DLP Math 6

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Date: ___________

I. Objective: 

Find the base when the percentage and rate are given

Value: Being thrifty

II. Learning Content:

Finding the Base When the Percentage and Rate are Given

References: BEC-PELC II L. 3.2.3

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: flashcards with percents, manila paper, pentel pen

III. Learning Experiences A. Preparatory

1. Mental Computation/Drill on Renaming Percent to Decimal
Change percent to decimal
50% in decimal is _______
75% in decimal is ________
375% in decimal is ______

2. Review: Review on dividing whole number by decimals

Activity 1 – Cooperative Work
Materials: 4 sets of 2 flashcards having division of whole numbers by decimals
4 sets of manila paper
4 pentel pens
1. Ask each leaders of the team gets 2 flashcards having whole number by a decimal.
2. The members of team solve for the quotient and write the solution on a manila paper
to be published on the board.

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Activity 1: Use of Compatible
numbers Through 10 x 10
Dangdang, a daughter of a vendor helps her mother by buying school supplies which is cheap
but durable. She buys her notebook in Store A at P6.00 which is 10% of the cost of notebook
in Store B. How much is the notebook in Store B.

1. Ask the following questions:

 Who is the daughter of the vendor
 How much is the notebook of Dangdang?
 Does Dangdang have a good decision in buying the notebook? How do you know?

2. Fixing Skills:
Solve for the base.
1. 50% of ____ is 3 4. 10.5 is 30% of what number?
2. 20% of what number is 14 5. 65% of N = 58.5
3. 14 is 35% of what number
3. Generalization:
Expected Questions. How do you find the base when the percentage and rate are given?

IV. Evaluation:
Rename these fractions as similar fractions. Add then express the sum in lowest term if possible.
1. 20 % of n is 2
2. 7 is 35 % of n
3. 40 % of n = 8
4. 10 is 40 % of n = 8 5. 25% of what no. is 2?

V. Assignment:
1. 6 % of n = 4.5
2. 6.72 is 7 % of what number?
3. 12 % of n is 14.4
4. 88 % of what number is 660?
5. 220 is 275 % of n

Date: ___________

I. Objective: 
Compute common percentage mentally

Value: Being thrifty

II. Learning Content:

Computing common percentage mentally

References: BEC-PELC II L. 3.3.

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: flashcards, charts

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill on Basic Multiplication Facts
a. 6 x 10 b. 6 x 8 c. 6 x 6 d. 6 x 5

2. Review: Multiplication of Decimals

a. 0.25 x 5 b. 0.15 x 5 c. 0.3 x 3 d. 0.04 x 9

3. Motivation:
Have you ever joined a Math Contest?
Answer the question without writing the solution?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Activity – Use of challenging Word Problem
75% of 8000 is what
number? N is 75 % of
8000 75 % of 8000 is _______.
What is 75% of 8000 is N

1. Guide the pairs of pupils to:

a. determine the base and rate
b. identify what is to solve for
c. decide what process to use
d. compute without writing the computation on paper
e. discuss their answer

2. Through pair square they have to do number 1 a-e

2. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:

a. 20% of 20 is _____
b. 25% of 60 is N
c. 50% of 70%
d. N is 40% of 20
e. 60% of 15 is what number?
3. Generalization:
How do you solve for the common percentage mentally?>

IV. Evaluation:
Solve for the percentage mentally a.
10% of 10 is _____
b. _____ is 20% of 50
c. N is 20% of 15
d. 40% of 40
e. What is 50% of 90?

V. Assignment:
Solve for the percentage mentally.
1. N is 25% of 36 2. 10% of 20
is what number?
3. 40% of 50 = ______. 4.
_____ is 60% of 160 5.
What is 15% of 80?

Date: ___________

I. Objective: 
Solve word problems involving finding the percent of increase/decrease on discounts, original
price, rate of discount, sale price and mark up rice.

Value: Frugality

II. Learning Content:

Solve word problems involving finding the percent of increase/decrease on discounts, original
price, rate of discount, sale price and mark up rice.

References: BEC-PELC II L. 3.4, 3.4.1

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: Song Flashcards

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Mental Computation:
Drill on Renaming of Percents to Decimals, Fraction to Percent, Fraction to Decimals and
Vice Versa.

2. Review:
Do what is asked for:
1. What is 25% of 30? _____]
2. Forty is what percent of 200?
3. 18 is 30% of what number?

3. Motivation:
The pupils of Loundagin Elementary School went to an educational trip. One of the places they
visited was Phiyas, Lukban, Quezon. While the group was going around the place the attention
of some pupils was caught by the sigh in one of the stalls found in the place, a mark 15% off.
10% off and 12% off. Can you tell what the signs means?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Activity 1 – Use of compatible numbers in the problem.
Aling Conching went to a factory outlet of garments to avail a low price and a good gain
possible. The underwear A was originally sold at P each. She asked herself of the following: a.
If she was given 20% discount of the original price, how much was the sale price?

1. Answering the questions:

a. Who went to the factory outlet?
b. Why did she go to the factory outlet?
c. Do you think the original price is too high which will not give her a good gain? Why?
2. Guide the pupils analyze and solve the problem.

2. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:

Find the missing entries.

Original Price Rate of Discount Discount Sale Price

1. P220 10% P47
2. P235
3. P930 P874.20

3. Generalization:
How do you solve for percent problems involving increase/decrease? Discounts? Original
price? Rate of discounts? Sale price? Mark up Price?

IV. Evaluation:
Find the missing entries.
Original Price Rate of Discount Discount Sale Price
1. P200 15% P170
2. P250 20% P50
3. P490 10% P60 P540
4. P950 47.50 P902.50
5. P850 15% 127.50

V. Assignment:
Analyze and solve the problem.
1. Mrs. Santos bought a barong with 15% discount. How much did she save and pay if the tag price
of the barong is P1575?
2. Laura bought an RTW dress for P575 at 20% discount what was the original price?
3. The sale price of an item is P2060. if this is 60% higher than the cost, what is the original price?

Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Solve the word problem involving commission, rate of commission, total sales, total income.

