Module 2

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Anekal, Bengaluru

Program/ Course B.E - Science and Hunranities


Course Code 15CS36

Year / Scmester Second/Third

Prepared by B. JYOTHI & SASIKALA J

Department Department of Science and Humanities

Reviewed by
J d't}.-\o

Approvcd by
Bensaluru - s62 1oG
:.ri,Trr,".,,."^,,,",..,.",, "",,"."

Page Updated
S.NO Module Topic Created on
No. on
1 02 Mathematical lnduction L-4 14 /10/77
2 02 Well orderinS Principle 7-4 1,4/70 /77
3 0l Examples, Recursive Defi nitions 5-B 74 /10 /77

4 0: Fundamental Principles of Counting 9 11 1,4110 /17

5 02 The Rules ofSum and Product 9 1.7 L4/70/77

6 0l Permutations & Combinations 12-t7 74 /70 /77

7 02 The Binomial'l heorem 77 79 74 /t0 /17

ti 02 Combinations with RePetitions 1.9-20 14/10/77

negulauon - zots lcrcsscheme; Discrere Mat[ema ricat structures - rscsrn
Mocl't;-tp- [, . PPo Pe cr I es cr F .iNT€ G 6ps.

l'4 o-tb enraE cJ Ihdurtubn.

l,^-le Ll o><rz-tind; Pa;a.;pto ' Eoe:'X

erwVtf .94Lb.se1^ ot ot>

*!t^'*lkef' eao rwor^t ' (ttl e- o7 b a

4 z* C.rvEi.7.," c^-
+l\i''a ,t
exP-rtilA 9.{r0 'llut' 7+ ; a'e4 t}d.",d)
Rr.,'ta- -Jn {'4qYr S-ti.t P(t (ft,n,-+t- 3+. A/\dtl-etualZ^J
on op.n A,^-o*tat\/-^l-Li-J
Jn&.t"oo ), t-t - scd 'TeQolz
*ho-t Lontrveo ot-z ez, o$t<, o.. )"€LaoQa c?
o' l^Ih]il) ; o- Pdtl-t'<' *lA*
l,r.rt ddl-

lO .l+ s c' Lo L^'" '' oa^d

b) Q- obuo eocx SB ) ; +7'^e. u,j, Aow,< pa,XEt'tatA
- - r) -/+'-a.\ S(+r) Att^"-,
bu' orSt'6-r;lv 'lhd/' '
J4,La S kt ) 'r 4z-'^a' 4t'

Sv''l b=' *t-"'n ao oPea

Ps*o4tLel- td'
co''ol-.'*r"". La) -o'r\d
^ (b)'
,t rL.

":'04^ ,1 -- * l-sg- ) .'J l-J'e] ' L^l e r"'r"rt'' h P*n
F = LC-' ' ,-rt.^ a to,.)j-od-^'cl-t'a,': we- o'/,u'r'^'
f, - q ' to b ,. ,zr 6 -,-6 .a Pa'auet+'
Pa.;,-,,;nr. t=
. : ;;"^'" on *
:Frr)** vs<'tr-o)'<1ox;v
de-t^/\i'u\r- s' sic>a s(t h {z'^'"
s + t' g o' ' *:
t + -l-Uo,A tlJ- ,' ^:'""U4
itt' t*t 4tr' suq ttane' SCt--l 1s"'- -

y-l e z+' 7"1

g,r i+ +abn l+'a- -rL@^rl +t) ^tQ') b
;, 4
"on&'*ri,., 'y'
+t^,. ',afi.octizh}'7 &to. ':uYf:
TX- ;;;" +i*- , r f 4 9!!"1/'^r) F:= !^"+^'-
Prepared by:, lyothi.B, Sasikala.l, Sri Sairam College ol f,ngineering Anekal. Pagc 1 |
Resuration - zors (cBCs scheme) Discret€ Mathematirar shucrures - 1scs36
Po*- b,t Melt 4/\^sl4, t -d,.oh",to 41..-1-, +A- a! Pe^+:.,E

t^,li6a: o> r.

l+2+3+9+ '+o = *tC''t'l'

sot. lle>a, u,t<- ho.u^.e, fa P).zt".z 1n*. f^fc.-fb,,rq'r
L!(p) s l+l+3+ " -rrl -:-1 oCo+D
it- ^u;@* o>t.
AosU Sl,qr.' He oolo- l-lro..t- Str: ;1*a- J'ls G n^' ar
1- t ;.(r+D l_:

fl,r,,o , 'llr',,e, !+'e- ;a4"1r^"".1' .-9Ln) t

vt t
l^-lhtih 14 Lo-,^tLX

J$- o.
velibreJ $'- o' r'

3n lu-h;n J,Gp : lxle

-9,GP: lxle, at>\tLr\,.-a- +f\-o,/- +*q- y-talpiy.r^;- S Cn t
d. tg*o -tk" o.f 6t.l.xz' k b '\r-\ ltt'VaL 7 t;
-t+'o-t L
,,:se- a2gu-r\^z -1+,e./- -/A' $U""o n xL" Erw"J- A tx'"n :
JU().' /+a + 3+...' +k :, J- k(*+ D.
U y."'r'V 1\t^, wz, [rd +1.1- Cbt od,Lry klr 1o b orttt qaz)

