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S.A. Khavronina, A. |. Shirochenskaya C.A. Xasponnna, A.M. LUnpouencxaa RUSSIAN PYCCHMM ASbIK in B EXERCISES YMPAHHEHWAX Pretty and atsmments frente feom the Russian by V. KOROTKY Desiged by V. SAFRONOV PREFACE stan in Exercise ie ile for bears. 1 catsins some 800 cuetees trating most funiamens} and typed points of Rusan gram tan aa vocabulary "Te boc i dived into two pat, ‘he exercises Inluded ia thie setlon will enable students to master the sractire of the simple sealence and to len to as end answer various questions, using a elected votabulry aot exceeding 280 words ocuns, adjectives, vers, adverbs, pronouns end fanetion words). At the Se time they wl help students asinate sch phenomena of Russian fama as verb. conigstians, the formation end. wses of the past nd fate teres, the formation of lara nouns, adjectives and pronouns, “The fat thet the exercises use a Filed umber of words, which are there fegtenlly repeated, ape 40 provide futons with a lexiel Iss ao ascery for ore extensive stil of Rosson. 1 The Uae of the Cases ‘The reseoce In Risin of mamerons dcemion putters often proves to be'nstobling Bask fr foreign sade, However, wil thor fh, wigs of thie pattems and eoztderble rectice in ther se ton connetaeglre good Résian speech fobs. Hence the lage mer ferrets foci in ths sexton Ty intedclyg the cass and thelr meoaoys, the comps of ths sania flowed ibe proce. generally acepled tr Roan fate for Tovelgners They Hist thre eases and tele meanings Fist whieh are the most vital in everydey communication. Thus sens are fit taught fo ‘ane persons er chjects (ro empawn. ‘30 euea When to mame Places of action (Ma wat « Maced. 1Kypuin sen nopmpae,) and objects of action (ft wo andey, Ont ner mieux), The numerous eres wil eabie the lett 4 soiate bok case forms ad fhe conartons bn mh they cee 2. The Une of Verbs “we Ruin vr i dificult or fre stents to gasp at ft ‘This is ue (tothe pain in ite conjation {which dn rio. sal grammars ae rll in the dlvsion of verbs lao leet cee) sn (@) to sich phenomean as veal aspects, verbs incopersting the brtéle ce sad verbs of mation with and witout pele, Iti these ‘nemene that make up the sbjectmattr of the ums excises of ‘hi sectin, designed to teach the sludet to we verbs corey 4. The Complex Sentence “The execs ince In this section gve the sles pactice inte tue of exper sarees containing elses ntodued by the comnuaest Conjunctins and conjunctive wars: Spec ttnion Is given fo elses Inuolucel by te canjuetive word rorpu and the conjunction sn since thelr nize aeceuts for the greater prt of rsakes made By foreign speakers of Reson. This section ala contains euetles in ela Jag dict by tadvct spec and sonences invlvng particle cr verbal ‘vec cortrctions by compl santos Tho character of the exec sven in thi bok is dstermined by two factors (2) the apectie fre of he lenginge phoramencn staal ant @) the need to actives the form concert inspec Thy he tse of eases is est procled in qution and answer eneses, wheat ‘he ase of verbal apcts shuld be pected In exerclaes in which the Sladen tas fo compre the meanings of aspect forms er fo coor the preeate aspect fom among a ruber of forms given Inthe eerie, The authors ot thi moana etrove fo comple te excises ao that fhe talent sald nt ely menarise the langage phevrnena concerned but ‘so lee (o ws them inspec. Execieswnfer the beafings "Answer the qustlns", "What questions do the aloe) words. answer? “Conplete the sentences" ani fepae the selenes by syoanyanes ontnymoss)seoenes* wil euale the student sot ely to comaidte his knowlege of the vacius forms end conatretions ut also to ctv tae tha Goss Esch stcion complses series of graduated exercises. The iit crerles stn at seiinting the student with the ew phenomensn. Then Proce cries oe given, followed in a naber of exes by exercises Wich dena! of the stent that he sctivse the kpwledge De has teamed tn the previous oes, in the authors” opinion, the execlses will prove: most eetve if they are practised ot _ony in orem form, Sut ako rally 2 for insane in fhe fost of anawers to th teaches qustions or as ae Togues between the stent "The book shad be siied in cyl pattern and mot steht theoegh from beginning. to end. This shld qrevent the stunt from Jewning the accusative of distin ka lation from vee af roton, et ‘he iscumeatal In leltin from the ort form of passive pert itis wef to etly fhe acemalive of the object of ation tn coin ton with the ection devoted fo veel pct, et, Russa Un Eseries is baad on a Sted caster of the cranes ustan woe, feature whch makes M posible fe ise Tt fo spokane ‘any compres Reson couse, Authors f conreNTs: page : Introductory Lexical and Grammatical Course ‘The Noun. The Siagulat Tha Queda Yon bu? Kew de?) 15 ‘Te Verb. The Present Tense » The Question Kar? coe 2 ‘The Question Kes? 2 ‘he Question Yaw Blan? oF 25 6 Reson Eseries ‘ The Gener of Nouns 2 “The Poasesive Prooouns mod, mio, amu apt ast » Th Verb, The Past Tease : 3 The Verb. The Future Tease 6 ‘The Plural of Nouns... ss st Poseestve Print. The Question Ye? ” ‘The Construction Y send, y met coms 2 “The Demonstrative Proscane Som, da, fe, Su. The Question Kovdi? Kosts? Koete? Kecie? “ ‘The Adjective a7 + "alertiee with the Stem endiogin's Hard Censenat a ‘Adjectives with the Stam ending tn w Soft Consannt <6 2 | 8 Adlectives with the Stem ending i @, = 2 Adjectives aod Adverts, The Quaton Kaci? and Koo? 82 5 Useod the Vets somdae, acdine, xow and the Werd Adee ‘wth the ftatve 7 tee s Basic Course ‘The Use of the Cazes ‘The Prepositions! Case ‘The Prepasitonal wd to Denote Place Sing Nouns in the Pepositieos ‘The, Prepsionsl used lo Deraie the Object of Speech or tho, Personal Prana Inthe Precio Singular Adectves fx the Prepstnal Poatsive Proms i the Prepon) ‘Tae Prncan end In the Preeti! Pls) Nous si Adjectives ithe Prepon ‘Th Pepsin! vee to Denote Tino ‘The Preps used Ia Other Menings “The Accstive Case “The Acoistive ured fo Denote the Objet of sn Acton Slagle Nas jn the Accsative Single Acetves and Prone ine Aceste | Persona! Pronmins dn the Active Peal Nos in the Asctive Phra Adjectives and Preoours Ia the Accasalve ‘he Accustie of Dron Ure off Aceomtive Case with the Verbs tazer» — nosis, ‘aus nsomnare end warns nonsune ‘The Accuative wed 40 Denote Tine ‘The Dative Case “The Dutive wed to Denote the Peron toward Whom ao Acton Drei Singular Nouns in th Dative : Pra Now in he Dative arin Proauae inthe Dative Ajctives se Posesive Prone in he Daiive ‘The Dative wed with the Verb wpdourset . - ‘he Dative ied fo Deasto Age ees : The Dave In nprsoral Sestenees ‘Use of fhe Dative Case with Prepositions nt The Genitive Case Singuie Nas tn the Genitive. « 6 0 ” 5 7% 82 er 90 2 wo 10 10s, 107 108 m nS Ne ue 120 196, of the Genitive afer the Negative Words mem, mt Gu Sinaular Adjectives énd Pronouns in the Genitive ‘Use of the Genitive withthe Noms dan, mpu aid wempe Pal Nos im the Genitive Use of the Genitive will aenico, dio, oxdanen, aloo, eswdve abd the Numerals tana, wore en Ploral Adjetive and Proouny ia the Genitive ‘The Geitve used to Dente Posten ‘he Advani! Genitive é The Genive used with the Comparative Desree The Genitive used ta Denote the Dole Use ofthe Genitive wit Prepositions «> “The Intent Case Sguae Noune in he Toston Toe Socntive Instrumental ‘ Single Adjectives and Pronouns ithe Usted ess Pronoins fn he Tetras Pleat Nats, Adjsves end Posse Prom tate ‘The Instrental eed 26 the Naminl'Predative ‘The Insmeral ater the Ver samnudmacs, inmepeco” nen, Be ‘The Instuneitsl wed lo Denote Phe ‘The Testamental Ia Pasive Capsrctons || | ‘The Tester sed Us Proper Meaning ‘The Inetrmentl eed in Otter Deans oe Reetson Fssrles nthe Uses of the Cases The verb Verbs of Motion Unpeined Vebs of Motion and the Verbs noon and naézans “Phe Verb sas The Present Tene ‘The Verh xodimo. ibe Past Tense ‘The Verb oud Tha Fate fens The Vorb Gama, The Preset Tose The Verb adams. The Past Trse Tie Verb nalcamo. The Futre Tease I The Ves int sri ‘We Vers dsm — tadin, poae 6 8 ra 13 138 10 a Me us, 6 1s, 18 16s 160 165 it 168 168 i Prelied Verbs of Notion Te Briton Be Bele a a a, fie eli ore eee Revision Exits... ‘Verbs withthe Paste or ‘The Verbs gms and yeimicn : ‘Verbs with te Pasive Nesaing ‘Verbs withthe tle Relenve Mesing Verbs withthe Meaning of Resiocs tion Verbs with the Proper Reflexive Meany Retsion Bsaritee “he Aspects of the Verb Use of Inperective Verbs lo Dsoote Repeated Actions Use of Pafectve Verb to Dente Momeotary Actions | Thy Impareline Aupet alter the Verbs now, apodoa- ‘ear ted edn i (se of Iperective ond Paictive Verbs the Fue Tease ‘Use of Aspect Pals of Certain Verbs ; Usa of the Varbt sider yeldeme, swam — yids. ant dats yeas Use of Poise Verbs ite Prefixes n> 3 Revlion Exertaee : The Conplex Sentence Clases introdaced by the Conjunctve. Words so, eo, nose, sar, 28, njoe, majo, non, sda td onda Cus intodued by the Confanctions noma waa and madouy Clases intradiced by ye Canjencton au Closes lnrdared by te Cenjnetion emstie Cine inredaed by the Cajon sort Sextet cethning the Coat Word mim, 10 Classes inodsed by the Coninetive Word sande Direct end atirct Spe 1. The Diet Specht Statemnot 1, he Dirt Specht Question coating fnirogative I, The Divot Sesh ss a page 210 aul a2 210 Ea as 29 2 239 ou 236 a0 240 241 251 25 os sr 28 230 6 sr AB, The Dist Spt x Quon tang No Introptve IV. Toe Direct Speech isan Order or Request.» >) eoision Bsercses : Santee contaning Particle and. Verbal Adve Costrutons Partelee ‘resent and Pst Partkipes Active. © > ‘Cmnlete Form Detiils Posive = ae ‘Short Form Prtcpes Pasi ; Complete and Short Form Parties Passive Verial Adverbs. : : Tupeietive Verb Adverbs | Peretive Verbal Adrebs 25 age 2 270 am mI 7 or 250 a Eo Introductory Lexical ‘Course ‘The Noun. The Singular ‘The Questions Ymo smo? Kmo 4mo? — 370 200? = Ta, ro. gom. = 910 exyntur? a, Sro erynéun. Exercie 1 Answer the questions. iam ‘Sra cron? 30 xulra? Sto puke? — Bro na? vercive 8, Answer the qustion lag the words given in tacts Dro pa? (napa) Mode! ri | fer dra me pra, vo Kapanndu 1. ato erate? (oryénre) 2. Bro rerian? (ous) Danpuay Sup cron? enya) 3. B10. ‘Dasa. ro wae so 8300 3, 910 tantra? Ga) fit ~ (aneps) 6. Sto. Bas: eee oe wer for i ~ Se pet cee | [oes = Her, sro ue pfanal, $10 xapandur aes es ercse 2. Answer the questions, xerlse 4, Ask qutstions about the pleares aad answer then Oo rT Ol i aS8 a ‘Sto wwiira? Sto wypuda? — Bro crys? Axo avepa? Kio sro? aro apa. ‘2 nen* Bro g0eKs? — Broo amie? Sto exyaéa? ‘penouanirem? The negative partie ye te never sleaze and a ponuniatie roarges wil he wofd winch follows 1 em pial a verse 5. Which gation Kno Sn? or Yin dr? Go the Ha clued wards nave? Model: 910 ope, Kmo S10? Bro cansipe. imo sro? ALA. B10 cmos. B. 1. S10 exon, 2. 310 emys 2 Sto ynpasencnue, 3. Sro emyaéxmea, 3. Sto Gp. 4 Bro mile, 4. Bro ceempa 5, Bro mpenodanimeso, 5. Bro caben 6. Bro piu. 6 9:0 wanda, 7. Bro emydtnm. 7, Bro uindasnus. 8, Bro adsina. 8, 3x0 yuaepoumém, 9, Bro naman 9, Bro moedpuay ‘The Verb. The Present Tense A wiecito, Tus wiraeun. (Ou sider. Ona wuriex, verse @, Inert the verb eundim Inthe spproprate fom, Model: #1 .. reser. 51 saumvo Texer. ; 1.1 x. 2. Mia... reser, 3. Oat. aypati. 4.08. rmcind. 5. Ba. yapangndune, 6.51. pacers, 7. Mbt ‘npexaowerme, 8. Bui. npasiao. 8. Ona... cmean. xarcke 5 Inet tho verb acemopsine in the apport form. Model: Ou ... ypés, (On rosmopiem ypé. 1. Maw. npdauag. 2. $1... vexer. 3, On. endo. 4. Ord raaréa. 5. Bix upenaoménie. 6, Out... ypor. ercse 9. Conisgats the vere. mosmopime, wane, mown, exh nl omerab ae Aa be Model: $f amido nics. Mas wumdon anced, Tur aumieun ricon6. Bt aumdeme uncon, On sumdem neen. On wuandion neon. 8 nomopho rexer, $A awilo nina. # doMMNaKO NpeXe ona, 1 causa péamo. $1 oTvesai0 ypOs. SRO BE sn | ere 10, Answer the guttions fist to the afimtive and then sn the mae 1. On cajmaer, piswo? 2, Ona surder_ ni nosropiior exer? 4. (OMA smder oxypnaa? 5. Cryxirr sder mpinno? 6. Cryxéurxa roster fexcr? 7. Aana w Cepréi nator npéowc? seri 11, Ansoor the qustions fist ia he lTlemstive and then in he megs 1, Bu noumtdere rec 2 Big exsuere plato? 8, Bu vuerdere seypnist? 4. Ta adem upémo? 5. Ts nosropen ‘exer? 6, But losopfere apne? 7. Tu uowmdei npeazo- rowopirs 2 rowan, Mut ropopia, 't rovopiimie, Bt ronopire, Ou ropopiie. Out ronope Oa roaopie, MEMORISE: serie 12, Anwer the questions fie in the attimulive and then tn de negative. seats pect 1, Ata ronopir no. picecu? 2. Keer Fonopi no-pjecas? 3. Gut Tooopir’ no-psecta? 4 Bw rosopire vo-pyccan? 5. Bopte rovopr no-anraiicxn? 6, Tex rosopritm no-arai ‘oun? 7. Hina n Bopie rosopie no-autaiionn? rats |e ander nie cease ee ercve 13, Answer the question sng he words giver in brakels Model:—Kro nostopter mans? (9) si tomopsio avanir. ro sider exer? (Ania) Ifo sopouts waren rexer? (Axa. 08) ‘ero cefae nosropsen Teer? (iG) Kio sxder tan? . Hopou ser Anma6e? (crys w eryaser) Kero roaopr no-pycenu? (os) KKro xopouis rosopin no-pfecn? (0) Ko eelsde ronopin no-pyeexn? (ut) 2B Bercte 14. What questions do the Hesed words answer? Model: Zacor u Awa rosopitr no-pjecx ‘Kmo rovopiet no-pycewu? L. Hecon exjuaaer pimuo. 2. Anna warier wcypain. 3. surziio’ raced, 4. Mot rovopii no-pfecan. 5. Oni xopourd Snawr ypor. 6, Aw vostopmere texer. 7. Awa w Magda unr TeECT. ‘The Question Kax? — Kax of ander ypin? = Ost eater ypoe xopoms, Terese 15, Rend the gies apd answers and wate them dowa, 1. — Kas eryatursa orveuder ypin? Cayntmma orwexier ypox npdouaono, 2, — Kae Tow surier? Aoi surder epénno. = Kore cryxéurat caymaor? = Cryzéiras eayumor axuudmensno. Kaw. Awsa sider toxcr? — Ama auder texer xopon nerve 16, Answer the questions Model: — Kax on wiraer, xopomé Hau axdxo? = Ont warser ropo6. 1. Kae na siiene auaace, xopom6 iam naixo? 2. Kew Aca omteadet 9pén, apdemmno. tow wespasiunio? 8. Kax rowopitr” Mapin, rpestxo. du Tixo? 4. Kak sit nowundere ‘Tener, maGxo. in xopoms? 8. Kax sul rovophire no-pjecky, Geierpo nw ménteni0? 6. Kae oni exjwaor ypér, nian ‘Tempo st uesuuitenuo? 7. Kak wurden aperonasinea, eszenn0 Hae Osierpo? Exerc (7. Aniwer Model: — Kae on wuréer? (wéaterwo) = ont wider aédaenno. 1. Ka Bopic surder no-pjcexi? (xopotns) 2. Kax ow vnmrdgr “no-anraiiext®(aucxo) 8. Kak cryngnras orseudior Yoox? (npititono) 4. Kax Ania umrder”Tescr? (Gsicrpo) 23, Kaw Hina auier anganit? (nndxo) 6. Kax oni pacessa haber Texcr? (wétaeaso) 7. Kak ous surder auaaic? (rpiaco) 8) Kak cryacerss exytnaior ypox? (enmdreauto) 9. Kax on ooops no:pycexi? (Meaaeno) 10, Kax roroptr péauo? (0x0) etons using the words gven ia. bracket eck Cones te sienee wing the anonym of te Model: On wiréer 6ticmpo, a 8... Ou watser Osiempo, a 5 wiio séDsexwo. 1. Cayaéir ovnexier apd, a cryaburea ... . 2. Cecr i Fowopar Geemo, Ghar 3. Him, ewraet mis, a linea... - 4. Mepn rovopir tio-piecxu nadxo, a Anna .. 5. Cryiinreacajmver ypox euadmensio, 9 cryaGur « 8, sf auilo ypSe xopou), a Tu.» 7. BM pacexsoumacre TeKcr npdewsto, a om... 8. Ow Fovopir no-pjecia aéd- enya the paral of the noun ere xerche 18, Make sp qustions to which thse sentence are the Mode: —'... cee? = Kaw surier Ansa? = Inia ‘wirder’ mito, — Anna unréer tixo, he 2 — Grier inirier’ wédzewe. Cryaéarea weréer emp. = inperosssnens fonopite enix. ‘hina rovopite'miéxo. — cpr’ reno ‘ne aan nado, pees = nn Seen sma nana rovopiir’ oijcexn apdausono. recite 20. Aoweer te questions sing the woes xopaué — nab a, aps ciBsemo, "spline mize, apdnuiono—nenpdauan, Model: — Kas on exjamer? Of enjuizer eudmessno. 1, Kane eryxéur under? 2. Kax on ander 1ecer? 3. Kat ceryadurea ormexder ypon? 4 Kak on@ ronopsin no-pcexi? S.'Ran Thiaa.pacenastsser exer? 6, Kax cryaénra cxi- fisor nexer? 7, Kax mt anicre ypéx? 8. Kak itt rosopire porpycexn? 9. Kak it uoummsere a0-pfecx? — Bu sufere, Kak Hoxonilt rowopir no-anraicea? Ja, # auto, xax oh roRopier no-auraficxs. Ow roRo- pity no-auraitek xopoms. 2 Piidlen a we aio, nak o% rosopir no-auraiiice, serie 21, Anaver the questions. 1. Bue sudere, kee on rouopiir no-pfecwu? 2, Bu andere, xa Jixon orwerder ypb = Vou’ Hina’ pasimac Bérepoi ai ajuiaeie pdduo. ? = Getic’ Amin ont, ‘Caine’ ois’ oben. sco umd. ine 9 palidmar. ee et aii ye, = Celi’ Hiiia inde’ nucond, xerese $2- Rend the senlentes ad write them down, Note the pation oe weds denon tn ne aooers ft gains Fine Bescon ant Kosai? Remeber thet the wove cntalaing e sfaverfo'a question 8 Ul at the ent of the seen 1, — Koad Son paséraer? = Tow podraer dnéa. ‘Ymo on désaem ann? Hie on pabdmaems, ‘ood on oranixaer? On orien sévepox. mo’ Hixon Oéaaer névepon? = Beaepom ox omdaczem 3, — Koodd sur wariete? = umriie abuepon. = Yima aut dBaaeme vésepon? = Biuepow 5 mdi pikes bia, afer ince; nea wpe, alter the len Revision Exercises- verse 38, Inert the aprorate forms of the words given on the Model: Crynter ..gmerdue. | nud Gryabur riven suri 1. Axa xopous ... no-pfcex. | ronopirs 2. Onl noerai ... pio jrpos. sivrpaxany 3. Gellge ova“, huckaid. ted 4 Mu. pau wesepon. eayuars 5. Condit Anna ... ypox naéxo. | sears 6. Tw raarom? oxropirs 7. Bu ypon? yur 8. Bua“. npenaonénne? inom 9. Oud. "no-pyecx? Fowopiirs Evcrcse 84, Insert the yerbe atom, und, eam, Olsens, mc, supa as {ate appear 1, Bésepow iawo. A s1o Bit exepon? 2, Ria xopoud Bu Toxe xopoms .. no-pfe- 3. Tipenonanirety .. Tesct. A970 wu cryaéari? Ont ae apetouandreiy ser exer 4, Cetne Jagat ane. Ate Ana? On yp 3. Gerda Me “Sopa. ypor."But tome wopox yp? rece 38. Aner the gusto, A. Kas. nit soaopire no-pjeexu? 2. Kok Ava exrder noe pjecnu?' 3. Kon oni eer cercaus ypin? Kak ot B. 5, Korai mu sisrpaxaere? 6. Korné Sion paGéraer? 7, Kora om ormaxter? 8. Korad ne oséavere? 9. Kors 1 exvuaere paso? C. 10. Gro agaor exynésres guise? [1. Yeo ont abaator sévepon? 12. Uro mkt nenaere cefic? 18, Uro BH Be: saere. sesepon? D. Ii. But romopie uo-pjeesn? 16. Axa, xopomd.axéer pin? 16. On aerder upon Gietpo? 17. Bat enrae {Rtunérai frpow? 18. Bh paGracre 208? 2 Eerclee 86, What question do the lidsed words answer? 1. S10 Anya. 2, Oud xopous auder ypin. 3. Oni ate der rexer Gtlempo, 4, S10, emydtanas. 5. Omi 0680100 EeGahale oni renopi, noawendtents 7. Vopom Sonow Gimaem, 8. On orguxier aéuepost. 9. Celivac of wumdent faim. 10, Jbkow *uraer renee ympoa w abvepost, xerive 87. Answer the questions asin the motel Model — Bus auiere, #75 om nésaes? = As, w anite, a6 on Aéaser. Ou miuer mcs, = Her," ne suai, 46 on aéaser. 1, Bia sniere, Kors ZLxom painaer? 2. Bato cou seer’ newcpon? 3. Bi azere, hora ok ova ST Bor atdere, 70 Aun aber eslsc? 5. Bw ane norma Oud. Your yoko? 6. Bu aire, hak. ob rovopme nope Sine 7s Bur andere, xorgé mis o6Cageu? 8, Ba sno, 106 sins seanem ene 866? ‘The Gender of Nouns ‘The Possessive Pronouns soft, meol, Haw and eau. 70 wo (vena) sepa. Gro nam (at) 204 Seo no {roog)oen, Sra mam (aia) ti Bro mat (08) tc, Bro we (wate) om. Exerc 38, Ise the posssivepromuns in the aporpraie fonn, Model: Sro ... xéumera. ‘to dod Kenmare, AL woi, moi, 08 1, Bro. cron, 2, Sr. pf. 3, Bro... napanAa. 4, Sto a Mast6, 8, 40 wa raseTa, 6. STO... apyT. 7. B70 1 yrds He Whe plural ofthe noun epic. B. rook, re0A, ra08 Te Spo ws pHa? 2. Seo... KOMTA? 3. Sto. nee M624 Sto"... némxa? 5. Oro. ywesuk? 6. Bro." oRd pun? 7. ro... ceenpa? C. vam, wus, name Te Sto. WKONa. 2. 910 a, gow, 3. B10... Gnomon xa. 4, 920. yumeperér. 5. Sto... kay6. 6. 310... ety neaea, 7. S10 .. npenoranitens. 8. S10 . oKKd. D. nam, sda, name Tr Bro wn 06M? 2. 910. raséra?_3. Bro... puna? 4. Sie. ayia? 5, 90... puna? 6. 910. penanan- rem? 7. Bro. eryaeaP? MEMORISE: Molt exosis. Mod wars ‘Moi noppni. ‘Mod rerpian, Execs @, Put thse, wads In thzce groupe in ecordnce with these ger a I the oa Model: = fem ot. ro moi cron, | 9x0 wom wéwuara. | Sto Moe nHeEMé, pis, aéuna, xapauxdn, Opar, paawo, raséra, ynéGimn, nnetno, erya, uDka, KApta, “NOprbéab, Tenpal, 1as.T0, Noctiny, Weiha, exoRips, Mars, Age, ceerps, TORAPIL, RoW, obuexcimie, OHS, oeypuia, Kaprina, caoeo, ynpaaeKéune, Exerc 40, Insect the eran pecan on, on oF on Model: 310 mon rox, .. eroiir sec. Bro soit cron. Gu cro saece. 1, 9ro Mau npenogaoiren. ... aurder rexer, 2. 910 wos cori... pafidraer ane, 3. Sto wok Oper... eajaaer piano. 4. 910 Toi noapira. .nliyer maces, 5. Sno want Erynénr. x PoRopiT DO-pYecKH. 6, 9x0 NOE ESME, w- Je seit geet 7, S10 nia pha, «send ra. 8. S70 OH Tnosipes ear tec 8. Dio) Terpaa. NEAT Stee io!” Sto. saul wa. crowe,exeon. il. Seed” wpecno. serait te 12."9ro Mosk sunta, «- eTOdT enplon The Verb. The Past Tense ronopirs Cryabir rovopia, On ronopia, Gryaenca rovopiaa, On Tonoplaa, Grysenat conopian, On rosopia. azno rosopiao On rovepino, Faerive 41, Answer the questions inthe afiratine, Model: — Tus wirrin rpom raséra? = Tha, ward Yapone ravers ; 1. Gryat ne enc? 2. Cryer sums ypnia? 8, Bar wumsiau ceroaus raséru? 4, Cryaénrat muedate cerOnn smwraw? 3. Bau apyr nied oxepé tncomé? 6. Tat expuuaaa contain péawo? 7, Bu aysiu muep nésepow? 8. Tu paGi- ‘maa biepi? [Exercise 42, What gustlons do the verbs answer? Model: Yrpow o2 cajuas pad mo ox désas Yrpo%e? 1. Huey sat padimaa, 2. Bévepom wo omdbexdau. 3. Baepi névepon = nucda acosd. 4. Ynpox ond amas aasémul. 5. Breph mesepow ah cuompéa mesesiop'. 0. Cem Fenn jrpoM Omi ued duxmdnm. 7. Yrpom x) wimds * camp rexetop, to welch felevsion sn 8p, Ee the pst ee Bernd thats pst tee Model: wirim—on wurda, oni wrriaa, owi améan 8) peGérams, wars, xésaro, cajiuere, ajuans, enpaiau fers, oTBevits, suvrpakaT, OBéaars, Yate, nosropny 8) ronopine, yin, ror, ) nc ) cworpers Exerc 44, Answer the questions ring the word Sia, eniuxtino, spate pai poe cman ice en tga ani, ape: Pass cnaniptne usa, ard 1. Mro pean sau apyr svepi? 2. ro om abman nese pou?’8. tro. zetame eryaems tera Jtpont A, ro on au xe? 5. Ur RA Aémanw weeps Bedepou? 6. as Geroau Frpou? 7 io sar eaaaw ceronhe verbs in the pst ene. Model: om paSéraet—on paSiran AL. ot omesier 9. woe parse — 2 atmparaio— 10, omar 3 ont ryaion— 11 au pocewtaunoere— 4. sree — 12. oni Paomser 3 on enpdaaer— 6. of o6ttger— 8. 19. ou nitser — 7, ot sare i sonoma — © Ont rose 18. Sah oxcrpe— Exercise 48 Replace the peat ere ofthe veri by te ps Model: Oud windem cic. nS Oni tumdina Gcxpo 1. On ronopie no-pjeekti. 2. f rorénmo aowiumee sax ane 8, Vio cub enor pho. aa ea, 5. Cryntwoea.sopoue anler”rexer. 6, Hat npenoaasstens hsscsor ype lipenonainenscnpinamae, «eae orcs. 8 dn ut patron, sesepon oie surcke 47. Rewrite the text npicing te pent feu of verb bythe pst. Reel ue ine “PR Kae Be ro uit amie a. ypone!? Mix sutiew exc. Torin penoRaniren enpéuueaes, a ont ometiet. penn poctt yp, a the fen 2 unaer rexcr Gsierpo H npéonauulo, of xopomé suder Romi on crpenden, Mid exyiaes sunmarerbio, THordue ape Roubirens odweader ypak, Mix ommatien, wr6 rovopite Hperowandren, Mu tosvopieu raards, miatew mncrétc, Topopiat uo-pycexn. Bee eryneure pabsraior xopox. rerio 48, Rearie the test replacing the present fase of the ver by the pat iro a aésaio pévepow? Tiere ypéna 9 oséta, nora orgundion A cij gna a sraio ragéra w oxypHSa. T Shura paora, 1 rordame osuiee sexduute: yu) cor Tomopho raaréna, muy sexerks. Moi Opar réxe roréomt oma tee sagaume, lowe kt jaionse, CHO TeIeEOD fe exjuraen pani. ee Se ae teed ert adie Beas ea eta on i ee ee td He a MR Ler Me aides te” a td he hen bad ced ait We ad ty, ccf oni ad te) ws Snes iene eee | Roo nd eae ee oe [cesta mien sos Tercise 60, What questions do the Isic words answer? Model Cmydéamer swerimn, pacerts Kimo winds pacckia? 1. Cydia yuian ypé. 2. Zeon xopom, rweua pin, SDs ond ‘cnonpet rezenioop. 4, Mépu sua 2s, 5 ont sovopiam no-pyeoun. 6, Bip Lacon u Ans ‘eworpéait am Teakra — a cna, ng cust. om cir 2 ale’ semi, Bomar seri 51, Wat question do the italicised wards ase? ota ie SL set 2 Coen aap erent san eat a Cn at ena a 7 en a vecie 52, What quesne do the Hisliced words ansver? Anca Aer toa vprate n re Sexe weph ne patirann 7. Ceri topos t- Kypnin sexia rast.) Kenvra acacéna rat chad ae ra, | 0 temino ro? Kypudnu xem ran vercke 69. What questions do th ics words answer? 1, Kida scacan xa croné', 2 Caoaipn son ma 28S. Baan crotza' sa" ona@. 4. Omani eda taueee 5. asémas sem wa ernt, 8. Usenet crohns cote Exercise 64. What questions do the ialkised words enswer? 1 Gmpnn extn pi, 2, hu pine ro a. gage mee mo, 2 liens ‘sd onal Pe erm am 0 re Beast fa SES ft a te. Tare sre con 1 w ance, In the elmo halen, the bi 4 onal the windows Sze St the Tale rjee, atthe cab Aopunipe, tn the erin ‘The Verb. The Future Tense Ofay Mor 6fncn om : ae urine Tu eyneus | werise Bir Gynere 7 Gn oyner” | ayprin, Oni Ojaye! YD Ona oyner Eercse 65, Arce the qestios Model: — Bis dome eajuame pinsa? = Ba, 4 efdy etna pn. 1 On dem mine kn? 2. Cena at Oe oxisuoano "exer? 3 {las mpenoaansnem Oder ont. {ne yoon? A. Tit 6jdeue eras roe O66 6. Ti peas nucdno mice nerepon? 6. Bat deme cogoams? GH bu odeme noamopine radu? 8. On der seuepow Chompene reseniaoph 8. Ont 6gdym spa. racine. ie Sarde Baur Oper Oder sped picen soe? 11. Ts Uijoeun jsctxare> Ber 6, Lr the fre ene oth ve geen In its Model: Mir .. ada, (6tsan) Mia Biden eno. au 1, Ceiie. mpenosaninens yp. (0Genciir) 2. Crys neuro ype lenjars) 3 jkdua a seyaponmeni. Ge Jamo) a Saoape st os sewn. (aici) 3. Bexepow Ow veaeuianp (euonpiss), a». paneo, (eritiars) 6. TH. Fiecnutastus (wiyean) 7. Awe Tome pec ask? tesa) eis 57. Replace the present tense of the verke bythe future. Model ft nuuyf mucis6. BI Ogay ruc nes. 1. Tipenosaniren otrseufer ypox. 2. Crynéura caf user, 3. Sor cryaeh pacexésusaer Texct. 4. Bévepow ues thorpine Teseaiaop..5. Mw roaopine no-pjecam xopaus. 6. pascrai nésepow. 7. Tdeae jaima x rordamo noMuwee Saasine, 8. Todi cayimato ‘iano. * ava, at home MEMORISE: Days of the week: Keoeoa? rowexéassis wonexémmm bream ‘bo propia pent w epeny ernepr 2 uernepr nium 8 ndny eyooira 8 cysGory ocrpeceune 1 wocepecénse erie ape sts segs prs oe snob ta, Seta it al SSeS Sear ea ms ee 1 yo Gj acre Aga a serpin 2. ont ines Ae tn} 8 sae teats Cote we tetCati? Wo oer sean Sn sels 3 Er hues aban need. to a ae sents fe ae le 7 xn vata Fogo "es tro axe Gyr nso boomer fons Bie on day ata beng? Pre eye rc te pt fea fe st by te ue ell Ue fend, SPINE HO Fes I yi se rm souls. Cyan sav ‘opened tant sec pena Splat 2 he ote Her» ona wea ae re gw ae Matec fon ta ions feo ode oe a fuse mee. Ie Yella we ried antsy we have rest 2 Tou Te had cay eet” ean alae ine} Sn ates te ape Ye ft eis elated ner Ions i eaten te Teron ie ate wl he uo) and te Sal bs rcring (Chon) The sss te wns oe tony Ter they be g's aon co ipa Renan lo Now ges ie aan, ok {Seu sca Ronin, oe 8" fe figs er roe Inthe eerng sh Be wang tek Se Tas poor, on the Bicker ‘The Plural of Nouns Se rom Tals on the sre_ yh in the Sgr The st and the plural. Ye = ‘oaipum — Tospaw ropnpéas — noprpean syne —ay3eM jon. | ranera—rasira | sire —xten hua — pin Teipone — erp Lo} Trae 61: Pal the nous the ls " roace, sonia, ypoce una, ans, wire, ypu, sonpierestra, zener, "aaron, oullOna,pp4xa, TerBOAh, cinerea, Aebyanc, "ante, cnpotongnsren>, cTys6H, SMe quant wiranin, wocr, epaa, nan ORES “The sires fells on different syllables in the singular and the pial ase eran —evoni | maiz — sant | x04 — now | ime open _| Chonips — crowepi Fem. |espant—erpin rovet —aéexn || \ nace —miceata] a jexéno —cnona Po} s ———__ ——__eEoEeEeEeEeE rege 62 Pot the none a the sings, Memes hepa ‘these words. tee Me ae 1. cromi, wocrt, usps, cant 2 oberpui, erp, 8. nate, yuenunts caoaspi, mpawi, xepansemis 4. ont, nec’, roponi, noesxs, weeps; 5. enon, meets; miceia, xt verti 63, Put the nant in the plas “ | 7 ee ee caren | reemte— sraboparépan— | ipexoneéte — sxew¥pens— | abatexcirne — MEMORISE: Singur Pll apy — apysus Sper — Gpanun crt — evans épeno — nepenta verse 64, Put the soos in the pla rxap, cron x crya: rondpyun me xpyr; cerpd a 6par; cayséir, eryzéimea u npenonasineas; wits, Terplay 1 €a0. ph; wapaniun pra; repon, eax tap; veypibn, Ta3e Taw mt, yom, Aen a seKSpeHR, Gah ca6oD ‘MEMORISE: Singular Phe ssenonéx— aoa pebenox —némH serie 65, Put the oom the pal Model: Sto mempéte. Bro. meme. 1. 910 xapangin:, 2. Sro aysuerdpun. 3. 9x0 xin 4, 9, rgb 8. Bro enya. 0. Sr, magn, 8. STO Maran. 9. Bro, pfs erynsierca. Th'oro mmceaé, 12. Sto caéso. 13. 910 raaéra. 14, 910 im. 15. 40 erya. 16. 910 rOpox 17. S10 cxsips, Exercise G8. Replace the snglar by the ura A. Model: Cryxéer axréer aeypuda. Gryaéur surier aeypadans, 1, Cecrpa nimer mucsud. 2. $1 surévo pacers. 3. Oxi cuorpen quant, 4. Coyaénieacosropier mexcm. 5. Cry- Star aakuet npaacubnaee 8. Mur nen Guonasum. 7.3L ‘aly 03690 B. Model: Ha croné aeasim muon. Hia eran aes. widen 1. Ha eroné saveim eaxéma. 2, Ha crené auc apna. 3. Ha oxue cmaim aduna, 4. B xadcce cudim Gmydéxm. 5 Ha erené uc apmina, 6, B xaticce emodm cmon w C. Model: Oud mimer ynpaxuéane. Onn milayr yup, 1, Cryzéer surnier tener. 2. Tipenonaniness povepier serpian. 3. Cryzéinna utter xypuda. 4. niu npeaA- seine. 5, On Kyat yseOnn. ere 67, Replace the pal by the singular, Model: $1 mmuy ndcosa SL nay nud. ye 1, 9 xynéia respiza « xapauzauil. 2. SLi wri wimel, 3, Mat micas guerannae a yrpaonéma, 4. moa ce cro cron crjaps. 5, Ha croae aokir xin, rast ‘TMH crogpi. 6. Tlperouaninenn rovopi ro pyeext. verse 68. Trantate Into Rossnn, 1. The student is reading a story. The students oe fist ing {0 him reading. 2."The tesehets and the sluts push Rusian, [buy tewspapers and magurines nthe mwa Tam reading 2 magacine now. 4. Evecy Gay we ke wor fevew vey" erl execs andrea feta 6 Thee ne _erercice hos, perl, pens and dtonaies hee 6. Thre are tables and’ chai tere “oms | Possessive Pronouns. The Question “eit? [Br mol (uo pana | He gro mama? ro n. [Bw on (na) fun] et fr sama ro tw Crom) ton” | in fo ma (an) xpos, | ed fo rapa? lara. Sa ea | eh to spa ron) Sr nau fone) fac. | ane 0 Baa road atu) | on 9 (Oro eré Kapanniu. Heit S10 xay nau | ee oF (Bro erd py, “iba $10 pera? re ofS er Pata a Be te 'Sr0 eré snr, Msn S10 xouiew? yo ow. {272 Yuen. Yell iro. yuéonmx? os en 0 2 mes tre oe oe ro wx exondp, ro wx nia [Seo we obutenine ‘ro mx hopes Bro en ee ro Es Use So oGutesuione Mon 0 nopnpéa? 0 erese 60, Wil question do the ialeled words answer? Model: 9ro sod xypnaa, Yet S10 mypnio? A. 1. 910 sof exouiph, 2. ro meod xapanaéut. 3. 970 nant ange, 4, 910 eau upenoxaséten. 5. S10 ee apyr. 6. Bro ef Spat, 7. 910 ue AO B. 1, Bro sof pena. 2. S10. maok wing. 3. Sto nda aymrépus. 4. 910, eda Kowsara. 5. 310 ec6 TeTpd 6 Sto ee ceexpé. 7. S70, ue mar. : C1, Bro aod meeigé. 2. Sto mood ynparenénme. 3. S10 awe piawo, 4. 310 edule oKud. 5. S10 eh nanurb, 6. Sto! ef abero, 7. 970 ux often. sere 70. hes he appoint possessive pens. Model: Ceompd seein ances, Sto... xSuuara dro ob wine. 1. Cmyotum sure ypu, S10. yee6uns. 2. 91 sain cxypiian Sro yp. 3 Bu “here mean, Sro Wa. i. Tw Jims tooad, vo -. exguapo. 0. Ones 26ua, Bros. nang. Gy Me etio 9gcc Oro». nance. 1. On pecoiae steci, S70.» ween. . Crngdeums mim yan Were, Drone aoMdiee sapdene. 9. CruyOeuma miter. Bro, ps. beach 71. Ave the cuetns wing the pene pone ‘A, Yep dro woquara? 2. Yeh Sno yaaoe? 3. ue sro syécro? 4. th sro verpaas? 5. Use Sto naar? 6, Yel Jo caoaipu? 7. Hom bro cecrpa? B. 8. Una mare wero mimer sifesna? 9. Ye roipmn, ct zit tan? 10, Yel apyr xopom6 roropir no-pceun? 11. et ‘mypuan gut wirdere? 12. Use mutan6 aeacir, » xiie? 1 Yen wocriow uci tau? 14. Yelk nopnpény next srecu? 1B. Wel Gpar mayséer pyccxnt satin? 16. Yet xpyr smunet B Mdcxnee Exercise 72, What qustlons do the Hail wards snswer? Model: 910 od rerpasu. ‘ew Sno. serpana? 1. Bro aus rastru. 2. Sto ob wyputia, 3. Sno aun apysii. 4, 310 mand wapanzami, 5. Sto ux mina. 6. 310 ef penn. 7. Sto wide Tosipmaun. 8. Sto a8 nocton. 9, B10 sod wees. 10. Dro dus mica, verse 78. What qunstions do the iiaeied words answer? Model A, 3r0 Hau wxad. Yea S10 wie? B, E26 oréx paoraer 9 dine Hen orbs. paSraer a iikine? AL 1. ro mia xéunra, 2, 310 soit nat. 3. Sto eda Wi Ta. 4. Sto. mand nacans. 5, S10. e8 alitd. Ge Dro eh cron. 7. 970 due onto. 8. 910 eau socribn. 9. Sto vod pfca. 10. Bro we sance. 11.” Bro wo Kapaa 12. 270 ao apyses. 18. Dro wduai yutsanns, B. 1. Mod Gpar’patsraer @ tmxéne. 2. Teal Knitm send ances. 3. Fei sosipuut aunér a dlosiipize. 4. EP cece aps noysder pjeenuf sake. 5. Fad uatw wero ni Iowa, 6. Biiuia ronpyra xopouis Tosoplir no Evers 74, Tense ilo Ril, 1. This is my friend John, His brother learns Russian 2, This is Ann and hat Is her father. 3, This Is our class oom. There are our bags and books here, 4. These are the students and that is their teacher. 3. "Whose magazine is WO" I is her megerine.” 6. "Whose car is it?" "Il is his cat.” 7. "Whose books re theee?” “They are your books.” So "Whose letter is 10° “It is my letter ‘The Construction Y sex. y meGA ecinn, aa ot] ) eeceeee 5 unde, at tod vercie 75, Bnaner the questions Io the afinstive Model: — ¥ werd corp ronipun? Hla. y werd core TonspuaL. 1. ¥ nerd core piano? 2. ¥ nerd ccnp xapantiu? 3. werd cere yudonnu? 4. 9” ner cery caonspu? 5. ¥ werd ccm explo 6.9 ero cy wars? 7.8 Dero eee ingérat 8. ¥ tee cry ‘rerpaa? D. Vee ects, pra? 10. ¥ wee cory Gpar? 11, Yee cers mxypudau? 13. ¥ wee ecr xowwépr TY xeb ccrm seipio? 4. Y wee ecty oven? 15, Yeux ‘yeetinn? 16, 9 aux eer Rpyand 8 Mocksé? 17. ¥ vie 8 KéureTe ects pao? verse 76, Anvwer the qustons inthe llinatve, Model: — ¥ eae com, yxéGunk? ‘Ha, y Mewa ecxt yséGun “dma amnl | Biby neem axl ESE. Peas, Ly meee etme RY nid ee oes Symone, | ey eee: Him care cya Soe ercite 77, Transat the question info Rossin and answer then. 1. Have you # pencil? 2. Has she o magazine? 3. Has pen? 4. Have. You (any) books? 5. Have they a car 6. Have you a brother? 7. Has he a father? 8. Have you @ ictionary? 9. Have ‘you a Tolder? 10. Has she the textbook? TT Have you a sister? [2, Have they (any) textbooks? bert 78, Let te aon fostesive pos Modet: ¥ neat cers rare, Sro rose 1. ¥ ned cers emmipn. 10 4 cana. 2. Y ad cers Spore yucoans. 2. ¥ ae ects pave. 310 piawo. 4. ¥ aux ecm mauniaa. S10... waunina. 6. Y nae Kaoce ory xipra, S10... xépra. 6. Y aed cots mypuia Sto... HYpRAA 7. YEE cere spyaus. Dro... Apysbl 8. Y hus corm kuiru, Oro .. Raine. 9. ¥ occ ecto AeHord. Sto ... nea. 10. Y mesa ecrn Opar. mend oer gpye. Brow apyre 12. Ya ‘eeu, 13, Y necd cers opr. 10. ce cers xepasgaui. Sto =. Kapauanni ran oxedneHs, veri 78, Answer the questions in fhe affmative Model — ¥ mac 6tian oxepd xéxaa? Ta, woepé y nae Casa abs, epee Benoa y mac ofner {ats Oe Vespa. fnyr sxsanens Everive 80. Answer the questions inthe sffimative 1 me hue are yp 2, ¥ me ie 3 wclad SOE Bert Ue, ms og oe rae eee ems nee Mayle ys Sel 7 Soo y ” ‘The Demonstrative Pronouns Smom, Sma, Smo, ‘Smut. ‘The Question Kandi? Kanda? Kaxde? Kanite? ror cryaéwr rovopie no-pfeckn. ‘Sra eryaenrKa rovoplr 0-pyecks Sin eryacini coxopsr no HT aniio sro ea6ao. Exercise 1, Answer the questions in the afirmatve Models — Bit mien Sam dussn? = fhe, a winea deuom Gruso. 1. But sure mom acgpuda? 2, Bu xeymian Sone wndGrax? 9, Bu sheen mom asin? 4, Sma, cmydenmxa Shier pjccwh aad? 5. Sma Oéoyuna wayuier pyoctul Sonn? 6. Sma npenddaadmesonya rovopr no-pscenn? 7. Ba ausere imo cadeo? 8, Bu nuchm 2Oqa Smo ynpaxcnlnue? 8) Bur aanud nyuilan mo nasymd? 10. Sma crydsnmee Ct 2 Mocsne? 11, Bat tietaam gms zaséma? 12. But andere smu emacin? vere &2, Inset the danonsrtive pronoun dam, dna, dno oF se Model: ... nia croar xa croxt. Sina ganna crodr we creat, we erynérea xoponis rosopir nopjecsn, 2. A suri mia 8 Ba sonar eer. 4 ost inoue aia, douse, 5, RESjuKa Royse pfeck Se" myn ui a oct TAs ye ae Toardns, & Mot mucin =. yapanidie x6ua. 9. 51X68 #5 mien nie 10. Aa rowopian om, I: Y Mut cot 2 youth, 12. Moh vonapinn aera. 3ror xa cron cupina, Kas wad ero enpina? Sha exyaeurea xopoud to: Kaxan enyztisa X0p0W5 Topi nospyeoue Towopir ho-pfeeku> ro mise fenton w nda Kakde anc neMds0 © Ke ‘minke? Sw ryxéamas my ae Kane yas nly ame serese 83, Wet questions do the Halsted words answer? 1, Ima xwira aeéaa na crore. 2. Smom cryager piste we iin» Mockas. 3, Sma aéayuina paSeraer ateck, 4 Boeph dm erygemnis Gan a velrpe. &, Aika. earaaa ‘Som seypuda. 6. Towa mat nnedn Sue yapaxnenan, 7. Mi yan Sra roaréam 8. Jou anrda mom pacexss. rere 4. Read the questions and awe and wile then dav “imo Sn? — 3m aeypada, Kandy wi ren? —9. sn Srom yp, Yo dct Smo vara, a Kar ovr eaclr ta creat ‘Imo sinc? — 30 uncens, Kase tc os Tnchamepi? mo ba? Smo rank. = Korie "sper aa Ryne 9 widoke?— ania 2 ‘mo. dno? —2rma enyxéa. = Keansa'"eryaéir xopoms Tosop no pfcexu? — mom xyatin 19p0m6 rounpr nope 6. — Kno Sno? mo erga = Kann eryxtaa xopod romp no-pfccxn? — Sina eryaéaaxopetad nop nope = Keno Sno? Smo ery Kante eryséura watt S38 ait ates Exe 6 ver hensive roman Son, dna, Models a. rerpias. . serpbae aextirapeco Sino Werpaye. Sma TerpaRe MERIT Cd croné?—9ma ula sexe A nucéiaa wiepé Sanu yates a 6 + ayerdpit. a ayanndpns. waxdnercn mpi. La 2. wen. wr men ese Ma evo 3. xapnina, .. kaprina ovedr 0 xémare, 4. kara... tara aesstr aa cron, 5. ond, oxud waxiavtencnea, 6. enyaéur. — exyntar uayeder pfecanll asin, 7. Tl erjaénnin. .. orynénrat ceftuse: ormsxitor. Tere @f, Inust the demonallve once dom, ne, Soo se 1. Kyo Pan eran. cyanea ayer pe cua mac, “Tae ie exyatina? 2 UNO ne? oe soi pram. $f ymin" Nopmbeae exdawo, Cadre créatt emo oh Sl ne andio ... cadeo. 4. Ou andr aad buepé.nésepou. 5, But nikomt -- GWM? 6. ieinp. ns reap uaxiatren_ Wenge, 7. npenonasren Snperozanérens.paGorser 2Aons fc panase cro iccn, a» ero cron an. 91mm Pon nr. ‘The Adjective Aaljectives with the Stem ending in a Hard Consonant (The Endings -1 (-0d), ~as, -08, -bie) ro nn now. ‘ro dea xnira, Bro nGwoe naaird. ‘Bro ndnbie KW Bro moons apas, Sto wosoxdm apricrea, Bro wouozée aépene. Bro sononsie oat. Evesae 67, Icert the afctives i the appropriate frm, 1 wast BOM, MNS, SRNNE, .. mea 3 emai xocriom, ... mma, .. same, .. rasérat 8 Gea OCTIM, ve Gystray ae MasTGy wn ere 4 sepmea : : apannien, .. pena, . nansrd, .. manvisos Exina ext..? How mah 1? ” Exerc 88. Supply the adjective xpdewad, at, eda, oud Nip esta, uaF ental fo each of eae ai Model: Gémail wen, wipnas piuxa, Téxmoe nanrd, acne 2) xapawaiun, kocrion, noprbén, cron, xounépr, aBrdoye; 1) py6dunxa,” sauna, “even, pyska, Terpdad, iain, némxa ) naa: ) noMd, pysim, Terpias, Kapawsemsi, nami, eréas Adjectives with the Stem ending in a Soft Consonant (The Endings -ua, Hpasnawn? (UIlornsnaws) 3. Ba ccerpd Fonren m Bensriae (lamas) 4. Leow mayuda pycexnk sae Bb Mockee? (Auras) 5. byxapéor waxdanren a Bénrpuu? (Pystatin) 6. Jlandex naxoxueren 8 Twoane? (Clips) 7. 0:0 naxdgures w Tiluéuun? (Hopsérua) Exercise 1. Answer the questions using the words ven in waste 1. Tae, cunts cryaenmu? (ayanrépa) 2, Pre ancity x00 xi? (rena) 2. Tae eros ners (0x0) 4, Tae next xv fa w retpana? (croa) B, THe cro caouapi? (xa) 6. Tae hier npenouassrene? (docx) 7. Tae miwiet eryaen? (rer~ piso) 8. Tze eryAdurst emdspar wOnte cnosa? (Ca0D6ps) egEitit Mi Anover the qutons esng the wads gen in 1. Tae mu 6ciw m vocapecéuse? (cranudn) 2, Tne Osun 5 ocxpecéite saur rosipum? (nseTanka) 3. Te Oia cryadu ‘Ta 6 cy6Odry éaepou? (way0) 4. Te wet cuorpéan Coast? (reinp) 8. Tae paGéreer pant oréud (ayoth) 6. Tae bet mize au [MSan? (konatépn) 7. Tae of eerivie. padoracr {Kaoresp) he er Gs nosapweps? (aspx) re aa asa one ete oe 2, BPN a a Same Canc, cme Sar cae ee Slee nee Spe ning A ta ea oe can pe (Ate Th ec a), Fes So a ese ety CES OE vee gerne corer ct eels ‘Téra? (sap6,l, na6opaTopes) ent Bazar men a we st? 2. tc cata ms aaa aoa Gerais ance cranes geeelias Sone ere pumpatnas ng ir 6, Ton Rene BST a fp 3s ercise 17. Mako up senfenes using thse phe 5 mysée a sxexSpou, w redzpe wa Ganére, yuxnepen reve wa coGpann, w aise 'Ke wiriire, ayaHtépan ha Nek ont, B xndece va ‘ypéine, 9 Kafe ua Hevepe Exercise 18. Moko up questions to which thee sentence are the Bang > = vile ptaepeunée, Bi} & oder. a cea = Hina Ceili subst 6 depéave, 4 > — Mon‘ oi8ii paCsrset 4 26pode na sans ne esr ptr nb, poe 2 og nab 7 nse ymipeaite x00) pedir. @ memunje 6 ‘opal fare 1%, Anse tse gatos fl a he late ont en SR Model Ba aniee, rt on mmés? Be eaten mae, On ame 3 aie Re a oe en, ra aa 1, Bu anders, 198 aente ypuba? 2. Bat sere, ene cud jaguar Bi anor, Oe ont forum aouimnes eauitne'ebat ‘sere nae’ any Ba are, Fae Sel yee 6c Bu andes rae "on Youn? 7, Ba oer, Tae peer? ert 20, Read the fat an retell B xaiece A eryaQun. A rei) w Mocuué. yaw » yauvepeurére Y weal cerh pyr. Ont rome erynénr. Ceftie wat cain a pore, Ha crore exir minim xine, pS, Terpaaw. Ha fereu® mucir flocks. [oxox ainer. a AoeRe, 2 mauiy B TeT~ pti, Horou npenotaairen wirrier text. $1-nommMéio Me fee cao rékete, #1 eMorph Heke e7ORH 8 caORape. Tiere ypéxa o6éaao B crouiaod?. [ldcne oGéaa or- ausito, # Novos ToréaNO ypoxm. Moras 5 Forint ypaKs B Oxbakoreee, a uNorad Ava versie 21, Translate into Rossin, 1. My elder brother Jim lives in London, He studies at the University. Jim had worked at a factory before. 