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Intervals, Thresholds, and Long Slow Distance: the Role of Intensity and
Duration in Endurance Training

Article · January 2009


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2 authors:

Stephen Seiler Espen Tønnessen

Universitetet i Agder The Norwegian Olympic Sport Center


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Perspectives / Training
Intervals, Thresholds, and Long Slow Distance: the Role of Intensity
and Duration in Endurance Training
Stephen Seiler1 and Espen Tønnessen2
Sportscience 13, 32-53, 2009 (
1 University of Agder, Faculty of Health and Sport, Kristiansand 4604, Norway. Email.
2 Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee National Training Center, Oslo, Norway. Email.
Reviewers: Iñigo Mujika, Araba Sport Clinic, Vitoria, Spain; Stephen Ingham, English Institute of Sport, Loughborough Uni-
versity, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK.

Endurance training involves manipulation of intensity, duration, and frequency

of training sessions. The relative impact of short, high-intensity training versus
longer, slower distance training has been studied and debated for decades
among athletes, coaches, and scientists. Currently, the popularity pendulum
has swung towards high-intensity interval training. Many fitness experts, as
well as some scientists, now argue that brief, high-intensity interval work is the
only form of training necessary for performance optimization. Research on the
impact of interval and continuous training with untrained to moderately trained
subjects does not support the current interval craze, but the evidence does
suggest that short intense training bouts and longer continuous exercise ses-
sions should both be a part of effective endurance training. Elite endurance
athletes perform 80 % or more of their training at intensities clearly below their
lactate threshold and use high-intensity training surprisingly sparingly. Studies
involving intensification of training in already well-trained athletes have shown
equivocal results at best. The available evidence suggests that combining
large volumes of low-intensity training with careful use of high-intensity interval
training throughout the annual training cycle is the best-practice model for de-
velopment of endurance performance. KEYWORDS: lactate threshold, maxi-
mal oxygen uptake, VO2max, periodization.
Reprint pdf · Reprint doc · Reviewer's Commentary

Interval Training: a Long History .......................................................................33

Exercise Intensity Zones ...................................................................................35
Training Plans and Cellular Signaling ...............................................................36
Training Intensities of Elite Endurance Athletes ...............................................38
Units for Training Intensity ................................................................................41
The 80-20 Rule for Intensity..............................................................................42
Training Volume of Elite Athletes......................................................................43
Intensified-Training Studies ..............................................................................44
Intensity for Recreational Athletes ....................................................................46
Case Studies of Training Manipulation .............................................................47
Case 1–From Soccer Pro to Elite Cyclist ...................................................47
Case 2–From Modern Pentathlete to Runner ............................................48
Valid Comparisons of Training Interventions ....................................................49

The evening before the start of the 2009 defended his dissertation. The other had played
European College of Sport Science Congress in the adversarial role of “førsteopponent.” Tøn-
Oslo, the two of us were sitting at a doctoral nessen’s research on the talent development
dissertation defense dinner that is part of the process included extensive empirical analyses
time honored tradition of the “doctoral dispu- of the training characteristics of selected world
tas” in Scandinavia. One of us was the relieved champion female endurance athletes. His career
disputant (Tønnessen) who had successfully case-study series systematized training diary

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logs of over 15,000 training sessions from three broader question of training intensity distribu-
World and/or Olympic champions in three tion in competitive endurance athletes.
sports: distance running, cross-country skiing, Interval Training: a Long History
and orienteering. Common for all three cham- International running coach Peter Thompson
pions was that over their long, successful ca- wrote in Athletics Weekly that clear references
reers, about 85 % of their training sessions were to “repetition training” were seen already by the
performed as continuous efforts at low to mod- early 1900s (Thompson, 2005). Nobel Prize
erate intensity (blood lactate ≤2 mM). Among winning physiologist AV Hill incorporated
the 40 guests sat coaches, scientists, and former intermittent exercise into his studies of exercis-
athletes who had been directly or indirectly ing humans already in the 1920s (Hill et al.,
involved in winning more endurance sport 1924a; Hill et al., 1924b). About this time,
Olympic gold medals and world championships Swede Gosta Holmer introduced Fartlek to
than we could count. One guest, Dag Kaas, had distance running (fart= speed and lek= play in
coached 12 individual world champions in four Swedish). The specific term interval training is
different sports. In his toast to the candidate he attributed to German coach Waldemer Ger-
remarked, ”My experience as a coach tells me schler. Influenced by work physiologist Hans
that to become world champion in endurance Reindell in the late 1930s, he was convinced
disciplines, you have to train SMART, AND you that alternating periods of hard work and recov-
have to train a LOT. One without the other is ery was an effective adaptive stimulus for the
insufficient.” heart. They apparently adopted the term be-
So what is smart endurance training? The cause they both believed that it was the recov-
question is timely: research and popular interest ery interval that was vital to the training effect.
in interval training for fitness, rehabilitation, Since then, the terms intermittent exercise,
and performance has skyrocketed in recent repetition training, and interval training have
years on the back of new research studies and all been used to describe a broad range of train-
even more marketing by various players in the ing prescriptions involving alternating work and
health and fitness industry. Some recent inves- rest periods (Daniels and Scardina, 1984). In
tigations on untrained or moderately trained the 1960s, Swedish physiologists, led by Per
subjects have suggested that 2-8 wk of 2-3 Åstrand, performed groundbreaking research
times weekly intense interval training can in- demonstrating how manipulation of work dura-
duce rapid and substantial metabolic and car- tion and rest duration could dramatically impact
diovascular performance improvements physiological responses to intermittent exercise
(Daussin et al., 2007; Helgerud et al., 2007; (Åstrand et al., 1960; Åstrand I, 1960; Christen-
Talanian et al., 2007). Some popular media sen, 1960; Christensen et al., 1960). As Daniels
articles have interpreted these findings to mean and Scardina (1984) concluded 25 years ago,
that long, steady distance sessions are a waste their work laid the foundation for all interval
of time. Whether well founded or not, this in- training research to follow. In their classic
terpretation raises reasonable questions about chapter Physical Training in Textbook of Work
the importance and quantity of high- (and low-) Physiology, Åstrand and Rodahl (1986) wrote,
intensity training in the overall training process “it is an important but unsolved question which
of the endurance athlete. Our goal with this type of training is most effective: to maintain a
article is to discuss this issue in a way that inte- level representing 90 % of the maximal oxygen
grates research and practice. uptake for 40 min, or to tax 100 % of the oxy-
In view of the recent hype and the explosion gen uptake capacity for about 16 min.” (The
in the number of studies investigating interval same chapter from the 4th edition, published in
training in various health, rehabilitation, and 2003, can be read here.) This quote serves as
performance settings, one could be forgiven for an appropriate background for defining high
assuming that this training form was some intensity aerobic interval training (HIT) as we
magic training pill scientists had devised com- will use it in this article: repeated bouts of exer-
paratively recently. The reality is that athletes cise lasting ~1 to 8 min and eliciting an oxygen
have been using interval training for at least 60 demand equal to ~90 to 100 % of VO2max,
years. So, some discussion of interval training separated by rest periods of 1 to 5 min (Seiler
research is in order before we address the and Sjursen, 2004; Seiler and Hetlelid, 2005).

