Workplace Syllabus

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Arkansas Tech University

Workplace Supervision
Fall 2019
Course Title: Workplace Supervision
Course/Sec #: PS 4543 TC1
Instructor: Jennifer Saxton, M.S.
Phone: 479-890-1381 (cell)
479-356-6224 (office)
Feel free to call or text my cell between the hours of 7AM and 10PM
Please leave a voicemail if you call when I am unable to answer
Office: Online Learning Center, 715 N El Paso Ave, Russellville AR 72801
Office Hours: If you have questions about the course material, please call, text, or email. If
needed, we can schedule a time convenient to your schedule to meet in my office.
I am also available by Zoom Virtual Meeting.

Important Course Dates:

Course Begins – August 21, 2019
Last Day to Add – August 27, 2019
Last Day for 100% refund of tuition/fees – August 27, 2019
Attendance Date* – September 5, 2019
Last Day for 80% refund of tuition – September 5, 2019
Fall Break – October 10 – 11, 2019
Last Day to drop with “W” – November 20, 2019
Thanksgiving Holiday – November 27 – November 29, 2019
Course Ends – December 6, 2019

*The attendance date is the date that official attendance will be reported to the Registrar’s Office.
Attendance is measured as: physical attendance, submission of an assignment, OR completion of
Blackboard Attendance Accounting module. Students must attend the course before its unique
attendance date (not due date). There are no exceptions. Students not completing this requirement
will be submitted to the Registrar’s Office as “Did Not Attend” and will, subsequently, be dropped
from the course.

Course Description
This course provides an overview of various entry-level leadership and supervisory skills practiced
by professionals in the public and private sector. The leadership skills identified will focus on the
following competency areas: communication, employee coaching, project management, business
analysis, continuous improvement, and resource management and how they pertain to front-line
supervisors within the workplace.

Required Course Text
Humphrey, B. The 21st Century Supervisor. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 2000.

Supplemental Readings and Websites

Additional readings will be assigned from provided material or Internet resources posted in
Blackboard as necessary.

Justification for the Course

This course examines introductory supervisory styles as they apply to the competency areas related
to the projected learning outcomes in Department of Professional Studies. These competency
areas include: operations management, technology applications, facilities planning and
management, human resource management, fiscal management, and organizational behavior. The
course objectives will be applied directly to these competency areas and will focus on developing
the students’ front-line leadership skills.

Course Objectives
1. Identify skills necessary for today’s workplace supervisor which include People Skills,
Technical Skills, and Administrative Skills.
2. Understand principles of leadership as they apply to a supervisor for a company’s front
3. Understand how to implement and evaluate effective leadership strategies in the
4. Recognize the differences between the traditional supervisor and the 21st Century
5. Learn effective project and resource management skills.
6. Learn how to implement a diversity and inclusion training plan in the workplace.

How Course Meets General Education Requirements

The general education curriculum at Arkansas Tech University is designed to provide a foundation
for knowledge common to educated people and to develop the capacity for individuals to expand
that knowledge over his or her lifetime. The University has identified a set of comprehensive goals
that will allow students to accomplish these general education objectives. This course addresses
the following specific Arkansas Tech University general education goals:

Communicate effectively
Think critically
Develop ethical perspectives
Apply scientific and quantitative reasoning

The objectives will be achieved through textbook readings, supplemental readings, PowerPoint
presentations, on-line discussions, Flipgrid assignments, tests/quizzes, and individual assignments.

Technology Competencies
Students are expected to demonstrate mastery and appropriate application of related technology
competencies as determined by the Professional Studies Department. Those competencies
include: word processing (MS Office), PowerPoint (2007 version or ability to see later version of
power-point), on-line research, email, Blackboard, discussion board postings, and Flipgrid. The
use of a webcam or other video recording device, such as a smart phone, is required in this course.

Technology Issues
From time to time, you may experience a technical issue with the course. Before reaching out to
me, please try using a different browser to access the course. Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome
are the most compatible with Blackboard, so if you experience an issue in the course, please try
switching to one of these browsers first. If that doesn’t work, please contact Campus Support to
enlist their help. There is a link to ATU Technical Support within the course, in the Student
Resource Module (4 – Support Resources.) I’m happy to assist you, however I am not much help
when it comes to technical issues between programs and devices. Campus Support is in place for
issues such as these.

Course Announcements
Important correspondence related to the course will be posted in the Announcement section and
emailed to the class. Sometimes these will be lengthy…I will apologize in advance for that…but
any information I include in an announcement is really important and needs to be read as soon as
possible. Check the Announcement section each time you access the course to make sure you
haven’t missed any information.

