Gunpla Warfare All Parts List (Last Updated - 01 - 10 - 19)

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Part Name Part Type Base Stat Total Armor Melee ATK Shot ATK Melee DEF Shot

lee DEF Shot DEF

Duel Back 3648 889 291 291 558 889

Anti-Beam Shield
Shield 3305 889 0 0 558 1142

Gerbera Straight Melee Wep. 5340 1181 3581 0 0 0

Arms 1683 373 373 137 373 373
(Mass Production Type)
Torso 1837 798 137 137 287 287
(Mass Production Type)
Back 1638 373 137 137 373 373
(Mass Production Type)
Legs 1638 373 137 137 373 373
(Mass Production Type)
Head 1733 511 137 373 287 287
(Mass Production Type)

Gelgoog Cannon Arms 1636 372 287 137 137 511

Gelgoog Cannon Torso 1773 511 137 137 287 511

Gelgoog Cannon Back 1687 287 137 137 287 511

Gelgoog Cannon Legs 1687 287 137 137 287 511

Gelgoog Cannon Head 1795 137 137 1012 137 372

Gelgoog Jaegar Arms 2431 365 943 187 571 365

Gelgoog Jaegar Torso 2349 571 187 187 757 365

Gelgoog Jaegar Back 2167 365 187 187 757 187

Gelgoog Jaegar Legs 2159 365 187 365 571 187

Gelgoog Jaegar Head 2463 365 187 1278 365 187

George de Sand Pilot 4737 795 382 382 1179 1179

Gerbera Tetra Back 3648 889 291 291 558 889

Gerbera Tetra Legs 3648 889 291 291 558 889

Gerbera Tetra Arms 3783 889 558 558 889 889

Gerbera Tetra Torso 3826 1433 291 558 558 558

Gerbera Tetra Head 3891 889 291 1701 291 291

Giant Bazooka
Ranged Wep. 1457 373 0 798 0 0

Ginias Shalin Pilot 3472 558 291 291 889 889

GM Arms 1965 287 797 137 372 372

GM Torso 1717 509 137 137 372 372

GM Back 1633 287 137 137 372 372

GM Legs 1633 287 137 137 372 372

GM Head 1933 287 137 797 287 287

GM Command
Arms 1665 373 287 137 137 511
(Space Type)
GM Command
Torso 1803 511 137 137 287 511
(Space Type)
GM Command
Back 1635 287 137 137 287 511
(Space Type)
GM Command
Legs 1635 287 137 137 287 511
(Space Type)
GM Command
Head 1800 137 137 1016 137 373
(Space Type)

GM Custom Arms 1729 287 641 138 376 287

GM Custom Torso 1644 376 138 138 511 287

GM Custom Back 1544 287 138 138 511 138

GM Custom Legs 1558 287 138 287 376 138

GM Custom Head 1807 287 138 902 287 138

GM Custom
Legs 1635 287 137 137 287 511
(Space Type)
GM Custom
Arms 1729 287 641 138 376 287
(Space Type)
GM Custom
Torso 1644 376 138 138 511 287
(Space Type)
GM Custom
Back 1544 287 138 138 511 138
(Space Type)
GM Custom
Head 1800 137 137 1016 137 373
(Space Type)

GM II Arms 1965 287 797 137 372 372

GM II Torso 1717 509 137 137 372 372

GM II Back 1633 287 137 137 372 372

GM II Legs 1633 287 137 137 372 372

GM II Head 1933 287 137 797 287 287

GM III Arms 1930 287 899 0 372 372

GM III Torso 1828 640 287 137 287 287

GM III Back 1633 372 137 137 372 287

GM III Legs 1633 372 137 137 372 287

GM III Head 1647 372 137 287 372 287

GN Archer Arms 2431 365 943 187 571 365

GN Archer Torso 2369 591 187 187 757 365

GN Archer Back 2167 365 187 187 757 187

GN Archer Legs 2159 365 187 365 571 187

GN Archer Head 2463 365 187 1278 365 187

GN Bazooka
Ranged Wep. 2412 570 0 1480 0 0
GN Beam Rifle
Ranged Wep. 2323 363 0 754 363 363
(GN-X / Long Barrel)
GN Beam Rifle
Ranged Wep. 2323 363 0 754 363 363
GN Beam Rifle
Ranged Wep. 2412 570 0 1480 0 0
GN Beam Saber
Melee Wep. 2323 363 754 0 363 363
GN Beam Saber
Melee Wep. 2128 570 1089 0 0 187

GN Lance Melee Wep. 2128 570 1089 0 0 187

GN Lance
Ranged Wep. 2412 570 0 1480 0 0
(Rifle Mode)
GN Shield
Shield 5000 796 0 0 2380 796
GN Shield
Shield 2331 0 0 0 940 940
GN Sniper Rifle Ranged Wep. 4968 384 0 4004 0 0

GN Sword Melee Wep. 4575 1181 2380 0 0 384

GN Sword
Ranged Wep. 5182 1181 0 3177 0 0
Rifle Mode
Shield 2140 570 0 0 364 754

GN-X Torso 2358 754 186 0 569 569

GN-X Arms 2536 363 569 186 569 569

GN-X Back 2523 363 186 186 754 754

GN-X Legs 2523 363 186 186 754 754

GN-X Head 2456 363 186 569 569 569

GN-XIII Back 2360 570 187 187 364 570

GN-XIII Legs 2360 570 187 187 364 570

GN-XIII Arms 2438 570 364 364 570 570

GN-XIII Torso 2502 942 187 364 364 364

GN-XIII Head 2502 570 187 1089 187 187

Gouf Arms 1934 137 1012 137 511 137

Gouf Torso 1773 511 137 137 511 287

Gouf Back 1687 287 137 137 511 287

Gouf Legs 1687 287 137 137 511 287

Gouf Head 1497 372 137 287 372 137

Grand Slam Melee Wep. 4407 799 1982 0 799 0

Guncannon Legs 1593 373 137 137 287 373

Guncannon Back 1591 373 137 137 287 373

Guncannon Arms 1693 373 287 287 373 373

Guncannon Torso 1858 640 137 287 287 287

Guncannon Head 1802 373 137 798 137 137

Gundam Arms 5917 796 2378 383 1180 1180

Gundam Torso 5304 1602 383 383 1180 1180

Gundam Back 4899 796 383 383 1180 1180

Gundam Legs 4899 796 383 383 1180 1180

Gundam Head 5573 796 383 2378 796 796

Torso 2360 757 187 0 570 570
(Pre-Reg. Reward)
Arms 2423 364 570 187 570 570
(Pre-Reg. Reward)
Back 2530 364 187 187 757 757
(Pre-Reg. Reward)
Legs 2530 364 187 187 757 757
(Pre-Reg. Reward)
Head 2423 364 187 570 570 570
(Pre-Reg. Reward)

Guntank Torso 1580 509 137 0 372 372

Guntank Arms 1732 287 372 137 372 372

Guntank Back 1771 287 137 137 509 509

Guntank Legs 1771 287 137 137 509 509

Guntank Head 1678 287 137 372 372 372

Gusion Head 3745 1144 292 891 558 558

Gusion Torso 3832 1702 292 292 558 558

Gusion Arms 3983 891 891 292 891 891

Gusion Legs 3814 891 292 292 891 891

Gusion Back 3814 891 292 292 891 891

Gusion Hammer Melee Wep. 3351 891 1144 0 292 292

Gyan Arms 1930 287 899 0 372 372

Gyan Torso 1828 640 287 137 287 287

Gyan Back 1633 372 137 137 372 287

Gyan Legs 1633 372 137 137 372 287

Gyan Head 1647 372 137 287 372 287

Hand Beam Gun Ranged Wep. 3314 292 0 2593 0 0

Haro Pilot 1525 287 138 138 287 287

Harry Ord Pilot 3535 558 1142 291 558 558

Hayato Kobayashi Pilot 2457 570 364 187 364 570

Heat Fan Melee Wep. 3617 292 2593 0 0 0

Heat Hawk Melee Wep. 1650 373 798 0 287 0

Heat Saber
Melee Wep. 1638 137 1309 0 0 0
Heero Yuy
Pilot 2417 570 187 570 364 364
(Pre-Reg. Reward)

Hy-Gogg Arms 2536 363 569 186 569 569

Hy-Gogg Back 2523 363 186 186 754 754

Hy-Gogg Legs 2523 363 186 186 754 754

Hy-Gogg 4656 1088 363 569 1088 1088
(+ Head)

Hyaku Shiki Arms 3743 559 1438 294 893 559

Hyaku Shiki Torso 3618 893 294 294 1146 559

Hyaku Shiki Back 3322 559 294 294 1146 294

Hyaku Shiki Legs 3334 559 294 559 893 294

Hyaku Shiki Head 3834 559 294 1999 559 294

Hyper Bazooka Ranged Wep. 4806 796 0 3176 0 0

Hyper Bazooka
Ranged Wep. 1952 365 0 944 0 365
Hyper Bazooka
Ranged Wep. 2251 364 0 757 364 364
(Pre-Reg. Reward)
Hyper Bazooka
Ranged Wep. 1772 138 0 1154 287 0
(Stark Jegan)
Hyper Mega
Ranged Wep. 5170 969 0 3318 0 0

Jegan Arms 2548 570 570 187 570 570

Jegan Torso 2473 1090 187 187 364 364

Jegan Back 2446 570 187 187 570 570

Jegan Legs 2446 570 187 187 570 570

Jegan Head 2441 755 187 570 364 364

Jerid Messa Pilot 3885 558 891 891 558 558

Jesta Arms 2777 364 1089 186 569 569

Jesta Torso 2540 754 186 186 569 569

Jesta Back 2364 364 186 186 569 569

Jesta Legs 2334 364 186 186 569 569

Jesta Head 2527 364 186 1089 364 364

Jesta Cannon Arms 2344 570 364 187 187 754

Jesta Cannon Torso 2527 754 187 187 364 754

Jesta Cannon Back 2338 364 187 187 364 754

Jesta Cannon Legs 2338 364 187 187 364 754

Jesta Cannon Head 2611 187 187 1480 187 570

Back 1633 372 137 137 287 372
(Unicorn Ver.)
Legs 1633 372 137 137 287 372
(Unicorn Ver.)
Arms 1690 372 287 287 372 372
(Unicorn Ver.)
Torso 1828 640 137 287 287 287
(Unicorn Ver.)
Head 1772 372 137 797 137 137
(Unicorn Ver.)