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Controlled studies comparing the physiological Poole and Gaesser (1985) published a cita-
and performance impact of continuous training tion classic comparing 8 wk of 3 × weekly
(CT) below the lactate turnpoint (typically 60- training of untrained subjects for either 55 min
75 % of VO2max for 30 min or more) and HIT at 50 %VO2max, 35 min at 75 %VO2max, or 10
began to emerge in the 1970s. Sample sizes × 2 min at 105 %VO2max with 2-min recover-
were small and the results were mixed, with ies. They observed no differences in the magni-
superior results for HIT (Henriksson and Reit- tude of the increase in either VO2max or power
man, 1976; Wenger and Macnab, 1975), supe- at lactate threshold among the three groups.
rior results for CT (Saltin et al., 1976), and little Their findings were corroborated by Bhambini
difference (Cunningham et al., 1979; Eddy et and Singh (1985) in a study of similar design
al., 1977; Gregory, 1979). Like most published published the same year. Gorostiaga et al.
studies comparing the two types of training, the (1991) reported findings that challenged
CT and HIT interventions compared in these McDougall and Sale's conclusions regarding
studies were matched for total work (iso- the adaptive specificity of interval and continu-
energetic). In the context of how athletes actu- ous training. They had untrained subjects exer-
ally train and perceive training stress, this situa- cise for 30 min, three days a week either as CT
tion is artificial, and one we will return to. at 50 % of the lowest power eliciting VO2max,
McDougall and Sale (1981) published one of or as HIT, alternating 30 s at 100 % of power at
the earliest reviews comparing the effects of VO2max and 30 s rest, such that total work was
continuous and interval training, directed at matched. Directly counter to McDougall and
coaches and athletes. They concluded that both Sales conclusions, they found HIT to induce
forms of training were important, but for differ- greater changes in VO2max, while CT was
ent reasons. Two physiological assumptions more effective in improving peripheral oxida-
that are now largely disproven influenced their tive capacity and the lactate profile. At the be-
interpretation. First, they concluded that HIT ginning of the 1990s, the available data did not
was superior for inducing peripheral changes, support a consensus regarding the relative effi-
because the higher work intensity induced a cacy of CT vs HIT in inducing peripheral or
greater degree of skeletal muscle hypoxia. We central changes related to endurance perform-
now know that in healthy subjects, increased ance.
lactate accumulation in the blood during exer- Twenty years on, research continues regard-
cise need not be due to increased muscle hy- ing the extent to which VO2max, fractional
poxia (Gladden, 2004). Second, they concluded utilization of VO2max, and work effi-
that since stroke volume already plateaus at 40- ciency/economy are differentially impacted by
50 %VO2max, higher exercise intensities would CT and HIT in healthy, initially untrained indi-
not enhance ventricular filling. We now know viduals. Study results continue to be mixed,
that stroke volume continues to rise at higher with some studies showing no differences in
intensities, perhaps even to VO2max, in well peripheral and central adaptations to CT vs HIT
trained athletes (Gledhill et al., 1994; Zhou et (Berger et al., 2006; Edge et al., 2006; Overend
al., 2001). Assuming a stroke volume plateau at et al., 1992) and others greater improvements
low exercise intensity, they concluded that the with HIT (Daussin et al., 2008a; Daussin et al.,
benefit of exercise on cardiac performance was 2008b; Helgerud et al., 2007). When differ-
derived via stimulation of high cardiac contrac- ences are seen, they lean in the direction that
tility, which they argued peaked at about 75 continuous work at sub-maximal intensities
%VO2max. Thus, moderate-intensity continu- promotes greater peripheral adaptations and
ous exercise over longer durations and therefore HIT promotes greater central adaptations
more heart beats was deemed most beneficial (Helgerud et al., 2007).
for enhancing cardiac performance. While Controlled studies directly comparing CT
newer research no longer supports their spe- and HIT in already well-trained subjects were
cific conclusions, they did raise the important essentially absent from the literature until re-
point that there are underlying characteristics of cently. However, a few single-group design
the physiological response to HIT and CT that studies involving endurance athletes did emerge
should help explain any differential impact on in the 1990s. Acevedo and Goldfarb (1989)
adaptive responses. reported improved 10-km performance and

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treadmill time to exhaustion at the same pace cation to two CT sessions, three HIT sessions
up a 2 % grade in well-trained runners who and one LT session each week gave no addi-
increased their training intensity to 90-95 tional adaptive benefit, but did increase subjec-
%VO2max on three of their weekly training tive training stress and indicators of impending
days. In these already well-trained athletes, overtraining (Billat et al., 1999). In fact, train-
VO2max was unchanged after 8 wk of training ing intensification over periods of 2-8 wk with
intensification, but a right shift in the blood frequent high-intensity bouts (3-4 sessions per
lactate profile was observed. In 1996 -97, South week) is an effective means of temporarily
African sport scientists published the results of compromising performance and inducing over-
a single group intervention involving competi- reaching and possibly overtraining symptoms in
tive cyclists (Lindsay et al., 1996; Weston et al., athletes (Halson and Jeukendrup, 2004). There
1997). They trained regionally competitive is likely an appropriate balance between high-
cyclists who were specifically selected for and low-intensity training in the day-to-day
study based on the criteria that they had not intensity distribution of the endurance athlete.
undertaken any interval training in the 3-4 These findings bring us to two related ques-
months prior to study initiation. When 15 % of tions: how do really good endurance athletes
their normal training volume was replaced with actually train, and is there an optimal training
2 d.wk-1 interval training for 3-4 wk (six train- intensity distribution for long-term performance
ing sessions of six 5-min high intensity work development?
bouts), 40-km time trial performance, peak While arguments can be made that tradition,
sustained power output (PPO), and time to resistance to change and even superstition may
fatigue at 150 %PPO were all modestly im- negatively influence training methods of elite
proved. Physiological measurements such as endurance athletes, sports history tells us that
VO2max and lactate profile changes were not athletes are experimental and innovative. Ob-
reported. Stepto and colleagues then addressed serving the training methods of the world's best
the question of interval-training optimization in endurance athletes represent a more valid pic-
a similar sample of non-interval trained, re- ture of “best practice” than we can develop
gional cyclists (Stepto et al., 1999). They com- from short-term laboratory studies of untrained
pared interval bouts ranging from 80 to 175 % or moderately trained subjects. In today’s per-
of peak aerobic power (30 s to 8 min duration, formance environment, where promising ath-
6-32 min total work). Group sizes were small letes have essentially unlimited time to train, all
(n=3-4), but the one group that consistently athletes train a lot and are highly motivated to
improved endurance test performance (~3 %) optimize the training process. Training ideas
had used 4-min intervals at 85 % PPO. These that sound good but don't work in practice will
controlled training intensification studies essen- fade away. Given these conditions, we argue
tially confirmed what athletes and coaches that any consistent pattern of training intensity
seemed to have known for decades: some high- distribution emerging across sport disciplines is
intensity interval training should be integrated likely to be a result of a successful self-
into the training program for optimal perform- organization (evolution) towards a “population
ance gains. These studies also seemed to trigger optimum.” High performance training is an
a surge in interest in the role of HIT in athlete individualized process for sure, but by popula-
performance development that has further tion optimum, we mean an approach to training
grown in recent years. organization that results in most athletes staying
If doing some HIT (1-2 bouts per week) healthy, making good progress, and performing
gives a performance boost, is more even better? well in their most important events.
Billat and colleagues explored this question in a Exercise Intensity Zones
group of middle distance runners initially train- To describe intensity distribution in endur-
ing six sessions per week of CT only. They ance athletes we have to first agree on an inten-
found that a training intensification to four CT sity scale. There are different intensity zone
sessions, one HIT session, and one lactate schemes to choose from. Most national sport
threshold (LT) session resulted in improved governing bodies employ an intensity scale
running speed at VO2max (but not VO2max based on ranges of heart rate relative to maxi-
itself) and running economy. Further intensifi- mum and associated typical blood lactate con-