Value: Being financially sufficient in meeting one’s need

II. Learning Content:

Solving Word Problem on Commission, Rate of Commission, Total Sales, Total Income

References: BEC-PELC II L. 3.4.2

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: puzzle, charts

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Opening Song: Solving Problem
2. Mental Computation: Drill on finding
the rate, base or percentage
a. Strategy – Completing the Table
Materials – 8 numbered rolled papers
Table having data at random for columns of rate, base, percentage.
1. Form 4 teams of equal number of members.
Ask the leader of the team to draw the numbered rolled papers. The members of
the team will complete the table within the time limit set by the class.
2. The team having the highest number of correct answers wins.

3. Motivation:
What do you call the amount given to the sales agent after he is able to sell the item to the
company aside having basic monthly salary?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Activity – Completing the Table
Sample: Find the missing entries:
Basic Salary Total Sales Above P50 Rate of Commission Total
000 Commission Income
P 13 798 P278 000 5%
P 13 798 P278 000 P14 535
P 13 798 6% P20 550
1. Answering questions:
a. What is the basic salary of the sales agent?
b. How much is his total sales?
c. What is the rate of commission of sales agent B?
2. Lead the pairs of pupils analyze and find the answer in the table by using the steps in Activity
1 number 2-a to h.
2. Fixing Skills:
Find the missing data
Total Sales Rate of Commission Basic Salary Total
Commission Income
1. 20% P600 P14 467
2. 18 % P1 620 P20 536
3. P15 000
4. P120 000 20% P45 000
5. P80 000 15% P20 000

3. Generalization:
How do you solve the commission? Rate of commission? Total sale? And total income?

IV. Evaluation:
Complete the table.
Basic Salary Total Sales Rate of Commission Total
Commission Income
1. P 15 000 P120 000 20%
2. P14 500 P300 000 P45 000 P59 500
3. P30 000 P170 000 25%
4. P18 000 18% P81 0000
5. P50 000 P800 000 P160 000

V. Assignment:
Solve the problem:
1. A salesman sells a car for P860 000. If he receives a commission of 20%, how much will be his
2. A salesman is working on 8% commission. If he wants to make P14 000 commission in a month,
how much must he sell?

Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Solve the problems involving sales tax, rate of sales tax, selling price

Value: Honesty and truthfulness

II. Learning Content:

Solving word problems involving sales tax, selling price

References: BEC-PELC II L. 4.3

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: Math textbook

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Opening a Song: Solving Problem
2. Mental Computation:
Drill on Finding the Rate, Base or Percentage
Strategy 1: - Role Play
Materials: 4 rolled papers numbered 1-4, table for each team having column for
percentage, rate base.
1. Have the 4 teams prepare flashcards where each card has question on rate, base or
2. Let the leader of the team draw the numbered rolled paper to determine the first, second, third
or fourth teacher.
3. The teacher from the team flashes the card and the other 3 teams answer on the board for
their own table.
4. The team with the highest score wins.

3. Motivation:
Every year, your parents pay an amount to the government. What do you call this amount
paid to the government?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Activity – Completing the Table
Sample: Look for the missing data.

Item Selling Price Rate of Sales Sales Tax Total Cost of

Tax the Item
House and Lot P3,5000,000 6%
Second Hand P950,000 P997,500
Second Hand 4% P10,000

1. Answer the question:

a. How much is the selling price of the house and lot?
b. What item has a selling price of P950,000?
c. What rate of sales tax does the house and lot have? Jeepney?

2. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:

Complete the table.

Selling Price Rate of Sales Tax Sales Tax Total Cost

1. P200 3%
2. P680 P34 P795
3. P750 P795
4. P2500 8%
5. 6% P300

3. Generalization:
How do you solve for sales tax, rate o sales tax and selling price?

IV. Evaluation:
Fill in the data to complete the table.
Selling Price Rate of Sales Tax Sales Tax Total Cost
1. P1,600 3% P48
2. P4,500 6% P4770
3. P900 4%
4. P9,000 P720
5. P600 P10,600

V. Assignment:
Analyze and solve the problem.
1) A lady bag worth P1500 is given a sales tax of 6°%o. How much will a buyer pay for the bag?
2) A food item is given a sales tax of P22.40 or 4% paid by the customer. How much is selling price
of the item? How much is the total cost paid by the customer?
3) A sales tax for an item is P125. The cost is P3125. What is the ratio of the sales tax? How much
is the selling Price?

Date: ___________

I. Objective:

Solve the word problem involving simple interest, principal, rate and time


II. Learning Content:

Solving word problem in simple interest, principal, rate and time

References: BEC PELC L. 3. 4. 4

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: Math textbooks

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Opening song: (Math Song)

2. Mental Computation: Drill on finding

the rate, base or percentage
a. Activity 1 – Role Play
Materials: Each member of the team prepare question.
1) Form 4 teams.
2) One member of each team takes turn to flash their cards and the rest of the pupils
3) The teacher writes the score of each team and checks the answer
4) The teacher determines which team gets the highest score and declares as the winner.

3. Motivation:
Who has seen a bank book? What can you see in it? Does it have an interest? What about the

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
a. Activity 1 - Use of Compatible Numbers Sample:
Rhoda has a deposit of P5 000 in a saving account for 2 years. If the bank pars
simple interest at the rate of 6%, how much interest will she receive?
1) Answering the questions:
a) Who has a saving account m a bank?
b) How much is her deposit'
c) If you are Rhoda will you open a saving account in the bank? Why? 2) Lead the
pairs of pupils analyze and solve the problem.
a) Ask the pupils to look for what the problem tells them to find.
b) Have them know which of the given facts are the needed data and the hidden
c) Help them construct question about the hidden fact.
d) Have them decide what operations to use to solve the problem.
e) Ask them to express the hidden question/whole problem to an equation

2. Practice Exercises:
1) Three years ago, Ruby borrowed P12 000. if she paid back P15 200, what was the rate of
simple interest?
2) Laura applied a loan of P8 000 at a yearly interest of 10%. If she paid back the credit
union of P9 600, what is time period of her loan?