[+:- +=+. 'k)+(k+rl _- ,_kck+i) + k+,

: tr.+r) f*+i/ 1
: -l-@+r ; @+ e).
'Ihi^ n pgac; selV -+t-,., J,t-cJn*.*zv'l^ -s@+r).
1lr.a, oa +^L loo,!t, a** an-,'*plt>r. +{-J^
J tol L 1a^. +"'- o-k >-l {'lQ- +r...t6o e,t * Srr.t -f1S
n:l<+l ; e'o Gbl,s l'v-l

Prepared by:, lyothi.B, Sasikala.l, Sri Sairam College of Engineering An ekat. page
^ ,ni'
Reguration-201s(cacsscheme) Discrete Mathematical Structures - 15CS36
@ mm$
&,ovu. #-e, -ft- e-l.n o e Z* :: 6t (<-'1) (2" s1)
---------- e-
furrE ht'r.r', ]4, q..a71 6€ z+

. -t o' . t 6 (oq r) (:.o+t).

t!+ aa+ B".r- ..

I L ) dj.a,-lr -$z gi"et-> 5;.lo,Ea,^-o^J',

er^ .'Ct1
.S C, ) A j+* _gL6J;^^""J'
$a19t- l>lo-p lz'le- aola -lt'o'l'
l' = J- x I x , )a 3. u)R;.,4')
,t- '-. ctnail,4 +^L*-

1-nd,"A"n qStir,' l,''le' . .A{u ^,\, +fur- S tol ^

1x'u -l<*-
-t oJ- A. . \gc o'/Auwa +A^r -/r-4 t

',r, +r."".u .
l-llr"t, "O (k+DC>x+t)'
) + t'+ zt+3t* '-'+t ''!-x
4a*;O (b-+O' :lo both 9n"bz Elaa,T'e- obt";^
(e-kl D+[+r)L
lL+ /+ g'+ . ^. + k "+ (6 +Dt - -L t Cx+' )
: (x-+D w",il f\c'tl*
L6 _J
'F.+D (J.k+3)
= @+r)
lfr.'-t b pS,a,c,:se)+A{ ,li[i^ "-,"/^ s@+r),
'f*u,- {-<r- ,ta-G,.,..rr- 5(k+r) )c
-t:" p- ootwne,:a:- ll*

,s1e^=li\lo"J- -s(. J ; 1x.*' 1a' k r.,,

ta{aL!.11'o".' Pno"e, /t..-L' (oD>-r-
ftr nro*Aarw*-Ac'J
jl- ,rt-t tt L@z* o>. t'
$^*r- $ef : G- ,^,, s.a),,) t; Zz LD/\;.5 ,a

Prepared by:, lyothi.B, Sasikala.l, Sri SairaN Col lege of fngineering An ekal. Page | 3
ffi'SAIRAM Re8utation 201s (cBCsscheme) Discrete Mathematicarsh.uctures - 1scs36
!.7 (or[Gt0r cl{fifr.

obv iooa^tr 1>,^o. 'k,-,

b v e>iy'<a -fos- r>::t.
jnd., .h'o-. ;
"tl? p tr!e-
.\),\urv.z fi<- .ic.'r ; +^,-n' --td.
o:f , lo hz',-t- k>/l; +i^t 6 | )'"J<' aneLt"t'^'+ thoJ-
K ! >- zk't . dL 2k-r 5 h I i. 1l'*'
2&= >.).k-'< 2.k,
( k+r)' k/ bet"Lcae, ( ko, '?t k>t,
G+ ,) I =. 2".
rhL, 4 p)attse\V 1!-*, s-bJt a,vr"./ J(ol $; a=k+t.
-kr, , crr> 1t-- ou*\tl tw-+hbn y'hr' -9(.,) > l>-,,o 1.", o^ k>t

V.<- haurg p1.a/ e-l Jr\,.1- -lt": ,': & t^.a- *t o-k+1.
p^t,ue-th-J' eo ag Pa,L#v-e ciGqot n >' 29 La-a be

63^'fh-o a^ o- gu tu'- + e
'" a/'@( / ctt -f 's '
P- urr,k"!e- aol- i^.J-
24 - (+:) + G+ s)
rhi, slar"a. 5 @r1 ,c t:-".r. "n SGpi lrJ e- o-lrst ,'^< +p\€!]- 's orr > tJ.' t &ot"

o (^ fu-\4 k7aq' rt4r\ '

k - Ct*t+. .) + $+5+ "),
S L,paz- 4Ar^ %?xaD *f-,:.h'on + k l\^" ;21 nc,a*btx q
1t s ata A ' r,^^,b u- + 5'9 , Sioco /< >/ 2q, ^te ,at'ot^'Ld
hqr,,.e 9t >t 2 Lt g 7s a .
U9^^0" tilj 9.ap9a,xJ--t1'oo opk, b<, y)d l{"-r

Prepared by:, lyothi,B, Sasikala.l, Sri Sairam Colleg€ of EngineeringAnekal. pagel 4

^ tL.
R€suration 20rsrcacsschen,e) Discrete MathematicalSrructures - 1SCS3 6
@ Ijtt*|[
k+' r : {-,*.*-.,
t\___------r.-- I + G+ r+..)7 + r.
9\ .A
) +t+z) t :F-+"') t
(^s+s t.