2, Ta summer the English tourists were in Moseow. They saw the Kremlin, the Moscow Underground, visited a thea- ie, a school, a tmseum and the University. 2 emanate the geeeitioal of enoasan 6 3. am silting in a classoom at 2 Tegon, The teacher is explaining ‘new material and i writing seniences on te Blackboard. fam writing my exerclsetook. My bag Tp on the desk. Tere are (come) books and a dictionary in the bag. sete 22. Read the tet ao el Cerys sop Mu ont, Vigan a cin ns sua oust” none noms! tyson SA0M) maery amt naéurean Mockwti. : ‘cum 9 astd6yce w enorp w oxus, Ceréann xopcaan ora, Hkto cree ronyete. Baepedi unporan famn, Bro sléxincrai poentvx. Capina croft cone npacioe oui, Caena Gonuncit tapi. Celuse cently, n Repesen 3 pee setanwe, Hans aptoje”aaet icrpo Bor" admins Yama Mocnss— fauna Topenoro ING! sony -nbiets BomsthYeinp, wom we sw, rae ow naxdrren. Ha Yanue erin soamanouép, Sl epauuao eS Granite nondnyacry rae Domus retig® — Gomes ‘reanppizom. iano ati pio, nord uanéso, Bie wood —-enpéuaaer” umartionep Her, 3 ne Mock. SL oenpinet oreekin 8. — A yuych @ Mockdockom yHnwepcurére _Munimnonép ene pad rooopir, xe naxiweren Boat Ho esundmes. ‘The Prepositional used to Denote the Object of Speech or Thought © wt ont rovopir cefuac? — Oui rovapat © Mockné, = TIpeconasinems paccxdsissaa o nocwondere Tardpune, | = 0 xom pacoannan npenosavivens? Sar 0) ao To en i 20 de Uy ltr al Baas Ces soe ane Ams rr 6 Osa giesncn? eve) 6 fon os omer creer) (Spar) rool MES, owt cml, > Hes cep, ee © mii sont Geren) nd et geal 9, Beas ert wt cgielne® tae rma shy oe. a sae santa Personal Pronouns in the Prepositional iat eee ee nee ant, ak sae pie seis $ fein se oa eal leer ee ena Ge mde Hau, ens et Rls a Sa De are eae 5 Dard a of am poe, eee cet oe By ly vee Ne ae Plea tea plea ee eestor 2 Ex ames Hct, 8 moe 7 ita ate nearer BSL sw a ie tees 8S epee eae eee ae Tif the wont following the prpouton o bogine wit a vowel, 0 takes the frm 05; 0g 20 ine, #0 9poke, 20 seas. Exercise 27, Answer the question ting the words given in brackets cel OO BA amine, cade? (or ont) 2,0 now £08 Sow eat Forplay at 9) 80 ot be apuen ch sn (ona) 8.0 nou ow explana? (4 n a) Exerel6e 28 Make yp questions to which enters ae the 1 ? = ows enpiniann ® teed o eens, 2 a? . —B esied sats iuedta of omyd w Godme. — a 05 omué 1 6p = par nied oui: Celsie’ Dbaou’ ajuaer 96 modiene no wed, =e — HH Yprine vrei’ pacexiauuan o Jlenunepdide Exerise 28, Answer the quetizs fist in the alimative ond then in the wes Bix neve, xe Jem Ga suep’ névepou? 2. Ba audeze, Tae ok HUN pénbue? 3, Bur share, rae On YsincR pau? 4. By auiete, rae oul orauacon abrox? 5. Bac Sudere, o w@u Anna paccxéstnnaa ma ypéxe? 6. Bit 3H 0 sé! pacexdsuiscer Stor unm? 7. Bu sieve, 0 eM osopla mpoecop cerdaa ma xan? Singular Adjectives in the Prepositional Ban ue na etre? = $i nf w Comat xopeues abae — B nani wonnae wu mine? | ft omy Gamwinen cope xémare » sve no ena examin fn Rison xereke 98, Answer the questions ALB kaxén sipode nar nina cous, ¢ Goaudy tint @ ndsenonon? 2. B Rawat O6ue 2UDET Batt APYC, 6 16 fos dau @ cmépoa? 3. Ha ax omancé wimna xOMHara, a veraiprnon im na ndmasx 4. B nawsxt deypudse wt Crian ob yaweepcmére, @ doo hme @ enpan? 5. B anda ynparenini Bt TOHIM Me Boe cn0Dé, @ népeos finn 20° emopin? Gq 0 Kanon aewe. 98 wa (ypoxe, 0 panygcenna Ham umasvibenon? Bi. 1. Ha mania smaseé wnir saur apyr, aa amopést me Ha mpémen? 2. B anos grpasendnat Wane De CHO Bo 8 népson tiaw @ nocséOteN? 3. O xaKoN Opdine OM to pacendasmwaer, 0 emdpuies: jinn o aadduien? 4. 1 ra- ox done naxSanren Kuo acarasig, ¢ mow Hk @ conlOnea? Exercise“, Aniwer the question using he words giv In breke, 1. B wane ripone er xemaéze? (Gomi sxc répo3) Banca Rome iDET tba conus? (craps xpacins NOX) Ha wana same plula KéNRaTa? (sTOpOR avin) 4. Ha nt sabone pagoraer all Orei? (SDH xunvessa sand) 5. B xaxcon 1nyoe al undere Bévepo? (cryzéuseen way) 6. B axdne waraotine wun uokynaere Kiem 1 >kypuma? (Co- ceutul rosth ara) 7. B xan xusovedpe is eobpire (amas? (Gomme Hm sawovedrp) xan §2, Answer the qustons. AL. B nad Depione suujr nium poxiren, « Gosbusdt iam ¢ wdteworod? 2. Ha Raxéd cmpaniye Sno yupaxs- ine, na. ndmod ian na wecméi? 8. B maxda mempddu pba rere enous, @ néead tan 6 enidpod? 4. B wax éwname aevinfr 31M eTyRenrel, © Goasuidd sw 6 Mise feat Be wan ras ae Tein, « pwd ‘ion seatyot B. 1. Ha wanda empaniye ro ynpasénme, na. népoot an ha nocasdnet? 2, 2 kaRdd mempddu set wiwere nda Ghoul, e ecpod im @ eaned? 3. B xaRdd caséme ois aM Haan b Qyrdine, « ceedonsuined am eo exepduuned? 4. 0 awd” ceempé tex cole ronopare, 0 cmdpuial tint 0 ° o adel? 5. Ha wast Gauye waxdnuren ravens marae ‘i, a Smad Haw na costes? Brorcse 38, Answer the questions using the words given in brates * a tlt 1. Ha vaxéi, Yauue axdauren sine oGuentrue? (visas ‘sennas Yauua) 2. B xantit xesiare nix mere? (Gomsad cenérean ‘xéwera) 3. B KaxOA cTonduoh su 6trAD OBeARe. ne? (dura crynéuecxan cronéses) 4. B nats GuGmoréne su Gepére saniru? (nama yenvepenrercka GxtanoTeKa) b, B anol unkine yunres lata cecrps? (Comusin 1604 WS) 6. 8 xm ern wa vere porn? (ea rOy6on ‘rexpins) Eecise 3h Answer the questions using the words given teak “ ing the words given ln 1, B waKdw néve aomer Ania? (udm) 2, B xancae 06- sono eu aaere? (erysdusecot) SB rah ihaare su rcusere? (Goauiiés) 4, B xaen wicwrfae | Frren a per? acini. xd min. Fr ag ccecrpa? (epéanna) 6. Ha xaxou gaxyasrére tat fuureci? (ucropivecnna) 7. Ha xaxou axyarere Suen Eat Apyt? (cpusiveceat) 8." B Kakon GrGatonexe ua Geplre xoiien? (ropozexsa) verse 35 Answer the qustion: axing the words gan hn brace 7 "" “ 1. Te sxynér nam apys? (wow répon, cocéansn Yama) 2 The’ on yuuren? (yimseperrér, xmulvecxnl daxyaurér) 3. The ox obo santintiete? (yiummepenrércxan CuGgHoTé: ka) 4. O stor on newnier? (mtepéexan patra) 5. Tae of er pers not name? (WRT aan ) ‘da ow pacexisusn colivsc? (oni ne Gonna crane) 7. Tae Gud ra evans? (yuan «Xtina snoenéauad uGuep) Frerclse 96. Ansuer dhe questions using the worde gives on he rent 1 Hla waxéw same waxdyoren nama aya | sir opi? 2, Ha aww stance waxdanten 6xGaworé- | xpérut ia? 3, Ha waxé sraé naxéuires crosdeas? | népasih 4. B xanoh ayauropun Oyner aéxacn? srnenéaarat 5B xaxsh ayanropim nat samincaancs | npwanéran Yrpow? oe 6, Ha waaéu xjpee os furecs? aropsit Hi wax njpee Famer aot apye | seratprt 5. Ha nanéilexpaniine woxdavren xneads- | censaist luaToe ynpaxtentie? 1 Hie wake expamiue waxdxuren pacexis | xeciran © Mockaé? xercse 3t, Answer tke questions Jn te allizalive usiog_ the swords pen at tbe of the esac, 1. Bus andere, » Kaxdit ayanripim Ojacr cele abe? 2, Bur sudere, wa. nakow 9r@Ke iaxdueren Sra aysiTOpun? 3. But audere, a xaxom keg croat exosapi? 4. Dua snie- re, Bonanéat Keke MOKTO Kymin» ywsGrInGN? 6. Bu sude~ Te na anda Gakyaurere wider abun Stor upopéccop? G.'Bar atere, via ROROM cxpatiue naxdurren fro ynparcié- ue? 7. Bu siere, ae pee Yuien S707 eryasurt? (remincxet, noone, mies, xmas, nepal, s8aR- ura) xerlse 58. Complete the sntences at in the mode, Model: Pause » yuisen w wéne, a Tenpe a yafee .. - Pamnme x yuinca s uinéte, @ rengpe a yajen @ unemuunge. AL 1, Péuwore on awa w Ancrpan, a renépe on munT 2, Pause ond yeiinace b epeyvel! uote, a Tempe o1d Faure ws Se Panbine ero Opt paSdrat e roposeKs Gonswtiue, tengpo on pabiracr ... . 4. Pénouse wiua ‘cen ead R MaEHEKON Aepesme,& Terps MA BED B. 5. Moh oréu paGéraer na xiuuiseckost sane, # Molt Spar "6. Mod cverpa omkaxine sero 2 poauoR zepénne, Bio. Te Oni HOYT Ha tore, A ML» 8. $F Tord: io. Ypéien"w Mawel ORGmoTEKe, a MOR apyr .. « 9. 5 ‘oéxdio ROMa, a on meerad ... . 10. BEsepow Mio’ Grim 3 due eryaénvectou wafGe, a sau rosipu U1, Cripmu Gpar Yures na Gusiecnou Gaxy aren usémucnt Oper Exercise 30. Make yp questions to whieh thee sentences ee the La a ‘Mis soin6i's id's oduenatrn. ee ; = Bye at siitecion Gaxynantne, "Tt Juice’ a = Tinos pabstnér ‘6 Tuiutveccod aaGoparpun. singe wpe, ~ ; = Eris crlpimis Cecopa patéraer @ epldnelt use, = Péming ix osha id adsewsnom Wactos vipone. Possessive Pronouns in the Prepositional Exercise 40. Answer the gintins in the atimatve, Nole the use of the presse pions 1. Bus Gila © c25 Aue? 2. Bu Otiny @ ead nawance? 3. BH Ging 6 ef cemd? 4, Bhi Ginn @ ux obuencimia? 5, 8 moot pabime cers omiGxn? 6. B moots durmdume ects ont? 7. B aduiest répaxe eer Tearp? 8. dixon fomren « sdwed epynne? 9. Tia Gua e ndiens Ragoe? 0. x0 rosie @ mood xéxadme? 11, Kro nican ¢ sedi mempddu? rere AL Insert possessive ronons, Model: Stomdweocwensirne, B... o6urenciran wenn ery- ‘tewrat B awe oomexiiran xe yr eryaeum. as. Bae mopnpéne exit xen 9 cron, Moi infiw sean Ha... cTonb, 1 ttiewe erosr cromeh i enfaun, 4, 910 ft Bn AONE? 5. Br0 ee6 Terpas. B rerpiam ers oumiOns, 6. Sto a8 éamiara. Bs. wena’ Gommide 0x16, 7. Sto ux way. Buepé mi Gea ha KOM: 0 Ban RAVER, ‘The Pronoun caoit in the Prepositional arcke 2, Real Ge sce an wits hem down, Nate te on Oi et : 1" dro ok Gper Kann, St rosop © Kéze. $1 romp © c0 Eons. ‘ : 2, Sto foi Gpar Bontgn, Tis rompiats 0 Baris. Tet ro- oe ees | BE wie, Or spt © Bie On oa 0 op, Ma oon Ope. ngs 0 rn, rons 0 Tir, Ba one 1 See icy Ont some 0 Tse, Onl rmpit 0 poe exercise 43, Read fhe sentenees and wile than down, Note the se of the oom ve 1. Bro wok Gpar YOpe A paccriauaie 0 cookie Sy i Met 8 om a Toe ow 6 cee ote a eee 2 Mia (nan 5) ropopant 0 OpaTe BonSRe. Ee Pies ae oe nore tendo, On yuue © nt Beas CERNE. 4.910 gar Maia, On pseu 0 cia Bi loath a) pros. pe 5 prose Make sg Gipian 95 we Spite tice. ertee 4, Inert the pron end in the apres form 8 ceerpi expe, 2. 310) 1, Bro x6 cecnp. Ou pacexdaureaer © wt vx now, “Oui rosopir os s0ue. 3. S10 er6 pabina, Ox n pacekéseisuer 0... patine. 4. 10 saat apyr. Pacckawire 0 ~ apsre. 5. plinbir—e8 péaue, Oud acto A¥aaer 0 oie 6. Oro nau xaaece Mu acerca satinndewer xniece. 7. S10 mos terpiso. $l nim w .. Texpia. 8. 910 28 sual, OM Hea oes sym. Beercee 46, Inet the pons od, mand, Hay ay 6, Fy ae oe calwh the speprate peptone 1. S10 erd duaera. Mas cunii ... Késmare. 2. Bro ni sug ceerpd. Bus pacckistmnaere .. ceeype. a, Ee coud mmnser ' acpénno. Oni paceedaiiact . cewte, 4. Sno néta aye opis, Mus cafueen abun. ayzurnépmi. 8. ZoKoN— bof pyr. $1 wicro mmf Zone .. nore. Mod wars. enpanumzaer ‘anjte. 6. So sina ceerpii? Pacckaiterew. cocrpe.7. 970 6 Oper? Bacckanaine sx Opete cu REESE ASSN eng ree ee 1. O ow ai rosopiie? (wolt aja apyr) 2.0 a8 out paccxiswusger? (erd néxas patra) 3. O KOM oft roDo- pir? (ox aGat Tomdpun) 4, (0 vem ond enpistpaer? (e8 Gjayuas_puGSra) 5. O'xow wit rovopiise? (want crap po ‘GEecop) 6. O weu ond paccxisumnact? (e8 posuél repox) veri 47. Answer the gostons using the roncune #86, e@ ant 1, 9m Aten. dro 8 serpim. B wet rep ier Agate Buch eins con cao? 2. Sp Hee ora rte, Bitah gue cuateVenc Bed kare Ciutat 3 Bro Bop Sto ed er. O gh eee soni Bopic?"O wal Sooe song al So ae Stove coun sna cone pstmt nah covod roel a a —ri—Ss—sOONOs _ 1, Bim trae sens ¢ no nope Ba vepbah acne gaat» rane 2B mutt erence Jponalure 9 mea ver ces dro ype 28 cerns ot sed vaste eae ta AB wre scent nab aa Shoo. 8, Sor ena Fomor ice yimsponee Stet R erates juuren y noc » ynnoepeinére. 6B eden répone cae sestph 9 ac a nojone cove Telap® 7. B ux oStient Sian omus® Gatamorexn, ‘Y" mux» o6ccxtont Contin Severe. Frercise 49. Relae the possessive prone by the pases ae, y mesa g'neh y nee mods eae aE Y Mae Model: B xdwed xsapnipe ect teachin. Y nae» keapripe core renin. 1. B aod néwware anes xaprins. 2. B wosit xoprpéasHon pobre Guid omnd ommi6te. 3. Bux xéwueTe cro Teaeei- Gop. 4. B mioése nogapene enc sod ofska. 5. Mon Opar curen na nduent qaaysbrere, 6. B wiwew Kajee cenitnn Gjner séwep. 7. B oduen wucexe ecrs Gpamyacne raséris? 8.8 ef woamare na crené pier dororpsiin. Plural Nouns and Adjectives in the Prepositional — Pye neni amir? = Kits aexr wa croadx. te am nimere yn TR ln sono expan, fre $0 Rel th ets, Wh ton oe Hated wot 1 Cafe ype. Crysis emir + aydundpun Os nije dine Sooke oo ent een rece Cryabent eubiper «casas Nenana nal "po rp Go Moc, On, inn, dt biipuc sa ts oarneon Ott aor Seles inf Moca. Hoorn pas oa iene nna ercae St. Put the Haleed weeds tn te poral. Model: Kuira seacér na cmos Kieu aexcir na emoaic. . A. 1, Cotiade ywenmnd emain « xafece. 2. Kapmines anestr a cmené. 3. Patowne paGirair na dhiGpune wna aaa Ge. 4. Mui nonynées Rina 0 adoaadue u @ Rudoxe 5. Crynéuru Gaim @ modmpe. 6. B ruconé woh ore enpéuuuaer 0 woEx x. 7. Mis uani 06 SroM @ B. 8. 1 sual @ menipdou. 9. Cryatirs naar @ owe stn 10 ern Sonn cao eB wa crea '@ sake 12. Kort ne #0 ise. 13. Mut cudrpum nesnaKémne cnosd 6 caosape. a xerelse 62. Put th falicino! wore in the pra. 1. Mur eayuiaew aésuim @ aydumépus. iciaa 0 Opdme 0 cecmps. 8. fk ubero B ruconé wars rmomtnano 0 Opt ae 4. Mat cudrpus dilausts © Runomedmpe. ®. Ha ypite Mu endpum 0 eaidze, 6. Sra xia pacexdainaer 0 2epbe. swarasiinax maz ooxyndene sauirs? yin Kiri m KM Marat, = 0 nanix Qiimoax ais rosopine? = Mat rovopi 0 nocaénmnx auraitcnx guia, eZee BAe te oman ing de wads gi TB anit sou yor plage? (Gamunle mins 2p way'2) annie arnoy futon Se, Gngeacn tse toning) 3, "B'xmit kalo oni sewers (cue Gaerne aaecu)4 agit nguoredtp oniounoor Ret Sie ii (aces nreiga) EO nt worse Se" pcrodpunete’nucalune: Unease dace) 6B as th Sele oF me fed ep Exercise 51. Anowsr the qustins wing the wirds given om the 1. Tae Yaarea crynéuru? | piswiwe wacumyrt myn é sepenrréts, 2. Dae, ot eajumor ati | asi syamépen au? Tae on sammwres)crasuinw cnopinne 4 fae cnnle wow ofinemran a -_- -| ~~ Hn sane ——UrhL ——eO te pet : 1. By Bystit nocobor | exease wreine 6 the nana rea | rasérae xn ‘sw ype? Bercae 55. Put the ils words in the po 1, Mos apysia juaren @ socxdeccom uncmumyime. 2. Ox muni @ nieow o6ueseiimuu. 3. dléro on orapinaion 6 Rooion. canamipa, 4, CryNeinik paboraion @ dustveceadl w ‘usivecrod sabopamipux. 8. Oxh Ont @ MocKéecKom me- Gmpe. 6. B nicauax ow wiimyr 0 nocaédnes cosémcKon ses. verise 68, Compete the eeteness, Answer the quastins. 1, Cyanine, noxcdayllera, ua Kaki sree... ? 2 Cxae swsne, nowayiera, sa KSKON cxpautiue ... ? 3. Bat me side re, B naxcit KOwtare ... ? 4. Bul we andere, 5 xaKOR aye ‘opts? 8. HL XOny auarh, ha RaKC Fate... 6. $1 He ‘aul, xaxGu obueRCiTAM ". . 7. Cxankine wit nowy he fra, 0 xaxcxt Texere 2 §- Hnrepéeuo, xamcix rpynnax Mo 9, St xomp start, 6 uaxiix marae «10. 5 He Ory owes, © xaxiox erynéinax . ‘The Prepositional used to Denote Time — Kora ar Gsiaw 3 Téni0ne? = A Giun w Téusoue w moe, a Mafica w ceTa6pé, Exercise 7, Answer the questions using the words given in bract 1. Korad nit minan yuitraca » Mocnéncxos yanepenrd. ve? (ceamsiops) 2. Korad unt névani rovopiirsno-pycoxs? Tames enfpzoe to go in fr sport oxvi6ps) 3. Korad ax Gimn 9 népastl pas w Bonsai 30 Ape? (WoAGps) 4. Koraa aut migenn Sror Gand? (nex) 5. Korad y- tac Ojayr sxsénettl? (snssps) 6. Korna y ac Gfayr sinwne Kanhiyinn? (nundp 1 Peapant xen otnentiior nétoM? (mite h 4uFyt) 7. Koraa cry xerine 58. Make 4p cs 2 = 8 pomiacn anpéie. — 1 ran’ Mocané « sade. 3. 2 ms to. whlch tite eoteoes ae the ncaaems OYzyT @ swap — Nlévine waniinxyas Ofnyt @ wae u @ deeyeme. = Korat nt nina nsyaita pfecrl she? Jixon nivan usysins pjecrn” ssc» opéunaom roxjh a 8 StOM Fony Exercise 69. Answer the gusto a swords gen in ac pestons sing the words gh 1, Koraa Mon Gxt ete: wot 2 Fee a Cntr Ci, rem ae oa a ee toes yacmrer (rr Sfpany aes ommer nae Gina To A ered ae» eae ae Sa Ee re om = Korn ponines: acon? ‘Tixou ponies w Tema aessrue6r c6pox mfrom roxy. [ercbe Ot, Acnver the qstions 1. B nana roxy an poxuaiia? (wicoua senarieér eépox pocendit ron) 2. B xaKéu roa? posites sau one? (risa penarscér anaanéuh ro) 8. B xaKOM rosy poswuties. nina ™ av? (récava nenevucdr xnfimuare mira rox) 4. Koraé po> ‘Cindew wana eecrpa? (ndensa neaiabedr cOpow Zerll rOx) BU Korad om am = Stow ropoae? (ricia ReRITAOST co” Poxopdtt ron) 6. Korad ond orawximt p Ancrpna? (ricasa Reammpcst uleeragees s70poi Toa) 7. Korxi st npuéxant Goud? (rienua aenTeclr Ueersacear sereepri F03) The Prepositional used in Other Meanings a — Ha Eve (eax) mix éopune » yunepentér?! = Ht eauy & yruvepeurér ua anrésyee, Exenise 61. Answer the quaions wing the wards giver in tracks 1, Ha sé on Gana na wor? (ndegg 1 wausisva) 2. Ha sae on sun 9 dleumirysa? (asrOOye) 3. Ha ex yet ESxUL reper nape? (rpoumdl n wexpd) 4. Kan vu Goa B Temp? (anreoye H TpoazéhGyc) 5. Kak on éagnx w Nom 63 Tura? (Gneetpiaa # annéye) 6, Ka Ta Gust ovepa » ro: por? (penocunex) 7. Kak so esque wv wewsp? (aoré6ye Merpo) 8. Kak mi" €agure’s yimoepeurér? (xpoanenoye ‘Tau croiir Gow w vEpnom Koeriowe. aac oT fhe words ven tm Brkt, Use the proite peer ne 1, B xducore cute veaonée .. (8pusth xocru) 2. Ha cna erokan enya (ypacoe Wade) 3. Baur Site pet (Gomah_ Sagi) 4, Ha joe ryan séso4ce gd au 8 mre om fae wan GROfana) Be Tent cutir MERCURE. (epi0e nad Tease base ua neve. (KOwsh soctb) 8. Sach A sty flues namuro aio S15N88) 1 For more deals see the sctlon Verbs of Moti 7 Exercse 6 Inset the word geen in brackets, Use the appropiate reps. Yes corm apyr. Eré gomjr Jhwou. On powizen (nicsua sewsricér eipox aewtrul roa) ... (Moraanara, Gomuidh répog). End oréy paCraer ... (einen waraatn), 4 cxépuni Spar Maina pasoraer ... (aérta). Caveat oxo ywies ... (roposeeést whsna), wows ot) paSéren -n (wars Sim), TAC paoraer er6 ore. .. (opium roa) of Riva yoiirsen . (Jidunouesah yanuepenrér) .. (veropiucckah ae yaunen. Celnde on Yurren . (O10p0R ype). Ttmow MELO pa6draer. Kiaavan ete om saitisaeren .. (ynmaepeurereras ‘Gutimoréxa). On Oszeder ... (Ronuepray, Teinpat, MY2EN M crank). JTétoM on oTsbixter su (QORUGH pO) The Accusative Case The Accusative used to Denote the Object of an Action Singular Nouns in the Accusative Grynéurca surder ypu, Ko surier axypsin? Miro anrier eryaéurKa? Cryagur susier raséry, Kro urier raatey? A Kro wider ncaa? Miro carrier cryxénr? fa wider uncesd. ro curéer Anna? rerclse 1 What question do the Hsiced words ane? 1. Mes wayeien pyceru sasie. 2. Cmydénmss aves Guxmdnm, 3. TIpenodasdmen osvscaiin ndonit maker. [li a. xopouo. ander ypdx. 5. lokam warier pacer, 6. Mee cenjumaen péduo. ™ xerce 2 Ana the ition in the inate 1. Bu gerdan Srpow eaaimy? 2, Bu eafwann men’ ate swt 8" By ne cei Hina? 6, Bt any mien thenepway? 8. But mire deus? 8, Bsn xopaas sasere Tle? tBu vayeian pant Guosbewd? 8. Bi ater ajay? = Miro ues inane? Mat nize anrddye wawiny. eerche 8. Answer the qos 1, ro muy sirdeve cee, ancy dan axypuds? 2. Yro on niauct, cau tan ympscueute? 8, ro wt nostopan fm ypone!vener aut apituso? 4. io mh Ryo KmecRe, Nepanini aw pay? 9. ito mei Gane sie, Gnepy fa sant? scree 4. Answer the qt wing the words elven in trae : 1, Uso su min wa jane? (aoneye, pani, ros, sauling erie nerpd) 2. dro ti nmsere spon?” (xn fo, rasta an mypnaa), 3: so exiiaon eryaGiew 8 ki Ge teow aetna, Kone, aura) he ro. Hato Smite bnécke? andra, rakrg,werpiae, pow, mopauzi, Shira) 5.0 wenso' aynita. 8 STow ‘waranine? aed, tne, up, noua, cheap, woos, pba) 6. ro Ra ere ou? (wien, pu sn sontocd) 7. na ta musee Spon? Ge! teed eat Koré nit ninean reirpe? = Wien w reénpe anjra w ens cecnpy. — Koré pis enjwaere celiac? = senjmiaw npenoaanreas xercite & Answer the questions inthe afrmative 1, Bu awiere ed Opima? 2. Bu andere eri dpjea? 3, Bu wexére snare mosdpuya? 4, On water anece Lacdna? » 5, Bot pitean cerdan npenodasdmeas? 6. Bu xopaus now uéete npapécropa? 7, Bu xopous auéere Jona? 8. But inet pep Mimepa? Enercze 6 Answer the quits wing the words ven in rackets " " " 1, Yo exfuanr eryatena? (eocaix, aésuun, piswo, somtépr, non, nec) 2. yo tor nas Touspu? (poe exer, néchs) 8.‘ro ah voycam a tinge? Gomans oot, arent, reper, Gwonrhn, Herp). not Oe Pere na 9p? (tra, ued, psa, apa aon, Terpias) B. Koss enjuion exyatins (npagtoco. pena Diean. apeicrtnenemn) 0. Kowb. na pepesaere Spon? Gosipin, appr, npenosasinens, Ansa i Jon) 7. Korea Sexe ane (aro, net, Ope, cepa )5) Bxercte 7. Complelo the scores sing the words gen in race " : 1 SI mibcy vane... (uarmina 1 apré6ye). 2. Buopé @ xy- (eoeriou i jyOnumra). 3, 51 xopauid sui =. (Bape (eryadiie w ery (uate a ore). 6, Mot nour. (xiiasina 1 cuopr). 7. AL s¥éio ed we (Opat ecm 8 Hi aa anes (penataniven prota ‘remuea). x ERgb® 8. Make vp gute fo which thee seen are the 1 > 51 rmx ile ease. a=, hae = Beeps ta alo nen Any, Aung snyder uy = bis oir‘ emp * ns iad sy’ npeiaddmesany. = teins jes espa Ale, Evercise 9, Aniner the questions asing the words ven on the iat 1, Pe fuses saat apyr? yaunopeanér ro naxduerea wa Sroh, Yamuc? O és pacexisusan eau pyr? Uno bu pire cupana? 2, Uo nat werdere? vewira Tae sexe maciad? Uo act a cxoae? Owe Bs rovopite? 3. Kro cumir 9 aysurdpa? eryasier Koré enpaumaser npopsccop? 0 wom aot rooopire? 4, Koré ia xapué ae wixenu? ceerp ‘Or kom ut iero Boxomuudere? Kro tasted 0 MceN? exercise 10, Complete the sestencs using the words en on the iat 1, $ muy yopascnéan .. - ‘rerpine B nopréae acme St nowepaa 2, Ha crane asa Tlocworpitre 610 cxén0 you xytia 3. B aygurdpam cuir crynéinis B telspe ass nexpérua ‘una paceriserana .. crops npenonasinens cercee Ht Tranate_ tno Rosson, 1. went shopping yesterday. 1 bought an execs book, apn: ana pen Bs My rind stiles atthe. University fid‘Suties Resion langage nd literature. 3.1 was at the thiy'on Satureay. Tan den end Av There; Jo told, me fic had bougit car. We listened fo a este today. The feture was very interesting Singular Adjectives and Pronouns in the Accusative Kaxéit aypudn ast sirdre? = St waite néau ypu. — Kengo xwiry su uarere? = stitinaio nonyio Kiiy. Kaxéro mpenosandrean ext mae » sine? — Sipinen b size uosoro npenosararena. erie 12, Answer the quis 1. Kaséit Ousmdam nr mucha cords, dadxnout sia opémxui? 2. Kaxde ynparensnue wet mimtere, mpgonoe tinn ‘waxoe? 3, Kaxsjo xdey wa wuriam miepi, uhmepsenyro Sak ewnmepéonso? 4. Kano easémy ox etier, ceaJOnauscon fia ovepduaouow? 5. Karde natomd ou xy, siaee iat aimwed? 6. Koxiio nancy of Kynsia B%epi, acbamyo iat ‘po? 7, Karo ceonipg on watt, entdpiuyo irik tac tuna? 8. Kaxyio.emydduniny msi oeTperunm, sxaxéayo tm neswarsuye? 9. Kaxéeo Opima on ipo we wixes, cmdp- teen fiat xaddwucee? 10. Karoo nucdmeax npursackin cry ern B yampopewtér, cosémenneo ian némenzer? ete 1 Arcee gains ig the we ote Kano pou ant wlgyte? | Gomme eépicit Kauoti Quasar ww cuorpéan evepl? | moa conérexnit | Kango Faséry srraer Bopic? eerste Kaxguo apy mex mre? Kaxéro mpenonaadress vr nerpérat pom? : KGkiro spjra oa nprraaian wx] sopéami erp sep? Kaxero veronéxa tt scrpémam 8 | evedxii wononst Ropance? ercise 1. What questions do the Hlesed wards answer? 1. SL xynian apni wocnia, 2. Ou suéer uxmepsensi powdit, 3. ST nonyatia Gosaude nucsad. 4. Ond xymrina xpd cine naire. 5. B asnéoyoe a perpen swabvneo npenona- bérenn, 6. 1 aaoMd we nuzen endpineso Gpara, 7. Ha neve pe oui serpérman swaxduyo xéayunny. 8. On winder ae- Népuow rastry. Exercise 18, Answer the questions inthe alfimative AL 1, Bu mixers émom gum? 2. Bel werdau dom wyp- wig? 3, BU ard Smo nicous? 4, But stiere Smo cab. bo? 8, Bat wind dy witiry? 6. Bu easmaaa Smy oe 1B. 7. But snéere mad Snpec? 8. Box sud gob nce? 9, Bu Gpan sod wiry? 30. Bur suieve au ropox? Bun igeait ndiie oGuesiewe? 12. Bet manent nda Gumuoréxy? Exersive 1B, Answer the questions in the alicatve A. 1, Bue andere dy eryabirxy? 2. Bu anid sndere dmy aéoyuncy? 3. But avdere deo npeiouanszeas? 4, Bat fixenn census deco eryaéura? 5, Bu noure bmoeo apricra? B, 6, But aGwunre so cocrpi? 7. Bus auiere aoeaé Opéra? 8, Bu piremt cerdyuin Mdweco nponosanirean? 9. But ‘akdere iduiy npenonanirexsicany? xarcive 17. Inert he pronouns od, god oF wat, aa tn the seagate fom. A. L—Tat aude ... cecrp)?—Jla, smivo .. cecrpy. 2. — Tite wn aia? Tar igen... nuiey?—THier, He inex vw, xiry, 3.—-Bus atlere -». npira? — dla,’ xo- paws silo .. apira, 4. Monao uss. pjany? 5. Mae Wo Boer... E0054? B, 1, —Bus andere ... npenoxanirens? — Jay a sein... npe= roxasétem, 2.—Bu aidere .. ndoyio erysenmny? — flay ‘wut xopomté anew .. udayio eryaeiay.. 3, we sitio ndzuiero Gpara. a. Méncno mare. airy? 5. Mix io mocworpere . Gotorpapao? 6. MBit BOAT TET Pas? Exerciae 18, Inert ctf the appropriate frm. 1. nd aG6ur .. omth mn. Mame. 2 Oni xoryT axecb pjra, 3. Oni serperint 2 ielnpe .. #690r0 mpenonani- . a rem. 4. Oné xenér dxazo werps ... noxpfry. 5, Ox nore- Diaa . ppany. 6. 1 sabia ona. Terpdae. 7. OX nore ix. opmpeas. xeric 18, Int the pronoms aad, 25, 2, x and cet ia the sepecate fom, “1, ¥ oxéua cere excaps. On duet au. cecrpy. Celi je i Tovopli 0 ~. ceerpé. Beep x nied. cocrpy mie, 2. Bro Moa pra. Cerénun YrpoM 9 notepé .. Di By. Mo apyr nawia .. piuwy » aysuropan. 3, The wor xara? To seat ... kniry? Ts we awideuh, Tae. Keira? 4 Tis gudemp, rae minjt Awna u Ibgox? V Teo eer» dapoc? 6. Anta wanweiza pacexés, Ta wrrda .. paceKda? xercse 28, Answer the questions waing posse poonuns. Tar in ond Ge un fe pone eke Model: ¥ mus ects Spam. O xow oni rovopin? Kro Ha veéa $10 mHcoMd? Yin corm Gp. On ropopsir 0 caoém Opdme. Hx pam ranean $10 TCH. 1. Y nob cote cut, Kong ou ni6ur? O Kou oni uécro rovopiir? 2. Baws dpye senbér 8 Moccné, Kord nx enn He buineni? © wow pet wiero pacesaauingere? Kro xGmen xp pntzar? 3° mux ery ecrpé, Kors ot nerpenian Be pe Kro mpntéxan mvepi? O xoM oni ronopsr cefic? 4. 910 ae ears rae tu ukucus panne’ Sno Dan wa’ verso 21, Answer the qutians slog possessive pronrs 1. Uke mcend on suréer? 2. Uo pany on nonoxcin xa cro 3, Users. pita pa verpérnan xou0 werpé? 4. Yio cecrpf on aot? 8. Hsio raatry au nasa? 6, sro mpeno- UaREremnsy set BiAeAM BD TedrpeE verse 22, What gusstlns do the lased words answer? 1. On zon od enonips. 2. Oud norepsina coot piny. 3, 1 wiaen mooeed Gpara @ xin. 4. Ox abGu meow cee pj. 5. Omm xem suoeed apjra euepi. 6. $1 mines ux wa ny, 7. Mot nosian 6 Terpant. reine 20 Answer te gestns wing the wordt en fn wale 1. ro 1a Ofsere wing arpa? su Guorgenn Daepd 8 wae? (Gi i Se pact foo na a BIS Gino? (uOouh mrmorerp, crantot erp) 8. ro a ls oon maravane! (eran pyc) 6, ro Sone es Cran endman Tea) 7. Ho a enfant we eo suse (pecan taponian jstxa) ureie 4. Ano the qustns sing the wok Gen ote va 1 Kong osx mine end 8 eae? 2, Reno ea ware ec? inden xuuira) 2. Yo Sror mono weaonéie W Sra ‘ononin REBVICICR wot xopiati apy ert ecm : 2 Kors assure noah | ih apenoganiren w nite em | ose 4, FOS san scspordee gre | oni cry, wot po aToGyeet ‘pyr dbmint » ee 5. Rimstasndere » wimen | sot exdnaoh Ghar x site cowed rapa cep vercine 2 Answer the qutlons sing the wes, ger in wets 1 tro seine idee? (oxi, wart, esira) 2, Korg ws madre tes? (WOR crépall apy) 3. ro mi se Thane Seon mypnrine? (noesenus eres) 4, Koro mi ae Jen ta jue (va cxipull mpojéerop) 5. Koré na sere Zefa (ra wspteruan sprictna) G, ro ath Ojaes nichts Corfe (wonypomnan padre). 7, Koro ma rome 2cn8r% Sree) ax cxepullToodpam) 8. Koro o# AM Beep NO: Stance? was TAC ps) rere 26, Answer the qeilous cng. the words given tn wee 1, Kons aie sags? (nan, xia), 2. Kot cod aud see? (eb xopdam nowpjra) 2. Koré ot erp ihe ents (erage onupat) 4. Kersh AO? (Ca Telpond pee wpa Mxdaioet cecxps) 8, ro ex ska Seep e GnGrmoréae? (urepéokas xara) 6, ro OM met Bee a newepe? (tepiad nécns) 7. tro on pacexésusan puepa? (nasepecnen néDocT>) % Eve 7. Answer he qos tng the wo ges o2 vt fhe wore cen co te 1. io seme ua croné? |p rasa ‘Yo nur anraere? “er Te 8 bzen ny cra po? 2. ro au wirian 9 rok | onus uareptouan crams poe "ht Er rosopian ane oe 8. Kro aust = dom ade? | oni wot xpath apye Ke "rca. O"fow us sesouiném ced? 4, Koo nen miepd w najte? | Sror eonterusitapnict Kon esi ronopite celt- mm Kors sizer amen secs 28. Conte the senenes sing the words ven on te vont ew the wd 1. Tae ma nym ? stows pound ooh 2. Oxexo “erps at ate | Stor yp Somansi cépe nox Mae 3 erépuuit 6par 3 péaso wing. 4. Bot andere we? Sra abeyuuna Tne pattaer ... 2 Tiosessy nar capa rerise 20, Transite ino Risin, 1. We were at the theatre on Saturday. We listened to the opera, Carmen, We mel our student John and his wile, Ann, at the theatre. 2. I know there isan Interesting article in this magazine. T must read this article. 3. Where is my pen? 1 think T eft it im the classroom, May I borrow you 6 aoe ap ree de ns know your brother. Personal Pronouns in the Accusative sete 30, Ave th eins, Ment te Ferns he pr sooo! pst inthe soci ; a ‘AL. Kax eac sonj1? 2. Kax of aonix? 3, Kax e26 onf7? Kaw ux soujr? 6, Kak me6s sour? 6, Br sieve, ax sted sont? | B. 1, Kas sonjr niwero eripuero épira? 2. Kax sonfr 2d: siy erepuy cecrpi? 3, Kax sonyr niauero ors? 4. Ke soujr nay mane? 5, Kax sosyr erd n6oro apYra polio nlnnneaeenelll ee or a Fier, ae EPS inca ym ype. & Ho povimens eee Chapin, foe sae, 8 m6 sah eae eae a EO Detar! fie mo tge aie Bo Renal ow noayuda So nace? noun. Bes fete Aaa 2 tesa ars hac a Sener peas oes ie edd Zand mopdeu 9. Baepa on nya wnmepeenpo day, 8. SE ti 8 éuyo atzyuiny. 8. Ond norepina sod xwiry. 9. 5 sino 2b Teaopére. 10. 51 migena e08.8 nape. 11. Me serpériom oF w redrpe. 12. $1 sno eB cecrpy, rey Cena ee ease a gaia Coan, eet ers ae on eek AER tal SE se msn Es nr Ct See Aig eal a Gur cpoi patiéry. Lo a, an esl eae ear ee sn a Se ns en a re 3 dyT6dN, s. aunsh— vy xowxéi Moo cecrpy sosfr Jitia, Dan mE dente Net ee Seat oer sel ey a eet im plement 9 oni Plural Nouns in the Accusative | ito sro in wir, Uerphan 5 ana fot, two totere * Gpenagaer pee ende, teaches Rosin verte 36, Answer the questions L. Bu fume mékemse nawsfers? 2. Bu wlewo nfuere auxin? 3. Bar wosine wurérs enim? 4. The Ba 10. yidere. mempédu? 5. Bo esd yacOnuncu 1 GuOmuorée? 6: Bui micém nova. jnposcuduus? 7. Cryaéura eavmann begun cenign? 8. Bu acto. noayiere rulcowa? 9. Ba ii iuere etoad 8 rerpésu? 10. Tae war noKyndere psu i Kae Pawdaud? 11. But Biante ousiona © paGére? (cxyasaros “08 repten. cea opeseh. oh penoxanérezel. ell a. guaran. (utube 0, €) rep. ce rercise 36, Answer the questions. crydlnmes » xaj6e? 2. Bu nize ue oe stan rua npedesineset reece mondpanets 8, Tat ante Opel? &: Bu ‘usean ero" opmaew ceomey 7 Bar nrg EinjOcuma yn serene’ 8B sniere oped nae ‘abe? 9° Br sean 08 ade" Exercise 57. Answer the questions cag. the words given tn bracts 1. Uo niuyr eryatura » rerpinax? (raaréms, exoné, exer, erie, yupanaiéans) 2. tho cavaawr aye? (aonrdiaa, Momeyme, acu) 3. Koro ea Kies ua ouuegre? (aprictam epricrs) 4 Koro. ae nya w najeo? (acdvene, Xyseaauen) 5. Kore x ae Se axcen? (roaipaust H Apyasi) & ro Gepsr erynearas ua Spon? (uirm, resp, yacOuas, pfann, eaooapi). 7. Korb Sid sexpechion xasoe" Jmpo.B. Yuuspeanére?_ (eryaéama, eryaénee, penonensresu, npenoaapérensmus, npoeccons) Eseite 38, Cone theses sing the wots hen othe i 12H wero xnoumtbo .. . | poaitent,Gefa,nonofn, Sep ye," 2. rafrpe unt serpée | expat pemuaninen 3 Th Juusepartr coré- | vent, apa, reson, ee | eget ane Sane Plural Adjectives and Pronouns in the Accusal Kacie xomd nis ninnre? = A wiKy Commie HOaule nosed, — Kanite exyaénros ox: sssire? =H wincy name udaue exynénTOs, Breccse 99. Answer the quills sing the words given in ads s > ais ceria Frpowd (oars re sim) 3. Kone conan ewonpéan m cronané® (uemaouse son) i, Kani eryxtrronmut-nerpeisn Oey 8 gaye? (Gun nine crysties) 5. Kani apystt oer pase ua ésep?(\ollxopiiee apna) 8, Ka npenogeniteat a Sinem Na arate? (fain Mosoasiependnanévem) 7. Kar voix adoytoe ay Sr enyatia (orate AeSyKH) eZEGHE MO oewer the suatlns eng tbe wos gn in 1. Koré ns icra miiurre saecs? (Brit dane cryxérs) 2. Kord un aexére? (wot erépize rondpitu) 3. Koro. on rgacian 8 Kus? (suaxéuwse cxyseHrRn) 4, Kors. nd perpéraa ® kuud? (uduin novite npysba) 5. Kord wi sudere 1B SToM yhnoepcnrére? (woroxtie tpenoaaeévent) 6.” Kord Fowow nabs we mixen? (er6.eripue’ ponirems) 7. Kors om ‘viewo norownnier? (er6 suxéaunme Oparus H crepunie cecnps) Evers tives the gpesiosin th arma. Model: — Bu andere, noré of pmrmcia » wins? = Ms, 9 abi, koro on puraacin BRIG. On’ aporanci in ahaa eryaeiry. 1, Bus andere, ord on serpéraan w ednpe? 2. But an ce, koro ond inena esepé aa néwepe? 3. Bu andere, ero for yin b narasine? 4. Bu aidere, sro Ox ser caine? Bi Bir susere, kanjno wiiry. on ann = GxGmoréne? 6, Bat Suiere, nag resery ‘oi Kymin wsuece? 7. Bu are, xanord ncérexnpmrancimy cryxéinn ie sep? 8. Bo Duero, raxsro apaed on ner. stecn? 9, Bur athe, ate itr on neowr sm? 10. Bus anere, wax. eryxemron oplainnacr apenonaréren? ree 42, What quien do te Holle words sae? 1. 1 npounaa mu néowe sxypuins. 2. Mar née ae wane més. 8, Mot cd mpyonie ypaoentwin, 4. On Serplnn nan cocemipuvondpite. 5 Ceynbxrat nputagcion » xay6conémen mcimeneh. 6. Fig oderaume Mer oie tondernccexyonumon. 7. AaB We wie ode aa cee. see 4, Cpl th ents sing the word ven on esi 1. Ha erané sexir endian restr A xynin ovens Mur euréa'o nocwoue- 2 Vis em Kyo sa6eia » knécce ... ? Mov ain expat 3, Beep woe Gund Mir rotopian Cryst eanreasHo 4, Gada rie. 2 xoxy.wytrs Molt neat sex | Breoceanen xéwnare aoe | wlan wane cry ee Hea fe miner no nat awe? oman sEpueih uoprpens rmnrepbonaa abn éror ne6omeiN6t wewoyie ‘The Accusative of Direction Bur untne » redirp? = Bs, sung redtp. Oni way na ssicranny? = Tle, ont majr na asicramny. rerese 4. Answer the question so the afin, Bu waére e acc? Cryst way @ ay6? One ier wa 20260? Mary wr @ sazaode? Bis macro 6 6yjem? Mare mer na dap? Cocrpls war 6 roauxaiauny? Bu uabre na Yau Hern wage o weds? . Cryin maf na esiemacry? p = ere 45. Anneer the gto, 1. Bu noluére cerduin névepow = amd? 2. buon Matix uotayt ésepow 3 xayO? 3. Anna nofxér dampen nbwop? 4. Bama rpymna nolaér myséh? 5. Tut nolabie siorpa Ha agkimto? 6. Ba nofaére sdpTps B GuGaxoréxy? 7. But nolére siarpa ua stexjpewo? — Kynd mc néret ceiraic? = 8 ung GuGworény. — Kynd mit roitnére séurpa? Buorpa a notuy m Kayo. = Kyad os xoninn wxepa Beep aes xo 8 Kans, vere 46, Acaver the quttions 1 Kyal nut xoning oueps, 9 reéxp saw o xaai6? 2. Ky. 1x6 ois Xonvinn ockpecéxse, 8 KAYO TaN Ha aKicTanky? 7 For more details on the verte mad, xomirt, ete, sco the seetion Verbs of ton 3, Kyad ma xowia frpou, 9 Ghee tan» cramiayin? 4. Ky: ol xonimi wa sxenypetno, a QMOpAKY aw wa s0n6X? 5, Kyad oud xonina J3pos, 8 waranin ime wa pion? 6. Kynd off xowin » cyGoory, 3 mucrunfr inn w nomi numy? 7. Kyta xovuua Bina rpjma mo osriemy, 6 Mystit faa ua sicrasny? xereie 47. Answer the quctins sing tbe words given onthe ight th tha sprogete preps 1. Kya xonim erynéurut n | xun, eénp, say6, myst, eee | ae satel ot 2. Kent ot nonage m ey6- | mnt, mcraia, Oo ea? Noa, (hepa, nano guage crystaras | emo, ayaupan, Syber, & Slee Tom ‘ronsoam Sabra [ercise 48, Answer the ution, 1. Oni éayr a Bommél relrp? 2. But éuere » uenrp? 8, Tir Geum 2 nonnKniiauey? 4. Bau apyr noéxer aéz0. tia pony? 5, Bis nogiere sun6fi m Teiauirpix? 6. Bu €- zpiom Deepa p nyaGh? 7. Bama rpfnaa ésquna m cpéay na isicranny? 8. Ox €ua ‘ovepa w unps? Exercise 49, Answer the qustons osing the words given othe 1. Kyad not uate cefsic? xayS 2 Kyat user vam apyr? ‘abopardpan 3. Kya way mm cxynéure? ‘SnGmoreaa 4, Kyna mw Beere? eran 5. Kyad Gxer-néua cpjuna? ilerana 6. Kynd ow noézere aétow? sepésua 1 Kink me notaere » sacrectme? eo nd nat OMA axepd? 9, Kyad mua Goxnae w cyOOGry? 10. Rynt xonla blza rpfana w epéy? ercse 60. Make up quitloas to which thse sefenss ate the 2, doh ines ocina it iokay © cusauomény. oy 1 is ii finn soni = i i i's. CB even fin met, = Bin i’ Coto Coo. nin nl dead eae wwe xerche 61, Aviver he guatins ing the wordt gen fn tease 1, Kyad 0 naéun? (win 6nGzworéea) 2. Kyné aft exyabura?.(Seaoe uGuteminwe) 3. Kya Tow aer cel? (lta nomena) 4. Kya ou xoxin wxepé? (Copoxerin Somuts) 8. KyAA whim apysed Xondaw senansepa? (cry- Senvecxnh aayo) 6. KyRd ow nonayer noczeatseya? (Hero- isch wal 7 Kjat swat »nocrpectne? (po Irjacan iieraaa] Freres $2. Anwwer the questions using the words given in bractees 1, Kyné ra éxenm ceiée? (roponexia Gusanoréxa) 2% Kyah on nogser yuirses!? (Mocrénexi ynupepenrér) 3. Kyad pin eferpit nogayr abrox? (poxwéaaepénta) 4 yal enyatierss est noseoveps? (muzepécuan”sxcKyp- Gis) 5. Kyad sam Oper uobaer aérou? (Césepuan Abpara) 6. Kana oi sone tsar abr (pour ropn) 7. Kya ‘maw Apyr XGver Hoéxaml, Goes? (Coaéremuh) Cos) ‘Mat xowiag w redénp wa Ganér. nett 63. Answer the ution: wing the words gen on the ight . ™ Model: Kyi aw unére? | raace; ypox Suny © Kaace na ypér. * poiger yubrce, will goto sty “ 1, Kyad waft eryaduru? | Soman say aun 2 Ryas nnée npovotend- | ayanpus; sanirne sean? Kynd waér opaw? Gomis; padsra Ryad ‘miami apyauh_xo- | say6; xomépr ‘it molt w cySoéry? . 5. Kyad oint xordr nonin | reérp, a cpt? it ante 6, Kyat pur xonire noéxar, | ry zepénun aero? 5 . 7. Hynde none séur- | covéunut répox; sxenjpena pe Execs Sf, Answer the qutio Model: — Bu andere, xyad ou ésnua prep? = Ha, mshi, Kyad on Caan BxepA, Ox Goa ‘cpa » Teatp. 1. Bar sndere, xyxi ow xouia muepi? 2, Bu andere, xy- ‘xi oii Noni ceroin Yrpon? 3. Bal sere, yaa’ ona Xomian nosamepa? 4. Bur audere, xyai om noizyr ceniuna suepo? 5, BH andere, KYAS OM nOUaer a4arpa? 6. Bal aude fre, yh ou Eon asRovepA? 7. Bue autre, xyaA ond Gana néroM? 8, Bu: onieve, Kyxi on éaawa npCustoM ro- AY? 9. Bu andere, Kyad cul uoSayr cerdau wévepon? 10. But ‘dere, xyxd om Tokzer aéroM? = Uae x sian? — Kyat mut xoxo? =F Gun» rearpe. =f xoaia w tedtp. = Hi Gut wa msieranwe, || — 51 xonia wa nsicraoxy. rercee 5, Answer the qualions using the words given on the ght 1, Tae Gsiam cxyaéams mie | sam6, xsy6, reénp, Gnano- a buepon ‘réka, TapK ya onion, eryxtess sepa néepont 2, Tae ait o6usnio orauxi- | oGmensire, xinuara, nape, ere? Kays Kyai. ou noiigére cer6- vex Gee ypoxa? 3. Kya noéayr dum | eénp, ynusepenrér, mda, apyaes w ey6try? ysl, sada, apa, Tae ond Gjayr Bb cy666- | tureratua yw afiertte 8 Inert Ne apprise forms of te wos given tn 1. Baepi ane sonia. (ederauua). Cryaéirat_néixe 6 sic. (sicrasna). 2. Vuasenep anes .. (sandy). On para ‘er Gonin). 3. Sésrpa eryaswra “‘olayr .. (a {seep om Gfayr ners. 4. Beepd Gomis xoia (toni sania). Ceréaan on ongins Gut .. (naamxaamna). 5. Mi epi ror. (Gutimorexa). Tiéeae o6G3a 81 TOMAG». (Gu: gupréna). 6. Ooswwo cryaéura oOtaaor ... (eroaisaz). B. 3 acd omit noir .. (croadeas), 7. Anma rowing .. (065- Ye). Orit xyniiaa xouépres .. (ndera). 8. Beep vol ccerpi xoxiua .. (waraain), .. uarasi) ond xyniina Nagsr6. 8. Moi Gpar paGéract .. (yktvepeurér). Kéxwtoe rpo on XGXHT «. (Jaumepentés). Brerclse 67. Answer the questions wing the words given the ight 1, Dae ste Gian nuepi? rau aéotsi Kays, morepée- Kya ser xovinr ovens? unit nésep 2 Kyad mu nonatre 8 ey. | redzp, ult conte oy? Tas ma Gere 9 oye 3. Tae ow patiraer? Kyad ow ator iqau pew? 4. Tae Forres, ima vain Stor Combs xustbeecKut hoa cecnpa?, fraivecknit Gaxymne Kyet oak sour xt | = eu? 5, Kyxi aur nojigére néene | Sror amulacnih waraséin some Po eee wna em nowyaere xe nw? ™ 6, Ky nur xowan aves? Te ms 6m wep? Heropéncexsi yeh Fercve $8, Ausver the questions wing the words given on the tight 4. Tae mpopéccop wirier ack Kyat auer npodéecop? 2, RYAA m1 oan auepa? Te mar Ossi aseps? 3, Te mut oGéaaere adn onvunin aynerépun wativocenit uncrerge ene? Kyad ma naére ceiwic? ; 4. Kyal Haan Eun a | one anew ripox Exe om na arou? 5, Kya ont wont suepi? Ee on kam wens? 6. Kyai metnofiaere névepon? Exe ult 6fere Béxepon? 7, Exe Sunres pam Spar? yas i nniere ya Gomtai6h ropoxcxsit napK conérexan orosscranka ‘MockSscxul: yaunepestér xerige 60. Replace the verb Sum by the ve ef moll xin or froma, Change he ease of te nuns Model: Buepi a Gus @ mesimpe. Sexo » Gut a Maniace. Byepa a 2008 @ medmp. Jleto 5 é50ua 6 Topic. 1, BropS n Gout ue mcrae, 2 B npinaoat roxy ase Gcint 9 Tisinin, 2. Brepd love Gun v nonmeanne. 4. Ve fo Anua Gund ua assum. 5. mine onf Gia Tear Thine 6. Beepd n Gan» xe na nomuepre, 7. BO stp th bat an na nmepéewoowexpen 9 aye Ener 00, Annwer the qustions replacing the webs of motion by te Ye doin, Change te eae othe moc, Model: —Bu xodiau Srpom @ OuGauornény? ila, s Gua FxpoM @ Gudauomsxe. 1, Bix xoxiinn asepi m tearp? 2. Bur xowian w cpéay 3 ysthe 3, Arma xoxina b eyGOory = xaw6? 4, Bua enna @ Tleswirpix? 5, Zoxon Eni aéros Vapi? 6. Bawa cecr- i anna p Hirdnmc? 7. Bu ésqmam pxepa ia axexjpemo? bm o Eerie GL. Answer the questions using verbs of wotion in your Model: — Fae ss Setar pvepi = Boop nas xodiau'¢ mem, L. Tae su Guan cyG6éry? 2. Te ma Gin ceniaus? 3 Te oud Ginn sep névepour? 