2012 MA REM Introduction

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Introduction | REMEDIAL LAW

GENERAL PRINCIPLES the force and effect of law if not in conflict with
substantive law.
Substantive Law Remedial Law
JUDICIAL POWER includes the duty of the
It is that part of the It refers to the rules courts of justice to settle actual controversies
law which creates, prescribing methods involving rights, which are legally demandable
defines or regulates whereby causes of and enforceable, and to determine whether or
rights concerning life, action may be not there has been grave abuse of discretion
liberty or property effectuated, wrongs amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
which when violated redressed and reliefs the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
gives rise to a cause obtained (also known Government (Section 1, Article VIII, 1987
of action. as Adjective Law). Constitution).
It makes vested rights NO vested rights may
possible. attach to nor arise The judicial power shall be vested in one
therefrom. Supreme Court and in such other lower courts
as may be established by law (Sec. 1, Art. VIII,
It is prospective in It may be made
1987 Constitution).
application. applicable to actions
pending and
undetermined at the JURISDICTION
time of their passage
and are deemed
Jurisdiction is the power and authority of the
retroactive in that
court to hear, try and decide a case as well as
sense and to that
to enforce or execute its judgments or final
It originates from the It does not originate
legislature. from the legislature The test of jurisdiction is whether the court has
but has the force and the power to enter into the inquiry and not
effect of law if not in whether the decision is right or wrong.
conflict with
substantive law. Four Concepts of Jurisdiction in Civil
It cannot be enacted The Supreme Court is Cases
by the Supreme expressly empowered 1. Jurisdiction over the subject matter – a
Court. to promulgate matter of substantive law because it is
procedural rules. conferred by law.
2. Jurisdiction over the persons of the parties
REMEDIAL LAW prescribes the methods of – not a matter of substantive law. This is
enforcing those rights and obligations created covered by the rule on summons.
by substantive law by providing a procedural 3. Jurisdiction over the issues – not a matter
system for obtaining redress for the invasion of substantive law. This is governed by the
of rights and violations of duties and by rule on pleadings.
prescribing rules as to how suits are filed, tried 4. Jurisdiction over the res – not a matter of
and decided upon by the courts. substantive law. This is also governed by
the rule on summons.
The Rules of Court as a whole constitutes the
body of rules governing pleading, practice and JURISDICTION OVER THE SUBJECT
procedure. As they do not originate from the MATTER
legislature, they cannot be called laws in the Concept: It is the power to deal with the
strict sense of the word. However, since they general subject involved in the action and is
are promulgated by authority of law, they have not simply jurisdiction of the particular case
before the court, but jurisdiction of the class of
cases to which the particular case belongs. It
MIKHAIL MAVERICK TUMACDER overall chairperson, ARTHUR JOHN ARONGAT chairperson for academics, JASSEN RALPH LEE
chairperson for hotel operations, KIMBERLY JOY BARAOIDAN vice-chairperson for operations, KATRINA AYN AYZA FALLORINA CUE
vice-chairperson for secretariat, IAN MICHEL GEONANGA vice-chairperson for finance, JOSE ANGELO DAVID vice-chairperson for
electronic data processing, IAN LUIS AGUILA vice-chairperson for logistics

PINKY D. VELOSO subject chair, KAMILLE DEANNE M. LAGASCA assistant subject chair, ALYSSA DAPHNE M. AVILA edp, GABRIEL P.
OLANDESCA & ALAN HUBERT P. CHU civil procedure, RITA THERESE F. SANTIAGO special civil actions, HANSEL P. MORAÑA special
proceedings, ANTONIO CEASAR R. MANILA criminal procedure, JANA MONICA Z. VALENZUELA evidence, MARIS DONNA G.
KWOK special laws

Johnber B. Afaga, Irene Y. Lipat, Ethel Joy F. Arriola, Joanna Katrina L. Ledda, Jonna C. Cabanilla, Maolen P. Reyes, Magher S. Baul
Aubrey Joy D. Brampio, Kristienne Kamille E. De Rivera, Janelyn I. Aquino, Jerick Anthony J. Sy***
REMEDIAL LAW | Introduction

is the jurisdiction of the court over the nature The jurisdiction of the court is determined by
of the action. the statute in force at the time of the
commencement of the action (People v.
This is the power of the court to hear and Paderna, L-28518, Jan. 29, 1968) unless such
determine cases of the general class to which statute provides for its retroactive application,
the proceedings in question belong. A case as where it is a curative legislation (Atlas
should not be filed in the wrong court; Fertilizer Corp. v. Navarro, G.R. 72074, April
otherwise, it will be dismissed. 30, 1987).