3. Generalization:
How do you solve for the simple interest? rate of interest? and time?

IV. Evaluation:
Analyze and solves the problems.
Lilia invested P75 000 at 5.75% simple interest for 2 years. How much did she earn? 1)
The rate of interest is _______.
2) The principal is _______.
3) The time covered _______.
4) The equation to be used to find the interest and total amount of money are: a) _______.
b) _______.
5) The amount of interest Lilia's money earned was _______.

V. Assignment:
1) Nena borrowed P75 000 from a credit union. At the end of 2 years he has to pay back at 8%
interest. How much is the interest?
2) Ricardo's father borrows P90 000 from a financial institution. At the end of 2 3/4 years he has to
pay an interest rate of 20%. How much will he pay back the financial institution in all?
3) Rolando has P20000 in his savings account. If the rate of interest is 4 1/2% a year, how much
interest does his money earn? How much money will he have in all?
Make simple predictions

Awareness and Sensitivity to the Things Around Us

II. Learning Content:

Computing common percentage mentally

References: BEC-PELC II M.1.

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: Math Textbooks

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Opening Song: “Pagdating ng

Date: ___________

I. Objective:


2. Motivation:
Discuss the message of the song relating prediction. Which line in the song tells what you want
to occur will likely to happen? Will unlike to happen? Fair or even chance to happen impossible
to happen? Or certainly to happen?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
a. Activity 1 - Use of Observable Things Around Us
Decode which of the following will likely to happen, unlikely to happen, fair or even
chance to happen, impossible to happen, or certainty to happen. Write your answer before
the number.
_____ 1) A couple can not afford to have an ULTRASOUND and they are waiting for a
newborn baby. They fell that the unborn baby is a girl.
_____ 2) The sun sets in the south.
_____ 3) It is cloudy today. Then it will not rain.

2. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:

Which of the followings can be considered as unlikely to happen, likely to happen, equally
likely to happen, impossible to happen or certainly to happen or certainly the answer before the
_____ 1) When one is seated he is rested.
_____ 2) When a man sleeps, he snores.
_____ 3) A man in the bathroom always takes a bath.

3. Generalization:
Expected Question:
How do you make simple prediction?

IV. Evaluation:
Make a prediction on the following situations are likely to happen, unlikely to happen, equally likely
to happen, impossible to happen and certainly to happen.
_____ 1) Reading books makes a man wiser.
_____ 2) When one sharpens his saw, he sharpens his thinking skills. _____
3) When mother takes a bath, father is coming home.

V. Assignment:
Predict simply on the following situation in terms of likely to happen, unlikely to happen, equally
likely to happen, impossible to happen or certainly to happen.
_____ 1) When one is in pensive mood, he thinks deeply.
_____ 2) When one stares at nothing, he has depression.
_____ 3) Not all gold glitters.
Tell the number of favorable outcomes/chances

Having faith in life

II. Learning Content:

Telling number of favorable outcomes/chances

References: BEC-PELC II M.2

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: ratio cards, spinner, die, lettercards

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Opening Song: “Pagdating ng
Panahon” sung by Aiza Seguerra.

2. Motivation:
Now man sides does a coin have?
If you are to toss a coin, what is the chance that your can will land head?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
a. Activity 1 - Spin a wheel
1) Have a spinner having 6 equal-size sections which appear below:

2) Have each member of the tea spins the wheel while a recorder writes what section is
pointed by the pointer.
3) Ask each member to relate the number of favorable outcomes each section has as
indicated by the pointer to the number of possible outcomes like: P( ) = 1/6 (in case
it points to the )

2. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:

A bag has marbles with 1 blue, 3 green, 2 red and 2 yellow.
Find the probability of:
a. drawing 1 blue marble
b. drawing 3 green marbles
c. drawing 2 red marbles
d. drawing 2 yellow marbles

3. Generalization:
How do you tell the number of favorable outcomes/chances?

IV. Evaluation:

Date: ___________

I. Objective:

Study a spinner numbered 1 to 8 is spun.
What is the probably of spinning: a)
an odd number?
b) divisor of 9
c) multiple of 2
d) composite number
e) a factor 18
f) a smallest even number
g) multiple of 10
h) greatest common factor of 24 and 32
i) spinning 10

V. Assignment:
Study the cards with letters.

One card is draw from a well-shuffled 9 lettered cards. What is the probability of drawing a
card/card having letter/s a. L,O,V,E
b. M,A,T
c. I
d. V,E
e. Y
Visualize integers in their order on a number line

Appreciation for use of number line in understanding/visualizing integers

II. Learning Content:

Visualizing Integers in Their Order on a Number Line

References: BEC-PELC II N.1

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: flashcards, handkerchief, bingo card, markers

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Mental Computation: PEMDAS on
Whole numbers
Play "Agawan Panyo"
1) Divide the class into 2 groups
2) Call on a volunteer to act as arbiter. He; she stays at the center of the platform and holds
the handkerchief. The handkerchief is allowed to dangle in the arbiter's hand.
3) A member of each group stays at the tack of the classroom and stands at the center aisle.
4) Teachers flashes an equation
Examples: 10-2.3 = 34-(5+8) = 7.3 + 24 ÷ 8 =

2. Review: Finding the Probability of

Some Events 1) Divide the class into 3
2) Show to them a bag containing marbles; 4 blue, 2 red, 1 white and 3 green marbles.
3) On a random draw, ask for the probability of the following events to happen.
a) P (picking a blue marble)
b) P (picking a green marble)
c) P (picking a red marble)
d) P (picking a white marble)
4) Call a volunteer to do the act of drawing the marbles. 5)
Discuss the answers.

3. Motivation:
Teacher does the following actions and volunteers do the opposite actions.
a) walk forward d) shake head
b) sit down e) frown
c) laugh

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
a. Activity 1
1) Draw a number line on the board.
2) Tell the class that numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... are the set of counting numbers. Zero,
together with the set of counting numbers are the set of whole numbers.
3) Show in the mirror image of 1 on the number line.
4) Introduce the set of integers and the set of whole numbers and their opposites. 5)
Give more examples.

2. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills: Write

the integer for each.
1) deposit P400.00
2) 56° below 0
3) gained 7 kilos
4) 250 km north
5) 12° C below 0°C

3. Generalization:

Date: ___________

I. Objective:

What are integers? How does the number line help you in understanding/visualizing

IV. Evaluation:
Write the integers for each.
1) 600 m above the ground
2) lost 15 points
3) saved P20.00
4) spent P35.00
5) withdrawal of P1,500.00 card wins.

V. Assignment:
Illustrate the following in the number line.
1) The set of integers greater than-3 and less than 2
2) The set of integers greater than-5 and less than 5
3) The set of integers less than-0 and greater than -7
4) The set of integers less than 8 and greater than 5
5) The set of integers i s than-3 and greater than -10
Compare Integers


II. Learning Content:

Comparing Integers

References: BEC-PELC N.2

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: number line, flashcard, number cards

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Mental Computation: Name the
15 units right of -50
3 units to the right of 0
1 unit to the left of +5

2. Review: Naming Integers using the

Number Line.
Draw a number line and use it to identify the integers described.
1. 7 units to the left of 0
2. 3 units to the right of +6
3. 6 units to the left of -2

3. Motivation: Using the number line.

a) What are the numbers to the right of zero? Are they greater than 0?
• In general, is zero less than all positive inters? Why or why not?
b) What are the numbers to the left of zero? Are they less than 0?
• In general, is zero greater than all negative integers? Why?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
a) Discuss how to compare integers using the symbols>, <or=.
b) Elicit the following:
• Zero is greater than all negative integers but smaller than all positive integers.
• All positive integers are greater than all negative integers; all negative integers are
less than al positive integers.

2. Fixing Skills:
Write >,< or =.
a) - 4  -8 d) 5 units right of-6 
b) - 10  0 e) units left of 12
c) 8  9 f) -150  -149

3. Generalization:
How will you compare integers using> < or =?

IV. Evaluation:
A. Fill in the box with either >,< or =.
1) 25  -25 4) 9  -9
2) -16  -16 5) 150  149
3) -15  -14 6) 200  200

V. Assignment:
Write the integers for each then >, < or = to compare them.
1) 20° below 0  150 below 0
2) 1500 ft. above the ground  1500 ft. below the ground
3) basement of a building  rooftop of a building
4) 7° below 0°C  7° C above 0°C

Date: ___________

I. Objective:

Order integers in increasing/decreasing order


II. Learning Content:

Ordering integers in increasing/decreasing order

References: BEC-PELC II. N.3.

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: flashcards, activity cards

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Mental Computation: Comparing
1. Teacher flashes cards like the following:
-7 7 12  0 -8  -9

2. Review: Fill in the box with < , > or =

a) 0 -8 d) 15  -15
b) -5  -4 e) 0  -1
c) 20  20 f) -1  +1

3. Motivation:
a) Call 10 boys to come in front.
b) Call another pupil to arrange the boys according to their weight by just looking at them.
c) After doing that, ask the 10 boys their actual weight in kilograms. d) Ask:
Are they correctly arranged? In what order?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
a) Base Method
1) Prepare 4 bases and tasks for eats base.
a) Divide the class into groups of4.
b) Each group goes from one base to another within a given :;me, say 3 minutes.
c) Once they hear the buzzer, that signals them to move to the next base. 2) Each group
has to solve the problems in each base.

2. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:

1) Arrange the following in increasing; ascending order.
a) -5, 10, -12, 7, 15, -25, 0
b) 0,-9,-15,+12,-4,+7

3. Generalization:
What are the ways of ordering integers?

IV. Evaluation:
Arrange the integers in each group in:
1) Ascending Order a) -3, 2,
4, -1
b) -6, 10, 8, 13, -12
c) 5, -4, -12, 6 2)
Descending Order
a) 0,-1, 9,-3,7
b) -3, 0, 4, -6, 6
c) 4, 12, 0, -15, -18

V. Assignment:
Arrange each set of integers in descending order.
1) -8, -5, -1, -9, -1, 1
2) +2, +6, +11, +2, +15
3) -26, 33, -45, 17 ,3
4) 70,-90, -46, 80, 6
5) -6, 16, -25, -16, 44

Date: ___________

I. Objective:

Visualize the different spatial figures

Appreciation of various figures in the environment

II. Learning Content:

Visualizing spatial figures

References: BEC-PELC III. A. 1.1

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: flashcards, paper robot, ball, funnel, art paper, scissors, real objects

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Mental Computation: Solving for
Perimeter and Area
14 cm
Example: 5m 6 cm

2. Review: Review previous lesson. Give

2 examples

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
a. Activity
1) Introduce the different spatial figures. Let the students describe the characteristics of
each figure.
2) Ask what is common among all the spatial figures?
3) Present a paper robot whose parts are made up of spatial figures.
4) Ask the students to identify the spatial figures represented by each part by completing
the chart below.

Activity 1
Parts of the Robot Spatial figures Represented
Head Ex. Cube
Body Rectangular prism

2. Fixing Skills:
Identify the spatial figure represented y the following:
1) ball ______ 3) funnel ______ 5) tent ______
2) globe ______ 4) test tube ______ 6) dice ______

3. Generalization:
What are the different spatial figures? Describe each lone.
What are their common characteristics?
IV. Evaluation:
Name the spatial figures resembles to the following objects below:
1. box
2. ball
3. dice
4. ice cream cone
5. globe

V. Assignment:
Construct each spatial figures using art paper
1. a blue pyramid
2. a black cone
3. a yellow cube
4. a green rectangular prism
5. a red cylinder
6. a violet sphere

Date: ___________

I. Objective:

Describe the different spatial figures


II. Learning Content:

Describing Spatial Figures

References: PELC III A. 1. 2

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: cartolina, scissors, paste, flashcards, spatial figures, handkerchief

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Mental Computation Drill: Solving
for Perimeter/Area of Plane Figures
Ex: 18cm
P=? 8m A=?
12 cm

2. Review: Identifying Spatial Figures

What are the different spatial figure?
Give examples of real objects that are models of spatial figures.

