Reaction Paper Chapter 10

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CHAPTER 10: Filipino Services to Spain

The Filipinos were not joined together. They didn't consider themselves one country. So
the Spaniards separated and vanquished them. Spain played one clan against another. For
instance, the Visayans were utilized to put down a revolt in the tagalog locale. The Christian
Filipinos were utilized to battle the Filipino Muslims (Moros) and the Pagan minorities. At the
point when the Spaniards attempted to colonize Taiwan (Formosa) in 1626-1642, The Filipinos
were likewise selected in these expiditions. Filipino and Spanish soldiers kept an eye on the two
Spanish settlements in Northern Taiwan.. Be that as it may, they gave up these battalions on
August 24, 1624 when the Dutch assumed control over the Island of Taiwan (Formosa).

Dutch maritime squadron assaulted different places in the Philippines from 1600-1747.
The Dutch needed to make us a province by overcoming the Spaniards here. From the outset, the
Dutch ship barred Manila Bay. At that point, the British turned into their partners, and both the
english and Dutch boats barred Manila from 1621-1622. At the point when those strategies
fizzled, the Dutch landed soldiers in Cavite and Abucay to attempt to catch these towns. They
hassled the individuals in seaside territories. At last, they attempted to win the companionship of
the Filipinos yet the Filipinos stayed faithful to Spain and Catholism against the Protestant Dutch
and British. The word "Moro" in Spanish methods a Muslim. The Filipino Moros in Mindanao
and Sulu were not vanquished by Spain. Ordinarily the Moros were crushed in fights, yet they
won the war at last.

Out of steadfastness to Spain and the Cross, the Christian Filipinos in Luzon and the
Visayas battled against the Filipino Moros in these wars. Thousand of Christian Filipinos passed
on in fight. They filled in as troopers or sailors in all the Spanish undertakings against the Moros.
The Christian Filipino legends of these wars were as per the following: Juan Aquino, Nicolas
Martinez, Cirilo Maypit, and Gerenimo Sundulin. In reprisal for these Spanish assaults, the
Filipino Moros struck the beach front towns of different islands to the extent north as Ilocos.
They consumed the places of worship, executed the Christians, and took slaves whom they sold
in the slave markets of Celebes, Malacca, and Djakarta

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