How Jurisdiction is Conferred How Jurisdiction is Determined

Jurisdiction over the subject matter is General Rule: Jurisdiction over the subject
conferred by substantive law which may either matter is determined by the allegations in the
be the Constitution or a statute. It is NOT complaint regardless of whether or not the
conferred by: plaintiff is entitled to the claims asserted
1. A court‟s unilateral assumption of therein. It is NOT determined by:
jurisdiction; 1. The defenses in the answer or motion to
2. Agreement or submission of the parties; or dismiss (Exception: Defense of tenancy –
3. Parties‟ silence, acquiescence or consent The court does not automatically lose
Exception: Estoppel by laches (Tijam v. jurisdiction over ejectment cases by the
Sibonghanoy). The reason for this mere allegation of the defense of tenancy.
exception is that a party who has invoked There must first be a reception of
the jurisdiction of the court over a evidence and, if after hearing, tenancy
particular matter to secure affirmative had in fact been shown to be the real
relief cannot be permitted to afterwards issue, the court should dismiss the case
deny that same jurisdiction to escape for lack of jurisdiction); or
liability. However, the Tijam ruling still 2. By the evidence in the trial.
remains to be an exception to the General
Rule that a court‟s lack of jurisdiction may
be raised at any stage of the proceedings Motu proprio dismissal of the case by the
even on appeal. court
Under Sec. 1 of Rule 9, when it appears from
The application of this doctrine must be the pleading or the evidence on record that the
carefully made such that in the case of court has no jurisdiction over the subject
Figueroa v. People, G.R. 147406, July 14, matter, the court shall dismiss the same.
2008, after tracing a long line of case
about laches as applied to jurisdiction, the JURISDICTION OVER THE PERSONS OF
Court, through Justice Nachura, gave a THE PARTIES
definitive pronouncement: Jurisdiction over the parties is the power of the
“The general rule should, however, be, as court to render a personal judgment which will
it has always been, that the issue of bind the parties to the case. For a decision to
jurisdiction may be raised at any stage of be valid, the court must obtain jurisdiction over
the proceedings, even on appeal, and is the person of the plaintiff and the defendant.
not lost by waiver or by estoppel. Otherwise, the decision will not bind the
Estoppel by laches, to bar a litigant from parties over whom the court has not acquired
asserting the court’s absence or lack of jurisdiction.
jurisdiction, only supervenes in exceptional
cases similar to the factual milieu of Tijam Jurisdiction over the Plaintiff is acquired by
v. Sibonghanoy.” the plaintiff‟s filing of the complaint or petition
or other initiatory pleading. By doing so, he
Ratio: Estoppel, being in the nature of a submits himself to the jurisdiction of the court.
forfeiture, is not favored by law. It is to be
applied rarely—only from necessity, and Jurisdiction over the Defendant is acquired:
only in extraordinary circumstances. The 1. Upon service on him of coercive process
doctrine must be applied with great care in the manner provided by law (service of
and the equity must be strong in its favor. summons). If the defendant was never
When misapplied, the doctrine of estoppel served with summons, any judgment
may be a most effective weapon for the rendered by the court will not bind him.; or
accomplishment of injustice (Figueroa v. 2. By his voluntary submission to the
People, supra.). jurisdiction of the court. The defendant‟s
voluntary appearance in the action shall
be equivalent to service of summons.