3. Motivation:
1) Group the pupils into Learning Barkadas.
2) Provide each group pieces of used folders, scissors and paste.
3) Let them make some spatial figures, out of these materials. 4) The first to make 3 will be
declared as winners.

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
Present the lesson through this activity: a.
Call the winners.
1) Let them show the spatial figures they made that are different from the first group. 2)
Have them describe each and identify its parts.
b. Matching Game
1) Blindfold a volunteer pupil.
2) Let him/her hold a spatial figure.
3) Let him/her identify e1 describe it.

2. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:

Match Column A with Column B.
A. B.
____ 1) The base is a polygon and its faces are triangles a) rectangular
____ 2) A spatial figure with a polygonal base whose b) cone
edges meet at a common vertex
____ 3) a spatial figure having a circular base and c) pyramid
one vertex
____ 4) A spatial figure with 2 parallel congruent faces d) cylinder
called bases and the other faces are parallelograms

____ 5) A spatial figure with 2 circular bases, no edge e) triangular prism

circular bases, no edge and no vertex

3. Generalization:
What is prism? What are the kinds of Prism? Describe.

IV. Evaluation:
Complete the table.
Spatial Figure No. of Faces No. of Edges No. of Vertices
1. Cube
2. Rectangular prism
3. sphere
4. cylinder
5. triangular pyramid

V. Assignment:
Cut out pictures of objects from newspapers or magazines that are models of spatial figures.
Describe each.

Date: ___________

I. Objective:

Derive the area formulas of plane figures


II. Learning Content:

Deriving Area Formulas and Solving for Areas of Plane Figures

References: BEC-PELC III. 1.3

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: flashcards, pictures, bond papers, ruler, pencil

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Mental Computation Drill: Finding
Perimeter of Polygons

2. Motivation:
1. Show the following:

2. What is the perimeter of each?

3. How many square units are there in each figure?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
a. Introduce are.
Derive formula for the area of a square and rectangular.
A  = S2 A  = l x w
b. Next, derive the area formula of the following: Show step-by-step process.
1) Parallelogram 3. trapezoid 5. circle
2) rhombus 4. triangle
2. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:
Draw the given figure with its dimension. Write its formula in finding its area then solve:
1. a rectangle whose length is 15 cm and its width is 10 cm
2. a square whose side is 3.5 m
3. a circle a radius of is 5.2 dm

3. Generalization:
What is the area formula and how do you solve for the area of the following?

IV. Evaluation:
A. Write the area formula of the following:
1) rectangle 5) parallelogram
2) square 6) trapezoid
3) cirde 4) 7) rhombus

V. Assignment:
Solve. Show neat and clear solutions.
1) A rice field is in the form of a parallelogram. If its base is 38 m and its height is 25 m, how many
square meters can be planted with rice?
2) The side of a roof is triangular in shape. If its side has a base which measures 6 m and an altitude
of 3.2 m, what is its area?
3) The bases of a trapezoid measure 10 m and 15.5 m while the height is 8 m. what is its area?

Date: ___________

I. Objective:

Derive a formula in finding the surface area of a solids

Preciseness and accuracy

II. Learning Content:

Deriving Formulas and Solving for Surface Areas of Solids

References: PELC III. A. 1.4

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: number and label cards, cartolina, different spatial figures, measuring device

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Mental Computation: Solving for
Areas of Plane Figures
1. Divide the class into 2 groups
2. Give each group a set of number and label cards.
3. The teacher read a word problem on area.
Ex: A square garden measures 9m on one side. How big is it?
4. Each group forms a correct answer.
5. The first group to form the correct answer gets 1 point.
6. The group with the most number of points wins.

2. Motivation:
1. Show a cube.
a) How many faces does it have?
b) What is the shape of each face?
c) Are the faces congruent?
d) What is the formula for the area of squire?

B. Developmental Activity:
1. Presentation:
a. Define surface are.
b. Based on the answers to the above questions, derive the formula for the surface area of
the following :
 Cube, rectangular prism, cylinder, cone, Read each problem then solve pyramid
and sphere
c. Activity (In Groups of 4)
1) Give each group a spatial figure. Fox ex., a show box
2) Let each group measure the dimensions of their spatial figure and solve for its surface
3) Presentation for each group follows.
4) Discuss importance of being precise and accurate in measuring the dimensions of the
spatial figures in order also the have an accurate measurement of surface area for
2. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:
Write the formula then solve.
1. the cube whose edge is 15 cm
2. a bail whose radius is 5.5 cm
3. a cylinder whose base is 2.3 m in radius

3. Generalization:
Review the formulas in solving for surface areas of solids. Recall how to use these formulas
in solving for surface area.

IV. Evaluation:
Find the surface area of the following: Give the formula then solve.

V. Assignment:
1) A milk can has a radius of 4cm and a height of 11 cm. How much tin was used in making it?
2) A closed cone model has a radius of 7 cm and a height of 12 cm. And the amount of material used
in making the cone?
3) A pyramid has a square base of side24 cm and the height of each triangular face is 16 cm. Find
the surface area of the pyramid.
4) A close rectangular subdivision water tank, 7 m by 5 m, is to be painted all over.
Tell the unit of measure used for the surface areas of solids

Handling materials/objects carefully

II. Learning Content:

1. Determine the unit of measure used for the surface areas of solids 2. Sowing for surface
2. Solving the surface area

References: PELC III. A.2

Enfolding Mathematics VI

Date: ___________

I. Objective:

Materials: spatial figures, puzzle, measuring devices

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Mental Computation Drill: Solving
for areas of Plane Figures

2. Review: Formulas for Area (Plane

Match the picture with the formula for area:

3. Motivation:
1) Divide the class into groups of 4.
2) Provide each group a set of laboratory apparatus that are models of spatial figures like
cylinder, prism, dice, globe, funnel, Erlenmeyer flask.
3) Let them find the dimensions using some measuring devices.
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
a. Let there write a formula in solving for the surface area of each object.
b. Let them solve for the surface area of each object.
c. Have then explain the following:
1) What measuring devices did you use?
2) What formula did you use in finding the surface area of each object?
3) What unit of measure did you use?
4) Why do you have to indicate the unit of measure?