= +r* '.' ) + Q;+ s+..,

('r ).
A-r_ a+3
Th;,' W.n +N- k+r ir -tu,r 4 1's 4astt,
TL,^-a S !<+,; ; Is.l,* .

Pec r,aplv"e 0e;enifian I

Ptt ar^r-soru,4 ^" s 7y- or- *rso rn>e7lu>d'-t c>"t'p'

Cot'atwrvl, rAed
1i) ExpL'<,:l- ro.letAod. U) ' 7aa71-'od'

t}.e' gt a->e;oJ 'l<:'rt + 4!-<-

Jo f L-c.'l- co ett.r
9ay*or- ; 'e'x1G <;tl'X ,

i,., F P^'l- cr;
G'oetk'd, $'xtl- +e'^' kxtu- 4 fu
n 9,-zc"'-t s-t'.<'
fo-e' r-l'totico"GJ ettpttc;tN'
L4)-,,n>.e, c\r-r- SeAwnc; t'avu.g)-
&e.ord - 'il'a' )LaJr- L"*w'-*\ v\ra'tl
Ar..ol ; +4" fdt-!
+x)-ril' a1, tl-t
j'el+Do co
ene6r- ul-L +b 66r^,t1
Jrctn *l- +dr'^' -JE,"^41 l<^.r'.rn fw-* 4- t'd;-
Q'rr4 dn ex7-k't dt6t"rzihon q */--a- -pe11,Le'oa
dr.F.ra Ja-4utlfveAf %

Prepared by:, lyothi.B, Sasikala.,, SriSairam College ofEngin€€ring Anekal. Page | 5

Re*u,ation - z01s rcBcsschen,e) Discrete Matlenla!ical Structures - 15CS36
@t : zao-r+ | ldz' ott> '
=1 A-o
$t: b6 ru4 e^la/ v'> e ch 't4-a- Sivea Verrrzlsit'-?'

vre' -#t'c1 +^-'''1

r"' '
e.,1 = 2Qa-1 *) =z fl at' -r+D +)'
= 23 oa-3-f I"+a+l'
"2a2lI -7 n-3a
- - o o^-l '+2''+2
- \ -) ')'
c4t> (o
_ o-3 ^-)\)'
:2 n-l.O, * Q+ z +:-^-t- +:t--+2
( ) gaao, ct, a al-t+'.!- 9fu-//'a/"td fua,>uJb
-U =7
+a ^-,_, {- r _fau a> l.
+A; Ltc:c c, v^t<,': Go.J(:t^/+G"--'--,)
: @ x:"-/) -. I
)]-r- /'oL"r'tve dotrtot+t'on 'fa'' -Ai AV^'on
eac\ c(J/'4 fouowri^7 ee'ae^'
{^^}; o' (ni) q':3oi7
o. 1ti ) o6 = 6
, ii, =u"
o(o+z) at'=na (vi) ao = a-(-'f'
,t'" [')
". = qq=)'c' " usr'' ca-o
.3ol g)l-lo.r-, o., =s ar=to' q3315
*@'G +8rre o^ d,=5 at"d aotao-r 15 f-u'- a2r2'

0) O-,=f 4,:6L q-a. 63 " , OJ<- C_o-.r) &u/4;G a.

Qt=6 & a')+,: € xan fu.
^> l.
Prepared by:, Jyothi.B, Sasikala.r, Sri Sairam College ofEogineeringAnekal. page
Resuration-20;s (cBcsscheme) Discrete Mathematical Structures - 15CS36
Qii). O-r =tD q2:r3 q3 -- ld Qq.tq
Q.q =tO Qo ^ a.-'tS,

(v). q3:19 aq=lq

q',=3 Qr.8
Qa-ar = 5^.:.d')+'3 q3-q'-^7 :2xl;3'
Qq-ag = 4 - 2-x.3tz.
Oo tr .-qo=2r)*3
. Qr -3 Qoo, = % + ao+'3
Y). ar:'l Aa=V q=1q 4.1
d.2*o-1=3 .2xl+J a3^Q-2.5:2x2+1.
o\.o+r - ao = -?.YD+ I
46ir-6+1. Qg- a7r1.
. Qr =l O.+r =
vi), o.,:S
ar:5 q-I:: rl o-z-- 3
e1 .to -- t -(-l)q q.o+l (-r)o+l
0.o+r - ao = 2Gr)6
<t- 1 : 3 rto +t : arl + o?z l'
'Ihc- Qbonqec i gu.:,ttvet6^ b7
fttt",\^b egts ott\e, d6i*a
oz2 '
Q ..o O - t 4,. C,. = F.,-, + Fn-. Peu
Coal'r',JlA F- 1o F 'u'
9"1 L=f,*E=t+D=lt-2 Stat;t--xy
tr- - [:., JF, =/+i F.= s , Ft=13
E- -r tr'- ^ \'tl:3 {=1 :: 3j
/-, r- -Z+2=5
'J -
b a: l-.t -l' l-? - '
F,o =5-5.

Prepared byr, lyotti,B, Sasikala.l, Sri Sairam College ofEngineering A[ekal. Page | 7
'SAIRAM Resuration 20ls rcBcs scheme) Discrct€ Structures 15CS36

'Tu Luaon auw-b e).2 d>,2- dotir\,-J ta7, O-"L,rJAtJ,)

A6 :2 A, = I aA Lo " (o-r t Lr.-, 4.- o>, z.

