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pane o form (10 pts) 4. was giving shat rel Pat cach ver in brackets ia Seeatiens Chas tod Bt S. would ke lid ave generally acepted il 9 ww reproduce 10. wercut TLWORD roRM {Give th oret fora of word in rach (10) Vecumertceals 2 Ome 4 Renewal 3 mote 7 Sprtained ——_& Saprecy é eee orveet the word given inthe box (10 ps) t Toes cewket To epiecimed "Amore al 5 taey Gemntah Tale 4 ccalenge S.nanraly—_ovanbetel TILPREDOSITIONS AND PIRASAL VERBS ‘ ‘Fine ban with te crc prepatons (1 9) 1, Mes tot cant red dey rm manu 2 Heescapd typing Hime ofa gard 3. Shereed a bo pay teny vse, 4 Hersme a ont ae af nr hile, 5. Wecanot alo! uk a wher pope's eae & Ennbarasament td et the so 5 Thesis hen ih percent of ea wet on {rca inan excelent colagu, Sh pet aout er cal an fy 9. There shoud te enough plates to go roundavound 1a, Huber op ated ot ean se pop. 3 IV.ERROR IDENTIFICATION 1 romances eatin 2, he-ve 3 3 trevocable 6 Predetermined stake, 3. pot m0 5. t+ sting 2. endearing -> endearment 2 9. lke» as 10, thinking > to tink 4 fact 4, Likeibe 7 should ‘ S.litle 10, us ae © Rewrite each ofthe following sentences in such a way that it means exactly 1 same asthe one given (10 ps) f 1. ot inthe bi of shige eon. 2. Not for another ve yas did the whole ath about the murder come out, 5. Noone sems to hae pede he comet esa, * 4 My grandfather did't have any recollection of phoning me at night 5.1 ide fe upto playing fetal that ay, 450 - CO 6: Lara hd tf pba 5: Young clbrenes op toaute David seomed realy 4: The pes has eon with dering her hide ot of question TRUONG THPT CHUYEN LE WONG PHONG TH Wa wan PHAN A: TRAC NOHIEM Trwoxorocy ine 2. ao ‘ aa iD me ie ion YOCAULARY AnD stHUCT Da ANID 166 Ine 2A 2D WA WCC BA wD me we we LTLIKADING COMPREHENSION Poe 3C 2A WC WB IC 36D DLA Wa we een, 4B.B 440 45, we. Le aA aD a7 TY, GUIDED CLOZR: eae SLA 32.0 SLC SA $5.8 56D 52D sb 2D wo PHAN B: TY LUAN . VERN TENSHFORM. i Mt be 2 Coukltavebepat 3. tase 4: tlm beentying 5. Aretllnaeominesl 6 Aen 7h Should te 9. ve Su ten {o.Toincad 1. PREPOSITIONS. PHRASAL VERS: icon 2.With 3.Under On By 6 In TI SB Oe Rly Fie MLoPEN cLoze: 1. Number: 2, Only, 3. Degree al sts Seam 7 Wham As wich 10. Those WORD FORM: 1, Diners 2, Delicacy 3. Terrifying & S. Withstand 6. Complications 7. Oecurrense 8, Independently Unvelcome 10. Defense ‘ ‘The sues ae it tid adhe eta py lo i 2. Tam never agrees to py second fideo anyone 3. When the okt man died, his reed chien fought oth and ail ‘4 Myuncte was none the worse for his experienc, There is no such address'as the one Peter sent the parcel a not caught his, Sth wel ave tel oo My see Receny,berhomewerk teen op When thy eke news sh a i 5. Susan sccm eal ieee ot fal ose poole To. pc hay aed a woud eptton of he ston athe fag VLMISTAKE IDENTIFICATION: Tar, Re ie ey ret save BRI’ te arching bards of Nay Crim, hed developed inthe Prcicatnate eye by Steal Ines msn ined ra se ON ig, Pla tree BM ig tun sving ede dhnce tals wd igh Cee eres ane aw caants «a Misc wing sound hes big tans Then cane Dbop in the mij Isiians senyed Me oving spe and evel a ote inp Ith of playing as boy Jez was sored om popular msc i cin atom, The sles inthe big beds improved om te melody The young mag who ahead in bebop, emer Dizy Cillespe and saxophonit Cae Fates, SBME trp! cence of he ig beds, They Cer ce na ceear eG ealcinet wt wats ed OE Tes young musica fot tsar wth he ledng big bands of ho dy ing World Wars lee musa were dad and anc lls de ‘Gey tara ple topes in eal gous. spirituals predominant ensembles the masser from a ‘notably expanded substitutions cuthacks “TRUONG THPT CHUYEN TRAN DAT NGHIA — TP HO CHE MINH ‘A. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: 1. PHONOLOGY Le 2C 3B 4D $C 6C 2A 8B 2C 10B H. VOCABULARY & STRUCTURE ILD 12C 13A 14.C 15D 16B 17.C 18B 19.4 20.4 2LA 2D 23.B %&C 28.C 26D 27.4 28D 2.B 308 III READING COMPREHENSION Passage a: 31.B32A 3.B 34B 35D 36A 37D 38D 39.8 40.3 Passage b: 4LNG aT 4.1 ae : 45.ACCEPTED _46,ORIGINATING —47.ICE CORES. 48. DARKNESS 49.SEA 30, UNKNOWN, IV. GUIDED CLOZE TEST. SLC 52.B 53.B 54D 55. 56B S7.A S.C 59,4 60.8 452 OE 9. warrten Test pee 1. broke 2. has now | aan ee sig ement bbe putee Pete ca eeee i. IL PREPOSITIONS & PHRASAL Vegas Thee Iw 13. ander 1s 16, aon ap iret be {6-song MaLupiii7s.en eons TL WORD FORMS Tshor-lived ——2-dsallowed 3. nay reahiaking 5 onering 6 nowetserance 7.chuscealy” 40 f nity 1Wvncommeniags MAY Soin IV, MISTAKE CORRECTION Paortage > lack 2. fokout > aloo seo ‘had tas inal > atl between among Zealy 3 st Steir >i 9 disinterested > uniterested 10, resi V.OPEN CLOZE TEST ao living 2-among 3. majority, uber Stee Got Tetimes | Bupon 9. scat litte 1b |. Far from being embarrassed by Mini's behaviour, he seems to be amse by 2.Not for anotes five years dhe whole th bout the mde came ot 5. Were itnot fr her competence, she would not wonldn't ge promt 4 Of gave concem are confi cases fc tht make she Too much small akmcans thats th reson wy she gts bred uly a pres, 6-The storm is likely to reduce the whole village to titers, 7m under the impression that my pares ke everything | 6 ine) side 8: He gave every indication of going o any lengths fobs the contract. 