Juri Wi Nien Pilot 2280 364 187 187 570 570

Justice Head 5533 1356 553 966 1356 553

Justice Torso 6213 1734 553 553 1734 966

Justice Arms 6705 553 3312 553 1734 553

Justice Legs 5910 966 553 553 1734 966

Justice Back 5940 996 553 553 1734 966

Kai Shiden Pilot 2219 755 187 187 364 364

Kampfer Arms 3599 889 558 291 291 1142

Kampfer Torso 3852 1142 291 291 558 1142

Kampfer Back 3570 558 291 291 558 1142

Kampfer Legs 3570 558 291 291 558 1142

Kampfer Head 4062 291 291 2300 291 889

Kira Yamato Pilot 5177 799 384 1184 1184 799

Kou Uraki Pilot 5196 1606 384 384 799 799

Laminated Anti-Beam
Shield 5166 1356 0 0 966 1734
Sheild (Freedom)
Laminated Anti-Beam
Shield 5537 966 0 0 2523 966
Sheild (Justice)

Larcerta Beam Saber Melee Wep. 5198 1356 2523 0 0 553

Large Heat Hawk Melee Wep. 2078 570 1090 0 0 0

Long Beam Saber Melee Wep. 5170 969 3318 0 0 0

Long Sword
Melee Wep. 5402 384 3586 0 0 799

Lowe Guele Pilot 5157 1180 1180 383 796 796

Lupus Beam Rifle Ranged Wep. 5598 1356 0 3312 0 0

M'Quve Pilot 3472 558 291 291 889 889

MA-BAR72 High-Energy
Ranged Wep. 4788 795 0 3173 0 0
Beam Rifle

Mace Melee Wep. 5402 384 3586 0 0 799

Magella-Top Cannon Ranged Wep. 2332 187 0 1867 0 0

Mash Pilot 2417 570 364 187 364 570

Mayura Labatt Pilot 2222 364 364 364 364 364

Mikazuki Augus Pilot 5186 384 1182 1182 799 799

Missile Shield Shield 1487 372 0 0 510 287

Arms 2771 365 1280 188 365 573
(A.E.U.G. Design)
Torso 2527 573 365 188 365 758
(A.E.U.G. Design)
Back 1922 365 188 188 188 573
(A.E.U.G. Design)
Legs 1922 365 188 188 188 573
(A.E.U.G. Design)
Head 2536 365 188 944 188 573
(A.E.U.G. Design)
Arms 2762 364 1277 187 364 570
(Titans Design)
Torso 2524 570 365 187 364 757
(Titans Design)
Back 1977 364 187 187 187 570
(Titans Design)
Legs 1977 364 187 187 187 570
(Titans Design)
Head 2532 364 187 942 187 570
(Titans Design)
Mobile Kapool 3369 797 287 372 797 797
(+ Head)

Mobile Kapool Arms 1732 287 372 137 372 372

Mobile Kapool Legs 1771 287 137 137 509 509

Mobile Shield Shield 5013 795 0 0 1601 1601

Mobile SUMO
Back 3256 558 558 292 558 558
(Gold Type)
Mobile SUMO
Legs 3256 558 558 292 558 558
(Gold Type)
Mobile SUMO
Torso 3806 1144 558 558 558 558
(Gold Type)
Mobile SUMO
Arms 4026 558 1993 891 292 292
(Gold Type)
Mobile SUMO
Head 3856 558 292 1993 292 292
(Gold Type)

Mobile Worker Arms 1744 374 374 138 374 374

Mobile Worker Torso 1868 798 138 138 287 287

Mobile Worker Back 1674 374 138 138 374 374

Mobile Worker Legs 1674 374 138 138 374 374

Mobile Worker Head 1707 511 138 374 287 287

Mu La Flaga Pilot 3344 558 558 558 558 558

New Hyper Bazooka

Ranged Wep. 5412 553 0 4110 0 0
(Nu Ver.Ka)

Nicol Amalfi Pilot 3739 889 889 291 558 558

Torso 3565 1435 292 292 558 558
(Chobham Armor)
Back 3481 891 292 292 891 558
(Chobham Armor)
Head 3952 891 292 891 891 558
(Chobham Armor)
(Chobham Armor) Arms 3650 558 891 292 891 891
(Chobham Armor) Legs 3468 891 292 292 1144 292

Arms 5911 1356 966 553 553 1734
Torso 6213 1734 553 553 966 1734
Back 5910 966 553 553 966 1734
Legs 5910 966 553 553 966 1734
Head 6327 553 553 3312 553 1356

Oni No Tate Shield 4594 1180 0 0 1601 796

Ortega Pilot 2422 365 187 571 571 365

Palace Athene Arms 2319 364 570 187 570 570

Palace Athene Torso 2322 942 187 187 364 364

Palace Athene Legs 2290 570 187 187 757 187

Palace Athene Back 2280 570 187 187 570 364

Palace Athene Head 2539 570 187 570 570 364

Patrick Colasour Pilot 3401 1144 292 292 558 558

Poe Aijee Pilot 2219 755 187 187 364 364

Qubeley Arms 5985 968 2138 553 1358 968

Qubeley Torso 5844 1358 553 553 1737 968

Qubeley Back 5506 968 553 553 1737 553

Qubeley Legs 5542 968 553 968 1358 553

Qubeley Head 6253 968 553 2927 968 553

Raketen Bazooka Ranged Wep. 1700 372 0 797 0 287

Ramba Ral Pilot 3535 558 1142 291 558 558

Reccoa Londe Pilot 2457 570 187 570 364 364

Rick Dias
Arms 2239 187 571 187 365 365
(Quattro Bajeena Colors)
Rick Dias
Back 2267 187 187 187 571 571
(Quattro Bajeena Colors)
Rick Dias
Legs 2267 187 187 187 571 571
(Quattro Bajeena Colors)
Rick Dias
Torso 2033 365 187 187 365 365
(Quattro Bajeena Colors)
Rick Dias
Head 2257 365 187 571 365 365
(Quattro Bajeena Colors)

Rising Arms 4315 291 2300 291 1142 291

Rising Torso 3852 1142 291 291 1142 558

Rising Back 3570 558 291 291 1142 558

Rising Legs 3570 558 291 291 1142 558

Rising Head 3346 889 291 558 889 291

Roberto Pilot 2175 363 363 363 363 363

Rose 7597 1144 1994 292 1144 2304
(+ Shield)

Rose Torso 3875 891 559 292 559 1144

Rose Back 3059 559 292 292 292 891

Rose Legs 3059 559 292 292 292 891

Rose Head 3900 559 292 1436 292 891

Ryu Jose Pilot 2457 570 187 570 364 364

Sai Saici Pilot 5004 796 1602 384 796 796

Sayla Mass Pilot 3401 1144 292 292 558 558

Schwert Gewehr Melee Wep. 3617 292 2593 0 0 0

Seabook Arno Pilot 5004 796 384 1602 796 796

Selene McGriff Pilot 3535 558 291 1142 558 558

Sengoku Astray Head 4964 1180 383 796 1180 796

Sengoku Astray Torso 5357 1976 796 383 796 796

Sengoku Astray Arms 5937 796 2781 0 1180 1180

Sengoku Astray Legs 4949 1180 383 383 1180 796

Sengoku Astray Back 4949 1180 383 383 1180 796

Sergei Smirnov Pilot 2421 757 187 187 364 364

Serpent Custom Arms 1636 372 287 137 137 511

Serpent Custom Torso 1773 511 137 137 287 511

Serpent Custom Back 1687 287 137 137 287 511

Serpent Custom Legs 1687 287 137 137 287 511

Serpent Custom Head 1795 137 137 1012 137 372

Serpent Custom
Arms 1665 373 287 137 137 511
(Double Gatling Gun)
Serpent Custom
Torso 1803 511 137 137 287 511
(Double Gatling Gun)
Serpent Custom
Back 1635 287 137 137 287 511
(Double Gatling Gun)
Serpent Custom
Legs 1635 287 137 137 287 511
(Double Gatling Gun)
Serpent Custom
Head 1800 137 137 1016 137 373
(Double Gatling Gun)
Shenlong Arms 5321 1181 1181 384 1181 1181

Shenlong Torso 5355 2382 384 384 797 797

Shenlong Back 5135 1181 384 384 1181 1181

Shenlong Legs 5135 1181 384 384 1181 1181

Shenlong Head 5182 1605 384 1181 797 797

Shenlong Shield Shield 4572 1181 0 0 1181 1181

Shield 2279 364 0 0 1089 364
(Geara Doga)
Shield 1622 287 0 0 509 509
Shield 1690 287 0 0 797 287
Shield 4834 796 0 0 1602 1602
Shield 2172 570 0 0 570 570
Shield 2094 365 0 0 365 944
(Mk-II / A.E.U.G. Design)
Shield 2125 364 0 0 364 942
(Mk-II / Titans Design)
Shield 1408 374 0 0 374 374
(Mobile Worker)
Shield 5537 966 0 0 966 2523
(Nu Ver.Ka)
Shield 1994 270 0 0 942 364
(Palace Athene)
Shield 4601 797 797 384 797 797
Shield (Gundam)
Shield 2286 0 0 0 942 942
(Pre-Reg. Reward)
Shield (Wing)
Shield 2279 364 0 0 364 1089
(Pre-Reg. Reward)

Shining Head 4964 1180 383 796 1180 796

Shining Torso 5357 1976 796 383 796 796

Shining Arms 5937 796 2781 0 1180 1180

Shining Legs 4949 1180 383 383 1180 796

Shining Back 4949 1180 383 383 1180 796

Shot Lancer Melee Wep. 2128 570 1089 0 0 187

Shot Lancer
Ranged Wep. 2412 570 0 1480 0 0
(Heavy Machine Gun)

Sigh Argyle Pilot 2417 570 364 187 570 364

Slegger Law Pilot 2315 364 187 754 364 364

Smoothbore Cannon Ranged Wep. 4402 799 0 1979 0 799

Sochie Heim Pilot 2233 363 186 186 569 569

Stargazer Head 3818 558 291 889 889 889

Stargazer Torso 3637 1140 291 0 889 889

Stargazer 7508 558 889 291 2297 2297
(+ Shield)

Stargazer Legs 3848 558 291 291 1140 1140

Stargazer Back 3848 558 291 291 1140 1140

Stark Jegan Arms 1729 287 641 138 376 287

Stark Jegan Torso 1644 376 138 138 511 287

Stark Jegan Back 1544 287 138 138 511 138

Stark Jegan Legs 1558 287 138 287 376 138

Stark Jegan Head 1807 287 138 902 287 138

Submachine Gun Ranged Wep. 3351 891 0 1144 292 292

Sword Strike Head 3856 558 292 1993 292 292

Sword Strike Torso 3806 1144 558 558 558 558

Sword Strike 7381 1144 2593 1144 891 891
(+ Shield)

Sword Strike Legs 3256 558 558 292 558 558

Sword Strike Back 3256 558 558 292 558 558

Tallgeese II 7719 1142 1700 291 1991 1991
(+ Shield)

Tallgeese II Torso 3928 1142 291 291 889 889

Tallgeese II Back 3642 558 291 291 889 889

Tallgeese II Legs 3642 558 291 291 889 889

Tallgeese II Head 3917 558 291 1700 558 558

Treize Khushrenda Pilot 3394 558 558 558 558 558

Twin Sword Rifle Melee Wep. 2333 187 1864 0 0 0

Twin Sword Rifle Ranged Wep. 2141 570 0 1089 0 0

Wing Head 5365 797 384 2785 384 384

Wing Torso 5404 1605 797 797 797 797

Wing Arms 5531 797 2785 1181 384 384

Wing Legs 4601 797 797 384 797 797

Wing Back 4601 797 797 384 797 797

Arms 2344 570 364 187 187 754
(Pre-Reg. Reward)
Torso 2527 754 187 187 364 754
(Pre-Reg. Reward)
Back 2338 364 187 187 364 754
(Pre-Reg. Reward)
Legs 2338 364 187 187 364 754
(Pre-Reg. Reward)
Head 2611 187 187 1480 187 570
(Pre-Reg. Reward)