€,:J*^\;' L2- fo Lto'

L2 -: L, nL7 =3. L-= : L' t'-Lt = 9'
dcraL,[o.a-r6. Lrt =-1 " Ls = tl L6 = | 8 L.l--r7
a S .q U L1 =16 Lro :'':

Fit -Uv Gbonr'lru $e ?+orl @ F",F,.,8,, . Pa".a Jt o*

n = ,to\ 2) !-*t"i
-h:-r,-fr I _))
Gl .:o a/Ld o-1, +u- Je-T,;t<"-j *d- ,r--an
lI .+[-r)--o
L, fL, c-h .oro b.,-,.-.
1lL'^',, +'* Ju-r:tn J..'l :fu^di: iz )>"^' l'r- o'6 *'4
o ' l^le o.)>\tt^t.-t l]hrJ -1t'* grta<'Jt
1s" 'fe'
n- o/ rr ,.,.,, k, Lcl'.,;.-e- l< >.1, theo, w<$^a +t'''^r'

Q*, = & *d-,,

= L/5 Lr
f(,+/r \k-- (_l{i),.J-, :_Fn r.rl r,-.rf-?
.. ) J E.&', t*y_l
dru' fu -" arB<Lr^fhbo y, d.^lr^

=* Krs)r''try-,,] _ (::)r (4.,fl

-t -
[(!9-'' (6+E)- (,=*) (=t)
Prepared by:, lyothi.B, Sasikata.l, SriSairanCollegcofEngineerirgAnekat. pagcl('.
Resuration- z01s (cBCsscheme) Discrete Mathenatical Sh uctures - 1SCS36
= #K"*)r-'gyrS - e*)" egl
' *-[Cgr.'- 5'--e)r.l
1i; -sho.A 1n-+ -tar- h--|^r,tu ),-o/,u-u- , |a.*n- lc,
o: ktt, llzo @. bd n t,,.t ,r^ ode4J C*.l.-.h'oo, -lL.<
JLzAuLE,, +.r* !A. * ndn- oedoJit/* .,. t-qyo;4s o.

R* t" cL &.n. o"pp*n |ao to'tKn 1 o/aol ,1] 61-ro

1o ffa.l*rrl.a Jt )?-- 6-rk 7, co-n be. Pe;$Ctme't
(n dlteruJ^ u*.x.t ,>r'd /'* [i':'lt T- c^n & F)+oadoee
d+t"r-4J- wa.d^ c/\d 9 4,.n t,c" [iolco a c,.n aat
be, pdffln ed )irrrt.Jdneor^t>t^1, -Pen. On" n7 *'- fuso
b"h, @ &?^) eo,^, 4 p er-td,$.nl tn. rar+r> e"d4,
y.L 1-ffd*- Tt b tt-'q- t*'t* 'x Lel",.k"A f*'it''- /16
7; """,7'"f ,>t't'-"' l;*k 3 *.".*7 .:^ u-\n:"'
o/'-. Jz
2,-r. lu^ " ru"td*d-*.4 :^t' z r't both
; '* ; +
;::"'e-,t*'-u zaa "3^{'h^i;
/rLL/v''aex < tO- tt" *oo'\c 7'C"f
r'*' at'd an @^Ert
++Ll -) '1 DW"
Tt c.^n t'< Pexfda<')';
Ps,-a-,*.; oS''lfr\<. '|vg6 JA)'L," ^l-u {o b'
er1&rrne+ o'o e ryU,. tXl- cfrl\eL i+ I' c-n Lx patrd.rn"s
* W, dA"xtl- -,j,o-,6.t, and jat e^* o4.-lhe,,e <,c.-.4a
-L c o., be p exSa.,nea * o' &7er",^.1- d c.'d4. lkn b6th
o{ lJ." L- 1'r cd,) be, petf6<'t'tal J- C)r o.-

Prepared by:, lyothi.B, sasikala.l, SriSairam College of Engineering Anekal. Pagc | ?

g'l*11*m neguration - zors 1*cs scrremel Discr€te Mathematical Structures - 15CS36

O 6"frp"la a- L-. a *4to.l; a./\d I *'e-'t . il, e^

Pet eoo
he. /rq,a 3X5-- qo cLfie,vd' ,3c\d) n c&a<tu'V a *fuxt-
o.r.ol a -tr'e, ,
eRobre rns
@ (i)e5
ex|l) A* %% ;P""1;;,1^" n<arw-6c,t1iru*- (ov,*p- c..

4 ooanLa, 12 blovtzttt 3 etvit\r. &iu?At dr\o4

2 'l la*sta,sr to-o l2/fr te) i+6ro r ^rV d':h}:,cr td<rat
ca-* be, rvaru4atlLxz,,l 2 @ O-j *-. ho* ruanV lv
.{ -{- 9a vvrz oto-*? t

b0 lL- p,tod'u1 t-"lr., a+ -l"U""n +l...i- 1^-a

rlur ntber ay dish'o c|' co:.,1 /r',-o-l- car-) b< rY) a

t4 4Xt2.X Zx2__'-29s.

