Syllabus Changes September 2019 International PDF

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Cambridge Primary
Cambridge Lower Secondary
Cambridge IGCSE™
Cambridge O Level
Cambridge International AS & A Level

Syllabus changes (International)

September 2019 version 1

This annual update provides advance notification of changes to syllabuses.

Why revise qualifications? ............................................................................................................ 2
1. Revised syllabuses ................................................................................................................... 3
2. Updated syllabuses.................................................................................................................. 7
3. New syllabuses ...................................................................................................................... 14
4. Withdrawn syllabuses ........................................................................................................... 16
5. Changes to availability ........................................................................................................... 18
6. Other syllabus changes .......................................................................................................... 21
Why revise qualifications?
We work closely with schools, universities and ministries to make sure our qualifications offer the best
possible preparation for further study and employment. We review syllabuses on a regular basis so that the
content is up to date, the assessment is appropriate and they remain highly regarded by universities and

To help teachers plan ahead, we provide advance notice of changes to syllabuses at least a year before first
teaching. We publish this guide every September, and it includes details about:

Revised syllabuses
Significant changes have been made to these syllabuses following our review process.

Updated syllabuses
New versions of published syllabuses have been amended with minor changes outside of our review

New syllabuses
New subjects or syllabuses that have new syllabus codes.

Withdrawn syllabuses
These syllabuses have been withdrawn. The relevant syllabus page on our website will indicate if there is an
alternative syllabus available, for example if a syllabus is being replaced by one with a new code.

Changes to availability
Syllabuses that have been added to or withdrawn from an Administrative Zone, or the series availability has
changed within a Zone.

Other syllabus changes

Syllabuses with changes other than those listed above. For example, changes to the design, regulatory
status and the assessment materials.

Click on the syllabus links in this document…

Each syllabus title is a link

to the relevant syllabus
page on our website.

…to take you to the syllabus page on our website. There you will find further
information about your syllabus. Full details of all changes are listed in the syllabus.

Syllabus availability and

information boxes are grey.

Syllabus update notices appear

underneath the syllabus.

1. Revised syllabuses
We have made significant changes based on feedback from schools, universities and ministries.

For examination in November 2019

Subject Syllabus code Version

Cambridge IGCSE
Combined Science 0653 4
Co-ordinated Sciences (Double) 0654 3
English as a Second Language (Speaking endorsement) 0510 4
English as a Second Language (Count-in speaking) 0511 4
Environmental Management 0680 1
Hindi as a Second Language 0549 3
Literature (English) (US) 0427 2
Physical Education 0413 1
Physical Science 0652 3
Cambridge O Level
Environmental Management 5014 1
Cambridge International AS & A Level
Art & Design 9479 1
English General Paper 8021 2
Music 9483 1

For examination from 2020

Subject First Syllabus code Version

Cambridge IGCSE
Accounting March 2020 0452 2
Additional Mathematics March 2020 0606 3
Art & Design March 2020 0400 1
Business Studies March 2020 0450 2
Chinese as a Second Language June 2020 0523 1
Design & Technology June 2020 0445 1
Drama June 2020 0411 1
Economics March 2020 0455 2
Enterprise June 2020 0454 1
First Language Chinese June 2020 0509 1

Subject First Syllabus code Version
Cambridge IGCSE (Continued)
First Language English March 2020 0500 2
Geography March 2020 0460 1
History March 2020 0470 2
Information and Communication Technology March 2020 0417 2
International Mathematics June 2020 0607 3
Mathematics March 2020 0580 1
Cambridge IGCSE (9–1)
Art & Design June 2020 0989 2
Business Studies June 2020 0986 3
Design & Technology June 2020 0979 2
Drama June 2020 0994 2
First Language English June 2020 0990 3
Geography June 2020 0976 2
History June 2020 0977 3
Literature in English SET TEXTS June 2020 0992 4
Mathematics June 2020 0980 3
Cambridge O Level
Additional Mathematics June 2020 4037 3
Art & Design June 2020 6090 1
Business Studies June 2020 7115 2
Design & Technology November 2020 6043 1
Economics June 2020 2281 1
Geography November 2020 2217 1
Literature in English June 2020 2010 2
Cambridge International AS & A Level
Further Mathematics June 2020 9231 1
Information Technology March 2020 9626 2
Mathematics March 2020 9709 1
Media Studies June 2020 9607 1
Thinking Skills June 2020 9694 1