Valuing: Laboratory apparatus are sensitive materials.

2. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:

Solve for what is missing in each number:
1) r = 5 cm, h = 15 cm, SA = ________
2) 1 = 8.5cm,w = 6cm,h = 4cm, SA _______
3) The side of cube measures 43.6. Is it possible to solve the problem? Why?

3. Generalization:
What are the units of measure used in solving for surface areas of
solids? Why is it important to indicate the unit of measurement?
How do we solve for surface area of solids? What are the formulas used?

IV. Evaluation:
Solve the following problems:
1) A triangular prism measures 10 cm by 15 cm by 16 cm. What unit of measure should we use in
finding its surface area? Why?
2) You are to wrap a box at the right to make it beautiful. What measuring device will you use to
find out how much wrapper is needed? What is the appropriate unit of measure?
3) A cylinder of radius 9 cm and a height of 20 cm has a surface area of 1,639.08. What is missing
in the situation presented?

V. Assignment:
Create one problem for each spatial figure on finding its inches. surface area. Provide your own
answer key.

Date: ___________

I. Objective:
 Find the area formula of a parallelogram

Value: Orderliness

II. Learning Content:

Finding the area of a parallelogram

References: BEC-PELC III. A. 3.2

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: flashcards, cartolina

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill: Mental Computation –Basic
Multiplication Facts
15 x 10 = 42 x 2 = 8x9= 16 x 3 = 16 x 3 =

2. Review: Find the area of the following

1) r = 5 cm, h = 15 cm, SA = ________
2) 1 = 8.5cm, w = 6cm, h = 4cm, SA _______

3. Motivation:
1) Present the problem on the board:
Justin is making a mosaic fro tiles that are one centimeter in area. Before he work on
his mosaic, Justin draws a diagram of what he plans to do. How many tiles will he need
for the parallelogram design he made?

2) Ask the questions:

a) What is Justin making?
b) Was he right in planning first the things he wants to do?
c) If you were Justin, how would you find the number of tiles needed for the mosaic?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
a. Activity 1 — Use of Illustrations
Present the lesson through the following activities:
1) Provide the class with cartolina. Have them copy the illustration given above.
2) Task:
a) What is the measurement of the base and the height of the parallelogram?
b) Cut one end of the parallelogram and slid it to the other end.
c) You should have a rectangular with the same base and height as the
d) Base on the illustration, what is the area formula of a parallelogram?
Ans: Multiply the length of the base by the length of the height.
Area of parallelogram: b x h

2. Practice Exercises:
Find the area of each parallelogram region.
1) b = 4in; h = 91n 4) 3) b = 4.6mm; h = 2.8mm
2) b = 5.4m; h = 6m 4) b = l0cm; h = 7cm

3. Generalization:
How do you find the area formula of a parallelogram?

IV. Evaluation:
Find the area formula, then solve.

h = 27 m Formula = _____ Formula = n_____

b = 38 m Area = _____ Area = _____

V. Assignment:

Find the area formula of a triangle

Wise use of time

II. Learning Content:

Find the area of a triangle

Date: ___________

I. Objective:

References: BEC-PELC III. A. 3.2
Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: plane figures like triangles, parallelograms

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Mental Computation Drill:
Naming ½ of each of the following mentally

2. Review: Giving the area of

1. b = 3.5 ft; h = 2.25 ft
2. b = 10 cm; h = 7 cm
3. b = 6.3 yd; h = 12 yd

3. Motivation:
1. Present the problem on the board
Jenn is planting carabao grass in his triangular front lawn. She bought enough carabao
grass to cover 25 square meters. What could be the best way for Jenn to do to be sure she
has enough carabao grass tocover the lawn?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
1. Divide the class into groups with 4 members each.
2. Provide 2 congruent triangles and a parallelograms.
3. Task:
a. Find the area formula of a triangle by using the materials given to you. Prove your
b. Do whatever you think will give you the concrete idea for the area formula of a triangle.

2. Fixing Skills:
Write the formula in finding its area, then solve.

3. Generalization:
How do you find the area formula of a triangle?
IV. Evaluation:
Identify the base and the height for each figure. Write the formula then solve.

V. Assignment:
Create your own word problems involving area of a triangle.

Date: ___________

I. Objective:

Find the area formula of a trapezoid


II. Learning Content:

Finding the area of a trapezoid

References: BEC-PELC III. A. 3

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: flashcards, paper

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Mental Computation Drill:
Basic Multiplication facts

2. Review: Area of a triangle

3. Motivation:
1. Present the problem on the board
Raven’s lot is trapezoid in shape. She wants to plant Bermuda grass all over the area. She
knew that Bermuda grass are bought per square meter. How will Raven know the number
of square meters of Bermuda grass she has to buy?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
a. Activity - Modeling
1. Provide a paper to each group.
2. Copy this trapezoid on squared-rolled paper.
3. Make another trapezoid of exactly the same size and shape.

4. What figure results when you doubled the trapezoid?

2. Practice Exercises/Fixing
Skills: Write the area formula then solve.
1) a = 15 cm 2) a = 18 m 3) b1 = 29.7cm
b = 21 cm b = 25.5m b2 = 42.5 cm
h = 13 cm h = 15.7m h = 35.9cm

3. Generalization:
How do you find the area formula of a trapezoid? Is there an effect in the area of a trapezoid
if the height is taken on either side? Why What is the area formula of a trapezoid?