9.1m afraid that there i no chance pss wlasever ofestifons fe steer. 10, Nowadays I don't ep lay (ery) as much ory casa fete a, —_TRUuG THT CHUYEN LONG THE INN BBNG WAT — LPRONUNCIATION (16s) Ta 2p. aaac se 4D 1A bp 26 4 ‘iatanous 2 impuien 3.metsis. 4meranine Sn Cecdooce 7am Rag Sse 18 pnd: fm cs ie BA 9B IRA Fee eee ee Daas, th teat We Tea TD 1D IA 6A TEA ISB 453 TIL READING (10m ) PARTA (Sm) LA 2B 4c PART (Sm) Le 4p se 2A 3D PART C: READING COMPRENSION LA 2403.8 de. S.A 6D wv Les 8. WRITTEN TEST I. VERB TENSES (10m ) {haven't been waiting has broken down at, 2h heen working / nied wil have ween 3 bought / needa have dane 4 hadnt seen / would never ave believed 5 id’ smoke / dont ind always makes 6. vere waveling 7 arrive (should acrve) 8.10 inform /bas been tured 9.10 ak 10. strikes / shal have been wai 11.40m) of /about 3D 4A SB 6C Sin/of Teaver tor 4, of towards Lo 12. from 2. at/ about Sof /at WANT Bree 9.10 10. with TIL WORD FORMS (10m) Lerepetive 2. unflingly Scunacceptable. 6. irrevocable 9. unshrinkable 10. mentality IV. MISTAKE CORRECTION (10m) Line 1: contr! in» control af Line 4 high — highly Line 6: With + While Line 9: diver —» divers Line 12 on to» aso \Y.CLOZE TEST (10m) hardly /sarcely 2, it 3. onside incorrigible 4. infancy 4B successive Line 3 :to respect» with respect Line 5: social search —- social research Line 8: barrier for —» barrier to ine de —+ crude Line 14: when what 3. from /of 4. eniable / unquestionable S-confinied /resrct 6,00 7. will/can/may/ might /could 8. afer 9 reading’ with enjoying 10. ought VL SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20m) Part A |, Without absolute sccrey this mision would not have succeeded / been sucess ‘een a succes would have filed , 454 bee would never agree! empting an offer may he fe teh 0 ofr ight nani cae tl ie te re eee ae Peres tactile citecicast sone ntact gi __TRUONG THPT CHUYEN QUANG TRUNG - BINH PHUOG A.MULTIPLE CHOICES 1 D.aB. 2 Awl iB. Goole mth BBA 1B he tp WA ise me 1A IRD. IA. MB Qi ge Mi ee dew Bix 26 False 77. Tw 26NG 29. Tre ae SLE HEA BD MD” BC. KB BRA wD ae H.C BC BA MB WA MATE we BSA SLD 2B SD SC SA HD 7D 58RD we B.WRITTEN TEST [LVER TENSES AND FoRMS Losing 2. now epnetohwebencaad acing 4 paciced 3.tobave bon racued sot eaig 7. making 8, should be presented 10. et ald, TLPREFOSITIONS AND PHRASAL VERBS q tough 2 up Deby der 6 in 7. for Bo BA ae UL OPEN CLOZE TEST 1 lon 2, igh cold 3. Having m5, vie § a5 7, should agains 9: what WV.WorD FoRMS psntin. 5 dete |: technological 2. anxieties, 3 uoqustoniy © SSS es isa 6 overwhelmingly 7. beings % Pes ae “SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION REWRITING |. Tomy surpriseamusementstonishment Eva gt into university despite the fa, ‘thaValthough she hadnt worked hard a schoo 2. I've yet to meet a more exasperating person than my brother-in-law. 3: hadn't expected that he woul bei fo Be 9 eashat etch an easy pers {0 tak to/that talking to him would be stat easy. 4: Ever since (he ha) his accident Philip has ben unable to make decisions. 5 His responsible tttude is putting placing his career (asa doctor) in His career has ben puvs in jeopardy because of his iesponsibe atid 6. The incident pu pid to my chances of prometion. 7. They (have) bared the former chairman from (atendng/attendance st) the conference §. With six children on her hands, se is extremely busy With sx children (to look afc), she has lot on her hand/has her hand al, 9. (The use of the main college car park is restricted t inal year stents, 10.A quiet holiday would do you good ‘VL ERROR RECOGNITION AND CORRECTION 1 iteast can 2, Study this > these 3. that making > makes 4 see what >that, 5. unemployment economical-> economic 6. family with -> whose 7. derailment, and >of 8.10 grammatical grammar 9 in equipment —> equipping TO. complete work -> works ___TRUGNG THPT CHUYEN THANG LONG — LAM DONG ‘A. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS. I. PHONOLOGY (10p1s) KA 2A 3A 4B 5.6 6A 7.0 8A 9B 10D. TL VOCABULARY and STRUCTURE (2 pts) LD 2D 3A 4B SA 6D'7D &C 9A 10A ILC 12D 13.B 14B 15.8 IGA 17.C 18C 19.8 20D Ill. READING COMPREHENSION (20 pis) LLB2A 3B 4A SB 6A 7B 8B 9.C 100 ZIP 2H 3D 4 processed (foods) 5.90% 6.2 grammes 7.True& False 9. Not given 10, True IV. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pts) LBo2D 3D 4B SA 6A 7D 8B 9c 10D 8. WRITTEN TEST 1 VERB TENSES / FORMS (10 pts) had witnessed 2 being awarded 3. wouldn't have regreted 4: bringing 5. should have 6. should have been 7, could have avoided 8. must have Been speoting 9. wouldn't have stopped 10. was to have helped 456 2 at ae op Zoe he 1. PREPOSITIONS AND PuRASAt Vena, 2 i) oft red ain 2 if, fin ML WORD FORMS (10 pu io Tingle 2.immeasueby 5 Pesdoscince Simaladinistation 6 beheaded 7 4 coumtedenand Sccircumstantial —10equste EME photgeie 1V. ERROR IDENTIFICATION (1 pi) 1. deseribes > describe 2 some +0 5 unfinishing —> unfinished 4 aon and 5. found -> was found 6A Te Ley 8 intocne nr 9.0n—>in 10. especies + OPEN CLOZE TEST (10 pis) a Kemer Rito Renee. Ae Smile aks je get have 9. avenue 10, with VL. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 ps) 1, She says she is wed to stormy weather in thi eo. 2.On mo account must you forget to lock the drawer whatever you da 3.remaine to be een how vel the payer will pram this nw fatal ch 4 He should’ have been singel cin fori fs oid hon te pen, 5 This iss fara 'm going il ve had something tea, 6 Jolin was always the but of Mary's cel jokes, 17. The M.P. was oten ou of step with his Party's polices. 8 Stanley is rather in awe ofthe new algebra teacher 9. The orphanage lft no sone untamed in efforts to nd the boy's parents 10. The press has poured scom on the handling othe mater. TRUONG THPT cHUYEN NGUYEN DU- DAK LAK A. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS L PHONOLOGY (J0ms) t Le jap [4 lac 1s t 1c japan aan eleee alta M.VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE .8 LB 2D xD oe ie 6D the ac au 6B ip wee oe 16D 17.B we TL READING COMPREHENSION: 5. Reading 1 1c ze BA ao sb ea ts z3 3D 1a, 1, Reading 2: (ry 2A aA nes > 6D 7B eB oD lac 1V. GUIDED CLoze TEST: LD 2B 2B aa s¢ 6b zo Re OB loc B. WRITTEN TEST 1. VERB TENSES / FORMS: ic has been typing has mot finished 2. has believed — has been trying are 3 wil ave bom ul 4 ted look willbe S-tobe felt 1 PREPOSITIONS AND PHRASAL VERBS: 1. about/at/ over Zt Sovee 4 in with 5 Gat TaerossB.back on IL WORD FORMS: 1. adulthood 2. cosy 6. Specialised 7. unknown &creativiy 1V. ERROR IDENTIFICATION: Correct the mistakes inthe passage. (10m) 1.3 had found —» found Te medicine schools > medical schools 6 two last > last two [CB with stadent—> with student 159 country 1» county where! 1.9. quiet-» quite 10 the French > ¢Freach HT around at => around for 112 next > close 4 "Nery much well very well OPEN CLOZE TEST: use 2 play 3. way 4 posible 5. dependent Specialised 7. tention 8 means 9. involves 10. end ‘VL SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION 3, requirement 4, activate $, assesmens 9. Schooling. 10. increasingly He disapproves of people ringing him late at night. always take transport coss into consideration whe raveling, What are the chances of you/ vor bing promoted by Tuly? ‘There ix mp difference in weight eiween the two boxes ‘As faras Lknow, Dr Anderson isan excellent cardiologist. Wine le btm ot tera He bought a ee ‘ They init ate a ad ny inet ‘The band Pogo comfy poll. 1 2 3 4 5 & I 2 3 4 Tem nied sot pas 458 —TRUONG THPT ‘A. MULTIPLE CHOICE quesni TPHONOLOGY (Spins) ae AUB" 2.C 06:0: inte a aan BEB 2c 3D” sehen IL-READING COMPREHENSION PASSAGE I ip 2D SA “GGrspe Mh ene! PASSAGE 2: aes LC) 2A. 3:D4Be SID eb ya I GUIDED CLozE. LA 2D 3B 4A SD 6A 20 80090. 1D B, WRITTEN TEST 1 VERB FORM / TENSES (10 pons) Teonsincing/ had seen iio discover) had et 53 tobe inveduced ‘coming wakes 5. shouldn't hve told having been okt 7. eft had collectod eis wll hve saved 9, eame didn’t know totum /had ad wouldn't have been downed 10. have been telephoning haven't you fished 1, PREPOSITIONS AND PHRASAL VERBS (10 points, won ae Parti: {on 2.with) ation Alef Sout 6.inTeafer. Babes aound. 9-under 10.10 Part 2: Iino, 2 together Aime S.0ff Gon Tansy bck Silo afer ML OPEN CLOZE TEST Passage 1 1.01 2n0 3, Whatever 4 purely Swat 630 T-lost S.should —9-tinessmaliesstighest 10. needless Passage 2 under 2. for Subcing A by 5 Smade —Tereduced —B-with ——S.takeniberowed 10 with IV. WORD FORMATION Part 1: interfaces 2. uncovered 3. subconscious 4. idly nonsense 7. abnormal 8.disbling 9. misleading, 10. iterative Part: |. problematic 2. involvement) Sebureauerati 4. dsechaned S.aggression 6, rudeness Tipowerlss boredom Dcreduction 10. respetil ¥. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION {Hers isa dificult question oanawer adequately. 2. On no accouet musvshould the manager be disturbed. (On no account isthe manager o be disturbed 3. But for your generous contribution, we coud continue our work 4: Tired though/as he was, he agreed o ply tenis. 5.1 ir ean ext ih hon need by i eter (5 Marry had a craving for jelly when she was pregnans. 7. Sarah made a very good imoresion on the interview panel & Organic vegetables are said to do wonder for your health 2, He cannot come to terms withthe ft that he will never race again 10 Provided (thay pandas havea pecal de, they survive. ‘VI ERROR IDENTIFICATION 1BO2C 3B 4A SC 6B 7B 8D 9c 108 = TRUONG THPT KON TUM —KONTUM ‘A. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS. LPHONOLOGY LO 2. D3. Be kOe. GA 7.6 BA 9.6. 10D, 1M. VOCABULARY & STRUCTURE ‘Choose the best option A,B, Cor D to finish exch ofthe fllowing sentences LC 2D. 3D 4D. SB 6D. 7D 8A 8A 10 WC 12.C 13.B 14D 1SC 168 17.8 188 19.D 20.