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centration range. Research approaches vary, 2003) have employed the first and second venti-
but a number of recent research studies have latory turnpoints to demarcate three intensity
identified intensity zones based on ventilatory zones (Figure 1). The 5-zone scale in the table
thresholds. Here we will examine an example above and the 3-zone scale below are reasona-
of each of these scales. bly super-imposable in that intensity Zone 3 in
Table 1 shows the intensity scale used by all the 5-zone system coincides well with Zone 2
endurance sports in Norway. A valid criticism in the 3-zone model. While defining five “aero-
of such a scale is that it does not account for bic” intensity zones is likely to be informative
individual variation in the relationship between in training practice, it is important to note that
heart rate and blood lactate, or activity specific they are not based on clearly defined physio-
variation, such as the tendency for maximal logical markers. Note also that 2-3 additional
steady state concentrations for blood lactate to zones are typically defined to accommodate
be higher in activities activating less muscle very high intensity sprint, anaerobic capacity,
mass (Beneke and von Duvillard, 1996; Beneke and strength training. These zones are typically
et al., 2001). defined as “anaerobic” Zones 6, 7, and 8.
Table 1: A typical five-zone scale to prescribe and moni- Training Plans and Cellular Signaling
tor training of endurance athletes. Athletes do not train at the same intensity or
Intensity VO2 Heart rate Lactate Duration for the same duration every day. These vari-
zone (%max) (%max) (mmol.L-1) within zone ables are manipulated from day to day with the
1 45-65 55-75 0.8-1.5 1-6 h implicit goals to maximize physiological capac-
2 66-80 75-85 1.5-2.5 1-3 h ity over time, and stay healthy. Indeed, the
3 81-87 85-90 2.5-4 50-90 min former is quite dependent on the latter. Training
4 88-93 90-95 4-6 30-60 min
frequency is also a critical variable manipulated
by the athlete. This is particularly evident when
5 94-100 95-100 6-10 15-30 min
comparing younger (often training 5-8 times
The heart rate scale is slightly simplified compared to the per week) and more mature athletes at peak
actual scale used by the Norwegian Olympic Federation, performance level (often training 10-13 ses-
which is based primarily on decades of testing of cross-
country skiers, biathletes, and rowers.
sions per week). Ramping up training frequency
(as opposed to training longer durations each
Figure 1. Three intensity zones defined by physiological session) is responsible for most of the increase
determination of the first and second ventilatory turnpoints in yearly training hours observed as teenage
using ventilatory equivalents for O2 (VT1) and CO2 (VT2). athletes mature. Cycling might be an exception
to this general rule, since cycling tradition dic-
tates single daily sessions that often span 4-6 h
among professionals. The ultimate targets of the
training process are individual cells. Changes
in rates of DNA transcription, RNA translation,
and ultimately, synthesis of specific proteins or
protein constellations are induced via a cascade
of intracellular signals induced by the training
bout. Molecular exercise biologists are unravel-
ing how manipulation of intensity and duration
of exercise specifically modifies intracellular
signaling and resulting protein synthetic rates at
the cellular or whole muscle/myocardial level
(Ahmetov and Rogozkin, 2009; Hoppeler et al.,
2007; Joseph et al., 2006; Marcuello et al.,
Several recent studies examining training in- 2005; McPhee et al., 2009; Yan, 2009). About
tensity distribution (Esteve-Lanao et al., 2005; 85 % of all publications involving gene expres-
Seiler and Kjerland, 2006; Zapico et al., 2007) sion and exercise are less than 10 y old, so we
or performance intensity distribution in multi- do not yet know enough to relate results of
day events (Lucia et al., 1999; Lucia et al., Western blots to the specific training of an

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athlete. adaptations to training (Brigelius-Flohe, 2009;

The signaling impact of a given exercise Gomez-Cabrera et al., 2008; Hansen et al.,
stress (intensity×duration) almost certainly 2005; Ristow et al., 2009; Yeo et al., 2008). It
decays with training (Hoppeler et al., 2007; seems fair to conclude that while we suspect
Nordsborg et al., 2003). For example, AMP important differences exist, we are not yet able
activated protein kinase α2 (AMPK) activity to relate specific training variables (e.g., 60 min
jumps 9-fold above resting levels after 120 min vs 120 min at 70 %VO2max) to differences in
of cycling at 66 %VO2max in untrained sub- cell signaling in a detailed way. Our view of the
jects. However, after only 10 training sessions, adaptive process remains limited to a larger
almost no increase in AMPK is seen after the scale. We can still identify some potential sig-
same exercise bout (McConell et al., 2005). naling factors that are associated with increased
Manipulating exercise intensity and duration exercise intensity over a given duration (Table
also impacts the systemic stress responses asso- 2) or increased exercise duration at a given sub-
ciated with training. Making this connection is maximal intensity (Table 3). Some of these are
further complicated by recent findings suggest- potentially adaptive and others maladaptive.
ing that muscle glycogen depletion can enhance There is likely substantial overlapping of ef-
and antioxidant supplementation can inhibit fects between extending exercise duration and

Table 2. Key physiological changes associated with an increase in exercise intensity from 70 %VO2max to
≥90 %VO2max for a given exercise duration.
Induced change Possible signal Possible positive effect Possible negative effect
Increased diastolic Increased myofiber Increased maximal stroke ??
filling and end- stretch/load (Catalucci et al., volume, compensatory ven-
diastolic volume 2008; Frank et al., 2008; Pel- tricular wall thickening
liccia et al., 1999; Sheikh et al.,
Increased heart Increased rate pressure prod- None likely given superior None likely given superior
rate and intraven- uct and myocardial metabolic oxidative capacity of cardiac oxidative capacity of cardiac
tricular systolic load (see below) muscle muscle
Increased number Increased metabolic activity in Enhanced whole muscle fat Premature fatigue and in-
of active muscle faster motor units (transduced oxidation/ right shift in lactate adequate stimulus of low
fibers (motor via Cai and high energy phos- turnpoint threshold motor units?
units) phate concentration shifts?
(Diaz and Moraes, 2008; Hol-
loszy, 2008; Ojuka, 2004)
Expanded active Local mechanical and meta- A mixture of angiogenesis of ??
vascular bed via bolic signals (Laughlin and arteries, capillaries and veins
motor unit activa- Roseguini, 2008) and altered control of vascular
tion resistance (Laughlin and
Roseguini, 2008)
Increased glyco- Decreased intracellular pH Enhanced buffer capacity Premature fatigue at motor
lytic rate within (Edge et al., 2006; Weston et unit level and reduced stimu-
active fibers al., 1997) lus for oxidative enzyme
Increased sympa- Cell exposure to increased ? Acutely delayed recovery of
thetic activation epinephrine and norepineph- ANS (Seiler et al., 2007);
rine concentration in blood Chronic down-regulation of
(concentration×time) α- and β- adrenergic receptor
sensitivity if repeated exces-
sively (Fry et al., 2006; Leh-
mann et al., 1997)
aIf cardiomyocyte stretch induces intracellular signals leading to ventricular hypertrophy, then it is perhaps relevant

that the myocardium may be stretched most in the moments of transition from work to recovery when heart rate
drops and venous return remains transiently high.

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increasing exercise intensity. time, a successful athlete will presumably or-

It may be a hard pill to swallow for some ex- ganize their training in a way that maximizes
ercise physiologists, but athletes and coaches do adaptive benefit for a given perceived stress
not need to know much exercise physiology to load. That is, we can assume that highly suc-
train effectively. They do have to be sensitive to cessful athletes integrate this feedback experi-
how training manipulations impact athlete ence over time to maximize training benefit and
health, daily training tolerance, and perform- minimize risk of negative outcomes such as
ance, and to make effective adjustments. Over illness, injury, stagnation, or overtraining.

Table 3. Key physiological changes associated with increasing exercise duration at a submaximal exercise
intensity of 60-70 %VO2max from 45 min to 120 min.
Induced change Possible signal Possible positive effect Possible negative effect
Increased number Increased stimulus for myelina- Improved technical stability, Technically maladaptive if
of movement tion of active motor nerve movement economy race intensity motor pattern
repetitions pathways (Fields, 2006; Ishi- were very different?
bashi et al., 2006)
Increased activa- Increased metabolic activity in Enhanced whole muscle fat ??
tion of fast motor faster motor units (transduced oxidation/ right shift in lactate
units due to motor via Cai and high energy phos- turnpoint
unit fatigue (Kamo, phate concentration shifts?
2002) (Diaz and Moraes, 2008;
Holloszy, 2008; Ojuka, 2004)
Enhanced glyco- ?? May amplify signal for syn- Potential accumulation of
gen depletion thesis of specific oxidative fatigue if dietary CHO is
enzymes (Chakravarthy and insufficient.
Booth, 2004; Hansen et al.,
Increased relative Large increase in plasma free May amplify signal for mito- ??
fat oxidation fatty acid concentration chondrial biogenesis
(Holloszy, 2008)