@Cr cfu*a (61e.,\)-, lt* rt--,'llae-L c4 c:!.t5h'a21-

CaJ-l C,.n be m*r^'ufc,tLi:*a ;
A biF ba Lctl\-u- a *, , A W "^a\ seNx,at-,(e. +
a bi6. tr'^-o,( C r\L,.^^bz)- ,r bdltn @*-- {1"^,^^.-
fuG^ *t^r
(+ beq^a w*'' tr e,y-d o^,,'7t-, tt.
tiD l$" N-L^r-be2L q
fuA lfla- Aen"t v,o.ft-, tt o.r.d
da rot er\d ws+h tt. @ |*-o- 6t 6^62X +
-lf- 'n ".d W,C-
l* b b,r,th U 6L- e^d t ,, fr, t/.

!6iorc ec'i h
bTlL r un,ro.L 8 bt Li a,r^.sl <_o.-n b#,
o. O &L l, 4t* q @L, ; 18. 2sd
Prepared by:,lyothi.B, Sasikala.l, Sri Saimm College of Engineedng Anekal. pagel lO
'SAlRAlUl Resuradon - 2015 (cBCs scheme) Discretc Mathematical Sb'uctures - 15CS36

l/\ a- bgG beg;noir.6. aar\d e-r'a; nt *fu:,-z

,1h.,,4 Can be, g'ua4 i- t-) ^ t6
OtLu)t 4 6pen rxrnn:a^z,
wnr' lh-^rj-\L +4"^.- o.-^4, 16 bJL^ g;k- t-., L,v-n
ar,,'d Mt+> tt,
htuo ; a- og^^*1
(ii) .?7.c,^z oc. (,-lL 6 opet't pd'< fuA
:$ =eg ut dAr,
tt. 'lhe.e po*ltow.t Lan be *' U<'l 'r
-lhr^t, a]z 6? bAl'Z +fL - beSt rt .t..t" /-L'' tl , SioLr.
, !J'"^-o-
-lhoJ- ll Jl-'
;/'d o-/'d
*tre-,.,c o-".4 /6 vf- >-4Lat
be.a4"b ""i16 '
w up

fn^-r beg^; t'J:+b lt l-c"L- aonof
Att - 16=ttg.
i/,Ak) o- (+ Utl;,, 'lf""J^ e-ad an y't';

,- J)_ b.g,o aN^l

tt a 69. *ho +L. q W(- t't^ r
au r*b<a-
-lk-ara7lL , -tr''L n.^^bzL +
e-nd r.a {n tt rr rb. fuLZ
or r-l n-'tn tl ,n 6q +eL! -1.6 :-- tl 2'
lhot' beA"a e

tr'^d {2.4 f'J.L-,\,loo- + 3'dqnL' e-oe-/) (1|.r^^-b e))

r.o'ln no W<al;d dJq''15'

VCt\D\e, eo-]: l't tt xt y.z

2l'?^-a^'!''Ja- a- Cyq,.l^ urdat' 4'-
l'e-' euea' z
given 9u,oh,'cltbt*. Sir: r-r xXz k^n Jt
-lf"<'' >- h'zn l
ha4 /b bp. o;2,11 t6 oT 8 + z;'o'
C-hoi ce-a ar-d S' 'z ;
2' Qr 6"cz Cq cAoice-o) l+< n x
hr,^ g ct-o1'r.4 ,
'/t'-l- >" (o'n be z' c-'''") r"a'r|-
@ "C
1k^441j-, 'L ar.d "\- ca'r' bc- cA-*e^ t'n lx1*\1x?:q)

Prepared by:, lyothi.B, Sasikala.l. Sri Sa iram College of f,ngineering Anekal. Page iII
^ 9,i'
Resurarion-20,s (cBCsscheme)
@ tf,l,Bflffl
Discretc Mathematical Siructures - 15CS36

NW. Fn eo* 4 -f h e,o<- bc,o.{), pl Lo-6 bq- c-hcJ>"n;

3 vJad4. tk o,- , 4 t.-< ola ti 9,,-7 1r- *r6<-L ; 4f l U .
Pe)-lur"Jai-'^r: P@,x) = ol
\C-2' )!
Qen e>,-14"11 o o )1- i,) J-r/ N /- b*,a *'-
. Eupp6,e-
be- lAav4 f*ttt'>
fturvJoga- c" p d-$\uwi""Yg l-l\eJ' C-",/\
At a-)\a' 4 cto'-. @e,
L.lle.tA>o + o okie't'i '4 Us},.,l-:,.
nL r,tJ\-a' n c^- 2e ord- 8o","' ok at't'I Cb lVe" '
'll'a' tw'rv'ba c-1
xi+h O, + D) + ' -l o t -- 6 lher>'
+ tI.<- a ob)e"tr ,) at,
fRo are cns

tra-. a.y"a'^l' ruq/fuzv.qlrts boolc,c , _/tv<. d.-11e-,,,at

Cow\a-rtlr kie oLz balq ct!4z,vnt -,^,b*l
o-r-d +wo e

at.ea.1. bcr'tc..t orl-L tD be a}.ro #-, u, o- S,t,-t6, llcvo

@"^t r^6 d,4 pl44e V@ t*
bob-o e.rtt> , po.sJtl,e! ar.t ,ttt bie t I - (a;.r-,/' d) be'
*g"l+^" -? @o^US +e--- n t-*x",",,,-a{, - bot:lb rwu4-
oe- );,^?
Tt-'t- ft ^.^l f- rual:tct bo o/<-o <-o r-> lc e Qtz*a"/A.r'--l