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Constitutional Law | POLITICAL LAW
Such voluntary appearance is one that required although summons must also be
seeks affirmative relief except when the served in order to satisfy the requirements of
relief sought is for the purpose of objecting due process.
to the jurisdiction of the court over the
person of the defendant. Jurisdiction Exercise of
Examples of voluntary appearance: Jurisdiction
a. By filing an answer; or The authority to hear Where there is
b. By filing a motion to dismiss, and decide a case. jurisdiction over the
except when the defendant also person and subject
raises the issue of lack of matter, the resolution
jurisdiction over his person (Sec. of all other questions
20, Rule 14). arising in the case is
but an exercise of
Jurisdiction over the Defendant can be jurisdiction.
acquired by: Error of Jurisdiciton Error of Judgment
1. Waiver; When a court takes When a court
2. Consent; or cognizance of a case acquires jurisdiction
3. Lack of objection by the defendant over the subject matter over the subject
of which it has no matter, the decision
JURISDICTION OVER THE ISSUES jurisdiction, the court or order on all other
Concept: An issue is a disputed point or commits an error of questions arising in
question to which parties to an action have jurisdiction. the case is but an
narrowed down their several allegations and exercise of
upon which they are desirous of obtaining a jurisdiction; errors
decision. which the court may
commit in the
An issue is generally acquired in civil cases exercise of such
after the defendant files an answer joining the jurisdiction are
issues involved in the case merely errors of
Jurisdiction over the issues is the power of the Reviewable by Reviewable by
court to try and decide the issues raised in the certiorari. appeal.
pleadings of the parties. It is generally If there is a total want When the court has
conferred and determined by the pleadings of jurisdiction, the jurisdiction, a wrong
of the parties. The pleadings present the proceeding is an decision is not void.
issues to be tried and determine whether absolute nullity, confer The judgment cannot
these are of fact or of law. Jurisdiction over the no right and afford no be considered a
issues may also be conferred by: protection and will be nullity and therefore
1. Stipulations of parties (e.g. in the pre-trial); pronounced void when cannot be collaterally
or collaterally attacked. impeached. Such is
2. By waiver or failure to object to the binding on the parties
presentation of evidence on a matter not unless reversed or
raised in the pleadings. annulled.
Concept: It refers to the court‟s jurisdiction
over the thing or the property which is the CLASSIFICATION OF JURISDICTION
subject of the action. It may be acquired by the
court placing the property or thing under its 1. As to Cases Tried
custody (e.g. attachment). a. GENERAL jurisdiction – exercised
over all kinds of cases, except those
It is sometimes a substitute for jurisdiction over expressly withheld from them either by
the person. There are instances when the the Rules or by law. A court may also
court cannot acquire jurisdiction over the be considered „general‟ if it has the
defendant like when he is abroad. But if the competence to exercise jurisdiction
court acquires jurisdiction over the res, the over cases not falling within the
case may go on. jurisdiction of any court, tribunal,
person or body exercising judicial or
If the action is in rem or quasi in rem, quasi-judicial functions (e.g. RTC).
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is
not necessary; jurisdiction over the res is

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REMEDIAL LAW | Introduction

b. LIMITED jurisdiction – exercised over 2. Constitutional Court vs. Statutory Court