Training Intensities of Elite Endurance Athletes

Empirical descriptions of the actual distribu- ing characteristics of 13 national class male,
tion of training intensity in well-trained athletes New Zealand runners with favorite distances
have only recently emerged in the literature. ranging from 1500 m to the marathon. They
The first time one of us (Seiler) gave a lecture used heart rate data collected during training
on the topic was in 1999, and there were few and related it to results from standardized
hard data to present, but a fair share of anecdote treadmill determinations of heart rate and run-
and informed surmise. Carl Foster, Jack Daniels ning speed at 4-mM blood lactate concentration
and Seiler published a book chapter the same (misnamed anaerobic threshold at the time).
year, “Perspectives on Correct Approaches to Over a data collection period of 6-8 wk corre-
Training” that synthesized what we knew then sponding to the preparation phase, these ath-
(read chapter here via Google books). At that letes reported that only 4 % of all training ses-
time, much of the discussion and research re- sions were interval workouts or races. For the
lated to the endurance training process focused remaining training sessions, average heart rate
on factors associated with overtraining (a train- was only 77 % of their heart rate at 4-mM
ing control disaster), with little focus on what blood lactate. This heart rate translates to per-
characterized “successful training.” The empiri- haps 60-65 % of VO2max. The authors con-
cal foundation for describing successful training cluded that while their physiological test results
intensity distribution is stronger 10 years later. were similar to previous studies of well trained
Robinson et al. (1991) published what was runners, the training intensity of these runners
according to the authors “the first attempt to was perhaps lower than optimal, based on pre-
quantify training intensity by use of objective, vailing recommendations to perform most train-
longitudinal training data.” They studied train- ing at or around the lactate/anaerobic threshold.

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In one of the first rigorous quantifications of ance times in both long and short races were
training intensity distribution reported, Mujika highly negatively correlated with total training
et al. (1995) quantified the training intensity time in Zone 1. They found no significant cor-
distribution of national and international class relation between the amount of high-intensity
swimmers over an entire season based on five training and race performance.
blood-lactate concentration zones. Despite spe- Rowers compete over a 2000-m distance re-
cializing in 100-m and 200-m events requiring quiring 6-7 min. Steinacker et al. (1998)
~60 to 120 s, these athletes swam 77 % of the reported that extensive endurance training (60-
1150 km completed during a season at an inten- to 120-min sessions at <2 mM blood lactate)
sity below 2 mM lactate. The intensity distribu- dominated the training volume of German,
tion of 400- and 1500-m swim specialists was Danish, Dutch, and Norwegian elite rowers.
not reported, but was likely even more Rowing at higher intensities was performed ~4-
weighted towards high-volume, low-intensity 10 % of the total rowed time. The data also
swimming. suggested that German rowers preparing for the
Billat et al. (2001) performed physiological world championships performed essentially no
testing and collected data from training diaries rowing at threshold intensity, but instead
of French and Portuguese marathoners. They trained either below 2 mM blood lactate or at
classified training intensity in terms of three intensities in the 6-12 mM range.
speeds: marathon, 10–km, and 3–km. During Seiler collaborated with long time national
the 12 wk preceding an Olympic trials mara- team rower, coach, and talent development
thon, the athletes in this study ran 78 % of their coordinator Åke Fiskerstrand to examine his-
training kilometers at below marathon speed, torical developments in training organization
only 4 % at marathon race speed (likely to be among international medal winning rowers
near VT1), and 18 % at 10–km or 3–km speed from Norway (Fiskerstrand and Seiler, 2004).
(likely to be > VT2). This distribution of train- Using questionnaire data, athlete training dia-
ing intensity was identical in high-level (<2 h ries, and physiological testing records, they
16 min for males and <2 h 38 min for females) quantified training intensity distribution in 27
and top-class athletes (<2 h 11 min and <2 h 32 athletes who had won world or Olympic medals
min). But the top-class athletes ran more total in the 1970s to 1990s. They documented that
kilometers and proportionally more distance at over the three decades: training volume had
or above 10–km speed. increased about 20 % and become more domi-
Kenyan runners are often mythologized for nated by low-intensity volume; the monthly
the high intensity of their training. It is there- hours of high-intensity training had dropped by
fore interesting that with data from another one-third; very high intensity overspeed sprint
study by Billat et al. (2003), we calculated that training had declined dramatically in favor of
elite male and female Kenyan 5- and 10-km longer interval training at 85-95 %VO2max;
runners ran ~85 % of their weekly training and the number of altitude camps attended by
kilometers below lactate-threshold speed. the athletes increased dramatically. Over this
The first study on runners to quantify train- 30-y timeline, VO2max and rowing ergometer
ing intensity using three intensity zones was performance improved by ~10 % with no
that of Esteve-Lanao et al. (2005). They fol- change in average height or body mass. Most
lowed the training of eight regional- and na- of the changes occurred between the 1970s and
tional-class Spanish distance runners over a six- 1980s, coinciding with major adjustments in
month period broken into eight, 3-wk mesocy- training intensity.
cles. Heart rate was measured for every training Most recently, Gullich et al. (2009) de-
session to calculate the time spent in each heart- scribed the training of world class junior rowers
rate zone defined by treadmill testing. All told, from Germany during a 37-wk period culminat-
they quantified over 1000 heart-rate recordings. ing in national championships and qualification
On average these athletes ran 70 km.wk-1 dur- races for the world championships (online
ing the six-month period, with 71 % of running ahead of print here). These were very talented
time in Zone 1, 21 % in Zone 2, and 8 % in junior rowers, with 27 of 36 athletes winning
Zone 3. Mean training intensity was 64 medals in the junior world championships that
%VO2max. They also reported that perform- followed the study period. Remarkably, 95 % of

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their rowing training was performed below 2 larization observed might have been due to
mM blood lactate, based on daily heart-rate better management of intensity (keeping hard
monitoring and rowing ergometer threshold training hard and easy training easy) among the
determinations performed at the beginning of most successful athletes. This polarization
the season. This heavy dominance of extensive might protect against overstress.
endurance training persisted across mesocycles. Professional road cyclists are known for per-
However, the relatively small volume of Zone 2 forming very high training volumes, up to
and Zone 3 work shifted towards higher intensi- 35,000 km.y-1. Zapico and colleagues (2007)
ties from the basic preparation phase to the used the 3-intensity zone model to track train-
competition phase. That is, the intensity distri- ing characteristics from November to June in a
bution became more polarized. It is important group of elite Spanish under-23 riders. In addi-
to point out that time-in-zone allocation based tion, physiological testing was performed at
on heart-rate cut-offs (the kind of analysis per- season start and at the end of the winter and
formed by software from heart watch manufac- spring mesocycles. There was an increase in
turers) underestimates the time spent perform- total training volume and a four-fold increase in
ing high-intensity exercise and the impact of Zone 3 training between the winter and spring
that work on the stress load of an exercise ses- mesocycles (Figure 2), but there was no further
sion (Seiler and Kjerland, 2006). Although the improvement in power at VT1, VT2 or at
outcomes are biased by this problem, there was VO2max between the end of the winter and
still a clear shift in the intensity distribution spring mesocycles (Figure 3), despite the train-
towards large volumes of low- to moderate- ing intensification. Anecdotally, this finding is
intensity training. We also evaluated retrospec- not unusual, despite the fact that athletes feel
tively whether there were any differences in fitter. It may be that VT2 and VO2max determi-
junior training characteristics between a sub- nation using traditional methods can miss an
group of rowers who went on to win interna- important increase in the duration that can be
tional medals as seniors within three years (14 maintained at the associated workloads.
of 36 athletes) and the remainder of the sample, Individual and team pursuit athletes in cy-
who all continued competing at the national cling compete over about 4 min. The event
level. The only physical or training characteris- appeals to sport scientists because the perform-
tic that distinguished the most successful row- ance situation is highly controlled and amena-
ers from their peers was a tendency to distribute ble to accurate modeling of the variables on
their training in a more polarized fashion; that both sides of the power balance equation.
is, they performed significantly more rowing at Schumacher and Mueller (2002) demonstrated
very low aerobic intensities and at the highest the validity of this approach in predicting “gold
intensities. We concluded that the greater po- medal standards” for physiological testing and
Figure 2. Cycling intensity and volume of elite Spanish U23 cyclists training in
the period November to June. Data redrawn from Zapico et al. (Zapico et al.,
Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
250 21
100 182


Winter mesocycle Spring mesocycle
(Nov‐Feb) (Mar‐Jun)
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Figure 3. Response to periodization of training intensity and volume in elite Spanish U23 cyclists.
Physiological test results from tests performed before starting the winter mesocycle (Test 1), at the end
of the winter mesocycle (Test 2), and at the end of the Spring mesocycle (Test 3). Data redrawn from
Zapico et al. (2007).

