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Duquesnel 1

Michael Duquesnel

Professor Lindsey

College Writing

19 September 2019

Rhetorical Analysis

For this rhetorical analysis, I will be analyzing a script that I wrote for a film project for

my Modern Thought and Literature class back in the Spring of 2018. The script was titled “Can

You Survive a Horror Movie?” and was a horror-comedy about a group of friends who love to

watch horror movies. One of the guys claims that surviving a horror movie would be pretty

simple so the rest of the group puts him to the test to see if surviving a horror movie is really as

easy as it sounds. The script was around fifteen pages long and was written in a script format,

similar to what they use in Hollywood.


The rhetor for this situation is me. I was tasked with creating a movie for our final

project. This project would represent what I had learned in the class and my ability to put that

into practice.

(I plan to discuss more about my background as the creator of a horror-comedy and my

familiarity with film at the time)


The audience for this project was just the cast and crew who helped in making this script

become reality. The goal of writing this script was to communicate clearly to the actors on how

their characters should be acting and how the scenes should flow. Without any descriptions and

details, the finished film would have turned out clunky and fallen flat as the actors would not
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have known what to do. There were also notes about camera angles and shots for the cameraman

so they would understand what the vision of the film looked like.

(I plan on also discussing the teacher that would eventually grade my project)


Like all school projects, this one had a specific date in which it was due. With that date in

mind, the script had to be written even before that as filming could not start until the script was

written in full. This led to me as the rhetor, not having enough time to fully flesh out all aspects

of the story that I would have wished to. Revisions to the script were to be kept to a minimum as

there was not much time for them. This would, in the end, have a lasting impact on how the

quality of the finished movie project would turn out.

(I plan on talking more of the guidelines for the project)


(I plan on talking about the reasons for communication between myself and the actors and crew

of this movie and why this communication is necessary to create a high quality finished project)

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