To Many Bum Sleeping On The Street It Was Very Scary

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Bob Hundevadt

From: Bob Hundevadt

Sent: Tuesday, October 26,2010 10:25 AM
To: Bob Hundevadt
Cc: Kim Stone
Subject: Exit Surveys re Homeless/External Safety
Exit Survey
Tyler Perry
October 1st and October 2, 2010

Complaints Regarding Homeless/External Safety:

The homeless concerns are being addressed with both municipal and non-governmental
organizations. \'{ie are working with the police, public works, city legal, etc. I think that if we can
get a handle on the homeless situation (and concerns surrounding that issue) the concern about the
nunlber of on-site parking due r() safety s110uld have beel1 addressed.
• Arena needs to provide more parking on its grounds for customers because of neighborhood':
." 0::
oU- -
conditions. [Comment also found under Parking] C',
• To many bum sleeping on the street it \vas very scary o -'
Exit Survey
Shakira uJ
September 27, 2010 «X.',
Complaints Regarding Homeless (External Safety:

These comments were fonvardcd to District Commander David Sanchez, as \vell as to our
neighborhood resource officers. \'X?e are working closely with the City of Miami (police, Public
etc.) as well as other ciyic organizations in order to address this issue.
f\.:j was not aware of the homeless people in the vicinity of the arena. they were right in the area
where needed to park. was frightened. Actually ran full speed to the arena as it was a
frightening experience.
• For the fIrst time in the number of years that I have been going to AA Arena, where I felt a
very uncomfortable with the surroundings.
• First all the prices were very high. Where I parked which was next to :Miami Dade Community
College there was no security \vhen we arrived, and there were more homeless than usual in
the area, making it feel a little uneasy for hvo women walking alone. [Comment also found
under Parking]
f":\ Miami is a third world city and the abomination known as parking around the Triple A (as it
V was before at the old Arena) continues to frighten even the most fearless person... behveell the
chaos of cars, the poorly lit lots and streets and the mass of homeless people, parking and
walking to the Arena always makes attending e\Tnts here a negative experience

Exit SUITey
Marc Anthony
September 17-18, 2010
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Complaints Regarding Homeless/External Safety:

We are addressing the issues surrounding the homeless population. We are working closely \-",ith
Commander David Sanchez, the Neighborhood Resource Office, and the Dov.ntown Development
Association. We are working on plans to augment the already existing police detail which address
these issues on event nights.
• mucha gente pobre alrededor (Many poor people around.)

Exit Survey
I vette Sangalo
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Complaints Regarding Homeless/External Safety:
very dangerous surroundings should have more police around ...
• to many homeless around, need to clean the area, find another spot for them, is kind scared special \J
after the concert............................ U :;;-.
Gver y dangerous area. ·i
c.c' E

Exit Survey .9c

O ...."
Rihanna - 8
"2 ]!
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Complaints Regarding Homeless/External Safety:

The itself was fairly typical of others. However, the down Miami experience at night is not pleasant.
We did not feel safe at times. I \vill forward this concem to the MPD, Downtown District, Police

Exit Survey
Maxwell featuring Jill Scott
Monday, June 14,2010
Complaints Regarding Homeless/External Safety
• lleartbreaking to have to \valk through so many homeless people that are sleeping around the areas
where you park ... [111 We are \vorking \vith the City of Miami Police, certain sections of social
selTice:-; ("Greenshirts"), and community based organizations in an effort to address tzt;,concern.
• The grounds need paving, 1 ruined a pair of heels getting through the parking lot the
stragglers that linger around the lots begging is annoying. l27] This sounds like this was insKlc one of
thc parking lors to the west of the arena. J belie\'(' the city is working with those property owners 111
order to lmprm-e overall security through addressing fencing, lighting, and Iu\inf.?;.
• I wish there were something to be done for all the homeless people sleeping there. [30]
• Note that police were available before the eyent but not after [33] 'The police call fr)[ this eHnt \\"<1S

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I, 3, 20. On every event officers arc positions for prc-e\cnt, during, and post-en:nt.
Obviously the majority the officers pre- and post- are assigned to traffic posts. \Vc do ha\"e
officers at all of the major intersections as staffing

Robert "Bob" Hundevadt

Director of Secu rity

The HEAT Group

AmericanAirlines Arena

601 Biscayne Boulevard

Miami, Florida 33132

Office: 786-777-1633

Cell: 786-412-0838

Fax: 786-777-1631



Submitted Into the

record in connection wit!'l
Itern rtf. '3 on
Priscilla A. Thompson
1012612010 City Clerk

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