VO2 max
Power (watts)

Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

power output in track cycling. However, less ners, we used heart-rate monitoring to quantify
obvious from the title was the detailed descrip- all endurance sessions and determined three
tion of the training program followed by the aerobic intensity zones based on ventilatory
German cyclists monitored in the study, ulti- turn points. We also recorded the athletes' rat-
mately earning a gold medal in Sydney in ing of perceived exertion (RPE) using the
world-record time. These athletes trained to methods of Foster et al. (1996; 1998; 2001a) for
maintain 670 W in the lead position and ~450 all training bouts. Finally, we collected blood
W when following using a training program lactate during one training week to relate heart
dominated by continuous low to moderate in- rate and perceived exertion measurements to
tensity cycling on the roads (29-35,000 km.y-1). blood lactate values.
In the 200 d preceding the Olympics, the ath- When comparing the three different intensity
letes performed “low-intensity, high-mileage” quantification methods, we addressed the issue
training at 50-60 % of VO2max on ~140 d. of how training intensity is best quantified.
Stage races took up another ~40 d. Specific Heart-rate monitoring is clearly appealing. We
track cycling at near competition intensities was can save heart rate data, download entire work-
performed on less than 20 d between March and outs to analysis software, and quantify the time
September. In the ~110 d preceding the Olym- heart rate falls within specific pre-defined in-
pic final, high-intensity interval track training tensity zones. Using this “time-in-zone” ap-
was performed on only 6 d. proach, we found that 91 % of all training time
Units for Training Intensity
was spent at a heart rate below VT1 intensity,
Cross country skiers have rather legendary ~6 % between VT1 and VT2, and only 2.6 % of
status in exercise physiology circles for their all 15-s heart rate registrations were performed
aerobic capacity and endurance capacity in above VT2. We then quantified intensity by
arms and legs. Seiler et al. (2006) studied 12 allocating each training session to one of the
competitive to nationally elite male 17–y old three zones based on the goal of the training
skiers from a special skiing high school in the and heart rate analysis. We called this the “ses-
region. The mean VO2max for the group was sion-goal approach”. For low-intensity continu-
72 They were guided by coaches ous bouts, we used average heart rate for the
with national team coaching experience and entire bout. For bouts designed to be threshold
were trained along similar lines to the seniors, training we averaged heart rate during the
but with substantially lower volumes of train- threshold-training periods. For high-intensity
ing. Like Esteve-Lanao (2005) did with run- interval-training sessions, we based intensity on

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the average peak heart rate for each interval ful endurance athletes. About 80 % of training
bout. Using this approach, intensity distribution sessions are performed predominantly at inten-
derived from heart rate responses closely sities under the first ventilatory turn point, or a
matched the session RPE (Figure 4), training blood-lactate concentration ≤2mM. The remain-
diary distribution based on workout description, ing ~20 % of sessions are distributed between
and blood-lactate measurements. The agree- training at or near the traditional lactate thresh-
ment between the session-by-session heart-rate old (Zone 2), and training at intensities in the
quantification and session RPE-based assign- 90-100 %VO2max range, generally as interval
ment of intensity was 92 %. In their training training (Zone 3). An elite athlete training 10-
diaries, athletes recorded 30-41 training ses- 12 times per week is therefore likely to dedicate
sions in 32 d and described 75% of their train- 1-3 sessions weekly to training at intensities at
ing bouts as low intensity continuous, 5% as or above the maximum lactate steady state. This
threshold workouts, and 17% as intervals. rule of thumb coincides well with training stud-
ies demonstrating the efficacy of adding two
Figure 4. Comparison of training intensity distribution in interval sessions per week to a training program
well trained junior cross-country skiers using traditional (Billat et al., 1999; Lindsay et al., 1996; Weston
heart-rate (HR) time-in-zone, session goal HR analysis, et al., 1997). Seiler and Kjerland (2006) have
and session rating of perceived exertion (RPE). Time-in- previously gone so far as say that the optimal
zone data represents total distribution of training time for intensity distribution approximated a “polarized
all athletes combined. Data redrawn from Seiler and
distribution” with 75-80 % of training sessions
Kjerland (2006).
in Zone 1, 5 % in Zone 2, and 15-20 % in Zone
100 Time-in-Zone HR 3. However, there is considerable variation in
how athletes competing in different sports and
Percent of training sessions

90 Session goal HR
80 event durations distribute their training intensity
Session RPE
70 within Zones 2 and 3.
60 Why has this training pattern emerged? We
50 do not have sufficient research to answer this
40 question, but we can make some reasonable
30 guesses. One group of factors would involve
20 the potential for this distribution to best stimu-
10 late the constellation of training adaptations
0 required for maximal endurance performance.
Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 For example, large volumes of training at low
intensity might be optimal for maximizing pe-
We have also recently observed the same ripheral adaptations, while relatively small
time-in-zone mismatch when quantifying inten- volumes of high intensity training fulfill the
sity distribution in soccer training (unpublished need for optimizing signaling for enhanced
data). It seems clear that typical software-based cardiac function and buffer capacity. Techni-
heart-rate analysis methods overestimate the cally, lots of low intensity training may be ef-
amount of time spent training at low intensity fective by allowing lots of repetitions to engrain
and underestimate the time spent at very high correct motor patterns. On the other side of the
workloads compared to athlete perception of adaptation-stress equation is the stress induced
effort. We think this mismatch is important, by training. Athletes may migrate towards a
because the unit of stress perceived and re- strategy where longer duration is substituted for
sponded to by the athlete is the stress of the higher intensity to reduce the stress reactions
entire training session or perhaps training day, associated with training and facilitate rapid
not minutes in any given heart-rate zone. recovery from frequent training (Seiler et al.,
2007). Interestingly, Foster and colleagues
The 80-20 Rule for Intensity reported a very similar intensity distribution by
In spite of differences in the methods for professional cyclists during the 3 wk and 80+
quantifying training intensity, all of the above racing hours of the grand tours, such as the
studies show remarkable consistency in the Tour de France. Perhaps this distribution repre-
training distribution pattern selected by success- sents a form of pacing that emerges over the

