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Assessment Task 3 BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

Monitor and evaluate training

Submission details

Candidate’s name Phone No.

Assessor’s name Phone No.

Assessment site

Assessment date/s Time/s

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See procedure below for
instructions on how to complete the assessment, and specifications below for any further

Performance objective
You will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to monitor and evaluate workplace

Assessment description
Following on from Assessment Task 2, you are required to evaluate a number of short-
listed professional development programs, develop a schedule based on one of the
options, collect feedback, negotiate with a team member on future development
opportunities, and submit a report on the professional development of the team member.


Part A: Plan development opportunities

1. Review the case study and profiles in Assessment Task 2. Also review the training
strategy you developed.
2. Review the following scenario.

After collecting the self-evaluation form and discussing professional development

needs at a meeting with Gino, you have both agreed that you and the team
require him to upgrade his time management skills.
You have been advised by Seamus (and made Gino aware) that the organisation
requires all issues to be addressed by the end of this quarter (eight weeks only).

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Assessment Task 3 BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

Four weeks from now, a review of progress – to monitor the progress of the
development program and the extent of any additional development support, if
needed – will be conducted by Gino and yourself.
Gino has supplied you with a short-list of three courses that he believes will
address his learning needs and assist him to manage the current workload he
has mounting up. You will find these at Appendix 1. He is happy for you to decide
which of the three programs he will attend.

3. Select one of the three programs short-listed in Appendix 1.

4. Read the development policy in Appendix 2. Create a training schedule for the
program, and outline:
a. dates and times
b. resources
c. breakdown of costs.
5. Write a short reflection on the process you followed to develop and approve your
schedule. In your reflection:
a. explain how your chosen program meets Gino’s needs. How does this option
offer a range of development opportunities that incorporate activities and
support materials appropriate to the achievement of identified
b. explain how the program meets the needs of the organisation, for example
how the program is compatible with the objectives and strategy you
developed in Assessment Task 2. Explain how proposed timelines and
resources required for the learning activity satisfy organisational
c. explain how you will obtain approval for the program. Refer to any applicable
6. Submit your schedule and reflection to your assessor in accordance with the
specifications outlined at the end of this procedure.

Part B: Collect feedback from individuals

1. Review the objectives of the training strategy and consider Gino’s needs with
respect to the training program you have scheduled.
2. Create a questionnaire (on a separate sheet) that can be used by team members
such as Gino to evaluate and assess any professional development courses and/or
events that they have attended. Later in this assessment, this feedback will also be
used by you to evaluate the worth of the event to the team member and to your
organisation. This will inform a meeting with the team member and a report.
3. Submit the questionnaire to your assessor in accordance with the specifications
outlined at the end of this procedure.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

Part C: Assess performance, negotiate future learning and report on

professional development
1. Review the following scenario.

Four weeks have passed, and Gino has completed the time management
course. Seamus has expressed satisfaction and noted the improvements in
the performance of your team against the objectives set. All team members,
with the exception of Gino, are now performing to the level required. Maria
reports coaching by Graham as successful. Graham undergoing mentor and
workplace coach training is of great value to developing other team members.
You still have concerns with Gino’s performance. The mid-term review with
Gino has also been conducted and you have made the following notes
summarising progress and concerns.
● There has been a noticeable improvement in the schedule for client
visits being kept by Gino, but this morning a complaint was received
regarding a meeting Gino missed.
● In his defence, Gino stated that Maria had the meeting entered on his
schedule, but three fellow team members had requested his assistance
that morning, which had made him late, and when he called to let the
client know he was held up but on his way, they cancelled.
● Gino has demonstrated that the strategies he learnt from the time
management course to address the original concerns have improved his
knowledge and strategies in this area. However, concerns remain about
certain situations he is experiencing in the workplace.

2. Arrange with your assessor a time and place to role-play a meeting with Gino.
Prepare to discuss Gino’s performance and negotiate future steps to improve
performance, including further professional development within the organisation’s
time limit. Prepare for this meeting by considering future professional development
opportunities to suggest to Gino. Explain organisational policy for developing teams.
3. Conduct the role-play. Ensure you conduct the meeting with Gino in a respectful
and professional manner. Ensure you get agreement from Gino for future steps.
Record these for reporting purposes.
4. Write a report on Gino’s professional development in accordance with relevant
reporting policy.
a. Discuss Gino’s performance. Use at least one example.
b. Discuss the professional development activities undertaken to date to
develop Gino’s skills.
c. Identify gaps between Gino’s current performance and organisational needs.
d. Discuss next steps for Gino’s professional development as negotiated with
e. Evaluate the success of professional development for Gino and others
against organisational objectives.
f. Explain organisational policy for developing teams.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

5. Submit your professional development report on Gino to your assessor in

accordance with the specifications outlined at the end of this procedure.