X Divider Arms 4937 797 1181 384 1181 1181

X Divider Torso 4951 1978 384 384 797 797

X Divider Legs 4762 1181 384 384 1605 384

X Divider Back 4751 1181 384 384 1181 797

X Divider Head 5355 1181 384 1181 1181 797

Yzak Joule Pilot 3707 1145 292 292 559 559

Z'Gok Arms 1732 287 372 137 372 372

Z'Gok Back 1771 287 137 137 509 509

Z'Gok Legs 1771 287 137 137 509 509

Z'Gok 3369 797 287 372 797 797
(+ Legs)

Zaku Bazooka Ranged Wep. 1703 373 0 798 287 0

Zaku II Arms 1597 287 373 137 373 373

Zaku II Torso 1679 640 137 137 287 287

Zaku II Back 1552 373 137 137 373 287

Zaku II Legs 1540 373 137 137 511 137

Zaku II Head 1735 373 137 373 373 287

Zaku II
Arms 4325 558 1698 291 889 889
(Char Aznable)
Zaku II
Torso 3928 1140 291 291 889 889
(Char Aznable)
Zaku II
Back 3648 558 291 291 889 889
(Char Aznable)
Zaku II
Legs 3648 558 291 291 889 889
(Char Aznable)
Zaku II
Head 3965 558 291 1698 558 558
(Char Aznable)

Zaku II Kai Arms 2319 364 570 187 570 570

Zaku II Kai Torso 2322 942 187 187 364 364

Zaku II Kai Legs 2290 570 187 187 757 187

Zaku II Kai Back 2280 570 187 187 570 364

Zaku II Kai Head 2539 570 187 570 570 364

Zaku II Type FS
Arms 2343 570 364 187 187 757
(Garma Zabi)
Zaku II Type FS
Torso 2530 757 187 187 364 757
(Garma Zabi)
Zaku II Type FS
Back 2261 364 187 187 364 757
(Garma Zabi)
Zaku II Type FS
Legs 2261 364 187 187 364 757
(Garma Zabi)
Zaku II Type FS
Head 2614 187 187 1483 187 570
(Garma Zabi)
Zaku Machine Gun
Ranged Wep. 2426 570 0 1090 364 0
(Zaku II Kai)
Zaku Machine Gun
Ranged Wep. 1703 373 0 798 287 0
(Zaku II)

Zaku Minelayer Arms 1731 287 373 137 373 511

Zaku Minelayer Torso 1762 640 137 137 287 511

Zaku Minelayer Back 1583 373 137 137 287 373

Zaku Minelayer Legs 1571 373 137 137 137 511

Zaku Minelayer Head 1763 373 137 373 287 373

Zeta Arms 6592 969 2528 379 1358 1358

Zeta Torso 5887 1738 379 379 1358 1358

Zeta Back 5586 969 379 379 1358 1358

Zeta Legs 5586 969 379 379 1358 1358

Zeta Head 5759 969 379 2361 791 791

Zeta Shield Shield 5531 969 0 0 1738 1738

Zudah 3521 372 1012 137 1309 372
(+ Shield)

Zudah Torso 1773 511 137 137 511 287

Zudah Legs 1687 287 137 137 511 287

Zudah Back 1687 287 137 137 511 287

Zudah Head 1497 372 137 287 372 137

Zudah Arms
5133 570 1480 187 1864 570
(Commander Type) (+ Shield)
Torso 2527 754 187 187 754 364
(Commander Type)
Back 2338 364 187 187 754 364
(Commander Type)
Legs 2338 364 187 187 754 364
(Commander Type)
Head 2160 570 187 364 570 187
(Commander Type)

Beam RES Phys. RES EX/TRAIT EX Name Details (excludes attack descriptions)

428 302 EX Combat Hack (b) Reduce Melee Attack of all enemies 24%

590 126 EX Combat Hack (a) Reduce target Melee Attack 39%

289 289 EX Gerbera Straight -

With Speed Attribute (self),

0 54 TRAIT -
Melee DMG Taken reduced 10
With Rifle Category equipped
0 191 TRAIT -
Strong Melee DMG Taken reduced 10
With "Mass P." enemy,
54 191 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot DMG Taken reduced 10
When attacking with Physical,
191 54 TRAIT -
Melee DMG Output boosted 10

0 138 EX Block Stance (a) Raise your Melee Defense 39%

With Power Attribute (self),

54 138 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot Power boosted 10%
When Armor > 50%,
0 190 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot DMG Taken reduced 10

138 190 EX - -

With Power Attribute (self),

190 138 TRAIT -
EX Skill Recovery boosted 10%
With Machine Gun Category equipped
0 0 TRAIT -
Shot Spread reduced 10%

0 0 EX Beam Spot Gun -

Supporter Job,
0 282 TRAIT -
Buff EX Skill Time up 12%
Middle-Shooter Job,
202 282 TRAIT -
Vernier Recovery Rate boosted 12%
With Machine Gun Category equipped
202 282 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot Power boosted 18%
Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &
0 81 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%
With Technique Attribute (self),
609 211 TRAIT -
EX Skill CD reduced 20%
When Armor > 60%,
428 302 TRAIT -
Buff EX Skill Effect up 15%

428 302 EX Beam Saber Combo -

0 0 EX 110mm Autocannon -

With "Gundam Type" enemy,

428 0 TRAIT -
EX Skill DMG Output boosted 20
With "Gundam Type" enemy,
302 126 TRAIT -
Shooting Power boosted 25%
With Bazooka Category equipped,
143 143 TRAIT -
Shooting DMG Output boosted 10%
With Power Attribute (self),
428 126 TRAIT -
Vernier Recovery Rate boosted 16%
With Saber category equipped
0 0 TRAIT -
Melee DMG Taken reduced 10
Physical ranged weapon reload
190 0 TRAIT -
speed boosted 10%

190 138 EX Beam Saber Combo -

190 138 EX Block Stance (a) Raise your Melee Defense 39%

Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &

138 0 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%
With Rifle Category equipped
110 110 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot DMG Taken reduced 10
With Rifle Category equipped
110 110 TRAIT -
Strong Melee DMG Taken reduced 10
With Speed Attribute (self),
138 138 TRAIT -
Debuff EX Skill Effect up 10%

138 138 EX Beam Saber Combo -

Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &

0 0 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%
Physical ranged weapon reload
0 0 TRAIT -
speed boosted 10%

0 194 EX Recovery Tool (a) Recover 48% Max Armor

138 194 EX Beam Saber Combo -

With Speed Attribute (self),

138 194 TRAIT -
EX Skill Piercing boosted 15%
Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &
0 55 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%

138 138 EX Beam Saber Combo -

Physical ranged weapon reload

0 0 TRAIT -
speed boosted 10%

0 194 EX Recovery Tool (a) Recover 48% Max Armor

138 194 EX Beam Saber Combo -

Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &

0 0 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%
With "Zaku Type" enemy,
0 0 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot DMG Taken reduced 10
Defender Job,
190 0 TRAIT -
Shooting DMG Taken reduced 10

190 138 EX Beam Saber Combo -

190 138 EX Combat Stance (a) Raise your Melee Attack 39%

Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &

138 0 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%

0 0 EX Missile Pod -

When attacking with Beam,

190 0 TRAIT -
Strong Melee DMG Output boosted 10

190 138 EX Beam Saber Combo -

Large Missile
190 138 EX -
Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &
138 54 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%

0 0 EX Barrier Stance (b) Raise Ally Shot Defense 29%

Supporter Job,
282 0 TRAIT -
Debuff EX Skill Effect up 12%

282 202 EX GN Missile -

282 202 EX Saber Boomerang -

81 0 EX Recovery Tool (a) Recover 48% Max Armor

When attacking with Beam,
81 281 TRAIT - Sp. Shot DMG Output boosted 15

200 280 EX Myraid Snipe -

200 280 EX Seventh Ray Shot -

In-Fighter Job,
81 281 TRAIT -
Shooting DMG Taken reduced 15
10% chance of attacks penetrating
200 280 TRAIT -
super armor
Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Physical
81 201 EX Valiant Hear
Resist 29%

81 201 EX Bright Stinger Raise your Melee Defense 14%

With Speed Attribute (self),

81 281 TRAIT -
Strong Melee DMG Taken reduced 15
When Armor > 40%,
0 1028 TRAIT -
EX Skill DMG output boosted by 8

80 371 EX Barrier Hack (a) Reduce target Shot Defense 39%

Beam ranged weapon reload
290 290 TRAIT -
speed boosted 20%"
With Speed Attribute (self),
417 213 TRAIT -
Initial EX Skill Charge boosted 20%
When Armor > 40%,
611 213 TRAIT -
Enemy Strong Melee Power Reduced 30%

81 371 EX Offense Hack (a) Reduce target Melee and Shot Attack 39%

With Technique Attribute (self),

0 280 TRAIT -
Buff EX Skill Effect up 12%

80 200 EX GN Claw Raise your Melee ATK 14%

Beam ranged weapon magazine

80 200 TRAIT -
boosted 14%

200 80 EX Saber Boomerang -

Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &

0 200 EX GN Vulcan
Shot Defense 14%
Beam ranged weapon magazine
201 281 TRAIT -
boosted 14%

201 281 EX Saber Boomerang -

0 0 EX Screw Fang Raise your Melee Attack 14%

With Speed Attribute (self),

0 281 TRAIT -
Buff EX Skill Time up 12%
Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &
81 201 EX Gun Vulcan
Shot Defense 14%
5-Barrel Finger
0 0 EX -
With "GM Type" enemy,
190 0 TRAIT -
Melee DMG taken reduced 10
Physical ranged weapon magazine
190 138 TRAIT -
boosted 10%
With "GM Type" enemy,
138 190 TRAIT -
Shooting DMG Taken reduced 10

138 54 EX Shock Bringer (a) Attacks Stun large foes more easily

614 213 EX Knight's Nail -

143 143 EX Hand Grenade -

Physical ranged weapon magazine

142 142 TRAIT -
boosted 10%
With "Zaku Type" enemy,
0 0 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot DMG Output boosted 10

110 110 EX 240mm Cannons -

Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &
110 110 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%
With Technique Attribute (self),
0 0 TRAIT -
Melee Damage taken reduced 35 (flat)
With Saber category equipped
288 288 TRAIT -
Melee power boosted 30%

502 475 EX Double Saber Rush -

With Technique Attribute (self),

475 502 TRAIT -
Mid Shot Attack raised 20%
Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &
212 212 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%

138 138 TRAIT - Buff EX Skill Effect up 15%

Beam ranged weapon reload

81 81 TRAIT -
speed boosted 15%
All-Rounder Job,
139 139 TRAIT -
Vernier Recovery Rate boosted 15%
With Power Attribute (self),
139 139 TRAIT -
Mid Shot Attack raised 14%
Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &
81 81 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%
120mm Low Recoil
0 190 EX -
Quadruple Bop
54 138 EX -
Missile Launcher
Physical ranged weapon magazine
54 138 TRAIT -
boosted 10%