For examination from 2021

Subject First Syllabus code Version

Cambridge IGCSE
Arabic Foreign Language June 2021 0544 2
French Foreign Language March 2021 0520 1
German Foreign Language June 2021 0525 1
Italian Foreign Language June 2021 0535 1
Spanish Foreign Language March 2021 0530 2
Urdu as a Second Language June 2021 0539 1
Cambridge IGCSE (9–1)
French Foreign Language June 2021 7156 1
German Foreign Language June 2021 7159 1
Italian Foreign Language June 2021 7164 1
Spanish Foreign Language June 2021 7160 1
Cambridge O Level
Bengali June 2021 3204 1
Cambridge International AS & A Level
English Language March 2021 9093 1
Language and Literature in English SET TEXTS June 2021 8695 1
Literature in English March 2021 9695 1
Media Studies June 2021 9607 1
Sociology March 2021 9699 1

For examination from 2022

Subject First Syllabus code Version

Cambridge IGCSE
Bahasa Indonesia 2022 0538 1
Drama 2022 0411 1
First Language Spanish 2022 0502 1
Malay 2022 0546 1
Mandarin Chinese 2022 0547 1
World Literature 2022 0408 1
Cambridge IGCSE (9–1)
Drama 2022 0994 1
Cambridge O Level
French 2022 3015 1
Cambridge International AS & A Level
Biology 2022 9700 1
Chemistry 2022 9701 1
Classical Studies 2022 9274 1
Environmental Management 2022 8291 1
Information Technology 2022 9626 1
Marine Science 2022 9693 1
Physics 2022 9702 1

Please read the syllabus for the relevant year of examination before teaching the course.

2. Updated syllabuses
These syllabuses have been republished with minor changes.

When a syllabus is updated after it has been published, the version number increases and a
syllabus update notice can be found on the relevant subject page on our website

For examination in November 2019

Subject Syllabus code Version

Cambridge IGCSE
American History (US) 0409 2
Biology 0610 4
Chemistry 0620 3
Combined Science 0653 4
Computer Science 0478 3
Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award) 0654 3
English as a Second Language (Speaking endorsement) 0510 4
English as a Second Language (Count-in speaking) 0511 4
First Language English 0500 5
First Language English (US) 0524 1
Literature (English) SET TEXTS 0486 3
Literature (English) (US) 0427 2
Music SET WORKS 0410 4
Physical Science 0652 3
Physics 0625 3
Sociology 0495 2
World Literature 0408 3
Cambridge IGCSE (9–1)
Art & Design 0989 2
Biology 0970 5
Business Studies 0986 2
Chemistry 0971 4
Computer Science 0984 2
Coordinated Sciences 0973 4

Subject Syllabus code Version
Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) - continued
Design & Technology 0979 2
English as a Second Language (Count-in speaking) 0991 4
English as a Second Language (Speaking Endorsement) 0993 4
First Language English 0990 4
French 7156 3
Geography 0976 3
German 7159 3
History 0977 3
Italian 7164 3
Literature in English 0992 2
Music SET WORKS 0978 2
Physical Education 0995 2
Physics 0972 4
Spanish 7160 3
Cambridge O Level
Chemistry 5070 2
Literature in English SET TEXTS 2010 3
Marine Science 5180 2
Sociology 2251 2
Cambridge International AS & A Level
Afrikaans 9679 2
Afrikaans – Language 8679 2
Art & Design 9704 1
Art & Design 9479 2
Biology 9700 2
Digital Media & Design 9481 2
First Language Spanish 8665 2
French 9716 4
French – Language 8682 2
French – Literature SET TEXTS
8670 4
German 9717 3
German – Language 8683 3

