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Step 1: After setting up and updating sales document by choose correct credit control area in the required

risk category, as well as with maintaining automatic credit control. We can set up a new entry in the
detailed picture below. By check marking ‘dynamic’ and a horizon of 2-month period with status blocked
check marked as well as reaction as “C” we can successfully add our new entry with customized limitations
to preview exceed warning when credit amount exceeds and show how much $ amount it exceeds.

Step 2: By setting customer credit limit, in the appropriate credit control area and risk category, we enter
a 1000$ credit history for our heath express customer in customer credit management change: status.
Click on save to save the settings.
Step 3: Now it is time for us to create the sales order for our customer. After using our sales order with
the previous knowledge learnt in the course. We click on “environment” tab and then go into “display
credit account” which shows us the “customer credit management display: status” screen. From that we
can easily tell that our customer has 1000$ credit limit and 0% of it is currently used. Click on save button
to finalize creating a sales order. A screen message below will appear.

Step 4: Now, that we have put in our sales order we can go back and double check our customers credit
history and the percentage used if it has been updated or not. By going into customer credit management
change screen, we can check the “current status” of our customer, which tells us our customer has now
used 59% of their credit limit by placing their last order.
Step 5: To test our automatic credit limit feature in SAP software. We enter another sales order which is
over the assigned credit limit for our health express customer. By creating a sales order of 2 more cases
on top of the last ones will exceed our 1000$ credit limit. By clicking on save a popup message appears
telling us that the dynamic credit check has been exceeded 180$ on top of 1000$ credit limit.

Step 6: Even though the credit limit is exceeding our 1000$ limit by 180$ we can still proceed and save
this sales order, but it will be blocked from further processing until the credit limit problem has been
solved. This is due to us selecting “C” as our reaction in the first step and screenshot by providing us with
a warning message and amount credit limit is been exceeded by. Click on save.
Step 7: By reviewing the customer credit management change: status page again. We can notice that the
used percentage of the credit history did not change neither update by placing an order that is exceeded
from the credit limit. Therefore, we can tell that the second order has been blocked and cannot proceed

Step 8: In order to release the order to our health express. We must review and release the blocked sales
order. By following instructions and going into blocked SD documents and entering appropriate credit
account and credit control area and clicking on the “clock” icon. We can see the page shown below. Next,
check mark the blocked sales order and click on the green flag to release the sale. Finally, click on save.
Step 9: If performed correctly, we get a screen shown below “has been release”.

Step 10: Now, we can go back to customer credit management change screen and check the status for
our customer if it has been updated or not. We can clearly see that now after placing an order for next 2
cases of product for our health express customer credit limit has been used 118% instead of 59%. That
means that the second order for our customer of 2 cases has been approved and released.
Step 11: After creating outbound delivery and saving it. Now we must continue with creating delivery
followed by post good issue and creating/maintaining bill due list as learnt previously in our course. Note:
it gives us a warning message again that “customer credit limit has been exceeded”. After post goods
issue, when we are maintaining billing due list. We can see that our processed sales order is in our
receivable category in our customer credit management change: status page.

Step 12: To receive the payment from the customer and going into post incoming payments tab. We
double click on the 590$ to get our not assigned value to 0.00, this assigns payment to open the invoice.
Click on save.
Step 13: After receiving the payment from the customer notice recievable went back to 0. When we go
back to customer credit management change: status, we can see that the credit limit percentage used got
dropped back to 59% same as it was before in the beginning as our customer paid for the recent 2 cases
that were ordered from us to lower their credit limit percentage in order to buy other products and make
transactions without realeasing funds or credit limitations in the future and to have a good credit score.

Question1: If the customer ordered 3 cases of NRG-B bars yesterday that means they are charged total
off $885. Also, that means they have used 885$ of the total 1500$ credit limit they have with us. If they
order 4 more cases from us today, that will be a total off 1180$ cost on top of the $885 previous owing.
Totaling $2065. With our previous settings of credit control areas, accurate risk category entry settings
we will get a warning message saying that the order have been exceeded followed by the dollar value
which it is exceeding by 565$.

Question2: With reference to page 17 screen shot. We can see that even if we save the order of the 4
cases that our customers want today, the percentage used, and the credit limit does not change until we
decide to review and release the funds. It will only show the past percentage used (59%) and 885$ of the
1500$ credit limit used for the previous order of 3 cases.

Question 3: If someone in our credit management department reviews todays order and decides to
release the funds. It will successfully release if instructions and accurate steps are followed. After, on our
credit management status screen will see that our customer have used 137% of the credit limit used
because we just released the funds of 4 extra cases on top of the 3 cases they ordered before and now
our customer will pay us once we bill them and receive the payment in return as receivable to bring their
exceeded credit limit back to what it was before to 59%. Causing a good credit store and enough credit
limit to shop more in the future.

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