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Janine Paliza Prof.

Krizamari Arguzon
Stress Management Practice and its Implications to the Performance of the Employees of the
Provincial Capitol of Laguna


Stress management is a practice to control the level of stress of an individual to improve

his or her performance. These practices are widely used by the employees who worked overtime

or having issues with their co – workers. With these practices, an individual can overcome his or

her stress and can function well at work. People tend to practice different activities and indulge

themselves to forget the difficulties they are facing.

The employees of Provincial Capitol of Laguna experiences loads of paper works every

day. From the beginning until the afternoon, they always face documents to be read or to be signed.

There are times that their performance level becomes low and they function slowly. To cope up

with these situations, they come up with some activities or practices to relieve themselves.

The researcher is really eager to conduct a study about the employees of Provincial Capitol

of Laguna on how they engage themselves in stress management and its implications in their

performance. Research shows that many of the employees in the Capitol experiences stressful

works and tend to work overtime. The researcher wants to provide coping strategies that can help

safely and effectively reduce vulnerability to employees experiencing stress.

Janine Paliza Prof. Krizamari Arguzon
Background of the Study

Workplace stress derives from many sources. It can be a demanding boss, annoying co –

workers, rebellious students, angry customers, hazardous conditions, long commutes and a never

ending workload. Your work performance is also affected by stressors such as family relationships,

finances and a lack of sleep stemming from fears and anxieties about the future. How you handle

the effects of stress depends on whether it is easier to change the situation or change your attitude

towards it.

The workplace in of the 21st century is a fast – paced, dynamic and highly stimulating

environment which brings a large number of benefits and opportunities to those who work within

it. The ever changing demands of the working world can increase levels of stress for those who

are consistently working under pressure such as the employees in the Provincial Capitol.

Excessive stress is considered to be one of the main factors affecting employees‟

performance and commitment (Paul, Elam & Verhaut, 2007). According to Schermerhorn, Hunt

and Osborn (2008), stress is a state of tension experienced by individuals facing extraordinary

demands, constraints, or opportunities. It is a mental and physical condition which affects an

individual‟s productivity, effectiveness, personal health and quality of work (Holmlund-Rytkönen

& Strandvik, 2005). Stress may results in high portion of absence from work and loss of

employment (Meneze, 2005). Stress can be defined as a physical, mental, or emotional response

to events that causes bodily or mental tension. Stress in general can be defined as the reaction of

individuals to demands (stressors) imposed upon them. It refers to situations where the well-being

of individual is detrimentally affected by their failure to cope with the demands of their

environment (Erkutlu & Chafra, 2006)

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