4. Te mx Ocmn aéron? Ae nim APY Gow aton? 6. Te Gut accep Exercise €2. Moko up questions (0 which thee sentence ae the eee ee 9, = Behe ink name. = Hero Maiien Gani 60 pda. = Pénsiné ou’ yates oo dpdiayun 5. ? Si iin’ mya es 6 Moca Fi pind data 6 Moay. Use of the Accusative Case with the Verbs kaacms — noao2eims, cmdsums —nocmésums, eéwame —nosécume 5 mosomia rary m noprbéas, 5} mocrauun aisay wa’ ero, 51 nonécna woenbie w ua. erste 6% Answer the giestions Model: — Kydd ra nonoxain sxypuin? = A nononsin aeypnia ve ndcowernect cro ALL Kypi an nonomian noi sity? 2. Kyad ox non min smy pany? 3. Kyxé te nosoxd nol napa in? 4. Kyad ona manowsina cao nanny? 8. Kya ond % onoaca coo Terpiau? 6. Kyat on waaay eB08 nopt- emo jat ou nowtere can nt?" Ka oa sire abi? Kya on nocrénnn wseri? 2. Kyi ot nocrésia we Be Touies 3 Kyai mur cranmn bers 4, Kya not rd im 6. KGa monk son? 2 Kya nea, ns Hien’ ny dororpao? 3. Ryn ont noeewaradree? oS Rois br eeuaere ocr vere 4. Complete the sentences using the wor given on the lat Model: Ou nocrénua ... «| aiana, cron Or noctanin Suing na ons. nono. rina, cron acs, nas a AENBTH, KapMan; — nOpT em, crys a 2. A nocrénun on Sai, ins 5. noatont « santa ad eet, 30 i eros neptbenis xii 4 Ma galt 6 trom ne, weno 5. Mu crime sésinay cro ton, WE ‘oer, pean 6. Mas wit sce, na sap, nese 65. Anger toto wing tbe words vr on Ie right Boar i mind the we of ie prom etl ens wpa akéaras ménke soft erp opps 8 meaner ero 4. Tne eros peri? Kyat oor rasan uoe- 5. Kyaé ou pémgere naan Comuid upocinan nds aut Contiush web ano BRS 66 Mae op qurtions fo which these senens are the hoa pd — inert ‘eros @ ase, = 5 noersien’ ube eed, — Biwoit nonoisia baiéry na cmon. — Paséta ‘newiir na émoaé. 5. Atua rosea ect forerpine nd emony, = ek doronismn inc na emene gute 7 Cape the wees asag the worth gle onthe Model: On npursacia | 95, wind On mpuraacisr sent @ nurs. - A mpurzauivo 2. Mer nparaauien a ype is; eKYpeus, cocéanmil ie 1 2 Pox 8. Buepi oni upuraaeie | wx Aysof wae 4 Crysis —apieaset- | npesouansrea, cryaboee- 5. On npuraac aiuan a. swan seayunas relnp apna oni? nonaépr, ne ee . The Accusative used to Denote Time fercse 68 Answer fhe quis asing the words gen fa trace 1. Koraé ose Osim 9 reénpe? (srdpuun)t 2. Kornd wisn seu ya xomépr? (ey6d6ra) 3. Kornd on xox a Kx uo? (cpexé) 4 Korki mut oratadere? (cyo0bra nocxpe: cine) 8. Kora Gun konrpsnetan paGéra ® edn rpynae? {ronexézinm) 6, Korud ow sa6anéa? (versépr) 7. Koraé om Sow B noiraniuney? (tania) sercse 0. Answer the qusthns sing the words given te edt * 1. Korad 6iaer sau xem poaénn? (ror. eraépe) 2. Korg on ater iree” Goal entayonan sma) 5; Korad on Guan aneen? (ipéuzan cpexl) 4. Korad sw Syatn pelmened ror rcp): Keri at mk Aepenino? (faye rocxpective) 6, Kocaa va noinere wa Brexjpeno? (Bfayiaah novexémion), 7. Korad mkt oHcdam Teenie Koirpsnutyo pacer}? pone weraépr) 8, Kor- Kb nu wotgere ® earp? (caeayron stopune) acc 70, nome the guns sing the words denoting the days cf he week (roves emdpan, ) 1, But andere, Koraé Gjaer xownpéminin_ patra? 2. Bot snéere, xorad on sonynin mirsud? 8. Bus andere, word mt otal mn? 4. ke andere, ROOK on nOéAyY ua sKeK Cio? 5. Bushee, rorad ow Gua ua wicrasxe? 6. Bie anse fre, worgi om nofaér 8 GrOmworexy? 7, Bet andere, noraa on Goan » Bomauéw tednpe? 8. Bu sero, woz Ox iy noaeaiane? fxartee 71, Whst question do the Htalled words answer? Model: Beco adwep 9 nicén micons. — Kaw dis20 (cxéaexo apénenu) wer nwcian nics? A. 1. Beco dew ou sanuménen 3 GuGanoréxe. 2. Beco efvep a xan pac. 3, Bee Gmpo on yaia néoue cxond. 4, Beco poe npenoaanirem oopscnsa Oat rexct. 5. Bee xa- Higyane non crasxiaa ub nope. 6. Bow HedEa Of Go- nba. 7. Bow Hote Gur aoa Tae table on p. 36 ro B. 1, Mos pasrosdpusann yéaodt eévep. 2. Oni Gonéaa yéayro neaéan, 9 On an 6 Moonee da a. 4. tan sere 72. What guns do the Haun! words answer Model: Késedut dexs on xiswe w yumsepeunér Kare adcma oar 8 yuoeperter? 1, Keown dens aon) a saniran. 2. Kida abvep gn zona tatonréman. 8. ‘Rétoe nina ra eryaca Suar ua pony. 4 Keavdoe spo n serpevéi S100 wean. aba. 8, Nascdn anipuae ana xt na aegjpeu, 8. Ailes yo ey6Gny ox Texan 8 Kaye. 7. Ké2edyo nebo Ot anyon isan aero a. Aer the gustins wing the wore add ish apart dpe ela, ce OM Oe Model: — Bu sécro obmacte » croxéuol? Hoare © crondeol dace eo, 1, Bu wicro noaysiere niciva? 2. Buc cro xénure 8 Gaccths? 8. On wieto Rogar SuGniorény? 4 Be Maero inure i sxcxypens?” 5. Baa cemad acto Gt un tor? 6 'Bi wdero aoe » Kayo? Exercise 74 Complete the eenleces using the words eee do, sed os 8, 28, ee : 1. Max ana nac .. . 2. Ont pabinaa rane «3. Mi yal a nec. «4. noayeso none... ‘5. Ma Bpyabil xotmr 8 ayG 6. Mit cnuiaes “xt 7. Ofay nous San exonA .. . 8 Sy end Yi epeitére ... 9, on OF AEMAN # Camsnie, nei 78, Read the feirylale and ret Bryjowas pia B ons zepéone ania ware u cou. Kéxeuulh sem, wars paGirar p née, a cum cuxéa a6ua. OH Guin Over aeill sli W He aoGi paGorar., Onwamant wari KEnM Rew p Gorana » none, a cum evutéa sua, cuorpéa w ons, KYA, Kposiru. Besepow, norad Mars. pind) 30u6, mg TF a ar ak tac, Ten tae weenie ams eles onas cara Fe ae olen a ee en Ee 1 can mene pil retain Se EC acu och RES alan, aa, ad The Dative Case ‘The Dative used to Denote the Person toward ‘Whom an Action is Directed Singular Nouns in the Dative ~ he seaie Boe ee pe Ba, cg, lie at jena igh a ee Sepa cn en eg a re feel Mn cae, 5 Tie itive of as sd dys — Kouy ssc xymine Sr eager? = si xymin Sew reser romdpmy, (Eserelve 2. Anawer the gustons sing the words given othe igh Model Kony su nécro nifuere mics? | orb w were ST vécTo uy esas omy x mérepe, AL 1. Kouj su nanncéau nnetas asepé? | Oper 2. Kou max pacexaaiime 0 évepe? | apyr 8. Kou tus xylan raséry? rondput 4 Roxy eryaéimn oraeeior xa seat | upabeccop 5. Kong) cryaéury noxiownaor serpé- | npeconaséren, ae 6. Kouy mi paccrandan 0 conti 6o-| apes B. 7. Kou npenonauirens oSsacmin né-| eryaénrxa egal ie . Kou Abii nocaaa enod nésue do} cccrpé roms 9, Kost ‘om nyu noxdpon? wars 10, Kouy oF6 noxapi Katy? ou aelee 8. Anewsr the qustco Copy out the vets recut te itv tn amotio wre wh, 1. Kou ma ddau coo yeéSrws? 2. Koss} mt victor tueme micous? 8, Koay ox noowadem nots, ies, or. Epdrin? 4." Kow wiuia npenoxardnecuimua Sencuten Wo imal pox? 5. Kony aut ryruiaa” Sry kiity? 6. Kou on ratapag eno spaciny pe? 7. Kony au nas ye wes? 8. Kony taut apyr aynda” Guaéra 6 Te8ep> SP Rou sou coven wou cama gens? * Baer 4, Anpver the gts. Menose te vets whi ee generally followed by an infinitive, “ ee 1. Kou mu odeusiau nynime Guaérs 8 Bons reénp? 2, Kony ti oGoudat aero nicine mous? 3. Roa ha Geusdae ‘tonenine. Sry rpfany. saniey? 4 Kon aaah soy nowsedem waged. Garejcennt ae? 6. Kenya ot nowcedeme usyedine aaraiicnnl xix? 6. Komi cecepé no Imoadens coméaure c6632 7. Kony mare paspetiiaa nodmd temo? 8, Kowy epat we paypeudem nypiini? 9. Koxy mpe- Nogaérem paapeuila sod 8 ayzuropia® 10, Kou apaw owemyem nockars & cararépuit 11. Kowg, sit cosemyeme hnocwampéme ror qiimsi? 12. Kony ‘ut cosémyeme nocmy- Iino wenuutnenth cpaxyaurer? 19. Kovey péano wetader anwar? Eerie. Answer the questo Model: — Bu sudore, xoug om san xypnia? = On gan mypida cmon 203 1, Bur sere, xony) on ani nusiry? 2. Bat sere, xo- aij on Hanuchn nacen? 3. Bur andere, ROMS om xy use. P's Bu andere, now oud. Horaoina cood dororpiimn? 5. Bu sniere, non om noxapia pYeny? 6, Ber sudere, nowy od pacenasina Sry neboer.? 7. BH skier, Kou npenox irem conse spin? xerie 6 Inert the words given on the right Model: Mperoxanérens oSncntin .. unoe | eryaéir TIpenoaasére obaacuia emydéumy slvoe enzo A. 1. SL xdero muy nico Spar 2. Cutt nonin .. reaerpavay. sare 3, Tlepeadiie, noxinyliera, sry ter | npenosandirem 4 snoxpyira 5 oxyné 6, Tooransén npriée mucous cocéa 7, Buepa # a20nia apy B. 8.51 osentén... kyurire dpaunfsexne | rowdpam 9, B nncemé Gpar copéronan ... uo- | ceerpé cerymifre » yimsepenrér 10, Tpas we parpener .. uuéro x0- | ore atts. 11, Bonis6t obencia ... Gémane we | epa yp. Lexercie 7. Anwor the qustions ubing the words given on the Hla " 1. Kr cuir » waice? exyséur Kou mpenouaniteas ofsseuser ypox? Kord enpiunaaer npesonaesven? eau Bit rosopiirer 2 Kos Hina acto miwer micens? noxpjra © xow oni wiceo ajar? Koré ona nasn6 ve mines? Keto auomit ceréin Hine? 8. Kord ott npuraaciion ua cryaéaveckat né- | nxcdrem sep? " ° Kony vic nocnénn npmraamésne na 2évep? Keo aulerynéa a aevepe? O oat set ronopiat dene mt uepa? ere 8 Insert the words given onthe rg 1. Buep s nanucés mcawé HL ascro aysai0 Lamond ne mize Sry pf sky noapina ve 2. Buepi y Mont Gian eye Spectator W lo oo) mpurnacire a KoiTuépr Cerdann sévepow # admaen nosponire ceerpi serese 8, Wht questions do the Halled words answer? Model: Ca noxapan om sack Kong eit nonepin acs? 1, Poniem nosapiast esiny otoannapér. 2. Mars xy. nina’ ddvepu nagané. 3. SU xyniin Opiey Owner B_TApK. 4, Tipenouandzest oGtseniin cradCurnce nomi reser. 5. Bre. i a nocada Gpdmy veaecpinuy. 6. {1 xox) paccuaairh 06 Sroxt mowipuuy. 7 Mo OfseM orsewire Ha sRséxeHe npo- héccopy. 106 Plural Nouns in the Dative = Kong att mimmere mies? - = strana leu ponrtrenay, Gpdresm, cécrpan, sereie 10, Answor the ustons using the words given on the rah 1. Kom mpospéceop anrder aéxumo? eryatien 2 Koug ti coosmitnn 0 cobpsnan? ‘rontpnsa 3. Kou mit xymine noxdpmu? ckerpt 4. Kou mix sbowism corona? axpyaus 5. Kouy Jbxon nocafa enol ororpiijun? 6, Kowy sark uymina neaccanes? 7. Kony noworder Auwa? ert Hf Unser the appropiate forms of he words given of the vith 1. Tipensaniveae osuacnter Gea wae | ersérrs ro 2, Her paccrasime .. 0 Mocaésckon yon | ronépua epee ; 3, Benoa cook isan goroamapér... | apy 4 fl aocun ame plea 5 Renayno gino. som posirenn & Rees “Step ere pactsnumer | Seen 7. San pave niwer sonra Pyercne 1 Inset the eproriate forms of the verb given ot the nd othe eerie 1. Orkin efiny nopmpim, 2. Kro .. eryxéiant sherpa Gjter codpiline? 3. He pastosdpusshre, noxanyiera. Bus eryneiran cajimars aéaunt. 4. Tipenonasirem ceryadiran corte eaoed, 5. CryNeins .. mpenosadtemo oor ynpenirénn, 6, BiSaroréaaps ... cryxemrane KAT Saypueais, 7. Tove .- adrepa rorémine O68. 8. Bsepd a pottirena Teaerpanay. (toxéotsmane, nocaim., weusirs, noworiire, pare, uoxapiro, cooGiuine, denen) vo sZt 1 Cre te sets wing he wed aoe Model: Mare aymian a. | xtra, ex Mars ryan dey ny 1. epi xyisa noxipox, nop- 2. Yaiirenp oftxcenin 7 5. Mant npn yyaeninc, oun 4. woeaia 5. Mopiccop srrie 6. Mit noxspimt 7. Mononie ayn sox... | uma ae ac ap utes Me Compl the sens wg the wor gin onthe Model: 4 nanncan Bt wane | cecrpa, soit apysus Gecmpe 0 caaie Opyaes. 1. 6 pacers ovat, am dee iyaurér 2, Ha coGplin senin coodusin .... | ery, Ks8Ne- 3. Bus casi .. cn 4 Tose aa exes 5. simanncea & Anna anc par, aut “yumsep. eter npetoaaséreas, oxe- jew . Ha ypéne wos pacersawan .. Personal Pronouns in the Dative Feercive 15. Apsver the qustlons, Memoria the forms of the pore sonal grote te aie, ™ 1. Axon anier 06 akzinene? Te roopia ea 06-100? 2 ‘Ane npr a coopime? Tas sonic 108 on w Ana nofagr 8 rey? Tat ayn wn Guakre? Tengu ane coo eae? Kora # nome rosea nett ; : 5, Rina rosa aa, ro ceréue sivepow oud mpusér aw» reer? Eneccne 16. lect pasonelprosuns Model: Sro aod cod, mymin rant. Ht yi eg Taney. 1, B10 sol dpye, $t paeckasit 0 e308 pare, 2, 2x0 aut pedi Kona se it oan fh Se Sto mek nodpyjans St nro paceRints 0 ies" ytusepentre. Mod amor > Tyce. 5 Stevo nity ngenu, 5 Bayzuropan.cugs crue. Tipaotauinets odpsetier .. wonat ypik. 6, Mec aay (joey, TIpenosasérens notéasnaer -guaivcenne pop Pe bann nite yemmepeere? wry DOLERAT fa gumveponrés 80 Toe éana. Sry "saaiey? A 40cF SGunchite ary sansey. 8. Beep son4 Osa) mea POH semin pysit opin a NaiY. Enrcee 17, Ist personal prawns 1, Tipenoaaséress oGtacnser o. miun cust, (0) 2. wor eves oma aaa (on) 9, Mot 8 brow yteSunne, (ond) 8. Béerpa % nooeomd (ou) 6.5L PHCCKODEN 0” nota posuw Tepore. (os) 7. Boat np Gru Tesepaony. (6) xerie 18. Answer the qustons, In your answers, replace the oun by perenal eau Model: — But noxasim npenodastimeno cvot> rerpans? = Aa,"s noxaaia ex coos erp. 1, Bur adam, moaépuuy cooi caosips? 2. Bus ssowtimt wuepi Opgeye 3. Mpenoaanivens paccxasia cmydéuman 05 Sroenenax? 4. Cryénr Horas anna OuGnoreny? 5. Bat nnn mosdpujan Gunéru va sesep? 6, Tpenozan Tenianula obbscnina cmudéumxe weoe caéno? 7. But evan ecmpé tionipox? 8. Avia nocadaa admepu nucend? 9, Bu omoracre mosdpuuy wayne peck tie? rors 19, Insert personal pronouns, 1s soc cod ts eaintcs « Ava Guréra, 2. Towantine . nowéayteTa, w. KONBET W MAK. rnp. 5, Tlepene: 8. Tlospontine . ce- ayers, nak majo A sere sonitinee “canine, 8, Tlepeastre, noxaayiicrs, ‘nity. [verese 20. Answer the questions 1. Kro nomoadem xan uayuima piccxwi savin? 2. Kony ‘it maaoademe usywdime dpasfacenit main? 3. Kons sat n> moet nepoaecml exons ta ApsGcxnt ‘atin? 4, Kro nowt ant naniedme crate 5 raaéry? 5. Kro stewdem mast sane sudmten xéua? 6. Kro sown nae cajtuame wetepont 7. Kio obetda sam dams wurepécuyio siry? 8. Kou) is cbeudau noxasiéme coo gororpagun? 9. Kro nocoaémoaaa sam npowumdme Sty xusiry> 10. Kos) mi nocooémosnau no cuompéne Sror dunaeu? II. Kou as pagpewaine aan va enonaps? 12. Kro paspewila ua eoame Sry xiiry? veri 21, Rea! the texts pling tbe wor given in rackets in the spent can mang : 1 Onin wenoséx Kinault sem noxynda » waraaine msm Siaox'. Oniveis nporant enpocin .. ror sexosée: (Keo) ma oxyasen rm fox? Manone orpéri . (nponanéu} — Onn Gjamy cn can, ae —naio w noas", a awe — # saaxee" — He ‘nowiio,—exanéa npoxenéa. —Osaren .. (7) cud pas Onn Ojamy 1 ew cas, x36 2a 5 (aéri) pe— (are a ord name Gfact five rll 2 iy 5 kaw, fo ent Si xbamon I ove Onwingns & aoantigaxy npsiéa ozoxsh sezonéx, Crop, J wel Gone mab ora ft (9p) = See datanet?cmpcin sat o = Seatie dy : = Reo, Pa () sey san ra —o1e FPS aan naa? Bex y new Gone wxobr,—enpo- ca Gommin . (ope). ssa (bs) recpsreo Aan a2, — Tara pot (ovona) "1 cxeyonuth pas ma GSxere ayeae mike, 15 bs ear ‘Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns in the Dative — Kaxéuy exyaéiry auc xynvinn Gar 9 reinp? = kyniin Chaer B tearp auanGnowy erynénty, — Kans eryaéirne sus xyminn Grr m rednp? = xyui Guer 8 veaxp auaKduol crynénree, — Kania cxyxéuram aus eyovian Guaéras mre? BL ny Guaer a Teirp aMaKONAM cryRENTaM, Exercise 22. Answer the questons using the sdjectivs given on the veh A. 1, Kavéuy ppecomainen i pace | wins 2, Kanéuy exynenry ea xynian ae | Gomucit apers0? 3, Kanoxy xyxéany nam apyr ne- | onin wsséermh lawman eboi waprica? 4, Kaxguy eryaénry set seomian mue- | suaxéussit pa? — 5, Kaxouy eryaéiny sau xpyr nowo- | covérckuh rer neysirs auralcna tin? 2 wiper aa rant @ medicine for one's eyes a 6, Kacy Cplay mi noxyndere aes | madsul 7. Kandny @piry st nonynere naa | crip Kano eryaéwrxe set noworiere ayudre peck nasK? 9. Kano cmatise st zea ep | Gonain 10, Kans xéeyune wor nosapiiow use | anaxduan 11, Kaxstt cecrpé on nomapdaa cfu | erépauan ny? 12, RaKdh ceenpé ond mozapiina xapen- | madman saul? 13, Kaki eryatincau npenozanérem | uéuue cguseusen ypOK? U4, Kawine ‘Typiera net nokisnnana | unoerpénuwe ropon? 15, Katine Opéromm pa cro miuere? | eripuane verte 28. Anaver tbe questions. 1, Kexsit eryniuree uit noworiere wayadrs pfcoant sasix? 2.'Kaxony rosspmuy ou adam 6uaér wa néuep? 3. Kar ROR npenouaninenuiniue au chapiau sxainen? 4, Kaine cry- énrax mpenonasétene oGuacivion ypox? 5. Kaxoh cecsp at ‘viero nociandere aiesia? 6. KaxGuy apjry ge xymian no. apor? 7. Kaki sosaprman JoxoM paccxasia 0 wirinre? 8. Kamins apyobinn ms su0wire nanwayio cySG6ry? Exerise 24, Complete the sentences aang. the words given on the right Beat ia tnd the we of the presen 1. Fipenogandrens nan xi | ror erynéarr Sra cryaéar 2.51 “woxasia —ororp- | atm nperoganirea wos Qu ne ‘Tonapul 8, Axe noswowia .. « rd romgpai . 4. On siero mer niies- | ord comné, end ond ord ma . par i eré cecrpd 5, Hesioio nocain nor | wot possiremn euutRy a . 6, Hart sOa4puos xynia Gwe | ed encéam w er6 ADF ere BS Exercise 28, Answer the questions using the words given in 1. Kows oars xymiiaa nopupine? (e8 maisiuas 20%) 2, Kony. ee noxapiait cjuny? (ofl erépunan ceenps) 8. Ko hg po noMOrdere wayuith peck 3x? (xin ODT Cry. eet) 4 Kony i oGeuias mare mrepéeiyio sanity? (oH oye Abwon) 5. Kony upas ue paspeber xypie? (S70r ES cy) Koy caer st ‘stor tu? (woh rosipanty) 7. Komy wid coosmian Sry 5 ocr? (Won Gniskae ApyseA) ercse 26. What questions do the aleled words answer? Models Hpopéccop noworder soaoddny ywuony. Karaay ystaeny novorser mpopeccop? A. 1. 6 manweia nmcené cxocush emdpowy xosry. 2. Bpas Gahan epi ena Reoake. BH xo, oaks Sry dororpadano emdpuiesy Opiny. 4. Mather nocixder étexe tulrH cove scaddwuel!cecipe B. 5, Crynéirra noxanimn yumpepeunér wnoompdnaein roe ‘thw. Mars noqasina’ cata druomien spavéat. 7. B mies Hepes upusér ceo wndsaKoua xpySts. feercse 27. Ancwer the gustons using. the words given on the viet A. 1. Koré att enpocfinn 06 sxsinenax? | mam npenoxa- Kony ma cxeniai 06 suaiwenax? | | Bérenb 2, Korg wer upiraaciian na 26sep? wot erdpanh Komp as Misit Onaer ua sven? 8. Koré sat nonpociian xyniine 6uné- mee rep Kony a ocemiau xynins Gunes ab rearp? > 4. Kons oes noGaaronapiinn 20. wiry Kowy. uk crassa ecuaciiGor 3 iy? 5. Kors ait enpociim, rae uaxdzeren vyunnepeurér? ewan Kony ait obtscutnn, rae waxéuer- | seronbi cm yuuepeaér? \ B. 6. Koré ner gaoné we sinems? voit erdpue Kouy uit népesaae npr? “abyot O row mu ajucaan suepa? ‘onipuut 7. Koré nut lero senoxatisere? én u Math, Kon ma wicro miuete micas? pitas a 0 now au wéero ayacre? eer This i how the addresses’ ames are writen on envelopes in Russian. Creninos Onér Murxdio8i Komy . Creninoay Onéry Muxiiaoonay Grendntooa Onra Huonenua Exercise 26. Complete th sentences using the fst names, ptronyme fey aod Sumemes given on the Te Model: Vsan6ay TTerpy Auapéesany. Msaids0R Asie Anaptenne. 1. Mux nocasm reserpine | Ceprées Anaroawit [lino Cepréesa Maqui Hionien- 2. Hino wanvcése méeo- | Catpyona Anua Tlexpéaua Man. 1 Coxoxés Bopfc Bact 3, Tlepexdire, noxdayiiera, | Cévouon Baauiuap @&z0p0- ‘ru nr ex a Huaiiva Ansa Bopiconna uw The Dative used with the Verb npdaumbcx Exercise 20.7 Annwer the questions. 1. Ban wpdoumen stot uses? 2. Bam npdoumen Sra eadea? 3. Ban nptoumen x0 Odie? 4. Baw updoumes 51a onduus serps? 5. Bast npdsnmaca vane didaowo? 6. Bam pisimes aie wuieu? 7, Bam npdanmcs vaxte saws? ob UESEE Pat the ani words the pags he fm 1, Mue mpésuren Som yvéOnus. 2, Ham updssren n= oan eményun uerp6. 3. Vu npsowrex ma acxyus, 4. T3 Npénieren Sra -naacmivaca? 8. Ban npliren smom cool: xual Guason? ere 31, Answer the qt 1. Baw noupéauncx sau yuuvepearér? 2, Hi noupéa sues bine Gtolontach Bc TSA epninis Ul Route? I" Grynéiraw nompaminen Guava © Koeworinra? 8. Unt no- space acuta Mery. Hcy panic os Ahacrdna? 7 Ane NOopAnaAMSy tod Xp vere $2. Compe theses at tn he atl Model: Buepé sax enorpésn némh diem... Buepé wis eworpéane én anit. Hest (He) mo spibaacs Sror Guass 1. Hexiono » name naje Guin née. .. 2. B eyS6iry su Gig va once m uKsae. 3. pour yay rity. 4 Brepe bat enjugam Aon Ge JIpYooR no Api ke pen. 6 Hau pane Gua om mcr rence Inset the words given on the right, 1... nowpémanacs Mocks. a wot spy 2.2 we kpdatres om encunizanoers, | Mosk ponies 3 nocadauas sxexjpe | ee eryadirat ne moapinunace $ra_xmira. Mol apyr oe epics waa apn, | Sump 4 5 6. - noupéauacs ssepiuunt xoméps? | me Exerc M. Answer the qustons replscing the verb atiims by pista a Model: A. — Bur moGmre nrasnsinexyro waxy? = Ta, sue npanuren wramsacxan sfotana, B. — Keitie néca as wbsure? — Mue xpéssren nape néca A. 1. On aon pjcckne nécia? 2. Bau tosépan aur Ganix? 3, Baur xpyr aoonT pyecayo MYaumy? 4. Bam coed sown randie nagcrdike? 5. Bix snbSHTe cpr pax Séry? 6. Ond after rassie powdua? 7. Bur ab6nTe Stor ‘ednp? 8, Bu abate Taxfio noréay? B. 9. Kango ufsuacy oie sour? 10. Kani Gane wut Gyre? 1. Kane Quizes sr mbbere? 12. Kane xwiru er mbGare? 13, Kawdit aver uit aibCute? ‘The Dative used to Denote Age = CxémKo nase ser? Ciénseo ser miwesry pry? = Mine pxsguate ose rox, a Moen Opary ARAxLaTS tpn ria, Tere 36, Int 2, 0 oF em, 1, Mue ardanare 2. Enj counémuare «9. Cripme- vy Gpiny rpéuam tpa.. . 4. Masamewy Opéry apewdae name Mosh wirepn ‘e6po weriipe ...- 0. Moesy ora tarmecst oni... - 7. JiGiae pensvuisnars BLES tenigte certpe ticeme ... » 9, toh oryadanae mid are TPH =. 10. Hiéwey ‘ipenonaséreao aeéauar> aé- Exercise 86- Complete the sentences, 1, Cefiwéc wore 25... Jiva rina nasi ame 6rino 23 pes asa rina wwe Gyser 27 - 2. Ane 22. Uepes nate aer ef Ofaer 27. « Tne se gma oh isa 17 foeuy ony 45... Korad a possizes, enj Gao 24 4. Auapéo 21..." Korad on Row "yuupepeurér, jner 26 TT FoR 2, 8, 4 rome: 8, 6. er sove 37. What usta do the Hind words anwe? Model: Téuy dudéyame dea eee Gok at Ty? 1. Mitcay daiyamo sem, 2 rd. Gpiny cendOuam ent a Ret Sedanany. sense e6Da. 4. Bb cere al. Simeon cab. Dry erReTy avcetyaino ems Sry nenootny mpuane sem. 7. Me dears mpl Soe Bodh ceeye oatnaiyame, en. Moet atopy pur nuns aeme 10. Now) ony narodeckm daa. 280, 1 Momf ccsuseay Spery mpm am rere 38, Answer the gustions. 1. Cudmoso nam sex? 2. Cxdauno aer simeny apjry? 3, Caéatao ner wine ceerpe? 4. Cudmio ner Bie naj? 8. Cudroxo ster $r0h péayune? 6. C60 ev $10- ny wénowmy? 7, Créaiuo set samenyy crapmeny Opary? 8 ceéauno ner ilwSny? 9. Cato aer Saise? xerie 90, Answer the qustions. 1. Cuéasso nant Gino ner, Korgs nex xGuwiIN TRGHy? 2. Cikémino nade Gino er, MOPS sor Nocrymsimn © MIKOny? 3. Cabasxo pelt Gino cr, Koras ow ways MirTéTD? 4 Gréanso nant ino er, Kors mae nisadk mayire pie Gia? 5. CaOaexo Sao Ofxer Aer, Kora wa KOWSHTE Sansepenrér? 6. CxGneKo ser Ojner nuewy xpjry, xOrA ‘i nOnET yuusepenér? Exercise 40, sect the opproprate ors of the wens even on the rete xpdavarh ser, wot apyr L 3. Andanare venipe réaa. | Sror eryxéur 5. Andauary meers ser Mod crapiuan_ceerpé 4.2. ames ui rox, al pa}éccop 5. 2. eGpor ire er. od mere 6. arnaeest er. vol oréit verte 41, Tost petonal prnoans. 1. $f yofen a yumvepcurére. ... gedauare omit Tox 2. Moa cavmpd Hina — wroaswuna. ... Neripaantarh J. 3. Mod sam ei woaoaés. ... Tpiausrt aénvre ace. 4. Y vend were Oyu... c€naicent wentipe Tora. 5. 910 sat wn emdpusd Gpam. .. spiquare oxi roa. 6. 910 moor go70- piu? Caio ser Gino. ora? 7. Sonia Gone? serve, 42. Ras the aestote puting the words given Inasets ta apwoprte farms MINE words giv in Gxénono (rae, nésonna? Rorgd a fyi © nénod, ». (2) oniennars mcr, @ worn € wawoit — n.- (5) Téasko Adam. ‘The Dative in Impersonal Sentences Mute piano rosopirs uo-pyecks, Eng nyawo sanveér nicowé apjry. rene 48. Wit the ankonymoes senencs Model: Mue scans nsysiry pfeenu® sax, Mie mpjouo hay. pect ai, 1. Eup wameptowo snrére Sor pacexda. 2 Mue mpd so soaopiis 08 fro. 8. EW mpyono sayy pjeenndl sau. 4 Vi wimepteno ino exjniere Stor noRaaa. B- Bax mpg so xénats fro ynpsacienne. 6. Haw seoxd 00 yuire Pe xe cansd. 7. Tete aed Ofer peaiern Sr sande. verive 44, Pat the sentences In the past and future fess Model Mue mpjduo pemirs raxie aan. Me mpjono Osiao pewiry raxiie saxdian. Mute mipjdno Ofdem pemirs raxie saan, 1. Ban wxmepicuo euorpérs Sror duno. 2. EH mpgauo rovopiizs no-pjocra, 3. Emy scoxd muck KourpSmxyio Gory. 4. Mue npuimno casiauers S70. 5, Vic oxjuto ey wate raooie orsérs. 6. Ha nijacno nosropiny caoud, 7. Baw njoewo wenpésure ouiGx 8 suncrdure, xercee 48, Anwwer the questions. Model: — Baw exiumo, 16 rovopiir upenonasérens? = Ala, sam ens. 1. Baxe xopontd catiuieo, 05 rosopib? 2. Boe xopouts extiino? 8. Batt nigio, urd m nie na xocK’? 4. Boon x0 us wo? 5. Bee siamo, wr npowextiurr wa, sxpéue? BP Mlomer Care, wan nado wane orca? 7. Bax yas cine sees 2. Ban yon acne. Meer Sh, a GeynGoe emery sneer? 10. Moser trp, new naGxo cna Hee pau eck nomirao? 12. Méwer Garo, sat Be nowt to, s16 5 sir? ease 48, sect the words elven onthe right Model: wino mymine raniny. | ‘ne waxo Kyrie ase. + mio woerape fon rove. = Zo nD nora 9 nommeaion om "xo armed fon yapanénns, | on A 1 3 7 : 4. femal mire gs yn f= Meet Reais fron acon, | bee eryacamt Fao ago na cote. ‘i apeo- a cae nar = astra 7 wv ema yp, cooprewtn EKER atin na ym. | Si 5, ace maine pros ce B10, Mésow .. sme sty pony? | 1, Mento" enoc mc? 12, Mémno sete te acue? 13, Mono “non ene 6 Coe? 15: Meso not » nosey? 1S Menno Bot epi? 18 Mong 2 ne mcime fo yr | 12, Wine ou ne sore na nen ono 18, Mon... me noxyriins 5707 yu? re 7 Aver he ns nea del: — Daa ano aneo pasion? a — Mae nesosa sndro patorats. 1. Bn wtp xouiy nn aba? 2 Baw weno sno sont nonmla® 3° Fu} duro apna ej 4s Ey ee etre eS rey aucun xstro? 6. Be wey apfy hoo semaine edo ue rerese 8. Replace Basen by wi oF isn Model: ¥ @bscew npowiny Sry nmiry. ‘Mue nédo (ajpeno) nposiine Sty wary. 1. Mar xommnt mdysum, Sou eroné. 2. Om nomen Gro sgmnidrees. 3. Bosnoi x6nKen uaTh 3 norman ky. 4. Gryxéoms nomen Go, ua coOpuus. 5. Most Opa AGioken tansy skaduerm. 6. Ania AO%KRE noRrOpAT. No- coca pss 7. Mod ron acne mocryare sepa 8. Bee cxynéuns gozxust xymine Sror caosipe, 9. 5 AGmCeH NANCE MHCENG ApyTY. Brsrlse 49, Rewrite the senses in the pst and fae lense, 1. Baw igo npountire ont crarsG. 2. EA so amudro pa6érars. 3. Haw nézo nacirn KowxpOanuyro padéry. 4. Ey emus sawmudrven endprow. 5. Mie mixo manucdrs mucho. 6, Mne dx0 nosnowity rondpmay. 7. Tes nino xyui sunaiee nam. xeric 60. Relae the ve so by adie, Model: Bu sisceme we agnan. S10 yopaaéune. Basi wiaeno we nénere Sco yupamucune. 1. Bus siqere gril orawndty — air yace xm padsry. 2. Old wGer te soKynint exoalpi—y Wee ers TARO choséps.. 3. Bu aGxere ne riveéts S10. ynpaxciéue — st {ye tutcda ord. 4, Bay ekasin, 0 ond Mower saumnuin i endprom—y eb xopéutee ajopéae. 5. Bu éxeTe He hostopshts #10 ‘pina sw erd sudere. 6. Onl NOryr maTH oust — ypoien yx KuMAHED, Use of the Dative Case with Prepositions AL nat apiry, ‘erow Jon €syyn x poairenam. vere 51. Arsver the gusts 1. By udime x epaug? 2. Bu udéme x Ooxsniny moat puny? 3. Téayunkn maddy ‘séorpa x-Comusil emydeumee? 4 Bu noddéime vévepon x caoesny Opgey? 6. Bat médeme x podhimeana? 6. Cryasira xodliau x nporpsceopy? Bese SB Cote th nee eng the work en othe 1. Cordis ie ajaaio note naan spas 2, férost 1 n083y one mare 3. Wikaususan xomiaw w eéou tax crap ysizen 4 Kiwi nen mo xOnuos 8 Gone | Comdt towpunt aigy oe 5. B amixyima Jbkow nodser 8 ae | end erdpeit apyr peso . 6, Anna noaer & 1¥pox . 8 ajeaan noxpjra eerie 69, Inns the words given oo the right Model may .. «| katumér, wexceerpa BL nay saGunéme x acdoecmpy. 1 Away an « nomuxannxa, sp2u rer . Kawase “socxpectuse on 63- | aepéons, ccerpé 2 Bueps dixon xox tent, ec0 YF 3. Mesow eryacurat et poise, nx poses 4 Tistee ypona wis Sonne ‘haGopardpin, a po ‘oéceop 5. Beaepou sno sound Nb 205, mo cect ee 1 8. Beybbiny 1 & o 5B eyStiy x amen. exmuincnituxern erat ~ K xowg nit xopiom moeps? = Buep aux xoniau « crdpomy apjry. varise 4, Anse the questions. K ov ms uatre celeic? 2. K wos) mate Sra o a? 8. K now mei xox suepi? 4. K woaty 81 nol ‘re névepou? 5, K nou. a modaere w cyO6ory? 6. K xox ma niogzere aérou? 7. K woigy AuHa nogaer Grow B 2epés- so? wa verse 86, Inert persona promo. Model: Saccm amir xoil dpe. may Saect moet Moll pyr. $l may nea. 1, Sro nima emyénmxa Mapta. .. npubsan & Opar. 2. $1 nage npenodasdmeno. obeutia npuica ... w 3 ack 3 Onné mania emyocnmsa nextir x Gonutne. Bix wéero x6 UM 4 Lipgoed npiraacdm wens réera, $1 noéay B eySsory nésepon, 5. Moc npuraacian niuiero upenozai ‘ean. 3derpa ol upiaér ... » reer. 6. Bowe ckasa, e760 Anpaméa 8 sOGexéneiK. 7. Bue moMomeTe we nepeser ‘ri eraroo? Tortd 5 npay ... iécae ypora, 8. Beepl y ae hed Giiat roern, Onh mpuexaan . w 6 Hands. ercse 58. What qustlons do the Hlicied words answer? Model: Gan ¢ nosucainune, POe, aut Siu? HL xowin @ nosucainucy. Kydd wt xonioni? Al xomia « apaug. K sou tt xoxian? 1. Cayaéiers Giz @ otiyescimau. Gryaéar wae 9 obiyeanimue. Gryadures roman x cenia Opyoodm. 2 Mat éamum @ depéauo. ‘Mix 6sian @ Oopeane. Mu fom poten, 3, Acnupaia auger x npaiécoopy. Acmupanrat wap 6 sa¢opamdpun. ‘Acnuprms saitudiorea 9 200opamépus. aut nipenoxanirexs yoincx @ Mocrdscxax yiueepeuméme, Tleroxt on nosser na KoWTpéce @ Mocséackul yuuoepeu- nem. On nodzer 1 esata Apyooin 4 sereise 57. Inset the verb noua or nadoéxaa In the approgele ste frm 1. Cryafer wx Aoené. 2, Méyuna ony. 3. sa oe sy 1 Me aroyenos octane. 8. axe se 5 nwainy. 6 Henovin ar K Masimuontpy. 7 Beaoct- we areata. ercse 8, lst the word geen on the eh, 1. nozomi .. enpocia, rae crime f mesmaKénoit uns wenps, "weone Myouomnni, xényza m enpocsaa, rae | Mo axdsorea Gumoréxa. See Tr aay ranéea x | ate sre ; tants ac emt rire 2 aap: | ae 5 ens soxouta nner | oot ee Shie ant, to med we nox | rene oe Béxepow typiicrla nono ... ManenKan ‘epéaa Exercise 62, Insect the words given on te right, Use preostns whee ns, 1. Beepé Tow xouiin ... . Tom pacena- | ups sin. 0 co0sh Goxésit. 2. A xoxp nokaséry cod pwefuat apéerial xy- Smnpa » noéay . ORR 3, Jig noxowen «a nparaaciin, ob a | suaxéuan 3 Johrp. On exaaid .., 970 y werd ecre | Bymka Ganev 9 Teep. 4. Snammcda 10 expo y wae 6+ | powstrent yt xaminyats, $1 ajar, ‘0 nro TERY . « 5, B pocrpectine wa nogqew ... Mat | néum xpyaei ‘yoxd sbonviam . W Ckaaaau uM o6 0M. Buepd war 6am na i ‘Mat xGar0 xoaiiam no miterabe. seine 00, Ret he snes, wie, the own on tae eta Biot Be Sci tween te mars oe aa we 1, Cryst cre &mopudpe. Cryaints uafr mo wap 2 Has ceuck nonce ha Sa gauge, Ore x60 na De Gory no mod gare ry Bred io mle. Ms xt soni 0 gto, SS Bsepa mit Xoxiint @ nape. Mu ryan nd nde. Mai a Kpenl miu Hrs Kod ‘adagade Vemepennés waxGwurex na ewmpdasnod yauye. Stor anrdeye Wer no yeumpdasnod Pause. varie 6. Conplte the second seatence of ea ply of sentences range Spite fot the velcsed wer fram toe fe 1. B JTésdon mpnéxama wok ponrent. Buepd wig ryaiim 2. Ha dot gauye xpacive nows. $1 mom ryasTe . « 3. B wockpecdme wis Oitm 6 swode. Mut abaro xn 4. Keo evoir @ xopudépe? Kro ner... 5, Baepd aut Ginn © dpe. Becy nésep sr ryan 6. Mar Gia @ Mockésexoo wuueepeumime. Mus xoyinn fw eMorpént, wake ant sna? W FuateR crynGirm, exer 62. Inset the appropriate forms af the words given in resets Mod: Napoxén nausér (6x2) Tago na no Bla 1 mob yar. (56p00) Baar xyaontie aio loan. (Cooéron, Cot ‘Caine, nseayera, ax npr 8 Carex)? — Ghesina‘euire rpino'- tops), none ure ua ‘i, 4, Bus soo oda ma oxcrfpemn ua see? Fi, rot tp ec, (2065) Kei tara nae ose? = Fite ig mp re Seta) 6, Kersi'm ayn, ono woh eSut Cotase y wee Ofner asst ao nerépmn, nyt yseGums no pjeenomy. sau Bvercls 68. Answer the gestions 1, Bus enfimacre adkyuu no uemipuu? 2. Bas nowpln sack” aéeyus nd aimepamyjpe? 3. Boe crynéurs xyniin Grae no. slawiu? 4, -Y ac cone yebOuu no gulsure? Pr 5. ¥ ac Ojner sesdnen no pifcoroay astm? 6. 970 name rempdds no mamendmune? 7. Bi Oa Ha, oxsdaene_n0 tpasudmune? 8, Bu nodxére wa woncyeemdsueo no Guo- Gfeau? 8.'¥ sae 6jxer arpa sbxyus m0 evvepiijua? — Kandi yxe6uie Hane wéo xymin? = Baw wéto Kynke ysEsuam mo reorpéipmn. erie Gt, Answer the gontons sng the sit 1. Kandi sxsiwer su Gjgere cxanirs | wcrdpin ri given on the 2 Kerb aga vu cajun oacpé? | sane SRG feeouen bow saxo nyminn? | Gronoren 4 Kengo ‘erpaas abs novepéan? ism $ Rabe say bu tao nvmrs 9 6x6 | tavern Zvotsee? " ; 6, Ret sompnympainy wu mits | com asi seers 7, Rand oneyasnénon Ofzerslampe? | aunepanjpa MENORISE: nocsiatrs putt fticBuers J 8° rexewoory caja . epesanine } no pinto cno6uui a) mt } no wise xeelse 65. Answer the goastions, Kou mt gonize noses no, mea? 2B me sxe Athan te by" anry onda? 80 i e008: Aor ee pe ee aor mae, eee ee ‘no paduo, no mesewdsopy and no meanginy. es : rey oS tae a Me a a FH tne Sena atte eta be se ee roa The Genitive Case Singular Nouns in the Genitive Use of the Genitive after the Negative Words nem, né Gono, ne O§0em YY mont wer épara, YY Meu mer cecrpri, ercbe 1, Ansver the questions as In the model Model: — ¥ mac nem rapaydaud? = ¥ wens coms Rapandcs AL 1. ¥ sae nem acypudad? 2. Y nse nem Gusta n roérp? 3. Y ec nem nonséoma? 4. Y sac nem eaceapé? 5. ¥ Bac nem guédnuca? 6. Y mcd nem Opdma? 7. ¥ rine nen omyd? 8, Y wux nem meacasopa? 9. ¥ bac n ropone ‘em yrusepouréma? 10, Fa SroR Yauue nem : pa? B. I ¥ ae mem wale? 2. ¥ nac nem adpeu? 3. Y aac em mempadu? 4. ¥ ac nem piesa? 5. ¥ KOK nem ce Popa abeyuu? 6. ¥ nes nem éromps? 7. B Stok aye Opa mem Ooced? 8. Ha Sroh Yate wer usin? = ¥ mae wom yut6nn? — Y mei ter yee. rere 2. Anmwor the qustons Model: — ¥ nac coms reneix? = ¥ sew ner ‘rexehona, 1, ¥ nae ecmm csonips? 2, ¥ age ecrs xapanniu? 9. ¥ ac corp cerduin ypii? 4, ¥ Jonona eer Chnet Ha Kot uépr? 8, ¥ nero ocrs, yuSGumme no reorpspuan? 6. Y nac ohtiave een plnwo? 7. ¥ uac eet Teaebon? 8. ¥ Threpa cre apyr? 9. ¥ nerd eer» Opar? arise. Anower the quetins fa the segtive. 1, ¥ ac ccm puna? 2. ¥ mac cory méika? 3. ¥ werd com ‘rerpline? 4. Y'Méliaa ecre uauuiaa? 6. B Stolk rou ware cor kaprina? 6. B S1om xascce ects xocKa? 7. ¥ sac em cordgiia aGkimin nodule? & Yuu ecry cerdana sexfpenn B mya? 9, V uer6 core cecrpé? 10. ¥ sux eer pou? Il. ¥ wero ects Mars? In the mod. ¥ ae Gus, yp6n? yp6xa. Y fe Gant tui ¥ wae né Guan { Hain, Y bac 6sia0 cogpanne? cogpainnn, ‘Bercse 4. Answer the questions fn the mgative, 1, Buepd y sac un ypéx nerépan?® 2. Buepé n Kafe ian kontépr? 3. Cerdann Yrpou Gian ypSx Gowen? 4, Bue pay mx Guin sxaluci? 5. Buopi a xajée Gain névep? 6. B EysGsry y Bac Gund sxcupeun? 7. Brepd Guin aoa? Y we ae yp api, YS Se ian ae we ner { Mite Y pac Gyxer coopanne? ‘coGpanus, erie 8 Answer he gts in the sate 1. Binmpa y nie Gjner ypik pfeexoro sis? 2. 34erpa y mix Geer Adauan to amteparype? 3. éonpa y Hc Ofaee : leson jn lstory:_ but abemas, wo wera, fectre euidly to neropt,examinstion i tory a sxaiuen no newpm? 4. B epiay y mac Ojner colpimne? 5B eyotory y ‘mac wajoe fuer womeyr? C. B teen cebnve y uae 8)er aKexspenn na saia? Frere €. Anon Ge gull a the motel Model: — Mloveu) mu ne mire? = ite tu, "torn io y act nom peu 1 Howe og a prone sean sani? 2. Te veut we Ryn ry neue? Town oa fas oe Bb tedtp? 4. Town) ot ne Gun ed bese 2 Kafe? 5. Toss sx we apourein dry crm Howe at ocuorpéan cack camp 7) Tlowaly a we poare Be ‘Temp 8 open’. 8, ioweny tn eyo ee Demons a meta pone? NY A “ Words to be wed inthe steven: yeu, Cun, pian (gen apivern), czoslps, nopnbins, en Singular Adjectives and Pronouns in the Genitive = ¥ pac cers Sor yaésine? = ¥ went er drare yaesunxa, Y nae corm ine nina? = ¥ seus er S108 kira, Deca % Aer Ge gt a mp sels ¥ us ect Stor ypu’ 2 9 meets Son cx sips 3. Fu can Sot neh 9 sets ee, See Jie yipoxnime® & ¥ ane bcos co im) Saat OB Dac acre dro pee Pel 8 Ane tates a tee. J. ¥ awe eer rasa? 2. ¥ werd ces $8 is? 5, 3 sey ntare ech oa eapah STi taba se com, fn tay 89 aed Ne aa a ore Tac eon fa gory? 8 aur 0 Aner tn gusto i te age 1. ¥ lusero Todpiaua ects cxonipe? 2. ¥ uduero npe oaasresa com, Sea eutia? 3.9 mawen npevonasdrenonis ory ie rst iV moe 2pig, ce ney SE? $7) Flow caynema com apy? 6. ¥ Soo enataran ee oanjea? 7, 0 sinero Opéra core nou? 8, ¥ nah cecrpa cw can? 9, Y aie ospira ecth Oper? = ¥ Kor6 corm xpécwsih wapannint? = ¥ Sroro eryasura coms pcm Kapasuémn. ecercise 10, Anuner tho guntins usa the words given oo the 1. ¥ word cere méwalt ya6S- | Sror eryaéur a Sra eryacit- nx? xa eee ee ee scnsh coo cen 9, Fs an bape | ol et wee 4. Pearce nate ozlrp? | oon x Amma § Us naa | son sy : GY tars com sem Mon OS w woh ceed ersise 1. Answer the quetons. 1. ¥ word core cerdunman raséra? 2. ¥ word ects aiusinis Guar ‘9 rednp? 3. Y KorO ect Taxol yecGunx? GY word cere Kpscistl xapanaiun? 5, ¥ Koro oth icra Terpéae? GY wore ects. eworn? 7. V nord corm eniisia? 8'V ford cere enrapcra? = ¥ ac ecro noma yasonm? _¥ mew! wer wévoro yueGnwns, nevis 12, Aner the questions ain te medel Model: — ¥ nac nom emdpweeo Opdma? = Tay") wens nem emdpuezo 6pdma. AL 1, ¥ eae wer wfororo xouépra? 2. Y werd wer nocaéze wero aypnina? 3. ¥ werd ner cuoprisnoro xoctia? em i 4, ¥ ac wer siumero Gunéra? 5. Y sac 8 xdnnate wer Xuiggroro wikia? 6, ¥ nse ner wsizmero Opera? B, 1. ¥ oie wer levol rerpaan? 2, ¥ werd wer corded asGrai? 3, -Y Tet ner Qanajocsol wip? 4, ¥ 168 er bakauieh ceerpi? 5, ¥ web met xopOmed noxpjru? rercize 18, Arewer the gustlons in he gave Model: — ¥ aac cers pxepinman rastza? = ¥ wens ner muepiumen resérs. 1. ¥ nae ects cfuuh xapamnim? 2. Y ned ery durao pfcexuth cnonipe? 3, Y nero cox uosoit noprpém? 4. ¥ we Fo ect GOnauil seonde? 6. Y ac ects enopriseal woe ‘ow? 6, ¥ pac ech caoGGanoe mpémn cerOmn ésepou? 7.9 nae cor corsien ouduues saniuae? 8, Y sac 6 Kost hare cer nacrésmnan sma? 9. Y aan w xdunare eons 1a- ‘kin xaprine? 10, B néwel Kounave eth vital mica? arise 14, Anaver the questions ft the aegtve, 1. ¥ pac comp ndauit yadouue? 2. Y einer npenoxasi- ‘ean cers Gommiuéh pfecxint cxopip? 3. Y nawea npenons pérenbuians eet Sra Ki? 4 Y >eSua eer cera tan raséra? 5. ¥ wat eccth cetuic cootsipioe updus? 6. ¥ Sroro eryaenra cere afuma Ounér w reérp? 7. Y véwero zara cos crop per? 8 Y Groh adsyuna cero ae Heerciae 16, Answer the guetions (he nese, A. Model — Ox cebiie na ypére? Her, 6 cele nem na ypéne. 1. On celwic née? 2. Or m ynusepeurére? 3. Ox cele née 3 waoce? 4, O84 GuSauorénc? 5. Oull cellic 8 06- lwexiew? ©. Onli 8 aysarépia? B, Model: — acon cxtede 8 xnicce? = Her, daccna nen: celivie 8 xaicce? (ier, eos nem cele B xadcce.) 1. Tow colic » oSwentinan? 2. Axa colic » ymuvep- curéie? 3, TIpenogmndreay w ayteropmn? 4, Joxut w 016: ‘rene? 5, Baut apyr na aéxnan? 6, Brana ceespa cefée ina? Auawee the questions fn the negative replacing the ‘sonal roa. xen ited at Model, — Bawa mea sentir ua cron’? Her, oF nem ua croat. 1, Bau csoodps » nopnjie? 2. Mon noermbse w un 3, Kwor y reba» kapatine? 4, Blsua mempdoo w nénne? B, Bama “ceempd ‘celie Mocxné? 6, Jiédaa cobwic 1a Denia? 7. Bp» wabnnere? 8. Byeps sévepon Ama Ceutd Shona? 8, Buepa péwepom pans Jpye Gon Swe? Beercee 17, Compe the setences & in the moi Model: Srot erynéir Génex, noftony 8 rotsece. Stor eryatirr GGien, toStowy €25 ner (wé Goan) » 1. Flogoxsaime paws» Kopuadpe, morons) 970 ww Kae nére. 2, Coittie .» Mocus, oui,'yéxana n xo\ dna. J. Baopé xo. une. AonGH upxoxArk apyat, RO. ACMA 4 doveou ge xymiin Bieps cxoRspo, noroMy WTO. B Maras feb. Hau upenonanirens saGonéa, u cerémmt .. nia ype. rise 1, Aner the quits ting the wots gen on he vit ems Kor ner 0 ype? nna Te Kars Ceram ne Strona yd] wow w Ans fe om 5. Kerk miopl ne Garo w reérp? | it apse Kors ae Gina ta coopaeime, | oxi penoaendrent Koro wf Gano an ypone go- | Somnon erynsnr igen? : 6, Rand ne Gao na oxsinene? nénan eryxéaria Use of the Genitive with the Numerals ea, mpu and wemsipe eecise 10- Anryer the guetions using the mune de, mp mt Model: — Y nac ecrm yaéonmxw no qvisuxe? Her Y wen eerie daa yutOuunar no douse. 1. ¥ nae coms ypu? 2, ¥ werd ects yue6umen? 8. re cove enoeayu? 4. ¥ pte KOMuaTe eer Crom w crfibs? 5 181 5B rou naloce ccm nina? 6, ¥ ase cory sonpécu? EY nec ech Gund wa nomen? 8 ¥'nas cope app 9. Y meé ecth nonpyru? 10. Y ‘wae ects Gparea? a Exercise 20, Answer the questions at tn the motel Model — ¥ nae a KOuuare omué ond? (2) Her, y neni w xOumare a ofits, als ¥ m9 3 wlnnare onin eran? (2) 2. ¥ 200 oxi exo wet OY ma teen Si Pas 6° nin epr®\G) Yuasa oe Evercise 21. Inset the aproprate forms of the words given aa the vat prorite forms of the words gh 1. B wet kénnare serve wy gpa] enya, e708, alae foe a ENT ame. ae 4 Eiieim a ent me | pees Denies snp ae Betas Fee, os, cr ee 4 Bi at eas a ee fe LL ltyeia Sty eabry verde 12, Sxsdmemst O¥ayt wépea Tp... 18, Carina ASB eottn naa ane 14, B iene rpfone me. w were | eryaturne, pee . eryaecr 15, B St0W xmire naresecitr ane cexpaniaa Plural Nouns in the Genitive Use of the Genitive with «ndz0, wé.20, crd.aKo, xécko.aoKo, Henndzo and the Numerals namo, mecnib, cesto, etc. ceryxéuron, repéen Mace, Seo, | BEI =) (osable 0, Soon) ee ete. =} estate 0,0) Exerche 22, Ancwer the estos Model: — Créaao dowda ua $roh game? (15) = Ha Srok Yanue 15 dowd. 1, Cxéaono emydénmoe w véwel rpinne? (6) 2. Cetaaro Anysid y werd 8 Mocksé? (5) 3. kaon npenodasdmesea ‘ito. wa cuGpanin? (19) 4. Cxésoxn Cpdmes y wamero Ap) a? (5) 5. Cxbstono apautt » Srol noauuiune? (10) 6. CKéi- feo cmaada ® Srow eadcee? (6) 7. Crbasso cj soeo ume adece? (8) 8. Cedaeno aydumopid na Sox srowé? (12) 9. Cxésexo sonodomod ls Kynhan wa u6%xe? (10) 10. Coa ko hue ost npownrdan m8 StoM wéoaue? (@) 11. Cxdawqo rmpeDaactiud w SxOM yipancicimn? (12) 12. Cesaseo ca0e ‘row npeasoréumn? (7) [xerise 23. Answer the questions as In the model Model: — Bur auiere, emi = fa, 9 sua, © B drow rpane 7 eryaturon, 1, i ade, camo agi m So ie? 2 is sxe oh sepa So aon tlm at 2 Shier ike crgeton naw Gace? Ba Shee, clue api poobeso ck omens 6 Ba Shtee, cca cous a ean 8 RAGA aye Se andere sun ayaa na bow sal? 7 Sider ene stants" sein 6B andere, Sto nme Tasten'w orok Hpumee 6. Bus Slee ckdmbKO Myséea 8 SToM Tépone? a xeise 2 Awe te geen in th ma Model: — ¥ sac pa rerpian? (5) Hen y hv time verpiac 1. B frou sige seripe oxi? (6) 2. B wimex xascee spn croni? (8) 3 9 mac n rane wertpe seamen? (2) 4. ¥ ec p rpfe ome aenyce® (A) Bit aymtan TPH Tera yu? (6). Bu exenan w acre where oniGos® (3) 7. Ba Gyaere cqaBaTs math sKsiteHon? (4) xe 26. Aner te guations 1. Como yrmepenreron » aiten répoae? 