Subject Syllabus code Version
Cambridge International AS & A Level (continued)
Global Perspectives and Research 9239 6
History 9389 2
Literature in English SET TEXTS 9695 5
Portuguese 9718 2
Portuguese – Language 8684 2
Spanish 9719 2
Spanish – Language 8685 2
Psychology 9990 3

For examination from 2020

Subject First Syllabus code Version

Cambridge IGCSE
Accounting March 2020 0452 2
Additional Mathematics March 2020 0606 3
Afrikaans as a Second Language November 2020 0548 2
Arabic Foreign Language June 2020 0544 2
Bahasa Indonesia June 2020 0538 2
Biology March 2020 0610 2
Business Studies March 2020 0450 2
Chemistry March 2020 0620 2
Computer Science March 2020 0478 2
Dutch Foreign Language June 2020 0515 2
Economics March 2020 0455 2
English as a Second Language (Speaking March 2020 0510 2
English as a Second Language (Count-in speaking) March 2020 0511 2
First Language Arabic June 2020 0508 2
First Language English March 2020 0500 2
First Language English (US) June 2020 0524 1

Subject First Syllabus code Version
Cambridge IGCSE (continued)
First Language Spanish June 2020 0502 2
French Foreign Language March 2020 0520 1
German Foreign Language June 2020 0525 1
Greek Foreign Language June 2020 0543 1
Hindi as a Second Language March 2020 0549 2
History March 2020 0470 2
Indonesian June 2020 0545 3
Information & Communication Technology March 2020 0417 2
International Mathematics March 2020 0607 3
Italian Foreign Language June 2020 0535 1
Latin SET TEXTS June 2020 0480 1
Literature (English) (US) June 2020 0427 2
Literature in English SET TEXTS March 2020 0475 3
Literature (Spanish) June 2020 0488 2
Malay Foreign Language June 2020 0546 3
Mandarin Chinese June 2020 0547 1
Mathematics (US) June 2020 0444 1
Music June 2020 0410 1
Physics March 2020 0625 2
Religious Studies November 2020 0490 1
Spanish Foreign Language June 2020 0530 1
World Literature June 2020 0408 2
Cambridge IGCSE (9–1)
Art & Design June 2020 0989 2
Biology June 2020 0970 3
Business Studies June 2020 0986 3
Chemistry June 2020 0971 3
Computer Science June 2020 0984 3
Design & Technology June 2020 0979 2
English as a Second Language (Count-in speaking) June 2020 0991 3
English as a Second Language (Speaking June 2020 0993 3
First Language English June 2020 0990 3

Subject First Syllabus code Version
Cambridge IGCSE (9-1) - continued
French June 2020 7156 2
Geography June 2020 0976 2
German June 2020 7159 2
History June 2020 0977 3
Italian June 2020 7164 2
Literature in English SET TEXTS June 2020 0992 4
Mathematics June 2020 0980 3
Music SET TEXTS June 2020 0978 3
Physics June 2020 0972 3
Spanish June 2020 7160 2
Cambridge O Level
Additional Mathematics June 2020 4037 3
Arabic June 2020 3180 1
Bengali June 2020 3204 1
Business Studies June 2020 7115 2
Chemistry June 2020 5070 1
First Language Urdu June 2020 3247 1
History June 2020 2147 2
Literature in English June 2020 2010 2
Marine Science November 2020 5180 2
Second Language Urdu June 2020 3248 2
Setswana November 2020 3158 1
Sinhala June 2020 3205 1
Sociology June 2020 2251 1
Swahili June 2020 3162 1
Tamil June 2020 3226 1