138 54 TRAIT - EX Skill Recovery boosted 10%

0 138 EX Archer Stance (a) Raise your Shot Attack 39%

Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &

0 302 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%

0 430 EX Buster Anchor -

0 127 EX Gemini Satellite -

430 127 EX Hand Grenade -

127 430 EX Gusion Hammer -

Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Shot

302 430 EX Spinning Rave
Attack 19%
With Saber Category equipped
0 0 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot DMG Output boosted 10
When Armor > 90%,
0 190 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot DMG Taken reduced 10
Physical ranged weapon magazine
138 190 TRAIT -
boosted 10%
Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee
138 190 EX Volcanic Shot
Defense 14%

54 138 EX Combat Stance (a) Raise your Melee Attack 39%

When Armor > 60%,

302 127 TRAIT -
Shooting DMG Output boosted 20

194 194 TRAIT - EX Skill Recovery boosted 110

Beam ranged weapon magazine

302 126 TRAIT -
boosted 20%
10% chance to prevent vernier
201 201 TRAIT -
consumption when stepping

430 302 EX Storm Edge Raise your Shot Defense 19%

138 54 EX Wind Edge -

With "GM Type" enemy,

138 54 TRAIT -
Strong Melee DMG Output boosted 10
10% chance to prevent vernier
281 81 TRAIT -
consumption when stepping

200 80 EX Beam Cannon -

With "Ace Excl." enemy,

200 80 TRAIT -
Enemy Sp. Shot Power reduced 18%
With "Mass P." Enemy
80 200 TRAIT -
Close Shot Attack raised 10%

460 0 EX Torpedo -

0 0 EX Beam Saber Combo -

With "Ace Excl." enemy,

0 432 TRAIT -
Melee DMG Taken reduced 20
With "Ace Excl." enemy,
303 432 TRAIT -
Shooting Power boosted 25%
With Bazooka Category equipped,
303 432 TRAIT -
Shot Spread reduced 15%
Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &
0 129 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%
With Technique Attribute (self),
417 417 TRAIT -
Shooting DMG output boosted 35

139 139 EX Dual Wave -

With Power Attribute (self),

201 201 TRAIT -
Job Gauge Increase boosted 13%
Middle-Shooter Job,
138 55 TRAIT -
Shooting DMG Output boosted 10
With Speed Attribute (self),
675 208 TRAIT -
Enemy Shooting Power reduced 30%
With Bazooka Category equipped
81 0 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot DMG Output boosted 15
Supporter Job,
281 0 TRAIT -
EX Skill Piercing boosted 16%
Beam ranged weapon magazine
281 81 TRAIT -
boosted 14%

81 281 EX Hand Grenade -

Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &

201 0 EX Vulcan Pod
Shot Defense 14%
With Speed Attribute (self),
127 302 TRAIT -
Vernier Recovery Rate boosted 16%
When Armor > 70%,
0 0 TRAIT -
Melee DMG Taken reduced 15
With Technique Attribute (self),
138 138 TRAIT -
EX Skill Piercing boosted 16%
2-Tube Missile
282 208 EX -

208 252 EX Hand Grenade -

Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &

80 80 EX Vulcan Pod
Shot Defense 14%
Middle-Shooter Job,
201 81 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot Power boosted 18%
With Power Attribute (self),
281 0 TRAIT -
Enemy Strong Melee Power Reduced 18%
4-Tube Multi-
281 201 EX -

201 281 EX Hand Grenade -

When Armor > 70%,

0 0 TRAIT -
Close Shot Attacked raised 10%
When Armor > 90%,
190 138 TRAIT -
Vernier Consumption reduced 10%
190 138 EX -
Beam Cannon
3-Tube Rocket
0 0 EX -
190 0 EX -
Beam Cannon
When Armor > 90%,
138 54 TRAIT -
Projectile Speed boosted 10%
With Power Attribute (self),
201 201 TRAIT -
EX Skill CD reduced 11%
Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &
465 284 EX Sagittus
Shot Defense 14%
When Armor < 40%,
673 0 TRAIT -
Strong Melee Power boosted 30%
Bassel Beam
0 0 EX -
Double Saber
465 673 EX -
Squad recovers 48% max Armor.
673 465 EX Fatum-00
Raises Melee Attack of your Squad 29%
With Power Attribute (self),
81 281 TRAIT -
EX Skill Recovery boosted 18%
When attacking with Physical,
302 126 TRAIT -
Strong Melee CRIT Rate boosted 17%
With Technique Attribute (self),
428 0 TRAIT -
Buff EX Skill time up 15%

428 302 EX Giant Bazooka -

302 428 EX -
Sturm Faust
Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &
0 0 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%
With Speed Attribute (self),
614 213 TRAIT -
EX Skill Recovery boosted 140

612 612 TRAIT - 14% chance to survive fatal blow

Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Shot Defense

555 555 EX Shield Bash
With Speed Atrribute (self),
1082 0 TRAIT -
Buff EX Skill Time 22%

383 383 TRAIT - Strong Melee DMG Output boosted 35

209 209 EX Charge Axe Raise your Melee Attack 14%

With Speed Attribute (self),

675 208 TRAIT -
Melee DMG Output boosted 35
In-Fighter Job,
420 213 TRAIT -
Melee CRIT Rate boosted 30%
With Speed Attribute (self),
212 610 TRAIT -
All CRIT Rate boosted 14%
With Power Attribute (self),
465 465 TRAIT -
Job Gauge Increase boosted 17%
With Technique Attribute (self),
428 126 TRAIT -
Debuff EX Skill Effect up 15%
With Rifle Category equipped,
211 609 TRAIT -
Enemy Shooting Power reduced 30%

420 213 EX Iron Impact Raise Shot Defense of Squad 39%

When attacking with Physical,

139 139 TRAIT -
Shooting DMG Output boosted 15
281 81 TRAIT - EX Skill Piercing boosted 16%

With Speed Attribute (self),

201 201 TRAIT -
Buff EX Skill Effect up 12%
With Power Attribute (self),
420 420 TRAIT -
Initial EX Skill Charge boosted 20%

54 264 EX Needle Missle -

With Power Attribute (self),

0 0 TRAIT -
Strong Melee CRIT Rate boosted 14%
With Power Attribute (self),
139 139 TRAIT -
Debuff EX Skill Effect up 12%

210 210 EX Double Saber Rush -

210 210 EX Hate Up You become easier to target

139 139 EX Beam Hack (a) Reduce Target Beam Resist 69%

With Speed Attribute (self),

0 0 TRAIT -
Strong Melee CRIT Rate boosted 14%
With Speed Attribute (self),
281 0 TRAIT -
Buff EX Skill Effect up 12%

281 201 EX Double Saber Rush -

281 201 EX Hate Down Become harder to target

201 81 EX Protection Hack (a) Reduce target Physical Resist 69%

0 319 EX Missile Launcher -

54 138 EX Handgun -

138 54 EX Sonic Blast -

211 805 EX Shield Throw -

When Armor > 60%,

430 302 TRAIT -
EX Skill Pericing boosted 22%

302 430 EX Flight Unit -

When Armor < 40%,

430 0 TRAIT -
10% chance to survive a fatal blow

0 0 EX IF Bunker -

302 127 EX Combat Stance (a) Raise your Melee Attack 39%

Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's

55 55 EX Claw
Physical Resist 29%
110 110 EX Light Up You become easier to target

With Axe Category equipped

138 138 TRAIT -
Debuff EX Skill Effect up 10%
In-Fighter Job,
138 138 TRAIT -
EX Skill Piercing boosted 15%
With Axe Category equipped
55 55 TRAIT -
EX Skill DMG Output boosted 10
With Technique Attribute (self),
428 126 TRAIT -
EX Skill Piercing boosted 22%

284 465 EX Dual Cascade -

With Speed Attribute (self),

126 428 TRAIT -
EX Skill Piercing boosted 22%

0 430 EX Recovery Tool (b) Ally recovers 38% max armor

When Armor > 60%,

127 430 TRAIT -
13% chance to not recoil
Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &
127 302 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%
Middle-Shooter Job,
0 127 TRAIT -
Enemy Sp. Shot Power reduced 25%

127 430 TRAIT - Enemy Melee Power reduced 25%

284 465 EX Beam Saber Combo -

When attacking with Beam,

0 673 TRAIT -
Shooting Power boosted 30%

465 673 EX Finn Funnel -

When Armor > 40%,

673 465 TRAIT -
EX Skill CD redcued 20%
When attacking with Beam,
0 0 TRAIT -
EX Skill Power boosted 30%
In-Fighter Job,
805 212 TRAIT -
Enemy Strong Melee Power reduced 30%
With Speed Attribute (self),
81 282 TRAIT -
Job Gauge Charge Rate up 11%
Twin Beam Gun &
29 29 EX -
Grenade Launcher
With Power Attribute (self),
139 139 TRAIT -
Debuff EX Skill Effect up 12%

201 201 EX Claw Kick Raise your Melee Attack 14%

Anti-Ship Large
201 201 EX -

139 139 EX Beam Coat (b) Raise Ally Beam Resist 49%
With Power Attribute (self),
127 430 TRAIT -
Buff EX Skill Effect up 15%
With Power Attribute (self),
281 81 TRAIT -
Shot guidance boosted 14%

0 0 EX Beam Gun -

Middle-Shooter Job,
0 675 TRAIT -
Buff EX Skill Effect up 22%

467 675 EX Funnels -

Middle-Shooter Job,
467 675 TRAIT -
Mid Shot Attack raised 20%

0 284 EX Recovery Tool (y) Squad recovers 48% Max Armor

With Bazooka Category equipped

190 54 TRAIT -
Enemy Shooting Power reduced 10%
All-Rounder Job,
126 302 TRAIT -
Vernier Recovery Rate boosted 16%
With Power Attribute (self),
201 201 TRAIT -
Debuff EX Skill Effect up 12%
Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &
282 282 EX Prominence Fist
Shot Defense 14%

282 282 EX Beam Saber Combo -

When Armor > 70%,

282 282 TRAIT -
Melee CRIT Rate boosted 14%
When Armor > 70%,
282 282 TRAIT -
Debuff EX Skill Effect up 12%

202 202 EX Protection (b) Raise Ally Physical Resist 49%

0 0 EX Rising Arrow -

0 428 TRAIT - Strong Melee Power boosted 20%

Reduce target Melee &

302 428 EX Defense Hack (a)
Shot Defense 39%

428 302 TRAIT - Shooting CRIT Rate boosted 17%

Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &

126 302 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%
With Technique Attribute (self),
80 280 TRAIT -
Debuff EX Skill Effect up 12%

592 127 EX Rose Bits -

Raises Speed 20%

430 0 EX Hyper Mode
Raises Melee & Shot Attack 19%
With Saber Category equipped
430 303 TRAIT -
Buff EX Skill Time up 15%
430 303 EX Chevalier Saber -

With Power Attribute (self),

303 127 TRAIT -
Long Shot Attack raised14%
With Technique Attribute (self),
201 201 TRAIT -
Buff EX Skill Time up 15%

