises, conditoning, and various components physical fitness.

Second Year – Second Semester

Course Title: The Contemporary World
Course Code: GE4
No. of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

This course introduced to the contemporary world by examining the the multifaceted phenomenon of
globalization. Using the various disciplines of the social sciences, it examines the econonoic, social, political,
technological, and other transformation that have created an increasing awareness of the interconnectedness of
people and places around the globe. To this end, the course provides an overview of the various debates in
global governance, development and sustainability. Beyond exposing the student to the world outside the
Philippines, it seeks to incalculate a sense of global citizenship and global ethical responsibility.

This course includes mandatory topics on population education in the context of population and demography.

Course Title: Children's Literature

Course Code: ECE7
No of Units: 3
Pre-Requisites: None

The course focuses on the importance of children literature for promoting lifelong love of reading
among the young learners and its use as springboard for developing literacy skills. Strategies and approaches for
using children's literature in the classroom will be discussed.

Course Title: Assessment of Children Development and Learning

Course Code: ECE8
No of Units: 3
Pre-Requisites: PCK1

This course focuses on the various aspects of assessment of young children's development and
learning. It likewise involves an understanding and application of the different types and uses of quantitative and
qualitative assessment methods for determining children's development and learning. Students will experience
how to develop rubrics for different forms of assessment.
Course Title: Preparation of Instructional Materials for Young children
Course Code: PINST1
No of Units: 3
Pre-Requisites: None

Prepares audio-visual materials in every subject are use in teaching preschool children. It will also
train students to prepare modules, lesson plans and teaching guides. Projects to be prepared must consider the
dfferent learning styles of children and durable enough to last a few years.

Course Title: Play and Developmentally Appropriat Practice in Early Childhood Education
Course Code: ST1
No of Units: 3
Pre-Requisites: None

The course farmework is grounded both in the research on child development and learning and in
knowledge about educational effectiveness and promotes young children's optimal learning and development.

Course Title: Numeracy Development

Course Code: ECE9
No of Units: 3
Pre-Requisites: None

This course is designed to develop knowledge and skills necessary to support young children learning
mathematics in way that fosters mathematical understanding, application and enjoyment. The course also equips
students with the ability to design and select mathematical tasks that promote an inquiry, problem solving
learning environment.

Course Title: The Teacher and School Curriculum

Course Code: PCK4
No of Units: 3
Pre-Requisites: None

This course includes the fundamental concepts and principles in curriculum development as a
foundation to engage prospective teachers as curricularists. The more active role of the teacher in planning,
implementing and evaluating school-curriculum as well as in managing school curriculum change vis-a-vis
various context of teaching learning and curricular reforms shall be given emphasis.

Course Title: Building and Enhancing Literacies Accross the Curriculum

Course Code: PCK5
No of Units: 3
Pre-Requisites: None

This course introduces the concepts of new literacies in the 21 st century as evolving social phenomena
and shared cultural practices accross learning areas. The 21 st Century literacies shall include (a) globalization
and multi-cultural literacy, (b) social literacy, (c) media literacy, (d) financial literacy, (e) cyber/digital literacy,
(f) eco literacy and (g) arts and creativity literacy. Field based- interdisciplinary explorations and other teaching
strategies shall be used in this course.
Course Title: Physical Educatio 4 (Team Sports)
Course Code: PE224
No of Units: 3
Pre-Requisites: None

This course is designed to teach fundamentals skills passing, setting, spiking, serving, game play
(Rotation, Substitutio), rules safety, and scoring in a volleyball game.

Course Title: Science and Technology

Course Code: GE5
No. of Units: 3
Pre-Requisite: None

The course deals with interaction between science and technology and social, cultural, political, and
economic context that shape and are shaped by them. (CMO Bo. 20, series of 2013).

This interdisciplinary engages students to confront the realities brought about by science and technology in
society. Such realities pervade the personal, the public and the global aspects of our living and are integral to
human development. Scientific knowledge and technological development happen in the context of society with
all its socio-political, cultural, economic, and philosophical underpinning at play. This course seeks to instill
reflective knowledge in the students that they are able to live the good life and display ethical decision making in
the face of scientific and technological advancement.

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