"rV t]-arwelyen ; h ! o\rLAr) . +I--!- G, r.p,^L,^-

t<,cD tr4 d" 5! coctgz -lt-< t o*J>.a/ &Ot O*,
Prepared by:, lyorli.B, Sasikala.l, Sri Sairam College of f,ngineeringADetraL pagel/r_
ghm Resulation - 201s (cBcs sfieme) o;screte rrlattrematical Structures - 1scs36

i 1,. *"ord.t, a,r.d +r.4. fl>soz gt-tx'ptt r-" 3! v'lctaVa

'ffur'"4-l.z -lf,-- + Pd>9 6a <tS'soAc^,'^t= r,c

4t xst Xr./ (31 = 29, s 60.

' Gn*.aql +Aa- & Mar .aloJi ae bool:a a'a arnt- )i4dt b oott
b<- qlJ'q/^€4-1 'i4
ll"tn t..p- ha"e. 8 boolc- c,:Ar'r].) tor''
a! uoc,-p . Jo r.-.J c( .lA4^< c-,{rtV 'ft"t h^'\+Aa'\'^<^h'L'
6s1u o'l,,-o- *bSzl$o- ' B-j- 1f^e ,.v,.qlt-d$ dti La boolc-" cot'
e\t'e-r\Ad a^^o lfl 1t* rw*"l ve-n ' i" 'l: t'oo'"y''t ' l kn t" , fi-"
ftur'^-buL o$ar4-a r',.t*L; ;
8! x+r :161 '630'
cS !f-,- /e ttz'tz c7'11'<
firtoL #= (\ilv\^4)- oy pettnu'toho"'
L'r&-d MAs'sAsAuo n 'Jo l^an trt"'X (
' ^4
'A's Ao4r:tXal- ? Ho',o 6\a V 4ll-,rn kiac:
h.rr'dr\ S ?

9a fi*- gtreo oo6d he/) lO h)lt* q ooh),h 4 <z-t'a- A,

I z;o-r- M, U ar'd C''lls^Lfd'4'
3qtu-S an/ eo'nt'' ob pexf,*7-f''"*a t')

1.! 3: lt t! t'.
4 O oJ) A'5 o,r-c Jn l'-- 'hg./,'a\
hle +r.r4l- c,,u LX A' s aA (1t-\4 S"4A- -lL-!f"t" ' Tkaa

)jb"'-, tb be p es.nrcJa4 9-o--.J GAAA)/ s, s., S, lv, g, o7

6a. ^ ar.o & ,..alv\'t-,b e).)

o-,...a .@* fv- /,.tb<-X c.,
Pe (t\LLI',-hDr'4 A YI 3 LtO,
llSl t!tt ll =

Prepared by:, lyothi.B, Sasikala.l, Sri Saimm College ofEngineering Anekat. Page L3
^ f.i
Resurarion -z0rs (cecss.hemc) Discrete Mathematical Structurcs
@ [At,BAm
- 1SCS36

ko pe:lrllwIr.}i>.. begaon i nq, u,n lh S , '-l\a.^4 o( ( ,.2-

offo ptf>t'h'ott )o $t'tt, t ctule- 4,,ou a-t'o S, 16r,JL c'\ra A,
aTf\-r- ?a-i,|/\ +. M, U, Cn . 'D-4 nnr.^b..\ ? Sr"h P
t.) g!
^ 1560.
J flrq^il o-lc. .4Ada. *u .-tt Lfrnru
t; :P<- ul&d selc,,oLo G,cAL ?
Jo A-r.l *-n + l-lo-e. a)o-qlt n" C U,) A @r\al q ala
'crc,oi\t' 2 Qi) a-f-f .U<. wotael-a oS,z clo!'o-ceal ?

6)dd hea t: Jolt-r.r cg u:il,h 3 oJ\e O 2

ee,-r-h aJ-o- C, 1, L o.^r{ 4 ee,,,h o;* S, A, C.'lh"tyd\4,

t2 ! =- q1 ,1?. roo.
3l >t,)_:: t ll|l !l
6 ul1" , ,^ an . A a-r''d G oo,a lo Le

ata-eayv-; r,'te, 'bzo l- A af'd a J>U*'X <>n o' 9 iryr6

$ot X .Lo fi'd- ''''sc hoe 3 ctu'r*Ltz r't O's
2 eo-o}-> 4c,1, r a'd crrte e-qlh c? S a//ad X' h3.oJli ?
. 'fkene cao b?- o.t r,e-r?,A u''4
t I h-L*"as
lr I bSa-U4 .

31 2!2.t2! ll
FLJ.L^'- *x,- ar)ftora A r"tr,.d G co.n be <>9o.o-rgat

Qa^r^fi 1*vr"rrrlselq-.'t -- 4,^-,o uoa-Ld4 .