and extends only to particular or Constitutional Statutory Courts
specified cases. Court
Created by the Created by law.
2. As to Nature of the Cause
a. ORIGINAL jurisdiction – exercised by
courts in the first instance. This is the Cannot be May be abolished
power to take judicial cognizance of a abolished by by Congress by
case instituted for judicial action for Congress without just simply
the first time under the conditions set amending the repealing the law
by the law. In other words, it is where Constitution. which created
a case is commenced. those courts.
b. APPELLATE jurisdiction – Exercised Ex. The Supreme Ex. The Court of
by a superior court to review and Court Tax Appeals
decide cases previously decided by a In the Philippines, the only one
lower court now elevated for judicial Constitutional court is the Supreme Court.
review. The CA, RTC, & MTC are created by
3. As to Nature and Extent of Exercise
a. EXCLUSIVE jurisdiction – confined to 3. Superior Court vs. Inferior Court
a particular court to the exclusion of Superior Courts refer to those courts which
other courts. have the power of review or supervision
b. CONCURRENT jurisdiction – that over another lower court while Inferior
possessed by the court together with Courts are those which, in relation to
another or other courts over the same another are lower in rank and subject to
subject matter. The court obtaining review and supervision of the latter.
jurisdiction first retains it to the
exclusion of the others, but the choice 4. Civil Court vs. Criminal Court
of the court is lodged in those persons Civil Courts are those which take
duly authorized to file the action (also cognizance of civil cases only while
referred to as confluent or coordinate Criminal Courts are those which take
jurisdiction). cognizance of criminal cases only. All the
courts in the Philippines are both civil and
4. As to Situs criminal courts
a. TERRITORIAL jurisdiction – exercised
within the limits of the place where the Courts of Record – those whose proceedings
court is located. are enrolled and which are bound to keep a
b. EXTRA-TERRITORIAL jurisdiction – written record of all trials and proceedings
exercised beyond the confines of the handled by them. R.A. No. 6031 mandates all
territory where the court is located. Municipal Trial Courts to be courts of record.
This finds significance when the case is
appealed whereby a superior court reviews the
case through the records.
1. Courts of Law vs. Courts of Equity
A Court of Law decides a case according POLICY OF JUDICIAL HIERARCHY means
to the existing laws or the laws of the land that a higher court will not entertain direct
while a Court of Equity adjudicates a resort to it unless the redress desired cannot
controversy according to the common be obtained in the appropriate courts. In other
precepts of what is right and just without words, it is an ordained sequence of recourse
inquiring into the terms of the statutes. to courts with concurrent jurisdiction.

In the Philippines, every court, both While it is true that the SC, CA, and the RTC
original and appellate, exercises both the have concurrent original jurisdiction to issue
legal and equitable jurisdictions. (U.S. vs. writs of Certiorari, Prohibition and Mandamus,
Tamparong, 31 Phil 321) such concurrence does not accord litigants
unrestrained freedom of choice of the court to
which the application for the writ may be
directed. The application should be filed with

4 San Beda College of Law

Constitutional Law | POLITICAL LAW
the court of lower level unless the importance deposited in court in the course of the
of the issue involved deserves the action of proceedings, appoint a receiver and grant an
the court of higher level. injunction, attachment or garnishment.


NON-INTERFERENCE It is the jurisdiction left to be exercised by the
General Rule: No court has the authority to trial court after the case has been appealed to
interfere by injunction with the judgment of a higher court (See Rules 41 and 42).
another court of coordinate jurisdiction or to
pass upon or scrutinize and much less declare DELEGATED JURISDICTION OF INFERIOR
as unjust a judgment of another court COURTS
(Industrial Enterprises Inc. vs. CA, G.R. No. Under Sec. 34 of BP 129, inferior courts can
88550, April 18, 1990). try land registration and cadastral cases
regardless of value if the case is uncontested,
Exception: The doctrine of judicial stability or if contested, the value of the lots should not
does not apply where a third party claimant is exceed, 100,000.
involved (Santos vs. Bayhon, G.R. No. 88643,
DOCTRINE OF ADHERENCE TO Inferior court judges, in the absence of RTC
JURISDICTION (Continuity of Jurisdiction) judges, may hear and decide petitions for a
Once jurisdiction has been acquired, the court writ of habeas corpus or applications for bail in
retains it until the final termination of the case. criminal cases.

General Rule: A law enacted during the

pendency of a case which transfers jurisdiction
to another court does not affect cases prior to
its enactment.

1. When the new law expressly provides for
a retroactive application;
2. When the change of jurisdiction is curative
in character.

The court first acquiring jurisdiction excludes
all others.


Under this doctrine, courts will not resolve a
controversy involving a question which is
within the jurisdiction of an administrative
tribunal, especially where the question
demands the exercise of sound administrative
discretion requiring the special knowledge and
experience of said tribunal in determining
technical and intricate matters of fact (Villaflor
vs. CA, G.R. No. 95694, Oct. 8, 1997).


It involves the inherent or implied powers of
the court to determine issues incidental to the
exercise of its primary jurisdiction.

Under its ancillary jurisdiction, a court may

determine all questions relative to the matters
brought before it, regulate the manner in which
a trial shall be conducted, determine the hours
at which the witnesses and lawyers may be
heard, direct the disposition of money

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