2. Cimino daxyanrévon 9 awe yeep 3. oyun ua ‘tar Genyavrers? 4. Crayo eryaaon a uae rane? EiCadsuno néayurex n sane rpyane? 6. Cxémeo nox is onjraere Ribas asin? 7. Choro ie GPaer- ade weyon? 8. Cabo apeorantrese paste = Rah Fp Bxesee 26, Answer the questions bers given ts 26, Anower the questions using the mumbers given J 1, Casanco cds 24 paGSraere ibaa news? (7) 2, Oxcaye xo a0ie nis eure? (8) 3, Cxdimxo neh si Gian » Moceat? (12) 4, Cadimxo siécmes nam apyr usyeia pjecrat mach? () 5. Cadi ner mut sam 30 Opéuions? (2) 6._ CxéaaKo er ‘au apyT suber B Conérckom Cofse? (9) 7. Cxéauxo auell Sona sau Tosdpuu? (9) 8. Cecmxo sxe so wuTéaK Sty seniry? (3) [Execse 27, Aner the questions using te worl gvan In brass 1. Cedianko npéuennt mx saumaderecs winctnit nex? (6, sum) 2. CaGsako opénen ws rovoauTe aosthuuee ‘sonianes i ac) 8. Cano npn ma wun Sry xy? (, ned) Sei Specie orgatinegepéne 10," 20) E Gedmaco apenas wut Ginn» Mocksé? (2, weséte) © Gramxo mpéerm Gonéa ean Tondpant? (3,_ weaéan) F, Geen mpbxeut nr waysdere pfecsmh natn? (6, wen) A Cedneno npéwentt ou Ofnere orzsdrs abrou? (2, MéCA) 8, Gaauseo, apex adie cea aomér Stow "Topose? (G0, ros) 10. Coauno Rpencu nui furece » ysunepeuréere? G, rn) xercee 8, Answer the gastos. Model: — Cyngor fm vara? (lpm 90, x gina) Bara exo yen pine note |. Cxdauxo erdur eran cixa? (18, nonéla) 2, Cxtine xo, cant peor woe 4 Honea) 3, CaSO ‘Sour miuna cxtaper? (20, woreine) 4. Cxdmxo evOer wise 08 6, nontng 5 Crd cre, Syren We Per nonsniay 6. Crémxo crow yritaxa isa? (23, Mouths) 7. Cadmxo crour azorpinne Gbuoro x66a? (28, onatng) 8. Cadnsxo crow xnorpasat clxapa? (90, one Ta) 8 Cadmaco ends Hopes KowpEr? (1, pyBAbi 20, Ko- éhixa). fxarcse 98, Anonr the quatens a fn the mode fodel: — Bui sutere, exénaxo erdur Sra psa? . Model: — Tig, a snlio, cxaneo cron bra pjusa, Onk xb 2 py6i 1 But aes, co cr ina mua? 2, Bae, cexénisko rout, 57a Bit anaere, exénoxo, cr re iped A Bu ter, exdnsto cry sro noc? 8, Bit Sngenesexomuxo erour Sr0 Tamsr6? 6, Bul anieve, exims1o Shine ow mniru? 7. Bal aere, cameo cxier Stu ype: aa eres 80, Hake up qustons to whieh these sentences are the > = ‘ne spine’ 1 emydtnae. Xj wis pera vd 5 ems 3 > = Hid i’ ada ‘nec 9 yrpaornduen 4. ? ee = ‘hina nanad’ w Giimoréxe 2 senew. = Bip i iimesit 3 mucsad, ~ Hwa ‘Sry isiiey 2 pita Mi iin‘ arg = Cxbmaxo sexonéx ennier 2 xéumtare? = Cubanno weaonex Ocine mvepa via coSpsuan? vere 34, Inst the verbs givan in bates, va nizwen gaxyanréze? (yuinen) “yeep i nape? our) Creme i “ide ymepenmere? pasorer) eet cadanene?_(acsres} & Grdico “wenonéx”™."n “coceuien ninmare? “(oren} 1, Cain nai ¥9 cast? (renin) 8. Carano cane wu 9 xowtare? (croft) 9. Cadauno kaptin = 5 Soe of, se pine? frees) verte 2. Inst the words elven in boc, ce eee sett la: Ga Fem ete, (umn ay pm 3B come Gres em ey et sr aera page la oc oe a (room an rata Exerc 88, Inst the words given on the right 1. mewt aire. « Spirea, e&erpm, apysss, ‘ross n saKOue 198 jut sop ne Gerona, apanaai pS 2a men pyre Re 9. Bin’ ripe pine zo wi | nian Ele, are 4. Praiicu yumepeméve seo... | stage sks, ae ena ay ice 5. Ha Sot danse waa... poi rpoantasy- amen 6. Kanzoe jrpo rovremdu nun | raséres, mypadaus, mics cr Baik Row nécKomKO tua, TeAEEPANNL, OT pina ercke 9. ler the words given on the eh 1. B warasie xyniia ueaméro.... | wico, peiGe m xme6 2 B brof Gyreiage wo oad 3 Ha, Teptane Gino Hewidro .. .| meno m kanGacé 4, B row none nde rea SY ane expan ideo « reno 1 frost &B “fw rene nednorn tas | Sexo Mer. ree $6 lst the word ven im braces. 1. B dwelt crpané warro .. Fop038). 2. B Srom paiie we MAqO (oont) 3. B STom roa wiiKeN MHETO ... (cicthe Majed fcrabne te nompanmoce neceDaaKO (KAP. wbiyy's. Caomo s tanaowtrp) rypiers wat ek? EP og fom eye iam nesnasuso (os) 8, Cs (upeaaree Pa aoumean gua?” Cesc. 'y Nenk.ns0 (x000) TO. Se nynia araaine newwdro” (22, cibap, evo, dyna). xecke 38, Rel the text iting the words gen Bock tin acai Mocséivexoe werps Crim erp5_ ovepuninoren 6 (Sac) y7pé ¥ sap soren 81 as) 0 (ure) nh, Toes “nonwdaatsépe3 sjnna), Or onusit criamam go apyréit ude nar 2—8 {ume zou nerd 39 (pape) rend, amt — 1214 (péaye) rena, nosTomy agrOW 8 Merp6 nipoxaéawo, a at Noli — rena, Chistian exipocre noesnéa — 8840 (eunowéxp) se mua exdpoens— 70 (aoutrp) » sac 33 aes no: emi werpé uepebias 3 (wuzusn) uaccancipon, Tlépayio atmo nerps ® Mockbé noerpéram B 1938 ron. Ha népeoi ama chino 10 (eréuunm). B1965 roxy ae: oocKoNe merps Gxin0 68 (erduian). Exe 37, Real th et ad, Put he words ge fo taht in the appropriate form, a Hécxomeo marepéenx ump B 1961 roay » Conérexow Cofase tino 220.000,000 (xe- sonéx), 2.996.000 (eryaéyns), 402.000 (apati), "954.000 (eayarie patorawen), 740 (yuttepoasérs: 0 kerry), 27 (Catt ape). 'B MocxnéGti20 8.000.000 (asirem), 500.000 (eryaéurn), 4.570 (GnGmuoréec), 1.500 (aan w dopa), 711 (ued), ‘300 {eanfOut MnOMA ieysETYPS), 160. (sionIe waren), 900 fuanze audcxe), 150 (wjaém x craw), 100 (na- roxruni), 96 (xuatoredrp), 80 (aucnirprs), 30 (reérpu Plural Adjectives and Pronouns in the Genitive Néseex noon. B Som répone venéro { xpaciindx sxcnni. nmpoxmx Sau. Exercise 8, Answer the questions 1. B pimesr répose deo wuinenace ageasinos? 2. Ha Srok "jaune siden aucéxux oddaut? 3. Ha Stow orané wai 20 Gomis ayumdput? 4. B sawel Outmworexe sw pen fxur suc? 8. Bat Bixeaw sien coaémacux ipimwa? 6. bac wao suaduonx eniydéums b yrtmepeurére? 7. ¥" nde luero pia sue unocmpdunnx dor? cers 38. trett the words gv ip brackets. Answer the quer tion tte words ato, ada od aden. 1, Cdamko a» (Pconue rw)» wie Satauortxe? 2. Galore Guapo ui? 9, Calm >. Gono igenomancram) pateragr p wave yiepepen 2 Cendant Wixi) nawen fonote? 5. Ciamano »- (sucOuHe. g0M8) 8 Ton jute? 6 Conca». (pjeenee cme) aa snere? Ceritsn » ndcne Gaiam dpoujscme raséns, CCerounn sien we Ouno ppanajscaax roses. Biampa w xnexe Gfayr dpanajaccue ranér Siarpe m uacexe we Ofaer Opa scan as versie 40, Answer the qustlons fn the negative ogee = ym em ropitom nai? vy ax She PI Fe ao sa ices SATS, Sta dam 2 a St aaa ean Gn man eae es a oe eet ae ss sen ES gd allie Eeccbe 1, Compote the sentences asim the roi Model: ¥ aac cert Gnaéus m redrp, a y wae sem Guslmos ota fe ee eee os RY Lae Tong 2 Bi ey ost» Ma 2 RF societies e259 fe ge 8, Yess. cern ponte, @ y Hel ‘cere eno6quoe BpeMA, ay MINK 19 ercbe 42, Answer the guetions in the negative 1. ¥ nae cers pjsea? 2. ¥ werd ccrk rerpias? 3. Y ate Guan wiepé ypix yeropuu? 4. B Sot ayaurépm Grind aK: am no fyisike? 5. B sro oxdimm ects elope aan? 6. B GnSauoréxe crs pjccxte Kuru? 7. Y hae cere X0- plume apysol 8 Srox ropone? 8. Y nac Gian sueps pix: se yapescnéus? 9. Y ac ecre cerdanm. ypok MaTeMariin? 10. ¥ nerd Osi0 ceoGiasoe epéwn seeps uévepou? 11. ¥ ners Ofay? siwrpa récw? 12. Y wie Guam wens xéRuR? 13. ¥ mix Gund mepa axcxypens 9 myaéh? 14. ¥ ac eoth snanénee cryaéirat b STom yrmmepentere? 15, Yin. eer Apyatsl 8 Mocnsé? 16, ¥ ueto ecre wadaue opiron wcker- pur 17. ¥ werd corp pomrem? 18. ¥ ux cers. akiuule Npesozasirenn xamem yunnepeurére? 19. B nduek O16. samoréxe ects ap4GeKie exonapl? 20. ¥ wae ecm. rn nocaés- ne ype? The Geni — Hei x0 noprbén = Sto nope maero npenoxandveas. — Mow xara newer ua crone? = Hie erone sexi kiica maneR eryaéran Ams Exercise 48. Answer the questions using the words glven on the right Model: — Mell $ro napanadur? | eryxér = S10 kapasixam cmydéuma. 1. Mus S10 xésanara? coey Ee fro cnet npetonasrens 3. Usa $10 nerpine? cerynenrea 4 ou Sro xan ‘ua 5. Yom mausina cro‘r dono adus? §— | Tce 5. ue teas au wirdere? rea. 7. lt par passracr tedrpe? Manta 8. Usa ceerpa yaurea n yonnepeuréte? | optic 9. duu poatrean sxnayt a Tapie? | 3K 10. Heit apyr furren 8 Mocuse? Bait Eee AH Ane he qt ng the ds gv oo he Model: — Uses 40 rerpia:? | _wolt coven = 910 replay woees cocéda. Yon fro xéuuara? Moi suaxéusa crynear oi oven. i bos war Conf. eankerasih cooerexh Yon §10 ororpsigi? Yell dro pos? lL 2) ee Sto nansré? nut nda erynéurna 3. Un dro. maui? fact woah apa 4 Un $10 knira? ‘eiwanpenonandrenumua 5 Wel ro acumer? nam mpopeéscoy 5. Hei $10 crosips? Moll apyr JLo 7 8 rercge 46, Answer the quest iver oto ih inthe negative usa the words Model: — 9ro su xia? | apynie exyxénns Zier, sro ‘ue wos xiira, 310. xan Opyeix ‘mayor. 1. 9ro aime uéonara? wait signe Opies 2. Bro min aypudan? Moi cooks 3, Sro win stim? MoH apysid 4 Sro aime Kura? ‘Hiuwa penoxandrea 5, Sro aaa terpia? pyre. cryaéaris 6, Bro wi navn? sj erm eee eee = ; : st tne par re Tn 2 her, a nln, SIA (ek a a) gn a? Lae cara fk) 2 et Si mh seat cane 7 ee Nu sirtéam Dep? (napécrah pyccKnit mucére) 9, st m1 spre ge me tk e+ meg fas == Ti tame ek og) 3 i sent (to unig cee) an “So expat" se em eh ter ie feet teeta a oe a Sotran a ae ate aie Te ate ec ie Bin arene fe Answer the quests using the words given in erste 48, Moke up question: fo which these sentences are the — He croat’ a Peta a eo eee = Buepla y iat & rocrie 6c pominenn ZToeéna, ‘Hare mpaowres aéxunn xdweeo cmépoeo npospiccopa. . > Y wend 8 kéuaire Roy Gororpédhua sold admepu. Ttttl = Tipenogamarens awrier patins emydéumos. ‘The Adnominal Genitive [Beercie 49, Makeup cetesees at fn the mode Model: Haxoaia—eronius Kiinpa, suas 2. Bapusina—Tlésmana. 3. Ooo — Balpir — bisa 5. Tipira — Yexoenondn, 6. Fea = Haus. 7, Teno — fdas. 8. Bena — Anczpur. 9 Poe —Hrinin. 10, JI6ion — Auraus, 11, Mocusé — Conéresait Cos, ececne $0, Complete the sentences using the words given on the right ‘A. 1. By noire quale | Sra evyaéurxa, ror crys lio? ie, a70r seen, a 2. Ba nage ads 3 Bis sagan doe sade mie 4, Bat Gi corsa a ypinas B. 5, Mun gninirensyo cxf AER. amy ‘oscneiie ia mpenonass= ‘rexwha omer sedan erynénra 6, Mase upéesten néea ‘ror xounosirop apr ror wonan6Al xY- oi pominae o. « Sror uanécrith imciren . sox pcx nor seca Se Anse the qos 1, Bisnw apyook Gia na névepe picosoll ncn? 2. Boe nytt yn ie yan oro und? 3 Ba Spltwren sfoona Waindatoro? 4 Ba) niseam safe Nos Gncuore guibepenrera? 6. Bu audere, re waxGRuren are. sick tn 6 atria ee Setescnore anos? 7. Bu cajuian” AGaiyae no NETO a Cranh epee Bn Ayr wen HCD. a ‘roro Boer sete 82. Canplete the sexiest tng the words ven othe nent 1. Kyran naxincen 9 wpe 2, Nesom wis organ a Cope 5. Tora ocwonpeaaasopaxépa Mite Ren onepe Faden 4 cernxit 5. B wivew répeae mueryadan apie. | wocxdoce ape 6 Panis wary Sor xounivop 4: Recwonseree somevas esata... | peenfna E Mipemaetrne neces ne gore. | Be fey ey Hen wire Exercise 58. Answer the questions using the words Hie Model: — Kanie cmydcemm Gian wa | népouit xype enypoxm? S| — Ha Sxcujpeun Csi emydénumss népooenxgpea. van on the 1. Koni pacexdou mi urrdan wa ypike? | pecxue cine: 2 Kani eryatnm oprauaooian Gror | ual yunnepeatér sbsep? 3. He Hak aierame wus Git weepi? | wanoate game jects ye ts sion se. | aoe . Ha maxis womépne me Gta »ey6- | scmmrpéena een? Crise : ak opcéexp 5. Kano cryatims Gyan » aplauno | crdpuie wipe roxy ® Moca)? 6, O rane crarné mi sonopire? vam npopiccop 7, Kano crux ais were? spe vodr ‘The Genitive used with the Comparative Degree A cripue Hxéua. Tlacon nite enoer6 6p. ‘Mom pjaxa ajume néael (psuxn). Bxenise Tut the weds gen is Dds Model: Tenéxr wipe... (im eae ee Ga ol even ripe Guar). 2 No Sper_asase (ores 3 Joon wore. (Ton) 4. Bl conn Some us (xéua cents). 5. Haut aon Gime ... (sum zon), 6. Sua w Moekné xosoanbe (and) ® Jlewsrpane. 7. Bamia pabéra anmvepécuece -- (voi padéra). 8, Flocaeanee yupaxnénne ti Tpyaige - (Wépove 1 BYopGe ynpaxéens). 9. Mepm smi- er pyeeanti sak age. (apytie eryaeura). 10. Bopic GEraet Guerpée .. (ace néuim enoprewén) Bercive 65. Change the sentences as in the wel Model: Haut répox Géuuue, ues cocédwut 2600. Hau ropox Game cocédueeo esipoda. 1. Auna erapare, vex ef Gpar. 2. Héima rpfaua Ooms, ve bdwa rpyuna. 8. Moh apyr rovopir no-pyecKn ayane, feat a. 4. 9 créio wo-pycend méazennee, west Tu. 5. S10 Yapawndioe Kopewe, veal népaoe ynpanawie. 6, Gurera B Yeap topéne, Hew ORTH B RHA. 7. dua jruuta wpactie bet, yous coveziinn. 8, Cerdginunman abxnus uirtepécree, sen epson ‘The Genitive used to Denote the Date — Kande cerca wwcn6? = Ceréiust népsoe seeps Tease xessmacén wecTin seeite wocentéro Téa. veri Sb. Read tase dats, 1711990 30/VIL—1961 r.; 28/1I—I941 rg 12/V B4IK—1947 v5 19/VI—191E 5 9/XU—1950 — Kora ox ponies? powlueh aeanuivoro susap@ rsiea¥a_AesRT cin cépox Mroro Fond. — Korad ro upoxsomns? Sro nporgouite wroporo Mipra véicasa uocewseér ccbuaaecs Bropero réna. naeBitshe ST. Answer the questions using the words gen tn 1. Korné ornpsiny népoyio, minano werpé » Mockné? (15, at,” 1035.) 2. Kora" xSuwaacs IL" ampondapoina® , baal, 1948 ©.) 3, Korad Gaia népmui noner venonexa 2 iéowoe? (12, anpéat, 1961 1.) 4. Kora nporsouid Beatcan Oxrs6peckan “coumiuerinocian peooadiin? (7, uosGph, 1917 r-)5. Korat Js noayaia nenauicunoers? (22, Hosp, 1943) 6. Korad poyinen A.C. Thinkin? (6, won, 1709 7) Use of the Genitive with Prepositions Moi, apyr Gu w Maplin. Hexinno ox nopnyacn 4a Mapiina?. Oreja of nepayaca? Bepa so Gsm na somuépre. Mur npauind © xonuépra Hasina aéeepon, Orajaa aie npumm esano névepon? Eercse 58, Complete the seatenoes ising the wards gives on the ant tee ns ot ee ee ee + Th pnt ot he gntee. ison 9 in these sative athe prepaitonl'« wp, e seimpe ua eles the prope ste in he live repent ey he ace on [epostiana: sul oucaney na manne cnactouns (ir te aes The prepanitions # and a 30 pr) , 6 ec 8, Av! th guns wing teed won Model: Cryabars Gat na aon. raga ont nial Grsxéins roma ¢ seecjpeu. Mot par jen wae, Oraiza on spur 92 saci? Beep nus cxyaémns tian ¢ medmpe. Orsjaa oth pmol rat nace : Mon apse Guin ¢ noscxtwne, Oreiza ‘ero crys parent depiene, On xan» dmyere> Byer Minn mame 6 Ascrpu, Onaiza Kan nonysier scan? Paints Pana nnd Capa. Oreaa upuérana Pisa? B eyooory no apyaod Gini © nase na svepe. OT jan on mul? ° . . Sreyasnn Gan na orenfpet @ mpte, Or ways brn ert? Hopinem Anape Gian we sbae « alse dmducxa. Or jan pute poairear Alapas > «mpm? ot ap op ne Eres 60, Complete the sentences wig tho cued wets Model: Mur tam medmpe na Gasime. Ai msi pm din ama, 1. Ont Gnu 5 xagoe wa nonyépme. Ou xe pana 2, Mus Osan 0 sdse na coOpinua. Mit yin. 3. JTC iyzeumn asnimt 8 depéowo na. npdxmuny. Baicyere om feymiancs «4. Hawa. rpfmasotkie. ia. osexpewo 1a Gpury. Nis ronono sro upd. 5, MoH Opa ce fa padome 6 Goseniye, OSknio of Tipexeor .. BB ¥acon isepe, 6.——Bu xoaro.6kusHepd 8 AgDe Wo obueDE? — Ma, hr nésano. mp. erie 6 Ano he questions wing the won enn sels 1. Ongjaanpréxam agseriet wourpésca? (@pfen, Anya, Prana, lcm, Coesuieunue. nina Aut, Gonéreint Con, Hp pa) 2- Oresan nowéxann ty" oma, nordpue Yano else yibeporeere? (Gaps Tite, Baimcype, Bpuerém, Mantécrep x apyrée ropatd) SS Ouchae noun Gronrorena manyader mira? (apie, Nook fi, Jnzou, Asexcanapin, Huo, tipi, Prot, Bena, Bepuuis, Bena w Aoyrie FORO) ro 1 iin sie caer = dn iin uo Mec, — Beeps ony cms € pod, — Crysiumd npr ¢ ‘codpdinn, ners, Answer fhe gins ng Ce words gen the Models [25 aoe Gu exe? don 0042? ay6, vése Omegjda ox npusts? 2 : ued Anon Gun @ Rayoe wa etvepe. On moan o'4ay6 na ety On npn as eau atvepa 1. Kyxa crynénr xoniian Srpom? yuo ri Neon! Gane “Jee Gnas ot wage cei? 2 RGR Som ben +) wenn, an 1 Tae ms Guin oxeps? jaa it npc nGsan0? 3 Kyabram opi | ton Som a Exe ont in? "ne Grnjan' ou upuéxame ioe yer? 4, Kyxd Anes Sow éannan | cocénumis pox + ‘piepd? Tae on Siem weeps? Oreja ont mpréxann Tan ‘nbsao? co 8, Kyaé xowia Matsa? Boasuél reap, 1c Tae on Gua? ‘il Ganev ‘Onngaa om wait? . 6. Kya eo mnére? sawizve, _smuiectan Onnyaa mes nate? aCopaTSpasl Tye ps Guan? 1. yal dun apna o>) Conta Cotes wi Tae ris orapin axon? Onwga tu mpaexan? : 8, Ryak agener aut apyr aé- | Ilforsinans, —waaente sen? an aepéana Tze wou pine, samt apy? ‘Onegaa of nonyader micsia? evercis 64, Complete the sntenens wing the talieseé words Model: Tucoud rexiao o maize. Si pana auicows us wun, 1, Terpias semi ¢ solid ndnse, Basta verpins wo» « 2. Wikre nowt siaks aeacit na Opyede cross. Bostath Wi we 3, ovorpaaen seaxaaa e Gino Keen, HE BoA et 1 Soa exsimon crowan € cocééxe aydumdpun. Crynéis hpineent ix. «5. Kinoannapé ctoAa @ anpopamopu, Gyacer opine ers.» 6, Mod usu oncén @ way. 5 foes cool! aa «7. Tatoiuss sucen nia emené. Kipeno- bandrems cum Taénust .. - 8. Tom cuts a Qusdue, Kor- san women, om peran ..» 9. Ora xwlira croft xa, nbaxe, Boonwine nndry 10. {a onoaé newcia reypitia Keo fom appa. Ti, B xonedpme aewani wéprat, Kyo ona Mapes 22 > 15. B mikeme 6tia0 écKomLKo HeswexONTcx C208. ST muiican . Boe wesnaKéutse 2006. ercve 65, Coopleo the sentences using the words given on. the Pte one he wee wi “i Model: A nosomin xémru 0 apd. Feuorn exe 2 kapudne. Al moan jenore us Kapudna. 1. L nosoiin aHe8Ms « ounépr Rican aed 2. A waaay séusrw .. egw ser. 5 Gepy xémru 3. xaanp expan’ a sonien sopra Terpian xin “neni BL xocrén Terpat 9 Kile 4. Cayzéur nouéen xipry soci Kira nace Cryagur enna ‘kdpry 5, Mat sétigear onexeny Kap Onémna ree ‘Mas Gepéar oneiciy 6. 1 nocramna aiany Tana ero Bonaire xaiy 1... Exercise 68. Complete the sentenses asin the mode Model: On mua @ depéene, novi On soma 8 epee, morc Git yésan uo depo |. Hua comes suai @ ajpode, nord... . 9. Baepi Hora Osun a medimpe, ® 10 vacée ... 3. Bece’ Ream Moh cocé Gun Aina, a a8eopon ... . 4. Crynéurar Gian @ aye mdpu, 0 apes nepeprina oii... . 8. Beck eit ® Gi © yausepeuméme, w 6 wacén DiNepe fv.» = Or wots wat yous Sry néwocrs? 5 ysnéa Sry ndaoers or enoers apyra. Breese 67. Asswer the question sing the words given on the 1 Or koré si nonywéere micsua? | poxirean, erépuat par 2 Or xord mx nowysiiaw cerdain | wot erdpuih apyr neon? 8. Or ord au yaniinn 06 sxcuyp | oni cxyaéer cau 4. OF xord sr yenturann Sry 6 | wot cocén oes? 5. Or word sux anus we ronysdane od crépuias cocxpa = Onejan nx wong nneand pl? = Bee's nompetr micns no Hapa or erdpie- 10 Spares Baers 68, Answer the quations uslg the words given on the ste Model: — Oreja mz nanywine | xox, woli pouirean noctiny? — A monyuita nocsimy 9 Aéua, om esas podti- COnsiaa me sanysienenicwse? | Sain, not crit ; ve ™ ‘Gpar; Mocked, moi apysi ; Ce ee noxpyra 3. Oneiaa npitxara mina coor pa 4, Onejaa ate ugere? omexcirue, smaxcnst ; cxyatir 5. Onnjaa ow mepacn » daryee | postin aepéonn, end Te? 2 poattrent Y woré me Gis suey? = Bap Gi onnor6 enoers ronépmts. varie 69, Aner the guistons ung the words ven on fhe sas Model: — ¥ xor6 me Gian seepi?_| wo exipanth 6par = Brepi Gust y cond emupucso Goda ¥ word mis 6am cyS6iny? oR erépat apyr ¥ word ma ost Sry xuiry?, | nan npenonsa ¥ ord px maim Stor exonips? | wolt Tosdpam Ros Gea ronal | ta abn ¥ word Guutd wats ceenpa muepa? | e& noapira ¥ nord eu Gina» socnpeceuse? | SoH crdpul Gpar rece 7, What questions do the iid rds sswer? Model: Tow Gut « Jéndone, Fe Gua Tow? Ton Gin 4 Opjeas 7 noed Gun Ton? Sarum Ga moments, Caan in y apo 2 evo ti depen wi cin ome aia upecoyanérens eelméc @ dekawéme, Haw npenasa- item cetaae y Oeedna, a | esta by ary © ond, $k ian ay ary g Hi créer iim o wna His erynbern Gi y 7 ud 5. Bacpa Mon roedpmik sammie anfopamdpau. Bueps wok ‘onapia un ¢ npopleeopa. Bure 71. Replace the verbs sain and Eee by Ga, Model: $1 sodde @ obwescimue & Onden Ou 0 obuencaman y Opt. 1. Beepi o# xowia w nommxninuny x raasHcny ap 2..B cpeay au soni p obttensrne x ‘cote 5, Crypenmu soni» Gomanuy x Gonuniny apr. 4 lero inh eryatima esa sow canine pose 8: Bey Hoaling X npupccopy a wowsynoraune: 6. Neveu n iepeamio K eraquieh cecpe, 7 SuNGh ond Esau Ste Spe ao ntep, 8. Read sn» Moons dua il ybepanr W eBDiN ToRdpima. Bree 2 Tsert th weds gen cm the ight 1, Slaw gow wmxdsueR nexanen® | en pana OF 2. Mo rsp asst wenanens | nam yumneporér 3. Ne passin septs xs | Jénaon con enaaexs or 4. Seto tas tian’ wezanend | uépe 5, Crdimuam serps naxdueren via | Heropivecnatt mys6it pores 6, 51 apg nanpormy .. - pnt, soxséar T. Mos apyausl amr Sxono .... | roponexoit nape 8. 51 Ofny mciete nae GKONO an 0m verse 7B, Answer the questions. Cimxo xnaouérpon or Mockax a0 JénnoKa? 9. Castano KaONETpOB OT 430 Hemnarpina? Cadaseo xacosterpos or JTéugona. 0 Tlapiona? i Crcnaxo wacoe waer noesn or Joona 30 JTeepran? Chémuo sachs erie eayoaer or JTousowa a0 Pisa? CiéaKo mmnfs mu uAgTe OF OSuesCiTAE 0 yaKBEpeH sera? Cadmxo opicin mix mre or wiwero aus 30 uénpa 8, CérmKo spéuemt out ware or ACs ao asrOSyenoh cera a? Buepd ow Os1a 6 saGoperdpin © oninmaanarn vache yap go 1p8x sacéu ans. Exerc 74 Inert the words given om the ght Model: Jlérom sm 6fnem oratuxéte .. | mba, conni6pe ‘sow was Sine omnia © uta do comma pt 1 Gerona eo o- # Gx yep: | Sap, sep Gutth TOR NpORORAKIETER C wu 10 -- « | ceHTIG; 2, YuGGuuth rom upor 30 ari, 3. Kénau emp att sexmthenten 6 0... | 9 8. (rp0), 4 6. I. Kesbnie araatoas paGoraor € £0 Tiéene sans, © ora. 6. Kermtoe nocapecdite € we AO on MM HEE | 4 44, 6 ple eit exer 75. Rew ty ean Model: Cryaéur mpunuin nbete once. Copatare npaaiéa do sean 1. Sry maxény nocxpéna nose aot 2. Mis eworpént eneviop ndeae frum 3. On6k wirier valent lene” pe 13 Bu. (oe%ep) 20 mn 66a H | 3.4, Be lo the sentences repaing the Htlcised_ phaser Gomes. 4. $k we ose end ndcre onsdvewa. B. A_abaacen ‘mur nextiperao ndcee o6é0a. 6. Thou sown & ayaurdpuo rose gaan. Exercise 76, Answer the questions so that your answers stoakt ranks up # hori composition othe sabject "How 1 Spend My Day, 1. Korai os ocraére? 2. Uro mu aéasere a0 sderpaxa? 8. Korxd aus mundaure ms ndua? 4. Kak net égete, 30. yt sepeatra? 5. The a ona afrparare? 6. Kora mt nnpixéare & yunsepenrér? 7. B fare weed wa senederecn B ymmmepeeréie? 8. Kora’ y vac xonwivoren séxuun? 9. ro nar néaacre néeae agai? 10, Kyzd ast uaere nceae acu? TI. Uro aa agaaere ndcne oGéaa? 12. Tye mt oGiiuio 2a- uunierece? 13. Cadatxo spéwenn wb, rordsaze tooiimisee 28 ine? 14. Uro unt névaere vésepon? 15. Tae ast Ouiere ntvopou? 16, Korad mit aonaireck enurs? Lxeche 77. Answer the questions so tat your swore sila me ap 8 composition seeing nw 300" spe yo bays 1. C xaxéro m ao Kaxdiro swead y cryaénos Okan sinnue acy? 2, Uo obtino xémair erynéins 80 opéses kala? 3. Tae mat mposoxAm nse wensinyae? 4 Kyad mut Conia 30 opens xaneya? 5. Uro oi aGtann S10 opts? 6, to net pizent no spéum sainy.? T, Kania nordxa Gund Sro pee? Bix Guan a refrpax wo upon xanbkys? Bann tedupe sot Osim? 1 ro ust slau 8 Teszpe? But eécvo x0WisH B KUNG? Cémono pas mit Ginn Ka? 7 Kaxie dinner Bit noeworpéan » Sto ppésa? ag sol oraoxnau bo apes kawixya? recy 7 Anne the quatns 9, tat your anwar stl sie op "her! comporton onthe sujet sy Nive Tous 1. Te nit poxtnics? (B xaxsi cmpané, » waxdu ropoxe?) 2, Sror répon GambalGl ne ManeROKNR, ceépx st ROBT? 5, Kone jm 9 buen poxaon.ropose? Kane 0081 icéeape ropona ita ogpanbe? 4. B ite ropoxe eer Bue ‘he wioresriease pos? 5. B nue ropose ior ae 14 cenivon, panos, xabé, pecopinos? 6. Katie reir aa ovelypuecrs b uiuew Popoae? 7. Eero no steM repose one Ss te Seance, 10 nai? 8. Bate Seng samy sunny Stow ropone? 9. Bd mann yéxan funira repos? 10. Catnx® penne fa MIN POW Fo roponae The Instrumental Case ‘Singular Nouns in the Instrumental ‘The Sociative Instrumental [oa rw se atone Ano. zee 1 Answer the gto tne leet epi mat Gian w redrpe ¢ Gpdmow? 2. Tox pasro- ipmnad no renepouy e-amgéa? 3. Cen Yzpo i Siltpenamn ¢-Tonos0 4, Bu Ose ko skcwonn © npeo~ Sandmesen? 6. Bur oan er D xnhd € mowlpuiten? B. 6. Brcpi Mépn Gand» nanfSe © nodpjena? 7. rox kona oéner'n aepéomo eceempéi?_ 8, Tipenorassems fomooiproser co enyodumcod? - Baus rpyana Gud > joe f nperodusdmemsaner? 10. Mars. xeaiza o nara Bohne dupuc Lie Chat rowepia 0. enabny 6 ah imepen Txrcue 2, Insert the words give In brackets Model: Anas 6sinh wa wiepe ... (pan ‘Ana Owal wa abxepe ¢ Spdmos. see eee eer sant Qe Sono ee Wa 2 Dg san Cite, 3 op ae eo 1 only ee ermine 5 lie fe ae nie ane Oak aos ry Fa Sat oe a er a eae ay 18 xerie 3, Insert he words given in bala 1. B redepe et verpéramics ... (npenoxassnens).. 2B xaje dum eryaecnes neswaxéwtutice . (nvedrem). 3. Ha Fame # nosToponanes.(ToBspuu). 4 Hie woxsie on no Ihpomaea .-- (ware). 5. Aria Bcerna eooéryeten ... (Cecrpé). Gn Al nosnanbaninen.. (Bople) 8 Mex Beercae 4, Tne the words gen om He right B romxainnse Goss pasrosspt paw megeecr- 2 3. sf veer conéryioce = ove u mars 4, Mot Gein ua sxexypeit ipenonanéreay 1 ‘upeonandtea wa 5, B Mockeé wir nosnaxcanumics Hina we Muxada 8, Tpenosamiveat pasrosapmca exyaevrna w ery ex 7. Mars syaier 2 népne « cost 1 ORR = € xem mis Gian auopi w Kage? = Bicep # Skin w KayGe © ToRpmuies. verise 6 Answer the question ulng the words given i rackets Model: — C xen 1 osqopbsancn? (apenoaasivens) = $i noazopseanen « npenodasdmeaen. L. © new Amon rovopir wo resepiuy? (Gpar) 2. C neve Mepis nossanduraacs, 8 Mocxe6? (eryaéiraa ig Jlenmrpazs) 3. xen ou verperayel & Teérpe niepi? (npenotaniver> ‘ifomeny 4. C Meat mut Gtk a aRCx pom B eyOSSNY? (per fogandrem pjeexoro saad) 8. C xew pasrosspwnan cryat Dp romatnaae? (apodecop wt wpes) 6. C next ma OL BNC pan nano? (road) 7. C Kenta Gxacia ceroama a até- Bee? (Ava 0 Tia) eres 6 Anvuer the gutione as In the del Model: — But suiere, © kex on rouopia sepa no texetbény? = fia, wate, © nex om ronopha Deep no TeHe- ijony. On rosopiin Blepd no Teneony co cxoint Apjrou. 1. Bus andere, © Kea of uz eps 3 reirpe? 2. Bul swic- nobiet nézon p Mocxaj? 3. Bu andere, © Kew psrondpmaor » Kopudper 4. Bux suite, c new of oauopdnanen cele? 5. Bi andere, c Kew OF Hosnanéamicn B Mockeé? 6, Bu siiere, ¢ Ken's pexpmaacn_cnyaio ha fave? 7, Bu auiere, © eM Ou sanuminacy R10 nexéao? ercve 7. Mae up questions to which thse sentences are the an — 2 9, — Mi toinepinnt'o'npendoedme smn. — Oot ‘ners eipémzen © apyeon. B Tlapiwe & sosnaxdsnnes co cmydéamon us Aasciipa, ‘ObriaMo Ht xoR UNS © moedpunyes. ? Hina oéra conéayéres © aodpgent = om paivonspniaer uo Texopny ¢ Ascinon, xercee 8, Complete the sentences using the word given on the |. H tamas we mine... Spar Tero 9 ésxin Bac romping rneiny Cropo Ko Be npuéser .. = 9 Bet pecans or . uta nowerier cocrpe Ons Guind » seanpe Ania nonyuina scons Bueps ona naa Ana, kanyean poaiieasne 8. Buepa # Sixt apa 1 pusrondpusat B cyGocry onsite noaay 51 paccxaada 0 Goaeamn Si aaGut uy m xaGunére 1 Singular Adjectives and Pronouns in the Instrumental tues 9 re te iii et 1 Bir pau oman © dru wae? 2 Jeon voahinncen Smal lgyans Moaae 8B roo Tate inne © pale’. Ba contre gua St Se uke wt para? 8 Ba sx ¢ tt tts Tt ans thaenn o_o Oma? Su nota enpranen oo eae Opt» HAE? arc 10 Ase he ain eg the wads cv 08 On vo 1G new mi yori moron?) ror wernt 2. € neat put xorlie “woananésuerses? | Sror mmKenép 23, C ne pasronépunan npecozapézens? | Sror eryzeur 4 Cena rman fae nore | a Gh gout 5. CE og ronine sowie | wo ropa rice sanine? 6, C eat OFM nosgopénaaces? aw _mpenonasiée 7. © wen pesrosipnnan apa? Sra erynéisa 8. kext Jom xowin w wand? Sra aémyunka ©. C ex sar dazu na skexjpomo? | ndua mpenouee eau 10, © xem ot pasrowipmaner cefvic? -[ er6 ceerpé U1, C xen oat aapn6 we mizennes? wos ars OO — € xaxiin eryaéirow pr pasronapnnenn ceive? Zp pusrondpunaa celle ¢ RAUNM NGBUM cTYAEHTON. eet xwie Annee the gratis ang he wed en te 1G ate exynéeron paronipimaer pe- | Osa Soranéress? enn 2. Chania erynéirow posronipmnaer spon? | Gonsit 3. € annie Spaseu eoobryeren Gomsxéie | émuctt 4. G fata sbacmmow as nooraxeninwes | woaexsn 98 © pin strane Gn neue eas) tonic 6. C nanos erygéuron on nosgopseares? | anand 7. rani ‘Gporo on wcergh eoseryercs? | erapaitt 8. C aw cnyzénrow ms nrpian a aiéx~ | coserenna vercie 12. Answer tutto ung the words given onthe it 1. C uaxst exyaéinnok pasrosspuscer nex? 2 C wanétt xeayunot pasrosipuraer” pax? 3. C anol apricreait noamanouamaee CTY ona Crees sucdvemmueh Gnd acrpéva B ime Kase? z 5. € xaxél eryzdirwod apis ndua ceetpa? 6. C nano ceerpdd ow oni & napa? adawan Berle 12, Inert the wor given In cl 1. Mu noaopcnanucs (ua Soi npenoxanirens). 2, 1 ug) ere ofan yo, 3, Me eres Nn Sepa (out tes enya) dB cyOOOry Ba 2 cana sexpeaa s-(asiemmit condo eben). 8. Fa owepre ai nossaxCunnuce (ont anéernan_opticre) Er Cendant n Topoplat no Teacbuy (rk maaan Cpe). 1 Ow asero crepe =. (erd evita cmp) erie 14, What questions do the tilled words answer? 1, Ou wossopénanes co suasdnae cryaéuzom. 2. 51 Gin ea onnépre eo emilee goon, 3, Ox TOBopt no Tees hy €o coold emdpured cecrpét. 4, Sear erynent Osta a BE sepe co cael snaxinod aenyminol. 5. Ox asu6 me miaeron 0 cova emépiuia Cpérost. 6. B Mocsoé on nosuacGuaaes © ovis uonodein uermenépo. 7. B wocxpectie YpoM oni tyre co onal madowed cecrp6i. Exercise 15, Insert the words given on the tat 1. 6 raga we iene Hoi rua x0yr Buepa a naxponia Afni rc OH BMI 5 ymin Gueret 3ut Buepi y weil Gia. Ho nope ‘osépam, 19 8. B reépe wa wexpémnar any nse mpenoya Ma noo ‘area ‘Mat noanopizaimice 4, Panmure We atta Hexinao a noaraKévtixes ‘ror pparuyscxah exy- ear 1 noworsio.. waytsen pi 5, Beep a Guu m roctix .. « 1 npunée avers Sry werdpito” Mic “pacenaai- Moi cripman ceerpé ‘Mar‘n6aro paarosdprsamy 6. Bucpd » unjoe m sespérua.... | oand auanéan xéoyus #1 ramenin a ‘Me nano nostourins Buepi a noaywia nicind Sry aniry ae Rad Personal Pronouns in the Instrumental ure 8, ase tens. Maer te fr ftp sod aan AS ta 1, Bu nani nH € ned? 2. Bs aud asa © simi? On wolves € nied n mind? 4. Mono oreo 6 ad’ 5, Bue sorte tot eo aod a craQssi? Gs Sian mod na nan? ercise 17, Insect perso prone. Model: 370 wok dpye. Bus suaxéuis .. ? Bro wom pyr. Bur anaet © han? 1. Sro Ton, But suaxéuau ...? Bex wand noawakémee 2 Bue wécro ‘nies ...? 3. S10 Hina. Bus noszopoea 2 Moser Guns, “sue ne snaKiubt ..? 3. Boptie it ‘Fldwa— én erynéurs. Bis xowire noi. wx? Bit onc serpétutien . S400 xamorelapa 9'6 wacén. 4. Mex tun ua xouuépr, Bat xordre nofed ... ? Haut npenoxandets ‘rome xoréa noi... « 5. Bor Ocian sepia bévepe? Kro ceué Gut .. tan? Aitwa xoniaa ... ua wevep? 6. Tu éxeuls 2 marasin? $1 rime noéay ... . Kio $10 eee wasnopdnane oma? TA unf ceinée w Gybée. Bit nolere .. ? 10 xerlse 18, ort the pronouns given im Brackets, Model: 51 pasrosspuoax ... (onf) wep néuepos, 4H pasconapnan ¢ hw asep weaepear 1. 51 yujes ... (ond) 8 ons epjnue. 2. Mos coon cor EI 40 cues ee, 2, ok ch SSSR tla, mason te rope Br oem oan take 8 Me in . TIpysuil nopomamaes ... (3) a yung. 8. A xoaf nocoes- onireen ... (Ts). 9, Moi apyr xéter noswaKoaleTben (88) 10, Beep a pasrovdpmea ... (oud) no reneony. 11. sf no: suaxduiinen ... (ox) mpouitow ross. 12. $1 AaaKé xe. eves... (ts). 18. Mof matiauualt Opar covéryerce .. () tasEStSH 12. Answer th uti, Menorse thse types of ges A. Model: — "0 ¢ nin? = ¥' west Gomir ronoas. 1, ro e roast? 2. Uro cum? 3. Uso € uel? 4. Uro © sia 5. Uo © mio? B. Model: — tho ¢ sian eayuisnes? Tovey ms rpyer- sk = A norepin yaéionx, 1. Uno © roGa caywizoce? Tovey mi raKéA Gagan? 2, Sp ¢ cay a cyt Hots On wf Gan y hac? 3. Yro © Heh caysiaoce miepd névepou? Tovey ona rnixaa? 4. Uro caywiaoce © afi? Tloveary as 18 OHM Ha ype? 6, tra enyataccs ¢ mini? Tovewy oni ae pri Plural Nouns, Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns in the Instrumental = nem pasronipusaer npenonanérem? = Tipenoxaséreas pasronipmeact co eryaéarann. = G none, mat urpiau sxeps m spyr6in? = Al mmpiar weeps w Gyrida © apysusiom, tans i. Everts 20, Aoiwer the question: sing the words given co the 1, C veut au xonian un cram? rosin 2. C Kem Guna nerpéxa B rcnjoe yunnep- KocMonapTer une 8. C Kew Atma Esquina » Mocksy? Ponirem 4. C west conéronaacst mupéxtop.savéne? | oxen 5. C eat oni rogtopdnames? npenonaerem: 6. C went Mpa Gusti Depa» redzpe? apyaish TC wea pusrowipuncer sexsi? cryadiis 8. C xa Siero endpirr Tow? opera ——_—_—______ Mus tans ne wineanes © wéwanm erépanon apyanion. | Enercise 21. Answer the question sig he words given in Brackets, 1, xen 2 ian & oye (ai enya) 2. C new vas nerpétnames,nsepi 8 napke? (iui xopouine apyans) 3:6 Kew Bit noswaKdamanes » Mckee? (pfcexte crytehm) 4. C eu paSéract na sapiue sau ov6i? (ero ctépue romp) 5. C next ond wicro cnépar? (e8 crépumte ceerpu) 6. C. nett a acnmmna ryaver Y4pou? (08 akddettene Ae) 7. C. KeNe 81 abGime urpith 8 nldswarsi? (woi ndatme 6parna) xerise 22. Pot the lliied word i the purl 1. On Gun miepd p reéspe co cool emépust dpijeon. 2. B Kiiene st nosnaxéwnnice © covdmckod emyDehiorct, 3, Cercann J1pom robopsin no renebiny co omdpua Opa mou, 4, Jéront m noéay 8 xepénnun co cad maddued cecmped, 5, Buepa » xayce Gund nerpira ¢ wocemena nucdmenen, 6, Bonenof cosérosaaci m nonmaibuke ¢ Gnustaet opal, xercse 28, Put the lalleied words in the singular 1. Oui noszopéuancs oo csotsuu nodpjoas, 2. Ou 1 ponies co esodau moadpuuaau, 3. B Kaye wis no3naK Muay 6 uowécmnwien seypwaadcmany. “A. JTeroM m Cist 8 Conérexoi Cofae oo cooima dpyaoiut. 5. SI rans ne siteaen co emdpuumu Opdmoasis. 6. Jiérox wot noése a pdimiky ¢ nduaw npenodasdmeaxau. 7. $1 ue star wéua © moda nese nodpyoast. Exercise 24. Complete the sentences sing nouns, provauns and adjectives fn the ftom 1. Kora ov Guat na névepe 9 xa¥6e, on noauandnana eo. «2. Korné ats ryan B npre, Mel eeIpenies 3! orad nétep nénsnnen, m nonpondaes 4 31 onosaéa B Teatp, nlorowy x0" 'AGaro Tokopsn no TereGny 5. Kora w aut w Taxi, Gun ofanoM 6. Tak aK ou sadxo irr, on ne noatopésanea ... . 7. Een samt apyr Doser w Mocks, ox, Meer Outb, Bepéniten TaN». xerlse 25, Insert the ward given on the rghit 1. Of aasnd we miter .. - 1 Mod romp. pweaneat | at W noaqopéaaen 2. Hexéoro nonysiin mucin Bucpd a serpevén a noxatne AL x03§- woatanduote wae , 3. Moe Oven» mpaneren . rw spécrime Baepd 8 xngoe mis axon apviers oft porresn Tléeae konuépra ats pasrondpiany " 4. SE Gsens 00K soit erp Af sicro muy rico... . ‘pat 51 siero nonysiio micota 5H BraH conryoy 5. Bueps wa ye 4 nctpéren 1 nostopéuates 2 ‘Focon noworier nays pfckmi nsx. Coron na ypxe a6 Ou0 xen The Instrumental used as the Nominal Predicative Moi Spar Guus mypnanicros, ‘Mad ceerpa Owad erynenKol, Mol opar —xypna- Mori oserpi neuraa, ery: Mi Sper dem asypuanicron Not eles em cysenrso rerise 26. Replace the preset (nse by the past of fue tea Model: Mosi cocspd-— spas. Most cecrpd Sad opavin. ‘Mod cecrpé Odom epavi. 1. Mot par — mmkenép. 2. Mok romépany — erynéer. 23. ERs cecrpi—anpérrop wos, 4. ES apyr—nncizens. 5. Ona xopomai rash pax. 6. Sra axéumuwa — nose aw apnieraa, exercise 27, Replace the pastor Suare eae by the present tent, Model: Mok oréu Gout xpecmsiuunon. Moi ord — pecs. 1, Oné Giger mpenonmnirenen. 2. Mok erépuc Gpar Gun apann. 3. Ona 6fser xopémel npesoxamsreasiuael. 4. Ont linn redoraim. 5. Moi Opar Ojser arpoudwow. 6.” Mot cecrpd 6faetapricrcof. 7. A Giay mmacenépow. 8. Mol [apYE Ofaer mependysnuos. Eerie 28, Insert the words glean an bracks Model: Pe 2 Gin mkSnbamxow, a tengph 5 eras (exyain). . Patsare Gan uxémunnos, a Tenépe 9 eran ‘omydoumon. 1. Molt apyr six padouum, a renéps om cram .. (toe nnép). 2. There, aero Gua cryaGurKol, cxépo ond, eras her .. (aemupantka), 3. Heexonnio set rou gaan oud Got ‘ni yoouieh uysukdnswok wxéa, a tenéps ond cra . soterean spnieria). 4. Moz nogpjra dein meauuincrof ceerplh, cxbpo om crdier ... (nevenii npaa). 5. PAwLANe OM Sian, yeireness, a Tenéph Ou TAA... (RNPERTOD IKON). 6. Jien roga nasa erg oéx Gut pacoun, a renéps on evan (Wactep) esi 29, Ing th wc gen tls 1 Movonteon Gn oy opt poor yaa. 2. Tox cris See Btn sn rem: 3. So Kop Goa (storm. Gpntmjacenh sue) 4. Jap- ii ean or ached amnaticoe yom) Be Vlaoyaseé ta echt fyanagscant aan). 8. Opel Far Gun (pat pe Howe 10 Exercie 9, Change the sentences ang the verb aaimict os in the model Model: Mockni—eroniua Copézexoro Coibaa. Mockni neademes ononiyed Cooérexoro Coiba. 1. Belip'r—eronfna Janina. 2. apie —eraatiua Opis ou, 3, Tonio —eronime Sinduigs. 4. Upira—eromiaa e- xocaosixan, 5. Pini ctomiua Mséawy, 6, Byxanéurr—er0- cmiza Béarpan. 7. Orrava—csoniua Kanda fserelse 31, Answer the eto using the words ven tn brackets Model: — Kew oni patcrae1? (npenosanirem) = Oud pasdmaene npenodasdimeses. 1. Kea paséraer sau onéa? (mewenép) 2. Kent pabérser ou etgpuiat Gpar? (naopiit) 8. Kew paGsract nan apy? arponos) 4, Kew paGcraer dor sesoues? (anpékrop 240628) Sr eae puGérace sata ware? (spas) 6. Kes paGoracr mane ‘crip excrpa? (yasireasmutce) ‘The Instrumental after the Verbs sanundmocn, unmepecosdmocs, ete. Exercise 2, What qustlons do the Hlleied words answer? Model: Mok 6par sainnsderea enépmes. ‘Foye sanusuieres wan par? 1. Kraut tent it sanienen pyfconuae asuinise, 2. 03 ¢ yassdavernden ‘saguueren aamendmiucod. 3. SL caniuiten Sagosvod 5 ner. 4. Buepé nee vévep. on samménex au ‘ood. 5. Ha pomute om samndance dpanygoecum rowed. 6. Sror yaGvbih sasweren womépuet Booms, erise 89, What questions do the talcved words answer? Model: Moh 6par narepecferea wiissnamase. ew wirepeojeren nam Opat? 1. 1 murepecstoce acmpondaued. 2. Oui mterepecsrorex poecnott sumepamgpod. 3. Brox etyagar uuepecjerex xi cused. 4. Ond marepecferea wodugiiiod. 5. Pinte om me pecontucn nameadmuxod, Tenéps on warepecferen Gunaéewe. Exerdse 34. Amwer the quction! wing the wows ven In seal r to words glven I ls He mu uepecjeeen? (aurepars) 2. ee mrepe cferen nama everpie (weaning) &. Hew mesepecferea a rip Oper? (warewsnna) 4. New sasepecyeren a apy? (Gelip) 5. Mex sumepecteren nauk nada pa? (wpe) 6" tle trepeejtore er Tonipm? (wlaMa) Exercise 95. Complate the seolnoes wg the words een in tke 5 nicl 1. Mos, crépman cecrpi paGéraer ... (txasudli_xpav). 2. Eré ore paséracr ..(anpéxrop xmeitecroro aa868) 3, Ox sanantieren ... (opr) c agers. 4, Ona minepecyer: cet .- (verdpu). 8. Bapudaa musferes . (cronfua Tha). 6, i nregesy ore) 7. "Sua jinn cobs saumeuderen ... (Gkanérn). Exercse 88. lst the verbs given at the eal of the exercise 1. Mos Gpar ... upenonapérenes dvismun. 2. $1 dex axicl, 3. Ona. pfcerine susoee naa rena. 4. Mod wash ‘npozauds w warasiine, 5. Amnéx sanu6 ... warewsnxof: 6, Oud... neropmed exis. 7. JTouxoe ... cron Aur, (padérars, snairses, unrepecoudrues, saunéries) ‘The Instrumental used to Denote Place ST. What questions do the Haiiad words answer? A 1. @ororpiun onus min nad micnuennsst cmosbs 2 Couaney seri nad sopese 8. Xiaivecxan sa6opare- Dox maxouiren 10 duce adumdpued. 3B, Ito mirsus Aeméao nod wadeod, 2. Hania Sry pf Ky nod cmon 8. Mantes peGoraor nod somali C. 1 Criss aenps sxdnines fa Suse douase, 2. hep sr xoumen apex. 8. Haun seus oft 0 union D. 1. Mauvina ocranosiinacs néped udiaun O6mow, 2. Iéped Moja Srasu pactér uueduoe adpeso, 8. Ha uadwanue fnéped metipos cxaie nissan 166 xercite 38, Rewrite the sentences using the sntonyms of tbe ial He at ts Pin 1 ee ced ts Toes 2, Hasta edi Pt Si a eel ee eee een co A HS, SP et ce sr tah) NO a va oe oma A te 8 a ta i A (nee). ‘The Instrumental in Passive Constructions' veils 49, What qstins do the ioliched words answer? Model: Sror ponait wemica wsedomnten anzadionan nucd- ‘Rex naniican $ror pon? 1. Se wapninna yapwedaana usséemaus pyfecxun xydbre van 2 Si ngpian gone pec upacipon, 3. 3a kota noxApexa rime, soe modo 4"Hoonit toner yee npoutiran eciuu anpdémmaxa. 3. Sr (Chua nepeseneitd Ha pYSeKi 994K odie cosémoxuse n05- foo. 6. See peut piers na Tocaésuest cogpaenn feds emydbumast Exercie At, Answer the gustions uslag the words elven ta beac 1. Kew waneaso $10 nucad? (68 exdpuswt 6par) 2. Kest apwcégana $10 Kapriina? (omoE0 xyaioune) 3. Kew per Ineua Sa rpianan senda? (Sror wow cryaéur) 4. Kea nnpeaaies rm dan? (woit crip pyr) 5. Kew xopodid 1a T Far eects on thi thane se the section Sort Form Patcptes Passe iegna wommpisovan pera? (ove crynéume niet pfu ore ants Srna? (fea anja one The Instrumental used in Its Proper Meaning — Year mu minene? 5 nny apanxamés, ec iEM 4% Reswer the Guan acag Whe words lots fa Mew sa mere terpiaw? (pysxe) 2. Yow ast ave re wa ance? (wen) 3. lew npetonanéren wenpassier ouniG. 40 9 Fexpagnx? (apécinah napus) 4. Yea te emu? (450 aM ima) 5. Yew am poscow xae6? (ome) 6. ea dororpaivipyen’? (oroansapés) 7. ew uss wei sf? (yOu “uierma) 8. em nswepsioren teueparia? (Tepwo= erp) 9. Meo uanepieres aavaénne Biosys? (Gapowesp), The Instrumental used in Other Meanings rerlse 43, What questions do the Halied words enswer? Model: Date scrpérun unc ¢ Gosswéa pddocmeso. ‘ax werpéraa sae Flin? 1 JL tia sro wre Somnus maylin. 2. Ma sor a Stor use ¢ ylowdasemauen. 3.’ Mia c nernepnésuten axnéw nicene ws dua. 4. Cryaéins cajuaion npenozanérent © Contin enustinen. 6. Hina noerai rosopir 0. cboth, exépmen Spare © edpdocmie. 