¢ 6B 1A BA 9B 10D 8, Paragraph |_iv 9. The environment in a plane makes fe - disagreements more likely to become serious 10.4 ha been imposible to ban passengers wth hisorieofsireage.F ‘ao iii cae 6A 7A op Iv. GUIDED CLoze, Lh 2A Shae Se 1B. WRITTEN PARTS 1 VERB TENSES, FORMS oA we were wating ees 2 looking 7 wee wen 5 alles 4s drome ‘leading ‘etn bee watching ware wach were spoken ‘tees int ILPREPOSTTIONS & ruASAL vERas PY "sin changes 1.of Zin Sea a see oe keane fi WoRD FORMS an sn deeded til gases Se Laps Lf | Mea 5 Peewee s Srey en ee er, sa ea fea oem a ena ea Coppa os irae aes ie ae ee ecco Posmbaat tonl Ose Srna a= ee ec pa yer yn VL SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION “> As long as you keep cal, you wl pss your diving text 2.» No sooner had he arrived han things eat wrong 5.» He was let to leave aftere had been questioned by the police. 4-9 He denied having stolen the a! teling the cr 5, Lee asked his father how high the mous was 6.7 If the ain had been come! arrived on time, Roberto wold’ ve arived late this morning 7.» Abdul's mother made hi/Abial difih/somplete his homework efor be played on the computer 8.-+ Nicholas finally suceeded in geting is ae video recone to wrk 9.» Today's meeting is pu of uni next week. 10.-> Rescue workers were prevented from geting trough the vl, TR THPT. i ‘A. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS L-PHONETICS (10 point) 1p 49 9D 1ac 1C 2B 3A 4A SC 6C 41 TL VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE (20 points) “ 9A 10.0 LA 2C 2D 4D 5A 6A 2B RA IB 12¢ 1.6 4c 15.C 16D IZA I8B 19. 20.6 HL. READING COMPREHENSION 2 points) Reading 1: LB 2A 3C 4D SC _6&C LA BA 9C 100 Reading 2: LC 2B 3D 4D SA GA ZA &D 9B 10D TV. Guided clot test (10 points) LB o2C 3A 4D SA 6B 7B RD 9.C 10D B. WRITTEN TEST 1. VERB TENSES AND FORMS: (10 points) U being? declared entered 4, wounded 5. ida ask 6-couldbave helped T.moved _§. (should) be adjourned. 9. didnt come 10, would have been TL PREPOSITIONS AND PHTRASAL. VERBS (10 point 1. Mang..heself mo 2. endear..himself.10- 3. eging.them on 0 4. fenced in 5. fishing for G.feel up to 7. fight back S.engage. him in 9eeguates..Wity 10. expand on IL WORD FORMS (10 point) add-on 2aferslow 4 melodramatic 5. misshapen 6. vacuumpacked 7.sureal 8.academe 9. misbegotten 10, acceptance IV. ERROR IDENTIFICATION (10 points) Leommune 2.beneft 3. warm 4, the Sand GiholeTby Bean Sas 10 with V. OPEN CLOZE TEST (10 points) J tikeness 2. masterpiece 3. unsetling 4. enduring 5. numerous 6 seademies 7.acknowledged exortony 9. imaginative ‘Vi Sentence transformation 0 plas) 1. He smile mtd ana al he lens and] got back he confidence 21m ot selig ou france compu. ave got ones 3. This conservation propanine derive ls ncome fom advertising even 4. The coum! should hve bore peopel nis nmin 5. Cities ae hoping he new der cn breathe fe inthe Freach fm indy. ‘The terornt uackon the Capital Trade Cntr was carbon copy af the 11-8 sack on the WTO bldg, 's vary ical» put gue give a exact igure on table ike tis but prota wort about $ $00 es 8. Five boyson actor the speed 0 gh a 9: Des had clad the bk on ie eras 10, Heealy Khe eet the eth when 10. revival 1 recipe for disaster rer case thee years previo), the promise to help me out TRUONG THPT CHU VAN AN = NINH THUAN ‘A. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: (sms) L-PHONOLOGY : (10m) Choose the word whose undertined parti a: Dromounced diferent fom that of the sis 2 Ceca 4B se * Choose the words withthe diferem ares pate fom the other: (Sm yates 2. Cpa 4D SD 1, VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR : 20m) 1B 2B 3A, 4D. 5D: (60m Dok agemomter HD 12C 13.A 1A 1SC 16A 17D IRC. 186 anA Il, READING COMPREHENSION (20m) * Reading 1 4D 2A 3B 4A°SD 6¢ 7Be 4) 9a 5 * Reading 2: LA 2C 3B 4A SB 6¢ 20 4D 90 1p IV. CLOSE TEST: (10m) NC 2B 3D 4€ S.A 60.728 ac 9B B. WRITTEN TEST: (70ms) VERB TENSES / FORMS: (10m) 1. will meet 2. willhaveFnshed 5, hadseen 4. Ghouldasis 5. not have been 6 accept 7. tohave forgoten being tld 9. woknow / woud ell Write the phrasal verbs in the correct teases to complet these sentences (0m) 1. has got over 2 eto 3 Moff A nto 5. had broken down 6. make out 7. brokeup—_& pied away 9. stand for 10, came across IML Give the correct forms ofthe words in bracket (10m) 1. DENIAL 2. BLECTRIFIED 3. COMPARATIVELY 4 LIKELINOOD 5. REPLACEMENT 6. TRRESPONSIBLY 7. OPPOSITION 8 ACCESSIBLE —_9. DISTINGUISH, TOBENEFICIAL, 1V. ERROR IDENTIFICATION(1OMS) LB 2c 3¢ 46° $D 6B 7A 8D. 9D 108 V.OPEN CLOSE TEST: ead the passage careful then asa ard Incach ack eo: 10m) on 2 inventions 3-BnglsWroh) 4500S Hashmi 6 the Telry BR intred 9. elaonip10-dyamo 468 igs ‘VL. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION: (70m) * Compete cach ofthe second sentence 0 ha thas snr meaning fst on, ting the word given in rackets. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. (ms) 1. Peter wasn't inthe MOOD fo going go to he Paty. 2. has been beloved shat she ina good condion 3. She as no INTENTION of giving up he hobby 44 That fim fant WORTH seeing 5. The light was cancelled OWING tothe stow "Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning: (58) 6. The gate i closed so dat the children cannot ar able 1 / will tran nt the road 7. He doesn't take ae bis fue ta. 8. + Mary apologized 'o Peter for damaging / having damaged her cr. 9. She has no problem(s) ity (in) stdying maths. trouble 10.» Only in Poland can you get dishes and bows with this design ~TRUGNG TET CHUYEN LE KHTET- QUANG NGA ‘A. MUILTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (60pts) L PHONOLOGY (10pts) Lic 2A 3C 4B SA 26¢ 70 $D 96 1A TL VOCABULARY & STRUCTURE @0p's) LA 2A 3D 4B SD 6B 7.C 8A 9D 10 1D 12A 13D. 14. 