IV. Evaluation:
Find the area of the trapezoid.

V. Assignment:
Create 5 own word problems finding the area of a trapezoid.
Write a formula or equation in solving for the surface area of a solid figure


II. Learning Content:

Writing a Equation or Formula to Solve for the Surface Area of Solids

References: PELC III A. 5.1

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: space figures, activity cards, flashcards, blacks strips with phrases, manila paper

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Mental Computation Drill:
Solving for Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures
1) Call on a volunteer from each Learning Barkada.
2) As the teacher flashes the 9 cards, the contestants will give the answer orally.
3) Whoever gives the correct answer, he/she make one step forward.
4) The first to reach the finish line, wins. 2. Review — Guessing Game

Date: ___________

I. Objective:


2. Motivation:
1) Black strips with phrases will be put on top of the table, disarranged.
A cylindrical tank
is 2.6 m high if
the radius of its
base is 2.6 m,
what is its
surface area?
2) The teacher flashes 5 problems written in such manner as the one shown above, one at a
3) Pupil will read the problem as fast as they can.
4) Have them write a formula or equation in solving for what is being asked in the problem.
5) After flashing all the problems, have the children read their answers for problems 1-5.

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
a. Post the problem on the board so that the children can take a look at them.
1. A girl is playing with a ball with radius 30 cm. Find the surface area of the ball.
2. Find the surface area of a rectangular prism which is 45 an long, 36 cm wide and
2.24 cm high.
b. Ask the following:
1) What is common to problems 1-5?
2) How do you solve for the surface area of a spatial figure?
3) What should be the formula in solving for the surface area of a solid?

2. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:

What is the formula in solving the surface area of.
1) square pyramid ____
2) cube ____
3) rectangular prism ____
4) triangular prism ____
5) sphere ____

IV. Evaluation:
Read the problem carefully. Write the formula or equation for each;
1. Find the surface area of a square pyramid if the length of the side of one base is 2.4 m and the
height of the triangular face is 4.9 m
2. Find the surface area of a rectangular prism if the length is 2m, the width is 3 m and the height is
1.2 m.

V. Assignment:
Write the formula or equation in solving the surface area of the following:
Tell the unit of measure used for measuring the volume of solids

Being responsible

II. Learning Content:

Naming the unit of measure used of volume of solids

References: BEC-PELC III. B. 1.1

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: concrete objects and cutout objects of solid figures

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Mental Computation Drill: Finding
area of Plane Figure
1) Teacher flashes pictures of plane figures with given dimensions.
2) Two students at a time, solve mentally for the area..The first to give the correct answer is
challenged by another student in class.
3) Continue this until everyone in class has participated.

2. Review: Math the drawing /cutout

picture with the name of the space
figure it represents:

Date: ___________

I. Objective:


3. Motivation:
Present a story problem
Each group in the class is required to bring rectangular boxes for planting seedlings for their
EPP class. However, only Group 3 brought their box. Their teacher showed it to the class. He
asked, "if it is to be filled with soil, how much soil does it contain?"

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
a. Discuss the problem:
1) What is our problem all about?
2) What can you say about Group 3? Other groups?
3) What are we asked to find?

b. Activity – Group Activity

Let the pupils go back again to the story problem. Let then discuss and answer the
following questions:
1) Is the length, width, and height of the rectangular box given?
2) What metric unit of length should be used for its length, width and height?
3) For example the unit of length used is centimeter, what cubic unit of measure should
be used to find its volume?

2. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:

Give the appropriate unit of measure to used in finding the volume of
a. room _______ c. globe _______ e. baseball _______
b. shoebox _______ d. refrigerator _______

3. Generalization:
What is the unit measure used for measuring the volume of solid?

IV. Evaluation:
Use cm3, m3, to tell what cubic unit of measure is appropriate to be used?
1. box of chocolate
2. tent
3. glass
4. gymnasium
5. mathbook

V. Assignment:
Give the cubic unit of measure, for finding the volume of the following:
1. a box 44 cm by 9cm by 6cm
2. a cone with height 9dm and radius 4 fm
3. a cabinet 1.2m by 0.9m by 0.5m
4. a ball with radius 10 cm
5. a cylindrical tank 25 dm long and radius 8 dm
Date: ___________


 Convert one cubic unit of measure to a larger or smaller unit

Value: Humility

II. Learning Content:

Conversation of one cubic unit of measure to a larger or smaller unit

References: BEC-PELC III. B. 1.2

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: chart, show me cards, flashcards

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Mental Computation Drill:
Answer the following
a. 3 m = _____ cm
b. 40 cm = _____ dm
c. 5 km = _____ m

2. Review:
Checking of assignment

3. Motivation:
Present a dialogue….pp.244

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
1. What is the smallest unit of measure? The next? Etc.
2. Let each group list down the different cubic units of measure in the metric system.
mm3 cm3 m3 dm3 dam3 hm3 km3
3. Guide them in giving the different of one cubic unit to the next cubic unit.
Ex: How many cu. Mm are there in 1 cu. Cm?
Do this until they reach cu.km

2. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:

1. Change each of the following to cu. nom:
a. 8 cm3 b. 15 m3 c. 6.1 dm3
2. Change each of the following Cu. cm:
a. 27 m3 b. 4.95 dm3 c. 6.226 mm3

3. Generalization:
How do we convert one cubic unit of measure to its larger or smaller equivalence?

IV. Evaluation:
Find the blanks:

V. Assignment:

Date: ___________

I. Objective:

Devide a formula for finding the volume of rectangular prisms.


II. Learning Content:

Volume of rectangular Prism

References: PELC III B. 1.3

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: transparent rectangular container, small cubes, Rubik’s cube

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Mental Computation Drill: Solving for
Areas of Plane Figures
Play “Pass-It’On”
1) Teacher divides the class into 6 groups (per column).
2) Teacher instructs the students in front to prepare a piece of paper (1/4 sheet), which will
be their groups answer sheet.
3) Teacher shows a picture of a plane figure with given dimensions.
4) Students in front solve mentally for the area and write their answer on the pi8ece of
paper, with the proper label…………TM..pp.246

2. Review: Review in solving for the

areas of the following: Square,
Rectangle, Parellelogram, Trapezoid,

3. Motivation:
Show a rubik’s cube.
A Rubik’s cube is a 3 x 3 x 3 cube that can be manipulated so that each face of the cube
will have the same design.
1) What do you call this project?
2) Do you know to play it? How?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
a. Tell the class that the number of small cubes that make up the Rubiks cube its
b. Activity – Group Work
Materials: Work sheet, 1 transparent rectangular container, small cubes.
Procedure: Fill the container with small cubes until its upper portion is reached.
Guide Question:
1) What kind of solid figure is the container?
2) How many cubes did you put inside the rectangular container?
3) How can you find the number of cubes in the container without counting then all?
a) Count the cubes in lone layer. Ex. 4x2=8 cubes
b) Count the layers. Ex.: 3 layers
c) How many cubes in all? 8x3=24 cubes
2. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:
Find the missing number
1) V = 372 cu m 2. V = 1232 cm l = 31 m
l = 11 cm w = ___ w = 8 cm
h=3m h = ____