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months of elite training (Foster et al., 2005). than about 15 hours in a week. At an average
”Low intensity”–between 50 %VO2max and running speed of 15 km.h-1, that would be at
just under the first lactate turnpoint–represents most 225 km. Former world record holder in
a wide intensity range in endurance athletes. the 5 km, 10 km, and marathon, Ingrid
There is probably considerable individual varia- Kristiansen trained 550 h.y-1 when she was
tion in where within this range athletes accumu- running (Espen Tønnessen, unpublished data).
late most of their low-intensity training volume. At a younger age, when she competed in the
Technique considerations may play in: athletes Olympics for Norway as a cross country skier,
have to train at a high enough intensity to allow she actually trained 150 more h.y-1. Bente Skari,
correct technique. For example, Norwegian one of the most successful female cross country
Olympic flat-water kayak gold medalist Eric skiers ever, recorded peak annual training loads
Verås Larsen explained that the reason most of of 800 h.y-1 (Espen Tønnessen, unpublished
his Zone 1 continuous endurance training data). Annual training volume measured in
tended to be closer to his lactate threshold than hours is around 1000 among world class row-
normally observed was that he could not paddle ers. For example, Olaf Tufte recorded 1100
with competition technique at lower intensities training hours in 2004, when he took his first
(Verås Larsen, personal communication). gold medal in the single scull event (Aasen,
These qualifiers aside, we conclude that a large 2008). His monthly training volume for that
fraction of the training within this zone is being year is shown in Figure 5. Of these hours, about
performed at ~60-65 %VO2max, We note that 92 % were endurance training, with the remain-
this intensity is about the intensity associated der being primarily strength training. An Olym-
with maximal fat utilization in trained subjects pic champion swimmer like Michael Phelps
(Achten and Jeukendrup, 2003), but it is unclear may record even higher annual training vol-
why optimizing fat utilization would be impor- umes, perhaps as much as 1300 h (a reasonable
tant for athletes competing over 3-15 min. guess based on training of other swimming
Training Volume of Elite Athletes
Obviously, training intensity distribution and The Kenyan marathoner, Italian cyclist,
training volume together will determine the Norwegian rower and American swimmer are
impact of training. Elite athletes train a lot, but all at the top of their sport, but when we meas-
to be more specific requires some common ure their training volume in hours, they seem
metric for comparing athletes in different quite different, with international success being
sports. Runners and cyclists count kilometers, achieved with a two-fold or larger range in
swimmers count thousands of meters, and row- hours per year (Figure 6). What can explain this
ers and cross-country skiers count training difference? One explanation is that the muscle,
hours. With a few reasonable assumptions, we tendon, and joint loading stress of the different
can convert these numbers to annual training movements vary dramatically. Running im-
hours. This physiological metric is appropriate, poses severe ballistic loading stress that is not
since the body is sensitive to stress duration. present in cycling or swimming. There seems to
Training volume increases with age in high- be a strong inverse relationship between toler-
level performers, mostly through increased ated training volume and degree of eccentric or
training frequency in sports like running and ballistic stress of the sport. Swimming, rowing,
cross-country skiing, but also through increases and cross-country skiing are all highly technical
in average session duration, particularly in cy- events with movement patterns that do not draw
cling. A talented teenage cyclist training five on the genetically pre-programmed motor
days a week might accumulate 10-15 h.wk-1. A pathways of running. Thus high volumes of
professional cyclist from Italy performing a training may be as important for technical mas-
1000-km training week will likely be on the tery as for physiological adaptation in these
bike between 25 and 30 h. disciplines. Rowers and speed skaters do less
Cycling 30-35,000 kilometers a year at, say, movement-specific training than most other
~35 km.h-1 with occasional sessions of strength athletes, but they accumulate substantial addi-
training, will add up to ~1000 h.y-1. An elite tional hours of strength training and other forms
male marathoner would likely never run more of endurance training.

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Figure 5. Annual training intensity distribution and volume of an Olympic champion

rower. Data below are for two-time gold medalist Olaf Tufte in the training season 2003-
2004. The Olympic competition was held in August. Data redrawn from Aasen (2008).
Training zones are as described in Table 1.
140 Training duration (h)
Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug

Rowing, Zones 1-2 Rowing, Zones 3-5 Strength training

Figure 6. Representative peak annual training volumes for champion athletes from differ-
ent sports. Ballistic and eccentric loading differences, demands on technical entrainment,
and non-specific training volume may all contribute to the differences.
Annual Training Volume (h)




Distance Orienteer Cross-country Rower Cyclist Swimmer
runner skier

Intensified-Training Studies
Is the “80-20” training intensity distribution Evertsen et al. (1997; 1999; 2001) published
observed for successful athletes really optimal, the first of three papers from a study involving
or would a redistribution of training intensity training intensification in 20 well-trained junior
towards more threshold and high intensity in- cross-country skiers competing at the national
terval training and less long slow distance train- or international level. All of the subjects had
ing stimulate better gains and higher perform- trained and competed regularly for 4-5 years. In
ance? Proponents of large volumes of interval the two months before study initiation, 84 % of
training might invoke the famous pareto training was carried out at 60-70 %VO2max,
principle and propose that in keeping with this with the remainder at 80-90 %VO2max. They
“rule” of effects vs causes, these athletes are were then randomized to a moderate-intensity
achieving 80 % of their adaptive gains with 20 (MOD) or a high-intensity training group
% of their training and wasting valuable train- (HIGH). MOD maintained essentially the same
ing energy. In the last 10 y, several studies have training-intensity distribution they had used
been published addressing this question. previously, but training volume was increased

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from 10 to 16 h.wk-1. HIGH reversed their base- tensified program in Year 2 (VO2max, lactate
line intensity distribution so that 83 % of train- threshold, race points). The positive responders
ing time was performed at 80-90 %VO2max, from Year 1 showed a similar development in
with only 17 % performed as low-intensity Year 2 as in Year 1.
training. This group trained 12 h.wk-1. The It is interesting in this context to point out
training intervention lasted five months. Inten- that many elite athletes now extend the perio-
sity control was achieved using heart-rate moni- dization of their training to a 4-y Olympic cy-
toring and blood-lactate sampling. cle. The first year after an Olympics is a “re-
Despite 60 % more training volume in MOD covery season”, followed by a building season,
and perhaps 400 % more training at lactate then a season of very high training volume,
threshold or above in HIGH, physiological and culminating with the Olympic season, where
performance changes were modest in both training volume is reduced and competition
groups of already well-trained athletes. Find- specificity is emphasized more. Variation in
ings from the three papers are summarized in the pattern of training may be important for
Table 4. maximal development, but these large scale
rhythms of training have not been studied.
Table 4. Summary of a 5-month training intensification Esteve-Lanao et al. (2007) randomized 12
study with well trained cross-country skiers (Evertsen et sub-elite distance runners to one of two training
al., 1997; Evertsen et al., 1999; Evertsen et al., 2001).
groups (Z1 and Z2) that were carefully moni-
High Moderate tored for five months. They based their training
intensity intensity intensity distribution on the 3-zone model de-
(n=10) (n=10)
scribed earlier and determined from treadmill
VO2max ↔ ↔ testing. Based on time-in-zone heart-rate moni-
Lactate-threshold speed ↑3% ↔ toring, Z1 performed 81, 12, and 8 % of train-
20-min run at 9 % grade ↑ 3.8 % ↑ 1.9 % ing in Zones 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Z2 per-
Fiber type ↔ ↔ formed more threshold training, with 67, 25,
Enzyme activities and 8 % of training performed in the three re-
spective zones. That is, Group Z2 performed
MCT 1 transporter ↔ ↓ 12 %
twice as much training at or near the lactate
MCT 4 transporter ↔ ↔ threshold. In a personal communication, the
Citrate synthase ↔ ↔ authors reported that in pilot efforts, they were
Succinate dehydrogenase ↑6% ↔ unable to achieve a substantial increase in the
total time spent in Zone 3, as it was too hard for
Gaskill et al. (1999) reported the results of a the athletes. Total training load was matched
2-y project involving 14 cross-country skiers between the groups. Improvement in a cross-
training within the same club who were willing country time-trial performed before and after
to have their training monitored and manipu- the five-month period revealed that the group
lated. The design was interesting and practically that had performed more Zone 1 training
relevant. During the first year, athletes all showed significantly greater race time im-
trained similarly, averaging 660 training hours provement (-157 ± 13 vs -122 ± 7 s).
with 16 % at lactate threshold or higher (nomi- Most recently, Ingham et al. (2008) were
nal distribution of sessions). Physiological test able to randomize 18 experienced national
results and race performances during the first standard male rowers from the UK into one of
year were used to identify seven athletes who two training groups that were initially equiva-
responded well to the training and seven who lent based on performance and physiological
showed poor VO2max and lactate-threshold testing. All the rowers had completed a 25-d
progression, and race results. In the second post-season training-free period just prior to
year, the positive responders continued using baseline testing. One group performed “100 %”
their established training program. The non- of all training at intensities below that eliciting
responders performed a markedly intensified 75 %VO2max (LOW). The other group per-
training program with a slight reduction in formed 70 % training at the same low intensi-
training hours. The non-responders from Year 1 ties as well as 30 % of training at an intensity
showed significant improvements with the in- 50 % of the way between power at lactate