15D 16A 17.A 18.8 190 208 IML READING COMPREHENSION (0p) Passsage 1(10pt3).1.A 2.C 3.D 40 5C GB 7.B 8A 9D 10D Pamage2(10p0) LD 2C 3A 4D SD 6B7A 8B 9D 100 1V. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10pt) Lic 2A 3A 4C SD 6A 20 BA 9B 10D 21820 2A 4A SB 6D 7A £A 9.0 103 B. WRITTEN TEST (70pts) [L VERB TENSESFORMS (1096) Iimconguered 2 isnot" S.batdecemed 4 known Sisteingstidied 6.10deat_ 7. judging will be ised 9. have been developed 10.have been 11 PREPOSITIONS AND PHRASAL VERBS (10pts) 1. Choose the best answer (Ss) LA 2A 2B 4D 5B 6C 7B gB 9A 10D 404 2,Camplete the passage with sable prepositions (9) tw es cone eee ee 2. mening Saas coe $n POR op) ri 1 Tinted 2-timeless Effahtened 7 removals * {voluntary 2. behavior SG diapproval 7. refusal Deumeonsemes 4 8 provisionally 9-basineske TO.cubpotanses 3. recipient ‘epresennion 5. enauaging ‘.inpenona 5 obigon S.geernty Scapontatey 10 sige {LERROR IDENTIFICATION (ope) Mand 3B 4A SC 62 7A 8D 98 10 7 aaa —Correcton J cae aig | ‘oe ET that vat 8 [when re a [rfc wene Teving [107] V. OPEN CLOZE TEST (10pis) [-Fillin each gap with one stable wordSps) Keaken are Bue ls Socal bbe Te ‘han 9.the To. 2. Read the passage and fil in cach blank with ONE suitable word 9) Lot Zdown they moe S thee ein Unt athough —Simake 10th ‘VL SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION Qpts) |. But fr ber interest in wildlife conservator, she would have joined Grenpenc. 2.Thave boon rater preocupied with work aly 3. You needn't have bought the umbrella 4 tis easy for them w get accustomed to swimming. '5.She prides herself on her cooking being» pod cook {6d it not boon foe the heavy’ ri ain aly, we cold Rave ad ow li 7.The more he loves her, the more jealous hes {8 Mary criticized Tom for using he ar without eking/having sk es Fist 9. Not only dd he fil in his exam but i lb ad rod eden 10. No mater how old shes Iwill may he. ‘A. MUILTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (60pts) 4c 4A L PHONOLOGY (10p') sn tee Bic 2p 3D ae SA sD M. VOCABULARY & STRUCTURE (2p) UA 2B SC 4D SD GD 7A SB 8D I0A H.C 128 13.C 14D 15,4 16A 12D 18B 12D 20.4 Il READING COMPREHENSION (20p%) Reading 1 BADLE © 3.B)sig,.C A REED HOURS 10.5) Reading 2 LB 2B 33 46 5H 6F 2A &C 9D IOI 1V. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10pts) LB 2A 3C 4B SD 6C 7B RA 9C 10K B. WRITTEN TEST (7opts) VERB TENSES/FORMS (10p1) [be returned 2 must be bil 5 ransmmited 6 will be atending 9. has been skiing 10. tobe questioned IL PREPOSITIONS AND PHRASAL VERBS (10pts) 3.have raised 4. eparded Tam loving 8 should have et AI. agains 2.of Sat 4. for S.with B.i.brokedown 2. takewp 3. Hanging out “4were knocked down 5. counton MIL WORD FORMS (10pts) Entry overheard 3. global 4. Immigrants 5. energetically 6 Competitive 7. contributor 8. banned IV. ERROR IDENTIFICATION (10pts) 9. imaginary 10. membership {.extreme_extremely 2 acceptaccepable 3. with-by Aexpose-exposed Slater- ater 6 the young people the young young people 7. hich-what Syouth-youngter) 8.In-On 10. demand-demands ‘V.OPEN CLOZE TEST (10pts) famous emperor 3 digging out Svign Gdespite _Tanderground guarding likeness 1Othe(se) VI SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20pts) 1. The manager i alleged to be considering resignation. 2. Failure to pay on time will result in your booking being cancelled 3. Only when they et fot inthe room di they realize that something was Wrong. 4 My grandfather didn't have any recollection of phoning me lastnight. 5. Ted would travel a lot in his job 6. The view from the summits out ofthis word 7. Your atte will have to turn ove lea if you want to succeed 5. Criticism is ike a red rag to bul to our boss Criticism our boss lke ed 8 toabull whim 9m terrified to death of thunder and lighting. 10, Apparently the entire market went up in flames afew months ago 1p 2C 3.8 4A SC 6A 7c gp SA 9D 08 SA 6A TA aC 9.019 a Pisdieg? 1D 2A BGA eID eGe npr igs JV. GUIDED CLOZE TEST ee Mp 2A 3C 4B SA 6D 2B Be 9A 0 iB. WRITTEN TEST VERB TENSES! FORMS Treonvineing; had seen to dione; dled 3.0 be intaduced coming: wakes S.shoulde' have tod 6 having been ld Tat had collected 18 retires willhave saved 9, came; didn't know; totum; had had wouldn't have Bees downed To. have been telephoning: havent you fished 11, PREPOSITIONS and PHRASAL VERBS. Trae up 2. get through 3.fellout 4. gtround to 5. makeup fr Ginthe middle andlate Zin suis .camecter 1 TIL WORD FORMS, |. disheartened devel 3 overexpendine editorial 5c inadequate questionable 7.x Blusher 5 abnormalities 10-non- appearance IV-ERROR IDENTIFICATION Ube 2the 3.0ff 4a S10 Gmore T.of She 9, may 108 V.OPEN CLOZE TEST Lpusing 2th Sey Shpall Goay —Toreward ——‘Batacs — 9.gomers 10 beak VLSENTENCE TRANSFORMATION |: Pesos itl sf infomation sen in he tre 2 Many’sthe ime tat ve nde sud mit 3. twas something of el wo Tray when she foun ut thet 4 The seer expense cont was what pot me thes 5. e made no reference to or previous coment. {mot onthe ght mood fring th ay cutee ‘tw eld woman pladl wih me nt br ones mm he had ‘1+ What trikes me about esha seis avery flere see *Itstikes me that she isa very efletve she, + She strikes me as (being) ey eet 9. We always buy in bulk in order nake more oft ie 10, Nowadays goods are fen bovghton eet i ee ee ee 6. don't know how 00 / I can sain, ——§ oe mabe et tote bo ent lag erp, CAU HOLL: fey LC 2C 3A 4B SD 6A 72D &C 90. 