6. Mit © yussénuen eajaisa rd pacoxia. 7. 51 sarin Sror powin © Soamuida wmepecom, Brercve 4, Insert the words ¢ piduemno, ¢ ydoémcmucn, © ut ‘mepdcon. ceipdnemss,€ mpodin, nemepacuasn 1. Korai wi npwéxant, poxtresk nexpérnan nae 2, Mamp ... pacesdstmana 0 caoeu cite. 3. Sl nn nocworpis ror dunia em pas. 4. 1 Spay tars eétnero ices 5. Buepd ox ... peuvia nm sande. 6. Mie acernd eajias 2% aéxiom Sroro mpobsecopa, 7. Ox... eworpéa na wet ser 6, fo he word given In rate Model: i sai wat. (arons 5 itd vat © aonb, 2 Yip ge ent deo ca 2, oy fer ico’. apron on pi 0 1 a (oe ap un). 4 spon wi raBe woe. (oso, 5 5 sno aprOfens fukeo inn puta}. 6 sen ey C266) serie 48. Whit gins do he Hole word anwar? Model: Ow aatanéa néped aanenaxt Keio sata? 1. On nosisrpatan nipe® yptxnst. 2. Méped maison ditstus ond nctonsn nape, ped nome Son anys’ ichud or oniremen, 4. On oxdrana. ances éped eodwsd. 8 [epedsonyépmon. wa yen facia, Ox ens ponwashaen ped das patopo Exerise 47, Change the sentences 2s tn the mae Model: Axiéx noméa na néery ryniime woneépme u xp Axwéx nomén va nésry oa xovaépmasne uw adp- 1. Mare nomad 5. uaraaiia seyniime ico uw docu, 2. Cyan noni 8 GuBamoréry, dmdow aazmb mas Kt 24, 3. Mof cocéx now wa noary noswuime noesiacy, 4. Buepd méaepon Ko ame mpuxowin wom pyr, «ndGex asxmn aaemdneu, 5. Téeae ypskos 51 nofay 8 Kicey, umIOw Ky. rime Guaéins na umosa, 6. Cryin nosextén i Kudek ynine ceéscue easémes. 7. Moi ceetpi noéxana 9. anréxy ynime, sex pomao, vere 48. Inset the words given In brackets _ 1. 1 Gua w mysée . (apyt). 2. On pwefer noprpse « (oépmai vapanaéu). 3." Texueparipy waveption .. (repud- erp). 4, Tloapyra cajiuesa wens .. (rrepée). 5. Caboner seit. (C6903). 6. (30m) ian Gamsmoit can. 7. Cryneat Tmanueda auaréur .., (owsGsn). 8. .. (Cron) Bitty noprper comué. 9, Oud nomad o xyéice.. (eaner). 10. KOH Aan, Sseutpiderea ... chop). 11, Sra kapaiua Mapucboa =. (pf xa xy). verse 49, What quistions do the tallelsed words answer? 1. 91 nosnopézancs co conda gvaxSauen, 2. Ero wath par Sings wedainort eeemplt 3 Ha co eeaise dpyeom. 1. Xonsiat perpen 5. Cecrpanoind ‘8 anréxy sa tesdpemeos. 6. Ki B reitpe co cant nodpyeod. 7. Mou apyr unrepecjercs 2eoaioued, 8. [épe0 sodwod nite oened akuxd B Jlice, 9. Mausisia crakr-néped dion. Revision Exercises on the Uses of the Cases. nerte 50. Answer the quatons ing the wordt given cm fhe nat 1. Tze pamit séua ces? Grijaa ue noayadere mena? Kyat as notte sen? 2 Kouf- ou xpmiam Sror enoedps? $e aon a ce ea ws REpueNe B UdaMaTa? Use mncaad fet wyrdere? 8. Mes st suundereas? ro mi cee noyetere? Kant oxsinea at Ohacre cxim? és onda, erépua sgafttelt 61 Compete te ares ang the words gen onthe viet 1. 51 men manne cana 5 aon we nin B Syetny eo me “apis. 2. B Seow spine tr yet 5 adn opi Baca. Soro poss? 5, Yenc b jinoepeuser da Mu nosis Brcuypenan paca © We ioe pote | apyosst ype ws Mooi 170 exercise 62, Answer the questions slag tho words given on the niet 1, Tye ni Gepine wire nmr Kyai mur tontian celia 2, Kro nanncda iro maces? ‘corp Or vord ws noxyinw S10 nuconc? . 3, G nest ast xoante wa croamin? npenogendreay Koré sic miami ua craguue? 4. Wen est Sire sonunrics? cope Kujo kutry ois celée wnrdere? 8. Kor) mht mere? Kony set s90nim> 6, Kexe xéuer erate, bau Toséprau? pe Y word Gon corgaiit nau TOBA? vonpsira rece 58. Compe the eles lng te pyupiate asus. 1. Mod coer unen x Moesné. .. wo miter He. Hexdono ® nonyaia or =. Gomude mcs. Cenduan Sime otro . 2, inet com a0yr sone Juans. x para uk Je Hoon na soe wr Gace ey nde 3, Bra neoyuna padoract B wéwent ceanfne. Ane, Kou Stye sudo, fax =. ont. 91 cro oeTpesdo ~~ B Gecnmoréne Hoe nsysier SCOT ASK, serie SA, Inset the vords given fo rakes, 1. $l peao nny .. (Om O88). 2. Biv xawnd sudere onii? 3. Tae. net nosianéutaice ... (on)? 4. But #&cro 310 fire we (omije 5, Tepeadhre, noxdayhera, ... (ond) Sry katy. 6. HE mpoas .. (rl) upawcenh .. (8) aya, 7. Kaw, noménylers, (oh) oom ororpaja. 8. fl x04 anes) 9. Mary npn (Bs) pe? 10, 3 Pessoa”. donpa asp 11. Ta ofa) 8 Tin? 12." Anon nocovérona =.) nyt sror” wan ‘ogc, arte 35. Answer the questions relacng the nouns by personal rota 1, Bat andere Hiiny? 2. Bis snore oeina? 3, Bu ane butt ¢ Bopicon? 4. Bet xanu6 suraxdust © Anwiod? 8. Bus Gran bseph ycooe dpysta? 6. Bu npanecnt wypud npenodaadmesn? 7. Bs camtem B cyG6Gty x podiomeann? m 8. Bu rosopiint © goafressut 0 Spine? 9, Bus nanyainn ican om oma? 0. Bat natch cau. ane xece 68. Ansver the questions wine the appopriote forms of fe War given a et ae A. 1. Koré nit sizes wa_sticrance? et po Ko roxasia aw cood nap . Kou ms ofeatéan nonasdn eo pena? 5. Mion Kapri oor zene a aalorame? © ox ti ran? Kero ceasin nt 0 coOpinun? Koro mage ua casper? C ew wa endpunt 0 area ipe? | nau nut npeno- Kove a souoranepecers | ansbrens 8, Ube att an spines? 8: O xox br pocokésisaere? vere 57, Compale the sentences using the appetite forms of teers ghee eek he meen A EB zoey conan, sae 2, Koraa’ yan wpopita pene, eetad hn 8 oii noséermai, costo xy KOK. 3 4 6. oi erapisi mkénhe 3, Wh © nace acme me ; "uM Tonépat us 4. Hexdavo n2téuzon npuéxan 5 A nesperan ma. noxsase 6: Cortina aman 1. Hina yaa Gur cose n 2. B sauté sou mien Hy 3, Hina nonasiza nase gororpé. | &% aaa sogpjra 4, Oud pacckanina naw. 5. Ond Gand v resnpe The Verb Verbs of Motion Unpretixed Verbs of Motion and the Verbs noitmi and noéxamo ‘The Verb worm, The Present Tense Fogce 1. What gestions doe Halse words ewer? Nem cise the conjgatton of te verb dd Modet: On wir 6 xaace. KyOi on unin? 1. Suny 0 yrusepeumém. 5. Mus waist « Gu6suomcy, 2. Tex maga a cdwesciimie. 6. Bu uxere e noaucainuny. 3, On wer a: medmo. 7. Oni aye @ nt. 4 Oud ware aaeastin, Bsercse 2. Anower the qutstions wag. the words gives in brackets Model:—Kydd su sere? (yawsepeurér) =H may yrusepeaménn. 1. Kya om mer celivdc? (wy) 2. Kyad ow unr? (ua- rast) 3. Kyad oad wajt? (cedap) 4. Kya mr snore? (no stygavinca) 5. Kyad at aims? (ayserrépas) 6. Kyad ave eri? (ainda) “7. Kyxd uae eryaeurn? (GuGamoréxs) 8. Kyaa nar mperoxansrem? (aa6opardpnm) Evercse 8 Ansar the questions using the words given in rackets Model: —Kyad ou ways? (cranuéa) Oi east na emaducn. 1. Kynd on main? (ndsra) 2. Kyad ma wa@an? (fam 3. Kyas on met Cgdopina) 42 Sat ons “nate? (Ganos) ms 5. Kyal sr adr (eorads) 6. Kyad oni aah 7, Kyad au uaére? (ypde) 8. Kyat naj exyae up) veriee Int the verb a? the aprepriae form, LS nepeeomn, 2 aos 5 opin er apyais wb kayG. 4, Cayaéienea ... p ayamopino, 5. Mu 3 Gutanoriuy. 6. Anna. B agath, 7. Cryaénri 2B optenine. 8 Ryn ru. 79. Kyat mae oe P10, Kya rereise 5, Insert the ver) aba in he appropriates fom, Le Kyad .. oryagime Ale sido, Kyad oni... A aysaw, xO on. @ cronteyr. 2. Kyad sn Sra exyaéuria? a covipaune. Am FiRe Ha. cO6pénne? =a, 9 toxe |. 1x8. 3. Kyné mr? SA 8 Ka, =A toweny ast... oxi? =H im MONS aro me anye yas gen ror 4. Bul. w goserisecnye naGoparépne? “Her, a x6 in tan. Colde n -. 8 Gutmonéxy. ‘The Verb xodiimn. The Past Tense here 8, Read the senlenes and write them down Cones Bens 5104 » oder. 1, acon 9 oer. Fathita sews, 2 Bu code Sesbeyn, Oh aires sacopaopan. 9. On sean scope ‘Ona dent ia nist, 4 Oud sonaa a nosy. Mac a8 8 Kay6, 5. Ma soda p xxy6. Bis udéme » seanp. 6 Bu xooiau 9 teary. Oni dm w Cubanoreny. 7. Oni xoddan Guano ‘ony. 1 Exercise 7. tnert the verb soni» jn the pact tens, Brepd of rosdpn 8 Bomubn reirp. 2. ¥rpont cryagwra... a abuso, 3, Tlosansepd dma rosa. B nya. 1, B npduisoe voexpectine wok spyais a er ANG. 5. Ha npuaoh wenése sa. 8 spe. 6, B versepr Zao.» noswxanuiny. 7. Vepou Anna .. #8 GuGauoreny, 8. Buepa sna: mscray. rercse $ Replte te verb wml by sodde Jn. the past tess, change le adverts of une seeding. ¥ Model: Cofaée wu dé us aicrapny. Buep avs odie xa wicranky. 1, Colinée: ah 9 aatoparépwno, 2. Cede muy wai, ua saéauno, 3. Celie sof apyr vaer 5 ranmeaiaany. 4. Celie de eryaeund uayt 9 Oubanorexy. 5, Mo apyond ast a ‘einp, 6. Moll ronspina wacr. b KayG. 7. Ta wade 3 eros ooyi0? 8. Siu eryabectos maj wa sxcispemo? $. Bet waete fia konuepe® Buepd a xoaiia w redrp. Kya su xoniian suepa? Buepé 9 On w redape, Fae ts Gian sep’? eerelse 0, What questions do the itlcied word answer? 1. Buepd ms Gsiaw @ medimpe. Buepd ws xontas 6 medmp. 2 Anua xowing « sazusin. Ania Grand @ xacnsive. 3. Cry det xouiM 6 Kayo. Cryaeam Osa 6 xagde. 4. B oy Gony Tos ua ue osemasce, B eyGbcry Tost xoaiit na as manny. 5. Tlesaoveps waa Gian na oaedde. Tlosanvepé sta own wa sad. Exercise 10, Replace Ue vers xaning bY Gums, lange the case of the noms mh follow tums Model: Ou xodia ¢ kayo, Ou Gus wager, L, Buepd su xo va sesep. 2. Haun rpjuna xox na sicxYpeie. 3. Moll apyr xo W mya 4. Yapow oud xomina sa nOsTy. 5. Ont xogiimt 6 eronéey, 6. B. esexpe- 6 se stn tne 7 nn, i» nt, i Baal oa sate ae Joan tn sate te oyeontgl sg. 2, 8 cn ag ae Sse SD ters Sana Goces 2 Con Ths Le nlh Sipe ete aces te eles eee Soar nee ees ea So ome Soe ce ee os Sich Bap wag 6 nein See eae Ss ae Lr pred eo a bala ate arene Mares 2a Sn TET a es as gl S Tatton hs in'T and OE! ae ee tate ter ES SE LAS eu ae Modal i bar ne bese 1 Oe she eh acim 2, Ook ro ty ees CO a, OS CEE SS ana Ree Saw ee SN ets ee a ar eet Model: —Tde tia Gace? (siicranKa) ae es 1 geo a ut 0) 2 Tae Su Nope om sty Sait WO Ea teats 10 such jrom noun rp? poueniann) & Tae i ie So eas? oT csp 7, ae (Garon Ope sevepou? (rear) 8. te Cha StH cry- Rote ila i ia oh aes lo Kh wo 9 ion Se eee 2 A ea a ee nal SR yat iat Pt = Pata’ aet or aaa i i ee or ot Se a een = Pe Tin ‘The Verb noim. The Future Tense seine 10 Read the since and wt ten dow cotati Bona Lf udy 0 nommsivimy. 1 5k ow nominiumty. 2 ur deus a nbers- Tar no a no 1 2, ‘3, Ou ude 8 resny 3 Od noudim 8 rei. 3 Oud wom GuGnnonéay. 4 Ou noddem a Onbao- win swans, Bae ae 6. But nolidéme wa 3KCKYp- 1 8: Bu ‘toma ia omenspr 8. Ba 1, Gm udm na cobpiume. 7. On noddjim un cobph- a ai oe ee ee ee ee ee eee oe am 7 eonBltTbe 16: Revrie the senteces putting the web a the tatare Model: Mu ude sud, ‘Mas notes 0 x, 1, Hima rpynna anér a swex¥pomo @ sextuiverni mening, 2, S14 eryasura nas a quaineenyso. Gopi’ po. 3. Moi apyr wxer mvs strasin. 4" On wat B yinmepcnrét. 9, Hamm eryaéoms. wayt 8 yaéii. 6, Mal aes 9 Cubeworéxy. Exercise 18, Replace tbe ved Gum by oti, Change the ease of the nea whieh follow moda y oe Model: aurpa ow oem v yunvepenrére, Séerpa on nota a yrusepenrer, |. THicae ypoxa smu eryxénmn OJayr 0 dutiuecxol abo. poop, 2. B pockpecéuee ane a Gay a craaue. 3. B eySoory’ ow Gjaer s reétpe. 4. Saprpa eevepont owl OfayT Ka codpanim. 9. Tlocnesderpa uit Gaei na Komepre 6. Tete o6é3a x Gay 9 evowll xéungre.. 7. Cerdain seve: Pow voit sosspmun Gfayt s xnG. 8, Bo wrdpnn ma pjnun Gjaer ua asierapne, Exercise 20, Answer the questions ab ia the model, Model—Bu Ghdeme vévoou 5 uai6e? Sa, non ete a anys 1. Tn 6jneus, aiurpa nm codpdimt? 2. Omi ojayr ce i nn atau? 8. Bau tpenosunitens faery oben? Ona Gjuer nocaséorpaa'vesnger 5a enyastra Get 3 soparopu? 6. Ta Siac na onuépre 3 CyCOEy? 1, Bu Gjaere te penis sratpr? ercse 21, Change the sentences a¢ fn the model Model: Sapa a ofdy y conti erp, ‘Bamps nod x eaoth cetpe 1. Cerdan nésepont nn Gjaext Store. men 2. Tléene ootaa a Chay y rasinere. epacd.'s, Sienpe ‘os inet y covers apjra: 4. Ulocnesaenpa ew exyagmre GT ¥ setina, b, B aexpectise ona Ghner y crpucre, Opie BB vezogpr ma Gjaere y éroro nesvean. 7 Tosser um 4 Gfay y consi wade coer. 8, Cerdxin néveposs wr ‘jnew y choix poximanei. 0. B wocspecéuse oul Ofayt y ‘eoix Apyséi. Exercise 22, Tnsrt the verb odd in the appropriate form. — Kyai . siompe néum spyansi? Ou roRopiam, wo omit... & reaTp. Aus TOA wR TeaTp? Her, 2 ne ."p nelrp, norowy so 9 Ofay sins. Ure ofaer absars Tow & mocupectuse? Ou ronopill, 70 0M a craande. A Jtxont a Thinep 16nd eraqucu? Han Tos onier — #{ahuoo, so ont rome ye eran, © Kora.» eroadnyio? Ceiie? Hier, colle abi. ia 26x, a. nore — crams — Keo xover .. aa axcaypeuo 8 uinény? = Mut ave sori Taw 2, Ching nso nn Model: Moi apyr stm» yunaeperé Mote ales pans Man appr sondbos panescere. 1. Hiaa petosesinenian ser 2 GuSmorésy. 2 Mot aoyiod ash nt mero. 3. Aa nati » sora A. Ero ‘pm nara eh Son enema. nae mom rng Ciygtma nas a purmeponer Bu mete 8 faye, 6s any omen. ere Inet the vb Hdmi sei or ai tn tbe omni om Tr Kya orb 2 Eee Maypen AN igak oa o> Sta See toe ones Gaerne 2, = Kal eroaun aevepon? ee ea = Rata Feo te xm? = Her, oni neatp., © Kyxi . cblae Stor eryagur? = Ot wn ia NNT. 4, — Kyat ms. med = es "ha 8 = yam. = Shonpe Pc gat nas ee 4 a ee Spices me ona ata Se Decrees adel Pa Re en sown nn iy * Sim ee ae PEL EEETL = fi = Ritnine . névepou» nay6? = Her, te 0 Bevepost 0 Ojay sur. AL — Kyaa na... 2 a Sg ma aGy. A ayn ou nny? Her, ua ya 2 Bu rome. wa ha nary; celine sma. 9 marasin ‘The Verb éxam, The Present Tense ures 26, Red the sstinces and write then down, Memoria ‘the conjugation of the verb éxzmo. . fen & Des 1 8 enc Gone = SP éay'n wei, uot pyr édem 8 yeuoepeer. 2, = Kyxl tu eointe eu we 5 Bo se, 3. — Bama rpjnnn Gem wa sgexypemo 2 sani? — Ta, sei édem tia senda. 4, = Bu éOeme ia ‘icra? ao Rage et ee era. Koad gut coy? On édym tue, yeribe 27+ Answer the qution using the words een is reac Mod ek:— Kyat ow éxyr? (eaumdpn) Oni ExyF # cana 1. Kygé, mat enere? (uéera) 2. Kyad Sonon der? (poe ada) 3. Kas duet Asma? (patos) 4. Kyad sea aa (ea, wa) Se Rosa ont Gyn? (GoM crane) 6. Kya nt Exes? (Grenspens) 7. Kyat as €xere? (opin) xerche 28, Complete the sentences sing the words elven in rock 1, $l Gay = (Clapiox). 2 Tat bream... (Béua)? 3. Sov exyaéer ener. (dm). 4. Txon Ger. (Adri) SMod apyaut (Mocks), 6, ru cryagras . (Méasua). 7, Bre exyasunia Gaer «.. nduns). erise 28. Insert the verb deans in the pres fete. 1, Clit wie ww nepéaio. 2. Crynéa .. wa 9Ke fe cwo.'3. ft. 9 nonumy. 4. — Kaa eet ?— MOL fia boxida, 8:——Ta . goson?— Her, # .. 0 ToerH. 6. — a wysei? — Ha, it. 9 myséi ‘the Verb €saumt, The Past Tense crche 90, Read th sentences md write then dovn, Coit Beepd HL oy w edn. fa dodus n sek. Tet dete ua 28568. Tot dun wa 2800 Om der 9 neat On Sue 8 wares Oni edema nope. Gnd dedtiza apo. BM fics a wecramcy. 5: Mit dood a neva. BRE cbeme'in sxerpeym. 8 Bal éoouu wa sxcxtpeno, 5. Out coum © nyse T, Ont oda» yseh nertee 51, Tnsrt the verb fauna in he pas ter, Sléson of apyr «#2. powmy. 2. BB npousnont rong o's Conerennit Cobos. 8, Hexiano oa ccompi .. B Te vipa, 4, B daryere Mom pouérem ... B cavanopali, 5. He Apoubaod eadae Ni HA 9RCKS CHO. m usKOnY. 6. Bw: Arcceme Ws. 8 Aepesmio. 7. B npounnoat MeemLe Om 2 season. 1st Fe eee ho on a Si éouia yh mo ambice, © ae ree Se 4, Kyad @sana uendauo Jaxon? (Sxm6ypr) eae 5. Kyad agi ouepd Sn eryadure? (reéxp) Ha ven oui Gsuum tyad? (apro6ye H wemps) 2B npsuinon roxy a Esau B Mocxny, B npsuusow roxy 9 Ga 8 Mock nie vi 9 dws ie? sll Cond asthe he coma sti ab apn in ne Bn Sait hdaee bal aek shes 5 pore son’ bal ch ag Sin Coane’ {Ee Say ha pee ats tah Sn ca uly" Waits Sal Tet ie aw Toledo 68 rlin Atm Ste noon epa on) Aa" tet Mage vt coe a ere Gree oe ew coe Model Non «earn pow, Fe 3 ea a 1 Ce a aso hon 2 rp a apy asp Basi te na en See a at a Ga al 6 Dip 2 | | : ' | i tow Sou n Anna dum 9 Klee, 6. Beet wy © Aino Edun ¢ Jlewnepdd. 7. B anryere woil cocrpi ésdusa 6 ‘Boaadipue, Exercise 85, Repice the verb Gamo by Eun, Change the cove of the name whieh alow fou Model: Jiérox on Gout « Hopeiaws Tero on due 6 Hopaicwo. 1, Jlétom nu 20 Ppdnyua. 2. B npownon roxy us Cootmexan Conse. 8, Bi Stom roaf ond Guad a see unspde. 4. B npimaon wSeste Noll apyr Gua o Hd 5. Hexinno oui Osta o Pie. 6. JléroM oud Ovead na. po Guwe, 7. B ulate mai Geiau eo [dsoue. 8B Saryere uimw erysénrt Gxiau 6 Moora erclse 36. Answer the questions replacing the verb som. by Model:—Ine 1 dius aGrox? (aepéone) Aerow 9 ésdus ®. sepear. 1, Tae un sont apyr 8 anryere? (eauanspni) 2. Dae ee npantnxa) 4, Pe Guiad Sta cryaennea u cyGOery? (aepeana Tae aus Glau soexpecense? (sxexspenn) 0. Fae ms Gun a 0Ur—“—i—_O_CSC*tON mB Iver Abe ver nm or ks int apron 1. — Kyaé mmr. ent = Ma. 8 ueerp. Bw Ginn wiept ua aderanKe? = Ha, ws... nial wept 2, — Kyné Aow ... ceidc? = On. celtic 8 kia warasil. On .. Tyad step’, ho waraahi Guia aap, 3. — Kyad .. cetuie Sou typlcm? Ont 2's JTesimrpi, = Onli Yak. b apyrse ropa? = Ta, ont ye Gunn 8 Kies The Verb noéxamo. The Future Tease hertve 88. René fhe sotoces and write ther down Coad Béempa 1. $6 fay 0 Tlopin, Boddy » Tapio. 2 Ta de 2 Mocs, 2: Ta noddeus w: Mooney. 3. On fem » reinp Os nasdem 9. 208 4 Ons Gem ia ieranxy. EF 1 2 3 4 One noldem Ha teran- &. Mor ew wo crag. 5. He node nn crn, 8. Bu faome » uyseh 8, Bo notre wath. 7. Oni coum’ ‘iéwton, 7. Oni naeOym > enaon. Esrcise 59. Inset the verb nodtane fa the future tense 1. Hérow exyaénri ... we poumy. 2. B Ofayuien wéemue oll org .. 9 eanarOpull. 3, Cx6po. oll apy a 0 Cone. ‘ceri Coos. 4. B Gfayuten tony out...» sTuniti: 5, Capo Ama... 9 Jleumepia, 6. Sioa wit. a akekypeno, 7. BB socxpecéase a. & gepento? 8,"Séarpa Ta. ta eran? fem Pie ae 9 oe ci-te pou ic lw atta sw® Mame, Chee he Moist Aw ot hen me mae, ios wna Lge Gaye > ews, Rap sa nate aie Sa AT 8 See aes eee Sng Cally Cale id teas od rot aie 2 ee cen i A oe oth ies 2 io tare see SEE es am = B npéwnow roxy ou ... 2 Copérert: Cots, = Bue Tine ... 8 Conérelt Coioe? Her, w mpiuuton roay 1 ue SL TYR B BSny en roxy. : : yaa ma celtic 2 . Cpinge a. 8 NORAIKY, a MOTO A A mi Toe ... 8 lomuatnKy? Het, a... b xii sarasi, 4, — Boejsoiny y uac Ofaer sxcxspenn nyse, Kro x6- Mero. na Sry saekpeuo? Aaja, 910 8 sro Mit yoKE STO. MySEM anny, 1etl ua Sry. oxexpsino, oro ‘The Verbs ami — Based 45. wu st On es 5. Kéncaoe 4610 Moh Opar us Loraine’ » stindemen ecbua crssemrante Hauiero.yaunepourére, ‘6, IHéannajow 2oceumcn Goa ibm ovoneran, nae © Rene te pus comin by teste cnt |. Kinga sein exyatinonn memomaoren zowémane sexdhins 2. Ousioxst 9. eR TerpoaaN edpanasiore de funn npenosasarenes. 8. Heros sim olin observances cryaéivasii. 4B nonminnas omonie. ccoénpnsogTen ahs pac 8 Baa Hanya woe npnGdpost. 6. Vexecereenmne enfant a ‘Séeio linden curuaasi ws. ndewoca, 7. Hecnonxo pas. 8 sexs Mocképerane pazvo nepetaen noexuute naneerh Eurcse 7. Inset the Yes chosen fon tose given ia beset 1. Koowivecine copatial .. (coaaaior —cagaatores) yue oa, mipwenepam, abet, 2 XM. (ease — one) nina wan acre, 3, Vedi ya er —anyaberen) —noapcc oa a APYTIN -taamerax, 4, Vatvase amcrny crpan ...(wayaaior ~ iayudioren)wocne Secexte ays. 5. Tenenigeaie. 6 erpauan Esponer (apie icr—npunnacieres) nepeniun xs Mockoti. 6. Palwoenrn at €0. cafrntkon Sener. (apunnneot—apnmnaaores) eneunémoinm cram 7. Tewneparypa .. (usepden — swepferea). tepucaerpou. 8. Stor npioap . (uosepier — auepieres) anbawoers aésaysa. 9. Hun ctyneamia (fo: ‘omat—roréunen) sévep ua pycewon saute. 10. FL Xnjou (ronda —foréaurea) Seutén -doorosticrasna. 11, B wévoropen uuersrfzax.aikdmiaeryzenton .. (npose itor— nponepshoren) weuinancs. 12. Mauiiat . (mpoDeps ror — nponepsorer) wosrpansnise paGtns eryxéntone ion TERS Ress he ave consti by he aie cole Model: Kéxgwih some nperodanimeas nposepem iu expat, fl 2 Koa aemy nun sempew neneepiomen npeno- 1, Hinsenéper coxa eaénciie stauniana, 2. Vetune npoubar Stu cnn» aaCopancpin, 8. Dror npodceop Taer extn aaa pia 9 neabai. 4. Vatuee pasmax expan ueeatayior xécwoc. 9, Sra rpinna tuokeNépos Toro po a - - oxeisipeun gan eryaénros. 7. Cryagira MAilero iaeyaeTéra pyuator pfeil asue. 8. Yaeuie peor BéxMe tp Gia sai, 9. Héxoropise wonoase stucérem cour uvepéceiie nponsienéams. 10. Bpawi Stof Kalinin xéawor endane onepsugar Ka eepate Verbs with the Middle-Reflexive Meaning Exercise @. Road to setencs and ite them dows. Cone the seuienes Inthe fet @3 ght ho eons | Ha imei jane ompinm 1. Ha nimed Sane empie owas, umes noauainura. 2B Stow pane exdpo 2, B drom paiome, expo ‘ommxpiora By But nto ‘omxpiemes H6aN Guo en. suomi oe 3. B SroM knexe npodarmn- 3 B Srom Kitiexe apodaibm ‘1 ‘en rae wa erp iow na oerpanmste ssid. Fux sake, 4B. Stow xumoreinpe no 4. B. Sroxt xumoredspe_no- ‘Rdsaaavon.NETERIE Ru ‘dmioanmen— RercAR Ariane runorianan. Everts 10, Replace the tlcged verbs by verbs with -o Model: Ha népuow jpce eayedion ploosyre mmepanyoy. Ha népoow spor towndence psccran ssteparype 1. B ime paéne empdnn wénpo unnéay. 2. B Stow amoredipe deuonempipyiam nous ibis. 3. Bien rayee opearsiim searepecitae pena. kB Sioa Maraaie podadm aéveene writrn 6. B 9 wacen Ho pia nepedasm hocnéase sauéeens. 6.’ Ho" Sr icranke moun pa Sorex sanonds xyadauinon. 7 OfkvKo copy nponddum 3 Gonsuon 200. Evercie 11, Replace te islicied verbs by yobs witht ex Model: B Stox warasine npodatmes mureparypa na pic B Srom waranine npodaiom sirepanyipy. wa pycexow 1, Comme © udmen nayce eoméaumex micraaxa wanogiix xyadsamuon. 2. B Srow pase cmpoumen ee oath dna 3. Cipo aieee omepdemen “ubnan erin wenpd. 4 He Siow daxyauréze npencdatmen unocrpinese souk, 5, B ros wiexe npodatier ‘rénexo reset. 6. B9test wnert tre usyudemen npoOaewa. soaraéiue.. 7. Celie no paw nepedabmen noeséauie wankers, Exerelie 12, Replae the italicised verbs y_eibs wilt ox 1. IKypudaus wu raaérar npndawmes » xwdene, 2. Keira npodaxmen x xatoxnoM araniue. 3. 970 warasint ompm aademen » 9 saccu. 4. Heropuns CCP asyulemn ua apéreen pee. 5. Taxce aaanine empéumen udekonno seéentes, 6. B uhiew yuupepenrére vacto opeauusyjwomes auek¥eenn. 7. He duel Janue cxdpo omepdemex nossih wrnotedap, a Byerise 18 Anse the Gestion 1. Korai ongpuieres $ror matasin? 2. Koraa orxput- pécten miwa croniean? 3. Korad onupeisieren | nota? 4. Korai saxpunieres nau 6yGer 5. Kora. uavanderen Sror enexréKb? 6. Korai_ uaeneren enbpaiie? 7. Kort uasinioren Komépri? 8. Korai y nae nasiéiorea ons Meni? 9. Koraa kéwuurien $107. ydk> 10. Kora koxsares susan fa duxymstére? 11. Kora xOntuiten Sror ener? 12.” Cxoanco “apénenn npyxansaerenSror enextanae? 13. Ckdinsko spémen upoanmdioren "sine Kenyan? 14, CaGanko apéaen npoaomasiorea série kanticyant? 15. Cae ponaéren Sra sovira? 16. Tae npozaioren mapae® 17. [ge Seransammaeres améoye? 18. Tae osransannacren tpasl? ereae 14, Put the ves in the pes te. 1, Sor dhunoa xénwaTen 9 9 wacde. 2. Cospiane Gna: © pino. 3. JRexuin xénsutes 8 3 aged. 4. Korad wOwuaren axsinersi? 5. Koraa uanscren xomepr a Kove? 6. Koraa eauten Sra nexuun? 7. Korad asm) rea sine wavy? 8. Koraa namifres sqminia? 9. Cannio. sptaentt mpayon 2xderes akin? 10. Cxnexo penis npororoieten eoopd: fe? 11. Cxémxo apes npaaowsiiones Ut Kanter? Porcine 15. Insert the spproprine ws in the past tee 1, O6rauH0 nm ypou nasimiiore u 9 aes, a cond: his oi... 9 10-ac6s, 2. Obteux0 Raul salman noMaiOreH 88 wacd, a ceréaus ... 0 4 waci, 3, Oskiano néunn coop no KontéoreH piuo, 0 mEepiuives coBpanne .. NsANO, 4, Osiiuno. S1or arasiat orxpuiieven 8 aco ynps, a erin of. a 9 weds. 5. Onin Wikia erondeR, sax Béeren 0 5 “coy, @ mvep ond 7 acbn, 6. OOsHO Sor awroGye ue OctawinansaereH gece, a cerbatt On sere 16, Anewer the “questions asiag the words an place vent he end of te eerie m " 1. 0 ww ronopiren 3 $row pacckéoe? 2. 0 48 coos lnieren n Srod rasére? 3. Quin pacetasemactes W Stal ‘ire? 4. O ye noszen m Sroit néewe? 5.'O kos. pacexans ete» sro reac? 60 one romopen hod ne? (vocteuine cobsin s Eopine, sainue manaxeea, epost ocwowiisr JOpit Tarspin,. wo poana, ‘xiene OURO sO. sfoasro venovéss, crom/ua Couérerore Comea Mocks) 2 yerelse 17, Aner te questins in the msgs 1. Bu aufere, 0. wb rasopizen n Sra paconise? 2, ix swieie, 0 it Toaopnen 8 Srotcransé? 3, Bu sae, © sea Facexdaueacren 'n sroi ire? 4. Bur stereo sta "ager stot néete? 5. Bus "asdere, oF now patcniounacten Soon exer” 6 Bui ster, ©. ow compete 8 sro Xiite?'7. Bu sere, 0" tM ceobnkren erdanmate Exerciee 16, Compete the seuenses, 1. B ot crore rosopnen 0 row, aro. 2. B Sram poubite pcoténinacre 0 Tot sax «3. B Seok wane Fovopirek 0 Toit speci, nora. 4, Sron_neone olen @:Tet ax + 5. B Snow cia pccammaeren 8 fou, tos 6. B drow ooumnémm covcuieren © Fs, worn erase 19, Real the gestions and mens th 1. Kae mimeren ene Mocxsds? 2. Ura miaeren ‘cade saoeKds méeae G¥xasi «3s? 3. ro wiwleTes wa KORE B cxéve sterpinis? 4. Rag sierderen $10 cide? 5. Kau. urderen Sror. cir? 6. Kak powsuicuren ror 20y%2 7. Kax nsweuserea (enpariews) Sror_ raaréa? 8, Kar, iswenseres (esnoisieres) S10 cata? 9. Kan peuderea. ra sauna? Exetige 9. Compre the sentences Inthe eft and sghthend cotati Espa the lifer io hee mewings 1, Hlpopéccop dvs ais 1. Jibs Réveusncy 9 8 fuo'9 3 sack ‘acd 2, Tpenozanieens —mdear 2. Vpn maxes. 6. 8. Heasaxinta venoséx om: 3. Moen omgpsiaacs, n no- pita deep Me venentna se0- 4. 5 cw napandi, 4, Y- went cronies xa pana. 216 Pcl Int es th ete ert from those gives’ an the right ia Te Kor 9pm ant 3 Real, main pot ie sch Syn te neeaape Re Xope nT san Hey Stier pict 9 tens 4, Ma Canteen 10 naa: PA Korat at ena ae sesh a yee canis 5. Ean dae Korat toma aa teal nowt fae a win 6, Toa sepepeea yp Ms om ‘eérazaue fou nas risen Yyupancucust sur reer ‘Mot npoeépune nowduee 23: dine, “Tlor6w npenoaaes ‘Tem odoscniie néstah ypox Banged wa a0eKs wae enond. Mit nda ed, 910 ewe npenonaniten, Opas | ux. BS acd Mud Rowe dane tenia x npoocnda | anime. Exercise 17. Ter ents of the myopia aspect. 1, Bror oryadr acer xopoas, ype. | oro — enone enjoin tragiv.y- | atm sr ninin ia sone 2, KGseat etn ts apase aro. | nostopin — au Korat wats ‘pine raardms, | nostopiny Xe js ei) ypenéme 3, Crease grpow x. neoramne raaéx, | anne Kinwice japo'n cobane rasan | agouti 4. ce noses Sandie noun jan | aor som. Kibeatt ave 31 aeamee | exerts 5. Genin J oe ca Ot eras Sopot eos year 6, Ona ioral ype Tio ceréann | ontaseare — Gnd we nt yp onoszims 1, Kisgoe‘woexpeéme on. mcs | eats ow: Baepon 2 tsi Toshi 8, Breycbiny wok eacén .. moctimy. On | ponyatte — wwe sn | noayatn, 0 i 1 i I L ; i i i t } { erin 18, Inet vob of the appropriate aspect. Kéacatit gen ott apye . exbawe cae sab. Corona out. pe Fasc Vapost 1. woe, Coroaus rpoxt 9 (cranny ipe 11 NOUR Ha YPR. Bron eryaéir ict... mies, Ce Kaan agin 31. » astdsyee $1070 wenanixe, Celie # onsite. er0. | 5. O6siaKo on. padiramy BS sande, Bucpd- oi. paGorars 9 8 oc 5. On neeraé mean évepont. Bae te TPM TON ror. cryacur evo Buepé o1 one eo ypoxu, Exercise 19, Insert verks of the apromiate ase, Pagoane ..amsday ae aero. Ont finan tenes nel jnaren NEU Bot alco. Goaensco. Kora om fon amicin per. Yagoa mn aah Cero Spx 8 soe nti Sry narriny oe uemih ron Gerd ese ype nperonanire® noms rer, Ow een Ot Se ‘Mott erdpamit Spar neem. sme epi os ae peuire say. ‘oft Toxépam, Ox xercite 20, Inert verbs of the epromat espet Apa adnan pd opin = pitino, SMa, ee roxy nit — ymin oaysins — ony, serpesire serpents ance ‘ondsgsaars — nossa erp — noespéurr> ‘oewinpinar— eworpets pcos — apncostrn oseacnine — osunettine oui sain» — npowrrins 2. — tho pénaer wal rosépmut? = Oh Ym = oxi, ha yome ypu? Tia, m yt et rordmmy — apnro- ‘Téa BAL wie. anjey scons wn xuit | noc — no fu Beep eeu ‘oi peat saci 4 Oo4sw10 su. poaisci w Stow | noxyndre— ays, waraafine, $1... caxap mt nome ” u soi 5. A sero... nico mo aéwa. | nosy, — ony Teéatice"mcsi6. a. sues. | ne ‘wi to wr cana is ROWO? 6, Bue nce vey Ea. bab On ano S06 wna Stout ne as oe St Hy, Wott. ory saniay pewter, — pam, ere 21, Replce the perfective verbs by peretve wrt: How he the ming ofthe sete henge J. Cryxéere sxonine » exc sopimmten. 2. Tyo: sass npmocis air Marnie 3 acpead Se ise nn re xan ya 5. Bp aucun eu) coedrenne usp 65 sip tte ceepe Acree nr. noma tm ie Honan. Eure 22. Mle p selon aig he verbs om ths else ine pective amet? ne ig ees fom he Model: Cryaéur afaro pawn spiasyie sanény. Ow peut say pane 1. fLsicr0 nosyads mien. 2 Onsite a Koma rordanm xowiuinee saaime y 9 ‘aséa, 3. Tperoxawiress ocerad uenpaeaen nix oui. Caron npenonassren ecorcnte noni po. Beeph na yone Mi noomopitan rma 3, Hpenoxasaiens peeps erplan eee po. Gryataes yin penne ne ‘The Impetiective Aspect after the Verbs Kaxundmo, npodoarcdme and xonndme Evercie 28, Real the seniens and write hem down, Remember that stot the Tele kowidns' "sevens, ‘poteerdae=” podem ‘Su coin ninuniperetive ter are wed 1. Mur nisean oyncimo peesnh sae 9 cx 2 Aang na de Fat 90 ac. Mer fey patina» 9. sacts yp. 4. npososixhe aspen Bjcokn sour. 5. Sipyau poxonadin, pssodeoame. 8. 3 Rovnaut tucdns.nicyuo nano newepou 7. THpenonsaivens own ‘eumdno exer, &. Obsivno oni roHsawe pasdname 5 7 ace sepa. veel 24, Insert verbs of the wpropite expect 1. On nna. (pnconire— napacoais), word ey xiao 6 ae. 2, [ipenoaasérensnponanun .. (ouscuair, — ob thin) nau you, 3. Padoane Rowman. expoims —-ne toate 3 ea. ae mor) tiobal posdn 5, Ana nasa’ sopom (rool — exacts nospgeckn. 8. Mur KGhmnan (06 noosa) aoe Eserise 25. Insert ves of the aprepeiate expect. he past te, 1, KS nex nk. pirate 9 9 wad, Laude — nuda) .'B cy6O6ry ai ne Stor re: (conséty — én). Beeps, Hoo aaren 9 6 anton ope. I a) ai epg ec cud agtane #9 waco. wpa (eons sone 5. Rimage frpo b 7 saci 0. abner. TaNiderany. (ashe tina) 6 Cte ie rman ar Case (saomnite—aasins) 7 Bop npmiea, kau no {Glau anomainoe Gaauihee anton OL a Sire mata nomen ha Ny. (Nowa) zy Use of Impertective and Perfective Verbs in the Future Tense Peetve Aspect tenetatve ost | or 4 on ante ty | San pointy my omens Everese 26. Read the sentences and write than down. Renewber int fait Tui ese pefclve arte dante ‘tos whi wil te ‘onleed in the future, wivreas inperictive urbe meld mae setions ivi wi fale pee Wythe Tate, 1. Cerdaia, a ypoxe si 64ideu nuedme.sardtr. Mux ‘antaven aucrasr w Ofnew eutét néoktit Tener, 2. Bésepox 8 6idy rucime micwis aon68. Korad a hanuiy) icon, 1 fay sire youu. 3. Sdozpa sia ypoxe ms Gpdew noeme- pane Tpfansé raardans. Mur noemoprin taarémiat Open te Cant Koutps.nyio paGéry. 4. Celtic Matixa ‘jdem: omiae. ‘xémw “ypox. $1 agutano, 910" on xopous wmmeémm yp. 5. Cerda néwepont Awa. Ggdem gudis nome erent ‘io, ro oad xopome osigaum ux, ‘8, Séorpa ta ypone Mi Sem pewine rpjaste saadon. $ rjato, wo m peu) StH ‘saxisn.. 7. Béwpox mu jen emompime reneainop Met ‘mveadmpa Teaeais0p x none Star, vere 27. Reaf the sentowes sol write thas down, Explain the sitirence in Be meanings of the Hae abs 1, — ro mm Gydews déramo cerdaun aéaepon?, = $F Oy mucins esa, = A wo tu Gydews désame noréns, Korn’ naniwaus icoaa? — Korné n manu) nicer, 9 noid rym. 2. — Uno tat Oidaun déaams b soenpecénse? — B nocupocense Oydy Aésams soMiunee saniaue, dine raséma, cajauamy piu. Koran eau ZOMeunes ‘ane, 1 nosoob Te. 2 I i ' i i i i versie 28, Answer the gusts 1. U0 sw Ofsere aésars condann aéuepow? 2, Tléene 6642 mal Ofgere paGorate vik OvAaNaTA? 3, Bu cerdaun 6 Acie rowbaiims aomdumee sandne? 4. Uro wr Gfere AeA, ‘yar none exoad due mcd vmpanciéinia? 5, 10 aw OF ete AGaare, Kora ae stiywre wiawe cnoad? 6. Ba 6zere ede ynpamwéaun? 7. ro au Gizere AGnarh, OOM th aminere yopsancius?' 8. Bur Ozer pois. saad 3. A, Kora wt Ofaere pears saadn? 10, Uso ws Ojaere aS, orad ma pemire saga? TL. Uro ww Gjnere xenate, nora Ipavorsoure xonunee saainiie? 12. Bis Ojxexe viet 2K) Smt rw eworpéte Teaeorisop? ucroke 28. foserl verbs of the aporpeiste axel in the lature 1, Cerdmin nésepow 9 .. eras. Croat rpfite, 10 a audio, x0 91. enn (je —oeiyiTs) 2. B cybodry oma... ndcena aoudl. Beau y wee Oyen ope dus, on 3 micuad. (Quire — année) 3.8 sowed a Sy eran. Hear ond nena, uu... 68 Grierpo, (dr. — nposurrit) 4, Cefide 1. gonduitee sandmne. Korga 9. er, 9. noiay 8 kad, (i6nar.— enéaans) " 5, Siurpa ana... mpeaaOacnaih naaéne. ean sei. Sry 46 sy chip at tongs psn, (sepa neropine 3 : 6, Heese nepenina penoganire aay ay. Kora on 2 oi Hey bjt Ane pn, foo tenon) ca 7 Mirra spenoranirem nie raaromi Koro ‘aris, at nen hace eden uaa (enp var" pec) reise 30, Inset ves of the appropiate aipet in. the fire 1, Genin net. aurdire. Korg ama. | mele — surat, wir owen npenoxaninesio | Nannetms ‘coos respaait. 2. Moi Spar... wot noprpér. Korzi on | puconiny — oprper, of nonspir erd ue. apiconi Ey B. Midene oot. SL newwdro . | ones — ayey sana, coraoxny 4, Cerda si. pio, 2 6 uacés, Mat | Yamane — a ates 2 me hoya ee ypoxow npenoxasitess .. nian | nposepsins— erp Korg on. uk, 08 o7azer | nponépir, 6, Kora at... Sry wry, mpaiceire e& | srry — nace, Mit... e6 soe busete. pow nerve 31. Replace the Ialelsed orbs by pafctive verb. Howe ins min’ of le select ges Model: Séorpa na ypowe mun Gydes meds xourpoauayio pacery, a Mona Gjdese wundias paces, Abenpa a ypixe ame nantases Konrpémaryo paso- 4y, & novi npomumde pacers. 1, Hdexe ypixon x 6jy ofédame, omducximt, novéte Oy y comésume aoscinnee saadnne. 2. Bévepom FLakox 6yem Denia sanéen, ted yapaniéais, oro Odom cal fuamo piano. 3. Ha ypéke Mi Giew roomopame raarsma Dpcerdasaans texct. 4, Sixrps $pou Foxon Gidem sdampa- han, sunidme raste, enuam pao, novoM om nome 1a ypox, 5. Coréqun névepou s Opoy Oeaame xomaunnee 3a- nie, yon crea, aumdme Teer. Use of Aspect Pairs of Certain Verbs eres 32, Inmct the verbs dda — dame In sponte form ae set te fry fees 7 1. Kinwuutl zen ani .. npenoxdrenio coi sexpaa ee py coon poroannapén, d= Tet ae aorpa Sry katry? ila. n1e06 Sry tiny. 6, Bail. aie STH nacre? © Korak ‘ne nofwuss na nory, “soe cia 7, Opunuto now rosipiay aie coon Marina, xo. 9370 Pergo Se ie oo, nro we Y He a Teeth, 8. Roraa wei er YOM, HOH Apu. Me Gani yseomic 9, Bom y TOA ter aéhes 3. TOE 8 pve Sete Lo. Ds ou wae Sty ‘raséry,. nota aa powreere’e2 11. Moti apyr cobupaer pun. Ou ekaain, 320 =. MME OM pinto aapny. 12. Tis otme cab ape? i | : Eres 88, Insert the ees forme ol the appropriate vers even Irom os oie ih 1. Cerda wésepos Jono ne coo) xan pare maruttropox. 2. Stor etyzéer axsinen no pje- | exandre — car iiéno, noroMg 170 01 3, Miécne rend ax vo pagio sane | mepeasoims —ne- gs, nal) KOREDT pears 4, Beep sua rpona .. sxosweu 9 | exandre— cans 5. Cefnée no pinno . noexéanue ws | nepeaan peers, Mu cays! 1 eae 5 Ma The 1068 Sty Kutiry, Kora Moit ‘pat npouuréer ef. : 8 Sinmpe Taos =. oksimen no dh re, Mls yoepena, sro 08 30pour6 crip reeaisop x xyniin | npounire—npo- " co anit —aate ani — czar, admueny Opiry | saséro—aate poi Gotoannansn. 10. B fro eucxe -. vr, OyMary. axial, Komsép- | -mpogasire —npo- at ent Ime he es ena — enact ee Model: Osiixno a OsiiaH0 1. Kora 01, osteo Obsiwwo. on jyrpd Baepd on deel yerdn, nosnomy cerbxi on .. #9 aces, 2. Kori ot... sangpa? —Sirpa 2. peo ftpas BeocKocaa ma asepd?—-Buepd a ., ndagno, 4. OS, fon On AMBER sapAKY. 5. Garp NM. M0: pakae noAgeN Fyasite @ ee. 6. Kors ow aha 9 Hepéante, om. 8 6 wacdB.y7p5. 7. Ha” panue of ino, a ages’. nésaio, 8. nen Comir ramané. $1 36. best otsoxiyees HL. pea He. ino, mo cerdamn onda ay) po, no ceria, 3 eemut NO BT sacs LExerioe 35 Taser the verbs emdsune — atemaune, eaten noe sins sl tims endure the streistfo Model: Osten ot OW we Sey wy Ostia ‘on aden xasien wa atécro. On saGeia, yal om noaooeile Say xBiry. 1. Osinio a. east naniré 8 wa. $1 enna nan 9 66.8 wad 3SRgh ma md teaeaog lad i en era Osteo Otte me Bein Krovo enpusieos" cn00 eps, p Wolo 4. Mpa opueead ena mrs afoy Ona hero pony hier ben ir ak malay” 8, Oot apry 2 sep Wath no ceding ef. npenonninen 8, Read ee ta naoay. Bee ws nap a a roa rents ar we wir na aero, On sabi, ytd vee 3, et the crest fers of the appropiate verbs cesen tro the a the gh ce ee ret 1. Kiownut aes a. onan. LL wa cin mete. Bucpé Yeah ose Gonéaa rand Ht .. entre 08 aa. | aondnen—rew 2 Oud. pizou co. uo wt wauand | caninoen— coves pasronapieat 3. Odkiwio a nénuinx on... 8 mép- | canémnen —cocrs suk pn. 4. Mat ws. 3a cron x wivaan aéerpa- | canirucn — cecte 5, Cerda ® nano cob weeroonan, | soxsiren —aews rostony pemin .. enars nopékitte 6. On ... 9 taxei w noxan xa aonaéa, | cagtiruen —cocrs 7. Mu eouuni s croadayin, 98 evox | camiruen — eects ina edoaeres . 8. B id ow eta. w zpérnh sim | cane — coers sempre pi. be | | Use of the Verbs s7idemo — yatidem», namo — ysndme and caviuams — yeasimame verse 37. Ron! the sence) and re thum down. Note the we of he erbs yes, gona soe peasant L. On eaués xéwmary 0 yaides ua eroné aeons 2, Oi nocwomptaa 2 onnG w yotdesa, ro wa YouNe wast oven. 8. Bopyr sex yoanwase chasian myn, 4. Koodd 3 pada ary wOvecrs, B yacexaa eB caoiny”-Tosspmnten. B. Keedd n nodeuiea jnépn, 9 yeariuas, wou KOMHaTE Tovopiit péano.G. Mo npeumdau rary i yaa, WTO 8 duet ctpané Szer Kiwopecruaday. Fercise 3h, In the verbs. aides — poms, eaten ~ ya ‘amt end eens sun he oppoate Tein 1. Gerda pow mu mwero.apeno: | mixers — sondvenn Koraa erst tosoponsen | yukaers Cnn, 2, Tae ~. 8 waren ne pe nit caooipe? Beat tats er, ay Ht, Sencgera, 3, AQUA Sha Hn. TOM Cheer’ ondpuia, Gun enh po; Roxen So aa eer i alaor? Fe, ora 0 sron nepal pas, naan, 70 5 Menpinsa. S.-Bat nc, ow ots moet? la, 8. Bucy néscjow, nora us ese hig ana ts 9 Sept BO get ae bya Kote uni?— Her, tie Voge Be jaan ve Store tenoaGiae-—-fl end ye 9 road or Beep mona tele aa. Ror A aponre 80) oa, 10. wok Cpa x68eT noékary 8 Movkay. iO. Bu. 1 NOM to. nymito ano cxonipa? fees 90 org. = Bent at PRE be Nyy noni exercise 06 ro yensiuare yarn Use of Perfective Verbs with the Prefixes no- and sa~ nerve 50, Reps the lee mpetective verbs by perfective verb pel n-th ate pc oe ase Freming fst Sutin to thse vhs Model: Cuatdne a winds xniry, nora 9 eran nucde caM6 ONG Craving m noquméa xuiry, nord 9 cra mic neous Ome 1, Cuauiina 00 pasdman, nord eps 8 ngpme. 2. Mat cudkan, yp, eosopdin 0 caoix Aensx. 3. Caawasa ont anon, novos ersan nen, nécwn, 4, Cavan wot aep fat b yiGin, nove nowai ryasn, 5. Mat npaucai sorb ino, rodrouy i emo woe w cooopiae 0 duanasax. Loris 40, Camplele the sntences usa the verbs aim, dan, ‘exci emo, ncn 9 eed with "The pein no Bee iin {at no aol be'meming of he begining of tian to verbs of ato. Model: Tako ocraxoniaocs 1a wnfry 1a. ‘Tato oeranoaliaoes a MANJTY 1H nodxaao asm. 1, Oncor» cons aamiiuy 2, 9 saxonéa eer tu. 3, yore apira sn 4 Zipyr cea sa wenocnnéa wo. B. Okd suing us zéwa w . . 6, AméGye. noctosa dniiry Wo. . 7. Canoaer noausiaca 8 aéoayx W .. « B. Ce- erp anad vewosdn i... 9. Mare oom cana” sa py- nyt sect 1. lesrt verbs of the apgopriate spect Note tat wile changing the aie the rele ods wot a ay new nel ea ing thew vob Model: Ooriuno a coowda apiry névepow. Buepd abvepou a naseonta ex, wo er6 né Ohio OM 1. Apye icra npreum y veut Sror yxsGuun. Cersan on Y woud Sror yue6n, 2, Gx sera sropiazace eo unoh. lose elie ons ve 3. Mok coeét ict mepiem pésne i mule Boep om nly, 20 4, Kiownatnévep ane eadmpeat renentsop.. Buepi. wut yeseaiaopy nenait dumat m mown Yacina. 5, Octo oni oCédaom Gua. Koad ow... on waxanm ‘ammacirice 6, Tidene "yponoa yt npotydenca ¢ npeuosaedrenen H Haat 1 onl, Mac uasia aie. €0 exoine npenomanirene. Tideze o6S 5 cxompéa raséral i. raaGTt H cen 90 Eerebe 42. Replace the sentences by syaznymois seems. Beat in intl fhe pee ar the meaning of he begining of action {o fie ves. Model: Suonox sasnené, Bron waaa oncadime, tape pats pp 2, Bx sn sce 4. ule eins ep be 2 a ewe, eee ee as tans Seat 5 Re wr ane ae fe seme SS ae ote epee Revision Exercises———————_ Eercise 9, Insert eorrst forms of the apeopite echt insen trom tse ie ah 1. ln nteon esoeny apiry n omnpéona. | chr 9, Tx adaro .» eno0d ue réxera. Kora | yusirm— ot x, onndsan neat yopaxcenan. | eynirs 3, = Sho mu aésacune saci Sh. nmesed udepn. ancl = Te yapaokea? = Ha oee 4, PaGéene ... uonyio unéay, w doensio | expos — ond uaxaa pagdrath, Oil. e& ox | -noerponr rom. : 5. fh. xéubr soa ease snaitte — tem a 8. Ma. Gméns «nomad a mmo.) moxynd reine. syns 7. OW... upieuo 1 sopom6 oraénua aa | senosnadro— ronpie apenoaanivess. ends 8. Ocuiwuo a... xudru » yauvepowrér- | Opars — nso ‘ceoll Gusanoréne, Sry atuiry 8. y ence pire 9, Kinwauit mda on... xémen evoee | nvennis— Marepit. Brepi om. ell noesiney. foes 10. Sra eryaéinxa mmorad ne... Ho | ondomusars — erat Oe HE nT AU co 1 O6¥iuxo a. wea pmo, Ko sepa | werasaTe— 4 Gem yerda, nostouy cerdaus #... | Detar nésano. tle 4. font th orc oreo he soils ve ess trom tae saci Tes me annie wale 1 Xyzdncin . kapeiny W noenda eb a mieraaKy. Babe tne ott xopoind ace. ronopiian, wo ot Ozer oa Hbuzauuat xyabrcinon. (pace — kapeconsrs) 2, On. ame niiry, xordpyo powers € Cosas ante plconc. Kori Gin ssteoniny, ore wero = he Fo. (apis — nosis) 3, Giompa n mona} m saraie w .. e668 naan, — Pye mi ‘hot naaut?— Bee sewn 9.8 uaraaie, Korépan Wax: sro st ace igisb sya) 4, Buepi_néiepow on. oiint Opiay. Kora on. $10 tment, HOD He ner. (aKedne— nanos) 5, Osorio on .. Kirn nimel GuBnréce, Ox. iw Me oun ua salsa, (Gpats — x90) 6. HL wiczo co. enon apyaviun, Tae a Cocrpsatics Smaps) 7, Korn apnicr niven .., 2 sive eréao nino, Korai apace ew, prem xiaro.ansoxiponsaa, Beeps ecw ne ‘icp wisn vate b nae, (ners cnet) 8, On. whiny Ke m cex saimiries. (rare — RAD) 9, PaGiine + ya Ramet jamie Gomi nox, expo On 6 3 Toro.” Coed eM. naNTORA Das. (ExpTa respi) sinxpa? Exenive 4, Complete tbe sealer sing he yerbs even in tenet Model: 51 norepia spot dapee, nodromy roe). SI momepia veoh fapee, noStoxy ue omeémna va $1 émioa xmiry rooipuaay, noon ro npomitine). 