Prepared bIr, lyothi.B, Sasikata.l, SriSairam College of Engineering Anekat. pagel 14,
neeutation zols tcgcs sche,,e) Discr€te Mathenaticar structures - 1sts3t,
'ftp^!44& , 1?-.- -+c/.;J GLLta&^- % a)raryzY\t\o?\tz ; #\'i
caro ; l Kr- : 16. 63,2_00.

n)L.j, Gr; &JLLa4ge,'\,\o o)l l+'''

o'xz L b<' vo,:,ela
^ ,
o.c\jautl', L,r<- lt ertAe-'f * 1t-- ga..c>
[, o uot)e14
oc,J- oJl -r""*'

,o otd CA ,o,L) o-,> * g;4A 'lofun '

&od '/' Ao t+' r
I e-a-'h 'a S ' lz &l
1/\ta \ e!>-'-t' + C a/\ol L- a/'\ol
6 I -l-ttz"* ' 'fLo'z c-e-t'\ k' o','>'e/.4ed L
II L,Jo.o_j,a ,
21. a l. lt!! l!
l-c.qjful. t!, tt-r- gix-a L4 (]Ld cc'vr-Ca' M 3 o' s -

'h^to 1's a,-r-'l 6'a't A, 'tt''< 'b)fr'^-s A'o'L (L''^aa..a onY

W d'2"1-e4 ^'
(aa t:,<-- a,cJ@r€.- / a. A^ord
6! Wo-{),
3! 2t t).
'TtLolrla'v- , t[^4 Jota nun*<t- c-y ous'..4o-v't"a
. -1 t' x--L!-
(o-oe, b
-'l 5' Aoo '
z11t ttrr rl 3!2t

CoCn O rfv^-n o^'s'

c (q,-r) ^ {o,z) = ol 1.-oar.n.
'/" | (])^z).',xl

Pgpbt-erot oN cDctrlaiNATtot't''
t, A cet-Dlo ry,.ot>h>r-> po-pu. c"r.-I;,:"" hoo paaL; A"
o-r'ol lb eaJ-t) ror-t?.irr; y luzch'o>"n. fh>r,c anal
cl+4<',i4J- L$ d,Aa o- t Li"d-qrJ' c o.f) ar'La^:,.-^- e 1.++onhbv'c

Prepared by:, lyothi.B, Sasikala.l, SriSairam College of f,trgineerirBAnekal. Page I l,

'SAIRAIIII Resuration - z01s (.BCSscheme) Discretc Mathematical Structures - 15CS36

la6, *d<-h'n c,:f le,o,ol- z nwohbv.a fxaD e-^"n pat.

a- Shablr,/\j- o"-n l,a-lail^ hL
!' ll."*, d+i1",t ^r ,,oo"{-)
5 g^anlb-v'n ,>Ja
A) 3 qya*>wa .f",'-"n F/'&+'A a'"o4 2 7--'>At,o
,f *:rrr-, pasJ- b. -[}'i.- c^n be' c]':>'''e *
cQ, s) x c(r,:) :_ ,.r! 6) o-24 .

€** P"&+ A
c"rV 3 7)-^!4hb>/)
[i). :- q+^a"h'outt
'D'; cn'n bt' do''a *
$-*, p'a+ ' O
cQ,r) x cQ,=) : ttt tntoTf
1)-"r",1r!,a , *t"' fu'zJ nn{ ^6€1- "t
AGdarJ' CqA Af\)t tLt, s y,-r-.:h> u- ovlclu VVl o
9-o,>tv-' tlio,^.'t .-a )-q +2q = 43,

Pa-ru -#*- ?--11".-4 lctaiT'ih'ea '

c-G) , x -,)
L @D,\) + c (t,t) ^ c (o'n+o 't) -i.|-|,o.

c[c,, tu -r) + c@,rt) = a:

d). r.]l
Qt-Dr @^a+f 1
itt ' ftt
\' - c\ t

: nl {l i'l
Qh^D I .({,^-l9,
, l,i:;n, 21 l.
. n+J. (n+r) l
(1-nl t 2(o^x16 T! (o^-r + )!
: cftr+i'rr)
Prepared by:, lyothi.B, Sasikata.l, Sri Sairam College ofEngineering Anekat. page
I l6
- Resuration zols (cBcs scheme) Discrete Mathematical Structures - 15CS36
(ii) C (rn,z)16@,r) -_ Ct't 1 -L n l

@-Dr z Ul.-Dt'>
+t^Crn-t) +nco-r.11
, (,6r-+ n-.- rn -o\
: 11 Croto) (m+o -) - rn o.
1 (rn -.n) I _ o-^ n.
: (rrr+n -a)l
.- c Crn+o, r) -r.,o.
(T],2L'I) .tit(c,t4'L lHeoRe(Y's'
btNocr)t*x PfD
OrMornrAL tr!9f€e.'
- -^^ z-,
(!+a) -l,ro\ ,J v"''.
'Ihi, Joau)): ; Enotan an tts- btoomti"J
,,{e€/."J LJ.o*
1),, * 1-'dil-t" '^'
'Tkeo neo-