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Table 5. Summary of physiological and performance vealed that the actual distribution was: Polar-
changes in well trained rowers training for 12 wk at either ized 65-21-14 % and ACSM 31-56-13 %.
low intensity or mixed intensity (70 % low, 30 % high) Comparing the intended and achieved distri-
(Ingham et al., 2008). butions highlights a typical training error com-
Low Mixed mitted by recreational athletes. We can call it
(n=9) (n=9) falling into a training intensity “black hole.” It
2000-m speed ↑2% ↑ 1.4 % is hard to keep recreational people training 45-
VO2max ↑ 11 % ↑ 10 % 60 min a day 3-5 days a week from accumulat-
Power at 2-mM lactate ↑ 10 % ↑2% ing a lot of training time at their lactate thresh-
old. Training intended to be longer and slower
Power at 4-mM lactate ↑ 14 % ↑5%
becomes too fast and shorter in duration, and
Various VO2 kinetics ↔ ↔ interval training fails to reach the desired inten-
threshold and power at VO2max (MIX). In sity. The result is that most training sessions
practice, MIX performed high intensity training end up being performed at the same threshold
on 3 d.wk-1. All training was performed on a intensity. Foster et al. (2001b) also found that
rowing ergometer over the 12 wk. The two athletes tend to run harder on easy days and
groups performed virtually identical volumes of easier on hard days, compared to coaches' train-
training (~1140 km on the ergometer), with ±10 ing plans. Esteve Lanao did succeed in getting
% individual variation allowed to accommodate two groups to distribute intensity very differ-
for variation in athlete standard. Results of the ently. The group that trained more polarized,
study are summarized in Table 5. with more training time at lower intensity, im-
Sixteen of 18 subjects set new personal bests proved their 10-km performance significantly
for the 2000-m ergometer test at the end of the more at 7 and 11 wk. So, recreational athletes
study. The authors concluded that LOW and could also benefit from keeping low- and high-
MIX training had similar positive effects on intensity sessions at the intended intensity.
performance and maximal oxygen consump- Interval training can be performed effec-
tion. LOW training appeared to induce a greater
Table 6. Typical training sessions performed by highly
right-shift in the blood-lactate profile during trained athletes in five intensity zones (Aasen, 2008).
sub-maximal exercise, which did not translate
VO2 Examples of training Manageable
to a significantly greater gain in performance. If
Zone (%max) sessions durationa
MIX training enhanced or preserved anaerobic
capacity more than LOW, this may have com- 1 45-65 Continuous bouts 60-360 min
pensated for the observed differences in blood- 2 66-80 Continuous bouts 60-180 min
lactate profile. 3 81-87 6 x 15 min, 2-min rec 50-90 min
2 x 25 min, 3-min rec
Intensity for Recreational Athletes 5 x 10 min, 2-min rec
Elite endurance athletes train 10-12 sessions 8 x 8 min, 2-min rec
and 15-30 h each week. Is the pattern of 80 % LT 40-60 min
below and 20 % above lactate threshold appro- 50 x 1 min, 20-s rec
priate for recreational athletes training 4-5 4 88-93 10 x 6 min, 2-3-min rec 30-60 min
times and 6-10 hours per week? There are 8 x 5 min, 3-min rec
almost no published data addressing this ques- 15 x 3 min, 1-min rec
tion. Recently Esteve-Lanao (personal commu- 40 x 1 min, 30-s rec
nication) completed an interesting study on 10 x (5 x 40 s, 20-s rec),
recreational runners comparing a program that 2- to 3-min breaks
was designed to reproduce the polarized train- 30-40 min steady state
ing of successful endurance athletes and com- 5 94-100 6 x 5 min, 3-4-min rec 24-30 min
pare it with a program built around much more 6 x 4 min, 4-min rec
8 x 3 min, 2-min rec
threshold training in keeping with the ACSM
5 x (5 x 1 min, 30-s rec),
exercise guidelines. The intended intensity 2- to 3-min breaks
distribution for the two groups was: Polarized a Warm-up and rest periods in interval bouts are not
77-3-20 % and ACSM 46-35-19 % for Zones 1,
2, and 3. However, heart-rate monitoring re- LT, lactate threshold (max steady state); rec, recoveries.

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tively with numerous combinations of work level, he adopted a highly intensive training
duration, rest duration, and intensity. We have regime for cycling that was focused on training
found that when subjects self-select running just under or at his lactate threshold and near
speed based on a standard prescription, 4-min VO2max; for example, 2-3 weekly training
work duration and 2-min recovery duration sessions of 4-5 × 4 min at 95 %VO2max.
combine to give the highest physiological re- Weekly training volume did not exceed 10 h.
sponse and maintained speed (Seiler and After 2.5 years of this high-intensity, low-
Sjursen, 2004; Seiler and Hetlelid, 2005). How- volume training, Fostervold initiated coopera-
ever, perceptual and physiological response tion with the Norwegian Olympic Center and
differences across the typical work and recov- his training program was radically reorganized.
ery spectrum are fairly small and performance Weekly training volume was doubled from 8-10
enhancement differences are unclear at best. h to 18-20. Training volume in Zone 2 was
Some researchers have proposed that specific reduced dramatically and replaced with a larger
interval regimes (e.g., 4 × 4 min at 95 volume of training in Zone 1. Training in Zone
%VO2max) may be superior for achieving 5 was replaced with Zones 3 and 4, such that
adaptive gains (Helgerud et al., 2007; Wisloff et total training volume at intensities at or above
al., 2007), but other research studies and our lactate threshold was roughly doubled without
observations of athlete practice suggest that a overstressing the athlete. The typical effective
variety of combinations of work and rest dura- duration of interval sessions increased from ~20
tion are effective for long-term development. min to ~ 60 min (for example 8 × 8 min at 85-
Table 6 shows typical combinations of intensity 90 %HRmax with 2-min recoveries). The in-
and effective duration used by elite endurance tensity zones were initially based on heart rate
athletes for workouts in the different aerobic but later adjusted relative to lactate and power
training zones described earlier. All the exam- output measurements made in the field. Table 7
ples are taken from the training diaries of elite shows the training intensity distribution and
performers. The effective durations for the volume loading for the athlete during the season
different zones are utilized by highly trained before and after the change in training to a
athletes. For those without the same training high-volume program. Table 8 shows the out-
base, similar workouts would be performed but come.
with less total effective duration. The athlete responded well to the training
load amplification and reorganization. During
Case Studies of Training Manipulation the 2005 season, after 2.5 y performing a low-
Case studies are the weakest form of scien- volume, high-intensity program, a season train-
tific evidence. But, for coaches and high per- ing with higher volume and lower average in-
formance athlete support teams, each elite ath- tensity resulted in marked physiological and
lete is a case study. So, we present here two performance improvement. Although the ath-
case studies that we think are instructive in lete’s training de-emphasized both training near
demonstrating the potential physiological im- his lactate threshold intensity and training at
pact of successfully manipulating training
volume and intensity distribution variables at Table 7. Comparison of weekly training intensity distribu-
tion and total volume in 2004 season and 2005 season –
the individual level. Both cases involve Norwe-
Case 1.
gian athletes who were followed closely by one
of the authors (Tønnessen). Both would be Intensity zone Season 2004 Season 2005
(%HRmax) (h:min) (h:min)
considered already highly trained prior to the
training reorganization. 5 (95-100 %) 0:45 (8.5 %) 0:05 (0.5 %)
Case 1–From Soccer Pro to Elite Cyclist 4 (90-95 %) – 0:40 (4.0 %)
Knut Anders Fostervold was a professional 3 (85-90 %) 0:30 (5.5 %) 1:00 (5.5 %)
soccer player in the Norwegian elite league 2 (75-85 %) 3:05 (36 %) 1:00 (5.5 %)
from 1994 to 2002. A knee injury ended his 1 (55-75 %) 4:20 (50 %) 15:20 (85 %)
soccer career at age 30 and he decided to switch Weekly totala 8:40 18:05
to cycling. Knut had very high natural endur- Annual total a 420:00 850:00
ance capacity and had run 5 km in 17:24 at age
HRmax: maximum heart rate.
12. After 15 y of soccer training at the elite aEstimates based on diaries for the first 18 wk.