Course Content Availability

Course content will be posted every week by 7 a.m. Central Time on the date specified in the
assignment checklist, unless noted otherwise. Course learning materials and corresponding
assignments are located in Blackboard under the “Course Content” tab. Module folders, which
are located in the Course Content section, will open at 7 a.m. and will be due at 11:59 p.m. on the
days specified in the course schedule. The late work acceptance policy is included beginning on
page 6 of this syllabus.

Throughout the course, assignments will be given to reinforce the student’s understanding of the
course material as well as to apply various management and leadership concepts. All assignments
will be posted in the “Course Content” tab in Blackboard under the respective module. All
assignments will be due by 11:59 p.m. Central Time on the due date specified on the “Assignment

Checklist” located in Blackboard. All assignments must be submitted through Blackboard in order
to receive credit.

There are two major projects assigned this term. The first project is a 7-week project beginning
the 3rd week of class where you will learn about diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The
project criteria will be given in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace content
folder. The second project is a final individual leadership project assigned for each student to
complete during the term. The project will focus on applying the different leadership concepts
presented in the course to a real world situation. The project criteria will be given in the Workplace
Supervision Final Project content folder.

Quizzes and Tests

There will be chapter quizzes for most chapters in the textbook discussed in the course. All quizzes
will be available and completed through the “Course Content” tab in Blackboard. The dates of the
quizzes are available in the “Assignment Checklist” located in the Course Information section of

Participation/Discussion Forums
Class conversations will take place through Blackboard Discussion Forums and Flipgrid Virtual
Discussions. Your initial response to the discussion forum is due within the first four days of the
module opening date (the initial posting deadline is posted with each discussion topic.) Your
original postings should show great depth of calculated thought. When creating a dialogue with a
colleague in class, respond to postings that capture your interest. Be selective. When responding
to another, state your reaction to what was said and add information that will spur further thought
on the subject. Perhaps someone else will follow up on your comment…just as we would in a face-
to-face class.

When posting to discussion forums, students are expected to communicate on a professional level:
formal language, correct use of grammar and spelling, no slang, etc. Courtesy and respect are
essential in all communications.

At a minimum, most forums will require you to post a response to the forum topic and reply to a
minimum of 1 other student. When responding to another student’s posts, your response should
be, at a minimum, 100 words. Remember, you will get out of the discussion forums what you put
into them. Discussion Forums will not be allowed to be made up if they are missed. Please see
the section for Discussion Forum Post Requirements located in the Course Information section in
Blackboard for additional important information.

Please see the section for Discussion Forum Post Requirements located in the Course and Text
Introduction Module for additional important information.

When posting to discussion forums, students are expected to communicate on a professional level:
formal language, correct use of grammar and spelling, no slang, etc. Courtesy and respect are
essential in all communications.

E-mail/Discussion Board Decorum

This is an online course; therefore a majority of our conversations will take place via
email/Blackboard. Please use common sense (no slang, use correct grammar, etc.) when sending
emails and posting to discussion forums. This is a college level course and you are expected to
be on a college-student level with your postings and emails. I do not expect perfection, but I do
expect you to be courteous and respectful.

Announcements and other course-related correspondence will be sent to your ATU e-mail account;
therefore, it is necessary that you check your account frequently. To avoid your emails to me
going into my junk file, you should use your ATU e-mail account for ALL communications. In
most cases, I will respond to your emails within a 24-hour period.

Grading Summary
Chapter/Module Quizzes 120 points
Participation/Discussion 115 points
Diversity & Inclusion Project 130 points
Final Leadership Project 40 points
Chapter Assignments 120 points
2-pt Final Exam 100 pts
Total Points 625 points

Grading Scale
90-100% = A = 560 – 625 pts
80-89% = B = 497 – 559 pts
70-79% = C = 435 – 496 pts
60-69% = D = 372 – 434 pts
Under 60% = F = 0 – 371 pts

Returning of Assignments
Graded assignments will be posted to the Gradebook in Blackboard within 7 working days of the
due date, however, I will make every effort to return your graded assignments to you before that
date. On occasion, larger assignments may require additional time for grading. In the event that
an assignment will take longer than expected, an announcement will be posted notifying the class.
I don’t foresee this happening during this term. Giving you timely and relevant feedback is
important to me, so I work diligently to adhere to the guidelines I have set forth in the syllabus and
schedule. An assignment checklist which contains a grading schedule that follows the above
grading policy, has been posted in the Course Information section for you to refer to.

Make-Up Policy/Late Work
The expectation is that you will submit assignments by the due date listed in the course schedule.
I understand that things arise from time to time that prevent you from meeting a deadline, so I have
a late work submission policy outlined here. Assignments and quizzes must be submitted by the
due date listed in the course schedule to be considered for full credit. In the event that you miss
an assignment or quiz deadline, you can earn reduced credit for the assignment by submitting it
within 3 days of the original due date. (1 day late = 20% reduction, 2 days late = 30% reduction, 3
days late = 40% reduction.) The exception to this policy is that the discussions, the Diversity,
Equity, and Inclusion Project, the Final Workplace Supervision Project, and the 2-part Final Exam
may not be submitted past the due date for partial credit. These must be submitted by the due date
in order to earn credit.