Nott,ruo ta.L l+]S93iqt] tro- grs. Ar.e. ,u@t o onot&

+,.'- (L '{" "!' . x:" L 1+,L evfqn-et> D

(+ (", ax. + " +7x) a

-o ,
t>: -

.'r'k o t al o^! :

l', r,d -ll',e Coeff<:ueN- a? -

u) i 4,a, e z,po,^xz n q Qx -=U)'n-
u, l?n e rpa,^l, or-', C1 ,t3(t - 2rOto
Yl t^^

xle, [o*., bA '/r-"- b nti-J $.eone rr.t ,

Prepared by:, lyothi.B, Sasikala.J, SriSairan College of Engin e ering Anekal. P3gel /7.
Resuration zorsrcBcsschemel Discrete Mathematical Structures - 15CS36
@ $H*[[
(:.n - s7)'' = .
t" rt)" -'
i:[,") ^-r'6

. =
,J #,-"

fu-, 1f-- elfq^t1bo. #-o- t"eyl1i.,'t' u7 ,3y" 7r=q1

('J .'G.)== - (z1rs3) fi!

-r.?rtX /2r ll6. x'rO
-2'o k 3'",, ,o,

1:it 66 /.- Atooat^1 +-luouun. M h^"e

Ll- r,r
- lO

x"1l-:,u)b. ivlo L)G,)",.1*

TKo coe.-ft. tte r,t f ,r'' ,- ]AL eYens<ba (a-,

I q./ -
*(o".?) . -stzo

D"IE-tra-rin, tA.- c oe-ffaLter.t' cA .

e )tV=- ,) if-.. e\lfan+,b^ 7 G"-V -)q

o >t"
6't ; +.
e,7o^gtdn ol G 15- 3"r**-r(
(o/ b0 lf!- N.,-(tioqrzriaJ'}lu,,leto, ,oe o4Z fh^f 1+4
1a^e--l .k^.o ; +f-- er<;5p'^qbn * Gx-U-4,
Prepared by:, lyothi.Ir, Sasikala.l, SriSairamCollegeofEngineerinsAnekat. pagel
Resuration, z,;s rcBcsscheme) Discrete Mathematical Structures 15CS36
(- ' n", o:/\Gi"'c-u)"(-r"i
G o, :: l, o:. = / ct/"d o3=>- *ti'-z be'u-"u
/ rt \. / 4 \ r<-rl xt-')'x)
i ,. ,/
- (-?) (-=)^ =( , t' zr'
- )x \t/
7t L^ )^l.zL'{ ]t a' *" )e?\';t', n "
cDe'te? ( i e t4- "
( 4 ) x exg-il
' x(-,)' = lfu-,x(*2)
L' ' '' ''l
- -,"
O f*' ff^ "il l"xr,r, )' 'e'* e/'Pa-^%'o o (/&

.Car.}- z "f, +.')t 6

( (nr . n:,/) Cr".J' (- z "t) n- (=)"r.
1-- g- a o\.. 2 , nr -- 3 J{t-'^ betow'nn.

6 ) ('=^')
[ r. o.i - cs't'rr)' - 1 2/' -6! . ^^"ul
3; )':o'
ml- '''
fk rr, -IL-- gaautt*-et L-o eJf i c ie

lz *- 5t2j - 43 20'

Cor.,.bin.^h'onr, r'.o fh Qept Pih'onx .

S,ppde vs ^nsh *o 'gelecl , w;tt-'' haPeh'hoo ' a'

Corn 6 ri.r,,-fr'ao c1 l- obie"t; $u- o >bt 7 a d';*n,t

otoj e cl; . Tr.4 ntt-rr)lou- c,] t,o,-h :derirbr'.a ; gi".p-r- bV

Prepared by:, lyothi.B, Sasikala.J, Sri Sairam College of Ergireering Anekal. Page I l1
Regulation - 2015 (CBCS Scheme) Discretc Mathematical Structures 15CS35
c (o+t -r, r) = Ca+t -D :
kou> tcrarry acaV c 'a4- oU-Lf9' b^tz /o
?-[t ^te
t&,^lLL,.J r*axd-"- o.r--:, dV 6 di':h'a ct cotrfa''i1 2;7 e)
'Il-e .Lele c-ltbo (oi*lt; ,'N Lhoo"'^"7 t/'n t' S<-F-h'* 6'-
91::to 6v1anl1''' -ftu o ' 6 cL s h'atl- (al\h; e2!2

Tl.- our*Lc es' 'n

C (e +lo-t' Io)\ _ - /t9, to) = BOo3.

- t'-r -al

E nnl +ho, 6ru oy oot> oe6ili'"' "J*4 rt'{"-*tb"l

t\G <la-
+ +t'- t^eY^LUl;1
6)e l1are- l-a #,^rl . +A- Q*'*be,- ?)- (16a"eA<aJa.e
;"k tr- -Lot'*H'or'n ? fu ery-Jtoo
x t+ ^rt 43't ' ' -f nc = 9 -x-z'
lC tc-r.c- n-\z! q 2o jtal' \1 t, ov O6 oe€sl;v a

L^W, fl'-, x41>''ttu-4 c'utw'kt es- ) $. c,-',,'btt

oy na,o a 7o.t;r.- ,toLh'ow + H"z e?"u--nbo '
)cr+r2+'s*"'+'(1 5I'
thL r"rr-a nz b
:c C1 +s-t, q) = cQs,d 15oo5.

Prepared by:, ryothi.B, Sasikala.l, SriSairan Collcge of Engineeri o g Anekal. page l.aO

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