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Alternative Learning System

Semi-detailed lesson Plan

Teacher(s): Dogwe, Emmanuel P.

I. Topic: Noun
II. Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:

 Explain noun and its different types.
 Differentiate Proper Noun and Common Noun.
 Change Nouns from singular to plural.
 Identify nouns in given sentences.

“Test all things, hold fast what is good; abstain any form of evil.”
1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

IV. Materials:
Laptop, TV, coupon bond, pen, white board marker, picture of a classroom

V. Procedure

A. Motivation
The teacher will scribble words on the board that will define the meaning of noun. The teacher
will ask the class to assemble the given sentence.

After the definition has been assembled, the teacher will show a picture of a classroom. Ask the
students to use the noun that they see on the picture in a sentence.

B. Activate Prior Knowledge

The teacher will ask the students about what other nouns they have encountered at their homes,
local churches, parks and use it in a sentence.

C. Lesson Proper
Noun – a word function as a noun if it is used as a name of person, place things, ideas, feelings
or events.

Person Place Things

 Jose Rizal  Quezon City  Ball
Ideas Feelings
 Atheism  Love
a. Proper Noun and Common Noun
Proper Noun is a specific name of a noun while Common Noun is the general name of a
Proper Noun Common Noun
Adventist University of the Philippines School/University

b. Count Nouns and Non-count Nouns

D. Application

E. Valuing

F. Generalization

VI. Evaluation

VII. Assignment

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