417 213 TRAIT - EX Skill CD reduced 20%

With Speed Attribute (self),

430 127 TRAIT -
Vernier Consumption reduced 15%

430 302 EX Maelstrom -

With Technique Attribute (self),

417 213 TRAIT -
Enemy All Power reduced 18%
With Speed Attribute (self),
302 126 TRAIT -
Enemy EX Skill Penetration reduced 22%
In-Fighter Job,
417 212 TRAIT -
EX Skill Piercing boosted 28%
In-Fighter Job,
610 0 TRAIT -
EX Skill CD reduced 20%
Hidden Arm & Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee
0 0 EX
Samurai Sword Defense 19%
With Module Category equipped,
610 417 TRAIT -
EX Skill Piercing boosted 28%

610 417 EX Particle Fa Jin Raise Shot Attack of your Squad 39%

With Technique Attribute (self),

281 281 TRAIT -
11% chance to not recoil

138 54 EX Archer Stance (a) Raise your Shot Attack 39%

190 0 EX Protection Hack (a) Reduce target Physical Resist 69%

190 138 EX Bazooka -

Long-Shooter Job,
138 190 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot power boosted 10%
When Armor > 90%,
0 0 TRAIT -
Projectile Speed boosted 10%

110 110 EX Double Gatling Guns -

When Armor > 90%,

110 110 TRAIT -
Melee DMG Taken reduced 10
With Power Attribute (self),
138 138 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot DMG Taken reduced 10
With Power Attribute (self),
138 138 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot Power boosted 10%
Beam ranged weapon magazine
0 0 TRAIT -
boosted 10%
Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Shot
213 0 EX Dragon Fang
Defense 24%
With Technique Attribute (self),
611 0 TRAIT -
Strong Melee Power boosted 30%

611 213 EX Armed Aura (y) Your Squad resists flinching

With Technique Attribute (self),

213 611 TRAIT -
20% chance to not recoil
Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &
418 0 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%

1029 0 EX Shield Throw -

462 0 EX Sturm Faust -

With Power Attribute (self),

263 54 TRAIT -
Strong Melee DMG Taken reduced 10

319 0 EX Block Hack (a) Reduce target Melee Defense 39%

With Technique Attribute (self),

417 417 TRAIT -
Buff EX Skill effect 22%

462 0 EX Missile Launcher -

210 210 EX Missile Launcher -

374 81 EX Missile Launcher -

In-Fighter Job,
143 143 TRAIT -
Strong Melee DMG Taken reduced 10
With Rifle Category equipped,
0 1082 TRAIT -
Enemy Shooting Power reduced 30%

209 209 EX Small Missile -

1029 0 EX Shield Bash Raise your Melee Attack 19%

With Rifle Category equipped

201 201 TRAIT -
Debuff EX Skill Effect up 15%
With Technique Attribute (self),
0 462 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot DMG Taken reduced 15
In-Fighter Job,
212 417 TRAIT -
Projectile Speed boosted 15%
Raises Speed 20%, Melee Attack 29% &
0 610 EX Super Mode
Melee Defense 19%
Shining Finger Raise Melee Attack of your Squad 19% &
0 0 EX
Sword Raise Melee Defense of your Squad 24%

417 610 EX Rapid Thrust -

In-Fighter Job,
417 610 TRAIT -
20% chance to not recoil
When Armor > 30%,
201 81 TRAIT -
Shooting DMG Output boosted 15
When Armor < 30%,
281 81 TRAIT -
Shooting DMG Output boosted 15
With Power Attribute (self),
281 81 TRAIT -
Projectile Speed boosted 12%
With Power Attribute (self),
201 81 TRAIT -
EX Skill Piercing boosted 15%
With Power Attribute (self),
612 213 TRAIT -
Close Shot Attack raised 20%
With Power Attribute (self),
80 280 TRAIT -
10% chance to surivve a fatal blow
With Speed Attribute (self),
302 0 TRAIT -
Shot Guidance boosted 14%
With Speed Attribute (self),
428 0 TRAIT -
Enemy Strong Melee Power reduced 30%
Beam ranged weapon reload speed
874 302 TRAIT -
boosted 15%
With Speed Attribute (self),
126 302 TRAIT -
EX Skill DMG Taken reduced 25 (flat)
Raise Speed 20% & Raise Shot
302 126 EX Voiture Lumiere
Attack 19% & Raise Shot Defense 29%

0 0 EX Triple Missile Pod -

Middle-Shooter Job,
194 0 TRAIT -
Strong Melee DMG Output boosted 10
Middle-Shooter Job,
194 138 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot DMG Taken reduced 10

194 138 EX Barrier Stance (a) Raise your Shot Defense 39%

Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &

55 0 EX Vulcan Pod
Shot Defense 14%
Defender Job,
302 430 TRAIT -
Enemy Shooting Power reduced 25%

302 127 EX Protection Hack (b) Reduce Physical Resist of all enemies 39%

Against a large enemy,

430 0 TRAIT -
Enemy Strong Melee Power reduced 25%

718 0 EX Block Stance (y) Raise Melee Defense of your Squad 39%

Against a large enemy,

302 430 TRAIT -
Melee CRIT Rate boosted 17%

430 302 EX Schwert Gewehr Raise your Melee Defense 19%

302 302 EX Dober Gun -

With "For Space" enemy,

213 213 TRAIT -
EX Skill Percing boosted 22%
With "For Space" enemy,
375 349 TRAIT -
Shooting Power boosted 25%
With "For Space" enemy,
349 375 TRAIT -
Mid Shot Attack raised 14%

126 126 EX Offense Up (a) Raise your Melee & Shot Attack 39%

With Technique Attibute (self),

302 302 TRAIT -
14% chance to survive a fatal blow
Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Beam
201 81 EX Sky Jumper
Resist 19%
With Power Attribute (self),
281 201 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot Power boosted 18%
Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &
418 213 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%

611 0 EX Self-Destruct Take 90% damage to max Armor

When Armor < 70%,
0 0 TRAIT - Enemy Melee Power reduced 30%

When Armor < 70%,

418 611 TRAIT -
Long Shot Attack raised 20%
When Armor < 70%,
611 418 TRAIT -
Long Shot Attack rasied 20%

81 201 TRAIT - Melee DMG Output boosted 25

0 281 EX Machine Cannon -

All-Rounder Job,
201 281 TRAIT -
EX Skiller Piercing boosted 22%
With Power Attribute (self),
281 201 TRAIT -
Long Shot Attack raised 14%
Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &
0 0 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%
Out-Fighter Job,
213 0 TRAIT -
Enemy Shooting Power reduced 30%
With Blade Category equipped
611 0 TRAIT -
Strong Melee Power boosted 30%
Out-Fighter Job,
611 213 TRAIT -
EX Skill CD reduced 20%

611 213 EX Twist Buster -

Raise Melee & Shot Attack of

418 213 EX Offense Up (y)
Squad 39%

430 430 TRAIT - Buff EX Skill Effect up 15%

Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &

138 54 EX Planet Breaker
Shot Defense 14%
With "For Base" enemy,
138 54 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot DMG Taken reduced 10
54 138 EX Shock Bringer (a) Attacks Stun large foes more easily

240mm 6-Barrel
319 0 EX -
Rocket Launcher
Enemy Strong Melee Power
191 54 TRAIT -
Reduced 10%
All-Rounder Job,
54 0 TRAIT -
Enemy SP. Shot Power reduced 10%

191 0 EX Recovery Tool (a) Recover 48% Max Armor

With Axe Category equipped

191 54 TRAIT -
Debuff EX Skill Effect up 10%
With Axe Category equipped
191 54 TRAIT -
Shooting DMG Taken reduced 10

138 54 EX Protection (a) Raise your Physical Resist 69%

0 0 EX Fearless Charge -

When Armor > 60%,

0 428 TRAIT -
Debuff EX Skill Effect up 15%
With Speed Attribute (self),
302 428 TRAIT -
EX Skill Piercing Boosted 22%
With Speed Attribute (self),
302 428 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot Power boosted 25%

0 302 EX Beam Coat (b) Raise Ally Beam Resist 49%

With Machine Gun Category Equipped

29 29 TRAIT -
Melee Damage Output boosted 15%
When Armor > 60%,
139 139 TRAIT -
Debuff EX Skill Effect up 12%

201 201 EX Hand Grenade -

With "Gundam Type" enemy,

201 201 TRAIT -
Debuff EX Skill Effect up 12%
With Machine Gun Category equipped
139 139 TRAIT -
Close Shot Attack raised 10%
Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Beam &
139 139 EX Fearless Hurl
Physical Resist 19%
With Speed Attribute (self),
139 139 TRAIT -
Buff EX Skill Time up 15%
With Speed Attribute (self),
201 201 TRAIT -
Vernier Consumption reduced 10%
When attacking with Physical,
201 201 TRAIT -
Melee Power boosted 15%
Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &
0 0 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%

201 201 EX Crater Maker -

191 54 TRAIT - Initial EX Skill Charge boosted 10%

With "Close Combat" enemy,

25 25 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot DMG Output boost 10
With Technique Attribute (self),
25 25 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot DMG Taken reduced 10
Reduce target Melee &
138 138 EX Defense Hack (a)
Shot Defense 39%
With "Close Combat" enemy,
138 138 TRAIT -
Sp. Shot DMG Output boost 10

110 110 EX Protection (a) Raise your Physical Resist 69%

0 0 EX -
Grenade Launcher

675 0 EX Hyper Beam Saber Raise Melee Attack of Squad 24%

When attacking with Beam,

675 468 TRAIT -
Shooting Power boosted 30%

675 468 EX Saber Boomerang -

Head-Mounted Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee &

468 0 EX
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%

878 208 EX Missile Launcher -

319 0 EX Melee Pick Raise your Melee Attack 14%

When Armor < 50%,

190 0 TRAIT -
Debuff EX Skill Effect up 10%

138 190 EX Brave Axe Combo -

Raises Speed 20% &

190 138 EX Saturn Engine
Reduced Melee and Shot Defense 30%
With Long Rifle Category equipped
138 54 TRAIT -
Shot guidance boosted 10%

462 0 EX Melee Pick Raise your Melee Attack 14%

When Armor < 50%,

281 0 TRAIT -
EX Skill Piercing boosted 15%
Raises Speed 20% &
281 201 EX Saturn Engine
Reduced Melee and Shot Defense 30%
Lowers hit Gunpla's Shot Attack &
201 281 EX Menace Shot
Melee Defense 14%
Raise Ally Melee Attack 19%
201 81 EX Signal Flare
Raise Ally Beam & Physical Resist 29%
Category Pierce Power Duration Magazine Cooldown Attribute Word Tags

For Urban
Debuff - - 51 - 33 (7) Speed Mid-Range

Debuff - - 51 - 33 (7) Speed Mid-Range For Forest

For Urban
Physical Melee A- D - - 21 (3) Speed Protag.