Course Policies
My Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Classroom
It is my mission to create and provide an inclusive learning environment, inviting of uniqueness
and diversity in thoughts, perspectives, experiences, and identities (including race, nationality,
gender, age, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, religion, culture, and abilities.)

To help accomplish this:

• If you have a name and/or set of pronouns that differ from those that appear in your official
student records, please let me know.
• If you feel like your performance in the class is being impacted by your experiences inside
or outside of class, please don't hesitate to talk with me. I want to be a resource for you.
You can also submit anonymous feedback through the online classroom portal. If
necessary, I will post a general announcement to the class to address your concerns.
• I, like many people, am still in the process of learning about diverse perspectives and
identities. If something was said in class (by anyone) that made you feel uncomfortable,
please talk to me about it. (Again, anonymous feedback is always an option).
• Diversity that students bring to this class will be viewed as a resource, strength and benefit.
• At times, material discussed in class may be of a challenging and sensitive nature,
therefore, it is imperative that there be an atmosphere of trust and safety in the classroom.
I will foster an environment in which each class member is able to hear and respect each
other. It is critical that each class member show respect for all worldviews expressed in

Academic Misconduct – Cheating or Plagiarism

University policy will be followed. At a minimum, the student (and any student caught assisting
in the misconduct) will be given an automatic “F” for the test/assignment in question and possibly
an “F” for the course. Subsequent cases of plagiarism will result in a minimum of one letter grade
course reduction for each incident. In addition, any student who aids another student in plagiarism
(e.g., provides a completed homework assignment to another student for submission) will be
treated as also being involved in plagiarism and appropriate penalties will apply. Egregious cases

of plagiarism (i.e., large sections copied from another source) will result in an automatic “F” for
the course.

For this course, PS 4543: Workplace Supervision, penalties for violations of Academic Integrity
include, but are not limited to:

• partial deduction of assignment/test points

• full deduction of point on assignment/test
• loss of letter grade for final grade
• removal from course with a grade of “F” (for multiple incidents)

Excessive Unexcused Absences/Missed Assignments

If at any time during the semester you miss three assignments without notifying me of an excused
circumstance, you will be referred to the Tech Early Warning Program and an email will be sent
to your Tech email account. If you are unresponsive within a week of being referred, you will be
dropped from the course with an “FE” for excessive absences or non-performance. This will factor
into your GPA as an F would. If you are experiencing difficulty with completing an assignment
or understanding the instructions, it is your responsibility to reach out to me for additional help.
Just not turning it in could be detrimental to your grade and overall GPA if it occurs enough for
you to be dropped with an FE. Contact me immediately if you are having troubles…I promise
you, your success is my #1 priority!!

Campus policy outlines the dates for dropping a course with a “W”. If you have a failing score
and do not drop before the stated deadline, you will receive an “F” on your transcript for the course;
therefore, it is in your best interest to monitor your status in the course and take advantage of the
opportunity to withdraw with a “W” rather than remaining in the course and receiving an “F”.
Tech has a very lenient withdrawal policy which allows a student to withdraw with an “W” until
almost the end of the semester.

You are responsible for explaining to the instructor the reason for missed assignments due to
sickness, accident or death in the family. For absences which make it difficult for you to contact
the instructor, such as an emergency, you should contact the Student Services Office, Doc Bryan
Student Services Center, Room 233, (479-968-0239) to have the instructor notified.

Student Needs Statement

Any student who faces challenges securing their food or housing and believes this may affect their
performance in the course is urged to notify the instructor, if they are comfortable in doing so.
Community resources are available for students and can be found at the following webpage:

If a student finds they need additional support, they are encouraged to contact the Office of the
Vice President for Student Services (479-968-0238).
University Testing and Disability Services
Arkansas Tech University does not discriminate on the basis of color, sex, sexual orientation,
gender identity, race, age, national origin, religion, veteran status, genetic information, or disability
in any of our practices, policies, or procedures. If you have experienced any form of discrimination
or harassment, including sexual misconduct (e.g. sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking,
domestic or dating violence), we encourage you to report this to the institution. If you report such
an incident of misconduct to a faculty or staff member, they are required by law to notify Arkansas
Tech University’s Title IX Coordinator and share the basic fact of your experience. The Title IX
Coordinator will then be available to assist you in understanding all of your options and in
connecting you with all possible resources on and off campus. For more information please visit:

Arkansas Tech University adheres to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act in
order to prevent barriers to academic accessibility. If you need an accommodation due to a
disability, please contact the ATU Office of Disability Services, located in Doc Bryan Student
Center, Suite 171, or visit

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