Subject First Syllabus code Version
Cambridge International AS & A Level
Arabic June 2020 9680 3
French June 2020 9716 3
German SET TEXTS June 2020 9717 4
Global Perspectives and Research March 2020 9239 2
Islamic Studies November 2020 8053 2
Literature in English March 2020 9695 4
Physical Education June 2020 9396 2
Spanish June 2020 9719 2

For examination from 2021

Subject First Syllabus code Version

Cambridge IGCSE
Arabic Foreign Language June 2021 0544 2
Global Perspectives March 2021 0457 1
Islamiyat June 2021 0493 1
Literature (Spanish) June 2021 0488 1
Spanish Foreign Language March 2021 0530 2
World Literature June 2021 0408 1
Cambridge O level
First Language Urdu June 2021 3247 2
Global Perspectives June 2021 2069 1
Islamiyat June 2021 2058 1
Religious Studies (Bible Knowledge) June 2021 2048 1
Cambridge International AS & A Level
Computer Science June 2021 9618 2
History June 2021 9389 1
Psychology March 2021 9990 1

For examination from 2022

Subject First Syllabus code Version

Cambridge IGCSE
American History 2022 0409 1
Combined Science 2022 0653 1
Co-ordinated Sciences (Double) 2022 0654 1
Environmental Management 2022 0680 1
First Language French 2022 0501 1
First Language German 2022 0505 1
First Language Portuguese 2022 0504 1
First Language Thai 2022 0518 1
First Language Turkish 2022 0513 1
Global Perspectives 2022 0457 1
Literature (English) (US) 2022 0427 1
Literature (Spanish) SET TEXTS 2022 0488 1
Pakistan Studies 2022 0488 1
Physical Education 2022 0413 1
Physical Science 2022 0652 1
Sanskrit 2022 0499 1
Cambridge IGCSE 9 - 1
Co-ordinated Sciences (Double) 2022 0973 1
Literature in English 2022 0992 1
Physical Education 2022 0995 1
Cambridge O Level
Computer Science 2022 2210 1
Environmental Management 2022 5014 1
Global Perspectives 2022 2069 1
Literature in English 2022 2010 1
Pakistan Studies 2022 2059 1
Cambridge International AS & A Level
Art & Design 2022 9479 1
Digital Media & Design 2022 9481 1

Please read the syllabus for the relevant year of examination before teaching the course.

3. New syllabuses

New subjects or syllabuses are indicated by NEW.

Syllabuses that have been significantly revised and have new syllabus codes are also listed here.

Subject Syllabus code First examination

Cambridge Primary
Art & Design NEW 0067 No assessment from
Digital Literacy NEW 0072 No assessment from
Music NEW 0068 No assessment from
Physical Education NEW 0069 No assessment from
Cambridge Lower Secondary
Art & Design NEW 0073 No assessment from
Digital Literacy NEW 0082 No assessment from
Music NEW 0078 No assessment from
Physical Education NEW 0081 No assessment from
Cambridge IGCSE
Additional Mathematics (US) 0459 2020
First Language Arabic (Arabic version) NEW 0508 2020
First Language Chinese (Chinese version) 0509 2020
First Language Malay 0696 2021
Literature in English 0475 2020
Marine Science (Maldives only) 0697 2020
Swahili 0262 2021
Cambridge IGCSE (9–1)
Accounting 0985 2020
Economics 0987 2020
First Language Arabic 7184 2020
First Language Arabic (Arabic version) NEW 7184 2020
Information & Communication Technology 0983 2020
Mathematics 0980 2019

Subject Syllabus code First examination
Cambridge O Level
Accounting 7707 2020
History 2147 2020
Cambridge International AS & A Level
Art & Design 9479 AL 2020
Cambridge International Project Qualification NEW 9980 2020
Computer Science 9618 2021
Digital Media & Design 9481 AL 2020
Drama 9482 2021
Further Mathematics 9231 2020
Hinduism 9487 2021
History 9489 2021
Islamic Studies 9488 2021
Music 9483 2020

When a syllabus has been replaced with one with a new code, please check the availability of
the relevant syllabus before starting the course or making entries for the examination.