You must:
 Submit:
o a training schedule for selected option
o a reflection on the process of developing the schedule
o a feedback questionnaire on the training for Gino to complete
o a report on professional development.
 Participate in a role-play with Gino to negotiate future options.
Your assessor will be looking for the following:
 learning skills to incorporate feedback and performance information into
evolution of professional development
 writing skills to develop planning and write reports using business vocabulary and
 reading skills to incorporate policy and evaluate different forms of written
feedback and performance information
 oral communication and listening skills to negotiate effectively with team
members on their training and development needs
 management skills to develop others to meet business objectives and evaluate

Adjustment for distance-based learners

● No changes to the assessment procedure or specification are required.

● The role-play may be conducted via video or teleconferencing.

● Documentation may be submitted electronically.

● A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).

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Assessment Task 3 BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

Appendix 1: Training options

This information supplied by Gino, as supplied to him by the training companies when he
approached them.

Option 1
Outline: Delivered by instructor classroom-style over two half-days in the CBD of your
closest capital city. Cost: $695.

Key content
 the value of time management
 analysing your time usage
 setting work goals
 setting work priorities
 leveraging time use and applying the 80/20 rule and the 95/5 rule
 working effectively
 managing your time: strategies and tools
 using technology
 manage time wasters and interruptions
 when and how to delegate
 balancing work and life.

What objectives can be achieved?

1. Plan personal work goals.
2. Organise own work priorities and schedules.
3. Identify and reduce time wastage and stress caused by poor time management.
4. Plan an appropriate balance of work and life.
5. Set up an action plan for improved time management.

Option 2
Outline: This option is delivered completely online over three sessions. Cost: $495.

Key content
 time management principles
 time management strategies and approaches
 time-saving techniques
 work/life balance

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Assessment Task 3 BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

 dealing with time wasters

 identifying action plans.

What objectives can be achieved?

1. Gain more from your time.

Option 3
Outline: This option is delivered with a short online session for each lesson completed
with a workplace mentor, if available. This course features self-paced learning activities
delivered in the workplace, adapted to the specific workplace situation.
The training organisation also offers a special program for training workplace mentors
and coaches if delivered with this course.
The course will run for as long or as short as is needed by the participant and their
Cost: $550.

Lesson 1: Time management overview

 principles of time management
 understanding the benefits of time
 identifying different personality types
 assessing yourself
 productivity cycles
 pricing your time
 creating a time audit
 managing time in meetings
 goals and priorities
 making a ‘to-do’ list
 identifying goals
 setting priorities.

Lesson 2: Time management plans

 time management plan
 preparing for a time management plan
 creating a time management plan
 daily plan
 handling obstacles
 identifying the steps to plan a day
 using daily plan guidelines
 identifying the steps to say ‘no’.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

Lesson 3: Productivity optional extra ($50 with mentor training)

 interruptions and meetings
 minimising interruptions from a visitor
 minimising interruptions from a co-worker
 running productive meetings
 attending productive meetings
 factors affecting productivity
 discussing factors that affect productivity.

The productivity option program can also be conducted, for example, with the mentor
chairing. This is an effective training session on how to structure and conduct meetings
that are efficient and effective. Topics can include the use of agendas, chairing skills,
informal and formal activities.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

Appendix 2: MacVille professional development policy

MacVille recognises that its employees are one of its greatest assets. MacVille actively
encourages and values staff development and is committed to enhancing its performance
and reputation through the development of a highly skilled workforce.

Training/professional development provides the skills and knowledge that the staff
requires in order to achieve the company’s goals and objectives and fulfil its mission.
Training/professional development is provided to enhance the potential that each
individual has to develop within his or her current position, or into another, through

Systems and procedures

Development of employees involves identifying, implementing and evaluating individual
and group development. For example, individual development needs can be identified
through MacVille performance management processes and group development needs.

Applications and approval

Managers may approve training/professional development applications endorsed by the
employee’s supervisor for expenditures beyond $500 per person.
The application must outline the infrastructure delivery requirements and the advantages
to MacVille for the program completed.
Programs approved to meet performance-related issues must be able to be completed
within the stated performance improvement period.

At the end of each six-month period, MacVille requires a report from each supervisor,
detailing the professional development undertaken by each person in their section.
Reports should summarise performance issues encountered, actions and programs
implemented, modifications negotiated, outcomes of the program, and should include the
gains you see for the team and the organisation. Analysis of the outcome of the
performance issue should also be covered in brief. Reports should be titled ‘Six-monthly
report – First name Last name’, for each team member, signed by the reporting

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