10D sich ee. erosion 3. mois 4 drovghts 5. exstene Line 6: unless > if Line 8:what-> which Line 10: more —> much TE ee ee a gat ten es Line 12 Deno tod” Le Weatongh nae Tne DENTIICATION te) othe Line 16 why > wat Lie I ee > deleape elect 5 ceanie )spi sdapel—_ (68-9 ms nae ps on > up (Bhaback -> aside Ghin-ron within 5 ever 4. what ‘S. though (1O}enthralied -»> enthralling Sa ee 7. did Slonger 9. wil 10. as. Nera CLOZE TEST (6p) ct” Api tebe war vat meting tebe adhered sconashexty ov ull Tw sb 9 TOR ty eying | ieee ON ps) a 3. Reta Gem cena nh mma omyetnayh dete ear. | Mai per antiguas a bi eavageiaiaeiemres sear ERG ere c ‘eh 4. What asin whe you tele Sak 5. Everyone was completely bfMed by his “ee é 6 6. Robert ook exception to being eto of the 7. Ion think you were sified in making sucha fiss Laura had a of problems to contend with uring he childhood 9. All ofa sudden there wa oud appluse from the audience 10. Such was the conoery cased by he ln that as Ded in sever pry the word ____TRUGNG THPT CHUYEN’ ‘A. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS LPHONOLOGY LB 2C 3D 4p 5c 6B . VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURES LD 2A 3B 4B S.C 6C H.C 12D 13.D 14.C 15.8 168A Ml READING COMPREHENSION Passage 1 LBO2D 3C 4A SD 6B Paseage2: tiv 24 Biv 6.Yes_7.Notgiven &.No 1V. GUIDED CLOZzE TEST LD 2B 3A 48 5B 6c B. WRITTEN TEST L VERB TENSES /FORMS AVINH —TRA 7B 8D 9A Ie TA BA 9A 10.8 12D 18D 19.0 20.8 1C &C 9B IDA yi S.No 9.¥es 10. Yes TA 8B 9D 100 not having been 2.might have had 3. had been hoping 4 to have overpaid /to have been overpaying * nag pee {0 weal oud TL PREPOSITIONS AND PHKASAL VERBS Beg Ra eee a Sender 7.rough ino Sem Tet {WORD ronst See 2-rickname 3. Relonay 4, vitorios 5 fice 6 contovenal 7 peseey Rana 9 han {0 uaepien IV. ERROR IDENTINICATION Lemain— reining 2 by—since 9, prant progeny 4 longest any longest of my $' Since At 6. ord ecorded eee * inresingincesigly 9: lad ealy Tot fing V-OPEN CLOze rest I-bwonseZecome S.cmit A wig Loe Fo tees ‘ied 5. ae being uncovered 6. will hve to be prepared 7. could ave expressed 8. has now been reached RA VINH ee Lo eabhderbtihrnie erie You ca 20003 bus Without ering one ay ach ws is tui py o He gives the impression of having spent _ I's the way their fan adalat them fat one 6 There is strong llktiood hth owe wil be pulled doo, 4 The fly ey ed tin dae ci, 4. [suggested he phone his moter and hed there tad thes a a 8. Kevin was always level headed with both fect onthe prone na To.When the reasons behind he ison wren a ein plae. “TRUGNG THPT GHUVEN NGUYEN QUANG DIEU GBT A.MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION 1. PHONOLOGY pis) 1D 2A 3B 48 $D 6c 7A oR 9.0 iA Tl, VOCABULARY &STRUCTURES Q pis) Lc 2C 3B 4D SB 68 °2C &D 9B Wwe 1B 12D 1A ILA 15B 164 12C 18B IRC Ihe TILREADING COMPREHENSION [READING 1 (10 pts) LC 2D 3B 4A SA 6C 7B &C 9A 104 READING 2 (10 pts) LD 23 3G 4H SL 6¢ 2F £K 98 IDE IV, GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10 pis) L€ 2A 3C 4A SD 6A 2B RA 9D 108 B.WRITTEN TEST 1. VERB TENSE FORM (10 pts) = sani ioc cee ere ‘6. have been directed /were directed Les |. permite hes ts aan 1. PREPOSITONS/ PHRASAL VERB (10) of 2.up 3.out through Sout 6.0o 7 bukit 6. tough! ‘il, WORD FORM (10 pts) COMMONLY DEPENDENT >ovesiene «cETEAL S.MONETARY 6. AVAILABILITY 7. SECUI ae ‘§. UNEMPLOYMENT 9. ee 10. INFLAT ee Tyron meneame a 7 Gahan V-OPEN CLOZE TEST (109) % eat jm 3 a S-placed 7.10 n ‘VI SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20pts | Nowadays, barber's shop ar known as hares 2 There has been a decease in the numberof people who sake these dys 3. Ginolo nist have been paid aft for that Renal ad 4: Travellers look down on those who lead a more sedentary ie 5. You fil to take certain factors nto acount in Your ess. 1 You fail to take sceounts of cera factor i Your es). 6.tthasn’t sunk in et 7. We were not taken in by his smooth manne. 