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Master Data Maintenance

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An investment program consists of the following master data:

• Program definition with general specifications for entire investment program (for example, program type, key, approval year)

• The hierarchical structure of the investment program (refer to Creating the Program Positions and Structures ).

• Specifications for the individual program positions (refer to Creating the Program Positions and Structures ).

Master Data for Investment Program

When you create the investment program definition, you first have to enter the program type. You can define any number of program
types in Customizing for Investment Management   (   Investment Programs  Master Data  Define Program Types ).

The program type classifies the investment program. Along with various control features for the planning and budgeting of the
investment program, the program type also contains the CO object class (such as investment, overhead, production). Using this
object class, you can manage different investment programs for the different CO object classes in parallel.

Program Positions

You can make the following entries for program positions on the different tab pages:

Tab Pages

Tab Pages Comments

Specifications such as the reason for investment, priority, and so on, can be
used as summarization criteria in reports.
Organizational units Organizational units can also be used as summarization criteria in reports.
Depreciation The parameters you enter here can be used later, together with the plan values
simulation data from the program, for the simulation of expected future depreciation.
You define your user fields in Customizing for Investment Management .
User fields
Choose Investment Programs  Master Data  User Fields .
Pushbutton Function
You can specify whether orders, WBS elements, and appropriation requests are
allowed to be assigned to the program position (only possible for end node positions).
The system always proposes the measures allowed by the program type.
You can assign measures or appropriation requests to the positions of the investment
Assignments program. You can also make this assignment in master data maintenance for the
measure or appropriation request.
System/user In addition to the system status, you can also set a user status, if this is allowed in the
status program type of the investment program.

For more information, see Coding Mask for the Appropriation Request Number , as well as the Implementation Guide (IMG) for
Investment Management under Investment Programs  Master Data  Coding Mask for the Position Key .

Classification System

In addition to the master data for the program position as provided by SAP, you also have access to the SAP classification system.
This interface makes it possible to expand the master record of the program position almost indefinitely.
Choose Extras  Classification in master data maintenance of the program position to add an almost unlimited number of additional
fields to the master record of the program position. This function also allows you to search for a specific program position later using a
search help, based on the contents of such classification fields.

You cannot evaluate these addition fields in reporting.
Language-Dependent Short and Long Texts

Since investment programs are valid for your entire corporate group, they are often processed by users in different countries and
languages. Therefore, you can specify language-specific texts for the following:

• Definition of an investment program

• Program structure

• Program Positions
You can set the language for your texts in the display or maintenance transactions for these objects. Choose Settings  Select
language . The language you select using this function is valid until you logoff. You can also specify the language for an individual
user, using the set/get parameter IMS ( System  User profile  Own data  ) .


Create the Program Definition

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You have to have already created a program type in Customizing for Investment Management   (   Investment Programs  Master
Data  Define Program Types ).

1. Choose Master data  Inv. program definition  Create .

1. Specify the name and approval year of the investment program, and assign a program type to the program. You can use an existing
investment program as a reference. Choose Continue .

1. Create the investment program and its general master data:

• Any short text for the program definition

• Responsible person

You define the individuals allowed as person responsible in Customizing by entering their names and personnel numbers ( Master
Data  Allowed Values for Certain Master Data Fields  Define Person Responsible ). In addition, you can limit the authorizations
for master data maintenance of program definitions to certain responsible persons.

• Currency

All plan and budget values for the program are entered in the currency you specify here.

• Fiscal year variant

• Budget distribution of annual values (refer to Distributing the Budget from the Program Position to the Measures )

• Budget categories (refer to Budget categories )

It is not possible to plan directly at the measure level using different budget categories. Therefore, when you set the Budg.
catg. indicator, it is also not possible to distribute budgets from program positions to measures.
1. You can enter your own long text about the program definition under Extras .

It is not a good idea to include the approval year in the name of the program.

See: Characteristics of Investment Programs

1. Save.

To copy the structure of an investment program, in Customizing for Investment Management choose Master Data  Copy
Programs . When you copy the structure, the plan and budget values and the assignment of investment measures are not copied.

For information on the transfer of plan and budget values, refer to Fiscal Year Change .
Creating the Program Positions and Structure
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1. Define the program structure ( Master data  Change structure  ). If   no   positions have been created yet for the program, the
program structure initially consists of the program definition only. You create new positions as follows:

• Choose the program element (position or program definition) that you want to assign the new positions (either below or at the same

• Choose   with quick info Create .

• Create the position ID for the new position, as well as a short text. When you create a new top position, you have to enter the
controlling area also. The controlling area is then automatically passed on to all program positions in the sub-tree below the top
position in the hierarchy.

• The new position then "inherits" all of the fields in the Assignments and General blocks (except the indicator for budget distribution,
that is defaulted by the investment program category) from the position above it in the hierarchy. You can still change the data in all of
these fields, except the controlling area.

You can also assign the keys of the program positions with the help of coding masks that you specify in Customizing for Investment
Management . For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG). Choose Investment Programs  Master Data  Coding
Mask for Position Key .

1. If you want to move an investment program position, or a complete branch of the program hierarchy, then mark the position or the
branch, set the cursor at the desired new position, and choose Reassign .

1. Enter the master data for the individual program positions. To do so, choose a position and then choose Detail when on that screen.
First, you come to the program position you selected with the cursor. From there, you can scroll to all program positions that are below
this one in the hierarchy.

There are also two other options:

Choose the required position by double-clicking or selecting one or more subtrees by placing the cursor on the corresponding top
positions. Now choose Detail.

There are two specifications which can only be made on end nodes of the investment program (that is, on program positions that
do not have any positions below them in the hierarchy). These are: the specification of which types of measures can be assigned to
the program position, and the assignment of the measures themselves.

Connection between Programs and Measures

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The following measures can be assigned to the end nodes (the program positions with no positions below them in the hierarchy) of
the investment program:

• Appropriation requests

• Internal orders

• Work breakdown structure (WBS) elements (refer to Assignment of WBS Elements )

• Maintenance orders (refer to Automatic Assignment of Maintenance Orders )

Assignment of Measures to Program Positions

In Customizing for Investment Management , you entered the object types (orders, WBS elements, appropriation requests) that you
want to allow as assignable objects for the given program type ( Investment Programs  Master Data  Define Program Types ). You
can change these allowed assignments in existing program positions.

You can assign measures or appropriation requests to program positions of an investment program in two places: either in master
data maintenance of the measure (on the Investments or Control tab page), or from master data maintenance of the program
position ( Assignments pushbutton). You can assign any number of measures or appropriation requests to a program position.
With projects, you can assign WBS elements from any level in the work breakdown structure to an investment program position. It is
also possible to assign subordinate WBS elements to differing investment program positions.

It is not possible to directly assign assets from the Asset Accounting (FI-AA) component to a program position, since it is not possible
to plan and budget assets directly. However, you can make an indirect assignment using a statistical project (refer to Blanket Asset
Budgets ).

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