4. Withdrawn syllabuses
Following consultation with our centres, the syllabuses below have been withdrawn and their final
examination dates are listed below. Where available, links to alternative syllabuses are provided.

Subject Syllabus code Final Replaced by

Cambridge IGCSE
Child Development 0637 November 2019
Development Studies 0453 November 2021
Dutch Foreign Language 0515 June 2021
First Language Afrikaans 0512 November 2019
First Language Korean 0521 June 2021
First Language Russian 0516 June 2021
Greek Foreign Language 0543 June 2021
Indonesian Foreign Language 0545 June 2021
Japanese Foreign Language 0519 November 2021
Literature (English) 0486 November 2019 0475 NEW
Portuguese Foreign Language 0540 June 2021
Cambridge IGCSE (9–1)
English Literature 0477 November 2019 0992 NEW
First Language English 0627 November 2019 0990 NEW
Mathematics 0626 November 2019 0980 NEW
Cambridge O Level
History (Modern World Affairs) 2134 November 2019 2147 NEW
Principles of Accounts 7110 November 2019 7707 NEW
Swahili 3162 June 2020 0262 NEW
Cambridge International AS & A Level
Afrikaans 9679 November 2022
Art & Design 9704 November 2019 9479 NEW
Computer Science 9608 November 2021 9618 NEW
Food Studies 9336 November 2019
French Literature 8670 November 2019
Hinduism 8058 November2020 9487 NEW
Hinduism 9014 November 2020 9487 NEW

Subject Syllabus code Final Replaced by
Cambridge International AS & A Level
History 9389 November 2021 9489 NEW
Islamic Studies 8053 November 2020 9488 NEW
Islamic Studies 9013 November 2020 9488 NEW
Music 9703 November 2019 9483 NEW
Nepal Studies 8024 June 2020

5. Changes to availability
Changes to Administrative Zones

Information regarding administrative zones is available on our website here.

Subject Syllabus code First

Cambridge IGCSE
Afrikaans as a Second Language 0548 November 2020
Agriculture 0600 November 2020
Development Studies 0453 November 2020
Dutch Foreign Language 0515 June 2020
First Language Arabic 0508 June 2020
First Language French 0501 June 2020
First Language German 0505 June 2020
First Language Portuguese 0504 June 2020
First Language Russian 0516 June 2020
First Language Thai 0518 June 2020
First Language Turkish 0513 June 2020
Greek Foreign Language 0543 June 2020
Islamiyat 0493 June 2020
Latin 0480 June 2020
Pakistan Studies 0448 June 2020
Physical Science 0652 November 2020
Portuguese Foreign Language 0540 June 2020
Religious Studies 0490 November 2020
Cambridge IGCSE (9-1)
Accounting 0985 June 2020
Art & Design 0989 June 2019
Biology 0970 June 2019
Business Studies 0986 June 2019
Chemistry 0971 June 2019
Computer Science 0984 June 2019
Design & Technology 0979 June 2019
Drama 0994 June 2019
Economics 0987 June 2020
English as a Second Language (Count-in 0991 June 2019
English as a Second Language (Speaking 0993 June 2019