8. The disagreement i ot of fuss abou nothing ‘9. The tone of his voice brought it) home 1 me how serious he situation was 10. Al tenants must comply withthe regulations about guest ‘A. MULTIPLE CHOICE L PHONOLOGY LD 2A 3D 4A SD 6D 7D &C 9%C 10A VOCABULARY STRUCTURE LA 2B 3A 48 SC 6B 7B 8D 9A 10B HA 120 13.B 144 1.0 16 17.B, 18D. 19.8 20.4 ILREADING COMPREHENSION Passage 1 LB 2A 3C 4B SB 6C FC &C 9A, JOD 2 LB 2A 3C 4B S.C 67 (LT &T RF AGE 1V.GUIDED CLOZE TEST LBo2D 3 4A SA 6B 7A 8A 9D 103 B. WRITTEN TEST 1 VERB TENSES/FORMS Iwill be doing 2. willbe 3.ask Ghayemet—7.t0show 8. love ILPREPOSITONS in 2.up_3.ffom 4, with S.with 6.Like 8.0f 9.0n_ 10:for HILWORD FORM retirement 2.merely 3.comtolled 4. additive 5. treatments 6.varied 7.resistance 8. digestion 9. elibood 10. cireulatory TV, ERROR IDENTIFICATION Tebeen—-2.computerised3. many 4. too 5.itis 6. whether 7.which -‘” "9. whole "10. reigned Y. OPEN CLOZE TEST lifestyle 2. especialy 3. herself’ 4. fire 5. through 6 willing T.quarer—Soverland —S.hand 10. all 472 TRUBS PHO THONG VIET MY CAN THO Sao ; ! wo i gc 2 Milatyer say heattpehes ett 5, Their mariage has stood the est of ine am ‘ourselves. a ‘Pocket money if we dida’t behave rnc nance sac iam “TRUBNGT Part A: MULTIPLE CHOICE PHONOLOGY (10m) HUYEN NGUYEN TH MON KAT =S6C TRING (bi ctu ding dice | diém) BAG iy Beh BA 4p. sc BLA 2A BA. an. 5 T, VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURES 0m) LC 2B 3C 4D SA 6A 1C &D 9D 10D 1B 12C D.C 14B 18B IGA 12 RC 9B md IIL READING COMPREHENSION (20m) Reading 1 LC 2D 3B 4C SA 6A ZA RB 9D IOC Reading 2 LB 2B 3C 4B 5D 6A TE RC 9B IE z 5) (MBI a ding dpe 1 dm) LD 2B 3D 4C 5D 6B 7.C BA 9B 108 rt B: WRITTEN TESTS. |L VER FORMS AND TENSES (0m) vas mentioned 2s gained cha aendy hid hasbeen asked Schoppet 6 asrefiaed Tbe some has been sid 9. (have been cating, 10. een nk TL PREPOSITIONS AND PHRASAL VERBS (0s) Lott 2-upto S.infor. apy S:dowe fp Tine Seipoetetanclom TI WORD FORMS (10m) ‘polit i jon ember 5. |: worldwide 2. iliniss, 3 imp eden S.whatever 7-threaten_Bebewbere 9 an IV. ERROR IDENTIFICATION (10m) Line] rors [etieaet tee a I m [35 | Sips 2 cog cso | 10. {oeae | ---Delete “to” Henn sees pee att i Dect“ [las | ate laren V.OPEN CLOZE TEST (om) Vander 2p i provided 4 cu dow 5 ha whic Sieg Tench” ke S.mtaie” 10d VL. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION @0ms) |. The excuse for the war declaration forthe declaration of war) was the defense of ‘their territorial rights Or The excuse fr the war declaration was o defend ther territorial righ 2. He received a six-month prison sentence for hs part tthe robbery. 3:No sooner hai the new edtar en appointed to the poste el il. 4: Much as l admire his courage. 1 tho he isa foolish. 5. Nobody is to blame ford fac tha the meting was cancelled. (Or Nobody isto blame for he cancellation ofthe meeting. 6. tems of education, his childhood years hd been well spent. 7. Mark came up withthe solution tothe problem makes no difference to me whether we have the meeting toy or tomorrow. 9. Their problems are all of their own making. TO. My daughter has grown out ofthe jumper you knit for her, ‘A. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS PART 1: PHONOLOGY (10 POINTS) LILAZD 3B 4A S.C WiB2A 3D 40 5A PART2: VOCABULARY & STRUCTURE (20 POINTS ) LD 2A 3D 4A 3C 6D 7.C 8A 9B 108 ILC 12A 13.B 14A 15.B 16.B 17.C 18D 19.6 200 PART 3: READING COMPREHENSION (20 POINTS ) 1L Read the passage and then choose the best answer (10 points) LB 2C 3A 40 50 6C 2D 8D 9B 10D 1. Rend the passage... (10 points) as BIO Cll D2 El P3 G9 He 14 48 478 PART 4 GUIDED CLOZE Testa, .D 28 2A 48 50 op Ev ae B. WRITTEN TEST ier ace Sorat eae TAR Pepsin apa ven geht 18 Me pe S.through 7. beyond Sscrss mau PART: Word forms (10 potas), Bho «oreninyn [officially "2 unreabe 3cttowsly 4 edowtess 5 mesponsibilty 7. inepanbly aca eit Scopes inepanhy idead ape satie this 2.07 3. that. which 6X7 Rawy 6 Ohm PART 5: Open clo text (10 points) |-sapplied/provided 2: medics 3. Qody 4. deaayed Sung 6 sam Lprsest danger 9 PART 6: Sentence transformation 20 poles) NN 1 steno UeShe cnt huve done ton papers 2 Lam so annoyed by my le ater somes 3. va sch an inrestng i ha son many ie 4. Nota tour did sshd when he soy set ea 5.Heisby no meas spi By wo mean chee 6 1tseema ppt! ok asi tough we have beer ie hewn bs. 4.1 work best when am nde prose The expiry date (vena) hv December 312012 9: The sary he tld us fas Beyond bli 10, He toodldhep his round agi his avers RUONG THPT CHUYEN PHAN NGOC HEN CA WAU PART A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (60pts) 1, PHONOLOGY (10p%) Choose the word ase undertiedpartsprosounced eet faa hat tethers LC 2A 30 4A 5D. Find stresses. Cross (8) the slab number thatthe main rss fal om exch allowing word. has been done a example. ‘Syllable narber vf2tsiss 1 although | x x 2. nevertheless 3. metropolis . x lackadaisical 5. timetable * HL VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURES (20p4) Fe 2A 3D 4B SA GCC HB 8B 10C MD. IRA TA IAB. 1SC IGA 17.6 IRACIG.A. 20.0, UL READING COMPREHENSION PASSAGE 1. tp 2B 3D 4A 5D 6A 7D &C 9B 10C PASSAGE21g 2a 34 41 Sf 6b IV. GUIDED CLOzE TEST: LD 2G 3A 4D 5B 6D 76 BD 9G top, PART B: WRITTEN TEST L VERB TENSESFORMS, ‘Supply each blank withthe correct tense form ofthe verb. (10 pts) 1. “You (be)__"_ "tothe Tower of London?™ “Notyet.1(want)_—_togo ever since (ave) < in Lodo, bat something always (come). 9. 1(hope) go) sometime soon. Perhaps you (i) come) with. ‘Have you been ~ have ben wantag Ta alway ome —hope—Wo go ~ would i President of the county, what changes you (want) i ‘Gizodoce) 2 ‘Were you~ would you want to change 3. wish I (oot eat) ‘somay cakes. They rake) eet) _ 4.1@0), oe the ills igh but atthe lst minut (recive) ‘an important phone call and (have) to say athe to Finish some urgent work I (bt regret) WeinceT(hear) from my fiends who (go) tha i (9B) very od. ‘Was ping = received ~ had wo tay do ot egretfave beard ~ went a wt 1. PREPOSITIONS AND PHRASAL VERBS. 