2. Saaiva Gus abtas, nodromy peu). 8. Taw ax npumad sii a Kymin). 1 (oTpeire— urd — (pestis — (oxyirs ee ROMOMY (PaGiTaTe—nopaccrary). 5. 51 nodapia Opiny am6oM fan wipox, Tak xak.. (CoOupinl — codpar) 6.1 opouts nds woaull wsrepisn, nosroMy =~ (AeaBAL — ‘ckéaath), 7. BHkTOP RE Gia m yuHuepsiiére, noTOMy 70 (Goners —satorers), 8. Ha jaune Gitmo Guens eae, Sr Ay imme H B ek ame 10 ay [2 (amhrars — see) Enerise 46, Pat the verbs he Inte tase, Gorge the adver iol mfices 6 tn wae teewary. Model Baept m npowmda wiry 1 mus o& n Gx6m0- ey. Zaempa 5% npommse wary 2 amd e& w Oxbauoe ony. 1, Buepi a manuedis micen6 nw nocads ord a poavny. 2, Mic procxacdan ipenoaaudren 0 ca08h pimae Moka ‘dau ex orerpigior, 3. Moll toxdpuu, napucoads xapniny H medapiee ee nner 4. MU ea nocaéziinh sxxenten w opan- upon. 9H mys apy a amicus ot te hy. 6. B eyGiny 1 npuoomdaus O66 Ww npueraci ceoix Apyseli 7. 51 edeaas ororpiin x mocads x poairenan. 'S Buepa Mok sondpaat nasoonda ane H ogasda, worn Gjaet cof. Eserelse 47, Put the verbs an te fore tose 1. Moi crapum¢por més ancy enue» ye nepeunén, 2. Cropocts gaia, sora, Gjayt sesinerti Hco- Saat ‘som ease 8. Tee na mate cope wun replant n npospes woman fc san sunny w sondnea e& macros 6. CRAGIN eu Doe sani vi noxasdau we npenoaaninemo. 6. ean cnosips u nocuimpéa weanaxoxe eaob 7. Met nowad B Gxdauorény w eofae mina, 8. Kornd ok npwcnds sie ness, omaémun en. aeoghtgh 48. Complete the seuss sing the verbs given fe Model: Beam x xynai Guage, :. (nosom can myn Gunens, i nisoone Baye |, Bom ois xopou orwénre va axsiene, ‘vims). 2. Bemt oven npuuiaér nme ‘eerpauay, (o0ay- (werpe- Beh Bae Spe ae eg EEN BE ase ie 5. ch sierpa tjner adaosun -« fmsys, 6. fees aerd jaye aéamo ‘cron ea non, < (roonyr). 7 Beam Ne Ofseze mimvsresuno onfate cOuacncuin vpurosasirean Geass Rat Be Se ago yp (uote) 9. “Eeam ake sainery ero dupes, akin 40. Beau eh nonpisres dra neces,» (efen, fers. Pat the verb inthe ftw ee, J. Koraé quai xéwaea, opiirean miunan us ina 2, Kouuépr navaaes » cents wacsa, 3. B udwew paléne orp: ‘ace Gans CnGmoréxa. 4, Kornd Kéuoimcs Kawisyas, cry. sir epinfancy » Moceny. 6, Max xopoiué uojrorcance 5 1 xopous enbaw ux. 6. Koma xox KouANGR, fotmpaia Onn. 7. B 7 aacéo s pexpémnaen Okono. Metps & ADGTOM, H AE Mowm B xim6.. 8. Bésepow naa Aorotopa acs, Korad us OREM w Gacoti. 9. Kor sce eryei coopamice 8 sine, wasandee cobpiaie, 10." Bo aropeM cceuerpe mite pacrucduue nowctsianee. ‘rereve OM. Pu the veri in the foie tense 1. Mux cxlan sxsiven, nonywim ermémm, syn Sunére novraae Ha rr. Tia vow ust onan wate te en, Kardanen Hane, Yomi rope 2 fee Nowa 6 ea finn a. Fn Pa Men in 6, Catan 9 tin pun, tore cuorper Tenet 5. ina npuaiad "oud, enais’ nant toons e's Iuka, ozomtaa seit ha eron, nocrimiay Huon 8 oly clam garmainses. Oni oatuinicn seco Bey: hiclaa foe peoknnin, ran Texer, ina née cabo Moh Ayr om upiéxaa ue Mocwott m npuaés orrjaa pyockue mracrinnn. teal Mo tee area waa eis fe a le nan Lome? RE Be Bee Sate Seo ie 8 Sat SS A ae ed ome wkend Car ala ata He oa ab a hil (Sn St a cyt tet at ie opt Es em som a Taro mm ness omnon— rdw sagiemian Ueto tans tn Bal emesis ETc tae sre ta diem ny a Cg eral rata ba ai Siege tans ide ea te fa cing ts Clee an Se See Min Org ey Gea Hats bl, ln Seer es Oana) Dy, ea aa ae a Soepiasn pay, Mata Gielen tamed) ob os vari 62, Imsert verbs of he appropriate aspect, Explin the se of we ec Most eauixyset (Pasoss noetaccoco emydboma) 62 ron) (nposoin—nponeers) cont xan ancy wonsine na! Vajumie Taw erpaters =. vowore i} San sei sph Bi 2, Nammorpins Air (elerern~ nop) fe Sele. Riba coat (ratte —erR0x89 (ryain»—noryatin), ... (soropém,—saropén.), .. (ayniree ci —exynémies), “Spec, B Koméne, ... (cobupirves— co Spice) errs uo psn wacrarjeo, Bisa dens wee serie 38 Insert sera of the sppopite aspect Tpjasase open (Crna) Kora sia wisest, ofl yma wero . (pacokde ‘sunzat—pocektodna) wtie panic xian. Oaninon om (pacerisnsana—paccxaaana site renjno exéony "Kia » coséiuee Aepeonix goa Opins. Onis oes cxiputatl Gpar .. (CoSepla—coGpaa) Consus ypoxth. Ox cm (aiuaa——noayan), oy uaaxmero 6pita Goma Saf (espa) us gon Korad .(8acryuiaa—neeryatin) Wow, 08 .. (6pan— spa) Mew plea W .. (eA nOWA) © ACPEBID, TAG AK ear Hot Gal ean, ein Ga Mati a ao rpiano, no crip Opar aw. (xpuaa — ronan: «Sapa jrpom. Oper. (Ojaet orkpsnim — orgpéer)abea wean (r= yar) wage pic Soo Gin Conn Be Jog a mae a ht (NORXOAA—-nowoutéa) x ANY, FE HIE eng Oper, u".. (crisis nocrama) weméx éxono spn. Korad ot fm pts) Zou oes a soy HERS, ax H pixie, akowrs” Wen . ois. (@pea—naan) heme ‘pica MOWER B GoCeaNOO renin, a . 'B $70 apex asad ayn n crip Oper. (Bien yien) ba" sopére cero. nuxinuero Gpina. Ow Wet Be Homo, rae Sent crapunik pan, i weeny Meutde pics. Bpirsa nee. (nowt — moka) RANTS He on (FOO. plan —crasday) apyr apy. Meutel Osan soxtae, Kowa yey HN ind ers bt at eo ¥ er prev aso Ons cm mtg On, mi Poh “ = Kort 9 naxpins— yup), ornih wok fate yam ee es: GB ti tote, ox ne nse sry se a te son, TOE mer es Sel) ok art ah a ey oat ay Oo su Dra cepa feat = a a Ba Saga ry ere Teme Megan nya 8 wae pmsonin—— puta) x om) i. (fanéa— Aa) ex nénbr (Gpan— Baas) AEHLIA HM (Gpocha— Gpocia) Hx B a nr nanan He, — (wnpin— ess) ox Guan... (emedinca—secmedinca) Ww... (Gexda— noGenia) wa jaye Sg, Are Gono tant or ' = ea Cae (compas —csi) cy: Ha ye agin sear Pe, Gat ARG peas (ran. — nope) Kot gt eateha pm, Roum an HO ener yd topcan Opa) ea Pe Ean gba ay roc CT ae Ho (gatran nope an oe ska as esa yds) bo ener vale : tT cee ea agnbra wa ores. Tore OT Simo, ero Suu aévrn sapcraa 73 cam. Cte fc wet pens ees Tce ceravontnon a wpesok ramus, Ha & coi tana neerka -- (eTohte-—-noctosTs) ave, aj, simu toatl nes ora) none Wn (ET Yonsei” nonin (inane — isi) oa =P ea SEs naar) lo HoT regan ara) mane =e Seen it ame Ta con ee sd gy BO nomen ORD. — onal ian aéuor a Kyntt Ava nnpowKd, OAH MRE, a woe we Se monte, soja ulm ~ (oampecincr— secs). On © antentoM .(eers—~ cages) mnpontn. Mamenk ... Gasire—navs) naccamipy adem Monde @ (vovopiny ” cxeaare) js = Hewat, 10 vax Gua rex oni mmpoms, [ert 86, Inert verbs of the spropriat, spect, Canta ait Merton ans nin mt oat ert it SS wa on en 7 tas aes Cai eo) SS, al (germs seman) tooo OP BE in cumin oe — Hebe jn Cae vs at Se em AE Siar Saker e te te So al ees eee verse 97. Lanet verbs of the apreprinte app Onnimas pemyackud nvefnem Mond myreméersosan no Tepatium, On ue aca im oationd eniea’ no-vencunt Oxuéious on’... (octanésmimarsea—ocratiowltues) Nesta: xéxont répone.” On duns xoTtin eore Wn (8X0MT>— woke) » pecropin. Ow xonéx ... (eakdonmarn-—‘sanasézs) rach, no we sia, KaK .. (Fonoplite— ekanime) Bro UO HeNE Tuostd .. (Opara— asere) Oyuary, .. (paconsny. cond) Soasinoi put w .. (noKéauIBATD —~noKasére) Ronan (oun Soar) ta pion 2 — yi). Capo’ xossias .. (nosepantinien —Bepigfrven) Wn (upmocirs —peneerd) admit. verse 58 Iwrt vers of the aprorinte aspect Onin womox6i veaosée Geet» néassio .. (peranér. nevars) xioxxoe frpo H noSTOuY scerRA .. (ondsunar amu) ee, On Gale) ose eu). pat. (fasiro— gars) eMy aekdpernd, Koropoe HOMERS Giiz0 ".. (nOworény=— HOMGHE) en». (ReTaRe evarb) éspeusi. MonozoR vesoséx (optimist wire) aexiperao ut... (apacinees— no) erat. Yrpov corad ott. (npocunrset —npoonines), (sizer ~“yninen), To eu pano On (oxendrsca— Genes) a nowt ne pa6eny. Koraa on“. (ponte — putnd) a pany, om =» osopire —cxesire) rosipninan, Tro mept ot (apitérh — apis) eadennonennos exigent nchronycerdnm wes (ndaasnarh— ot Fe epausde,— (orbeins —oreéct)rondpm, — wo rae Tr Sut ep? The Complex Sentence Clauses introduced by the Conjunctive Words xmo, mo, Kaxdit, Kax, 200, Kydd, omK IAA, Nowe, sanéx and cxd.2o%0 Beeccse 1. Answer the qustins. Nol the conjunstve words, Model: — Bix ne entiuiann, yd ow nogaer aérou? = Slérom on noéaer a Mockn§. |. Bu we exiiwans, Ky0d Jyon x Maliea xonir aot évepou? 2. Bhi we siewe, xydd om nokyr mnckpecéuke? 8. Bur ne cinimanm, xoedd y nae Gyaer anenjpeun? 4, Bu ne nvauas, umd Ania roropiiaa Téusy 06 S108 kuire? 5, Bus he exiwcere, nid ier o sto xinoredtpe? 6. By ie cane 4m, ced etyaéura npuraseinn Wa ceoi éven? 7. Biv te sidere, xaxyio aéxtuns Gjaer 548 é 8. Bur'ne ckéere, wood y ae Esercie 2, Inset the conjunctive word smo, 286, yd, keto, rend, a of mp 1 Sit the sense ses Model: { sui, .. upnéxan Sror eryaéur 51 audio, Smgoa npuan Stor crab 1 ao, age dn, 2. Mu ent ane, ae Hkxest ation. 3. Ow nae, + wa ropa fo is 4, He towed, gn rokpine Se Be ead, oer Sra aera? 6,” Bur we nee, JUon we Gok ees snot 7 He i i Se 8. Siete «on wa paste?’ 8. $l aio Jou Stare We. sonora. 0. ber sede, on npn? 200 verise 3, Insert the srpopiate conjinctive werde or cautions. 1. Mat ewe we suden, ... y nae Ofayr ouaiwenta, 2. sl ne néwio, . etdar nol Maranioboa. 3. Ons aner, .. wet Sous (09 we sud, ne ae 5. a i oy Béur. 6, 91 we soutdio, met rosopiine, 7. Git Kien, iat ye ine Stor Guise. 8. st ani, aM AETe. 5. ne causa, ... ropopiin S10r venouéx. 10. $l sméio, ~. ra Résyurea, TH ne aui0, .. aonite MoH caoBépm. Clauses introduced by the Conjunctions nomon 4mo and nosmony Aowou xopouus cian sksénen, motos) ro NFO 33+ TpKOH ws6eo 2auunda ostomy xopomé xan ski Ere 4. (3) Canbon cack of pa of sertenes by sing Model: 1 ne notay » aud. $1 yaé eworpén Sror dusts, BL ue noiny 8 xra5, nomowy ema st Yad ewoxpen Sror gna. 1. Matka ué gua p xadcce. Ox Ghia 6énen. 2. On we ‘yuk ypéx. V erd Gonésa rorosé. 3. Beck Zelle asl cu éua. Hla fame mien gorse. 4. Auua ooerad xopoud ore fr. Oxi wiéro saunuderes. 5.” On onoaxaa asepl na ypSK. Ow néamio seran. 6. $1 ne wor nani 8 ceénp. Sl sass, 7. Af x0W cern. A cerdaus eute te o663a2. 8. ibwow xopOUs ovopitr no-pjeckn. On aca ava Toaa » Mocks, pe ech f pang ple of, satus by sing the conjs nofeaay, Set Tat the ede the cases os We soe Model: Ania we nofagr » kun, Oud yx cnorpéaa ror ‘umn ° ‘aye cwonpéna Suor dias, nodmony ot Frere 5, Replace te conjunction nomemy by ramon wo change tng tn ois ot he cswe - 1. Aun nadro snrier adua, noSroxy ond xopouid sits er nopjecnu. 2. On ne siréa aéua Terex, nostowy on n26- xo oruetia ua ypone. 3, Crynéxris ne nosropiaat rmarda, nosrony oti nano Hamnciana RoRTpamtiyI pe6ory. 4. Cerdx 5. Biepi @ Gun adusr, nosromy a x6 Gua na vévepe 6. Brepl Ghind naoxin noréna, nodrowy Dbcb Aeub wol CHAE: aut xéwa. 7, V went Goat wors, nostoy me nofay spare B iprtin. & Y'net ue Gano ser, uobrny a me ep ena & vedap. ert 6, Anower the ostoas. Model: Moveny ni: ué Guinn piepé wa craxine? Hn Go ppd ma casne,nomouy) amo y went 1. Tovey on mé Gua cerdus xa aéxausi? 2, Tloseasy om ue xyniin Stor yadGune? 9. oven ou néanwo nepufaues aowdi? 4, Tloseny Tat ne ‘noseomia He auepé? 5. Tloveny ond uabxo caani onsiuen? 6. Tlovensy on né Out m 1ayOe? Exersise 7. Answer the questions: 1. Tloseaj on we miter cesiude? 2. Tovey of xo winder? 3: Hoven ait RE Ohrr mrepa na ypeKe? 4. Tlo- eu ot ne upuroréauau xowéuee sapinie? 5, Hosea Oni ue xover wari 8 Kind? 6. Tlovewy OM Ho x6ver WaT yarn? 7. Tloveuy ou cerdaas taxéR rpjecml? 8, Tovey (8 corsnan Taxis veces? Raercse 8. Compe the senteaes, 1, Buepd on ué Guns xadcce, notoxy, sto... 2. Buepi on We 612% B race, noSrony... 3. Ox ttbxo ormesia ypé, Horoug 310... 4. Ox nadxo orsexsx ypox, nostomy .. 5. Mad nayncens pyc saci Témao wees, nostowy... 6. Ow ows roxopér no-hpamujack, novo) To... 7. Oxé Overs sn06ur Garé, noStony... 8 Beeps om ne xox Teézp, no: rosy sro. Ey Clauses introduced by the Conjunction écau can sderpa Oyser xopéman noréaa, sto nofitin na ceraauén, ae ‘SH wonuny enf mucoms, gam waa) er6 Sxpec. xeric 9, Conbine cath of these pals of sentenes by wing the cenit to Model: B aocxpecéine Giner xopéuas nordaa. Mut notes 2 xepeonio. : Bout a mocwpectase jer xopéman uordra, 1 nobgeat s Zepést 1, Bis npuaére Ko aue. 1 noxanty sam czoid Gnfanoréxy. 2, Tha aamb nolo vnicy cerdans. $1 wepng ef wEpea aoa xn. 3. Bia xorire maywire pjecawi satix, HL nowory aes. 4. Be ‘tepout at Ofneuis, Réwa. A noseom reGe, 9, Cerdyein ua roviaek ® KUNG, Met pivvo Kéwin paGiry. 6. Maa noézen wa ows nerpetirn cecipy. Ord npmiabr reaerpiony. 7. Sant pt Gjaer xésowno. Mut ue noBseM w Gaccdin. ercse 10, Anower Whe questions 1. Uno pa Ginere nézars, ems simxpa Gfger_ xopéwen ordi? 2. to ma Gjpere Abr, Cem sAptpa Ofer XomRD? 43, Uo rat Gaems abnar» e6uepow, Goan y TeOH Gjaer cBo- Sixuoe mpéns? 4, tino OYayr ‘BAUM apyst, eam BAL xjmire ane Gunéraa B x06? 5. ro ust Ofnere aésare aut apyr aaer aw carepéenyio nary? 6, Uro mt Gjaere Zéaate cera, Sonn alarpa y hac Ofxer Konrpinsuas padora serie 11, Complete the senences. 1, Bom méwepon Sfner oxen, . 2. Eom sistpa Oj ser Snewjpeus, -. «3. Heat on npuaér x Want... 4. Bea oh mpyr nobier a Méckay, .. . B. Beam xjmsio Sry Kaul FY, or + 6 Bean 8 nieuw sabe Ojaer nésep, .. saris 12, Compile the senenss. 1. Al mowers mete, eam fem. 3. Ond npg x aie 2, On xger 1268 xn compa, eae. 4. Mak i nyc wésepom, 5. AA sans} en) mace ECM vee» GH BIPEHY TOA Wa BONA, ECAH v6 Te HL yma sant Guaéres 8 aun, Ge rea 18, Compete the serene 1 Bem 3 whe, iy, «2, Eon O88 se suena. mes ean” nossonre. ne, 4 Bean ast pate woe, <3 ORY. Oven pa, ee Rta Ge Se aaM maw Sty Taskry, Gam 2 7. 3 paca Zw ry espn, Geass = St af hn, am Mar nome ei, Ei me Exercise 14, Answer the questo, 1. Yro mjmino nénate, Gea ser Commi? 2. Kya’ méxo oki, dem nu ma6x0 eet sypernyere? 3. Kya nao noir, a ye er ato wen? 4 Kye nyo ot ea ba xonire xynine xocrin? 5, Kyad ajano nota, 6a ovlve nynitn raaéey? 6. Kyat woxuo not tvepow, Gat Y Bac ects cHoGognoe apéu? 7. Kya MéxHO HOKaTe, Goa Yy mac xawikysw? 8 Kyad Wynd noni, Gos ne xOTKTe no eworpers pu? serie 15. Complete the seoences, 1. Eeaw eryaéur xopamé sammuséeres, ... , 2. Eom ery oun'ne onan sxaiuen, ... . 3. Bean venooex 66, 4. Beam sui xonite noftr 8 Telrp, «5. eam max ny aHa xiuira, 6. Bosal ah we aiiere enbo, .. + 7, East Bt ogy Heo 8. Bem ni nosepiion pisky, 9. Beam pur nerpériaa ‘suandworo weaoaéia, ... 10- Eom si onoaqdan Ha ypOR, te 6 Cin th hep nos by wg cores Ce es emt by we Iai einer era ean Min bc » mg 2, ae er twee sa sm 30 et natch Mert tinge Eiiat {eb Osment oe he rons enon. 5Ce to {Sh 9 ogy ao senor ot ney Si PASS ‘Sisal era cena a sda tts sony fs ome Gan ain er oe we Mt sts yin On a rs Sa Clauses introduced by the Conjunction «mdGor erste 17, Reed the sertenses and wile them dows. Note tha: the ation of the verb xoméem the action ol the verb. zamna fin iat ofthe ifative which and tha othe post tee ed Islas Ieeter tone pron intoticed by' und velar oot Feet pee. 1. 91 xouj mpowumdms Sry 1. SL xong, umiGo wu npo- wiry. tami Sry airy 2, Mu zomis nowluo Anse. 2. MM xomdn, unédir wo rowcoat Atte 3. A xouj nossomin Tu 3, A xou, nie wu to- ny. swontae xb 4. Mponosanireas —xduem 4. MIpenoganareas — xduert, rocuompémne Sor natu. in oa ono 5. But xonuime kunins pee Bat somine, und # cone racer? sand vam pjoonse rasé- 6.0u sxivem dame we 6. Ow xduer, eméou 8 Dua pian. ce c00% piaKy. eres 18, Answer the questions inthe affrmative set mame nai ype gn. sors Sono ee Emin, nde ase ra ate ao et se eee rien cae re 2 soni erie a ee cee a er ere 10, Inert verbs i the epproprite orm 1. Oréu xouer, snd ... ma sapine. | pabirare 2, Mipeonaninests xéver, wrd6u nor xopaus | rovopits rnopfecten, Pogiem xovér, sr60Hs xed... ETON B ) aT aepbnie. One aden, andar .. eft yweimms, — | nary SL xo, tut it We aN pina But xotine, smb of an? noapotire at xorine, rou a. aan? OMG Busoni, wat Bn eyp- | pent Bet xonire, werd wad .. want Ganérss @ | xymins rand? eres 20. Complete the sentens 1. Mat xoriw, ré6us mu 3. Oud xOver, wr6Gu on. 4. Ontk ond, TO ma 5. Bur aordre, snd0u @.° 6. Bu xomre, T6081 OB nom mpiroxiix xo sexe, wr66sr 9 nowér ex nepe- ‘ercse 21, Complete the centeses. 1. Oy npmaéa x many eréGis vou... . 2 $l mpi npenoxandreno, wr6Ge om”... 3. Mix npminai x apjry, ‘16 Ga ont... 4. Most cocrpéipaésana xo ae, 1064 5. Cryaéur npuméa X apaw, "rdou on.» 6. Mod aap a npuexaia x0 wie, wr 66 se Anta exanima, aro ef ino np eran yp- dine. ent 7 ‘Ana exasina, uré6ut a npunée eft xypian. [xecelse 22, lost the conjeetin emo or unite, JJ. Tipenonasérens cxasia wax, ... mae npowrrian Sry sity. On cama, .. Sra ira Ovesy mrrepéeras. 2. Bpat exaséa Gomusuy, ..'y wero eondenan Contant. Bpaw cha ‘ia, ~. Gombu6l ipa sexdperso, 3, One neteéa xe, stérow mpaéxan zou6it. On nannca, onl ¢ wanoh dvs nord miners wens. $k manucéa ponies, ... a6T0M 5 O68 sreabwo mpnéay x wan. 4, $l exa36a TooSpeiiy, .. 5 YE unten xu. Tonipam cxasia ote, .. m wymia ewy ava Gunra, 5. Mpenogandren cxa3da, ... Corgan bl GYeM Bt- fcire nonpémimyo pacary. OK exaida, . m1 oHchaM pir Mdrenouor 6-Mou Apye cxasin sure, .- noeworpea Oaner ‘lebanince “Saepos. Ox cuorpen ror Ganér B Boseuucse redtpe. rere 2, Cope the es he ton, eri ae» 2 OM mpnas re iy: Se Cea ns ita Mat Oak etiam Be H-mpan eo, iO SSat at ta. On ap, Clauses introduced by the Conjunction xoms cere 24. Compare the stents tn the left ant right-iad coetan Note the ut the conjunction oh. 1. Ha Sauue 6eia0 xésomio, | }. Xomi wa jane 6ia0 x6- so ior woul yaa, ‘ono, ui outa rye. 2, Ounaysier peta maix | 2. Nom nsysier pjcenn ‘rénuno tp MENG, Ho [me menuaGxo ronoplr 10 cen 3. Rowgpéavuan patra 6x 2 saa, no 207 ya Gini ‘Tpjaman, vet ‘opous wanted eb 4. Syme mien Stor guest, | 4. Xomd a ye wigen Sror uo. yaonéauersien 10 un, sc yaosiact: ccuorpid er6 ene pas fieat toeworpo ef0 etxe as Eercae 25, Replace the conjunction ao by som Model: Brepé y mest Conéna romoui, wo x ‘ynpmoxiean. Xam x ‘yopascnén. : ; 1. Os nexiao elvan wayne pecs cK, no yaKe He naGxa rowopit to-pfeckit. 2B Téxcte sian auéro sesnas ox e200, HO Mir Tomah e76. 3. $f tendo créx STY xB Ty. no saxo duno e8. 4, Ord yacé wewonan6t, x0 Yy mes Goma ronoud, 5 nanicin poe non or ponomider paGraté. 5. Tedsora duns yeréms, no ont po: Janda cook nyre, 6” Jlopera Gund apjaues, no ryplcrs ir anepen. 7. Brov mac praer Meno, No Yee AGaaer uate epi Exes 26, Cambie exch ofthese pi of secs y ag the conptlon a Model: 1 yxé cxorpin Sror duumat. BH Kou) oeworpére eeu pan, Al ye eworpéa Sror Gust, no 8 x00f nocworpéms ted ene pas. onal ya cuorpea SOF usa 4 x08) nocworpets ef6 CHE pa. 1. ¥ wee xopémit Fnac. ul ornd we note. 2. Buc- phn nlmesy xayoe Gait xopéniah Komtépr, se nowen Kay6. 3. Mol coerpd cmd ndatensuan. Ord neaaixo nrpier ta miawivo. 4. Bee cxonds yexere Glau ‘uuaxéxive. Mist tuxdxo.uGnninn Sor zener. 5. Tlenén scats. Mi npoaonnde Imurpte abyoGan. 6, Ha Yate xGaoaio. Cryan xont 69 iene. 7. Ot adaro yuxctnxoroopéne. One san ero. seek 27. Cote the ene 1. Xoni on weafsto méxat 9 Mookas, .. . 2. Xont cu udewonexo er asym pice rat, "| 3. Xonk In ne romopia nie 06 SoM =» A. Nos woe) wa iy Gpiry foxo zea rota," S.. Xow ont Oxeay yee ria, ors 6. Xork Sromy sesonény” 60 ser, e » 7. Xoni exch Ga cuent Tpfnouly «8. Kons eryaénn aman pee Cou B réxere, 8 Xond el wécwomBRO pas nosTopa wep cover Tecepiua, Sentences containing the Correlated Word mom, mo AL npusde maa To, 70 OSes. SL nbaro aSuaa 0'rooy ro nu cxasiau, SL me audio ror6, 0 KOM Bis ronoplte. [Bcecse 26 Invert Be pron mo in the appropriate ase. 1. Bu opmecai ..., ro oGenim? 2, Bur xynitan ..., ‘ono oréam uymira? 3. 91 pccxasda BAM ny 70 3 SHA 08 Stow senonéxe. 4. Mus nonpésinoce ..., 70 at BAgem ma ilcranke. 5. Horn ona ronopiir se. #70 ajuaer. 6. Hor iA Kenaio He -., NTO HAN. 7. HL cKASEA He TO AOTEA 8. Bubmoréxape aan ane we ..., 370 = npowia, Exerise 2, Insert the pronoun mom, mo in the appropite ote. 1. Sxecb wer... xTO naw men. 2. Y nae wer... a70 ant igjaH0. 3. She. mdto .., 0 KOM nu ToROpire. 4 Mie we pido ~., KIO & vaM npuowie, 5. Bu we andere ... RTO sucrynéa ovepa na uévepe? ©. But ie nwmbrre .., K7O ZODopHN an 06 Sros? Exercze 90, fem the pronso mm, mo inthe appropiate cas, ACL. Bas nino noir « wn) s00 u6aser sam now6ee. 2. To- shomire -., Kr He siider, TD s6arpa Caer cobpaune. 3, Pacenaatine o ésepe .., 110 né Guin BNepa a Kafe. 4 Tlepevontre Sra enon”, x10 ué isa ua ypoKe. 5, Mpenonaniren emé pas oGesettia upisnio .., R10 ne B. 6 fps pesrospmmars © soo xopb ear Tejano expure € .., KTO He yuser cafuiare Apyrax. 5. Feo”. aio uaus eaSepeger Tp ‘emp rosévet ~., wax Mit namucéms Sty paGry. C. 10. $f aéaro xjuan 0 ..., ero su cxaséiu. 11. Paceranst fe nme 0 .., STO BB mien wa sKcspeam. 12, Hanami Me Oy KK TI SRHBEME. 1S, PROCRERE ER 0 ey MEO Gxino wa éuepe, ercse 81, Insert the ponsen mom, mo in the approq 1, Mue npisuren ... 40 ais xyniiau. 2. 51 we suéto fo xow au rooopére. 3. Ow manta... aro eRda 4. 93g tenon tro aut pacekanbat wae. 5. Ht erga Giay Tinie ven t70" at exam eG. Mot nonnan oe TD vant rercse 82. Compete the sentences 1. Bane upésutes 10, 410... ? 2. 51 ne sto TOF, 0 KOM 3. Ou rovopiiaa we 70, 470. . 4. Pacckandire wast 0 TOM, Bs gosGavhar Te Kaw... ? 6, HI za6dia rom, 7, Tlocosérylizees © Te, 110. « ” 0 Clauses introduced by the Conjunctive Word Komépotit 51 vexpéman apjre. On xexisn npuéxan ns Mocxes Morin RIM ADIT, ovdpull netinwo npn he | Exercise 38, Combine exch of these pairs of sntinces by using the conjunctive word oda ae 1. Bis nize én umn? Ou wn y wae » Kavbe, 2, Bi sutéere mow cecrpi? Oud paGéracr b wwe GuOnuose: ke. 3. fl anit npetoxaudrens, Ou yuinen » Mockdecnon yee oepenrére. 4, Tae sentir nica? Ox6 senimo 0 deo nénne, 58 Mock apidsaot anraticane cxyatm” On nay Dpoowelt main. 6. $1 orawxéa u canaropus. Ou waxOauTen na Kanedoe A suévo Store eryagura, Sror exysér rtpize (Ou yutises » JTesnurpine). 1 snito cryxénra xordpuii yudaen @ Jlewmnepase. Exercise, Combine each of these paca of selences by ang te imipecedng the wed quill Nye needa Sea aS dome 7 Model: Mok Gpar fuuren » Smod uéne. Ima weisa wars. tesa nan me, par urea 8 minéae, xomdpan wexéxaten na wet Yaue. 1, Mus sian 5 xastoreinpe, Sntam sumomedimp naxéaezen a cocénwe Jamie, 2. Bur Osis goepd na nosttepre? Simon onuyépm Guia w najGe. 8. Anka Gund ua oéwepe. Bévep Gut D aye » eySéry. 4. Bix stent Jno ineawd? Ono exano 1 xine, 5. Cryaéur warier nicsad. On noayaia dno nace 45 cers Frpox. 6. Bar sndere Sy enyaéurey. Ond wean ‘opwéxana 1 dIéuzows, 7. But andere dmcao crynénra? mom amy artes wa stop xjpee. 8, le 30 den Wee aysiia auep’. 7. fl xynita Kury, ... créut omit pyt bei Bropi & noayruia nneund. B Grom nuciaé oxbi a 8 noayvia muesNé, 8 xorépom ore, mimer 0 erie 8, Combine each o tet pr of setees by wing the selva compe Ee in’ Wat sped me fs SSae'Geu'w he word sop, Model: Buepé s xyniin yxe6ume. roxopin saa 06 Seow adore , Buen 0 xyin yusGmne, 0 Romépon m mast ropopin 1, Cerdaun miner xéeyuney, $1 pacceissan ro 06 nod Oéoyuxe. 2. Mine upisren Bra Sanca. Ha Smod gaue tae wo yr. Heal 9 ny uy. Ty Ie a6 sre Ree, 4 Vapow m erpérna pirat ropopn Ban 06 Smow Oajec, 3. $1 earn restry. B dmed easéme Tow wareuiran coo crux 6. Mu Guia p ade, B drion ine aun wens tmcdnens. 7. paSerao 2 iene. B dod tuxéne ying NOR par. [xercise 87. Replace ede by konpa in the appoctate fom. Model: Tis adem gow, 2de xio8r raoM xpyc? ‘Tet suderms ox, 9 xomépon xBET THOM apye? 1, But ondere kudos, rae us noxynéew raaézu? 2. But cian 5 sine, rae wis cajuiaen xox? 3. 91 KynIAN Ou 1 roirp, sxe ater yaxé Grim. 4, Cryxéinn nay 2 Gu6morEEY, sae oh Oepjr xii, 5. SL audio répaa, me ow Ke pause, 6. A norepin cxowgps, rae x iMea cxoad. 7. OMn wa ey ‘hiopane, rae paGéraer wo ové 8, Bepi ass Gam wa na ant, rhe eandanres rep. Fxecite 8, Combine each of thee ct of snlones by sing mo nips the spoptei, eee 1. Crygéie xymiin rasén | 3) Kudex uaxounen ma aie see welt auce ») B row xndene wero Gx itor 1aDevu Ha pyeexon 2. Brepi aon auréau reser, | a) Sror tener wit acu Dacexdasas. a. ypsne, ) B Stow rexere Ciao unc 8. Mate amir cnt w rir a) Spon en veaxSxeren ci. b) B Sten seéspe putéraee 4. Cryaéur norepia noprpéas. | a) B nopripéne Gita rerpd 2 0 xu by Stor uopnbéne ow nya 5, Tigene ypona mir nodaé »| a) Tart wir 6fzcs cafwars san 6x. ») Bror 38m naxdurren pie 6. Tre wewoséu? 2) B ewordue ser wo ee 1 On cron azecn, ero 9, tod nthe spel fom. Model: Mae wpivurex xusira, .. sur roropre. ‘Mae upiaises rece, 6” konpa ma rowopiv 1,9 sie soMs on ne ronopin, 2 Sun wane, oer aul poicegp. 3, Hn a fame, San SL i a, . Fe oe, a sin, 6. sl ya ypu, nh Me mcha 6. Baen 9a Rest dutta, ... urpin Sramemineh apricr, a Brewcise 40. Complete the sete. 1. Hono agoyuey, 0 eoripos ... 2. Al rin wy, 6 xotépof ms » 5. OH AiOET 8 ropORe B KOR de Me ae npdnates note! o Kosspont ... . 5. SL mixen swine, » K0- Topon 6. Beepé ou Goi # xeizpe, xoTspost . « 7. Mae rpdore Gama, 2 xoTSpol .. « eres At, Compa the sentences 1. fl anio eryagitoa, © Korps. « 2, 9 swt nai, 0 noTOpu we dr HK aio sada, wa notépac .._. 4, On un p ropoadx, o'xorspaix .. » 5. Mur sien macdvenel, 0 xordpun 6 SL minen faust, ta wordpax .. . 7. Ow (Gan 8 Aobibs, » KOTSpUNX » ercse 42. Combine each of these pls of seatenes hy sing romdpat te apc Uo Model: B Srox ade ainér aéoyuna. Imy Oéeyury 9 sHSI0 sen. Brot nGwe weer aéayinka, Komépyo 2 aniio ans. 1. Ha eroné aencir xnire. Smy wxdey noxaptin we woh ronipme, 2. $1 euorpen dmc. Smom drusa sts conéroReatt Rocmorpérp. 3. Mu ronojion 0 crarsé. my cman) wat he ‘Fat prepé ® rasére. 4. SL ahito pacexas. Imom, pacenda alliuans weep’ no péato, 8. SL afgea cryaéare., Imoea emy- oama su weadan Bteps 6x00 werp6. 6. 51 sHio yenonéea, Smoeo aesogéea wer BexpSran w Teanpe. 7. Bur swierw méc~ no? Sm néouo en wa nésepe apricr. 8. Bi wautnh ras ciay? Ory nadenulaey max xoréam Kynlize. 9. Bix onfere ryxénra? Smioeo emydeknia cnpaumsaer npenonasirest, xereige 43, Combine cach of thas pats of sentences by wang x pts the propriate fo Model: fl npomrés slau. 1 mona Sous nuteu » SSanonéee Gi nposnéa Keir, komJpae st ssn » OnCmroTek reps ¥ went Git moana. Bex shéere wx Baepd ¥ Meth Gia Toston, Komdpoor wa andere. 1. Ha croné sexxir rasérit, Qu xyaiin Sra castes 9 xadoce, 2. Mme wpdearen nécan. Seu néow ném wa Bésepe coverexne cryneasn. 3. B adne clas padowe. Mar nparas- Chm ax a Rats BEHeD. 4, Sze mfr Mod upyses. Tet x0- pou sudeus sib opysea. 5, B Mocxsf somiit upaésars hod poxirenr. $1 nieno we aise wx. 6. B cocéanel xéma- {re aenagr exyzéama, fl He amo Juz cmydiunos. 268 Exercise 1, Inset wort In the oppopite form. 1. SU wurdin uairy, .. nw cooéryere ame npowrnine. 2. $1 suarda xnity, .. neni ba craze. 3, fl SHA KUT, BAL Pacckéaunaere. 4. 1 andio crynénrky, ... Xopomd Hrper 8 oneliGoa. 5. sudo cryxéurey, .. uot” were. 6. suo erynény, . ast rooopiinn. 7-H hiinen exyxeara, . aHaer 1 droit xésave. 8. fl mixes eryxénra, ... Bit xopoms siie- re. 9, fl miten eryaéura, ... mu rovoptai. 10, Ou ander ocex rynéir0, «Sear ha wine axyasrére. 11. On ander feryaéuroa, as npursaciaw na aevep. 12. On snder crye Exercise 45. Complete the sentences. 1. 51 auito nGoyuiny, xordpas xerepy0 0 xorepoi 2. $1 winea now, xordpatt KorOFOR o kai 8, 51 anito wexonéka, ore ordporo 0 xorspow 4.51 suiio anoxé, xonspse oroparx tors be 48. Combine each of these puis of sentences by uslag no- ‘he seagate fom. * wing 1, 51 we ante eryaéira, Smomy emydtumy wx nsw cook cnonip, 2. Buons 1 xowin X mpsty. $1 pacekaxia ex 0 c00- &% Gonéann. 3. 3zecn unex oH Apyr. H nOMOTaO e243) ‘ir pecan six. 4, Sry nevopmo ie pacckaséa suaKo: ve Baepi usr saowtinn en. 3. Kan sooyr Sry ageyunny? Bus Kymin, ed Gunde w relnp. 6. Cerda Mod cocés ‘aia need ot wadaued cecrps, Ox wéero niet eit Exerlee 47. Carbine ech of thse gaia of seatnces by ung ‘compa Ta thn appropiate form, 1. 91 icro seriowmséio cnnerd rosépama. C Suse mond pungent 5 a ua mpixrane. 2. $1 noayala nicand or avira C raust Opijoon x. suakon wiiro ser. 3. Bu shdere Sty Ae Byuiny? C dod Gloucs Gein Beepd xi. 4. Mo po- ot 1. Bundiet rpjane gues exy- | 2) Oué npuéxana ines apaxéuts © wowenépon, C Sus warcnépan m pa6e- ‘aro. 5, B xoxo rpfane pmrea Sz0r cryaéur? Bat pasros unas c nus 9 Kopwadpe. 6. Tae padcreer Sror apa? Bur pasosipuaau ¢ mux no Terebday. Execcae 48. Combine each of thew puis of sentences by aning saps 19 the sproprini foh 1. Kax oof? niuero rongnta? But Cm y ee meni 2, Kan sonjr mpasd? Bu Gian y mead cendann S1pom, Sol Koutare is ryadana. 9 Gp 9 wae sti se untr eryaeit? Ba Opanit y weed sarod, 5. Tipenoxt romp cipociia 0 exygenre, Inneo emypekma Xé OUAN0 2a ypoxe. 6. $1 anino opty eryaéwrxy. eP uméro Kanne ua yeexou seumé, 7, 9 kyniin xwary. Smod walew ner Bie med GuGamoréxe. 8. TIpenoganérems emé pas OOvcwia TexeT cerynéuran, Smux cmydinmos ué Gino weepd wa SaNATARK. Exercise 49, Combine each of these pura of sentenc -omdput tthe aprepate fa by sing Tyniea esa 1) Be soojr deh «) Oxf xopas rovopie 0 P's varie spystt > T6uxove, 2) Ero soeft Bonégn 3) On fame p. wemmine aoa atcranjze. 6) Ht nostanéuen © man 1 Mocxoe. 4) Ht nowortio cay waysirn fanenieah ett. 8. Ceréana a ypone ami wu. | a) Pacexds naw ote no ‘rian paces upaien, 1 Mic tivo. ondpum 06 rou pacexdoe. ©) Ero, sanpcin eterna a cooénett micdren. 4. Kax soajr aéwero apjra? | a) Ou pubdraer a rednpe +) Bu Sdero saontre en ¢) $1 mise eed y sac 2ha, @) Bu Gam © minty Mac wa vevepe. 2. ¥ eu eon, rosipam, Exerise 60, Conglote the seston. 1. B name rpfinne youren erynéarka, xorépan yy Koropoll oripyi0 © xoropoi © KoTOpod | 2. Mol apyr acnoér w AGwe, xordpuit ..« kon xozépor0 x or6powy répea norepane 3 xoroput 2 korspox 3. Ha ypike aw rovoplinu 0 cranes worepan © orb 23 KoTOpof xorpyio ere Ot. Answer the questions using mempad. Model: Kro, maxéit mxsrosnix? Uwsaemune— $10 dais, womépedd funren a wks AL 1. Kro rascin umdaamuua? 2, Kro raxdi erynéxt? 3. Kro racin eryxéunke? 4. Kro Taxoh mpenomxirem? 5. Kro ‘Tan6fl umedrens? 6, Kro Taxoit xynbucna? 7. Keto taKR nposaséu? 8, Kro raxol noxynévezs? B. 9. Uro zenée aymndpnn? 10, no raxée croninae? 11. Hiro ‘ranie crynéuscexoe oGmextirte? 12, tro rake enoiipe? jet and Indireet Speech rect Speech is a Statement Hwan cxasia apjry: «FL noavontio 1256 néyepons. ‘Dan cxandu pyr, wre on noawowir exp MéNepon, verse 2, Replace the dliect sete by inst speech, 1. Thpenonaadreao cxasin vase: eB cy66Gry sk 6fxere m- fre nusrduts, 2. fl exasan ZLxOny: «Y ae ers aaa GHIE ray reing, 3, Ama aniedsa coo pouiheane: 61 exéipo pwéay sows. 4. Molt Gpar nossomia ace: 8, Mot apyr enpocia wena: eTloweny na 6 Guan w¥epd a owuepret 9. Mare. enpoctaa ciina! «Kora ut epneusen Jones 10. Mis expoctaw sora exyaéera: Oreja 76 pe 2s ML. The Direct Speech is a Question containing No Interrogative Word Al enpocia apira: «Tur winen séaate gums 5 enpocin apjra, mien ak om Tost uate, toe TS ta he det ety nds eth, Ren bo AR enone re rut be ped Wt 1h aed 1, Hila enpocting ac: «Bsr quméau Sty usiry2s 2. 91 asin gre Ou cern guerasnnehs 9, Nu eape am wx: «But Oriau a. aevaaKeds 4, Ava cnpociing ty Tis noapudewo mica us aéuars 5, 51 enpochar end: clea seetph nedém € Mints w reinp?> 6, Mik cupoctian npencasee Teast 4, Cryatimis enpocdaue npenotanireom oer pdevaeno pens sandr?» §, Ansa enpociia toni Rospiey sHumepéeno Gixo wa wevepe? 6. 51 capaci eaneed spite fia Diteo sexan wensé> 7. HL enpociia Flina: clot Scored aysdeam, pfocxin statin? Exercise 57. Replace the ioinet speech by eect spec, Model: Mpenoszniren enpociia tac, ec8 au wate noninuo, Tipenoranirens enpocia wae: «Bow we noudrno’s 1. 51 cupoctia omus, wee au raxér on npowréa. 2. Hoye enpoctin news, noe an sania peunin, 3. Mu noun & oe 8 ¥ eapocian, aneee aw Ofaer_xéann. 4. Cryxéies enpocian cpm ond ay soi ahaa 8 apocis Airy, 8 Som mae ont copocin Simona, » roi at roxj'ov Gat » Nocaee IV. The Direct Speech is an Order or Request Tiperosasizens cxasén nan: oMlpownrditve Stor reser, Mipexonaaitens ckasin max, SOG Mt apouNTaan rercne 88, Replace the rect speech by indiect spac Bea in sind hat in clasts lteduced ty "ine eomlsion ‘laa the net fakes Be pst tense 1, Mpenogandreas crasia naw: sOrapslire rerpdaw a nie tire née. 2. Mut nonpociaw npendxasérenn: llostop Te, nomaaylicral,’ nocaémce mpeanoncues, 3, On cxasaa cryaéerast: S."Atme cpasina Jiminy: flomsoui ane cerOnkn uésepoun, 4: Soman os ional we spec 5. Ou en as eT Mises HoMGtb, Mie?» 8. Ow enpooin went «Te aun foro snouts 7 Noh yr epee me ye 3d mat osama nol noprgéasd 8. H cupoetn us: Ves pwsogia xo. nue wer 9. OX nonpoots wets «loser ne, Doményscrals 10, Tow capocdn neni: «Ts npourdaue Sry airy 20 ey66ra seca 6. Rplice the dc speck hy Inde epth, 1. Ou expoctin nae: 1Kyad mt mare? Bs orwérna ex ai "yxtie 9 nln. 2. On enjoin en Tur ein Sy Tnueys Hl omeraa: sHer, ne nti. On exaxdx ne: ol org) ners etl Sry mys. 3. Mars enon eat ie Gan Beep kno? Cats onperna: ela, Gaze. Mave capocina: «C ‘eit mi Guia 8 xine® ON owerin: Sl Gua & voRepHulen, SS Tonpang nonpoci wens: sOonscil ate dea angio, $i ckesin exy: Tlonpoct JLGra, oven 370% cate ai, ax perp Srv aun 8. 3 ‘nonpadia apjra: «Poco dine, kan Geary a seine. Ou exackit pool Avy, nove) ‘10 oft Gira w Sur Telzes. sre (2 Replace the det apes by Fadel sph, 1. $1 enpociin JLnéua: «Tix Gan aepd xa co6pinmi?s ‘Bowoit oraetna: wil ME Glan vo coopéane, 51 enpoca ert ‘Tioweny a 8 Ga? On oroerna: «1 ne or ws coCpA, Toren wro 5 Gsin Gone, TioveM ox ‘enpocin nae: eine: Ecos Gkxo codpéane’s Nut omni: «la, codpanae Cio tearepscnoes. 2. Ansa copocina wews: «Ta siran Sry xaity?s HLofosina: ofl sunia e@ g npounow roajs. Oxi epoca ead? «Tee nowpdsiaace, Sra xnica’s $f orpéraa: loupe ‘saci, Ava enpocine: © ret ects ots St orpetna: «Bests, ‘org oud cxsata ue: «fad ane, noxdaylira, Sey xwicye 3. Breph n Gin y_ npeed. Bee expan wend: no y aac Gouin omer: W seas Goair TomoNb, Boas ened: ‘Karin reumeporfpa Guad y sac faponds Hf oneetan: ote m0 suiios. Bpaw cnpocia: «Bu muro paGéracre?s 1 oméram: “1 paboravo wewttoros. Bpaw exaaan: allpaenire $ro nek feroo a ryastire Kanab newb ABA acd. en Bagg tects ait ops Nate te 1. AApyr enpocie wews: «tro 1 xénan wiepi aéxepou?s 1 omoimua: alsvepa. vévepow Ni € mpyening XOANH a Kis, 2, THpenosastrens covtuiia nawt: «llocaeaderpa y nae Ofser Kowspoantian padéra, Mis enpooksu «otrpCusaan paodra Gjaer npjmwan> 8. aKaxjwo nuniry ex werdetus?s— nowime- pecoedacn osspau. «fi wi0 postin Léa0xo8a, — omaémuse A 4. sfloveny ‘Tia Tax cHewliNn?s — yOuslacn woll xDyr. Sty pa Gry cordate, — peuiia ikon. 11. B maceaé Opar nanueda ne: «Kynar upainad see n6coe Sepa. le and Verbal jons Sentences containing Parti Adverb Construct Participles Present and Past Participles Active Ecersze 1. Read he selene aa write them down: Comgore the sensi he St an ht and abs me ALL. B aymrrdpmo sown 1. B aynarépmo pomén npo popéccop, romépat ‘piecop, aumaiouud ax ‘uumaem Nast alvauie ‘sbeaa no werd, ro wemépu, Kax6A npopéccop pow s aysirépino? an 2 Buopé x maw npuxo- 2 Buepd x naw npuxoasiaa sina crynéurna, 62 eryagienea, usyedouue ‘dpa uayudem apd apiioonud ast. nu i. axis eryaéarks mpexowina 1 nam nxepé? 3..B_ xopnadpe eros. 8. B. xopispe eroitr ery- exyagirat, xomépue erat, cdabuyue ceedarer czadann COaiom ons radaen no auriepamgpe. eno. aumepamg be. Kauie eryaéursr eros 3 Kopnadpe? B. 4. 1 enpociin aéayumy, 4, $f enpocta aésyunny, cmo- ‘omipan coded na ewpo na camddyenod ‘aemd6ycxod ocmante ocmanésne, rae ax THE HaKOMATER Te cn Tearp. ap. __Kanjio aéayuncy ms eupociint © ox, rx° waxdzien 16+ ap? 5, Mu npursacin coop eran Srmepta. Kani erystnoe ma mpurascit x2 cet wévep? 08, puss uate us dlewancpda, 6 Molt Gear auaxin ¢ 6. Molt 6par snaxcne © ecérexets, omépoul clreney, ” wanucdowise anes Sy RR. my eey, xansinn mucérenen suaxd pau 6par? verse 2 What gusatons do the particle oaleutions answer? vEmosn, padémaouunu 6 Model: Ms paoronipisaan € termine isan ect ys st panroadpnacn? 1, Jényuia, rbonan ese nieuws, Yren » we nne, 2 Bache ‘1 nosHaxéumaca ¢ wenKeHépoM, padcrai- Ii wa Gorwand sane, 8. fh sco wa) Apyanthy 10} Stomp Averpinn Tipopecop pearonpnaser co eryaesran, ayes vezagity. 3: Ciyabime, metiiote ath deadpan, none xopound sare isuny W METCASTHN}. m 6, B rasére nucim 0 sezonSue, rosopnen ws nocewndanarH owix, 7. 9 suai © atoyunnaut, paderaionbit BNStlel GrGxuoréxe. 8. $1 nonoravo cryaéuty, usyssroateny pfecKt vercse 8. What questions do the putiiple consrsetions answer? Model: B rete wm serpin mcéreas, axemyniaweo 9 nas kagoe. Kasico nneirea nex ocrpéruam 8 vedzpe? 1, Cryaéims, exdsume susdnemt, yéxaan via npéxriy. 2, Mer mpuraaciaw na névep macétexssieny, NaMHedNy}O Ki. ry 0 cryaturax, 3, 51 enpocin 0 peaysuvaran Sntira 1460- Parry, npososisuyio Sror Onur. 4. Spiresn scrpérimics © apnicratar, urpiaunaun 8 dime «arene. 5, Cergain x 60% Y npaué, aesuiowero wens 3 mpéuuaon ony. 6. Mo serémt Prcckis’ 06 ysénow, vcoandouien népeyio. Mouéa paKers. 7. Hum GyiGoniers wpa ¢ KOMA0R, ‘npHGxantue i oyréro répoxe. Brorcie 4, Compete the senksees using the participle contue- tan gen ote Wah ao eames 1. 3an numsiremuo cafman mpoiéccopa | swrdaumh née: vw. « Mii catia, saniexy npopéoco- | ~ ino 0 xéewoce Dye ne » Mdoae any ane pasronipi swe npopéccopou, .. - BH enbia- 2H patie 0 MpOHSOGE, a 2 2. aurda wary nueéreAs, ... B Mocs: | uonysiouat H6- ‘By npuéxan nncéven®, ... TIpenons | ” Ganeackyo pé- rem pacckeaa Hew 0 ‘ineézene, ano. BSTOuy Mur noeadame nosapasadune ncareaio, | reap “Mur xoriin erpermisen © mHcare- 8. B saddpdndpa pane wononte yet | xéxtmaa gos in osnardhtres © wosons. | “vei Gaya Ha xonbepSiamio | én yrepen: Reiley noesanix wonoseie yuensx, ora 4. B néuea rpfane yaaren eryaéira, | apuéxasume ua B xnyGe @ sexpénin cryséuros, «| Kauane AL mosuaxounzen co. eryaéeranmy XK eryaénram, ..., mpm uo apyand wos mm Exercise 6. Complee the gentecee aslag the nouns quid by saree ceases get bob ee eae i, gd 2 heanone E On cain Coudeory es ar mr i SoS SD bm naeomin B tparve wa Prong feud, ommpadland wowed cuniiacerud aacadim Scat sits 5 ee somany perroerraser: ‘Man awaéutt 2 Eercee 6, Toect the appropiate fom of th paren gven ta recta (ons) raséry, paGéraer » niwek 2! Sioy yee uaa, Mas erysE OD, (ayumi) pfconwd soxie. 9. B wen eajCe CsA ney Su eryadiron © oeypuaicrou, .. GaOotarud) wT Hoscersi. 4. $1 xopous voHtino aoa. (ougpaunse) opjeenn. 5. 1 axaniat connotes”. Gmnapias) ‘row ante. 6. Kiser sem mibay posi, (eNom) ox wet Ye. xorcive 7. Write down the ves from which thse parties ae rads Model: afuaounit— xfer A. reaioann,sonpinaam,xorcou, nop, aoe shy mafne pS, opeausoN Semetasty pamed anton, taveyssrocuien Yanai, B, penis pendanne, aponépcua, mapdmun exaait, Exandeunn, Tonya, oGenentonn mm Exerie &, Rela ihe paricipe contacto hy attbutive lass ost cratucin pneu! yal ‘ate inveraly fakes Ce nvm, * Model: Mu caapian oxsiwen mpobccopy, «amdoweny abe ‘ua © dlomorenow yarepemere. ut cana sce mpoosecopy, xovépih surndem aécquta 9 TienOReKoM ysaeperTeTe. L.A mpauea x apfry, mcofueny 2 o6mencinnn. 2. ¥ copa. inca Sil nate unio. epue nuxeerinox. 8. 5 suo. RéoyuIy, WaVtjio nO KOpUROPY. 4 doy,” oases san haserpy, pire a "nan agée. b, Cryatir, cisiuuh » napxe'wsuviiowuth Ky, eB mde rpfmme. 6. Cryneira, enamero pizon ©O 08, s0aft od. Sec pig rte tn by ue ES ag Sete tion ty 1. Buepd # pasronépapan ¢ covérekus cryméntom, Hayyd- OUUIDS aetinificKn scik. 2. K kam 8 YRERE apaeaicét ‘pail iad «roe beatae c Et Se ee ta Se tere ath i fae tan Sra cya fn € pga ae SEE. gr pha opal oa een oe ae cao " te inte sud Ss, le outta br tate 1 ti mets, egy Sar sou a ‘yaSOHRK Hyrken crynénvam, Noma pyecKwit ai, Festa oar, Dare sent ay eget ets Seer La carmen eos iio oe iia, See! Eat SS Sn titties mci ate ini la Saas Se ie Erecse 1, Relce the partie cootoctons by attitutie laut Tntosan ypu, a Ps i 1, Crypénmt staneirentao enfant Tonépuma, orseude- ere wa" Bonpdce npenonaséraas. 2. Ha coOpaiam aekai osxpén eryaésroa, xopoms cxininix skein. 8. FL enpO- cia. aéeyumny, cvsésinyio pAROM, Zant Im mesancd rumba 4. Ceyzta, onosadsunah ba aésuno, pemia ne Bxoim 8 ‘ayawrdpuo, 5. Menon, nétuexnt wa eudny, oust 0 ue gra, 6. Ha Kpiewoh unomaai uit vetporian ty plctoa, npacxanunx 8 Mocxsy a3 pisuax crpax. 7. fl exasaa onépuiuy, oawosiaweny we nO Tenebouy ero wévepost Oyay Ait, 8, MeayuIKS, Meistuan cTar apricrol, no frymiéna n reaspamuinct aucuerfr. 9. Mok par, coopéonat RéCKOMAO THeHS MpoR, MoKasia Me cow KennéaLMD. Exercise 12, Replace the porticiple constuctoas by attButive clauses intone By Romp. 1, Peéaoru, waxoyiamwocn » ropix, aga uGema we nony- ‘sim nicew n raaér. 2. B ropix wey serpérazm ansiuicroe, ROMMMRUIRKA wa chuyin suESkyIO eepmnday. 3. Yenoséx, Tromasinien ua axpare, Okun noxéx wa Usp anzuna. 4 Hie noxsaén wictepy wacsi, ocranosininacen mete Nagdy. 5. Cryadimma, rordemuuees i suséneuant, RGurO cunAT 1B GnGmicnéke, 6. Ela wctaaxy mpuad ams, unTepecjio- inwcor fhororpafiael. 7. Cryaéirea, cobpsuuwecn se, xa sworn werent. 8,5 cxaiaCpiny, nda we Ynimenyer AOMOR, Sto X eM mpanonin rosin. 