- - - - - - Speed Mass P. For Space

- - - - - - Speed Mass P. For Space

- - - - - - Speed Mass P. For Base

- - - - - - Speed Mass P. For Base

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Speed Mass P. For Space

- - - - - - Power Long-Range Support Type

- - - - - - Power Long-Range Support Type

Beam Shot D C- - 7 60 (0) Power Long-Range For Tundra

- - - - - - Power Long-Range For Tundra

- - - - - - Power Long-Range For Tundra

Beam Shot B+ D - 11 60 (0) Speed Mid-Range Commander

- - - - - - Speed Mid-Range Zeon

- - - - - - Speed Commander Mid-Range

- - - - - - Speed Mid-Range Commander

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Speed Mid-Range Zeon

- - - - - - Technique Long-Range

- - - - - - Speed Support Type High Mobility

Beam Melee D C- - - 19 (5) Speed Ace Excl. Mid-Range

Physical Shot A- D - 11 60 (0) Speed Ace Excl. Mid-Range

- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl. Zeon

- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl. Zeon

- - - - - - Power Heavy Armor Zeon

- - - - - - Power Long-Range Zeon

- - - - - - Power Mass P. GM Type

- - - - - - Power Mass P. GM Type

Beam Melee D C- - - 19 (5) Power Mass P. Federation

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Power Mass P. Federation

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Power Mass P. GM Type

- - - - - - Speed Commander For Space

- - - - - - Speed Commander Federation

- - - - - - Speed Commander For Space

Beam Melee D C- - - 19 (5) Speed Commander For Space

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Speed Commander Federation

- - - - - - Speed Commander For Desert

Recovery - - - - 21 (6) Speed Commander Ace Excl.

Beam Melee D C- - - 19 (5) Speed Commander GM Type

- - - - - - Speed Commander For Desert

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Speed Commander Ace Excl.

Beam Melee D C- - - 19 (5) Speed Commander For Space

- - - - - - Speed Commander For Desert

Recovery - - - - 21 (6) Speed Commander Ace Excl.

Beam Melee D C- - - 19 (5) Speed Commander GM Type

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Speed Commander Federation

- - - - - - Speed Mass P. GM Type

- - - - - - Speed Mass P. GM Type

Beam Melee D C- - - 19 (5) Speed Mass P. For Base

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Speed Mass P. For Base

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Speed Mass P. GM Type

Physical Shot D C- - - 21 (6) Power Mass P. Federation

- - - - - - Power Mass P. Long-Range

Beam Melee D C- - - 19 (5) Power Mass P. Federation

Physical Shot D C- - - 21 (6) Power Mass P. Federation

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Power Mass P. Long-Range

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Speed Transformer 3*

- - - - - - Speed Transformer Mid-Range

Beam Shot B+ D - - 21 (3) Speed Transformer Support Type

Beam Melee D B- - - 21 (6) Speed Transformer Support Type

Recovery - - - - 21 (6) Speed Transformer Mid-Range

- - - - - - Speed Mass P. For Tundra

Beam Shot B- D - - 60 (15) Technique Ace Excl. For Computers

Beam Shot A D - - 60 (15) Technique Ace Excl. For Desert

- - - - - - Speed Mass P. For Tundra

- - - - - - Technique Ace Excl. For Computers

Debuff B- - - - 21 (6) Speed Mass P. Close Combat

Physical Melee D B- - - 21 (6) Speed Mass P. Close Combat

- - - - - - Speed Mass P. For Tundra

- - - - - 21 (3) Speed Close Combat Gundam Type

Debuff - - 51 - 33 (7) Technique Ace Excl. For Computers

- - - - - - Technique Long-Range

- - - - - - Speed Gundam Type Close Combat

- - - - - - Speed Gundam Type Close Combat

Debuff - - 37 - 33 (7) Speed Mass P. For Tundra

- - - - - - Technique Ace Excl. Mass P.

Physical Melee D C- - - 19 (5) Technique Ace Excl. Mass P.

- - - - - - Technique Ace Excl. For Computers

Beam Melee D B- - - 21 (6) Technique Ace Excl. Mid-Range

Beam Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Technique Ace Excl. Mid-Range

- - - - - - Speed Mass P. Long-Range

Beam Melee D B- - - 21 (6) Speed Mass P. Long-Range

Physical Melee B D - - 21 (3) Speed Mass P. For Tundra

- - - - - - Speed Mass P. Close Combat

Beam Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Speed Mass P. For Tundra

Physical Shot B- D - 11 60 (0) Technique Close Combat Zeon

- - - - - - Technique Close Combat Zeon

- - - - - - Technique Close Combat For Desert

- - - - - - Technique Close Combat Mass P.

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Technique Close Combat Zeon

Physical Melee A D - - 21 (3) Speed Protag.

Physical Shot D C - - 21 (6) Power Mid-Range Support Type

For Urban
- - - - - - Power Mid-Range

- - - - - - Power Mid-Range Support Type

For Urban
Physical Shot D C- - - 21 (6) Power Mid-Range
Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Power Mid-Range Federation

- - - - - - Technique Protag. Close Combat

- - - - - - Technique Protag. Gundam Type

Beam Melee D B- - - 21 (6) Technique Protag. Gundam Type

- - - - - - Technique Protag. Close Combat

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Technique Protag. Gundam Type

- - - - - - Power Protag. Gundam Type

- - - - - - Power Protag. Close Combat

- - - - - - Power Protag. Gundam Type

- - - - - - Power Protag. Close Combat

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Power Protag. Gundam Type

Physical Shot D C- - - 21 (3) Power Long-Range Support Type

Physical Shot D C- - 7 60 (0) Power Long-Range Support Type

- - - - - - Power Long-Range For Base

- - - - - - Power Long-Range For Base

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Power Long-Range For Base

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Power Heavy Armor For Space

Physical Shot D B+ - - 41 (11) Power Heavy Armor For Space

Beam Shot A- D - - 60 (6) Power Heavy Armor Mid-Range

Physical Shot D B+ - - 21 (6) Power Heavy Armor
Physical Melee D B+ - - 30 (8) Power Heavy Armor
Physical Melee D B - - 30 (8) Power Heavy Armor

- - - - - - Technique Close Combat For Computers

- - - - - - Technique Close Combat For Desert

- - - - - - Technique Close Combat For Computers

Physical Melee B- D - - 21 (3) Technique Close Combat For Computers

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Technique Close Combat For Desert

- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl. Mid-Range

- - - - - - Technique Transformer For Computers

- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl. Close Combat

- - - - - - Technique Long-Range Federation

Beam Melee D B+ - - 21 (6) Speed Ace Excl. For Urban

Physical Melee D C- - - 21 (6) Technique Mass P. Zeon

- - - - - - Technique Close Combat For Desert

- - - - - - Technique Transformer Gundam Type

Beam Shot B+ D - 11 60 (0) Speed Amphib. For Tundra

- - - - - - Speed Amphib. For Tundra

- - - - - - Speed Amphib. For Tundra

Physical Shot B+ D - - 21 (3) Speed Amphib. Zeon

Beam Melee D C- - - 22 (6) Speed Commander Ace Excl.

- - - - - - Speed Commander High Mobility

- - - - - - Speed Commander For Space

- - - - - - Speed Commander Ace Excl.

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Speed Commander High Mobility

- - - - - - Technique Protag. Mid-Range

Physical Shot B+ D - - 21 (3) Power Gundam Type For Computers

- - - - - - Power Protag. Mid-Range

- - - - - - Speed Commander Mid-Range

- - - - - - Speed Transformer

- - - - - - Technique Mid-Range For Base

- - - - - - Technique Mid-Range For Base

- - - - - - Technique Mid-Range GM Type

Physical Shot D C - - 21 (6) Technique Mid-Range GM Type

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Technique Mid-Range For Base

- - - - - - Speed Transformer Mid-Range

- - - - - - Technique Mass P. GM Type

- - - - - - Technique Mass P. GM Type

Physical Shot D C - 7 60 (0) Technique Mass P. Support Type

Physical Shot D C - - 21 (6) Technique Mass P. Support Type

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Technique Mass P. GM Type

- - - - - - Power Long-Range GM Type

- - - - - - Power Long-Range Support Type

Physical Shot D C - - 21 (6) Power Long-Range GM Type

Physical Shot D C - - 21 (6) Power Long-Range GM Type

- - - - - - Power Long-Range Support Type

- - - - - - Speed Amphib. Support Type

Beam Shot B- D - - 60 (15) Speed Amphib. Support Type

Physical Shot D C- - 7 60 (0) Speed Amphib. Support Type

Beam Shot B- D - - 60 (15) Speed Amphib. Long-Range

- - - - - - Speed Amphib. Long-Range

- - - - - - Power Mass P. For Base

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Speed Ace Excl. High Mobility

- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl. High Mobility

Beam Melee A D - - 21 (3) Speed Ace Excl. High Mobility

Beam Melee D B+ - - 21 (3) Speed Ace Excl. Close Combat

Physical Melee D A - - 79 (20) Speed Ace Excl. Close Combat

- - - - - - Power Mid-Range Federation

- - - - - - Technique Zeon
- - - - - - Technique Mid-Range
Physical Shot A- D - 7 60 (0) Technique For Computers
Physical Shot D B+ - - 21 (6) Technique For Computers
Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Technique Mid-Range

- - - - - - Speed Protag. For Base

- - - - - - Power Protag. Federation

Beam Melee D B+ - - 21 (3) Power Protag. Gundam Type

- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl. High Mobility

- - - - - - Power Protag. Gundam Type

Physical Melee D B- - - 21 (6) Speed Ace Excl.

- - - - - - Speed Transformer Long-Range

- - - - - - Power Protag. For Desert

- - - - - - Speed Protag.

- - - - - - Power Protag. Gundam Type

- - - - - - Technique Close Combat For Desert

- - - - - - Power Gundam Type Protag.

Physical Melee D A - - 79 (20) Power For Desert Protag.

- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl. Long-Range

- - - - - - Technique Heavy Armor For Forest

For Urban
- - - - - - Speed Mass P.

- - - - - - Power Protag. For Desert

Physical Shot B- D - - 21 (0) Technique Close Combat Zeon

- - - - - - Power Gundam Type For Forest

- - - - - - Power Gundam Type For Forest

Beam Melee D B- - - 21 (6) Power Gundam Type Mid-Range

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Power Gundam Type Mid-Range

Debuff - - 51 - 33 (7) Power Gundam Type For Forest

- - - - - - Speed Gundam Type For Base

- - - - - - Speed Gundam Type Federation

Beam Melee D B- - - 21 (6) Speed Gundam Type Mid-Range

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Speed Gundam Type Mid-Range

Debuff - - 51 - 33 (7) Speed Gundam Type Federation

Physical Shot A- D - 7 60 (0) Power Amphib. Support Type

Physical Shot A- D - 11 60 (0) Power Amphib. Support Type

Beam Shot B- D - - 60 (15) Power Amphib. For Computers

Physical Melee A D - - 21 (3) Power Gundam Type Protag.

For Urban
- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl.