3. Generalization:
How do you solve for the volume of rectangular prism? What is the formula used?

IV. Evaluation:
Complete the table find the volume of each.
Length Width Height Volume
1) 9 dm 8.6 dm 5 dm
2) 1.4 m 1.5 m 1.8 m
3) 40 cm 15 cm 24 cm
4) 18.5 cm 9.4 cm 15 cm
5) 5 ¾ 4½m 7 2/3 m

V. Assignment:
Complete the table
Length 15 cm 8.2 dm 5½m ______ 2.3 cm
Width 9 cm 4.7 dm 2 ¼ cm ______
Height 7 cm 2.6 dm 4 3/8 9 m 2.6 m
Volume _____ _____ ______ 756 m3 17.94

Derive a formula for finding the volume of cylinders

Importance of conserving water/thrift

II. Learning Content:

Finding the volume of cylinders

References: BEC-PELC III B.1.3

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: cardboards, paste/tape, illustrations, chalk, eraser, illustration board ruler

Date: ___________

I. Objective:


III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Mental Computation Drill: Solving for Volumes of Prisms
a) Teacher divides the class into 6 groups (per column). Each group is provided an
illustration board (1/4), chalk and eraser.
b) Teacher flashes a card with the dimensions of prism. For ex:
L = 8 cm w = 5 cm h=10 cm
B = 18 m3 h=3m
L = 1/2 m w1/5 m h=1/4 m
c) The first student from each group solves mentally for the volume of the prism and writes
the answer on the illustration board provided for them.

2. Review: Finding the Volume of Prisms

Formula: V = Bh where B = are of the base
H = height of the prism
a) An aquarium is 60 cm long, 20 ctrl wide and 30 cm high. How much water can it hold?
V = Bh
= (1x)xh
= 60 x 20 x 30 = 36,000 cm3

3. Motivation:
Present a story problem:
Water is indispensable because of its many uses. However some places have little supply
of water. People need to store water using jars, plastic containers, drums ……pp 248

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
a) Let each group/pair discuss the following questions acid record their answers or ideas.
Afterwards, they can share them to the class.
1) Why is water important? What are its uses?
2) Do you only need to conserve if your place have little supply of water? Why or
why not?
3) How can we conserve water?
1) Let the pupas illustrate the tank. Let them write/put the given data correctly. 2)
Review then write the formula for finding the volume of rectangular pry.
Where B = area of base H = height of prism
3) Do you think that solving for the volume of a cylinder is somewhat similar to that of a
prisms? Do we use the same formula V = Bh?
4) What specific formula do we use in finding volumes of cylinders? Elicit formula: V = п
r2 x h
5) What is the base area of the cylinder? How can we find the area of the base or the circle?
(Let them write the formula.) area of circle = п r2.

2. Practice Exercises:
Find the volume of the cylinder. Use п = 3.14
1. r = 2 cm 2. d = 10 mm 3. d = 20 dm
h = 9 cm h = 16 mm r=
V= V= h=
V = 4710
3. Generalization:
How can you find the volume of a cylinder?

IV. Evaluation:
Give the volume of each cylinder.
1. d = 200 mm 3. r = 1.5 dm r= h = 3.7 dm
h = 115 mm V = _____

2. B = 530.66 sq.m.
h = 18 cm
v = _____

V. Assignment:
Solve for what is being asked. Use the formula V h.
1. B = 15.3 86 dm h =13 dm V=
2. B = 2826 m2 h = 45 m V=
3. B = 7.065 cu. m. h = 4.7 m V=
4. B = 254.34 cm2 h = _____ V = 3306.42 cm3
5. B = 5.3 86 h =18 cm V = 6838.92 cm3
Derive a formula for finding the volume of cones


II. Learning Content:

Deriving a formula a solving for the volume of cones

References: BEC-PELC IV.B. 1.3

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: flashcards, different sizes of cans, sand, mongo beans, ruler, worksheets, ¼ cartolina

Date: ___________

I. Objective:

III. Learning Experiences:
A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Mental Computation Drill:
Multiplying Whole Numbers
Multiplying the following mentally
a. 15 x 4 b. 6 x 2 x 5 c. 8 x 13 d. 3 x 4 x 4

2. Review: Finding the Volume of

Prepare different sizes of cans
Each group will get one can and do the following:
 Measure its length and its radius in cm
 Find its volume
 Share the solution and answer to the class

3. Motivation:
Let the pupils give examples of objects that are conical shape. Have them define or
describe a cone.

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
Activity 1

Present a Story Problem:

Marie attended a birthday party. All children were be given party hats and ice cream in
cores One lithe girl accidentally dropped her ice 3-earn, so she started crying. Marie saw the
incident. She went over to the girls and gave her ice cream. The little girl gave her a big smile
and said "thank you". Marie was very happy.

a. What was the story all about?
b. Why was the little girl crying?
c. What did Marie do?
d. Why was Marie very happy?

2. Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills:

Find the missing dimension. Fill in the blanks
a. radius = 8m, height = ____; Volume = 602.88 m3
b. diameter = 14 cm, radius = _____; height = 5.1 cm, Volume = _____
c. r = ____, h = 2.1m , V = 19.782 m3

3. Generalization:
How do you find the volume of a cone? What is the formula used?

IV. Evaluation:
Solve for the volume of each cone:

V. Assignment:
Find the missing dimension. Use pie = 3.14
1) r = 2) r = 5 cm 3) B = 5,3066 m2
h = 8m h = 8m h = _____ h = ______
V = 301.44 cu. m. V = 235.5 m3 V = 2.6533 m3

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