8. Mune IWionép MOROwER K xauuine, ocranonKmeten wa yray Jamu. 10, Bicpé mis Grin na coOpéai nposoacinmenen xa vacd 11, Mine wpiuares asoae, mmtepecsiomnecn wait re 1. Ferm pent parts ace fom fe we Texguams—enjuaoayat ‘inde parare ajuans, noayuse, ncaa, way, sunt hr, cama, "ee gr Soa, etpelim, meri, onapunine,saisrscs, TrpestTock, capes 2 mucin — pues : eckzonaroy sprnonirs,oprauuaoeén, Taner, se eoontres, . J clasine —cdabuad ‘porantnn, nepezaners, evant: $udine cua ; csuorpers, niger, Beanies, sascers MEMORISE: | Spar — Gepyfuunt Brcse M, For pst pte ative frm tee ree Model: nan — nanucbauaa ‘pourim, nocaém, nepexite, Gparv, users, ysRandnb, Yandtn, pacesasity, oxynsts, Ryiiie, Katenire, aoa onli, nau, matin, arty ckanin, pe, HOR ‘unt, mACryune, oGuactine, onxplie, onxpude ere 16. Canela the serene by ang pate comin Anas raed fom te ees gen oo Oe sights Model ft nocnin mcums xpiry pyr xéneun Stneporer. A nocnin mncens apyry, ninwoweny yruzepcum. Mor xowint x ronipieny, Tonipnt amet rosopin na 0 Tondqmc, ‘3 apyrdn 06 Bu andere woers roaspuuua, meatira Beep y wer adwa Onn Tons = Man ae tec TOREDAAA, SL xoKy w KiNG Hm TeleD 70 antes, B Gpbére vst sixemr aéoyamy, A shaxch © AESYUINOR, Moh apye expiutisan Neil 0 a6 zyme, . Hue npinnien xésyuxa, B same rpfane ecm oryniur, ...| Stor cryattr ‘iene sanibtderes autasiewine nat | npwéxan a Co- OM co CTYRENTOM, erexoro Cam . Bésepow us nofata b Fdemm x ery-| sa xem, . B obticacimn x serpérna eryndi- Bu ‘nie pacenésaioan 0 cryaéi- Exercise 18. Relce the atethative close Induced by ond ly pete contains "cont Model: Xyasuuuns, womépout wapucosis Sry xaprdny, axa 1s mpauaos née Xygbxc, “napucoadauull Sry Kapri ‘spesose xe . 1. B mdpce cuséna aésyuna, xovdpan suréaa_xatiry. 2. Yuenix, orp peinin uépey saxdny, eran penis spite. 3! Cryéum, sore tayuine. pena, To oomrer K skzaweny. 4. TIpenozasirenb, ‘Kovopsit noceria Concrexuli Cofs, paccedsman uae 0 Mooxné. 5. Cryaei, Roropse newsiro suaoT pecan seiK, Xow no Myae0 Ges nependaunka. 6. Kuen, xordpnie seiké ua GRE, RY3K- mai ate aaa paGira. 7. "Micrep, xordpu npovepsia Wat emmibon,oasin, 70 Teneiany Goraer orate, lncévess, oTOpul waumeda ory” uiuiry, IDET 8 beri ree 17. Reg te stu le noted by Kamp bby participle constructions. - 1. Typiens, xonipite npvéxaan nosamsepé w JI6ux0n, ceri FafarMlapx. 2. Buepi a noayain mncoud or pare, ovopick aonoér » Tleiunmrpane. 3. Mok ovéx amis Ha aau0n, oropadh erpoires cocenen répoae. 4. Bes rovoplinn 6 Mamoue, KorOpuh uueryndn sep ue xomépre. 5. ApTO- nobis, Kordpwih ctomr y wéwero Gua, npunaaieir ypas. 6. Xynoamun, xondput nonwcda Sry kapniny, acme lor siwmim. 7. Cryaéirs, xorépsie pen noStarb a SKcep- feo, cxasém: 05 St0u cHoeuy apenoaaséreno. Exeie 18. Rach tiie ce inked by mda ‘by participle constructions, 7 1. aio veronica, cordpulmanieba Sry kr. 2. Mu uxt = ema oupah tian wepr Stun, 3 To pig pacochuna 0 esnpe, kondpu paces °énzon i Mook. 4 Suokypconn pacvasen mae 0 yxéncmte, rorya anna Sry Tap. 5. Ms uonpoct. Zi npenoneabven, Korda ofaacn nan wll werepead, oprepiny ene po 7, sv0 on ronan. 8. H cpookn eso: ita, eoripu Spoxouin wl ek, wax apo Bast. oi oe ae pee ee, aoa eae ieee, ae participle constructions, me 7 ee came 1. B ndwem redzpe sucryndsm apriicts. Oni npnéxann ieee a re eek et pre mee Bt cage te oe ora Baie a mi Dine ae at Complete Form Participles Passive ercse 20. Read the sentences and wile them down, Compare the reagan tbe te aol ghd lms eet stra ‘Eines pouive ae formed frm peresive fanalive vee 1» GuGavoréxy 1. $f epayn m OnGmoréxy ymdpal po yptia, npotdmanaest 2. FL igekomxo pea upow 2, $1 nBexonKo pas _mpowe ‘ran meu, xomdpoe wa ‘ha muchd, wardcanaoe suc woh ore oft om6u. 3. Kira, xomépyo a xyade 3. Kura, gnaennan mao cerdats, cron Oni cerduis,erdar ont yo. pyc. “ 4. Bpawomépoao npueaa- 4. Bpas, npuenautnant x ctu 'x” Goniny, pa Gonwitiy, paboraet 8 ro- ‘act ropoxcxdl Goat ponexGi Gonsarine. ine, mm 5. Cryxénms, xomdpiux wat 5. Cryaéuna, scmpbennse scmpémuns wa Saale, nding wa Yona, enema enema na coGpime, a cogpénie. Eveccep 21, Wile down the verbs from which tte pales paste te ore a 1. pacexonumah 2, mayen 23. ompsinsis powramns onjeenee anger ‘amfcart ponent saci pons oenpéesial ager nécasnsn pewemst cera céanant ynacamih none opramdsas noxroréssewsi ——pliarar senpincomer yours Exeice 22. Complete th sateces using the parle cote tions ee a te hake ae 1. Max sama w xe, roepéemnal 9 Hina cod tepetkana a zou, . | “apo ro ‘Mannitaa croft Gxono ima, ... . 7 2 Brepd nes aw na xowaéone, .. . | opramaéeae Na ndiano mpc exnngja, | Pagan Gryxt eign epum te Yas | earn cron tlre Sen tate rovdoiecs nomdsry, 8. Mu caézam yspenaton, Si ge ean nr pp Mi a 8 nomen» yond... ‘inane wi nom sere 3. Comptete the setees sing the nouns quale by srt comrictions gen the rel. eee 1. Mar smmsizeman0 exfurem Tipenoxanévem pesronipuna snéexop, npurna- ‘meee B aut ‘Mat anaomiposaam ... - runpepenté idee axe ae Foxoptn : 2. 51 wr veuira, amican. Y went ier mag Suit mie Mar encpame céreaest eo 8. Cryaéier mpamts © ude cond, none Tat ya uposurda .. ? oe us 26a Sororpagum aeacéom 4. Moz noxaséat npenosanireno .. seni, penne Ha ypéxe wit nponépaan nésxonixo ...| mie néna TipeHloganérens enpocda wae Everts 24, Compare the sentences fa tbe let and rgh-tand col unm Note tht fhe conenetive word nondpac ‘itricing te aulor- ‘dnafe daowe which replies a parce cstratiog will paras festive vara tals the costeatve, 1. My xpésues xara, x0- mépye nanucia stor &- AL. Mue upésures xauira, ‘aaniicannas. Sri 3° Topow. op 2, Ma naysdew difamey 2. Ma wsyasen dpsuny no wetib neice! gabe nandpfo neacke Sra sop. ior darop. 3. Pre mdino nym 3, Tae agian wy Xoniey,nanearyyo "ny, Roméppo nanucia Sri trope? ‘tor darop? 4, Tipenonasdvem romo- 4, TTpenoxasirens rosopiin ist naw 0 Katie, a> aw 0. Kure, Komp yo hdeawted ru ist0- anaes S10r axrop. pow. B. 1. Mirepéono micrynin 1, Hirepéexomueryna xyp- xypiianien, piesa: aac, comépoeo Ms pte adn Haden 8 enacts xa Bésep, ep. 2, Bu noamaxénumicn © 2, Mu nosuakéuuumics ypaaaiicron, np Deypuanicron, eamdpoco eaauuaawin WN Ha Matnpuzaacis wa 3e3ep. ese, 3. But siete amyprani- 3, Bar steve mypnaniera, ra, mpueaauuennceo EN i Déep? 4, Ha caézyoumil xem 4, Ha caéayronmi nen noe ee roDopit O.2KYp* ronopiiau 0 rxypuanicre, waniote, mpueaaen- Romépoen we nipuesachas how dna a Mevep. a weep. vereise, 25, Replace tho purple conetntions ty attiutive claus traced Uy samp Model: Mu 6iine na Mir Gime ua iierunne, semépyo opeanusoeia so ‘00s xydGocne a. crane, opeanusbaanod mosndsious 1 SL xaméa wiry, norépmamyio Métieson. 2. Hane n0- pinay, ep, opraigatinal cryRSrTan erat WS. cop. 3. Onepais, caénainah WepecrnuM apa, “npn yensunio. 4. nopéena ud. creny Kapuihy, noxipentyo Ine women zpyssshan, 5. Tow ue néwsa”npennoxenti, ‘icannoro npenoganérenest va Rocke. 6. Boe kaya uci xapritna, Mapucdnaumtse wun xyaGwrnnaa 7. Mu upnucend xa ypox raaéru, snaemse ANG BHCDA. 8. Tdeae quinoa subtyndam apnictes, tena6 uerpéooris spirensaia. xeccso, 28, Replas. the particle comirvetions by attributive ccm nosed bp apa, A q 1 @upest, noxisanmih nam Kae, Gian Gents srepée- rane. 2. Yeaoade, nerpSsenmndh wéan ua faume, nokaséaca ne auaxcnim, 3, B wysée wer mizeme xara, esnaunie neminmnun ayadsmuganon. 4, Mux api a A6ue, nocrpéettions 8 Ron rong & On wnker say, Toons Oa) 0 Fou. 6. $1 nocworpén ua Gororpapilo, plenaitiyio >ae oT NGM, Benet uiwy ceMo, 7. Xop nea neck, namie nye’ cosérexmi kouroaitropann. 8, Cryaéimiy, ndeaaKe a npawtey, yéxeat cerdxnn Yopow, Exercise 27, Replat the partisple contractions by attibutve clause todd by Romp 1, B nimen xajée codpamies eryaéims, mpnraaménnie va née, 9. Uenoadk, sorpéueanih wits ws aie, paGsraer 5 minew yauepére. 2. [léru, ocraumenne popreamat ‘A6ua, caorpénat reneaiaop, 4. Tlexin pastosipraa co cry: dura, npiesrson va népeu xype. 5. Tpfuna redsoros, nécmanoix 1a céuep, uauind Tam Here. 6. Toots, ne saxdienitah uéM, ponga m jos. 7. Cuopreséa 20h ovina, xopous togrorGssem Tptaepox, adnan ngpace Execico 28, Replace the pice comtutons by titali clams Inked by nonspead, " Model: Késwaywo cpéay » Srext sine npoxéasn codpénm, epeantiyjstue Caiaon eryRERTOR. Kwayio eplay Sto alse npoxéxer cobs, Romdpue opeanucjem cobs eryzer0® 1. Mus gos onfouars Gusms, povonianse na ype nina, 2. Corona, nocasaeiese aaa» KOewoe, GOT oewosisjio coo ¢ SeuaGl. 5. Kneaopoa, nukes pate em, near don eVsN w enune 4. Koka ety Nat enjtisen nocnéaiie snéoras, epesantewse, 0” plsuo Brits noex ngemuéros, uyedeusi B-ynvocpecrére, Gomis oerd m0Gno stop. 6. Mic witepecow yakaeN a6 oer, eoobiewbe raceTana pao. 7. TIpodaeusy pea fazer inesrfoou, pier orpousyio ous m paselen (pis. 8, Ms cndrpune bce vias, xeNonerpipyenne 8 Srom tinoredzpe Pasco 29, For compe frm past parte pine Som te 1. napucoeime — napacéeannstd _Mpowtrine, waumcdre, noxasir, pacexaséns, caéaarb, co- aii, pons 2, nodapims— noddpenned, xgdmo— rynaenneat _seyuin, noaywins, nponépume, pemins, uawenin, obese ne, mpuroxGsin, nerdaiens, neupésier;, 3, seme — eimai ‘ovgpsins, saxptine, sodkizs, uiinne, pastiir, yOfi, na érs, ener, nouns, puss Exercise 3D. Compare the seater ia the Jet and sgt cole suo, What auesion do Me ports answer? Expioa the eflrence Inthe myeanings particles ative hd psi 1, 91 onéto mucirena, wanu- 1, Sl suéer xmiry, wardens ‘eweeo Sry xiry ‘nyo Stunt mucreae. 2. Spy, peau woe 2, "eri "ip imacend, une w Tyce, ‘caannoe wie Tyutea, 3, Crynéani, opeauiooada. 8, Bltep, opeanusdeantd ue vésep, S3ets posto cerynéirant, Osi Oven amc Bo apéan noHnép- TeRrepeeate, 20 4, Vet, omepsiquad Sror 4. Bann, omnspsimad rat saxéit, iia B XIX poke abun, cUrpsn_ orpéie ‘iyo pom masini ayn. 1 Crynturea, — sasiawae 6. Tina, btiman crys ity, Bepmyjaces BayAau of, seailr B-ayRuTOput opm, 6. Uenoséx paccrasdiouut 6. Herp, paccxdoannan sate Sry enipiao, eat une dri seronExon, 10 Gian @8 ysdcrmmcou. rain te Gamac eB 1 Tae apo utes ce ton tos a 1. A wero mics, (upuendauiee—npicnanoe) se equdu 2B tan = nin eae noajoetn) oR ‘xia, Gans Gororpégnin 3. Heésoe,pacmacéie sandra, (reniomee™ rows) xexdvow, or aa crea. 4 3 asrondpunen © apavea, -~. (exémmmun—enéan) one Juve wocay Spiny. 8. Onepannn, .. (qaéaasinan— exénan sah ony ny, meen yn. & a Garon cram," (umneuiranuyo—naneeiransye) nocaézest shee py 8M prima 0 iy = asian nondaanvon) vane Ha pore reyie 32 Insert the comet forma of the appropiate partes coun rom the aves on the iit ee 1. Tlacéreas, Som xn, amér wd | xanHesinura seu Topoxe 9! npowda ace xr, | arama 2. $l npowrin anced, 51 aja 0 apie, ore apjrou. | npsenéomnii— jo nace. | pln 8, May ort oS yoo, gpa | coandaut — njnume Sevan, Hogw nsyton ne: | clspantal Soe € nekoubio caf YE Mt 2 zonicr_;| eo one ee Oe 24 5. $1 wurdio xwiry, .. uke no‘ apfrow | noxapinurtt— Mottagyes ae nmin, times e€ | ronan wo Hoe 6. Anon mpuie me cmon, 00 a8 | xm — uke oven Gaaroeapes| jeje | AAR ie Canna. exerts 48, Insert the crest forms of the epprpriate parties boot om those facts. 1 Beep prarooipiata ¢ wetoeéxou, (eiuomnna- at PSPiacevbal). Sy pry. 2. Beep "ia nowsine 4 wtcsda noyasle (apmealauah— 2pievanma). une. Tene sen al cata smi ee i Hi ene ona = a Sl mene + ih a, ee jen a, eg a ee orks game Gon ai, = Gee sia men et Ac Se ac Cama tc) fe seme Seri ee ots Se eT a tn ron te oF og eee) ‘Execie 94. Form participle consrstios qualifying (1) the subst an [Ye eect of hare sentences. Make up enters containing the ‘Startins ou ave formed. Model: Cmydénm npomin acypuds. Crasinpomniaauteyp- — ypuia. npoaimans cry ier esverss casas. Semon, mimo 48 ay. Semone, Kester dra yp (Ron sepa x09 y ‘wan 8 GuGanOrERy?) ‘8 GubsmoréKe?) 1. Kypnasiiom waned cmamed. 2. Hpapéecop npowwréar ainyure 3. Bpaw exéaan onepdyuo. 4, Koxncaiimop wanna. ‘owe 5. Hpenodasdmeas ucrpasna owionu erynéion GB Cmydénmet enka sxaduenat. 7, Cmydénmea sabia 9 ayasropmt mudey, 8. Apmulcms wipka mosrorominn dey ipoepiuy. rere 35: Reise the atebutve clue inkodued by kondiet by price costaetions Model: Mpenomasdren, nocuorpéa sandy, kamdpqo 2 pe- Tipenoaanivens nocworpé saniny, pewianyo sol 1. Téerut, xorépte waned Sror komuoniop, Gee 0 yaspms. 2. Méassix pasta cravdi, xordpsih 6 wath 0. erénwaa a eron. 3. J\éru, Moropax ponirea ocrdina ona, arpSan NK. 4.5L noKaKY Ban xaRry, xoTOpyO Me onapiau. 5. Mow ovéu ayia xaprday, KovOpyio uapueosin Sror xysGstink. 6. Bee xinirn crosr i tab, korépuah eaS- an Mol Ghar. 7. Henoséx, moréporo was nerpérume Beep ma Joome, mpuéxan nwa ropox mexdsuo. 8. [Gers xoropax et pacaaesin, yowe coopers. rece 3, jac the atrbtve cases inrosiend by romp ty pene emstton “m “1. Cyndie, xoxépu noayain mass, Yunsea m mel rpjine, 2. Tacs, ror6poe nonyiin cryaghr, Wane £6 rei. 3. Ha isicraaee aii oobaxcnuiael ¢ yRGAGHANOM, Yordjut uapucosin’ Sor noprpér. 4. Topnpér, woxpa ha plconia Stor ayzGnok, -macir” 9 Gol ninero Kia, FN Oxono noua a expérnimeh ¢ vesoseRaN, KoTOpsl IP soci hak ea66 n rdcru. 6. Kassin aus Dusen ie rocreh, KOTGPLE OH pUCMACHR AN etl pOwACHNA 7. Tipsnozaninen, horde oxéawba was us,” onpoea ciyndina tows’ ea. 8 Ont, nordput noxasia Dan pee hokanéven, Gon owes mazopece. 9. Ha espe ¢ nice: Tek Gino andro eryaéiren, xow pie postr eF6 PeN. ie $1 xopoud nonin postin Sroro ‘mcstenn, NOrdptl power nein. Euercte 37. Rell he font pling the patil comtetons by sttibatie cams neodied By apd ‘Midro werée mazda » Apuénwo npuaeoni rai. Onn 181 noipfe seronéka, ‘nposapintiero Tix, cobpatic Conte Inia rosnd, Bro sinh peer, WaKOTMA we RigeRMe $7oTo pactéinia. ‘fenoeéx, npunceuit re6ax, epéniko pwr: elo- rym SyAGouse’ sere, NOMOTSOuUHE MaNODEKY CT BCX onenieta. KToing, cosplaueien dxon0 ropréaia, norm cons craplx. On yeaitian enon’ Topremta I exasin: | nomennoe fa. STO meas ... wexémo mae | noaeno 2 2. Hoxywtiers «.. péxropou. Jlony- | noaniieoumue — fuera, = pestopon, net | gosmscant 3. Haut om... nexisno, noexpSenst — cena Hinde AéMe, . woaréne | noeTpéet usta. 4, Mar Gitaw wa wierauKe, . oso: | oprasndsamias — pio xyzonsinentt, "Baieranxa | opratiadsana ey NonontAKH XYAORiNEN. 5. Hiaunymeseperés ... m 1960 ro- | césnasmit— aj. Mux fuimen 8 "ynusepenrére, | eésaait ‘8 1960 roay 6. Ba npoumim crams, ... 8 noe | xanesbraman— cexéasiem ouepe aypudta? Sra | wanenévana feramsf. B nocaésien wOMepe noi, a cxan B Gi6- | mposuiransie— re moniew ye =. | npouiranse gece 46 Tost he apropite putes chen rm thie ia as 1. Bar nonsséa nme dem, ., (sfunemte— xfer) sm 5 neue 2. Kora. (norsplennoe —noerpéouo) $70 Deine? 3, sain AG nok, (Nanda naa to) Beep, 4. Hwon toxasia nant Gororpatus, . (npfeaar- Tv pdenams) ej aca. 5. lx6aa, @ Kondpo Yuwte Mod ccorpiy wn, (toerpéeanas—socrpéeta) 9 1058" ro Phas exeny swe apie, reuao (scrpesems—nerp Sia) spreamon, 7. Sew cba. (apdeaaraie— mez) i plomox crpas. 8. Mae upinares samoreénp, (TED Tit —onepr) wexnio na wae je. exerci ATs Isert the sppopate participles chosen frm thse in cle 1. Korth Ton sown 9 xmace, 8 pyxéx on sept vei oefaeno=nenjveos) ia, op. Sto eas (upchan=—updenantoe) a Mocs. Ono... (sanice- inp Fatfeaunoe) xpjrow HLmona. 2. Baepé xa ypbre ance og (an nocisan=sosdsanss) Smt. OD, (it Dontsin-noeisannf) upenozanireren, wie népoth 20 pa. Tord mis peut sanday. TTéeae tord nar sxiua (Gand pement—"peréuaas), nt nonpoctam npenozanérea ‘Auth wake ent oR) saxisy. Bropia saxdva, ... (Osa Zand Zinn) npenosasdrenss, Oxaséacs duets TppsHoh. 3. Ceie ‘sie 0 néatent Kajée .. (opramsadaana— oprannaénaninan) os ferasne dovorpédi. Govorpétbint .. (upicmasts —npienaite) fe pasumox yrmpepeicséron ART Oxi. (exé:ans — cae ravine) ordrpajannr-ro6irensu. OcdSeriv0 rvepéems Go- orpiihng, on (easaita —eaérasiue) eTynéntant | mimeo Jyiomepentéra, 4.9L urd pow, (yankeant — arian) Quine Gpanufacime nedsesen. Powin .. (Gun wanican— fnticarmad) & 1955 roxy. Hécwomxo ater waséa ot. (Ota repeueget—nepeseatnuall) ua axraiticiah mas, Cotstras, (mica ondcattsc) ® powdne, upowcxosian wo ps int no mpénst wTOpOH awposda not. Verbal Adverbs Imperfective Verbal Adverbs ‘Mu wan a pasronipusaam Mis wit pasrordpsnas 0 (© cpoix nenix. ‘coor se Korai wre reser, irda texer, x suniesna10 unica TegwanGune —WeaHandulde C7084, ERNE arian ice va ‘eh po cc cae su atl, one 2 been re rm a nny aaron as Ee terete pa oes etsigs tenn lig teas Sateen lara es Pane A Sig ae ia Heaney Sot tee Pt ra a mem. 9. Ana Gue sommonéaes, paccxisusas une 0 Ganés- sn eaoerd Gp eres 2, Relase the sales with eral ive constructions by senienss caning similar peste ot by expen serences 1. Oni uae sa croa6x, pasronipusan 0 cso xesik. 2, Cajman paluonependun na" pYecxOM ssetKe, x crapaoct howint, sé romoplir alikrop. S. Orguxis a’ sore, 9 ero micdxa Zonet. 4. Jlanix wae wiry, ToRipma nonpocia No- uh aeprfae cf pen pit aie. 5. Buwona xs aa, x wéero perpeuino $rore wenanéka, 6. Tai no roposy, Typict 1o- ymin -cyueuips, erie Read the seteast. Nole the verbal adverbs repleting the verve sedans, stm a ean 1. cross p wopunépe nL. A crosia_m xopuxipe, sedan roDbp, edn ronda 2, Cryaéir mean x xe 2, Cryaénr ovals, we exi- euompéa wiry. den Kmiry. 3. flue xoméa ronaplirs 06 3, He aeeadt rosopi» 06 Srow w senoaula. ‘row, 5 aanoutia versie 4. Relce the senenes, with weal adverb consti by sees cling soi prelates er By comple: sentence, 1. Berpenince © apyacsinn same suaxémunns, abe rosopir py! apjey: eSapéecteyinel> 2, Snopéuascy ¢ rosspainen, x one ey pixy. 3. Saimudsice enopros, abaw yspenaior soe stopdmve, 4, Yadeo b umentrye, of Opar ofwoupéxen- fo pa6Oran tia saB5xe, 6. Baepé, posapausiven 3 yntsepea- tera, experi ta Yaiue eaoerd, snaxworo. 6. Tloxw feo no. aécraie, kd Ghierpo yerdma, 7. Berpevdnc, toad Pitw pacckdsomanm xpyr ApYrY BCE nGeocTH Perfective Verbal Adverbs 1 nannciin wucond m noma Hanwedin nicomé, 1 nowén na dar ‘ua nO. Kornd a yalixen apjea, x Yeiizen apiray 5 noanop- nosaopdaazes © mt. ‘Bane © HAM Mat monpoudmes € xossie- Tonpoudsmncs ¢ xosiens- anon BS Ra JM. My Mi MI a YY. Exercise 6, Relace the, snteses with verb! edver ematrctions ty sedecs ilblag similar prdiatr or By complet sentences, 1, aan, we svorpn, ren. 2 Cospia suiry a rerpdat, Motoneio wx opripéae, eryasirKa Bi fsa i. kaeca, 3. Kim ‘MeNUeKK MCT}, MoH Sapyr Oyaer apasée, 4, Bepajaunes, wa pony, # fay De Gran. miOKenépou. 5. Tlocuorpés diuem cfauaer, 9 peme pour» Sry ‘peréamo em pas. 6. Toszopiia tech ware Pliny ana_nouun cass. oxainen, 7. Caap anaiuent, ry- rma ‘noskanit OBaExaTe wa wor. 8. Berpévms tosspauta, # osnopivanci © ami, §, Tlossoaie wa sowda, wit yams, sRorad yxojuer néesn JTeunuopéx, 10, Baliga ws aysirdpm, spaerpern cece aeedpans. UL. iptad xo, ow yok Zen ila erate Mcaa Enerco 6, Replace the, lice vebs by verbal adverbs. Bea tn mind th the abject mast take a ferent postion a the conjncton {Pst te ont Model: Tondpmm yaldex meni w naszopiveacn. otideo sens, vosipui nosnopénaacs. 1. Mus mcnompén pine x now souo. 2. Npenona- ily nponopca Moo paoony W nocniona orakano. 3.3, aa. Tomis enn, son KMary 1 wsoxes Ho nario. 4. Mod [cet osc uncbay nm nceyaiaa Nem eT Sore Sonpounce ¢ xpyoutien ota sow 6, Mit = ttc sadoparopaa a noma Saunans. 7. TOBipAI ipods ranéty w nan ef wie 8. Mii roomate, reno Gmoomgae menses wdwaan pascran.. 8. nadia anit M ‘then a Samy. 10. Henonex noembaa © mens m BOR 3 finteay., Le 9 noastesondpany mou p06 2 Tpebecep néwwa vanize nonin w enpooka, cer» it Y sae souls Exercise 7. Read the cmtenors and write then down, Remeber tht ‘verb ebb conutlon my roc las fT case or coin 1, Mbcae moi. wax on sae. 5 pasiey, 0 tebwate passim, O8 10- roux aowdh ‘ae aoMdi 2. Kar méssno on nosyais 2, Tonys nucond, ox ¢Bi- imucend, ott pia OrRe= sy Omen a Hers. ‘un ua ners, ms 3. Beau ou ne néanue meo- 3, He nowio meopéay, ost pny, ‘sve ewSmere ye cuter pets ain Sai. iy. Feau ou dpye xopoud — 4, Xopoud awd pce idem" same pycocud = ‘ony na apy “Cutt ‘sie, on ensmer pale: pata epevdnantow, Tots nepesdaon 5: Tx, nar so Gpom oa» 5. SoSoaie, wok Gpar aw Goaés, on ar BGoasmiay, oueeny. 6. A we wory osu, mans, 6, Ladx0 anda pasuoceua rmomosey mo nséx0 anti sin, Ne MOrY TOMO Ppanugocrat ste, ma Brersise 8. What qustons othe verbal alter caetrctons an Ont tim no jane; rpomco pasronipunaa. 2. Onosnis ua aésmuno, 1 peulia we exowvirp b sea, 3. Mat roréemen x sualimexan, noaTopin Témers. m xémax ynpaxciénua. 4, He romoxés, 9 42M mal TouOpHN, On Re YudeTaORaN mde Baton. 9, Hann mn nomen a uty, 6 pio eau renajén, 1 ne caor nosostin wa. 7. Fpoxtio tigre er 5 Mocesé, on xopamé roeopiir no-pfecku, 8. ep ysis goud8, x jondn, tO KO se plcoMin wo! TOM Puan. 9. Tlogront i yaumepenréry, om nerpéran exo Apy uaEttt 9. Repl the borate ses by vlad conse Model: Kar miso x gades iso eaiéna,m cpsy yo Vaiideo ozo wercséna, w cpésy yeuin ers eee oe 2 ican TTR ma 2 ln ai i SoS HEM i Set pes cae Sa ae eee al faa nb te mere ea od Sees 2 cre fat sal a mea. ce See coi ae ete od cae Hee an oe ot har ak ae eae mt oma oe, as Ey Farce 1. Reyace the ecbudlnte csc by verbal ede con strwts 1. Berm my miyurre pjocinl aac, ae ewe passrans nepesdxsinio. 2, Tax Tax on fe snder antsiexoro Rowe On we woven mimero Pesrondpa. 3. Tldene, Toro Kae Moa owpjra eaacr axaiwerss, om nobger 9 Gps. 4 Eeat sa xopoaid omomnre agrow, na Ojnere. yeneasio sani Gt» ojaymen rosy, 5. Eau as nowwim Sty Teopeuy, mu Shere peut saaden, 6. Tak Kak JLKoH nz0xo alder pjecan sau on He nina, 0 sew Toop npopéccop. 7. Se cwory xy ‘elée oroaunapin, rax Naw # xerpSrua ee aemora, 6, HT abmien Gun aekdrn b NOCTENS, TOR Rex 8 Natonéa, 8 Tax max a umrepecjroce peekod wereparspol, 5 pean nayisie poe ma Trercbe 11. Relce ov of te vrs la each sentence bya vba sans 1. Crynéerea roxfuaza nexmro 3 uasand onsen 2, Sion eryacar saimnideTen aseparypot, Wo oxHoapeNen tiurepecjerer m aaTestiraxon, 1 pisuvod. 3, Mx norpoud Sines © xooieaznn H asinn 8a amy. 4H Yond, 870.4 ou nGnuo uoexare a Kien, pein noroDopits oO Stow % esotht apjrom. 5. Mom ceerps nponuna'» Capéreaow Co- vp roea N aopoud niynra pyeskah ai. 6H Mce3o- pen na ‘acd Ir yoizen, "00 Wopd éxavy ua gowsaa. 7. Cry> ‘eve npocuorpéa raséns w yuiea us GurworeR. Fuerst, Red the snore wt en, dow, Nol al 9 ‘PokeTRbjacts he pincer and taeoute ses ave ene aod the sb per 1. Kors npoplccop swsia 1. Unda aan, pape. Geuuno, on mek 6p cop ames Qopyae ma Dayan wa scene, oes. Koraa npopéccop ria No. replacement is pos Skit, aceueméiun sible. ‘in dopant ua noes. 2. Koond mypuema nogs- 2. Tloxtioumes a edpy. ates na répy,, om ya mypdemes yasneae saat Jenn nace ope. ope. KKorad mypicms noxusa- No" teplacement is. pos: si Tony Oia aoe sible 3, Théene roré wax sol Spam 3. Cras oxsiment, od Gpam acy sicauenai, ow o- nogxer 8 Hediuao, Ser tne gene or0 xan wat Spam No. replacement 8 enact skaimenet, 446i 10- sible. 7 we ou wo Spina ee 1. Kort aa wins pen) xype, wer nods ne uptecmey. 2, Re Soe Ae Yen ee ora ot rosipum Sitar yrepcarér, om GYen apa ‘Kora wh oni Mower pee, ea ack ebiuams Werpe Foxa. 8 Kax amono 1 aie uo aa, neat ess roxas. Rog no. ea no ana, wenn aaa 7a Hae owen Cent ACN. 4. Kora yes Soro wenoniva, » noxjan, 0 er ae Se Zeit Kov ye sete, et fad norasénosy we anand 5. Kona x wor ey i Sxordsocy maui ouumen’e 8 saropa, uN Mule © Wal nee 8 Korat orsenés xsioy 9 GuSmoréxy, xémenéeape capoca "ews, “aonpdenaace ait nine Sra vir, Kors nnaakt airy» Ontmsorény, a cxastaOubanoresapo semi Exee 1 Relics the sabe came by vel ade eo: aloe ttt pelle 1. Korat ai Yuma, sai pasronipimasn, 0 cai meni Korai wr Yaa, Hein. apyand conan ‘se cocearm croaiu, perosipaann evokes, Ker os facia, ‘Ha Yaimme WEN 20K. 2, Korad naa xyniat Cha, ws nog» sd. Kore we syns Guertin Yue ae. Ror saa ey Gunes, nium fouapman YM case 8 Sane mowrpene 3. Korat’ menue sows, 2 yaaa wa eroxé mcs, Kovel s sepface sows, » nike aoe ye end.” Kor a bepnjACH KOWOE, Canoe HERO. «he mm ey py mal vn grate rr ma ae ita lal upto EP wo i a a ERY pet» to, mrt nn ym FOE 1 Ace memes rammears inc Kora yenstia s Mockay, 5 obemda ue a earn pert ee efi Sortarn at sire ee SR ee ina verre Wyant Rann Seg jas Semana es 2 SORE ym pe, Say apo ieee * Sante me ‘dni Hoa cryaéaros. 3, Vacumas, ai pasrosipn- 3, [oyiacunaa, wt noua» amo "Tox, 10 68100 kn, ae, 4, Yamin xwiey, on ies — 4. Mpowmda wiry, 51 ep cenrciinen. ja 08 rosdpumty. Evetige 16. Leet the apropeete verbal adverbs chosen from thse cn the Lew no Same, # eworpéa wa wpa | wai — iis Moraes. pwns owt, 2 episy we Tan xénaTs Fowdumee’ aandnne, 2... yarrses 8 Jléxz0%, Tom ofemén | yeancin— ‘tieto nneérs aouod. yoxan fea dl6ng0%, Tow ier aca 20- sia. ‘ype, yuenie cea wa euoé uéero. | oreevén ene Semi romp rp | ortran 4. cn sed cine, o7éu népenaa eré | sida — iiarepa npowrd Ne HCG cena, oné yamies. 5. sy MB FoROpANN 0 cHote Aen. estan — ht nun mate Kege. noe 6.“ néauh ypé, npenojasénem me | ofascaiis Sia é oonscuin -- son 9px, npenoxasirer eran SSuundny woupiou oryacurar. 7s vn Mya, mos nepainece @ yrmep- | ocairproes — cine, oeworpis fe MyBB, une soi He OnHONS 86 4a 8 apytén. 8. va Typlerss nem néen, orn — 1Ypriens npoxonRint cso yr.) onsoxtfn 9... zoust, 1 yauét, ero xo ame | sosepaucésen ica wot ronda “Srosopriace aon, 9 nerpenn cones Tonk iit, 1 vere 1 Colt he ents 1. Manacin cud, «2. Kymin rary, «8. Baa sn Says Cxézan” nce ‘panini, 8, C3ap omsiMenl, ... . 6. Orxpein niry, rT ‘Yeiizes rowipuuca, we Bop naan, 9” Bepiomatacs, © ay tiny. 10, Yeminuas wénocts, Jno, «12. Orgoxnys » esata, Th. TToayeiin cramer xescee 18. Complee the seatenes by ating versl adverb cam struct Model: .., a nowén x tonipumy. Fipurorésis aowiumee sayiaue, a nomen « Tos pay. 1 Sanat, nosaopinannc. 5. ocTH, 6. ne CTYNGIRT cHOBA erdaw paGoraty. 7. nL owt sos, “8. vy npenoaanires OGeaciin naw” asm uniGka. 9. .., NOR pyr OYser TeoaoroM. 10. .., obenia Apyandie wicto meine Micon. U1... Mex mia mS 70a. Re ny OMA Me NOH, 0 WEA MAT FoROpA. 256 oe ee sul emi oe Se ae a ete lr ce aa i ta Pera Or Mah ee ee we re mtn asin craig t at a ta ee meats oman gcse, Ma, a, chat sai, ar ra serge cn ge oa ee ie erm ad oot oo Og cee ns a as Key to the Exercises INTRODUCTORY LEXICAL AND GRAMMATICAL COURSE, Ey 2. fr eee, fy, Fe om ra og GET Be eee Ae a a ee ee He SiS Tetct stceiRin te menan Peg § |, ite pi Sapien & wo 5. se ia ite Pg 7 iso 2 fa 8. 6 7 co Pp 8 se, 2, main. 3. maker ae vir ES in ur A ier oe 2 Ra 9 a SEC cpg opt nr goat. Oe oe i yt ps TER lati nanat aft OR eo Ent saya 2 yw grein ie ey oot Ko wpa ae Se Tatar cee i at Borgel ero cant gz. we Si (Pano! Slat sd lot as sorta ahs arin Kon wey psa 2, a oper ra 4, xi py apni Ry on ae 8 a eh a liao eg ope. ae 9, Cesk x. Sr opts, So erate «ey ate peddle wis, re emits pte,” Shi SBE atu at ys a an females rome See ates Puree 7, Kersh wa topuaen? (rat ru sepa 2. i lle ha ea ls ad ck 0 etn Noam ome vi eat eens sta) ‘Ress au Sana? ~ erie 20,1. ise wt Sot aden raion. 2, Bie or ea patch 3 Cake cyan ane ener Hoge Sion Ge, Sepa aren, ae a Rha lmao”, Ceti ‘ska ewe. 6, Coie Ae abet SEMEL? they Samar, evasion, bor apa ng 1 eae, me rg 2. So mt gee no ot GS thane Rane etic eat” emor ete 5. Sacre atta) Ho ‘au_ Suave fu 3) RPO te Set iro reer Him sc ue 2, 1, ono, 2 sgrpcaor. 3. ne 4 enfuae 5. aft Spi jae” 8 monde 9 ot, erste 3. 1. eb, cajun, Ripe. 2, roto, ro a, eke uit, etoor, {ntaes, eacr, fe en, 3 rise 36.1. Keo Sno 2. Kan ok ane pic? 3. Kak ont wt ster ect as to? Hao At? 6 Ron Ce rsa. PO Presta Muga, fp? &, Ker ou tenner 9. oo ob Bobet cal I: Kerth ie rer reer? Earls $9. asc. woh eponatia, dpa, yl, cr, Ray sort, cri up, xPyy Sens Jot, FP, Femcol igc hn iy igre teint, Sia, sam, ct, TEBs" Him, mood, ard, fuente, om, xine, yopannbase ‘its Aimar (mesa Sr veg ES owt, oak tan, nk cx uu, ca Gee pie ad a mon OSL MS psn ol ie on Sup ne, Si poe ec jeri bet ge a, 6 eptoma 8. Gawe T me. Ti cafe ie jaisainn, "fim, Brena, Me nee ig) i oni erg 4,1, rxapn % ronson). 3. cafuaan saa) st, BotabeP tipsean, omen, Be aan, aaa an sete wa pt ae ithe eae ec tit wae oa eB woo estes ar de re ane Se ers le fer 2s Selene ir sata Deira reese SAE ema 2, Kimo enna Seeing? Ke et mat 5. Flt afer ripe Ds Bears 61,1, Kro necks om? 2. Koo corans sopaae orventa ee 3 ei. ea Re aot Sinan coda | 7 ae m= sera 21 ho anes pale? 2. Koy exe ee? 3, Koo racy arin? 4. Kyo pomyeder een sro sop rsope Kao Supl we pucirau? 7. Reo cen sepa ore mye ce so Exarize 69.1, 2 5, Sro nex ua cron? 8, 6. Yoo eroioo va coh ho cro > ie? rurcise 64.1, Koo exjuner pi? 2. Ko niger sabe? 8, Koo alser mcau? , Kyo mpl fun w veepe 8 Ro. cworpen Sar? ER Rept at mci ie semitone coat 8 Ro Set vase. fr croso » wopeaie? Exercise 86. 1, Gaer oGwacuiry, 2, Ginyt exjmro. 3._Obay abe cane, A pete. 8. e9ayr pins epay capi, 8. eu tyes. 7 jae ayn. Barcos 57, 1, Giner gGvscadrs, 2, Gay exfuars, 9. 6fanr pose gqeiuzenh 4. Shu cunpern, 8 Open Tonle. 6. Ojiy Baran Pesay tomy. 8. 6939 exits Exercise $9, Ha ypica one oigow opompirs xoumee sxtine, jay mtn. Poemamre ter emperor 2 Sas RO! ude Gfny saci, Ghar uo, jer Senseo, Ginew exfsare Bxerse 60. 1, Boop mga, a cecsaua ns rare. 2. Ce- sx’ sean pln Call ean 5 ay" fronans aan. Sr'Bgs trerondreas oSusakn waa ypox. Cette boropler pestis tenet Gaetcpsura, su neu or Cake eryatars yr gence, Terow’ ob Rg anette sa ‘Tne, & Paste tte Tongphaoopjcoue. Cee Hows Too epic, fa ge OY apr toon) opal 6. Cle ‘Reid tie? eats’ Bina ack Gjaer ewifery renee. ma sf cot x na oes dot ‘CryAgiTis, cryaeienon x npenonandveam wiolrm, TerpaNit W CHOK- a ares nie ge ee Se Slee ae Sn, ee ie Seretme cae a. gi BE late cram bara. Bet eryatiren TL neue. 12, enon, 13, canena, 14, yoeeun, Sarat etc mea tates ch ihe ‘rae errant main aga seh ee, pwn en, Stone co water, 2, Mpencagtrern a crynéanu toni no-pjak. i spotted Pagar Gag etarde anit ‘Rrgrns Be Sacco ae sir, Terpane, aapsnsaat paar CAO SSeS on Sb aioe ea pie) ERE UE Fe ith, 8, ed 5h 6 Tye a ae 9 tin 3. hn littl : ae Atte tena, 2 et feed ie BS RATA Sicko Se ara Baines au hee cee re er) oa See op son 2 nm 4 feelin? Dea 2 sh at tS See ye See ESE Meech tad Pee sola see ‘ane ao Exot 78.1, oh 2. wo 3, naw, 4. x tn. 8, wo. 7 8. Goel 1G atok: Hehe. TB ee ene Le Exon 82, 1, Sra. 2. Sor. 4. fro, 4 ror. 8, Sa, 6. 3, 1. fan bs Bao. 9, ior 0, sn i. Sm 18. Se uri 89,1. Kann wa, seine om cra? 2. Kael rp Eatin a rapa ies Keil apple ork hana! 6, Exe re a De ‘typin wre seat fe apna bat cen Woe? 7. Kander ou yoian?8. Reed ceeds ran ou? ™ Bs 5. 1, ro main, Sip gigs exams 2. gran Stone. 3. te ne Lh, bBo, Stas oe 1 ino iw desi | — Bao Srp — 30 crypto. 908 span ser piccat min! Tae any fen ceynoina? 2 tg S30 sok eee Bi grap gd, Geo caer Sear fervor “Seo, drone 7, Seer Seer enon 9S 6, 3 uri 87, 1. wie so, tan ery née sant, nose x9 as 2c, eraany chips cripue! 8, Gea ea, Cave, (heae. i. npc ip, sepoe, pe. Exercise 89,1, nocabsont ane, nocyéasan expaniun,wocatauce aie eondnmie neu 2, oy aint ae, ae Spec, eres, Aust, sive 4” coctunt, eSedauan, oct, exter eceie $2. fame sou, mneleme mane peo n sa Se, iene i, efile ‘lps Se, eae cto sim wb i, tn, ne yin 2 Satin 8 pete int) Hescoralicas coat, A Tecbynce pace TL, winepacine eee ba : rea Erurcise 96, 1. Srp ergo sxime, 2, ro walang. 2. 30 age yop Sea, Sia ae aaa ma 2, sepa bit sora he 2, gil seme, 9, wei sr 6 enc a geen ree ee Fecrte 96, 1, S70 muretcuan unira. Sro xoreplen_ mye ‘30 tiene mc 2 Spo Goma xn Sr fase me ‘fone tere pw alas Be A sapgut ree npuen oma, Spine mn 8, wate neon og, erie om Gr onion pues Se ‘nk cry, conte eryates. ene ll fat ea,» nae, 2. Kalco sip set 6. Rie yuan? 7 Ka Pr Bure 1 1 Ka on cme 2 Kan a oy es Tae a pel aT nda eal Rae of one yet sei 17, 1, om san. 2. ag, aan, oa, io, nas 4 Rope, ops eTepsoeh, meres. Prarie 00, | prea, no-pea 2. nopheet, cm ae Siete a Bites, "ota & Plea wean, Seis aeaataticins attach 6. n-dqumajexi, Qpansfoae, sedquujoan, Grane Trerdse Jo 1 xowam. 2. nore, 2. noe, A, xOwr. 5. S807. «since Sorin’ 8 ton rurise 107 Loren 2 xan 9, xnksa, sora 5. onde a Cima side 8 wile rorise 109, 1, ites, 2, sen, 9, aber 4 Be, 5. tn ve, abit a8. are ‘eros Tif, rh 2. wine 3. ndeyts A. nou 8. wor. 6 wine et ers BS wey rerise 112, 1. sopend. 2. soni, 3 possi 4 son, aha, on Fd ‘uwrase 119.1, aSunen, 2. soeani. 9, monn, 4 aioe. 6. pt 6 paste COURSE ‘The Prepoitional Case Bxorite 9, 1. na cong. 2. = owe. 8. goo. 4, 8 wont 5 wh rene 6 ua ties 7, 8 Mowe, Bc as ansde 9.» owe Ese 4. A.J. ae 2.» morbiae, 3. pate 4.8 eaters a mips, tiqgae, Bee me rise 6.1. a suede. 2. 0 Spe 8. whan. 4 ‘eee, Tia crwoner 8. mh HT. $e, § ia ‘Brecee 7. 1. wa re, 2. ua socréne, 9. wt sinage, 4. tx cope 5, ut bree ese 8. 1. oan prats ve na nr, 2 8 Capone, 2 te senting & a fests 3 ne na smtie, a9 ame tia ‘Selde'ne au ftstg, a nexioe, 5. "ome Wenpe, sa ramon. Se i BY Seca am ses vere 10.1. 9 can} fat pe, 2. 9 wea a tot 5. mts Ma ah". Sgr. Bok erie IL AL replat. 2 ae aa. 3 2. tcontem 2 ost, 3 4. ta Ma Sa vkcteS as Gyan Fo dnn” 8. ‘ores 12.1 Ber, ato 4 crank 0, Op, armenia avian 5 2t e ent iloaberen Se we Bem, efi 4 sen Werte, © kan Besa gorge, x Pn GOAN lpne be lla, © Hep ‘eck 13.1 neta, 2. rene 9 mo. 4, crak sew shh, Ean oak Ea raat. 8 8 pes rare 14. Lt crue, 2 namic, 3. de 4 ek se osetia 7 enor: 82 ee Exons 1. 5 Renn, n cue, 2, rae 2,» bumpy a9 diner aye Signa EO tn see, 10 a ee, ates sere 18.1, Tat me fr? 2. Te me wanted 8 pe sky sun call (2s patron eo ‘86 9e fares nus ees? EMSS Gn ese per ten yee Beeie 21.1 Moh crepe St" gan anes Sisocjaite Porson one br a. Jéozem, On Exerie 20,1. Mus ronopé cine 0 lane. 2. Aula uso af ace yout 2.20 Nese 408 ypne. Bo 0 ciple GTO Buents To aes 8.0 Ope Enecier 24, 1, 0 crus, 2.0 perge. 3 0 sareeniye. 4. 0, Moot 1 Eo Sf, 6. 0d ness 70 pyres. Bro 9-0 néze. Exirsise 26, 1, owed. 2.0 WK. 3. © mm. 4 0 nor. 5. 0 6, 0 mh 7,280 tae, Exercge 7, 1, Mou osopi eee 0 bo Bel 2-0 8 ot. oe66 Mofo nae. So ed. 0. too ave Wt Exerc 98 1. © no enpoman Joo macy? 2. © nox mie manent? 3,0 nw enen Gpart4,'0 92" Ajeet Zina? 5. Oe ‘etna rn ia ype? ers 31, 1. Hw sab » Conant, oy ripone, 2, «8 ct ‘pow pin 3am mops Sean. 4. oo nee a= Bm Tromp, ft eon kaon wares, 8 ode ‘Siw nda ronal Everise $3, 1, Vi ofan tandunees a axa seal 2 ne 2. oe taminsh cet Rewnare 8. 8 neh CryataecoH cronooon 4.0 rach ya asooniae. 5. 8 os AP Tiphaanpemgmst emeree. 5 © conte aot ie, cease M1 Ait mais 9 hen ai, 2, 8 ewan saci, 3.8 amano ture. h,"seseaiicaos weet Se cee emia. Crm wrepduersow yaar, Tks Gosecone tatyainees 68 ipo tasers, eerie 8. 1, Mo xpyt aapér 9 wham pone na coséaneh ji ¥ 4 Sgomrte S a penagedae Sf eg eco, tae hk stepeopan 6, 08 ok Retail cre" aiygudse ek fea roping 8" ena S82 ero Sie, ore Bera 9, B eminent mi ate 2. Hy ga Ret Sy tera ae 2 pg SHER Gace Sse as St Glee SL races 41,1, B you wore... 2. 8 rn exon 2. alae, 4 el 6. 8 oa aurse 44,1. 08. 2 ska, 9, coh, 4, conta. 6. esd 6. nob Fs cot. 8, toda, 1 ste cit, Exugse 45.1 9 coold, 2. 0 caodh. 3. 0 cath, 4. w cath, 5. o cab, ibe 6-0 ent. 7. 9 or we raise #6. 1 0x sje mors, 2. 0 cn noah pure, 2, oer nino esis to edt fayalite es SSO (6 sat crip 6° eae pom sage fate 1 a hoe» eth ean ie com Shope romp y canes seeps Nhe rnopia'o te cages ils inclancr Saat cow We ae oe wow aS Eurige 0. 1. ¥ wad» saree. 2. ¥ xo 9 romps pst de» oto ndmare 49 rt Rook." oa ft omnes. 6,"y'toe w mnyoe 7.9 cw wee 8 9 ae ects, Eerie 60. 1. Dae emu ergata? Ta ou uuye Se exo fe sen dns heap Tae erat exper eee aoa? Side Ger rypler attap Pe oh Gol Masta) Te Seer. Daw cued? Tye ond HOR Pe? Set A abe red 9. pH dou etteim os naaen ipdee oe ere ¢ vmx. 13, cnoeapii. Senin = = orc 62.1.» ayaa. 2. nce, 0 pian 9 cx pax BC ec € Pustcepac 8."ts yhian, nara 6. oF Bo voce 68, 1, PaSowe mmf» meng winbe sowie. 2. wb wn tian, Sa Gone eneos eo 9, aero ool BP, Scalia etn nowenie: 6a wpm rep Fas “aesEigOH 1 Cems, fare a mente» pron TENE 4. Slamuoe cin oeuciarnen 5.8 crys, sajean a plo asonax wasn. 7. 8 vvbmax sateen. 8. 8 T Errcive 6. 1, Mot spyiek Yamea » nocxdosax suenfzex 2, co rones oiescianan. 25 inci canmns. 4, 8 Sect shares noipaTope. 6. mockdocme Terpek. 6, 0 Doseaba fara dusane Curae $7. 1. xluan yuduca » Mocadeccon ymepennére w cn ang Se oniope, 3 Bronte. n'y kecahe. Se 8 ESE BE nunapd wn geopant, 7 2 ane wary. Exel 58,1, Kersh a pons? 2. Korah oa Gian» Mocest? 8, Korgl Ojayr saiucar’ Kora Gay stem vaya? Cee len a co eet wa 2, Sis Sy Rat a a waar A se er py mei Sei tee og ar er isan et sonra ome ree id Eaatiguaiieg eres uae lace SESE a stitch Waly ricaaire pene haa SB Erneta gauiens the ce Sajars yn rs rete 3 fie LS FEC ated ene cae emo mam mols a+ al se OG a Tae sate 2 nna alae nano Bol iramannties sy alaat a ise ‘The Accusative Case Exercise 1, 1. Kro myer pool ra? Yao wa msyaten? 2. Kro ach ene ho cdg ety? 9 Kop oSsacn gu 30? ‘if odamunrapenozaniem? 4. Ato adpans scr yous? ro 2op005 snier Hina? §. Koo smer passes? iro under sLxn? 6, Kro en ‘Maer pose? Sirta cnpeneres Exercise 4.1, Ug Some ms nine aot, gauss, som, wou sy rer, ery reste ha ada 8. one sae, ‘oaige my 4. any, Maer, serpant Pit buen, Sey Egret cup, we, cep, eto, uy 4 ke, fy Saath. Tonle, tenes at a ee gpm, tect Mono. slmto,"flomry. hacen), avparpy, actly mre. &. wnHry, You, fy, Noein, chon, ip. 5. ipobeeaa, ngecomadrean, eptlray racine, 6. romana, Spf, upehonniven, Aimy a Smad 7 tune, en, pit, Seep hos cane Ty gM nay ie 2. sar xy Sey copes 7 laa w rep. 6. ofennaaivea H apetoaan ray, Bxorcle 8, 1. ro sa agen » sone? 2. ord a adnene megs va shoo, ta myer Rema? 4 na ook bar? Kero ae 506 Kora iu mempearcedga Fp? Bserese 9.1. Moh oye Soma 0 yimapsarére. He fool Sme sandman aepdar. ita” paccautan ob yhaeporeére. Conon Gn Jrueporer 2. dep, sure, ura, 0 tonite 8 cyner, ryaunra & cpacive. 4. cet. 0 ep, cep Exercise 10. 1 w rrpémn, erp, rerpins. 2. cangip, w e1on 1, coals 8: mpnosandtre openashinen, © mpnosaatre Exerite 1.1, Bye £63 warns, vgs repdas, fsey 1 mpanaia 2 Men spyr_ ache youogcatre, Ox ayer great a a8 gedery a Gut a eon Wedten tau diatna w Aust UDwoe cxast, fo on wy many. 4 Garden taut ain. Fibra Cad Seca wept, xeric 19.1. 5 my oman cipal sou. 2. at codec (guaue, 8 erGtunigton reey. 4 aust Aaya. Sewer pe foannieaa. 6. nopcmere cipro apira 7. mca sean renoetes Esra 14, 1. Konh mony mt ayia (na ental? 2, Kent ous once? 8, Kao ict. A" Katie antes 6° Aaa Speoaaeeean. 6. sandro pre. 7- xj Alnyany. 8 iano raney Exerc (7. A, 1.—Tst sent wo ccnp? — Msn seta e06 capi. 2 et, wi, tab oer (wir), ood (aie), Ta i. welt (ai) By" 1, Big Sulere shat, Mpetoasniseg? — ay ano stutre apenjeudvex. 2 nauy, sy. Sher. 4. 3 Sada 8 By. Exercise 18, 1 cow, coub. 2. exces. 8, cooerd, 4. exe ceo 6 cao. 7, cat (08, en, 6. 2 esa, wo. 8, wad, wok. 4, a Beare 18 0 nS 3 Ook nein es cing, Ons orn oon sine, 3 cnons apa, 9 eae pire, SO pyr. 3, con cee. a ‘ep, © cola ccnp: 4b cold franca vei. aa 22 eh cnn ot mad 2. gpa 2 3, ts Pe sepiaa Exerc 1. Sime Ofny on gym sir. 2 oan cout ro pc toa nie 4 nhc SSeS Else ntinae: GOI ete, Wecpe ase wo ey erie 261. But va hon Sor noir wena oy ci aap tae cen pen es aanp wha ‘aay seman eo pa Serene Makar ee ea Sakae capane Gar Tey cle Spr ‘nye 8. 1am mowpcnrg nny 2. omy gly are asa eae, no eo Sy ag Spgs pti ae Sipe sina ees Burin 26 1. maria siymey, 2. co? xnone sans 3, chet fn Wobanet”D, SET cpa tet 8 ga Sie manok Es mnepleny wairy & napeanpe nea. 1. warepeay are 27.1 serosa, mpg inen, $c ow asus tt: en Sy eno" pepo el oe Diep ei, we ep cre 3 ott wt 2 oon cm epi a ns rio a Popes spe 08 A acne apr, Seo lero tres. are 9, 1, Fae me aya Son mui? xn pou. a aa Et kt a SOUS Sli ten sa ae, Cy Naya oa Sys Sr eo unt 9,1. Bex mt Gt» rere, Mu esse, Sry sapntn'S Bp a ME nates yen wm RRS at larga eo inept crt, enc ipnmin By ms Snes et By at SSaeen aed Asay eos pncero Cpe Too, oeeae Se sen nee ann ele Terie 21 eb 2 8 5, 8 A.W 5, 6 7 2 tn Bava $2.1, Dé g vas 96 ae rm. 2.1 Hb a eet Buk PIR ENE Sue See uw $9.1, hoon iam, 2, re nies sgt? 8. Kod vu ee as 1 Ree Sepetan 0 ree 78a oe apn p> 6, KaaSeg apenaaseérem me wine? 7, Kaxfie séavany om Sats ero? Can endry ef noeytead eh “exe me Biber 10. Kore a fxr tapes? Us Koro perpen naire! i tito caro mu sider? Eure 57.1, Crysis ways » verges enenim, onl, ee cui japan eine, omy aot 3. ore Son'n apicion 4 aureae” rygonon nore Tadark, rerpige, yotounmy, pian, comp.” 7, ese, pace ‘for, Mpeoganlrent, apeoaaadrennsian, power. ersise 38, 1. porizeeh, lreee. cox, cee, apys6h, aon pane Seated pennant: 3 Maeda? gua, em. Fon apoio eae, neon Enrcise 9. 1. $1 meteb soniry ploaue widen, 2 .comroue asin nentantne Greels 4nanemexeryacro Bene Sepia npyide 6. nui max "mpeoonntteach 7. Swanton A ae Exercise 40, 1. 5h hero, shay anton Sex nénwk xys6o708 2, semi eri Tospuach 8. ounces cyabrooe, (int Noma Soi Seon peel Gb cpa. poste "ri van epsozs He etdpa cet. Tet pon erin oe gor ot lee eta es TR Sere See See ee ae Bar 4 | cetanmree cobs cxtgman cee SERS, enti sige gle, "oeatinr sma, oe Stor ene ae ites. SP ace at, See en ee, is tl ela Seat Cope le Wa yatta ant wat ee tar henge ru S24 ag os an i mamnsiiiy. 3. 8 ase, Shama, syden 8 cosa, kar Brerte 49. 1 Cabo exp a nay, 2, aidan 9, w eemcrtcy, dna Stn 8a tay. 8 penn 8 ta teat Ses il e oe Exaretee 50. 1. Kyat aw uae este? 2. Kya ga soba nese gh Rag a Mate Sid ep oot a, "Rial ean a Gok a0 rer SL. aa 0 mio Cemrey, 2. » nie en me, 3.8 uty maagaling. 4. ropa Costly". 