Subject Syllabus code First
Cambridge IGCSE (9-1) – (continued)
First Language Arabic 7184 June 2020
First Language English 0990 June 2019
French 7156 June 2019
Geography 0976 June 2019
German 7159 June 2019
History 0977 June 2019
Information & Communication Technology 0983 June 2020
Literature in English 0992 June 2019
Mathematics 0980 June 2019
Music 0978 June 2019
Physical Education 0995 June 2019
Physics 0972 June 2019
Sciences – Co-ordinated 0973 June 2019
Spanish 7160 June 2019
Cambridge O Level
Agriculture 5038 November 2020
Arabic 3180 June 2020
Bangladesh Studies 7094 June 2020
Bengali 3204 June 2020
Design & Technology 6043 November 2020
Environmental Management 5014 June 2020
French 3015 June 2020
Geography 2217 November 2020
Hinduism 2055 November 2020
Pakistan Studies 2059 June 2020
Religious Studies 2048 June 2020
Sinhala 3205 June 2020
Sociology 2251 June 2020
Swahili 3162 June 2020
Urdu First Language 3247 June 2020
Urdu Second Language 3248 June 2020
Cambridge International AS & A Level
Design and Textiles 9631 November 2019
Islamic Studies 9488 November 2021
Marine Science 9693 November 2022

Also available for examination in March from 2021 for India only

Subject Syllabus code

Cambridge IGCSE
Mathematics – International 0607
Sciences – Co-ordinated 0654
Spanish Foreign Language 0530
Cambridge International AS & A Level
English General Paper 8021
History 9489

For examination in June and November 2019

Subject Syllabus code

Cambridge International AS & A Level
Arabic 9680
Arabic – Language 8680

For examination from 2020, this syllabus is available in June and November series

Subject Syllabus code

Cambridge International AS & A Level
Physical Education 9396

Only offered in the November series from 2020

Subject Syllabus code

Cambridge O Level
Geography 2217

Availability to private candidates

This syllabus is not available to private candidates in June. In November, some components are not
available to private candidates.

For more information, please see the Cambridge Guide to Making Entries. This is available from the
Support Materials section of CIE Direct.

Subject Syllabus code First

Cambridge O Level
Art & Design 6090 June 2020

6. Other syllabus changes
Syllabuses no longer regulated by the qualifications and examinations regulators in
England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Subject Syllabus code Last regulated

Cambridge IGCSE
Art & Design 0400 November 2019
Biology 0610 November 2019
Business Studies 0450 November 2019
Chemistry 0620 November 2019
Computer Science 0478 November 2019
English as a Second Language (Count-in 0511 November 2019
Enterprise 0454 November 2019
French Foreign Language 0520 November 2019
Geography 0460 November 2019
German Foreign Language 0525 November 2019
Greek Foreign Language 0543 November 2019
History 0470 November 2019
Information and Communication Technology 0417 November 2019
Italian Foreign Language 0535 June 2019
Mandarin Chinese 0547 June 2019
Music 0410 November 2019
Physics 0625 November 2019
Spanish Foreign Language 0530 November 2019

Design changes

Syllabuses and Specimen Papers published before September 2017 will have our old name and
logo. Our new name and logo will be added to these materials when they are next updated.
You will start to see syllabuses and specimen papers with the new name and logo from
September 2017 onwards. Some of the syllabus covers will also have a new design.

Specimen Paper Updates

Some specimen papers have been updated for assessment from 2020. The specimen questions
and mark schemes remain the same. The layout and wording on the front covers have been
updated to make instructions clearer for candidates;
guide/phase-5-exam-day/question-paper-front-covers/ for details.
When a correction or update is made to a specimen paper, please see the syllabus update for
more information.

Changes to how to access early question papers and pre-release material for November
2019 series
Please note, some early question papers and pre-release materials for examination in November
2019 onwards will be available to download from the School Support Hub.
Teachers should refer to the latest version of the syllabus and Cambridge Handbook ahead of the
release of materials for the November 2019 series and for each following series.
The School Support Hub is password protected, please click on the following link:
at the start of the test date window. You must ensure that you download the correct item for the
series you are entered/and or time zone.
Please contact your school coordinator for instructions on how to access the School Support Hub.
Specimen papers for specific subjects are clearly marked as specimens. Please check you are
using the correct examination paper.

Cambridge Assessment International Education
The Triangle Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 8EA, United Kingdom
t: +44 1223 553554 f: +44 1223 553558

Copyright © UCLES September 2019

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