20 ps) Supply each bank with ONE correct particle 1 Thcanmant of rob ‘BY coe noo! pate OF paper 2 You won't sole your pblens.BY.- wallowing IN slop 3. Tom lectured his son ABOUT dhe danger” OF riding motersyee 4 Tuck you shit _1N —pour tous 5-The ver was teeming” WITH {She iss thin FOR scr tas would do anything, 1 eis slicer — BY —proteson, Complete flowing sentences by ing inthe blanks with suitable phrasal verbs (ms) 1 "The school examination fr eleven year-olds was__ done aay with, 2. ne pod prong you've to tes ro70 you've potto fice upto pea 3. At fir Ti nis be was right bat hen began Tack tone 4 Ahupe crowd tuned oot___in he oui ln chet ts pret. lees §. Has Tonys new book _come out__ yee 6 Whatever Jean scion wisac, 43. We had to stp Balding when pas Bors played badly, and said he was. ara 9 Diana's prize "made up feral be sence 10.Thes rainy Monday mornings get" me dow tet Il WORD FORMATION — fom, 1. expulsion ‘ toe 5, discouragement 6 sandiot a eit . phan IV. ERROR IDENTIFICATION Line | ~gxpping~ gapped ine grammatical ~ grammatically Line 5 ~be—have Line = incle ~inclaing Line 11~ accuracy ~ accurate V.OPEN CLOZE TES Trking 2antke 3. sod Cluck Teended fing VISENTENCE TRANSFORMATION: |.Bease of his conviction fr aud hin tis ee is conviction or fd cot te mies fas, 2.Youlthaveto spend at ka 50 outa seamen “You wen" tha ofc ta 0 3. The mistake ris beni inca cco its fom incor couing ath mise se 4. Wetad epson te mestng ee of ht weer, = Dad wether ed Toe patpnen of be meine de eating being posed 5You canst make ofthis fear 5 Debt. This fer enly ‘oth sae 6. The managing diner sagged nl appiting ay now sta FREEZE ~The managing der sugested a FREEZE ce potent eS 7 They hate cach ter inne SWORN Thy are SWORN esis ‘The isno eat beso upet ab ert SHED There ino ned to SED an er ve ‘ 9. oo meas ea hae a repr tine QUESTIONABLE Ris QUESTIONABLE whee Be wasreposhle Ge Bering 10. The hone isdn bese no oe bothers erp can | TROUBLE Then ity san oes te TROUBLE Let (he ren th ou iy ta mo me abs ie Line 2 words = word ine 4 sentence sentences Line 7 eed ine 9—to wor = worrying Line 12~ oni ‘visit 5. invited 9. reached 10, ese am iv. GUI Le B. WRITTEN TEST I. VERB TENSES) FORMS (10 points) 1 could have avoided 2. had been stolen 4 had been runing 5. should have ben wearing be going up. wereplemsed—9.toask ‘10. IL PREPOSITIONS AND PHRASAL VERBS (10 points) ED CLOZE TE 2¢ 3B 4D $C T(10 points) 6D Complete cach of the following sentences wth one sutalepreposkion or prtles 3. ust have waited 6. being made tobe shown ratere Aesernrger terres buck forward up ap wh 1 WORD FORMS (10 poins) L-hypocri 2. residential” 3. eheumstnal 4, patronage Sevmine ——6.forseeslo Tmt lingual nee S.expuson 10, ctemos utmont a —_—_[ Cerin —Teamston— caneacs ees =| ete 2 shor shortage simply 3-inntale__—unnkalo——[ or fie [Spoons ——[pisn om Teas sal [S:various [variety ~[0-anyting — | something V. OPEN CLOZE. TEST (10 points) Fill in each ofthe following blanks with ONE suitable word. 1.times S. development 4. independent 8 trying 9. with ‘VL. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 points) 1-Sad ats unemployment is unlikely to go down this year. sil 10.0f 2. Thought must be given to ways of improving the trnsport system, 3. What found surprising was his lack of confidence 4: ost my interest inthe match halfvay through 5. bought ton the spur ofthe moment. 6. The disagreement i a storm in a teacup, 7.1 paid him back in his own coin, ‘It as her firm bei that John was telling the uth, '9. suddenly dawned on them that they were onthe verge of a bankrupt. 10 His legs being cut off did novcould not prevent him from competing in he ‘Olympic Games and winning a medal BLOP y | = s0GH0 BUCVADAO TAO 8K UA voy ‘TRUONG THT CHUYEN Ea non". QUPAR THE oR, at A.A. MULTIPLE CHOICE tmnoxoLocy 1 ic 20 Ler Cena 2 hie 2A Ne eerie ILVOCABULARY & STRUCTURE HOSE 2A 3A A Ria A Bigg ene aan 1B 2G 2B MA ISA eb. Tha Waee Re IIL READING COMPREHENSION Reaing 1 LG 2D. 3B 43 5.0 gasp meaimia ame Reading? [LTA good home makes this posible 2D. undertis al psychological teament S.F. Leaming to wat for 44. the fist independent steps 5.C.or without any learning opportunites 6.£, By playing together, parents learn mor about ther children and children lar ‘more from their parents) 7A. ther degree of sctness or indulgence 5G. as muct asthe childs own happiness nd well-being 9B, consistency is very important in paren teaching 10-1. when they grow ol enough to thik for tbemselves vy, CUIDED CLOZETEST (IPS) ean gale Batak 2, D. recommends 5. A.supponts| 6.8, shiing Ce 9-C.breadbasket 10.8. uliely 8. WRITTEN TEST one or form (10 ps) “ Pateach verb ia races ince corti ofa IF) 1. to be read/ reading 2: MOOS, hoob tang 4 aking & Sasoms 9 muster 7. hada ben tee 10. totum 49

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