Physical Shot A- D - - 35 (4) Speed Ace Excl. Mid-Range

- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl. Heavy Armor

Beam Shot A- D - - 60 (15) Speed Ace Excl. Heavy Armor

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Speed Ace Excl. Heavy Armor

Physical Melee B- D - - 33 (4) Power Close Combat For Base

Buff - - 27 - 60 (12) Power Close Combat Zeon

For Urban
- - - - - - Power Close Combat

- - - - - - Power Close Combat For Base

- - - - - - Power Close Combat Zeon

- - - - - - Technique Support Type For Space

Physical Shot A D - - 21 (3) Speed Ace Excl. For Space

- - - - - - Speed High Mobility Support Type

Recovery - - - - 33 (7) Technique Heavy Armor Federation

- - - - - - Technique Heavy Armor For Base

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Technique For Base Heavy Armor

- - - - - - Technique Heavy Armor Federation

- - - - - - Technique Heavy Armor For Base

Beam Melee D B+ - - 21 (6) Speed Ace Excl. For Space

- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl. For Space

Beam Shot A+ D - - 60 (6) Speed Gundam Type For Space

- - - - - - Speed Gundam Type For Space

- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl. For Space

- - - - - - Technique Heavy Armor Close Combat

- - - - - - Speed For Forest Zeon

Physical Shot D C - 7 60 (0) Power Long-Range
- - - - - - Power Support Type
Physical Melee B- D - - 21 (3) Power Support Type
Physical Shot B+ D - - 21 (3) Power Long-Range
Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Power Long-Range
For Urban
- - - - - - Power Mass P.

- - - - - - Power Long-Range Support Type

Beam Shot A D - 11 60 (0) Power Commander
- - - - - - Power Commander

Beam Shot A+ D - - 60 (6) Power Commander High Mobility

- - - - - - Power Commander High Mobility

Recovery - - 33 - 33 (7) Power Commander

- - - - - - Technique Heavy Armor Long-Range

- - - - - - Technique Close Combat For Desert

- - - - - - Power For Space
For Urban
Physical Melee D C- - - 21 (6) Technique High Mobility
For Urban
Beam Melee D B- - - 21 (6) Technique High Mobility
For Urban
- - - - - - Technique High Mobility

- - - - - - Technique High Mass P.

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Technique High Mobility Mass P.

Beam Shot A- D - - 21 (3) Speed Gundam Type
- - - - - - Speed Long-Range
Debuff - - 37 - 33 (7) Speed Long-Range
- - - - - - Speed Gundam Type
Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Speed Long-Range

- - - - - - Technique High Mobility For Space

Mobile For Urban

Beam Shot A- D - - 60 (6) Power
Fighter Area
Mobile For Urban
Awakening - - 51 - 60 (12) Power
Fighter Area
- - - - - - Power Long-Range
Physical Melee D B+ - - 30 (8) Power Long-Range
Mobile For Urban
- - - - - - Power
Fighter Area

- - - - - - Technique Long-Range Federation

- - - - - - Technique High Mobility

- - - - - - Speed Support Type For Computers

Beam Melee A- D - - 30 (3) Technique Close Combat
For Urban
- - - - - - Technique Protag.

- - - - - - Speed Protag. Support Type

- - - - - - Technique Heavy Armor Gundam Type

- - - - - - Technique Heavy Armor Close Combat

Physical Melee D A- - - 21 (6) Technique Heavy Armor Gundam Type

- - - - - - Technique Heavy Armor For Forest

Physical Melee A+ C - - 60 (6) Technique Heavy Armor Close Combat

- - - - - - Technique Ace Excl. Commander

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Speed Mass P. Long-Range

Debuff - - 51 - 33 (7) Speed Mass P.

Physical Shot D C- - 7 60 (0) Speed Mass P. Mid-Range

- - - - - - Speed Mass P. Long-Range

- - - - - - Speed Mass P.
For Urban
Beam Shot D D - 11 60 (0) Power Mass P.

- - - - - - Power Mass P. Mid-Range

For Urban
- - - - - - Power Mass P.
For Urban
- - - - - - Power Mass P.

- - - - - - Power Mass P. Mid-Range

Physical Shot D B - - 30 (8) Technique Close Combat

- - - - - - Technique Close Combat For Forest

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Technique Close Combat
- - - - - - Technique Close Combat

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Technique Close Combat For Forest

Physical Melee A D - - 21 (3) Technique Close Combat Gundam Type

Physical Shot D C - 7 60 (0) Technique Mass P. For Space

- - - - - - Power Mass P. Federation

Debuff - - 51 - 33 (7) Technique Close Combat Mass P.

- - - - - - Technique Protag. Close Combat

Physical Shot D C - 7 60 (0) Technique Mid-Range GM Type

Physical Shot D C - 7 60 (0) Power Gundam Type For Computers

Physical Shot D C - 7 60 (0) Speed Gundam Type For Base

For Urban
- - - - - - Power Close Combat

- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl. For Space

Physical Shot B+ D - - 21 (3) Power Support Type

Physical Melee D B+ - - 21 (6) Speed Transformer Long-Range

- - - - - - Power Protag. Close Combat

- - - - - - Technique Transformer Long-Range

- - - - - - Power Close Combat
Mobile For Urban
Awakening - - 51 - 60 (12) Power
Fighter Area
Beam Melee B A - - 79 (8) Power Close Combat
Mobile For Urban
Beam Melee D A- - - 21 (6) Power
Fighter Area
- - - - - - Power Close Combat
- - - - - - Technique Mass P. For Space

- - - - - - Technique Mass P. For Base

- - - - - - Power Long-Range Gundam Type

- - - - - - Power Support Type Federation

- - - - - - Power Protag. For Desert

- - - - - - Power Amphib. Support Type

- - - - - - Speed For Space Support Type

- - - - - - Speed For Space Support Type

- - - - - - Speed For Space Support Type

- - - - - - Speed For Space Protag.

Awakening - - 51 - 60 (12) Speed For Space Protag.

Physical Shot D C- - - 21 (6) Speed Commander Support Type

- - - - - - Speed Commander Long-Range

- - - - - - Speed Commander GM Type

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Speed Commander Support Type

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Speed Commander Long-Range

- - - - - - Power Heavy Armor Mid-Range

Debuff - - 51 - 31 (7) Technique Close Combat
- - - - - - Technique Close Combat
Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Technique Close Combat
- - - - - - Technique Gundam Type
Beam Melee D B - - 30 (8) Technique Gundam Type

Beam Shot A- D - - 60 (15) Technique Commander Long-Range

- - - - - - Technique Commander Long-Range

- - - - - - Technique Commander High Mobility

- - - - - - Technique Commander High Mobility

Buff - - 37 - 33 (7) Technique Commander Long-Range

- - - - - - Technique Commander For Space

Beam Melee B D - - 21 (3) Power High Mobility Close Combat

- - - - - - Power High Mobility Close Combat

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Speed Transformer Long-Range

Physical Melee D A - - 21 (6) Speed Transformer Protag.

- - - - - - Speed Transformer Long-Range

- - - - - - Speed Transformer Gundam Type

- - - - - - Speed Transformer Gundam Type

- - - - - - Technique Transformer Long-Range

Physical Shot A- D - 11 60 (0) Technique Transformer Protag.

- - - - - - Technique Transformer Gundam Type

- - - - - - Technique Transformer Gundam Type

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Technique Transformer Long-Range

- - - - - - Power Mid-Range

- - - - - - Power Mid-Range Gundam Type

- - - - - - Power Mid-Range For Desert

Beam Melee D A- - - 21 (6) Power Mid-Range For Desert

Buff - - 37 - 33 (7) Power Mid-Range Gundam Type

- - - - - - Power Heavy Armor

Physical Melee D C - - 19 (5) Technique Amphib. For Computers

- - - - - - Technique Amphib. Mass P.

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Technique Amphib. Mass P.

Physical Shot D C- - - 21 (6) Technique Amphib. For Computers

- - - - - - Technique Mass P. Mid-Range

- - - - - - Technique Mass P. Zaku Type

Recovery - - - - 21 (6) Technique Mass P. Zeon

- - - - - - Technique Mass P. Zaku Type

- - - - - - Technique Mass P. Zaku Type

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Technique Mass P. Zeon

Physical Melee D B+ - - 30 (8) Speed Ace Excl. Zaku Type

- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl. For Space

- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl. High Mobility

- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl. High Mobility

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Speed Ace Excl. For Space

- - - - - - Technique High Mobility Zaku Type

- - - - - - Technique High Mobility Zaku Type

Physical Shot D C - - 21 (6) Technique High Mobility For Forest

- - - - - - Technique High Mobility Zaku Type

- - - - - - Technique High Mobility For Forest

Physical Melee B D - - 21 (3) Speed Ace Excl. Zaku Type

- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl. Zaku Type

- - - - - - Speed Amphib. Support Type

- - - - - - Speed Ace Excl. Long-Range

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Speed Ace Excl. Zaku Type

Physical Shot B+ D - - 21 (3) Technique High Mobility For Forest

- - - - - - Technique Mass P. Mid-Range

- - - - - - Technique Mass P. Zaku Type

- - - - - - Technique Mass P. Support Type

Debuff - - 37 - 33 (7) Technique Mass P. Zaku Type

- - - - - - Technique Mass P. Zaku Type

Buff - - 51 - 33 (7) Technique Mass P. Support Type

Physical Shot D B - 7 60 (0) Speed Transformer Gundam Type

Beam Melee D A - - 79 (20) Speed Transformer Ace Excl.

- - - - - - Speed Transformer Gundam Type

Beam Melee D B- - - 21 (6) Speed Transformer Ace Excl.

Physical Shot D- D - - 19 (5) Speed Transformer Gundam Type

Physical Shot D C - 7 60 (0) Speed Transformer Close Combat

Physical Melee B- D - - 21 (3) Technique High Mobility For Space

- - - - - - Technique Long-Range

Physical Melee D C - - 19 (5) Technique High Mobility For Space

Awakening - - 27 - 60 (12) Technique High Mobility For Space

- - - - - - Technique High Mobility Long-Range

Physical Melee B- D - - 21 (3) Speed Commander For Space

- - - - - - Speed Commander For Space

Awakening - - 27 - 60 (12) Speed Commander High Mobility

Physical Melee B- D - - 21 (3) Speed High Mobility Commander

Buff - - 27 - 60 (6) Speed Commander For Space

Weapon Type AI Type Job Licience Obtained As Obtained From

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

Physical - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- Long-Range Solo Outfighter 4* Haro Chip Capsule

Covert Coins
- - - - 3*
Covert Coins
- - - - 3*
Covert Coins
- - - - 3*
Covert Coins
- - - - 3*
Covert Coins
- - - - 3*
Free Missions, Friend Point
Physical - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

- Long-Range Solo Defender 3* Haro Chip Capsule

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop
Free Missions, Friend Point
- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Beam - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Beam - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Beam - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Beam - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Beam - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Beam - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Physical - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Beam - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Beam - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

Physical - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

Beam - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Physical - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop
Free Missions, Friend Point
- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2*
- - - - 2*
- - - - 2*
- - - - 2*
- - - - 2*
Free Missions, Friend Point
- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Colossus Coins
- - - - 3*
Colossus Coins
- - - - 3*
Colossus Coins
- - - - 3*
Colossus Coins
- - - - 3*
Colossus Coins
- - - - 3*
Colossus Coins
Physical - - - 3*
Free Missions, Friend Point
- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop
Free Missions, Friend Point
- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Beam - - - 3* Arena Coins

Free Missions, Friend Point

- Mid-Range Support All-Rounder 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

- Mid-Range Solo Defender 3* Arena Coins

- Long-Range Solo 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Physical - - - 3* Arena Coins