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Table 8. Physiological testing before and after training wegian national time-trial championships, sec-
reorganization – Case 1. onds behind former world under-23 time trial
8 wk 18 wk Change champions and Tour de France stage winners
Pre post post 0-18 wk Thor Hushovd and Kurt Asle Arvesen. His
BW (kg) 84 81 84 0% failure to perform even better, given his excep-
VO2max (ml⋅kg–1⋅min–1) 81 90 88 11 % tionally high VO2max, was attributed to poorer
cycling efficiency and aerodynamics and a
VO2max (L⋅min–1) 6.8 7.3 7.3 7%
lower fractional utilization at lactate threshold
LT power (W) 375 420 440 14 % compared to the best professionals with many
LT power (W⋅kg-1) 4.5 5.2 5.2 15 % years of specific training. In 2006 and 2007 he
represented Norway in the world championship
near VO2max, both of these physiological an-
time trial. His absolute VO2max in 2005 was
chors improved markedly.
equal to the highest ever measured in a
Fostervold won a bronze medal in the Nor-
Norwegian athlete.
Table 9. Comparison of actual training composition Case 2–From Modern Pentathlete to Runner
during a hard training week, Fall 2003 and Fall 2004 – Prior to 2003, Øystein Sylta was a military
Case 2. pentathlete (European champion in 2003). In
Day Fall 2003 Fall 2004 the Fall of 2003 he decided to focus on distance
Mon 60-min run, Z1-2 S1: 50-min run, Z1 running and is now nationally competitive, with
S2: 65-min run, Z1 personal bests for 3000-m steeplechase, 5000-
Tues 7x1000 m, 90-s re- S 1: 45-min run, Z1 m, and 10000-m of 8:31, 14:04 and 29:12 re-
covery, Z4 S2: 12 x 5-min, 1-min spectively. His case is interesting due to the
recovery, Z3 dramatic change in training volume and inten-
Wed S 1: 40-min run, Z1 S 1: 45-min run, Z1 sity distribution he undertook from 2003 to
S 2: 50-min run, Z1-2 + S 2: 75-min run, Z1 2004 and associated changes in physiological
45-min strength test results.
Thur 17x300m, 52s, 40-s S1: 45-min run, Z1 Prior to 2003, Sylta trained using a high-
recovery, Z5 S 2: 12 x 3-min, intensity, low-volume training structure. When
1-min rec, Z4 he agreed to try a new approach, emphasis was
Fri 55min run, Z1 45-min run Z1 placed on increasing training volume with low-
intensity sessions and changing his interval
Sat S 1: 40-min run Z1 + S 1: 45-min run, Z1
30-min strength S 2: 60-min run, Z1 training. He either trained long slow distance
S 2: 4 x 7-min intervals, or long intense interval sessions. However, his
2-min recovery, Z3 total training distance at intensities above his
Sun 100-min run Z1 150-min run Z1 lactate threshold was reduced and redistributed.
From 2002/2003 to 2003/2004 he increased his
Interval sessions were preceded and ended with 15-20-
min easy running both seasons. In both seasons, easy
total running distance from 3,500 to 5,900 km.
runs were concluded with 5-8 x 100 m strides. He also reduced his strength training from 100
Intensity zones (Z) are as shown in Table 7. annual hours to 50. Table 9 shows a typical
hard training week in the Fall of 2003 and Fall
Table 10. Annual training volume and intensity distribu-
of 2004, and Table 10 summarizes the running
tion in 2003 and 2004 – Case 2. specific training. His physiological adaption to
the first year of restructured training is docu-
Intensity zone 2003 season 2004 season
mented in Table 11.
5 (95-100 %) 3 % (8 h) 0,5 % (2 h) From 2003 to 2009, Sylta’s threshold run-
4 (90-95 %) 12 % (33 h) 2,5 % (13 h) ning speed increased from 16.9 to 19.5 km.h-1.
3 (85-90 %) 13 % (36 h) 10 % (50 h) From 2002 to 2009, his 10-km time improved
2 (75-85 %) 18 % (49 h) 4 % (20 h) from 31:44 to 29:12, and 3000-m steeplechase
1 (55-75 %) 54 % (149 h) 83 % (412 h) from 9:11 to 8:31. In the first five months of
Total for yeara 275 h 497 h training reorganization, his 3000-m steeple
a100 h of strength training in 2003 and 50 h in 2004 are
result improved by 30 s.
not included in the totals. Both these case studies demonstrate that
even in already well trained athletes, meaning-

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Seiler & Tønnessen: Intensity and Duration in Endurance Training Page 49

Table 11. Physiological testing before and after training ferent. To answer a question like, “is near
reorganization – Case 2. VO2max interval training more effective for
Sep 03 Feb 04 Change achieving performance gains in athletes than
Body mass (kg) 74 71 -4 % training at the maximal lactate steady state?”,
the matching of training bouts has to be realistic
VO2max (ml⋅kg ⋅min )
–1 –1 76 83 9%
from the perspective of perceived stress and
VO2max (L⋅min–1) 5.6 5.9 5% how athletes train. Future studies of training
Lactate threshold (km.h ) 16.9
-1 17.7 5% intensity effects on adaptation and performance
should take this issue of ecological validity into
ful improvements in physiological test results account.
and performance may occur with appropriate
training intensity and volume manipulation. Conclusions
Both athletes showed clear improvements in Optimization of training methods is an area
physiological testing despite reductions in HIT of great interest for scientists, athletes, and
training. Both seemed to respond positively to fitness enthusiasts. One challenge for sport
an increase in total training volume and specifi- scientists is to translate short-term training
cally, more low-intensity volume. intervention study results to long-term perform-
ance development and fitness training organiza-
Valid Comparisons of Training Interventions tion. Currently, there is great interest in high-
Matching training programs based on total intensity, short-duration interval training pro-
work or oxygen consumption seems sensible in grams. However, careful evaluation of both
a laboratory. As we noted earlier, this has been available research and the training methods of
the preferred method of matching when com- successful endurance athletes suggests that we
paring the effects of continuous and interval should be cautious not to over-prescribe high-
training in controlled studies. Unfortunately, it intensity interval training or exhort the advan-
is not realistic from the view of athletes pursu- tages of intensity over duration.
ing maximal performance. They do not com- Here are some conclusions that seem war-
pare training sessions or adjust training time to ranted by the available data and experience
intensity in this manner. A key issue here is the from observations of elite performers:
non-linear impact of exercise intensity on the • There is reasonable evidence that an ~80:20
manageable accumulated duration of intermit- ratio of low to high intensity training (HIT)
tent exercise. We have exemplified this in Ta- gives excellent long-term results among en-
ble 12 by comparing some typical training ses- durance athletes training daily.
sions from the training of elite athletes. • Low intensity (typically below 2 mM blood
The point we want to make is that the ath- lactate), longer duration training is effective
lete’s perception of the stress of performing 4 × in stimulating physiological adaptations and
15 min at 85 %VO2max is about the same as should not be viewed as wasted training time.
that of performing 6 × 4 min at 95 %VO2max, • Over a broad range, increases in total training
even though total work performed is very dif- volume correlate well with improvements in

Table 12. Typical duration and intensity combinations used in training sessions by elite
endurance athletes.
Durationa Intensity Total Training loadc
(min) (%VO2max) VO2 (L) b (RPE.min)
Basic endurance 120 60 360 240-360
Threshold training (lactate ~3-4 mM) 60 (4x15) 85 293 375
90 % intervals (lactate ~5-7 mM) 40 (5x8) 90 218 375-425
VO2max intervals (lactate ~6-10 mM) 24 (6x4) 95 152 300-350
aWarm-up not included.
bOxygen consumption calculations based on a male athlete with 5 L.min-1 VO2max and

include 15 min warm up at 50 %VO2max for threshold and interval sessions. Examples are
based on a manageable accumulated duration at different interval training intensities, and
drawn from the training diaries of elite athletes.
cSession rating of perceived exertion x duration (Foster et al., 1996; Seiler et al., 2007).

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