9. crac ‘roa ayo. 6a Heroptcesh pach 7s a @pamecpo cea} an Espira amen. 2.2 Nextar mer 3 ep kaa eeepc setipa. fw Coa Sh Adpmy. &. 8 oud pox. 7.5 ‘Soin " vere 1 nan pr tem» leu cate 68a nn's sein 7.3 acta ropa na bee. Exercle 55.1. Bae néspea eryniis saw yma, © ase, a go pian ne Op nar ct a el ctay, 8 nope2, opuato 9 ef a uipe : Tipe oe raneporer 0 ay aval Srv sey, mpc “4 noun) some, By Gachrem, & img. 6, 8 exondul. w cr a Byes ob Sa Brule 7. 1.» non ni rae, my, ier ere te Telipecna tle Gedie2 "ty svhOoe “ttc arse, Deh a ccnd aig "A 9 Men ser, Foye 82 dor vlnguh eee Dar eso eebe ans row neiiow gare orn mane reser ts, G2 Hemp FT fet Pia ie tesien Exogie 61. 1e 3 eytGry soning. 2, Cabuen ve sonia ah icon uk Sdn" Hh emer a [igo Gaui 6B wopcdine’ a ont (nm) Broyle 62.1. Toe nu in wep? 2. Kyah won a Ang soak soe ERS ae hear Sit pas Se tit apjnd bepaion Tonge 6 KYAK Ze & pe? zeris 64 1,91 nosomn wry us ton, aw oon. aEtt- owas, cobtan ma cy Stab ed hy ny, a . resem mt SERN Rhames 2 pis See, is ssn i a it tl Ow sed rea i ase! pasts im, miles ant ears de eae oe Pimiorten are ene ree bok ne aoa : vine tat 31g SoM Sr, inet a te ona ob grueor "8 ae we Hoe ec A wth wy ne oe eat MB SY SERePAT on oe) he Sears “rere fcgmoa, in, 3, bg an ta 6 asada Oe EG BAe re 1 ek my min i i, gaia at SuSE Ne at at SoReal PT ts ah sees Pe mes fore Det noe 2 wltt a eto Paget cua ee mah re hem pen ap o, Soe octet 4 pee 4 ors Yo. Oru Tie pen). ee sete 81. cc © fe cue. 2. ans 0 peice, co is 0 cern, cxf, cee. 2. apr 020 Erorgse 9. 1K nortan foros very es meni Sep agate ‘sey ate bas fea sceely ted ererplon 6. Roa acrine (a0 sie Sits 06 Sod 7. How) ta Ojaere oreclt wa nature? oe Exorto 10.1 ‘unier steno crysdera 2 toxin, 3 cero Soya berate 8 canon poten ata runise 11.1 contac. 2, ronpanan. 9. pron, 4. cpéaon, 5, gouireame 6 atta 7. wpa, seine er Execs 12.1. nonin (yin) 2. eso (xasi). 8. ease, 4 coco, cna 8. a oc, Fel 8 aoa ‘oc. i yes ale me eo oy Seale rite nts ate 4 te welcome fe 3 poet kee eel? Premiere aes oon cy ST Lae Wy es tae ere 16.1 ef. 2. 3. OA. 5. 6. nam. 7. no Bees eee nme t ‘rercise 17.1. sam. 2. en). 3. te. 4a. 8.208. 6. eR... Berle 18. 1 Da, 4 xan af eo exp, 2. en}. 3, A ony 5. me Goch 7 ch Bo sar ae ey te oe Seat East ol ign pg St i ne ee Vey can Sire si zee ue aca fe aie ae APs yar at i Mbnen ‘rpRbron, 4 tery planes Th cpio one ae " Esorse 24 1, Upenonanveny asa suet Srouy_rgntery x sro crystines. 9. niadey"openomninent ‘se Tonga i. deat cowl, cgay oral, cmeay Oary ¥ th CT E'S petrenm, 8 or een casa ape Exyrie 95.1. Mare rymiaa coh sine ade, 2, att ipoga“onnpe, Satu abunay “cata Saba) ry nde 3 oni. Stony Conary. 6. cob cepa repise 26. A. 1. Kay apy ma soci (8 mds) ac we eine QU ly : eae ee ee ar Sencar osr a eden fet Sot Ee eae aman ‘mepeastte rpumey m ovictacan? Ces Puree 22. A, 1. Ma engin of staieveg wisero npenoams ets Hain cote ae) nreaniven™ 3, Gerd ok Foro’ xpjan ctoens cayowy ies. 3, ectvore enya sku Syntiry a. iiuere tcaonéeapa, wine Cximortspo, 8 onvord ‘ebtorbuoro' emma, of) weniwsuy camnoay. By 8, ek cr ‘a apyaed a voudpeae, eon ven Rpyonin © mondpnas@ eons au sip apy roses. 7, onal n vert, Siten x cxeip: oi? SABRE? Gpiuac W sepa: of ont wtadrepes © Gpiers m cepon ‘rose 29.1, Cepnéns,Avoréatn Teoosee, Ceprtemt aan ttwarkeaes 2 Gsplon” xm Tega Cosy Bony be ciseaey. 9. ChuovoeyBatnbaayy Sezopoaety mn Faetrven Ae Bopicone nenise $0, 1, Mae spinach Sot yeigamat 2. aporner doe tn er." i apren p Momam&eTeepeoe Bietaadane SR idence Be eee oes? vee. Me wt yey snow, Not 2 Ny ees Scans IT oi set Tr or mio sae 2 oy Sa Sas ae i gaara Oa la fat See SS re tae ae a Sane baie CB Nie te Tee amg me nie eb 8 ee Tac iB it ty 8 oe These, no te 2a 1, ae a tae SS ta a Page Gees Pee Gee Poe BSR Eee a eater at dee Se Ce et EAS ae taka tn Tage se ee 2 Dem 2 Ba at ag OT ET Tr 3.8 oh A 68 a ea ar Eee emerge, 2 zp 2 a: «eae ok ee Co AMESE RS en Sues rie ey yan otal 2 Gah! Pbats EB SSeS. aaa, i al vrs ce, 2,1 «iy a an me as Stihl ge Stam nino sen. Bs be Sa at Sa ea al tao Be a Lt Se ee ee radat ine © Beatie a ak eh eo ats ee eee ie alates ise, is me, Seheh VS SES hare Paani septs SA ah meen vg tah Lame a a eae UBiiteg Hide Ai oa eee ohpree Gone Exercise $5. 1. e pe. 2. je 3. eh A. A. 8, HH 6. ars To na Ba ae, * nario 56.3. Dae en erate? Kya ae soya? Ko: wp son yaa? ete _ ae Beercse 7. 1, noxowis, 2 nosouns 8, poxnbaa 5. nogebuao, 6 soot 7, noasenaa Enurise $8. 1. newandvemy,vsoubey. 2. ve 3 ni 4. ang Sk dotds 8, reny. 7. wines aepeie Exercise 69. 1 x apa, vane 2, mastcrucuy syasunany, a2 eraowy nyadoay, i aranéweh “ae sono Teens 4 ponireame,w poatrenix. 5. x sdsna Spf, waa apyane Exercise 61. 1. 10 Jouaowy. 2. 00 sro fame, 3, m0 wy, 4. no napisy. 6.'no npn. 6. Ho Sumbeeaeery- Burcise 62. 1. a0 ripoay. 2. no Contreroay Cobsy, 8 60 2 inj. tm sts), B go S08 Gt, 6.10 Koes ™ rere 64, 1, Serpe ved Gjnex cxaica maven 00 xeon. 2. Deep fue soem Sm, §sy ton 49a ae 5, po naneubae, 8 00 eo ROD. 7.n0 Mee aT/ ‘The Genitive Case Yl wl pa Say Seat Comat ema 3 Sop lees Kit tly ah aot Be fey. 9.2 oe fda! arate sige tet oe tee Neca nl a a aa fe Ba ue v2 Gi Sirti ein rare 2 SLES hes fon opm rp sg, aol ef Sed es ae rg me en ee sla Wan ae Seager oe Exerc 6.1. On ve npaordeas ssaune ‘watine, sony ro ¥ wer ilo 2. 3 ne Ryn ry Rem, nor) sxe Y 4, roxeu, Exact ea a Cuno iver, 9, oa Ging Gudre. 4. wb Garo epdunnt, 5, nf Gato aypnina, 0. né Gan camspa. 7. nek hoprbien. Be ner yhina. Bxerige 71. Y wend see Spor0 expan, 2. Grom erp sora técra. i, Sexo yopacien, "Soro cali. 8, Sore Foes Exerise 8.1, Stok ankra, 2. fo 3. fro wapriie, 44 ol mde 5, ea nascen, 6: Seok Goro, Bawcze 9. 1, ¥ woeré ronipun ner cooesph 2. ner rol scien Sr od stn, tantra a nedtp 8, pas 8 foapn. 7. 20 ‘Shie's ona. 8. opie ror eryntnra wy Sof cxyatonen con wd "inter stot Conlie SV toad Sete 4 Ten hae BUY socré appa 6. y mors Gpiva wy doth erp " Exercise 18. 1. ¥ veut wet iero xapanzau. 2, dara piserore a, ultra noprbian, 4. Gonunizo woatra. 5. croprinsore ‘Sertas. 6. casnnoe apne: Fins sabes, Soe, rin. tidga t SeFBtaa dance naprime. id itr Beacoe 14, 1, ¥ wel ter nore yan 2. cuore ines 8. irom waa 4 corgmameh ase ean reat. 0. shmiero Guar 7. etapaero Opéra 8. nae ceo, Ezarcige 13, 1. Ed eae ner sina. 2. ES yer m ysmmepor: spe. 3: Ea cotute bet yale, 4.'ES ner » Gximmrine. 87H Ca enh hha Sc see 2 yureyee, 0 tpesoaneat Seve aipondoas. 4. Hasna ner = Gxdoonéee Mord 8 He a ‘eat’ 2 Hook csi conde ner Sar Eset 16. J. Hes 8 et 9 mati, 2. oor tr. 3 eb Bed ue tio, 8, en a tn. _ 2 Exgrcse 17.1. ex6 er, 2 eb ner. 3. meni we Gano. 4, 06 nb uso, Sess xeiee 18, (omic pie- i, yee, aig Tepe 2 eran an WxpedomaicaO- domasto cysts 0, ion eryatart, rariae 9, AY ere am (pe, seie) yd, 2. paystonpea. 3. Chorapae'd cal, erga Badan, “ronpeen, F.ditrns 8. aire. 9, noapiem Tir O80. ie sero 20. 1, Hens wend 9 adore ang con, 3, en 3 pe a Sa ie ost Buarcse 2. 1. wen crise, nua croai ase alum, 2. stant, “9, eo "pai ona ar. ets Tp. aoe ‘i, union, yp. 10. acre aus 12. vende 13 SE: Ta cryxtaran ern. 1, expat pa oun. 8. Soe nec 8, tpl Soke a7 enise 22.1. B nice rpfne wecrs eyatanos. 2, 00 apy: ear Fea aaa does amp agers nomopom. 10, scan sour Ti, aoeuoxtery npeciont. 13,"ca ome Exercise 94 1. Hen, x So loa ners Seow, 2, ame ero. 2, pete 4 Nene tm hr espa 23 ot. aT sere Sess Bsuraae 26, 1. Kea nemy 6 param cen aes. 2... son acon. 50 soatdinire neh Ae tceww Mlcmtes. 8-900" e6R8. 6. TPH dan 7e acres 8 HP mb ec 27 1 mg se ops wos, 2 spb, Smead, © pceze ae. Sy ae He “nis Tce est, B son ules 8. aston er. 10. pm Cts ercge 28, 1. Crain cong etn socetéauars wonter, 2 ‘niye nondhee 3, assume nontoe. 4 auesatey apy woot. 8. Iituots conde.” 6. auuate sp toushon.-T~ xxguaty won 90- hor 8. xeumdero Kone. 9. opie yO Ast Hone. ‘Exervie 20, 1. Cxinono eystinen y sae a space? 2. Cxémx acct apne funk uu? 3. Cran yazan opm sn name ala! oo As mona a 6 olen vuhauwsln ewgar Oc Crd pan ta sxeie Sy Naaey? 4 adams mp Xan ac? ‘Eserue 3.1. yore, 2, Gin. 8. pabnaer. 4. odser. 5. padi ser! 6S 72 ads Bc 9 kao ‘Bzerose 32, 1, anim x sépuen. 2. naa, sort6jcon, pane. 8, pandh w county, Geryncoon n eryateron. 8. nea orp, oat weanerphie. 0. yoeoumon. sua 4 APHLADE. 7. nerponeh ‘ern, Ezerise $9, 1 Grizon, cecbp, nga, onépmied x suanowin, 2, san napabnacy yee w apyede Ham. nape, toon 3a alms: ar, 4 sgn, two, xa6tiro, ayaNee salons Spelt sos ao. Exeeoe 94, 1. ca, 6a apa, 2. wonogs. 3. wheat a mate est "sou 8. Rea nr Be ara n wea ‘Boers 9, 1. Topoade. 2, ona 3. iawn, 4, wane. 6. mae aondepon 8. ccs. Tas. bc pesoninken 8, abst 10, Sake, Site te, tem, bon ae rage tt ro.» men, le a vet Moncada ee EoD ase te lat ooh ek Erase vc ice pion mat, on een er eae ee cae ae weiner dine ots igor yrmepcrtzon w nnermrjron, migurs ceub Arata waa; 26 eke hamtrorirerch, waTwok"muers eration, scpere cre pricdy cavancorr Chane, Hera Hare mos Gps, com Er oxtagentnts nna, ptera kajGoe enone nor} Pa eo okey (eoiy noieuon uarataoe, guomerer wan eadceon, wo nate st eraune, cro Taare, eamRderO eet. RAGOTEM, ye nacre, plus teaipome vase $9, 1. pSconx rome. 2. ocrpbeue sain, 8, wroxie penoxanivent. 4. Cpeuyer anon, serenade Sassi” 8, eae i aan. 6. pours en. Exarcse 2, 1. ¥ me wer sre verge. 2, Cn cerns pec est 3. it etso ewan cot 4 ex 7ghsuur yapands E'S gee connor cer, 6. ay Gjaer notux tapsuhe 7. bet ome 1a Aepdanns horse a Exarie M1 oy Tian er voipinued » waa yuan. 2, siner apseth a MockaSs "3 Ger crap mene Sper ae Be Besbein 8. ne Gum rep pooner x on, 7 net rapjeancs cauapé. 8. mex pommensh 9, ner creo apes. Exess 421. ner afcan, 2. ner verpant. 8, a Gun 996s He. ‘ipe J. ne 90 abaws 30 pine 3, er Sopris i 6. ner pee ia. 7 mt napa apyd. 8 ot Guo apyamu yaysMne 3, Sher” yodga treatm. 10, S86 peau spose. igor Touch, Tae we ato névand (8. We. Cao ich “ oan ns 1, ey tana etgaion 15 te aye ser deat npensznaench 1. for er inex begin apse Exercise 48, 1. Bro xéavarg ccc 2. Sto coalyy nperoxm sean, A ferpian creaéarne 4 morn Avis. Orono. aur co euiig slice, 8 Guts oma, 7. Oyo Mapa. 3 cecrpe Bop. Spent ina. 10. aye Sai Enz 1 ta ste i Tk 2: ia cvsbaas't ek ects die eT ee? ene eet Drapes nitse Sinton hetae Riel Seay ss ee ea Salts Rtas wit een slg oa erty, nou ponies Enacise 47. 1. miciné woud afapero apica, 2. xéwnnra wo sigh copa. 3. Serpime mx ewe Giatince. pose a9 oer ajuuero pire Tea, 5. per Sanapaa. 6. apyayé alan eryatae See’ Ai sasscl ogirs esate terion nate. 2. Fay Gee sms". pay et patron 10. pantech Prac 8 1 i aes ma ron 2 ou peng in ‘Sab eiy aes comune’ 8. pong aor epost nertee 48.1, Min cronisn Spine, 2 (Taian, 3. Hop sérwe fhm, is Sexton By Hou. simi. Be Auch San Ts Aor Ne Cones Caen ercige 50. A, 1. Bat oluiane dco Sok eryatine, Sexo quatre whens, Se prc rani Re pt, eh te oe ga, ee Yee, eh apa inch peo Grain nae ryan, ten Sro ‘apriim Sno sowosGre. Syaowome, fou S00 Exuelse $2.1. rps 2. wpe. @. yemeponra. 4. Cosa. 8 ia 8a eanatioge 7 pj by ode Susp enya. Tote ye wit nesses me, a, SM at se rie te ae Sees Leen: ceaaraateen ERE gee Pega eon 9, lh. 8 = ede ee sie gm gn ce gn ie eal em parece is te eee! cacas Mae eee s.r Le Emrise $6. utpooe ausaph nicass seusryesr rpmauinor, nae, rene inant cannes te, aa lose Gerpari tases aearrnir cp atpnte ray taanaaree fg uses seaman sdgaa peor 6a, daar eebroe Gee ‘abph. owe qenticor copor ceaunseo. rosa, aeversaguares Hen a esticoy etpaaasird Toady xesiee AUAOPH TSE intr Gameacesy aeatrovo Ta Exercise 1. Tégayy_ainyo werps » Nora orepiay and agnor in ice genmrecde Tplanat, ror ee 2- ear Mn ‘Tiere yanwtcdr copor oro Tia. 3s smndgtororo”anpane esta entre ueseaceteedpuor rag. 4 ceaungro woxGpe Wort ae” Sede cqurantanre Tox, ©, Aaaasia wropéro, wath ‘ue Se frrsér cSpoe toercy Fe, 6 tect won Towa acre ocre nearer fonae Exercise 68 1, wo wx, 2, mo relepas 3. eterna, 4. 3 Jlenrepin. a8 Moca i Cabbt. Seas Hage Heniaa, a Bipua [tenis 69, A. 1 O8 apoatt ng usin. 2. On pws sve wy, 58 mc on ttson wnt a $a) ecg apuczana so Come By faa Rajon © adtep, BF acnhpem ea iyales De aw nn aia Eercse 0, b, 9 nasa ¢ ronatpra 2. wa ava ¢ capes, 3. 2 seveinn c apie. 4c eee © plop. 8. pabora Ws Cn iar 61s nats © wep renee 61, 1x9 ewe, Ayes, Heb, Tau, Coecnsts vax Ui Seip, Cnet a Mam, Tam 20 bp desta. ry Byron, Maiwrepe AVF pox, 3a Hovis dae outa, Nieeeaaain Haw Mpc, Tie, Pasa, ‘Boma Bispace, Bepnten wri ropa. rercse 62. 1. Opeinn ng uate? 2. Orejap we opt? 3. Or. fan numer nyenojanstan? 4 OWejga npwitast ra ayia? 5: Or {RPE eaTnongim wep evocuc? 6 Gregan Rpt Cryatns? ‘Enerciee 62. Ln wexinivoen® necro a tau, 9 eat SHY Taki” acepcie 8 nba, appa To anne S27 oe Gamaul secon soi pnuny ae srs Como inane suulae ka npenve, € ee ‘eer aa Tapacnwen fe eos rojoa, W eos rojoge wo ever o- forks B's Baaeash eirp ex'wGnst cost, Basar serge Eiki Sate eto tena eget aie Sisco aopepon: c gmrgy ay aieenc nope fuer 9 auicacol aoe. 9 Contra Cols, Cone Goose Contscroro Conn. 'e Ulrstnann n ubwagio sep, Sloraitam # cwison aoptone, wo Worsham message Pest ‘Fverise 64, 1. Donast erp ws od non, 2. ue pydco rol. Sto sot widen tas Cckanehayasiopan, ba ipo SPB adhe Theiss Se sania Be Cat deca Tite nonstpae, 2s Wo Ter. Exorcee 65. 1. conoatin © xonnipn, sewing. yoonépre, wan sails, 2, adn ng, ab 3.9 res ee {wa ooprbecs, 4 ta idery, ss aoe, ¢ soos. 8. bana, © OO. is oie. 6 a em, te cise, co cron, Een, 1, nmi ont yéxane 2 coon, 2. pun so went. ini Rte ua ay ate Byles Sewer. ‘rise 67.1, 8 nonye asia oF ponirenet or erinuero 6p sa, don cord criporo spite. or 02006 erpatna. 4 or aoe Beeta.’a"or cme ep ceo. Feercee 68, 1,10 Jaan, on coer cxipuero. pra: x Macey cor cao apy. 5. 0 pdani oF Fostreney ns Asai, cape ‘med cer 8, a9 Fnaoe, oF cml soap. 4, om ofuenre, oF ‘corer. 3." post pal 0 cin posses Exgrete 6.1. y cour cipro apie. 2, y wlueo toepesah ena, Sy coe icinan, 4, f mse tpobictpe, fy Cake oR. Biot 8, } Sows ciate oe ™ Yaaro Gi nin cryin ©, Tae xeps sometce s TeN Y koro ep fan wat tmp PE ™ Earle 1-1. Bepion Gun moana rzasro wpa, 2. ae notceneai j cole apreth, Gane © eae y Cannes sor ‘ei stay Cas posed. 9 apubiceona no ‘hes, Gen _aepée ypu eat, 7. Gaia DA Poa hl rae see Sls Si et ey "eg oer fe se Cities, wae 3 a a ay Sie ae Te eta Nam 2 cn wt 38 wt SUP Ma ata 2 SIS Es ee loo ec "are, Brose 78. 1. Sry any soxmptaan 30 mud. 2 Mat pring Sit BN pte a, Bs ‘The tstrmental Case Exercise 2 1, © spjrow. 2 ¢ Matuzou. 3. « woiguuen. 4 ¢ me hee Ciao Fre site ees Cyne A. UD. etapa. TL. € ada. 12, © mpenoutstens Bence 3, 1 ¢ apegoupirem, 2. ursnemn. 8.¢ series, 4 cltepon. 6." cepa 8, Bop, Bea 4, 1. © maui w wescerp. 2, lott € wep 4c "npenaanteien W Speponanh oun, Bs Hoo Miaalao. 6: co eyatamon nc eryataton 7 ec. fare sone, pa am sa eis on 2 oy tet eoiean, © Speozanvenen om sg giana ey ieee ea eens gag oar pop 3; uot ey cep oSer mama AS gate ee Seen Ce eae ee Seerges Exercise 8, 1. Opa, Siny, e fg6rou, Onur, 0 Spe. 2 cx, cocip ox crip ectpf0 Cape Bry apa, wPNG, pee Spr epey, pout Exel 10.1, © Sen seentaon, 2. frm netenépo 2 Sas pyaar 3. i> oy voto. 6. ¢ ie SEF tpnositoningeh 10° SOM cpa Nine coe sdacpam Exorse 1,1, Tpenosatiem pasoatpunar © uéoyarexyxirron, 2c Gomme 3 ¢ ore. de oma 5. worst 6 oo suuxoa 7 co rdpume 8 © So¥ecune ety ksh Seah et 2 fae Ea Cr cat Exeqose 18. 1. mite winene npoponanicene 2.50 xc 0 woe pen, 5 age amex crfauzoh a tier ‘Gone dren oun store prin. e reo undgnn ‘phon 7 co coo dpm cero Exercte 14, 1 C xan crysterose ow sosgonnnen? 2 © rani xy 6G da Wouatpre® 4. yg ompoh on rnp ta te ‘Fegony? tC Yas "ayaa Gee ae ewepe Sree ergae? 6.0 a {iat Shiri ow abetd ne taganct? @ Cente soca oor. Snot 'n Mocks? 7. Ctanda corpo Bu aoa spat ® merpectans Spe ree |, <9 cise sf, sont ne 9h, ceil gi Se ie, rm, md tes eet cin is See ae cn ele Soe) meee ates ¢ eee ae ea Beate Geaeenaien ate Bebe Seino comes ie it Sachse hm eet ch ne oe ice rel coda ee, a Exyclse 17.1. Bo sania © go, =e mm, ese. 2. © pe, (gue Se nln ts fe lim, ahi 8.6 my ¢ ea, 8S ota, e oteh. "7. 2 aol. 6, e'hiam Feo sh. € To0ik 9 Tit is" esa Exercise 20,1. ¢ rons te, CE nocenipy "2.penonssarena ‘Syntan 8 Sparen rere 21. 1 itm cent. 2. 6 lem sopnne apsantun 3, © pcxmen eryaerrba he _coib rapes Fone tam. 5c ciohun erp eerpova. 6."co ceo nascar Srv 7. So Smo aa Spsrena w sa Exarcee 12 1 co cons cxipaey apyaniv. 2 © con ‘rua §, © erégaman Sphinn 4. 2 cnn nine Cetpake Ciccone 8 dinrnc spoons et TaN Gerais 8.1 colt ‘apf cok rolpnr Be ‘gwicrians mypiautcron, 4. co coo apjrou, 8, co erly Hf 8 Soc emma 8s Pls Seg Ex a1 ts vpn oe wo ab san co ot 9 ¢ wna nosis Sor webs osdtem eget Sica aa alates fae Oueee een iss ae ‘Suna greiner acs SSC ay aa ig eet SAT cpa Mask Sa gat tk Err I Mo es meng pS woe seh Be un STARE Moet at Se ae ai, OYRET wescruod apricTA’. ee ———r— Ce, On orem Meh stg for gape Souci coo | A, ee Se Ti mney 2 ai 2, mae api von Ue, fet ras te rise 29, 4. ngma fern yo. 2. cain pcre siteaa, 3 atm Sqanejenne amon eae So tne Sonata 6. Erie 3.1. Betpiy susierescronited Taina. 2. Map #0 steve coil a ce Dine Exercise 31. 1, umwentpen. 2, sa6optizon, 3. error. 4. xe op soa. 8 eee yotsan SP Enurcse $2. 1. Mew ms, spymeerees einai pen? 2, Yew on snmaten € yacndncrme 9. oe at suum at ae, ef «li dt: REO 8 et a lS eta ek Sn sn Eps itd) ope set DIR Bt ma fen om. Ta Eaerae $8, 1, Ya nosis a wa canta Tow, 2. pen ws sua saat apex nt 4 94 Ras Aiton 5. bjea Cs ‘Stow ean Gs a8 Mon. whe oF ie tn a8 pital mre Phe 2,3, Kt mpeg 2. os mat an le Sa Harr nse Sok mr se Sa ee el al Trelis 2, mie patna 2 et lta ts Ba SSE Gee tt res mt ee ee 2 i, St ee ee PROSE A GUE cnr se yore? Ho cr son i se orig ot ce ttn oat 2 cee Sie Ne Sa i tas ‘Bure 46. 1. Korah on nosorpaca? 2. Korai os ooxosiaa oxpiteh ‘Bornisg 7. 1. More, now, waren 20 ico 1 awe 2, Ee ecg stan nenisnahe Asn pasrdanaa Bo 38 Gran Ta Gyuodn 6's cote cases 7. on sexspern ‘Bere #8. 1. abirou. 2, pune xapanaasa. 9. cepuivere. ccinnepoas naa pn 62 ape) aon. 7. ¢ ‘onan SE GAMIGA Gf Mason 10: gprs poser Spada, Eee 49, 1 ot mu sosaopémana? 2. Kae pubiraer ot seer Seen as cra cpa an shun wep SER Ssh et cp as» aye sou cl 9 aes Face munecsee gat apy? 8. Kavad wns coves mie} 9 Tae? 3. tye Galt name evi 50.1. phe, poping, 4 pany, puner, 2. ro. sipmige Tipit, € romped, Tens. 2.76}, AEH, m0 ‘Brerce 81, 1. aan, xpath, xpd 2. stan,» wat (oo sent epinn: Sepp a Moteady © syperint > Neca, ‘pies es Mew = Exerse 52, 1 Catiaorbon, © Gaavortes. 2. cr, OF cer 3, e enanantfatas masnaanizetae 4 eobpton © CPCB. APY ye mapire. mst F "Burge $3. 1. ony oF a8, oh 2 0, 08) € mms, a. 3. ¢ Ho oS oa Eerie $f. 6-4 be 2, ee 9. € us 4. mee Bl 8. Te, ane Ee Bebe w eae 0 els He eo Nao 1. te 05 Burst 85.1. Ia sabe 2, sx 0 one. it ott 3, or be Eure 56. 8. 1. omors mcrae coniresra syabaca, 2. © sec ony snipe acannon sya, 4 Obs) Hater contraay Nyasa. oor ak ‘eraoro coetrcnro hyxdnsa 6. 06 pate “acer tate Ay Gasene, B. | at tea epnoaaeete 2, aero war pers fSrena. ‘3. atu noan apeosasctanen 4, ney ey "apes Jatireno, &. "utero nevre upemaanirea, €, Bite wees tpenay Eerie 57. A. 1. 0 cot expo moe rsigue. 2. co epo- ex ntiunn nip. 8 bere eipore Monson Tose oon aia Tonpat 5,iners koro ‘Rlpas, 6 cuca ervoey atone Oxy, ae ioe nepire, apap noaptry 3. cent eh moapiem, A ‘Sols sya Rosy 8 co COON heed OaRpyToR, cum. 4 cmt. 5 fe 10 ee : ‘THE veR® ‘Verbs of Matton Bards 21 nan p mri 3 3 rte, 9 sn late et kaa, fb mma ‘gras em iy. me fy, A ley. A pe oe Edad 2 ad Bt, 6 Eure Loy iy Seas eB be 8 reg Si Bike GP — eo fc aga aa an, af 3 ae tae, aR a oS “ ery 7 ie, tn 9. al, mda 8 sat obi eae a ome 8 ae, 2 im 2h SL aa Cnet Aer Bann ol Ks mr we 2 Kye al a Sa Se el a 2 Sagi A ie a eae PRIN Satan GS ale ae! rosin, 4 Tn an De Jo, es a 2 ih Ue et Se ds rte ‘eamionon mcrsjve. 7 Gli» four atop open. Burise 14. 1, Burp 0 sos» way, 2. gona 9 yoaiave. ‘3, sgn ra song. om w mtu" nogtn Sears yee aoa insta, sr 9 Tepe Se on #0. Baercve 15.1, sonst, oat, xox, xk. 2. 09k, osdas. 3, ron, otha, Sout rors 17 1 ante, 2, wai, 8, rota. 4 waa. Boe te ti 7 la. recs 16.1. mob. 2 sola. 3, nota. 4 matte. 6. mol nae ain. rie 19. 1. wage 9 dendeccoye satoperéo. 2. oxy 19 ont Sats Stee." tonne te cpt 8 aan woe spr 6: ogy» ono wry 7s sola w en ® sola na Mc. oe fe 3 st ‘Meopettna 6, aa) me Kony 7. oan an pe Tages gn go 2 ce fea ae fe a a at gle pith Bi Ler Fh es Shoe (Geir hpshat olga Ege Beetaseaaty eo a on tas ise a ony n'a po ae lett Sal mae Sei ake RS. ma ee PEs Ett dat: ai, has Ba onde I Rae A, hae eae sey, 2a a. a Ta 1m ey, ou se Sm | Aamir, Lagat Bat ese Spt Rs Mg a Se Sis Exrisa 9, 4, A5ea, 2 Maye. 8, kay. A, Sere, GOK, 6, Gee sy 6 ae, 4 ar ser tga 2 bout 8 a Be a tat oe tem genie Meg sok oo DARE Se ‘Peovcse 38.1, Tae Gouch aérow nua ceavd? Kyxh tama siren wert Sh pees ae fa epee ES eS Bor EA ans Se ae weit cana EE 8 ae vai Se name gee Bt 1a con eens ere Haat of So EE RE ES Aas ecnae 96.1. anrere wo soy Eun 0 cman. 2A ee slate mnt Ar oaan» epennoe SS Bal. 6 Riou ma ctaaon, 7. ana» Tou. ‘vee 371 Boe, age, Expt 2. ae, GT, RHA 3. EFT. sng, ta eens so. 1. abayr. 2, ger, 3. wabaer. A, OERYT. 5. 00 eet tka, T Ronee, 6, taco, ‘gue 40.1, Bae 0 oobxy » More. 2. sotgr Baga oy. Since" tioadoo” € pokaee » Ansptin” Smoke Cor Thala. 6. oeker Tews, reuse at fener, ae, darn, 2, aman, amin, Gat, 00, ntact: bay kay thser tat. 4 mortar, woeAeA, OME Mbeeiee 48, 1. aaa, tafe 2 waban, was, xOBI 9. ee Pepi nonp, S an maf. 30a AO. HAE, aa ‘Eerine 4. 1. amin, unit, 36am xan, 2. soa, sonia, 26 ee Sat Bo de mabey abe, ORNL A Hae, Engr inne no ‘Heeese 61, sonia, wa, 2, roxy mm, 9. sonia, at, 4 xo “Frere (7. Ie voubaae 2 wm, S. eam 4 xonta, 5. xoMit, 6, kay ame 6, Somat Veuve 49.1. gen Ey, Gta, sy. 2. pene, eH kam, chan testa: Get ty. 1 ane tant "Beecise ff, 1. nnan. 2 Gua & brant 4. Cu 5. beat, 6, eum 7 fea, ase eee on tana 6 sree 62 ty tsnumy, Sxank, gam. 2. éauiat, fant, Goa 5, eS ligktn EC, Sam ant Se Oman, ban > ca An 4m 3 eS sm fn. err eum amg 2 a tn, tm at i Maar BS SR ee rege py 2 a soit Edgtee tt asad Ba Bs sant Tecrse £6. 1 hak, 2anctge. 9. matt 4. man 8. okay. 6 ore ited tae aa lad io Exercise $7. 1. 9 oxy ws cin. 2. 9 moby a mabye, ‘9 a lay seh, 4'n belay 9 tome ae, Bm SORAY sence Sinatay a god hs ate. “een cman, 2 oman, me, ae Jotaye aodtene, en, 8. s2wy Hay, wobay, soa, nd Exes 60, |, sefen, seri, ser, acti, oetirm 2. 6etl, Gand, Coy Gann tna, tac, Geak 8. NaS, BES “Epvese 62. 1. nets, nic, 2. nook, nee, 3. nln, nae, 4, ast, ene 8. eos xeric 68. 1, voce, mej. 2. mest, eeaf. 9. weir, er. etn, 2 er km» ey, 3 Caer wy te tiga seer prin A, dapoma hake ers 8. Tate ‘sei ent tenth: 6. Aneje moer erytiton na Skee. "igiebes oer cise xa, 8. Rosanna ter 8 Carboy Ae 2, ofa, 8, and. A, a, Bs ca. 6 oc, 2 Mook, se. 8 aon, HEC A, wy Exercise (8. 1. noma, 2. nowsi, 8, somxk. 4 wobxes. 6, nos ‘Execie 69.1, maul, somné, obsans, noma, raat. 2. naka, : ¥, 2, mat sex tots tant ngee 79, A. 1. raga ras an rnin’ 2. Orain8 ep cca ee LOE Oita Set pa 2 Os ‘os mperaansre, et xs 7. 1, ma. 2, pane. 3. abr, 4 opm. 5. RP ete eet ges aan ‘alse 75. 1, mp), ope... pups, pun. 2. mex ng nat” Soeliger pees 8 monte: apse. 6 a “wir, npnéxaa (npnéner). ™ er 4, en goa» eas wo Galore 2 8, youpaniy ie aig. Se Ma Axa» Ze ‘ies, {LS tbr he» tar ,ctnok 6. Beh yas BET Riana ips ee Oar pant copes oa, 8, oa ol AST wpitacr no Oped a. psa Beurise 78. 2 yos 3. yaa, yuk sage i, 2k 3: ne 4 ae 5. a7 eet al 2 yr at an m om 2 oe 5 al ao ant wee 2 Say neat INES erst. Hees 2 Seas ree eee cae cae Ac yt Quin ya 2, ry, a apm ea tt, add SRL Te ta" here ae 2g yn Hh a Le, Fins et alr te Be Stilt A TED a itgtiadra Eo Sa eae Mt fates) ase i eee Ee as Atta men eee iayr ‘poe io seouler, erie 85. 1a ona ae. BS cts eae a Simei. no me, Tm ae 8. ‘uardse 86, 1. yest, aafopndpen, 2. yeaa cons, 3, mpc c pani.” yz aera Se yaokat porte, samedi Pipe aah: & Gps © abe. ais Saran, 10, peso end Bere orp eat, 3, nS. vis, 6 mead 7. nce Byte Rolie goes eeu Bombe omen 6. a omer 7 ore ise ans ros» ay 2, toank 2 of nosh Sia ey SEMEN cba san. 8. wo Eal's woth 6 out eer ere 91 1. Tpenoaesness aes wo eyardaat (° mona) a, a ele ay, inn ah mah SEE Soectae aes ege e 2 ko Hew oe ilo, Sek ae Nimes i x a 20 Bsersite 92, 1 naan, 2. nde. 3, vom. 4 adune, 5, nowt, 6, soni 7, sean 8 mii Eerie 99. 1, same ws acc. 2, soa» relep. 8. pes wor a, ican "at al 9 aye rae cosa rar, 7 pes a eran 8 ae ‘tort erase $7. 1. sonooni, 2. wosount, 9, noxstxas (sox). 4. nguenen 5. paieéteme. 6. tanta ag Fin 8, A. | oo or nt. 2, rp x ebm, 8m Bhosle dotutie Be Tossount x tapes, 3 creer 8.2. go ysis 3. 0 cramtna, 4. 0 Soe oma: 7 Bp evans 830 OE ee ee 5), 3 Roomy 1 le univ ot, 1, ade ar 2. apse Sn Not tesa ot eat A Ma, & camry. ees Soe igen Gr yotags or ne, ater ao a. 6 woncaee aE Pisin ogee Ese pgm Moo. 2. a 9, Ma 7B dn oP chaos Sigel tins Sr moeneanae RO sere 106 nolck, wining, or, nk, sek, tw, noms, pei ean mac wb otra ‘rors 106. oo, sum, sod, nox, won, roan Sued, ann, nny tia, nee ree 107, sonia, scam, roxoast, eozawia, wdaus, oat, cre i sat ms, Ess 18, xe, mado, aay (vada), aon abe sn Tad, Sh mast tn aa i ee aE, Exercise 109, bye, maxi, eT (ORE), waKSsHT. wae, yer tc is, a, ‘Geos 110. nie, soo, sae, oogoute, soe, sou, pte eg i ce, pa ye ies, Sia, Soames “cera 11, atm, aim, steam, pam, wean, mse, pstrinn, toga, nae, Naud (reso, sondoky moore, seca a on Pere UB, ster, wins ai, oan se forded, smd, ube, yonne oped” vei 19, massa, wean, asia, fags, xa Extn, san ait sn, apts, Sonat, Bey ‘ge 14, kay, tm, Sant, sek, Gram, wen, oben sm, soli, notes, fox ‘verioe 115, én, Sst, ronnés, ro, moxonks, a so ie, pi Verbs with the Parte -ow Excise 2.1. fameen, yejen, Suet, fumes, 2. yen, yu cn 3 Fancast te Yoren 830, ae ye Eure 3. fren, yf, 2, fae Yoo Ye 3 jee fa Seite ie yes yen, Sind fae, Far areca Fer ere rr 1, Cty sei, 3 ain nn Rudbrice lous habe tr nant nas!” 6 kaye Soe Becta: roe 6,1, Gypein cova. sug, 2, pmgmne scale onion. 5 Cea cose cai, "Ept ee naan ly spe aes Caja noe Efania, T bliwngeal beweme wae, 8. ope 5, ngs, &npnaoone, 7. surparen: Bowen, 9, Foran To. tories. il mpouephina. 12, poner. Exercise &. 1. Virnaépome counter agin, 2, Yabo np sexe Sms 3 te ae mf Yi wa [yeres sosoe 8. pig rndourennpober Gx epceerow opr ‘ayo suai! f" Cryaioram mpercs adn. 8 Satay e- ‘adres wna potatoe, S.Tacitewma canes Mpa. {os Byes nlsuotes ene Execist 10. 1. crojmes gina. 2. agouepipyrea disun. 4. opie woth gona aang pease. Soe. B Mhausoren peso. 7." edpbaee dpoodaanc. Exsese 11, 1. rréane cranny, 2, erp my, 3,_onepior xf 4 apenoanbr mu. Be onan Tastes. 6. oyster po" Gatiy. 7 sepeaner acters. Expise 12.1, mypsing opogsir, 2. evirn apaai. 8. xarssa ‘onpuaing 4 uenéona wanyanr Be astute cipee. 8 opraikaj 3B ‘ejenmn 7, oiapur murs. Exar 14,1, wtncnes. 2 xSneanace, 3. ote, 4. ae sues, 5 taenei, 6 eotpiel. 7. nowadce 8. unc 9. wpoxnad ‘hes, To, igor Il, poo: at revise 15. 1, nantes, 2. cua. 3. aime, A, one cx. 5 Stance. ceranociace ocean) rere 21.1, nasncy nea 2. name 3 paeacd, eng, 4, she ead Eo Nan a. pain oma Fin engl TS alain, Beer Toows: case ‘ron woe 12. kore, abs 3, Ko i Prarie 22. 1. rowan, xvas, 2. famon, jure, 8, uf, rwvntek fe cat, ompeaien Berm, pou (rp) 8. fa Ui procica 7 sxatenin, crane, Baers 3,1. nian, sc. 2. ame, ae. 3, ow Sc ep" entpanin,crapacierch. 6” sap. Spats EPiBeaanica ninnea, nastan. f, ocoroin,ocranosen, cease, 8, auc, sontinss owers) Exeree 24, 1, cans, catalase, emus, comic, 2 psi, soins, saa, 3. epitos, capris, cxpinan. 4, corian, oTse: ‘Bom, rordgnes. upc, ben, sep 6. oto, orp, ‘PPpelgaring, apacparae. Eveptse 26. 1. vownles. 2, ryosnatc, 9. xonman Nox nich 8 ehyeriace be neti: 7 copa. 8” eran: > Seria. 10. sted, roreeren. ‘Exerese 27, 1 C nem ws wero sexpedcrei? 2. C wee mi sa085 newness Brace 2. 1 wxpa, versus, septa, nevi 2 nacht’ iungih Weacdanac, nearest owns suacac, ges 4" nom, pn Be cakrovan, cul. “esgrse $0. 1, eae, pizemenabuarces, wines, alata. 2 spc en ei me nai 0 ‘handeumce seindons, ‘oarorére, eae, neon GMtoperpmc, nosolnonruce. acorns, mocomrytek: Exercise 1. 1. win, ner, wees, mer, ware 2. omer, ox yes ole. Yummicen, ynener, yuneeres fe aiea- peren Sr myegn, aynders lens Execs 2, 1, neaearSoumes. 2. edgesce, 3. crpinmc. wpe asnca. 8c aponsamdsen be rane. 7, socoronorvea, 8 sominc, SPStaneran 10, exebnen Te womepeteren. 12e eosvenbmacn, Execiae 4, 1. nest 2 mon 3. 0 MoM. A. nts By Cre. Ha ano Ft a ae e hen. Bsa (nak eae Hse ate He € fw. 12 ao. Execs 8. 1c0 cos npeogasineag, 2. oxo spysdnt. 3, oir xinax. 4 o mignon clive. Bx oentauey Savery. 6; cotmon Tre asin, 8. mbvaeuy wey hea ta roc 1, aR romp i. cate ease 12 Gsoarae es See ears miro, ee “The Aspects of the Verb Eee 43. cooptng, 2 ya, witpsen 2. arin, 4. pent reuin yeaa: Seat” A ‘ verge 8, mais, mck, naca, mela, mcin, eam, ici, mci, i, ial, 7 Exerie 10. asta, win, és, a, i, spo = pours, a ——Ur— ney i: Ml rae pte apt, oer ec arnad, lean ema ee F—L—r———C cnt, cued. 4 Sl, ata, 5. neia eran O° a se ete Eni, ema nol, rp 3 wa, ro. 4 extant." taguene fear Es oclaeaer SL cin a na Zar Th ty sgt 2, mmo. 9, nner i Tikit a, Sites: fae oes : a L———rt—~—™ ono, Mats CMG ATR, ORI tm a — meine | serena Soe PI Tytannt tate eiad el ta a —r—— see ln ant eee ee, 2. a uccise 25.1, mur. 2 wane, 3. wuss, 4, nous 5, vam. 8 nama, 7 satan. 8, RS a Buacse 29.1. Ojay yes, siya. 2. GGer mace, nanies, 2, ofxatarde, towrod 4 Spay hire. tas, Bien wae: cy neo ede, eos. ae ena, Ergo 8, 1. Spon mire, wai. 2. fact gone nape eg, 8 ay aut rag Aa uote ecu Set tt melger jours Gee tata. cet 2, 1 mb, 2 uit 3. gah 4. saan me 5, see 6, aonin 7 anit, ar. Be née Ont HO. a 43, Sate Breese $3, 1. aac 2. ema. 8 népnaae 4. ego 5. wee sx, tpn Tae Saat Bea 1 ect 34.1 sera, ocrBr, sean. 2. veri ery. 9, nr a tia see Be exile 7 bla Sn Rhee. Exercise 5, 1 swam, note. 2. porduumy, mocmtas, 9. eat ay, fea ns, 8 er, Ba Exerlee 3. 1. sores abe, 2 aa. 8. 6. can Fs cee 8 caren Broce 38.1, nian, yalaes. 2. eign, yoda. 8, yin, wie gor he cmon yout, Bo exdatann, aaa 6, "yonian Fgdere arto, 8. Sader, si. 9, anda 10. mere, S060, Yonlny, ere placa 4 clam, 5, re, ‘Enetee 48. 1, saauciz. 2, yea, mya, 3. oma sana. 44, mop, Spin be satan, ym 7, wend. 8 or, Senne Beale bosin 10 ‘onkaer, cnastan i. sea Exercise 4. 1 napaoeks, gmonén, 2, nosapin, saphn. 3. yb, yma, moxyniso, 4, mech, xaumeda. 5. ea 6. scrpesines, renee Se le ie Ect mee Enel 5.1. monet, 2, pa. 3. nig. 4. ne pasts, tempers. cnGteh 7 Ganka 8. oni 9 soural, Prosi 4S wa ua, 2 pn ca ifr Rad aa pj Eb, 2G." n meses Tae sn 8° mond rele (J. owe nero. 2. yatlr ocx, 2. co. pete A tat acta’ Sad wacdapr 8 a FiocipetT: ante rbonia 8 ot tani, Sony. ave #1, a onjere. 2 8 wexpay 2 men koi, 4, citage a aay oad egnidlye rhe abe ad te Sanaa & Aahay boat runic 1.1, sos, aia, 2. mete, 8, orm, 4 slits pages Eaiptonaaehs woah @. edetneee ogan eipkyee mlsbe € seroma, bbas, 9, Te. 8m: sm gn te ie yn aura re aan, Ghee mn codec: ey, hn sat agit ty, mm, in yin, nat” andr, ky nae pea eps a, Por see et mm etn wna model te te Sst moun mo, ayy ees Se ey eh te a pada Yaaes, sone, yages, wou, cada sa kl ee mp, an a Se Sean ga a ew LER ee SES a aes pen, ‘apc crim, aan oss, nepfach. en nan eas Fen csp, Soe, sei cexasi, cassis, yontem, cnposiin, orséran. 7 tor eee ng ma, a at soe ag i pat a, mas ty STS Sa ah Se The Camp Sentence ercsg 2, 1. ne. 2. eras. 8, nak. 4 ar (0b). 5. won. 6. 1 song. Fctinica tae: 9. nae Ws eae on ‘rigneo. 3. uae. 4. onan. 5. mo, 8, Kinks B. ao (6 MEM. 10, ror TI ae Ferse 16. 1. gen 2. Seat 3, road, 4. sorb, 5. nota 6. achomys 7 tov} mo. 8. ote i. ™ z Execs 19, 1, yairan. 2. romp. 9, wa. 4. aaa, 6. pe sus, 6. won. 7! mower, 8, npunee. 9. yuan ™ Exercise 22. 1, me, 90, 2. yo, ifs, 3. abe, 0, fo, WGK 8,90, eb, enn, a Erercse 28.1, 70, 2.10, xercte 8.1. rb. 2, ond ee, Ercige 20, Ay A. & wn). 2. soup. 3, re ete. Be 6. eu 1. ete 8 fo thes CTO sa HE oo Erase 81,1. 1, 2.106, 3.10, 4.8 rH, 8. 0,6. Ererse 38. |. Bu agen wéach nue, non ubn wae 8 vj Bo nndpet: Sor. 4 roe. 8. ovbpoe 6 Sandu Erase 94 1, Mu 6» xmorekeps, wrap waxiuiven ws co eavet Jac. 2," ty tomate, ond ft Seepe, song Smee, tordpse 5 “ons, Sunoes & Gtatoney, encom 1 errata, honda. 8, Netonba, sop Broreie $5, 1. vordpek, 2. sorérh. 3. xooe, 4. wonde. ‘5, sors toons T= Horan, aarp. evi Exercise 9, 1. Cerduon § ninea aémpeny, 0 xrdpok poxxiau a sl paneer mete Sayre 8 ‘engpou 5. eiaay, we wordpons 8. 9 xbus,w noterowe 7. ins, serdon Eercive 57.1. een, 9 wendgow. 2.» ase, 9 wonépom, 3, 1 10- fap, eodpows Aw Goorin wordpath 8. Tor9R ® KOToPOm Crsaulps © koripow. 7, no ape, wa koropoh 8 a enSaph ‘oropat Exercise 3, 1a)» xudose, worgout. 8) 9 robexe, © meré. 2, a} necr wonipie 0} fous teen 23) Set Corona 6) 2 rene, b orapau ds) agprdaahy ws eorspow. ) op, mo ‘ipa 6s) 's Sat. wotdpom, B) sag, Povey 6.8) seoaan, bm Sopos 8) toad, worse Excise $9. 1. 0 wordy, 2. © wonGpon. 9. wa wang. 4 we Ero wonipous 6's oripou. Bxercise #2. |, mia, onépyo. 2. aad, worgpub. 3. 0 erased xovipyns 4. Moxa, opal. S” cryatnr, wonder. 6. sowie, Kerupore. 7. no, woop. 8. acy, wap. 9 ro. Exercise 42.1 casio, koripue. 2. none, xonipae. 9. patie, sexton 4 apis, organ. 8 pas, ate atin, Baerite 4.1, xordprm, 2 sniper, 3, 0 rordpo, 4 sone. & sot. 6. 8 tortie t,"ndpah & soot: fora, Ho. ede. Nonopue 2's trp Exerise 4. 1 xy nonin. 2 ep, notrowy. 3. ap. rordpay A. Stanay wonbyo Av, MiG, 8.88 Cea fone Fete 2 an, ein. 2 hy «nn 2 SEE eer mien Paes oni SanT Sede. te sn, rd, 2, ap dre 2, erates ' soidpoRe 4, cieatar, y aoripor, b-0 efYabares Roe gE LEN AT Lk Pat ee Tied. het, 9 go pring yank ra Ells Maha ttn sett 2 pad See aa a Ea or Execs 62. 1. Mpevonniren cuts wat, 0.9 66h vac sen rhe anit, Ey task Ae “Oa MNO i gjaer y wide wo tt evan, & ymin Sain. Ts 00 ond ‘Sree on omen Exec 54, 1 Au enpona weed rag sasGnurn rims, ee ea in, Fxarue 8, 1. Hae expocian mac, eda mt aes seney, 2, it om 8. ia onde 4. negate 04: Senate ser ceijl 6, ofa? nun, 7. nosuns mits G6 Cm Tmo dja aon wed Zagee 6 1. Hoa xia cet mut a ope 2 sels Poon 8. mop an le? B atone aa 4 paws oe wsybene Exercise 7. 1S corecda, om: «Tar upouda ace_sstraP 2, th penn be ant 9 Cec, yey aeons A eSaeee ‘jest qunita eabucnus 6, eT nab © Smt ne” 6 eta Gan Hows 2 bros rn» urine , ipesongre cha wnt, tn orig ‘anf mo egeca 8 eraso . h, focal on paisa ma 8 weet ow wn ae, Burese 61. 1, yah wa ua, oro ws abn. 2. iam 8 ao ye set, oo er ay ne” Say ato, ro Gat, wa Gea a Gua © ronbpame fst obama’ aria ono ‘Spocia don. Bees 08 psa mie, mote R empocke Ay Senlaces cataltng Pat sal Verbat Adverbs Const aegis fe ote Sats iEthe afarensis Leia ears aa en MS BEES ese sibs tn til Eerie 9. 1. Kani, erat yam og mpliiny? 2. Kano smctemay st aperanct we wlnep? 3. Kano stops. eno- ca 9 poyarira doar? 4, C waren sprcrom sro pee Ses, Ce at coun ne 31 poate. C uch ult Wp oe Gyro oa. nr, nay. lan, rin 2. Sedromine traumas, Soaks’ ¢'syseacan, pena, eto, cena Everce 5. A 1. wo sega, wafuezo wo any, 2. © seen cit a Ml le fe. So a Teomeiy, giuouy. 1" npeoozatons, olin ‘tla Spy: yimeqee. © aptoantreat! gad See?'Ee mpeionalese momen Saprcs ymcpene EN; 06 geo craps) nt efeontspea 2 h, Si yattr, ongueo. Bo Le syainua, ops” ‘Sonixinmern opnmoninana." 3" sjateown, ‘Cyan, rane Brae 6. 1. urioant. 2. yor. 3, pabieacap, 4 reo la heh 8 epi rere 8. {noni mtr, 2. ono nr, 2. arpa na 4 ronan des corp tae ree © Nop Se Evers 9. 1. wong spur. 2. orp ptae 3. worse sees 4 dp roopir © kop hep 8 wip ae Fiori Trebor ‘ace (0,1. roiga wanda, 2, vodaae mye, 8 on rig nodp br tortpitseas 8 aarp ey copve anni, 2. mnt Eseries ren, 2 nea, x nxt 4 roti Ones. 5 onépat mame", wore Mga ST serh mwonia 8: woropa maven, onbpl cspe a eS Hg, Mati santa, 2. save mcimeney ced owas. "t Lope cttoniziy 8. nonépae Yoram. 8. Rowpue mrepecre. 7. rode sepa. 8 koje pass i. Stora eunortsicn 1. wavepoespoatinconc. Ut stipe Execs 13. 1, union, efdroorh, aiuoravhy sosysbou, ‘mca, hea, sso, wena estssanent Pe: ‘ilonat, teamoun, Toxyabond,ncrpewoaal enewdeae, o- Encik swe, sree = ioaunh epormpoart, oprenmpom, Tniguctas,aarepecuaes. Spontistnhy sepeanbagd, sraoual, © cwrpaunds basis Ne: nc esta Exwcige 14. npourréaumd, ioeatnunt, sepeniowl, Spina, ey ee, Enayie 15. A. 1. mumgaeny 8 anyrta osaencram, 2. xsgiaex 1 pyre onan. "3 jer Ae semja 5. arses 8. xpojune, B, 1. parame 9 Gussurtes, 2. pthroeue > 6H6- ‘pert paiae te udbomana, C1 apr to Che rvoro Casa, 2 npwdiamnt ws Coneesors Caled. 3 npnGenene. tye S" wprtanaecoBy mpotersa, Execs 16. 1. yada airy. >. peasaanl sasdny. 2. aay tune pico ac: &" nent 8. pens ments al Abe, Shewdnute woe. 7. npooeploa egebkry, 8 EMNREAGERS ry saat Eseriit 17. 1 nyntsanme, 2. syainer. 8, expénusben. 4. au yada 5: crime 6 Hasicsianh feat Excise 18-1. samefecero. 2. patGraeame. 3, mpubzansen. 4, salto. '5.opunendaure: 6° Gyomngsauers, 7. "Consucay, &. npatsanete soca, Eoorcigg 19, 1. Ha sfscge eucrynénn opriens, npuixaame 1s Boavipt. 2. farcingnaaagte 2 mai dra. 2.° pense gym. A aptiinoet. @ weal 6. "pomiaune. 7. "rainy priser, hageto, crete, aoa, npaite Yoko, Eee ee Soe en some ogre ie ie ond ej 4 Schr, eatin nat Sn, pa Jere. 1, twats any, wns soepts Maden 2. wep, sop prnasoni Cntr Cech ipa Tone, ONS Een ne uy nid Pip oe Scien sro, rn tle ora Us ace int Spade Sst, vipa aaa Inept Br apr nonspTead aoplan pet Prove 261. gus, eoxpuh gonzon, 2, wrote, xodgoro BiB Sepa itr anid data orepre wendy v6, 7, ste, itpacine eombue Bown: opus 8 eyabrn woéqa Nos x Ape. Exercise 771. eryntent, noon spac, 2, coat, non iar erp: 5 at ota ooina pahen Acy- ‘Roraue, Spa apn 6 leon, toed ds Bn, 0 orSporo sind we sarin, 7. enopreuts, sor%gar© soar re . Ever 2.1 nan, woos ona. 2. cxf, ovépue 2 on. & cup soja mane pct ane secre vba ef oat, us wees Teer rer" 8 gah, Korps acpi Fseyate 29.1, npornsin, natin, onion, panto ut, couch, ial uate 3 ean tales, Mond Poel hc, sna mamma tena pelea” youd, nase! abt Saeed, aper rerio 1.1. mpdexasoe. 2. tarfuenony 2. meHdntor 4 xian tan 6 cabanas B, muacotmnore, 7. anetiri, or Ronis pec mde, sete mem, pe Ss eee cet tees, es Banc eae aon anne pean tino pS acgimane 2 ete an eters a Eg 2, hem ek eras ens Sa a eae ies | tie: Salen ecpeoeins Se ear are Beit ea : ‘eS Cnn, me 2, meme oe aia Soar 2 es plea aan esa es Serta a ee eee ole Ship: tes i a er so dunt i, regi are ngs a meet aml a es a SEEN ie, Seas at ac SraPeareat wat ane eg Soe ee ts oe ato. 2, can a sp SEE Bit am tens 2 treo shay Rabe Pah A re coe ete Re gets opt cae feta 2 gern me erg ts rt Rs Stans Pee a St eagle mga ko deg, 2 at aE ete ero rte an Sr Syren lon. 6, pn mma 1. onan Since e7aoar noes sls pout Sa ges Ge cope bas en ween cel St saan sot a ete ane sae Nae ee ers Ea i Pyare eet Se mace Capon yng et a, ae Sa a as ls 2 ee Gre Rs ek ee ‘Eig Seta Teta i, i eae ah ie ea natn ae pig cama, 12."powin namicea, pond wamdca, " Tien, mabe gfe 3 mae, masa ee FSoatn, mam aan, Noneanes foams ia ic se, 2, ci, ees, 4 cn fade aes ok ate ft en, te, oes Sa alent mtn, anes ery shat Ss Ee aie sae a Verlat Adverts serie 11. Upeonesnen,o6ucab.. xload n naaiaah 35 sr fe fe paid Paaaes fy 4 Me Gn Cie eames hia se it nach, worad poccxéouian, ennai Ee lig ren, om 1c GuSe & autem acto eS See marae Fes pee ove 2B arin a Te BaP ingore SET ee ed Be Ea anes a od oe Ee Bisse hee eee Sree §. 1M fan man. 2 Coates, fn pana ‘moma tizina. 8. Rorad apye ovine, 02 1 ire opepee ve pony A Spay 8. mwipia joka, &. MU'tomopia teal Cryatieh ent w atte ad ioe teeming "yan TO. Kora xpteaa, 1 tomopéann, 0 ed, nepal, Koraa dbwon nv, of yale a Eero 6 1. Hwee fan soc 2. Tater wo Be Mremrodsn Rea Sant dein "anes Sites, idl iy” cg tyne Honpalacnce, eso & Tommedman, Se nu Tigger slg a Seen onioetfn na hitng"O Haar adiabatic. TasTicyeo, "sions baer. ‘ie Two, oo. 12. Kove, Volto etpocts rare 8.1, Kat ca wy so froma? 2. Tove ms pone ne son's uaa et aa orcs mabacan Lowi ow Be Julien’ parinope 2. Keg noun aye 6 ney 1 meoat bi’ 7 Tit ot sop epi pte? 8. Red ‘ef os? 0 Kon epee read, a, nla. 2 Tnropa ropa, sean, ae Tiguan a eeaaey a Toys rammcint 8. Cue ssiucnu, cryiiueg noun 6. Tei ‘ian amrioy tig, 7. Vode c vonat mona 8, Caas Sie eras MOR Eee 1. Boyan ae, wie 2 He aie th ate Sone epg me cuitere nto’ a mae dot finduna, 7 Verpare ater ot Sic 8, Sustain Co ‘renin, 8. Vomepec}ec peotell separ pon, « pea, faces 1. Rosine. costes mic. 2. Sumy ame Sel a ae 4 Vode, oy pan 8 post, cect imiywces,"6. Toarorpie, a Swsnen. 7. Hpscuoepen la, CyRO jute. a te eK 45 Am han haa Fpoonda ney, » Pein Exact 14, ee ar tara restate é "aac con ‘cnn. SIE Fee hots, tide apy tench rere 16, 1. a, upuad. 2. yeas, yan, 8. oraran, ore een moa ‘shacnin. ‘a 4 ppowtl, unas Be ebeaas, potty 6, Syed ‘eagle. 8nd, tain. snr, Exie 19. tw end apd yas, Foe 8h ee, Gi nat naam. Oa aks nee ero ‘ha. Koogt oot nyt on cada Souple. Kets ont nope Finke ov we sneeai. Hw soesan Wo tape gexne om oupoe Sais acpi atria ra he sae re ie". On cesar ‘rach, om inks H tian sould cA XABPOHINHA, A, H, WHPOUEHCKASL PYCCKHA 835K B YIPAKNENHSX Hae sorpnuges ne eneuuoan saace 24

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