Free Missions, Friend Point

Physical - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

Physical - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

- Long-Range Balanced Defender 2*

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Golden Coins
- - - - 3*
Golden Coins
- - - - 3*
Golden Coins
- - - - 3*
Golden Coins
- - - - 3*
Golden Coins
- - - - 3*

Physical - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

Physical - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Physical - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Free Missions, Friend Point

Physical - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop
Beam - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- Mid-Range Solo Out-Fighter 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

- Mid-Range Balanced 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- Mid-Range Support 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- Long-Range Balanced 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- Mid-Range Solo Defender 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

Beam - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

Physical - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Beam - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

Physical - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- Short-Range Balanced In-Fighter 4* Haro Chip Capsule

Beam - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- Short-Range Solo In-Fighter 3* Haro Chip Capsule

Beam - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

Physical - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- Mid-Range Balanced Out-Fighter 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- Mid-Range Support Out-Fighter 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- Short-Range Balanced Defender 4* Haro Chip Capsule

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Arena Coins

- - - - 3* Arena Coins

- - - - 3* Arena Coins

- - - - 3* Arena Coins

- - - - 3* Arena Coins

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop
Free Missions, Friend Point
- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

- Long-Range Balanced 3* Haro Chip Capsule

Physical - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- Short-Range Solo Support 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- Long-Range Balanced 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- Mid-Range Solo 3* Haro Chip Capsule
- Long-Range Support 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

Free Missions, Friend Point

Physical - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

- Short-Range Solo Defender 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- Long-Range Solo 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Bullseye Coins
- - - - 3*
Bullseye Coins
- - - - 3*
Bullseye Coins
- - - - 3*
Bullseye Coins
- - - - 3*
Bullseye Coins
- - - - 3*

- Mid-Range Solo In-Fighter 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- Long-Range Balanced Defender 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- Short-Range Balanced Out-Fighter 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- Mid-Range Support Support 3* Haro Chip Capsule

Sword Coins
Beam - - - 3*
- Mid-Range Solo 4* Haro Chip Capsule
Encouter Coins
- Long-Range Solo Support 3*

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- Mid-Range Solo Out-Fighter 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop
- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2*
- - - - 2*

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

Physical - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Physical - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- Mid-Range Balanced Support 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- Long-Range Balanced In-Fighter 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Physical - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- Short-Range Balanced Support 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Encouter Coins
- - - - 3*
Encouter Coins
- - - - 3*
Encouter Coins
- - - - 3*
Encouter Coins
- - - - 3*
Encouter Coins
- - - - 3*
Free Missions, Friend Point
- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Colossus Coins
Physical - - - 3*
Sword Coins
- - - - 3*
Sword Coins
- - - - 3*
Sword Coins
- - - - 3*
Sword Coins
- - - - 3*
Sword Coins
- - - - 3*
- - - - 3*
Coins (Event)
- - - - 3*
Coins (Event)
- - - - 3*
Coins (Event)
- - - - 3*
Coins (Event)
- - - - 3*
Coins (Event)
- Short-Range Solo In-Fighter 3*
Coins (Event)

Beam - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Beam - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2*
- - - - 2*
- - - - 2*
- - - - 2*
- - - - 2*

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- Short-Range Support 3* Haro Chip Capsule
Free Missions, Friend Point
- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop
Free Missions, Friend Point
- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

Physical - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 3* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Physical - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Free Missions, Friend Point
Physical - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 4* Haro Chip Capsule

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

Free Missions, Friend Point

- - - - 1* Capsule, Capital Shop

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

- - - - 2* Haro Chip Capsule

Part Name Part Type Base Stat Total Armor Melee ATK Shot ATK Melee DEFShot DEFBeam RES

Sai Saici Pilot 5004 796 1602 384 796 796 417

Aegis Head 5343 1181 384 2380 384 384 213

Code Phi Torso 5364 1185 800 385 800 1610 292

Arms 5950 799 2786 384 799 1182 0
(4th Form)

Exia Legs 4990 796 384 384 1602 796 611

Mobile SUMO
Back 3256 558 558 292 558 558 430
(Gold Type)

Duo Maxwell Pilot 5004 796 1602 384 796 796 213

Sai Saici Pilot 5004 796 1602 384 796 796 417

Mikazuki Augus Pilot 5186 384 1182 1182 799 799 420
Lowe Guele Pilot 5157 1180 1180 383 796 796 212

Justice Arms 6705 553 3312 553 1734 553 0

Exia Arms 5931 384 3177 384 1602 384 0

Arms 5950 799 2786 384 799 1182 0
(4th Form)

Astray Red Frame Arms 5941 796 2783 0 1181 1181 0

Mobile SUMO
Back 3256 558 558 292 558 558 430
(Gold Type)

Sword Strike Back 3256 558 558 292 558 558 430

AGE Titus Back 3861 559 292 292 1145 1145 214
Artemis Back 4949 796 383 383 1180 1180 610

Mobile SUMO
Legs 3256 558 558 292 558 558 302
(Gold Type)

Sword Strike Legs 3256 558 558 292 558 558 302

Aegis Legs 4954 1181 384 384 796 1181 417

Exia Legs 4990 796 384 384 1602 796 611

Code Phi Torso 5364 1185 800 385 800 1610 292

Delta Plus Torso 3825 1434 558 291 558 558 213

Aegis Torso 5360 1977 384 796 796 796 0

Aile Strike Torso 4973 1184 384 384 1608 799 614

Exia Torso 5379 1602 384 384 1602 796 0

Code Phi Head 5324 800 385 1985 385 1185 292

Aegis Head 5343 1181 384 2380 384 384 213

Sengoku Astray Head 4964 1180 383 796 1180 796 417

Artemis Head 5566 796 383 2378 796 796 417

Phys. RESEX/TRAIT EX NameDetails (excludes attack descriptions)Category Pierce Power Duration

213 TRAIT - EX Skill CD reduced 20% - - - -

Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee

Igelstellu Physical
417 EX & D- D -
ng Shot
Shot Defense 14%
Raise Squad Melee Attack 19%
Assassin Beam
292 EX Raise Squad Beam & Physical A- D -
ation Melee
Resist 29%
In-Fighter Job,
0 TRAIT - - - - -
Melee Power boosted 30%
Edge Physical
417 EX - A D -
Fling Melee
When Armor > 60%,
302 TRAIT - - - - -
EX Skill Pericing boosted 22%

With Speed Attribute (self),

417 TRAIT - - - - -
20% chance to not recoil

213 TRAIT - EX Skill CD reduced 20% - - - -

With Power Attribute (self),

420 TRAIT - Initial EX Skill Charge boosted - - - -
With Speed Attribute (self),
610 TRAIT - - - - -
All CRIT Rate boosted 14%

Beam Beam
0 EX - A D -
Boomera Melee
0 EX Saber - D B+ -
In-Fighter Job,
0 TRAIT - - - - -
Melee Power boosted 30%
Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's
Lightning Physical
0 EX Physical D B+ -
Ball Melee
Resist 29%

When Armor > 60%,

302 TRAIT - - - - -
EX Skill Pericing boosted 22%

Schwert Beam
302 EX Raise your Melee Defense 19% D B -
Gewehr Melee

When attacking with Physical,

214 TRAIT - - - - -
Melee Power boosted 25%
417 TRAIT - Buff EX Skill Effect 12% - - - -

430 EX Flight Unit - A- D -

Against a large enemy,

430 TRAIT - - - - -
Melee CRIT Rate boosted 17%

611 EX Combinati Raise your Melee Attack 19% A D -
Edge Physical
417 EX - A D -
Fling Melee

Raise Squad Melee Attack 19%

Assassin Beam
292 EX Raise Squad Beam & Physical A- D -
ation Melee
Resist 29%
With Power Attribute (self),
213 TRAIT - EX Skill DMG Output boosted 20 - - - -

When Armor > 40%,

611 TRAIT - - - - -
Shooting DMG Taken reduced 35

0 TRAIT - Shooting CRIT rate boosted 30% - - - -

In-Fighter Job,
611 TRAIT - - - - -
EX Skill CD reduced 20%
Head- Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee
292 EX Mounted & D- D -
Vulcan Shot Defense 14%
Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee
Igelstellu Physical
417 EX & D- D -
ng Shot
Shot Defense 14%
In-Fighter Job,
212 TRAIT - - - - -
EX Skill Piercing boosted 28%

Lowers hit enemy Gunpla's Melee

0 EX CIWS & D- D -
Shot Defense 14%
Magazine Cooldown Attribute Word Tags Weapon Type AI Type Job Licience
Obtained As

Techniqu Mobile High Short- Out-

- - - Balanced 4*
e Fighter Mobility Range Fighter

Transfor High
- 19 (5) Speed - - - - 4*
mer Mobility

Techniqu High
- 60 (6) Ace Excl. - - - - 2*
e Mobility

- - Power Protag. - - - - 4*
Gundam High
- 21 (3) Speed - - - - 4*
Type Mobility
For Urban
- - Speed Ace Excl. - - - - 3*

Close For Short-

- - Speed - Balanced In-Fighter 4*
Combat Forest Range
Techniqu Mobile High Short- Out-
- - - Balanced 4*
e Fighter Mobility Range Fighter

For Short-
- - Power Protag. - Balanced Defender 4*
Desert Range
High Short-
- - Speed Protag. - Balanced In-Fighter 4*
Firepower Range

- 21 (3) Speed Ace Excl. - - - - 4*

Gundam Close
- 21 (6) Speed - - - - 4*
Type Combat

- - Power Protag. - - - - 4*

- 21 (3) Speed Protag. - - - - 4*

For Urban
- - Speed Ace Excl. - - - - 3*

Techniqu High Gundam

- 30 (8) - - - - 3*
e Firepower Type

High Close
- - Power - - - - 3*
Firepower Combat
- - Power Protag. Computer - - - - 2*
- 35 (4) Speed Ace Excl. - - - - 3*

Techniqu High Gundam

- - - - - - 3*
e Firepower Type

Transfor Gundam
- 21 (3) Speed - - - - 4*
mer Type

Gundam High
- 21 (3) Speed - - - - 4*
Type Mobility

Techniqu High
- 60 (6) Ace Excl. - - - - 2*
e Mobility

Transfor Federatio
- - Power - - - - 3*
mer n

Transfor High
- - Speed - - - - 4*
mer Mobility

- - Speed Protag. - - - - 4*
Gundam Close
- - Speed - - - - 4*
Type Combat
Techniqu High
- 19(5) Ace Excl. - - - - 2*
e Mobility

Transfor High
- 19 (5) Speed - - - - 4*
mer Mobility

Techniqu Heavy Gundam

- - - - - - 4*
e Armor Type

- 19 (5) Power Protag. - - - - 2*
Obtained From

Haro Chip

Haro Chip

Hard Free

Haro Chip
Haro Chip

Haro Chip
Haro Chip

Haro Chip
Haro Chip

Haro Chip

Haro Chip

Haro Chip

Haro Chip

Haro Chip

Haro Chip

Haro Chip

Hard Free


Haro Chip

Haro Chip
Haro Chip
Hard Free

Haro Chip

Haro Chip

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